The most beautiful woman. The most beautiful woman The most beautiful woman who won

Vladimir, October 16 - AiF-Vladimir. 28-year-old Yuna Wolski from Vladimir is participating in a new TV show on the U TV channel, which starts airing tomorrow, October 17 at 18:30.

The girl is divorced and still cannot forgive her ex-husband. She is not confident in herself, she takes everything to heart, she is used to keeping her emotions to herself.

Yuna admitted that her life before the project was very difficult. At that moment, when she was joyfully expecting a child, her husband began to cheat on her, and then left completely. Yuna had to, and due to nervousness she ended up in a psychological clinic for a month. Then there was work at a strip club. Now her life has begun to improve, but the girl still cannot let go of her past. Although he really wants it.

Now Yuna lives in Vladimir with a new man. She says that everything is fine with her, but she would like to become more confident in herself and stop self-digging. Yuna is afraid to open up to people, to be herself, because she is always worried that those around her will turn their backs on her. The girl is afraid to be real, drives herself into limits and lives, as it seems to her, a life that is not her own.

The main prize of the show is one million rubles to make your cherished dream come true. Yuna would like to use this money to open an agency for organizing holidays for.

“The Most Beautiful Woman” is a project that is designed to prove that true beauty is not in the proportions and parameters of a person, but inside each of us. The organizers want to show how important it is to accept and love yourself in order to...

The leader of the project is stylist, hairdresser, designer Vladislav Lisovets. The heroines are 14 ordinary girls who were selected throughout Russia. Each of the participants had a difficult fate: some faced betrayal from loved ones, some lost a loved one, some.

The girls will live in a country house for three months, they will have to go through many tests, complete dozens of tasks aimed at overcoming past grievances and dissatisfaction with themselves. Participants must ultimately come to inner harmony and love themselves. In addition to psychological transformation, girls will also experience a change in image. This issue will be dealt with by Vladislav Lisovets and his team.

Every week one of the 14 participants will leave the project. The participants themselves must decide who should leave and who should stay.

The winner of the show will be awarded the title “The Most Beautiful Woman,” and will also receive a photo shoot for Cosmopolitan magazine and the main prize of one million rubles.

The main profession of Vladislav Lisovets is to improve his appearance. But in the new project of the U TV channel, “The Most Beautiful Woman,” more attention is paid to inner beauty. The host of the reality show told Komsomolskaya Pravda - Smolensk about his concept of true beauty and how not to fall into the pit of insecurity.

- Why did you decide to become the host of this project?

You know, to be honest, I have been waiting for a project like this for a long time. The role of the host of the show “The Most Beautiful Woman,” in my opinion, reveals my professional qualities in different areas.

- What distinguishes this project from other shows where participants are dressed up or helped to overcome difficulties?

We do not focus on changing appearance. The girls undergo serious psychological tests aimed at changing their inner world, and the result is excellent!

- What does the concept of “true beauty” mean to you?

A truly beautiful woman does not harbor grudges against anyone, lives only with positive emotions and her thoughts are directed to the future.

- Have you ever been to Smolensk?

I haven’t been to Smolensk yet, I hope they will invite you soon (smiles).

How do you assess the chances of the participant from Smolensk winning?

Each participant in this project has every chance of winning. Let me remind you that the main thing here is not external data, but internal changes for the better.

- What qualities are needed to win in the project?

Our project was created precisely to show the viewer what needs to be overcome and what needs to be developed in oneself in order to become the most beautiful. Of course, this is individual for each person, but our main message is to get rid of past grievances and think positively.

-Who would you call the most beautiful woman? Why?

I am sure that for every person the most beautiful woman is the mother who raised him, took care of him and truly loves him.

- “Uncertainty is a bottomless pit.” What are your thoughts on this?

I think that you need to take the time to bury this hole until the surface becomes level. You need to throw all your past troubles, failures, and most importantly, your anger at her. When you bury all the negativity in this hole, then you will understand that both life and you are beautiful.

What do you think is the main reason for the “grayness” of modern women? Why do many people forget about themselves as they age, and how to avoid this?

You know, many women have a certain surge when they want to become fashionable, and then they stop moving, they are consumed by worries, work or family matters. They continue to be in the same image for many years, so now we see the 80s, 90s or 2000s in their classic presentation on the streets. You need to be able to be interested in everything and not be afraid to change, only in this case you will always be relevant.

You can watch the reality show “The Most Beautiful Woman” at 18:30 on Saturdays on the “U” TV channel.

Read the interview with Olga Goncharova.

Reality show on channel “Yu” about the search for true beauty. The leader of the project is stylist Vlad Lisovets, an expert in the field of beauty, fashion and style, designer, television and radio host, public figure.

« The most beautiful woman"is not a reality about relationships, but it will contain many stories about life and love. This is not a beauty contest, but we will always talk about beauty - both internal and external. This isn't Fear Factor, but the challenges are harsh and you have to face your fears head on.

Reality show premiere The most beautiful woman" - October 17, 2015 at 18:30 on the channel " YU" Aired on Saturdays at 18:30.

About the reality show The most beautiful woman

Project " The most beautiful woman"will prove that true beauty is not in the proportions and parameters of a person, but inside each of us. We will show you how important it is to accept and love yourself in order to become truly happy.

Ordinary Russian girls became the heroines of reality. They were chosen not by their appearance or by their social status. Relatives, friends, colleagues sent applications and nominated those girls and women who, in their opinion, are beautiful, but do not understand this themselves. Each of the heroines went through difficult times: some faced betrayal from loved ones, some lost a loved one, some overcame a serious illness.

Over the course of three months in the country house of the “The Most Beautiful Woman” project, the girls undergo many tests, perform dozens of tasks aimed at overcoming past grievances and dissatisfaction with themselves, in order to ultimately come to inner harmony and love themselves. Participants will undergo extreme transformations - from image changes to the most serious psychological tests. After all, to unlock your potential you need to go beyond your own comfort. You need to understand that insecurity is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled with compliments.

The transformation of girls is in good hands: the project leader was stylist, hairdresser, designer and expert on female psychology Vladislav Lisovets. His super-professional team includes 11 experts: hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists, art directors, teachers, personal growth coaches, designers and photographers.

According to the rules of the project, every week one out of 14 women drops out. For the first time in the history of such reality, the participants themselves will decide who leaves and who stays.

The winner of the project will receive the title “The Most Beautiful Woman”, a photo shoot for Cosmopolitan magazine, as well as the main prize - one million rubles to fulfill her cherished dream.

Participants of the project The most beautiful woman

Alina Spirina, 34 years old, Moscow. Two weeks before the wedding, Alina found her future husband with someone else. Tried to commit suicide. She believes that she has no purpose in life and does not know how to communicate with people. Dreams of going on a trip around the world.

Jacqueline Shabi, 26 years old, Moscow. The man he loved abandoned Jacqueline before the wedding, and soon he married someone else. Since then, she has been more comfortable being alone, hiding her loneliness behind the image of a glamorous party girl. He dreams of opening a chain of hotels and acting in films.

Yulia Fomenko, 29 years old, Moscow. Due to difficulties in the family, she is childish and overly trusting. Spent 3 months in prison. Trying to find himself in the field of esotericism. She dreams of opening a charity foundation.

Elena Melme, 26 years old, Tambov. Elena left home early. In relationships with men, she can be classified as a “pathological victim” type. Now she is in a painful relationship, but is afraid to break out of it. She dreams of becoming a professional stylist and conducting free master classes for everyone.

Yuna Wolski, 28 years old, Vladimir. Divorced, still cannot forgive her ex-husband. I’m not confident in myself, I take everything to heart, I’m used to keeping all my emotions to myself. She dreams of opening an agency to organize parties for low-income and disadvantaged children.

Anastasia Aivazova, 26 years old, St. Petersburg. Prefers older men, but avoids marriage. Anastasia, a seven-time Russian champion in skiing, was forced to retire from the sport due to an injury. Experiences the death of his beloved brother. Dreams of returning to his profession.

Natalia Kiseleva, 28 years old, Magadan. Natalya works as an animator, hides all her experiences behind an ostentatious positive attitude, and does not know how to say no. I have been in love with my ex-man for many years. Dreams of becoming a composer.

Svetlana Tsygankova, 29 years old, Kerch. While her mother was alive, she grew up in a boarding school and was separated from her sisters. As a child, Svetlana was kidnapped twice. She considers herself ugly, suffers from loneliness and does not know how to express her opinion. He dreams of changing the structure of boarding schools and orphanages, helping children from disadvantaged families.

Olga Konstantinova, 44 years old, Kemerovo. 20 years ago, Olga’s fiancé went on a business trip and never appeared again, and Olga was left alone with her child. Since then she has not had relationships with men. He dreams of opening a fitness club with a social program.

Svetlana Neverova, 25 years old, Tambov. Svetlana believes that you can attract the attention of men only with bright and provocative clothes. She thinks that she has achieved external perfection, but does not feel confident and happy. She dreams of learning English and learning to drive a car.

Zida Natfullina, 27 years old, Yoshkar-Ola. She experienced a difficult childhood - her father constantly beat her mother. Now Zida lives with her brother, with whom she does not communicate at all and is trying to improve relations with him. She considers herself ugly and lonely. Dreams of opening a language center.

Svetlana Lebedeva, 28 years old, Kostroma. For the sake of her husband, she quit her studies and gave up her dream of becoming an actress. Three weeks before the casting, she found out that her husband was cheating on her and filed for divorce. She dreams of finishing her studies and becoming established in her profession.

Olga Goncharova, 29 years old, Smolensk. Olga is raising a 10-year-old daughter alone and does not believe in happy marriages. She lives with her alcoholic stepfather and worries that she cannot help him. Works as a yoga trainer. She dreams of opening her own studio.

Zifa Yalchigulova, 31 years old, Ufa. Three years ago Zifa lost her mother, and to this day she cannot get over this tragedy. She dreams of becoming a speaker and inspiring people.