Why dream of trying on a crown. What does it mean to see a Crown in a dream in the Eastern Dream Book? Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

Seeing a crown in a dream means that in reality you will have a great temptation. If the crown you see is gold or silver, expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one; if it is covered with flowers, you will spend joyful hours alone with him.

Wearing a crown on your head means wealth, honor, glory. Seeing someone else with a crown on their head means you are in danger of losing property in real life.

A dream in which you put a crown on someone's head is a sign of upcoming changes in your life. There is a chance that you will travel far or make new interesting acquaintances.

If you are just observing the coronation ceremony from the side, then such a dream promises you a close acquaintance with quite famous people.

For a young girl, such an acquaintance can even turn into matchmaking.

If in a dream you are awarded some kind of honorary crown, this is a sign of prudence and moderate happiness for you. If this event is not solemn enough, crumpled and chaotic, it means that upcoming or planned entertainment may turn into trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Crown

A dream about a crown promises the favor of the powers that be and noticeable elevation in the eyes of the world. If in a dream you see yourself wearing a crown, then no matter how strange it may seem, do not expect honors. Everything will be the other way around: your unworthy behavior will lead to you losing your former authority. If in a dream you give your crown to someone with your own hands, it means. You will achieve a very high and independent position in society.

Interpretation of dreams from

Since ancient times, the tiara has been a symbol of power and might. This attitude continues in the modern world. Often a crown can be seen in a dream. But what does such a dream mean?

The crown is included in the dream book with a positive meaning. As in real life, a tiara in a dream is a sign of wealth, powerful patronage, the dreamer’s high position in society, as well as receiving information from non-standard sources.

For a man, a dream about her portends rapid advancement up the career ladder, for a woman - a strong family, for a girl - marriage in the near future. However, the crown is not only powers, but also responsibilities associated with leading people.

A wide variety

In general, the crown appears in dreams as a positive symbol. However, the detailed interpretation of this symbol depends on what material it was made from. Let's see what the crown means in dreams:

  • A diamond tiara seen in a dream foretells a high appreciation of your merits by those around you and recognition of your authority by your colleagues.
  • Inlaid - you will find a high-ranking patron, as a result of which your position in society will increase.
  • Do you see a paper or toy crown in your dream? You may not yet have universal recognition, but your family and friends appreciate and love you. But isn't this the most important thing?
  • Gold or silver - the dreamer will receive an unexpected pleasant surprise from a loved one. It is possible to win the case in court. Wooden is a symbol of internal balance and peace of mind.
  • I dreamed of a crown entwined - to a fun time in good company. According to some dream books, such a dream foreshadows an imminent meeting with your betrothed.
  • Ice - the usual way of life will soon change, you may have to give up some habits. A long trip or even a change of residence is likely. But all this will be for the good.
  • Seeing a crown in the form of a ring in a dream means a happy family life.
  • Did you dream about a wreath? For people of creative professions, such a dream promises recognition and fame, for representatives of other professions - a sudden gift of fate.

I give you a ladder, and you give me a crown

Trying on a crown means you have extensive plans for the future. Putting it on yourself means relationships with people will be long-term, both business and personal.

Feeling proud from wearing a crown and looking down on everyone - in life you can lose the respect of colleagues or acquaintances. Don't be arrogant and remember that there are no limits to perfection.

Seeing it on your head and being surprised by it is a sudden pleasant surprise that will brighten up your daily routine. Someone placed a crown on your head - this means that you will soon get results from your previously invested efforts.

Feeling the crown on your head means good luck and success will accompany you, you will not need anything. Seeing a crown on another person means that after much work, you are finally closer to solving a difficult problem; there is only one step left. To overcome it, you can seek advice.

Making the crown yourself - you can rely on only one person for everything - yourself, and you will definitely succeed. Putting it on someone means you will have influential friends. The crown fell from another person’s head - someone’s opinion of you will change dramatically for the better, and you will be able to establish friendly or business relations with someone.

Why do you dream about the crown that you wanted to get in a dream? Such a dream means an indefatigable desire for the intended goal. Find her - make a profitable purchase, a deal. Steal - you will enjoy the fruits of other people's labors.

Giving it away in a dream means you will achieve an independent position in your social circle. Receive a crown as a gift - receive a present in reality. Break or damage the tiara - expect changes for the better. Throw it away - what led you into temptation will no longer torment you.

To attend a coronation means you are dissatisfied with your current social circle. Fill your life with something new: a non-standard activity will allow you to make new acquaintances and diversify your daily routine. Also, such a dream may foreshadow the patronage of the powers that be. For a girl who has such a dream, a successful period begins in terms of starting a family.

Dreaming of your own coronation predicts success in all endeavors. The ceremony took place with interference and inconsistencies - you will have to work hard to achieve success. The tiara disappeared in front of her - to an unexpected event that will greatly surprise you. Crowning your wife means satisfaction in your personal life. Crowning a husband means a strong marriage in love and health.

Dreams about royalty and attributes of power may reflect the dreamer's inner experiences. Due to the fact that the life of real royalty passes under the lenses of cameras, our subconscious perceives them as an object to follow. Therefore, their appearance in one of the dreams may be a response of the subconscious to a person’s experiences, fears, or, conversely, to his aspirations.

If in a dream you ended up in a country where the form of government is a monarchy, or even moved to a monarchy in the past, then this means that you want to continue your development in your chosen field and improve your professional level.

This interpretation is given by dream books in response to the question of why the crown is dreamed of. For a more accurate prediction, you can open dream book articles that interpret other details of the dream. Author: Olga Lupandina

  • Primary elements - wood, earth, water.
    Elements - wind, humidity, cold.
    Emotions - anger, thoughtfulness, fear.
    Organs - liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, stomach, kidneys, bladder.
    Planets - Jupiter, Venus, Mercury.
    A headdress in the history of mankind is no less symbolic than a bowl. The royal crown, the crown, on the one hand, is a symbol of the highest information of heaven, on the other hand, the precious crown of the sovereign can at any moment turn into the crown of thorns of the martyr: one has to prove one’s exclusivity at the cost that life demands. The human head - a resemblance to the earth, the celestial sphere, or some celestial body - philosophers solved this question differently at different times. They always tried to not only protect the head, but with a headdress they indicated nationality, profession, even character. A huge number of customs around the world are associated with hats. Unfortunately, a general interpretation based on the shape of a hat in a dream is impossible: the same shapes mean different things to different nations. The interpretation of the shape of the headdress, despite the richness of images and subjects, comes down to a few suitable for any tradition. Put on/take off a hat/cap, other headgear; your own hat or someone else’s - the hat (yang-top and Sky), the head (yin-bottom and Earth) is a semblance of the celestial sphere worn on the Earth. Meridians passing through the head: the stomach meridian, the gall and bladder meridians, the meridians of the three heaters and the posteromedial one. Wearing someone else's headdress in a dream means trying it on, or putting it on first, and then discovering that it is someone else's. A headdress in a dream is always an external symbol of the owner’s inner content: his way of thinking, strength or weakness. Wearing someone else's headdress in a dream means adopting someone else's train of thought, falling under the influence of the one to whom the headdress belongs. Otherwise, this is called initiation - a mental direction to a certain course of action, a change from one rhythm of energy movement to another. Initiation is a positive change in rhythm to one more suitable for some big task. A negative option for initiation would be the evil eye. Lately there has been a buzzword
    programming: supposedly neutral, neither evil nor good, putting certain information into the head. But this does not happen: according to the laws of nature, all information for its bearer either brings good or evil. The difference between initiation and programming is that initiation is voluntary, conscious and done for a known and desired purpose by the one being initiated. Initiation is a responsible and mutually binding action for both parties. Programming is soulless, irresponsible and close to the evil eye. Based on the above, the dreamer independently thinks whose headdress he is wearing and what can be expected from it. In this version of the dream there are some details of the plot that are interpreted equally for everyone. Deliberately trying on someone else's headdress in a dream means being initiated or consciously falling under another influence. Putting on/trying on an unknown headdress means that either its owner will soon appear on the horizon of life, or the headdress is simply a symbol of new information, a new business, a new way of thinking. A headdress in a dream is old/new or dirty/clean - in reality this could be an accident, but in a dream everything is symbolic. An old shabby hat, an outdated, disturbing way of thinking, if it is also dirty, this is completely unfavorable. An old clean hat or a new hat is a worldview that is adequate to reality. Finding someone's hat in a dream means finding information, perhaps continuing someone's business, taking someone else's place. Losing your hat/searching and not finding it means losing your information, your way of thinking, which is possible with an initial unclear idea of ​​the goal and a dislike for thinking about the meaning of life. Changing hats in a dream means fraternizing, being responsible for each other with your head. Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which a headdress with a clearly defined professional and ethical purpose appears. Trying on a professional headdress in a dream means trying on a profession, looking closely at professional information, and the same means trying on professional clothes. Trying on/wearing in a dream a headdress that has powerful symbolism (crown, cardinal's, papal caps, a priest's cap of a certain denomination, and so on) - dream
    means searching for some information in the distant past that connects all people and obtaining it. The same means putting on sacred clothing such as a royal robe, a cardinal's vestment, and so on. Strong information forces the recipient to live at his own pace, so the consequence of sleep can be a sharp change in habits, behavior, character with his likes and dislikes. One thing can be said here with certainty: such dreams do not happen to just anyone by chance. Wearing a headdress with powerful symbolism is one of the options for a big dream, directly related to a state of health, not connected and emanating more from Heaven than from Earth.

The crown can be worn both literally and figuratively. Previously, this decoration was a mandatory attribute of all royalty, but now, of all the dynasties, only the Queen of England remains, and if she wears a crown, it is extremely rare.

Brides and graduates often decorate their hair with a tiara. But why do you dream about the crown? The main meanings of this attribute of power:

  • Fame, success, wealth.
  • Increased public opinion.
  • Reliability, protection.

However, it is important to take into account what material it is made of, what the condition of the tiara is and its appearance. Therefore, remember the details and read what it means to see a crown in a dream.

Who is the carrier

First, pay attention to the wearer of the crown: if it was you, then expect success and fulfillment of desires. When the crown was on the head of another person in a dream, you are dissatisfied with your circle of friends or with one of them.

Some dream books believe that the diadem could not have been dreamed of as an improvement in the dreamer’s social position. Influential people will become more favorable to you and, perhaps, will open up new prospects for you, after which you yourself will become more authoritative in the eyes of others.

Putting a crown on someone means receiving important advice or help from others. Receive it in quality - expect an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise. Also, if you look in the dream book, the crown can predict a change in the dreamer’s usual course of life. Especially when you had to measure it yourself. These can be changes of any kind: long trips, new acquaintances, giving up bad habits, etc.

If you dreamed of a crown on the head of your relative or just an acquaintance, it means that success and career growth await them, and you will be happy for their achievements. But this image can also promise an expensive acquisition, a valuable purchase. In addition, a dream in which the crown was on the dreamer’s head can be a symbol of big plans and lofty goals set by him.

If you did not wear, but simply wanted to have your own symbol of power, then most likely you are striving to get rid of burdensome problems and worries, to gain some freedom and a number of opportunities that allow you to throw off the burden of troubles. But when the dreamer voluntarily gives this attribute of power to another person, it means that he has already achieved the desired heights both in his career and in society and is now ready to help others by any means: morally, financially, physically, with connections and advice.

What is it made of, who dreamed about it

A gold crown promises pleasant surprises on the part of your “other half”; a silver one has the same meaning. Why do you dream of an inlaid tiara? This image says the following: all your work and efforts will not be in vain, but will be noticed and appreciated. it also speaks of honor among influential people and strengthening your position in society.

But when the dreamed attribute of power was built from, it is worth holding off on the planned event or transaction. There is a possibility of disruption to your plans. A tiara, decorated with a huge amount, promises a romantic date and a pleasant time spent with your beloved “other half.”

When she dreams of a girl, she will soon get married or receive a marriage proposal, and her chosen one will be very authoritative and will be able to provide her with a comfortable existence. Another meaning for the female sex is strengthening marriage ties with a loved one, eternal love.

But there is also an opinion that for a woman to try on a crown in a dream means to pay too much attention to external data and not care about internal fullness. When someone puts a tiara on her, the dreamer will gain some authority among her friends.

For a family woman, as the dream book explains, a tiara worn on her head may indicate excessive control over her household, talk to them about it. Well, why do men dream about the crown? These are excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors in the team, as well as possible career growth - and all this in the near future!

The symbol of royal power evokes positive emotions. Seeing a tiara in a dream, a person feels uplifted, energized, and hopes for the best. What do interpreters say about this? Deciphering what the crown means in dreams, many experience involuntary surprise. The image has several meanings, some of which are completely unexpected.

General cultural associations

Subconsciously, the crown is associated with a significant position, a high position, and great social weight. Power, might, the ability to subjugate one’s will - such qualities form the person of a monarch.

The tiara is both a public sign and a deeply personal item. Only kings or kings are allowed to hold it in their hands, much less wear it on their heads. The duality of the symbol is visible in the interpretations of the dream. As the dream book says, crown is not always a sign of good, positive events. It may portend disappointment. To understand the true meaning, you need to remember the details of the dream. But first, analyze the events of real life.

Possible real prerequisites

Despite the popularity and recognition of the image, it rarely appears in dreams. Sometimes the impetus for the formation of a plot is events, news that happened in objective reality: incidents associated with leadership positions, world rulers. The subconscious creates such dreams, trying to calm anxiety and internal experiences of the individual. Another possible reason: trepidation, fear of superiors, the desire to serve a superior, to prove oneself. Does the dreamer think he is underestimated? Quite expectedly, a crown comes in a dream.

General meaning

The main meaning of the seen attribute of power is patronage, prosperity, strengthening the status of the dream observer. Tiara is a positive sign, promising good things and news. Sometimes a crown in a dream means success and quick profit. Another common meaning is a long journey that brings great emotions and new friends.

Storyline options

To fully reveal the meaning of the subliminal message, remember the smallest details of the dream. Each turn concretizes the interpretation, clarifying the essence. Analyze the dream, rely on your own hunch. Main lines:

  • The dreamer wears a royal crown on his head;
  • Represents a sign of royalty on another person;
  • A tiara falls off someone;
  • The dream watcher holds it in his hands;
  • Present at the royal wedding ceremony;
  • Lost or broke a precious piece of jewelry;
  • It is the dreamer who is crowned.

There are many options for interpreting the symbol. The subconscious gives some clues right away. Remember with what feelings you woke up. They will guide you to the correct decoding.

Feeling after waking up

Any negative emotion indicates the bad consequences of a dreamed royal crown. On a subconscious level, a person feels: something unpleasant is happening or will happen, connected with management, a mentor, an older family member. Perhaps negative changes are coming in the workplace, a scandal is brewing with a significant person. Subconsciously, such experiences are transformed into a “crown” image that carries unpleasant emotions.

A state of joy, inspiration, and happy anticipation promises a positive course of affairs in reality. Perhaps you will get a promotion, strengthen your own position, and achieve what you want. Rely on your feelings, listen to your inner world - understanding of the dream will definitely come.

Interpretation based on the details of the dream

Based on the general symbolic meaning and emotions after awakening, one can already understand the meaning of the dream. Details will only help clarify the message and clarify some important points.


Remember what the dreamed crown was made of. Diamond - colleagues admire your bright head, appreciate you for your intelligence, respect you for your spiritual qualities. Pearl - expect the imminent appearance of an important mentor who will strengthen your authority and help you climb higher up the career ladder.

A paper or toy tiara placed on the head says: the dreamer has not yet achieved the desired status. Colleagues do not take the dream observer seriously. However, relatives love, appreciate, respect.

Gold and silver promise a surprise, good news from a loved one. If you have to sue someone, the decision will be made in your favor.

A wooden crown means peace of mind. The dreamer is in harmony with himself and does not experience internal worries or anxieties.

Is the tiara decorated with flowers? You will have a great rest in good, cheerful company. For lonely people, such a dream promises a quick meeting with their lover.

Icy - get ready to change your place of residence. Events will occur that will turn the usual course 180 degrees.

Actions with a crown

If the crown was on the dreamer’s head in a dream, expect career advancement. Anyone who tries on the tiara can prepare for career advancement. Wanting to get it, but finding yourself without a crown is a symbol of a real desire for the desired goal. A found royal attribute promises a profitable acquisition, while a stolen one promises a great loss or disappointment. If the hero of a dream becomes a thief, it means that in reality you are enjoying the fruits of other people’s efforts.

When figuring out why you dream of a crown on your head, in your hands, as a separate object, appreciate the nuances of the dream. Rely on your own intuition, projecting it onto the proposed interpretations.