Floating museums. Ships that changed crew for the exhibition

Cruisers and icebreakers, submarines and steamships. Ships that once plied the waters are now permanently laid up. The first attempts to turn a sea vessel into a museum were made during the time of Peter I: in 1723, the emperor issued a decree on the preservation of the Pereyaslavl flotilla. And the first museum ship is the legendary Aurora. The veteran cruiser of the First World War and the Russo-Japanese War became a branch of the Central Naval Museum in 1956.

Revolutionary symbol - the cruiser "Aurora"

A memorial ship and a unique shipbuilding monument. The armored ship was named after the sailing frigate of the Russian Navy, which was responsible for three voyages around the world and the Crimean War. The cruiser received her baptism of fire as part of the 2nd Pacific Squadron at Tsushima. The flag was shot down from the Aurora six times, but it rose again. The cruiser left the battle only after it was over. He continued his combat path during the First World War. In 1916, during a routine repair, the crew succumbed to revolutionary sentiments, and a year later it fired blank, becoming a symbol of the revolution, and then a training ship and a museum in St. Petersburg.

The world's only space communications vessel "Cosmonaut Viktor Patsayev"

A floating research station with a museum exhibition on board. The ship made 14 scientific voyages and was part of a detachment of the naval space fleet that created the country's nuclear missile shield. The crew provided testing and flights of spacecraft. The ship is named after the Kaliningrad cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Viktor Patsayev. The pennant of the USSR Academy of Sciences was raised above the deck in 1978, and since 2001 the ship has been moored at the pier of the Museum of the World Ocean. The museum exhibit includes personal belongings of the astronauts, and even when laid up, the ship performs the same tasks: it provides communication with the International Space Station.

Submarine of the pre-atomic period of the submarine fleet

B-413 is the only diesel-electric submarine in the country and one of the few surviving in the world. She has carried out military service since 1969 in the Northern Fleet. The submarine's crew went to Cuba and Guinea. In 1970, he took part in a rescue operation to assist the nuclear submarine K-8. Submarines of this series were considered successful - a total of 75 of them were built, including for the navies of Poland, India, Libya and Cuba. 40 years after its launch, the submarine was preserved in its original form, permanently laid up in Kaliningrad. The compartments housed the exhibition “From the History of the Russian Submarine Fleet” with models of submarines.

Submarine as part of the capital's museum

"Novosibirsk Komsomolets" B-396 in eternal parking in Moscow. From 1980 to 1998, the submarine carried out combat service in the Northern Fleet, carried out missions in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, off the West Coast of Africa, and guarded state borders in the Barents and Norwegian Seas. After decommissioning, the boat was bought by the Moscow government for the Museum of the History of the Russian Fleet and Shipbuilding. Six torpedo tubes were retained on the submarine, and the central control post and seven compartments became exhibition halls. Next door are the ekranoplane "Orlyonok", the hovercraft "SKAT" and an exhibition of military equipment of the Navy.

Research vessel "Vityaz"

800 thousand nautical miles. The legendary scientific station for studying the World Ocean, moored in Kaliningrad, made 65 scientific voyages under the flag of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The ship's crew conducted truly unique research: for example, they measured the maximum depth of the Mariana Trench at 11,022 meters and discovered a new type of animal - pogonophora. The ship became a real international scientific station: scientists from 50 scientific institutes of the USSR and 20 countries of the world worked on the Vityaz. It was from this ship that the history of the Museum of the World Ocean began with the Polar Hall, the Hall of Great Geographical Discoveries, a laboratory and memorial cabins.

One of the first icebreakers in the world

"Angara" is a pre-revolutionary steam icebreaker. He served in pre-revolutionary Russia and during the USSR era. The ship was launched in 1900. The icebreaker was delivered to the Irkutsk region from Newcastle in parts. The Angara was ordered by the Committee for the Construction of the Siberian Railway in order to transport trains across the ice of Lake Baikal while a road bypassing the giant lake was built. After the revolution, the ship began to carry passengers, during the Civil War it took part in battles, and during the Great Patriotic War it transported cargo. In 1975, a naval veteran was almost sent to the metal; the ship miraculously survived, having run aground during transportation.

Icebreaker-era: explorer and rescuer

"Krasin" was a pioneer in the development of the Arctic Ocean. Built in England, the icebreaker began service a hundred years ago under the name “Svyatogor”, and after the revolution it became known as “Krasin”. It was to this ship that the Arctic expedition of Umberto Nobile, which survived the disaster of the airship Italia, owes its salvation. Only the Krasin was able to reach the camp of the expedition, stuck in the icy desert. On the way back, the icebreaker saved one and a half thousand passengers of the German ship Monte Cervantes. During the Great Patriotic War, one of the transport caravans led by the Krasin was hunted by the German battleship Admiral Scheer. A dangerous meeting was avoided, and the icebreaker worked in the Arctic for geological exploration for many years until it became a museum ship.

Icebreaker "Lenin"

The world's first surface vessel with the motive power of a peaceful atom. The decision on construction was made by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The whole country worked on the project - about 30 research institutes, 60 design bureaus and two hundred enterprises participated. A giant ship weighing 11 thousand tons was faced with a big task: to pave a road in the ice of the Northern Sea Route. Over 30 years of operation, the nuclear-powered icebreaker has covered more than 650 thousand nautical miles and guided almost 4 thousand ships through the ice. Place of last registration - Murmansk. You can walk around the floating museum in an hour: from the wardroom with a music salon, to the engine room and the post from where the power plants of the huge ship were controlled.


Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Launched in 1900

It took part in the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, although the military cruiser became famous, rather, as a symbol of the October Revolution (it was its idle salvo that became the call to storm the Winter Palace). Since 1957, the modern ship-museum received the status of a cultural heritage site and found its place on the embankment in the center of St. Petersburg. At the moment, it is on until 2016.


Sweden, Stockholm

Launched in 1628

The world's only surviving sailing ship from the early 17th century. The ship was supposed to become the flagship of the Swedish fleet, but due to technical errors in the design, it sank at the exit from Stockholm harbor during the first sea trials. The ship was later raised and “mothballed” as a museum exhibit.


UK, Portsmouth

Launched in 1765

One of the main attractions of the city of Portsmouth, the famous 104-gun ship of the first rank of the British Royal Navy. It was on board it that Admiral Nelson was mortally wounded during the Battle of Trafalgar.


France, La Rochelle

Launched in 1942

The research vessel of the French oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, which was fully equipped with everything necessary for diving and underwater filming, was equipped with a landing pad for a helicopter, scientific equipment, a compartment for underwater observation, mini-submarines and underwater motorcycles. The ship sank in 1996 in Singapore Harbour. Now active work is underway to restore the ship and turn it into a museum of the famous explorer.


USA, Boston

Launched in 1797

The oldest sailing ship in the world still afloat. Still active in the US Navy. The ship's nickname was "Old Ironsides", which was due to the amazing strength of its Virginia oak hull, which bounced off enemy shells in battle. Now the ship is available for tourist excursions and is one of the most important attractions in the country.


Norway, Oslo

Launched in 1872

The first ship in the world to navigate the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean around the northern tip of the American continent. This event took place as part of the expedition of explorer R. Amundsen. Since 2012, the ship has been turned into a museum in Oslo.

On the Founding Day of the Russian Navy, we are proud to talk about the most iconic ships in Russian history, berthed as museums, always ready to welcome tourists and history buffs.

Undoubtedly the most recognizable museum ship on our list. An object of cult of Soviet history, from the gun of which the signal was given for the storming of the Winter Palace and the beginning of a turning point not only in Russian, but also in world history. The cruiser, which took part in the Russo-Japanese War and the defense of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War, became permanently berthed, where it remains today awaiting major repairs.

As a girl, the yacht "Admiral Zavoiko", which fled to China from the madness of the civil war, was converted into a patrol ship after becoming engaged to the navy of the Soviet Union. In this role, the “Red Pennant” managed to become one of the first ships of the Pacific squadron, caught a lot of mines during the Second World War, and then became a museum in Vladivostok’s Golden Horn Bay.

"Mikhail Kutuzov"

The cruiser, named after the heroic commander of the Patriotic War of 1812, by whose will, as is known, “Moscow was given to the Frenchman,” did not gain military glory in peacetime (although “Mikhail Kutuzov” was “lucky” to help the Egyptian and Syrian armies after the end of the Six-Day War), but turned out to be a neighbor of Novorossiysk during the famous disaster. Several dozen sailors sent to help the sinking ship did not return home. After service, the cruiser was decommissioned and in 2000 turned into a museum at the pier in Novorossiysk.

One of the exhibits of the St. Petersburg Central Naval Museum and simply the grandfather of modern nuclear submarines is about a representative of the family of the world's first combat submarines, developed by Stepan Dzhevetsky. A full-fledged participant in the Russo-Japanese War, it was too small to stand at the pier, which made it possible to turn the ship into part of a museum exhibition.

D-2 "Narodovolets"

The glorious grandson of the Drzewiecki submarine, who operated during the Great Patriotic War in the northern latitudes, sending German transport ships to the bottom, narrowly avoiding death several times. For military services after serving in the army, the Narodovolets, launched back in the twenties, was not cut into scrap metal, but was turned into a memorial museum in Shkipersky Protok, which St. Petersburg.


Another submarine on our list, which was noted during the most terrible war in the history of mankind by torpedoing (though it missed) the famous and formidable German battleship Tirpitz. The rest of the time, the submarine successfully guarded the Northern sea convoys, for which it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and after decommissioning its role as a museum in Severomorsk.


Not as ancient as the Angara, not as famous as the Lenin, but having earned itself a piece of military glory, the icebreaker Krasin became permanently moored in St. Petersburg, which serves as another museum ship. The civilian icebreaker built in 1916 (which, by the way, had to be bought back from the British who kidnapped it) was called up for military service in World War II, where it successfully provided navigation for the Northern Convoy PQ-15.

Maritime museums are considered an ideal place to preserve maritime traditions and perennial artifacts, sometimes dating back centuries. Maritime museums preserve unique exhibits of ships and submarines, present photographs and very interesting documents, clothing and instruments, paintings and other ancient objects. There are quite a few museums in the world that display the maritime history of certain fleets, but in this publication I will present to you the eight oldest maritime museums in the world.

maritime museum in Rotterdam

One of the oldest maritime museums was founded in 1874 and is located in Rotterdam. Its founder was Prince Henry. Since then, this building has attracted an endless stream of tourists - lovers of maritime history and naval equipment, concentrated in one place.

maritime museum in australia

The Tapestry Museum is considered to be the oldest maritime museum in Australia and is among the oldest in the world. Its exhibits are unsurpassed treasures of Australian art, coming here over several centuries. The Tapestry Museum was founded in 1872 with government support. Among its items are rare exhibits found by people who connected their lives with the sea. Tapestry Maritime Museum is located in the city of Melbourne and can be visited from 10:00 to 17:00 daily.

lighthouse museum in the USA

Existing for over 200 years, the Montauk Point Lighthouse Museum is a treasure in itself, reflecting the history of lighthouses. The structure was built and opened in 1796. The lighthouse museum has undergone a number of changes, but at the same time retains its original appearance.

The archives of the lighthouse museum contain many exhibits confirming the fact of pirate attacks, shipwrecks and other historical events. In addition, a hotel operates in a building located near Long Island. The museum can be visited from 10:00 to 16:00.

maritime museum in England

Maritime Museum Southampton is one of the first maritime museums in England, established in 1898. This historical institution opened its exhibits of maritime art, science and technology to visitors in 1910. Now it is quite a popular holiday destination for tourists and lovers of maritime history. The museum doors are open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00.

The Sandy Bay Historical Society Museum is a separate building in the castle town of Rockport, Massachusetts and reflects the importance of shipping in the region. The castle itself was built in 1711, and the maritime museum began its work in 1832. To learn about the unique collections of American maritime history, museum staff are available to visitors from 14:00 to 17:00 Tuesday through Saturday and from 09:00 to 13:00 on Monday.

maritime museum in the USA

This maritime museum was founded in 1936 in a building built in 1845. Here, maritime history is displayed like nowhere else. Currently, the maritime institution includes 13 buildings, each of which is a separate piece of history. You can visit this building from 10:00 to 17:00 on weekdays and Saturdays, and on Sundays from 12:00 to 17:00.

Maritime Museum in Halifax

The Maritime Museum of Atlantic is one of the oldest maritime museums in the world and the oldest in Canada. It displays more than 30,000 artifacts from the history of the Canadian military and merchant marine, including 70 small ships and steamships.

    Main articles: Submarine, Ship Museum The list of museum submarines includes submarines that house museum exhibitions dedicated to the history of ships, crews, events in which the ships took part, as well as... ... Wikipedia

    Russian nuclear submarine of the "Akula" type ("Typhoon") A submarine (submarine, submarine, submarine) a ship capable of diving and operating underwater for a long time. The most important tactical property of a submarine is stealth... Wikipedia

    Russian nuclear submarine of the "Akula" type ("Typhoon") A submarine (submarine, submarine, submarine) a ship capable of diving and operating underwater for a long time. The most important tactical property of a submarine is stealth... Wikipedia

    Russian nuclear submarine of the "Akula" type ("Typhoon") A submarine (submarine, submarine, submarine) a ship capable of diving and operating underwater for a long time. The most important tactical property of a submarine is stealth... Wikipedia

    Russian nuclear submarine of the "Akula" type ("Typhoon") A submarine (submarine, submarine, submarine) a ship capable of diving and operating underwater for a long time. The most important tactical property of a submarine is stealth... Wikipedia

    - “Aurora” Modern view of the cruiser “Aurora” at night Basic information Type Cruiser of the 1st rank ... Wikipedia