How to draw beautiful dogs. How to draw a charming dog with a simple pencil

With this tutorial you will be able to draw a puppy. Like this one.

This topic will show techniques and give tips on how to easily and beautifully draw a Labrador puppy. This is a drawing lesson for beginners and schoolchildren.

How to Draw a Dog - Let's get started!

As usual, I will start drawing this difficult drawing with two very simple lines. One circle and one oval. The circle will serve as a guide for the dog's head, and the oval will be the body.

The muzzle will help us find the position and scale. In this case, three of the four paws will be visible.

How to Draw a Dog - General Shapes

Two more important characteristics of the muzzle are long ears and an actual nose.

The dog's expression is critical, we'll start there. Using a pair of lines will define the sides of the head and the height of the eyes, as well as the line of the mouth. Use the drawing as a guide!

Now let's rest a little. At this stage we will simply outline the paws and add some fur to define the shoulder line and belly line.

Get rid of the rough lines (outlines) and see how your puppy looks. Believe it or not the hard drawing part is over. Now it's time for more similar details of our puppy's drawing.

How to draw a dog - completion, fur

Don't want to overwhelm your drawing with lines to show fur? Remember that this is always more important. So add some fluffy lines here and there, add some details when you feel like it.

As you can see, the trick is to add some shadow. Shadow areas help define the dog's volume. Don't add them randomly, but use them to more accurately determine the volume and lighting of the scene.

How to draw a dog - the end result!

The final touch is a little shadow to give our puppy some more volume. You did it!

If you don't know how to draw a dog step by step with a pencil, we will teach you. Your drawing will come out on paper easily and beautifully, no doubt about it. And all because our lessons are for children and beginners. You just need to strictly follow the instructions.

When drawing a sketch of an animal figure, it is best to use simple shapes and lines in the first stages, which will help transfer the proportions easily and more believably. Then, with each stage, adjust the drawing and bring it to perfection in order to get a beautiful picture later. For coloring, use only bright colored pencils, because the image should turn out bright and elegant.

  • How to draw a dog easily and beautifully
  • Stages of drawing a dog:
  • Stages of drawing a dog:

Simple Dog Drawing for Kids and Beginners

Necessary materials:

- eraser and sheet of paper;
- pencils.

Steps to drawing a cartoon dog:

1. To depict the lower part of the muzzle, where the mouth will be, draw an arc. On the right side, draw another tiny arched line to create a dimple on the dog's cheek. This figure is very similar to a smile.

3. From the upper left point of the “smile” we draw a straight line that goes up. But from the lower right part of the original figure we draw three vertical lines. These will be our pet's paws.

3. At the intersection of two figures, draw a large nose. We also begin to draw the upper part of the head and small eyes, which will be of different diameters. The drawing is in perspective, so the right eye will be closer to us, and the left eye will be further away. This is how we get the right large contour of the eye and the left small one. Draw a semicircle to the lower ends of the vertical lines.

4. Draw a vertical line to get the outline of the dog’s head, and also draw an arc from it. This way we get the back and part of the hind leg. At this stage, you should also pay attention to the dog’s ears, which will be droopy. Therefore, we draw ovals close to the contour of the head. We connect two geometric shapes with the contour of the head using lines.

5. Draw the dog’s legs in more detail, especially the back one.

6. Draw in detail the eyes and the dog’s face itself. We thicken the ears a little at the base and get a ready-made contour drawing of the dog, which can and should be colored with bright shades of pencils.

7. The pet itself will have a red coat color. So for the base color we use a yellow pencil, which we use to paint over the entire surface of the body and head.

8. Create volume with an orange pencil.

9. Finally, we work on the fur areas on all surfaces of the illustration with a burgundy pencil to achieve a red tint.

10. We completely paint over the dog’s large nose, as well as small pupils. To create a clear outline of the drawing, you should work on each line.

This way we’ll get a finished drawing of a dog that will give you a good mood for the whole next year.

How to draw a dog easily and beautifully

Necessary materials:

- eraser;
- pencils and a sheet of paper.

Stages of drawing a dog:

1. Draw the head of a pet in the form of an oval. From the left side of the circle, we begin to draw a spiral to the right side to get the body and tail of the dog. Twist the tip.

2. Add two pairs of paws to the spiral using sketchy simple lines, and also add small ears in the upper part of the circle.

3. We slightly adjust the contour of the pet’s body and head, because we need to show the fur. To do this, erase the lines a little and draw hairs in their place.

4. We detail the legs: both front and back.

5. Then you can take enough time to draw the eyes, nose and mouth with a tongue. The dog's face should be kind and cheerful. Let's add a few lines of fur on the surface of the body and move on to coloring the picture.

6. We completely paint over the areas of the body and head. Let's leave only the mouth, nose and eyes white.

7. Let's complement the yellow coat color with a brighter sunny shade. This is how volume begins to emerge in the dog’s drawing.

8. Now we will paint over the tongue with a red pencil and work a little on the shadow on the fur areas.

9. Use a black pencil to paint over the nose and pupils of the eyes. Next, we outline each line in the drawing in black.

10. A drawing of a cheerful dog with a New Year’s touch is ready to please everyone with the upcoming winter holidays, as well as a time of miracles, cheerful gatherings with friends, soulful evenings with family and receiving gifts.

How to draw a puppy with colored pencils

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of paper (it is best to take half-cardboard);
- pencils and eraser.

Steps to drawing a puppy in a cup:

1. The small size puppy will be placed in a beautiful cup. Therefore, the first thing you should do is draw it. We place the object just below the center so that we can then add the body and face of the dog to the drawing. Draw elongated ovals at the base of the cup and its upper part. We connect the sides and get a beautiful silhouette. Let's add a small handle on the right side. For the cup you should also draw a small saucer. We draw it using ovals. We connect the edges and then remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser.

2. Place the puppy in a large cup. To do this, draw the head in the form of a circle, and then draw the front part of the muzzle. From the sides of the pet's head, draw two arched lines to outline the body. Add two tiny circles to the top of the cup to create legs.

3. Draw in detail the dog’s face, where there will be beautiful three-dimensional eyes, a large nose and a small mouth. We will also add a contour line for a different coat color. Let's finish drawing the puppy's head when we add beautiful hanging ears on the sides.

4. Draw the dog’s body and legs in detail to get a natural drawing of your beloved pet.

5. Choose your favorite color for the cup. It is advisable to choose a bright shade. For example, red, which is often found in New Year's illustrations. Use a pencil to paint over the entire silhouette of the cup along with the handle and saucer. Create a uniform color on each of the elements.

6. Use a brown pencil to paint over the ears, paws, body and a small part of the muzzle.

7. Add a burgundy pencil with a brown note to the drawing to get a honey-colored coat in all areas of the illustration.

8. Paint over the remaining areas of the fur with a black charcoal pencil. We also create a nose and eyes for them. Create highlights in the eyes with a yellow pencil. Finally, we work out each line with a dark pencil.

So a New Year’s drawing of a dog gradually appeared on a white sheet of paper. Such an original illustration, where a cute puppy sits in a cup, will delight everyone in the coming year.

Beautiful dog in pencil step by step

Necessary materials:

- pencils (HB and colored);
- eraser;
- paper.

Stages of drawing a dog:

1. To draw the head and front part of the body, we use simple geometric shapes - ovals. Let's draw them with a simple pencil, overlaying the contour on top of each other.

3. Now we finish drawing the tail in the background of the picture and the hanging ears.

4. We deform the outline of the dog’s head and begin to draw in detail the body, where in the drawing we have the paws, tail and chest with the neck. Let's add some strokes to draw the fur.

5. Move on to the dog’s face, where we draw the nose and mouth. We outline the outline of the ears in detail.

6. Add the eyes and folds of fur around them. We clarify the general outline of the drawing and move on to coloring.

7. For the base coat color we use a yellow pencil with a sandy tint. We completely cover the drawing with it, only leaving the eyes and nose untouched.

8. To create a beautiful shade of fur, use a brown pencil. Apply neat strokes to the shadow parts.

9. Finally, take a dark brown and black pencil. We paint over the shadow areas, and only then we can create the outline of all the details of the drawing. We also paint over the nose and eyes with a black pencil.

10. So we get a finished drawing of a dog for the New Year 2018 as a symbol.

But look,

How to draw a dog for children step by step with a simple pencil? Take this simple lesson on how to draw a cute dog with your child and decorate the drawing with beautiful bright colors! The lesson may seem difficult, but it is not. The main thing is to carefully monitor each stage of drawing.

How to draw a dog for kids

First draw an oval, just above the middle of the sheet. Let's start drawing the dog from its face.

At the second stage, you should work a little more. You will need to draw the dog's head and ears. How to do it? Look carefully at the drawing of the second stage of the lesson.

At the next stage you need to draw two legs of the animal. The paws below will be slightly thicker. You also need to draw three lines on each paw separating the dog’s toes.

In the lesson how to draw a dog for kids pencil, we just have to work on the animal’s face. You need to draw the eyes, nose, eyebrows, and draw a smile.

Let's start drawing the muzzle with the eyes - draw the eyes in the shape of an oval, leaving white circles in the middle. Above the eyes, draw one curved line.

Did you like drawing a dog using this lesson? Color your drawing with bright colors and draw some more!

A dog is the most devoted creature in the world, sharing both joy and misfortune with humans. The cute little puppy immediately becomes part of the family. Every owner sooner or later wants to draw his pet. It’s great if your artistic skills allow you to do this without difficulty. But what if you haven’t done this before today? Or another situation: your child at school was given an assignment to portray a dog. The schoolboy is confused. Who else, if not his parents, will have to teach him. Many schemes have been developed for children on how to draw a dog, but with parents it will be much easier to complete the task.

Draw a cartoon dog

Children who cannot draw should start mastering this science with simple drawings. Cartoon puppies are so cute and kind that your child will definitely love this activity. All we need is an album or a sheet of thick paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. If desired, the drawing can be made in color. Whether you use colored pencils or watercolors depends on your skill level. So, let's learn how to draw a dog from a cartoon. There should be no difficulties - each element of the future drawing is depicted as much as possible, with a dose of imagination.

Detailing of the fur, sensual intelligent eyes and claws on the paws is not needed. Sharp or rounded triangle ears, a round nose, tail, paws and a long tongue - this is quite enough for others to be able to recognize what is depicted on the paper.

At first, a young artist who is learning how to learn to draw a dog needs to remember the main thing - the emotions and essence of the image. For example, this cute bulldog is not angry at all, but rather stupid, which is why he looks so funny.

And these kind dogs from Disney cartoons exude playfulness and enthusiasm.

Over time, the child, as they say, will get better at it, and it will be possible to start drawing more complex objects.

Drawing a realistic dog

If you have mastered the lesson on how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step, it’s time to try to draw a realistic animal. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed whose representative you are going to draw, and master the concept of proportions. A dog is a rather complex animal to depict, so let’s start with a simplified diagram that will tell you how to draw a dog with a pencil.

To draw an Icelandic Shepherd, you will have to learn to draw some details that cartoon dogs did not have - fur, more realistic eyes, paws. By following the diagram below you will easily draw this animal.

A drawing diagram of a representative of the Basset Hound breed will help you work on drawing up the correct proportions.

And this courageous Rottweiler will help you practice with full-face drawings of a dog.

Drawing a lying dog is a separate topic. Try to imitate this cute schnauzer.

Remember, fine art is a complex but feasible science. It is, of course, stupid to deny the importance of innate talent, but anyone can learn to draw. The main thing is regular training. Never create psychological blocks for yourself or your child: forget about the existence of such phrases as “I’m not made for drawing,” “I can’t do it,” and about hands growing from the wrong place.

To help a young artist

Today there is a sufficient amount of different literature that describes in detail drawing techniques for beginners. One simple pencil and a sheet of paper is all you need to create a stunningly realistic drawing of a dog. Pay attention to the following books: W. Halbinger “Drawing Dogs”, W. Foster “Drawing Dogs”, D. Brown “How to Learn to Draw a Dog”.

Hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion step by step. For those who don’t know, minions are such cute and funny characters from the animated trilogy “Despicable Me”. They are all yellow, look like the packaging of a chocolate egg toy, speak their own language and all the time find themselves in interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, a gangly man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, can imagine what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use a simple pencil to correct the drawing if necessary. Take a sheet of paper, preferably a landscape one.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically; if you plan to draw several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - some are luckier and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellow belly, which sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we draw two identical circles, around which we make an edging. The edging will serve as glasses in the future. The result is an eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, whoever decides to draw a one-eyed Cyclops can do it twice as fast!

At the next stage, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the body, it will be tall, short or normal, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Certainly! But I decided to make mine handsome and gave him these rare curls. You can depict the hair on your head in a different way, for example, draw a thick bunch from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, don’t forget to draw the glasses strap. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words just pants with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I’ll draw the very straps that hold the pants on. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

Almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss the latest news with his brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I love to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Next we will draw the hands, one raised up, the other down. Yours may be different, both up, both down, you can even portray a one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks; a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, let's complete the overalls with the obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and draw the hands, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What's missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's it, the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, to ensure that the impressions from today’s lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or markers and color the picture, as I did. Our minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.