Essay-reasoning “Who can be called a hero of our time. What makes Bazarov a hero of his time? Who can be called a true hero

The hero fully reflects the events of the era in which he lives. The main character is a nihilist, an interesting but rather contradictory person who denies everything spiritual around him. Considering himself a representative of a new generation, he criticizes culture, spirituality and art. The hero prefers to defend his beliefs and ideas until the very end. Wants to remain true to himself without betraying his own ideals. If necessary, he will sacrifice himself for the sake of his beliefs.

The young student can rightfully be considered a hero of the time. He is a decent, modest guy who dresses very simply. He doesn't need anyone's approval, he doesn't seek to impress anyone, because he doesn't want to be someone he really isn't. He is not ashamed to show his shortcomings. His beliefs are progressive, although a little cynical. Being engaged in medicine and science, he does not forget to engage in active self-development, and also monitors his health.

In the existing society, he is still an extra person, a black sheep among the rest, since he failed to adapt to the society of this time. He is bored because he does not have the opportunity to use his abilities in life. Bazarov criticizes and ridicules his surroundings, not having like-minded people.

The image of the hero is, of course, a collective one. It reflects the images of several young people: equally talented and ambitious, but who are outcasts in society. Through Bazarov’s fault, representatives of the old (Pavel Petrovich) and new (Evgeny Bazarov) generations conflict over the problems of Russian life. In the process of conflict with opponents, the hero’s intelligence, confidence, and progressiveness are noticeable. He defeated his opponent in an argument. By the end of the argument, Pavel Petrovich became furious, but Evgeny was completely calm. The author explains to the reader that the term “nihilist” is more correctly understood as a “revolutionary.” It can be assumed that if the main character had not died, he would most likely have devoted himself to revolutionary activities.

Without a doubt, Evgeniy is a hero of his time. Such people are the future. He gets into arguments with everyone without exception; no one can hide from his criticism. He's the only one like that.

Essay 2

In our society, one way or another, people are born who are distinguished during their lives by some feat or achievement, for which they can later be called heroes of their time. Their achievements can relate to absolutely any area, the main thing is that it brings some benefit to humanity, or is simply a very brave act, which, perhaps, motivates people to further actions. Usually such heroes are people who offer something never seen before, something that no one has ever created before, and therefore many people call them heroes, since they are pioneers in some matter in which they are not were afraid of reproach. An excellent example is the work “Fathers and Sons”.

In this work, one of the central themes is the conflict of the older generation and the conflict of the younger generation. The older generation simply does not understand the new foundations and concepts of the younger generation, and the younger generation does not want to put up with the imposition of ideas on them from the older generation, which is why there is such a kind of conflict between the two sides. Also, the work very often touches on the topic of science and scientific achievements. The author says that if people have not yet moved away from their religious nonsense, then we have no right to be called a modern society. People could still blame any natural phenomenon on the wrath of God, when people could not measure it or see it physically, but after all the achievements of technology, this is real obscurantism.

The work also contains images that, one way or another, confirm the author’s opinion, and in this work this is the image of Bazarov. Bazarov is a man who decided to go against the whole society, and say no to religious dogmas, and say yes to scientific education. For Bazarov, there is nothing more valuable than scientific knowledge, and he is also used to receiving confirmation of something only on the basis of scientific research and facts. However, no one supports Bazarov’s enthusiasm. Everyone considers him strange and even dangerous. But Bazarov does not listen to what others say, and simply does his job, contrary to the opinion of the majority, and this is what makes Bazarov a hero of his time. Bazarov was not afraid to repel such a large number of religious fanatics, he was not afraid to give them the opportunity to be enlightened, and therefore deserved the title of hero of his time.


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Modernity, with its measure of success in the form of monetary units, gives birth to far more heroes of scandalous gossip columns than true heroes, whose actions evoke pride and admiration.

Sometimes it seems that real heroes remain only on the pages of books about the Great Patriotic War.

But at any time there remain those who are ready to sacrifice what is most dear to them in the name of loved ones, in the name of the Motherland.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, we will remember five of our contemporaries who accomplished feats. They did not seek fame and honor, but simply fulfilled their duty to the end.

Sergey Burnaev

Sergey Burnaev was born in Mordovia, in the village of Dubenki on January 15, 1982. When Seryozha was five years old, his parents moved to the Tula region.

The boy grew and matured, and the era changed around him. His peers were eager to go into business, some into crime, and Sergei dreamed of a military career, wanted to serve in the Airborne Forces. After graduating from school, he managed to work at a rubber shoe factory, and then was drafted into the army. However, he ended up not in the landing force, but in the special forces detachment of the Vityaz Airborne Forces.

Serious physical activity and training did not frighten the guy. The commanders immediately drew attention to Sergei - stubborn, with character, a real special forces soldier!

During two business trips to Chechnya in 2000-2002, Sergei established himself as a true professional, skillful and persistent.

On March 28, 2002, the detachment in which Sergei Burnaev served conducted a special operation in the city of Argun. The militants turned a local school into their fortification, placing an ammunition depot in it, as well as breaking through an entire system of underground passages under it. The special forces began to examine the tunnels in search of the militants who had taken refuge in them.

Sergei walked first and came across bandits. A battle ensued in the narrow and dark space of the dungeon. During the flash from the machine gun fire, Sergei saw a grenade rolling on the floor, thrown by a militant towards the special forces. The explosion could have injured several soldiers who did not see this danger.

The decision came in a split second. Sergei covered the grenade with his body, saving the rest of the soldiers. He died on the spot, but diverted the threat from his comrades.

A bandit group of 8 people was completely eliminated in this battle. All of Sergei’s comrades survived this battle.

For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task in conditions involving risk to life, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2002 No. 992, Sergeant Burnaev Sergei Aleksandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Sergei Burnaev is forever included in the lists of his military unit of the Internal Troops. In the city of Reutov, Moscow region, on the Alley of Heroes of the military memorial complex “To all Reutov residents who died for the Fatherland,” a bronze bust of the hero was installed.

Denis Vetchinov

Denis Vetchinov was born on June 28, 1976 in the village of Shantobe, Tselinograd region of Kazakhstan. I spent an ordinary childhood as a schoolboy of the last Soviet generation.

How is a hero raised? Probably no one knows this. But at the turn of the era, Denis chose a career as an officer, after military service he entered a military school. Maybe it was also due to the fact that the school from which he graduated was named after Vladimir Komarov, a cosmonaut who died during a flight on the Soyuz-1 spacecraft.

After graduating from college in Kazan in 2000, the newly minted officer did not run from difficulties - he immediately ended up in Chechnya. Everyone who knew him repeats one thing - the officer did not bow to bullets, took care of the soldiers and was a real “father to the soldiers” not in words, but in essence.

In 2003, the Chechen war ended for Captain Vetchinov. Until 2008, he served as deputy battalion commander for educational work in the 70th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, and in 2005 he became a major.

Life as an officer is not easy, but Denis did not complain about anything. His wife Katya and daughter Masha were waiting for him at home.

Major Vetchinov was predicted to have a great future and general's shoulder straps. In 2008, he became deputy commander of the 135th motorized rifle regiment of the 19th motorized rifle division of the 58th army for educational work. The war in South Ossetia found him in this position.

On August 9, 2008, the marching column of the 58th Army on the approach to Tskhinvali was ambushed by Georgian special forces. Cars were shot from 10 points. The commander of the 58th Army, General Khrulev, was wounded.

Major Vetchinov, who was in the column, jumped from an armored personnel carrier and entered the battle. Having managed to prevent chaos, he organized a defense, suppressing Georgian firing points with return fire.

During the retreat, Denis Vetchinov was seriously wounded in the legs, however, overcoming the pain, he continued the battle, covering with fire his comrades and the journalists who were with the column. Only a new serious wound to the head could stop the major.

In this battle, Major Vetchinov destroyed up to a dozen enemy special forces and saved the lives of Komsomolskaya Pravda war correspondent Alexander Kots, VGTRK special correspondent Alexander Sladkov and Moskovsky Komsomolets correspondent Viktor Sokirko.

The wounded major was sent to the hospital, but died on the way.

On August 15, 2008, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region, Major Denis Vetchinov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Aldar Tsydenzhapov

Aldar Tsydenzhapov was born on August 4, 1991 in the village of Aginskoye, in Buryatia. The family had four children, including Aldara's twin sister Aryuna.

The father worked in the police, the mother was a nurse in a kindergarten - a simple family leading the ordinary life of residents of the Russian outback. Aldar graduated from school in his native village and was drafted into the army, ending up in the Pacific Fleet.

Sailor Tsydenzhapov served on the destroyer “Bystry”, he was trusted by the command, and was friends with his colleagues. There was only a month left before demobilization, when on September 24, 2010, Aldar took up duty as a boiler room crew operator.

The destroyer was preparing for a combat voyage from the base in Fokino in Primorye to Kamchatka. Suddenly, a fire broke out in the ship's engine room due to a short circuit in the wiring when the fuel pipeline broke. Aldar rushed to plug the fuel leak. A monstrous flame raged around, in which the sailor spent 9 seconds, managing to eliminate the leak. Despite the terrible burns, he got out of the compartment on his own. As the commission subsequently established, the prompt actions of sailor Tsydenzhapov led to the timely shutdown of the ship’s power plant, which otherwise could have exploded. In this case, both the destroyer itself and all 300 crew members would have died.

Aldar, in critical condition, was taken to the Pacific Fleet hospital in Vladivostok, where doctors fought for the hero’s life for four days. Alas, he died on September 28.

By Decree of the President of Russia No. 1431 of November 16, 2010, sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Solnechnikov

Born on August 19, 1980 in Germany, in Potsdam, in a military family. Seryozha decided to continue the dynasty as a child, without looking back at all the difficulties of this path. After the 8th grade, he entered a cadet boarding school in the Astrakhan region, then without exams he was admitted to the Kachin Military School. Here he was caught by another reform, after which the school was disbanded.

However, this did not turn Sergei away from a military career - he entered the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications, from which he graduated in 2003.

A young officer served in Belogorsk, in the Far East. “A good officer, real, honest,” friends and subordinates said about Sergei. They also gave him the nickname “battalion commander Sun”.

I didn’t have time to start a family - I spent too much time on service. The bride waited patiently - after all, it seemed that there was still a whole life ahead.

On March 28, 2012, routine exercises on throwing the RGD-5 grenade, which are part of the training course for conscript soldiers, took place at the unit’s training ground.

19-year-old private Zhuravlev, getting excited, threw a grenade unsuccessfully - it hit the parapet and flew back where his colleagues were standing.

The confused boys looked in horror at the death lying on the ground. Battalion commander Sun reacted instantly - throwing the soldier aside, he covered the grenade with his body.

The wounded Sergei was taken to the hospital, but from numerous injuries he died on the operating table.

On April 3, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major Sergei Solnechnikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for heroism, courage and dedication shown in the performance of military duty.

Irina Yanina

“War does not have a woman’s face” is a wise phrase. But it just so happened that in all the wars that Russia waged, women found themselves next to men, enduring all the hardships and hardships equally with them.

Born in Taldy-Kurgan, Kazakh SSR on November 27, 1966, the girl Ira did not think that war would enter her life from the pages of books. School, medical school, a position as a nurse in a tuberculosis clinic, then in a maternity hospital - a purely peaceful biography.

Everything was turned upside down by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russians in Kazakhstan suddenly became strangers and unnecessary. Like many, Irina and her family left for Russia, which had its own problems.

The husband of the beautiful Irina could not stand the difficulties and left the family in search of an easier life. Ira was left alone with two children in her arms, without normal housing and a corner. And then there was another misfortune - my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, from which she quickly faded away.

Even men break down from all these troubles and go on a drinking binge. Irina did not break down - after all, she still had her son Zhenya, the light in the window, for whom she was ready to move mountains. In 1995, she entered service in the Internal Troops. Not for the sake of heroic deeds - they paid money there and gave rations. The paradox of modern history is that in order to survive and raise her son, a woman was forced to go to Chechnya, into the thick of it. Two business trips in 1996, three and a half months as a nurse under daily shelling, in blood and dirt.

A nurse of a medical company of an operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from the city of Kalach-on-Don - in this position Sergeant Yanina found herself in her second war. Basayev's gangs were rushing to Dagestan, where local Islamists were already waiting for them.

And again, battles, wounded, killed - the daily routine of medical service in war.

“Hello, my little, beloved, most beautiful son in the world!

I really miss you. Write to me how you are doing, how is school, who are your friends? Aren't you sick? Don't go out late in the evenings - there are a lot of bandits now. Stay near the house. Don't go anywhere alone. Listen to everyone at home and know that I love you very much. Read more. You are already a big and independent boy, so do everything right so that you don’t get scolded.

Waiting for your letter. Listen to everyone.

Kiss. Mother. 08/21/99"

Irina sent this letter to her son 10 days before her last fight.

On August 31, 1999, a brigade of internal troops, in which Irina Yanina served, stormed the village of Karamakhi, which terrorists had turned into an impregnable fortress.

That day, Sergeant Yanina, under enemy fire, assisted 15 wounded soldiers. Then she drove to the line of fire three times in an armored personnel carrier, taking another 28 seriously wounded from the battlefield. The fourth flight was fatal.

The armored personnel carrier came under heavy enemy fire. Irina began to cover the loading of the wounded with return fire from a machine gun. Finally, the car managed to move back, but the militants set the armored personnel carrier on fire with grenade launchers.

Sergeant Yanina, while she had enough strength, pulled the wounded out of the burning car. She did not have time to get out herself - the ammunition in the armored personnel carrier began to explode.

On October 14, 1999, medical service sergeant Irina Yanina was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously); she was forever included in the lists of personnel of her military unit. Irina Yanina became the first woman awarded the title of Hero of Russia for her military actions in the Caucasian Wars.

A world without heroes would become insipid and would not last long. Is it possible to imagine a society in which no one risks his life to save another and does not set great goals? In ancient times, heroes differed from gods only in that they were mortals. Today, the concept of “hero” has become much broader. Anyone whose lifestyle arouses interest and admiration and reflects the features of the era can become one. We asked Khabarovsk residents which of their contemporaries is worthy of this title?

Most respondents consider the head of state, Vladimir Putin, a hero. The results of our survey do not contradict sociological research - the rating of the President of the Russian Federation is at a consistently high level.

The second most popular answer is “every sincere, selfless, kind person who helps others can become a hero.” Journalist Roman Pantsyrev believes that the real heroes of their time often remain behind the scenes, or in the past. “The hero could be some Ivan Ivanovich from a small village. He lives a hundred kilometers from the city, he has his own house, a small agricultural business, and a family. He is independent of geopolitical factors, and most importantly, he is happy and gives joy to others.”

“A priest who was himself wounded, but helped people injured in a bus accident on the Khabarovsk-Komsomolsk-on-Amur highway. I didn’t remember his name, but the act itself remained in my memory forever,” noted choirmaster Anna Khrustova.

About 15% of respondents consider combatants, rescuers and police officers to be heroes. They also talked about the nurses who died in Syria - Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova. About 5% of Khabarovsk residents remembered Doctor Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka), the founder of the first children's hospice in Ukraine and the Fair Aid Foundation in Russia.

For 5% of respondents, heroes are scientists and inventors who have achieved success. Among them are Nobel Prize winners in physics David Thoules, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz, the founder of the American aerospace company Elon Max and programmer Mark Zuckerberg.

A mother of many children who raised her children with dignity is a hero of our time for 4% of survey participants. Up to 1% of respondents, when talking about heroes, remembered famous actors and singers. 11th grade student Artem Korolev notes that the real hero is a good teacher. However, about 7% of respondents found it difficult to answer.

All kinds of heroes are necessary, all kinds of heroes are important. They have one thing in common: noble deeds. They can be in the thick of things or remain behind the scenes. They save, build, heal, teach, invent, inspire. By admiring them and carefully observing the lives of the heroes, perhaps we become better people.

Marina Shabalova

Heroes have always been born and are still being born to this day. There were many of them, but humanity remembers only the great ones. When asked which person can be called a hero of his time, everyone will answer differently. Throughout history there have been many people who, in their own way, can be called heroes of their time. Let's give examples.

The story "Smile" by Ray Bradbury describes the year 2031. People have strange holidays called "Joy". People destroy cars, buildings, things, objects of art - everything that was left after the war, while making fun of everything they do. The hero of the story, Tom, a boy, gets up early in the morning and runs to the square to look at this spectacle. He stood in line, expecting to see the next victim of human fun. The victim was the painting of the great Leonardo da Vinci “La Gioconda”. Tom, seeing the beautiful picture, asked: “But it’s beautiful, why?” To which they answered: “Spit and don’t think about anything!” Leonardo da Vinci is a great artist of his time, who can rightfully be called a hero. There are so many beautiful works behind it. However, the boy did not know him, but saw his picture.

After the painting begins to be torn into pieces, Tom randomly comes across a piece of the canvas, unfolding it, he saw the smile of Mona Lisa. The idea of ​​Ray Bradbury's story is that each period of time has its own heroes, some of them are known and some are not. Usually people called heroes those who performed feats, good deeds without self-interest.

So, based on the examples above, we can say with confidence that Tom is a hero of his time. He did not fall for the general celebration of fun, did not fall for the temptation of others to tear the picture, but on the contrary, he preserved a piece of the work of the hero of that time.

In this essay, the requirements for the ratio of the volumes of the introduction, main part and conclusion, and for the division of the text into paragraphs are met. But logically the introduction does not correspond to the main part. The graduate finds it difficult to define what a “hero of the time” is and cannot clearly explain how this concept differs from the concept of “hero”. Without comprehending the essence of the question posed in the topic, he begins the main part of the essay with a retelling of the story “Smile”, and then completely unmotivatedly weaves into the retelling the conclusion that Leonardo da Vinci can be called a hero of his time, because “behind him stands” many “most beautiful works.” There is no reflection on the topic question in the main part, not to mention an attempt to give a general answer to this question. The conclusion also looks illogical, since in it the graduate, instead of formulating a generalization consonant with the theme and introduction, continues to reflect on the hero of the story, whom he calls the hero of the time only because he saved a “piece” of the great painting. The conclusion is not prepared by the main part of the essay, since in it the graduate does not say whether Tom can be called a hero of his time, and does not explain why, but in the finale he unexpectedly comes to this conclusion. The author of the work does not clearly imagine what qualities are inherent in the hero of his time, and therefore cannot convincingly prove that the heroes he named really are such.

The student approached the writing of the introduction, where attention should be paid to understanding the key concept of this topic (hero of time), formally; it is easy to read the ineptly used template: “ At all times... and to this day.... To the question... everyone will answer differently. Throughout history there have been... Let's give examples."

The mechanical use by graduates of homework and templates for constructing reasoning is one of the characteristic shortcomings of last year’s final essays. The authors of essays are trying in this way to compensate for the inability to create a detailed statement on a certain topic and the reluctance to think deeply about the essence of the problem posed to them. As a result, instead of a full-fledged own text, a pseudo-text is created that does not allow one to adequately assess either the level of the student’s thinking, or the depth of his understanding of a literary work, or the degree of formation of his speech competencies.

The use of blanks and the ability to copy from various sources online are especially attractive for poorly prepared graduates. But practice shows that they are not always saving for the student; on the contrary, this can lead to the destruction of the unity of the text and will be qualified as a discrepancy between the work and the topic, and as a lack of communicative intent, and as the impossibility of understanding the text due to gross logical errors.

In the essay below, paragraph indentations were initially largely absent and were made by us to highlight its heterogeneous components.

Who do I consider the Hero of our time?

Berlizova Victoria,

10th grade student

MKOU – secondary school No. 4

Teacher: Ryazantseva Irina Valerievna

Who can be considered a hero of our time? Everyone has their own answer to this question. Some people believe that a hero is someone who has immeasurable strength, insane courage, and endurance, but for others, the concept of heroism has remained unchanged. For many, those who can carry a grandmother across the road, remove a cat from a tree, or protect the weak remain heroes. So! For some, simple pity for the weak is enough to be called a hero, but for others, worldly actions are needed.

I believe that the word “hero” is a kind of antonym to the words coward, scoundrel, nonentity, weakling.

And who then is he - the current modern hero??

Firstly, the current hero cannot be built into the system. Not because most people are in opposition to the system; perhaps the majority even supports it. But he must be on the sidelines in order for the people to feel him as one of their own. A true hero usually comes from below, not from above.

Secondly, a real hero is a person who performs a real deed.

It seems to me that the demand for heroes is very strong when there are not enough guidelines. Heroes do not need themselves, we, people, need them. We must set some milestones for ourselves. If we, suppose, appeared before a certain court, some of these guys whom we see as heroes would be quite suitable as judges.

Thirdly, the hero must be unlike others. He is an individual. He is a personality. He is the whole Universe.

I would call a modern hero a person with an open, kind soul. A person who can heal with a word. He is not afraid to be strange and misunderstood. I see him like this...

The only thing that bothered him was the falling stars,
he combined the habits of a poet
and the laser vision of the seer,
but mostly worked at random.
Finding no sympathy in anyone,
as lonely as objects,
he lit a cigarette at the sight of him,
or walked barefoot in the snow...

Nowadays, the soul is valued. And she was beaten. Scars, scars, scars. And the only cure is the word. Such a small warm word. And it doesn’t matter from whom it was heard. What is important is the effect on the wounded person. The impact of words on the human soul can be considered in the relationship between plants and the sun. If a fully-living plant is removed from the sun, its green leaves will begin to die. How a wounded soul will die from scars. But if you direct at least one ray of sunlight onto a plant, then during the process of photosynthesis it will gain its green color. Likewise, a beaten soul will find its integrity when healed by a word.

But in our 2000s, perhaps, such a hero is looked at more as a spectacle than as a reference point.

Do I consider myself a hero? No. There has never been anything in my life that I could be proud of. I do not know why. I’m probably still too young to do great things. There are many people who need help, and therefore when I can heal with words, save with deeds and revive with gestures, I will do the very good that absolutely all wounded souls need. In the meantime, being in the rank of a “common person,” I will simply try to give a piece of warmth to the people next to me.