PPD copy tickets. Exam tickets for traffic rules of categories C and D (SD) and subcategories C1, D1

Tickets 2018 2019 category B, you can decide online on this page. I advise everyone who has a traffic rules test soon to get their hands on it. The easiest way to quickly master the rules of the road in order to successfully pass the test is to solve tasks online. This does not require installation of additional programs; all tickets are posted on our website.

In the presented version, you have the opportunity to choose 3 solution modes:

  • timed exam;
  • problems by numbers;
  • tickets by topic.

Traffic rules: exam tickets 2019

Before testing at the traffic police, I re-read the book with the rules 2 times in order to learn the basic information. Only after this did he begin to solve problems. I will share my instructions for studying and solving such tests, which is effective in my opinion.

  1. We choose a specific topic.
  2. We answer assignments only on this topic.
  3. You need to answer the question as quickly as possible. Usually a couple of days of painstaking work bears fruit.
  4. You must answer within 30 seconds because with good study, you only need to read the question and then you already know the correct answer.
  5. Don't forget that sometimes new questions are mixed into the whole deck of questions. It's confusing and requires extra time that you won't have. Therefore, try to answer immediately what you know.

There's a catch here. Personally, this happened to me. I read the question and knew the answer, but I was hasty in my choice. In the traffic rules exam papers, which I also solved online, the correct answer was 2nd. Naturally, I automatically clicked on the second item. Unfortunately, I got an error message. It turned out that in the exam the correct answer was changed to point 3. When I realized this it was too late. Now I'm warning you.

Traffic tickets 2019: solve the exam

All presented traffic tickets can be safely resolved since they are from 2019. There is no need to be afraid that the information here is not up to date. Even if some questions have changed, then know the fact that there are times when, on the contrary, old questions are added in the office. And the essence of the rules is to learn to solve real problems that arise on the road. And sometimes there is no room for error.

You will not be able to select only questions for categories A, B or C and D from the proposed list. And I don’t see much point, because by choosing a category by topic, you can learn road signs automatically and only then work with other sections. You need to know well the same overtaking and oncoming traffic.

Plus, category A questions contain about 25% of tasks on signs and markings, since traffic police officers understand that when riding a scooter or motorcycle you need to know the basics. This will allow you to quickly learn how to drive around the city. Let the questions you will be asked during the exam be mostly basic, but when you pass the driving test you will need to show your mastery of the ability to drive around the city correctly. If you don’t have the necessary experience, I’ll tell you that the main thing is not to rush. The person taking the exam will appreciate this, and in difficult moments you will have more time to assess the situation in order to turn where you need to or park.

Passing the theoretical part of the exam papers for testing traffic rules in 2019 is as important as the practical part. If you fail the theory, no one will allow you to practice. However, you need to know the 2019 traffic rules theory tickets by heart not for the sake of the opportunity to get to the second round, but for the sake of yourself, your safety.

As practice has shown, ignorance of the rules can easily lead to dire consequences. That is why special attention should be paid to the theoretical part. To study the 2019 traffic rules exam tickets, you can use several proven methods:

  • purchase a textbook on traffic rules with comments and explanations;
  • use special computer programs;
  • study traffic tickets using online services.

You can download ready-made tickets from the Internet and study from them. It is also possible to purchase professional courses on CDs, where each situation is discussed in detail, examples are given, and common mistakes are discussed.

Online services are the most convenient and effective, especially since the traffic police exam is administered in the same mode. Such online testing of traffic rules tickets for 2019 has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the ability to endlessly repeat the material covered;
  • slowly sort out incomprehensible moments, find out the correct answers;
  • opportunity to get used to the testing regime;
  • assess your real capabilities;
  • navigate the time frame allotted for passing the test.

After several such lessons, you can easily learn all the exam papers for passing the traffic rules for 2019. The online test gives you the opportunity to try to correctly calculate the time, so that during the real exam you can manage it rationally and answer all the questions without unnecessary fuss or haste. In addition, you will learn to focus and concentrate on completing a specific task.

How the exams work

Any testing always brings excitement and nerves. You should not treat the exam as something last in this life. Don't be nervous, don't worry. You can always retake it, even if you failed the first time. Take it easier, then the anxiety will go away on its own.

When taking the exam, the traffic police use traffic tickets for 2019, which consist of 800 questions. In automatic mode, you will be offered 20 of them at random. Each question has multiple answer options. You must select one option and enter its number into the computer.

The exam is considered passed if you answer 18 questions. If three errors are made, then the test is failed. You will have a second chance only after seven days.

Examination tickets for passing traffic rules for 2019, when taken online, consist of questions presented in 5 main groups:

  • Traffic Laws;
  • authorization of the vehicle for operation;
  • first aid;
  • basics of safe management;
  • criminal and administrative liability.

Most questions regarding tickets relate to traffic rules. However, most often, many students give incorrect answers specifically to questions about first aid or vehicle approval. If you also feel that your knowledge is “lame”, then special attention should be paid to studying tickets not only for the 2019 traffic rules, but also for other topics.

It should be remembered that when answering online questions about traffic rules tickets for 2019, you cannot give two or more marks. There should be only one answer. The questions may not be answered in order.

We recommend that you first answer those 2019 traffic tickets that you know the answers to. Then you can move on to more complex questions and think about them. This way you won’t waste time and will have time to complete the entire test. Testing time is limited by time frame. Typically it is 20 minutes for online testing and forty minutes for written answers.

You should definitely remember that when answering online exam papers for passing traffic rules for 2019, it is prohibited to use any reference materials, telephone numbers, cheat sheets, or other tips. If the examiner discovers or suspects you of doing so, he has every right to remove you from the exam.

It is also forbidden to talk with your neighbors at your desk, or look into someone else’s computer or exam paper. Naturally, you will be able to retake the exam, but you will receive closer attention from the committee members.

Rules for successful passing

In order to successfully pass the online exam and correctly solve traffic tickets for 2019 to obtain category “B”, you need to adhere to some rules. The most important thing is not to rush and not to be nervous.

Review all the questions first. This can be done by pressing the Spacebar. Seeing familiar questions that you know the answers to can help you calm down and not be nervous. Having gained psychological confidence in your abilities, you will be able to determine the most convenient order for answering questions without unnecessary fuss and haste.

First of all, for an online solution, choose tickets for passing the traffic rules for 2019 for category “B”, which contain pictures or diagrams. They are better perceived and easier to answer. Before answering such a question, carefully study its wording. It often happens that several question statements may be attached to the same picture.

If you find it difficult to answer any question, then move on to the next one. Don’t worry, at the end of the test the computer will return you to the unanswered question.

Tickets related to the topic of assistance, access to a vehicle, medical support, and security require knowledge of certain rules, regulations and standards. Please read the question carefully before answering them.

Often the answer lies right there. Or some of his phrases will help you remember the correct answer. Remember that answers to such questions must be clear and to the point. Don’t even try to “throw water” and answer in general phrases. This number will not work for you. The examiner will immediately understand that you are “floating” and, with a clear conscience, will assign you a re-examination.

The most important rule is not to rush to solve online tasks for your neighbors’ 2019 traffic tickets, and also to help them with the answers, no matter how much they beg or ask you. The probability of removal from the exam is 100%.

On our website you can solve online new traffic rules exam tickets for passing the exam for a driver’s license of categories “A”, “B”, “M” and subcategories “A1”, “B1”. These traffic rules tickets are fully consistent with the official exam tickets that are decided at the traffic police/traffic police exams in 2019.

Regularly solving traffic rules will help you prepare for passing the real theoretical exam in the traffic police. These tickets are valid from September 1, 2016, and comply with the latest edition of the Road Traffic Rules.

Traffic rules exam tickets can be solved online in three modes:

  1. Traffic rules exam;
  2. Tickets by numbers;
  3. Tickets by topic.

Each of these modes has its own characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail.

Traffic rules exam. In exam mode, our system randomly selects 1 out of 40 exam papers. Each of them contains 20 questions that you will need to answer in 20 minutes.

To successfully pass the online exam, as in the traffic police, you need to correctly answer at least 18 questions on the exam card out of 20. It is also worth considering that in exam mode, unlike solving tickets by numbers or by topic, you will not be able to use the hint, if you have difficulty answering a question.

Traffic tickets by numbers. In the mode of solving tickets by numbers, you can, at your discretion, choose any exam ticket to solve it. This is very convenient when preparing to pass exams in the traffic police.

There are only 40 traffic rules exam tickets. You can solve them in any order convenient for you. Statistics on the number of resolved and unresolved tickets are located under the block with tickets.

Traffic tickets by topic. In the mode of solving tickets by topic, it is possible to independently select the topic of questions. After selecting a topic, the system will offer you to solve questions on the selected topic from each exam paper in turn.

Questions from 24 sections of traffic rules and two Appendices to them (Road signs and Road markings) are available for solution. There are also questions from the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety”, the basics of road safety, first aid and driver responsibility for traffic violations.

Advantages of solving traffic tickets online

Solving traffic tickets online is more convenient than traditional methods for several reasons:

  • Online tickets give you the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of a real traffic rules exam, like in the traffic police. Such preparation allows you to cope with anxiety and accustom yourself to carefully read each question.
  • The traffic police examination tickets are created on the same basis as educational materials for studying the Rules of the Road in driving schools.
  • Regularly solving traffic tickets online will be useful even for experienced drivers to maintain their knowledge at a high level. And in controversial situations on the road, this mental baggage will undoubtedly help to prove that you are right.

When preparing to take the traffic police exams, keep in mind that if you fail to pass the exam the first time, the next attempt will require a fee. Therefore, it is better to devote more time to solving traffic tickets online, rather than subsequently spending a lot more money, nerves and effort.

During the exam, you need to be extremely careful so that when you see a familiar picture, you don’t forget to read and understand the meaning of the question. It is the automatic choice of the usual answer option that often becomes the reason for failing the exam.

In addition, solving online tickets is much more effective in comparison with other teaching methods:

  1. You can access the Internet at any convenient time using a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Every day you should devote a little time to solving traffic rules exam tickets online to increase your chances of passing the traffic police exam.
  2. To test knowledge of traffic rules, you do not need to buy books or computer programs. Everything you need is on our server on the Internet around the clock and is waiting for you to visit our website.
  3. You can refresh your memory of the most difficult traffic rules questions immediately before the start of the traffic police exam. Thanks to any portable gadget, you can quickly go through the most complex topics.

In this section of the popular portal 110km.ru you can undergo training in the Rules of the Road using traffic rules tickets, as well as pass the traffic rules exam online according to the new rules of 2018.

Online traffic rules exam

The number of tickets is 40. Each ticket contains 20 questions. To successfully pass the exam on the rules of the road (traffic rules), you must solve the tickets by making a maximum of 2 mistakes. You have 20 minutes to answer all twenty questions on the ticket. Also, to prepare for the exam, you can use the “select a ticket” section. In this section, you can choose any of 40 traffic tickets and try to pass the exam without a time limit.

There is also a section “Education and training”. This section is intended for preliminary preparation for the exam on knowledge of traffic rules. In this section, all exam papers on traffic rules are divided into topics. Knowing which sections of the 2017-2018 traffic rules you are less familiar with, you can repeat the exam papers on the traffic rules from a specific section of the traffic rules. If you wish, you can use the hint. Hints are presented in the form of excerpts from the relevant paragraphs of the traffic rules. And remember that careful preparation is the key to success in passing the traffic rules exam.

To test your knowledge, you can also use the “Random Ticket” section. To pass the traffic rules exam, you will be offered a randomly selected ticket.

In the “Statistics” section you can view the history of your answers: view the list of questions you answered, see which answers were given correctly and which were incorrect.

Traffic rules (traffic rules) 2017 and 2018

In the section "New traffic rules 2017-2018" you can familiarize yourself with the latest edition of the traffic rules as amended on March 18, 2018. To facilitate the process of learning traffic rules, all rules are divided into sections, provided with pictures and comments. This edition of the traffic rules is official. These are the tickets that are used to conduct exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate.
Remember, only impeccable knowledge of traffic rules can guarantee you and other road users safety on the road.

Theoretical traffic tickets 2019/2018, necessary to test knowledge of these rules, are presented with all changes in the Rules of the Road (as of December 21, 2018). Testing knowledge of traffic rules theory is carried out online, with the choice of official tickets for self-preparation for passing the theoretical exam at the traffic police.

To help the potential driver to further and safely obtain the long-awaited license to drive vehicles of categories A and B. All online tickets are presented in full accordance with the official ones for 2018\2019.

Each ticket consists of 20 theoretical questions. If you choose the correct answer, automatically move on to the next question on the ticket. In case of an error in the answer, an explanation is given with an extract from the existing Traffic Rules.

Required list of documents for passing the exam to obtain a driver's license at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

To pass the exam and subsequently obtain a driver’s license, a citizen of the Russian Federation must provide the following documents to the traffic police:

  1. Passport;
  2. Application for passing the exam - in written or electronic form;
  3. Conclusion of the medical commission;
  4. Document on training at a driving school;
  5. To obtain an additional category, you must provide a valid driver's license;
  6. If a citizen is under 18 years of age, written parental consent is required.

After submitting all documents, the date, place and time of taking the exam at the traffic police are determined.

Passing the theoretical exam on traffic rules at the traffic police:

To obtain a driver's license, you must pass a theoretical test on the following questions:

  • Traffic rules in force in Russia;
  • Various legislative standards for safe road traffic;
  • Knowledge to provide possible first aid;
  • Regulations on the approval of a vehicle for operation;
  • Knowledge of civil, administrative, criminal laws on liability;
  • Basic postulates for safe driving of vehicles;

These points of requirements are presented in theoretical traffic rules tickets, consisting of 20 questions. The time limit for passing the theoretical exam is 20 minutes.

The theoretical exam is considered failed in the following cases:

  • 3 or more errors were made;
  • 2 mistakes were made, or 2 questions on the same topic were not answered;
  • Using cheat sheets, technical means (for example, a telephone) or tips from third parties;
  • Refusal to answer the exam question on the ticket.

After successfully passing the traffic rules theory, you receive permission to take the driving practice exam at the race track.

Passing the practical exam at the race track:

To confirm your vehicle driving skills, you must pass a practical exam at the race track. What happens, as a rule, is practicing driving practice exercises based on materials previously covered in a driving school.

If you successfully complete these practical driving exercises, you receive the right to take the next test stage of driving a vehicle in real city conditions.

According to the new rules, you may be required to perform 5 exercises.

Exercises for categories B, B1, C, C1 and D, D1:

  • No. 4 - Stopping and starting on an uphill slope;
  • No. 5 - Maneuvering in confined spaces;
  • No. 6 - Driving, maneuvering and entering the pit in reverse;
  • No. 7 - Parking and leaving a vehicle from a parking space, parking for loading and unloading on the loading ramp and stopping for safe boarding and disembarking of passengers;
  • No. 8 - Passing a controlled intersection.

Exam practical driving in the city:

Your main task is to show confident driving skills in a real city traffic situation. While driving along the route, your ability as a driver is assessed to navigate harsh urban traffic conditions, where numerous pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, road markings, intersections, stops and road signs await you.

Therefore, you should be extremely careful and not succumb to possible provocative demands from the inspector, which serve to deliberately violate your traffic rules.

If you fulfill this requirement, the result for you may be sad - a gross mistake and retaking the driving test.

After successfully completing all exercises, you receive the long-awaited rights of your category, the validity of which in the Russian Federation is 10 years.

Conditions for retaking exams in case of failure:

The right to retake the practical driving test is given at least one week after failure.

A passed theoretical exam is valid for 6 months. If you did not meet the practical driving test within this period of time, then you will have to take the theory test again. After three unsuccessful attempts to pass any stage of the exam, you can try again no earlier than after 30 days.

List of documents for obtaining international driving license:

To obtain an international driving license, you must provide the following documents to the traffic police:

  • Russian citizen passport;
  • Application for obtaining an international driving license;
  • Russian driver's license;
  • Color or b/w photo 3.5x4.5 cm on matte paper.

International driver's licenses are issued without examination, on the basis of a Russian driver's license.

The validity period of an international license is 3 years, but not more than the validity period of Russian-style rights.

List of vehicles by categories of rights:

  • A- motorcycles;
  • A1- light motorcycles with engine displacement from 50 to 125 cc. see and maximum power up to 11 kW;
  • IN- cars whose permissible maximum weight does not exceed 3.5 tons and the number of seats, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed eight;
  • IN 1- tricycles and quadricycles, in column 12 additionally marked “AS” (with an automobile control system) - if category “A” is not open and “MS” (with a motorcycle control system) - if category “B” is not open;
  • BE- cars of category B with a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 750 kilograms;
  • WITH- cars with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, including with a trailer up to 750 kg;
  • C1- include vehicles with a permissible maximum weight from 3.5 to 7.5 tons;
  • SE- category C vehicles with a trailer whose maximum permitted weight exceeds 750 kilograms;
  • C1E- cars of category CE, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 3.5 tons but does not exceed 7.5 tons;
  • D- vehicles intended for the transport of passengers and having more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat, including those with a trailer up to 750 kg;
  • D1- cars equipped with 9-16 seats except the driver's;
  • DE- a category D vehicle coupled to a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 750 kg, but does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • D1E- cars of category DE, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 3.5 tons but does not exceed 7.5 tons;
  • M- mopeds, scooters, as well as light quadricycles with an engine capacity of up to 50 cubic meters. cm;
  • Tm- trams;
  • Tb- trolleybuses.

Do you want to feel calm and confident during the traffic police exams? Is it important for you to pass the theory the first time? Then sit down and practice. If you solve one ticket every day, in a month and a half you will master the theoretical material. In the last couple of weeks, you will be able to repeat selectively difficult questions or solve those tickets in which many mistakes were made.

How to work with tickets on the site

Our service acts as a kind of simulator for preparing for the exam of drivers of categories C, C1, D and D1. It is best to exercise regularly. Daily practice will teach you to quickly and confidently answer questions in conditions similar to exam ones. Please note that the website contains current tickets, with the latest changes made annually by the traffic police. These are the tickets and questions that will be on the exam.

Before starting training, register on the site. Then your statistics and time counter will be visible in your personal account, and you will be able to select complex tickets and questions. Use different forms of work:

  • Study for exactly one hour today. Check how many tickets you can make.
  • Tomorrow, thoroughly sort out one ticket. Try to understand the logic of the question, consider the situation from different positions.
  • The next day, select 5 difficult tickets and solve them.

Before the exams, it will also be useful to refresh the material in your memory and go over the tickets again.

How the exam for categories C and D works

Now the theoretical exam is taken like this. The exam itself lasts 30 minutes. This is enough to gather your thoughts and answer 20 questions correctly. The result is evaluated as follows.

  • If you answered correctly, you passed the exam.
  • Make 1 mistake - you get 5 additional questions and 5 minutes of time. You can't make mistakes anymore!
  • I made 2 mistakes - in this case, options are possible. If questions are in different topic groups, the computer offers 10 questions and 10 additional minutes of time. There is no room for error. If both questions are in the same thematic group, the exam is considered failed.
  • If you made 3 or more mistakes, you failed the exam. You'll come next time, in a week. Fortunately, the number of attempts is unlimited.

Important: exam tickets on the website are updated regularly and now contain the “Five additional questions per error” mode.

What you need to know about training in categories C and D

Traditionally, training in categories C and D takes place in two stages, theory and practice. You can study them sequentially, or you can study them in parallel; you master the tickets and at the same time undergo practical classes. Do not forget to analyze the road situation while driving and look for similar cases in theoretical material. This way the material will be remembered better.

Question answer

At what age can you get a license?

Licenses of categories C and C1 are issued to people who have reached the age of 18, and for categories D and D1 you can take exams and receive a mark on your license after reaching 21 years of age. There are exceptions here. Those who have served in the military and have experience driving Category D vehicles can take the test upon reaching their 19th birthday and completing a vocational training program. At the age of 21, all they have to do is confirm their right to drive a vehicle of this category.

How much does it cost to take the theory test?

The cost of the theoretical test: traffic rules exams are taken free of charge. You only need to pay the state fee, which is necessary to obtain a plastic driver’s license.

What documents need to be prepared?

To obtain category C and D licenses, you must submit a package of documents to the traffic police:

  • statement,
  • passport or equivalent document,
  • military ID (for those liable for military service),
  • receipt for payment of state duty,
  • document confirming training at a driving school,
  • medical certificate of the established form.

If you already have a driver's license, you must also present it. The new rights will include marks about all available categories.