The year of birth of Nadezhda Matveeva. Exclusive

At first, the girl was content with the role of homemaker. Nadya was raising her son, and also managed to receive a second higher education - economics. But the desire to build a career never left her, and soon the girl began looking for work.

Having not found decent vacancies in the field of engineering and economics, Nadezhda decided to try her hand at journalism. This is how her journey in the world of media business began.

Nadezhda managed to work as a chief editor of a newspaper, presenter of original programs on TV and a DJ on the radio. In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB. It was this project that brought her fame and mega-popularity.

For 5 years, Nadya was the host of a women's television magazine. In the studio-apartment, she received expert guests who shared useful tips and solved important issues. For many women, Nadezhda became the main adviser and assistant in life, because every program viewers learned something new and solved pressing problems.

In the new format of the project, she takes on the role of an expert on self-realization, the main critic who always argues with fellow presenters and finds weak points in any discussions. It is impossible to deceive or confuse her: Nadya is reasonable, wise and ironic.

What else will surprise your favorite TV presenter? Find out in the new season!

Watch the premiere of the updated show format


October 09

12:53 2017

Nadezhda Matveeva is a shining example of what a modern woman should be. She is successful and independent, bright and smart, sociable and cheerful, and most importantly, she is a true professional in journalism and is always aimed at self-improvement.

Nadezhda Matveeva - constant presenter of the TV magazine "Everything will be fine" and programs “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB channel, beloved by millions of Ukrainians. She also lives an active public life and enjoys communicating with fans on social networks.


Hope(real name Lyudmila) Matveeva was born on November 15, 1968 in Kerch and fell in love with this cozy town and the warm Black Sea all my life. Little Luda was a diligent student and graduated from school with a gold medal. Even at that time, the girl had big plans and significant ambitions, but it was not possible to realize them in a small town. Therefore, Nadezhda went to study as an engineer at the Moscow Energy Institute.

Capital life completely captured the young provincial girl, but even before completing her studies, she met her first husband. Matveeva followed him to Kremenchug, where he had work. From this marriage, Nadezhda is raising a 20-year-old son, Vladislav.

There Nadezhda continued her education in a completely different direction at the Kremenchug University of Economics, Information Technologies and Management. At first, she was content with the role of a homemaker and an office worker, but she never became an engineer or an economist, and work in her specialty was difficult in a small town.

It was then that the girl remembered what she does best - talk and be the center of attention. She got a job as a radio DJ and began working as a presenter on a regional TV channel in Kremenchug. Nadezhda then worked as a newspaper editor in the city of Cherkassy, ​​and then moved to Kyiv, where she began working for "Russian Radio". In journalism, Nadezhda felt like a fish in water and her career was rapidly going uphill.

In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show "Everything will be fine" on STB, after which she turned from a good editor and presenter into a real TV star. From the first issues of the popular women's television magazine, Nadezhda Matveeva became one of the most recognizable presenters on Ukrainian TV. She knows how to present any information in a captivating way, and communicates with experts and guests of the program easily and naturally. As a result, Nadezhda Matveeva has become a real adviser for a whole generation of women who do not want to be content with the role of ordinary housewives. From episode to issue of the show "Everything will be fine" on STB, the presenter asks the program's experts about how to simultaneously be a beautiful wife and a caring mother, achieve success at work and remain a good housewife, as well as maintain true independence and the ability to learn something new about yourself and the world around you every new day. Through her own example, she inspires women to move forward and become better every day.

Having decided to achieve even greater heights in her career, Nadezhda Matveeva became the host of the show “Everything will be delicious!” and project judge "The fight of extrasensories" on STB. Despite all her workload, she does not forget about her first media hobby - hosting morning broadcasts on the radio.

“My main hobby is work. Plunging into it headlong, I get so many impressions that it’s enough for several lifetimes. Friends even joke that I have more information in my head than in an encyclopedia.”

But even in her free time from work, the woman amazes with her activity and irrepressible energy. She plays sports, relaxes in the sauna, goes to the cinema, cooks something delicious, and also spends time with her friends and son Vladislav.

Personal life

Nadezhda was married twice. She met her first husband at the university when she was studying in Moscow, and from this marriage her beloved son Vladislav was born:

“When I got married for the first time, I was sure that it would be until old age and death. My husband was a real man, but sometimes I didn’t understand him. For example, he left with friends for another job and was away from home for more than a month. And then I accidentally met him on the street when I was walking with my child. It turns out that he returned, but did not immediately go home to see us, and was also deciding some matters at work. Then I was very outraged. Although now I understand that one can argue in different ways. However, thanks to my first husband, I began working in radio. He heard about an ad for presenters at a local GM station and advised me to go. I didn’t even think that I could work there. I went and it worked..."

It was on the radio that the future television star met her second husband:

“Because of this, one might say, we divorced our first husband. After all, on the radio I met a man whom I soon married. And again for a good person - talented, smart, decent. When trouble happened to his first wife, my husband rushed to the rescue of her and his son. For almost three years he was torn between two families, so as not to offend anyone. But, of course, I still felt offended. It was difficult to survive this time. We separated eleven years later, when I moved to Kyiv to work at Russian Ya Radio.”

Now Nadezhda Matveeva prefers not to talk about her personal life and fans still don’t know whether her heart is free now.

Nadezhda Matveeva periodically appears in public with her son Vladislav, of whom she is very proud and rejoices at their mutual understanding:

“Vladislav doesn’t like it when I talk about him, but the wishes of people, especially those most loved, must be taken into account. Therefore, I will not go into lyrical details. My son graduated from a technical university and lives separately. Works as a promoter for a home appliance company. She cooks, cleans, does laundry, and takes care of the cat on her own. He practices boxing and learns to drive a car. In men he respects intelligence and strength, in women - the ability to look attractive and communicate interestingly. I completely trust my son and feel his support.”

  • Real name is Lyudmila. Having moved from Kremenchug to Kyiv, Matveeva changed her name, hoping that it would help her cope with the difficulties in the new place. According to the TV presenter, with the name Nadezhda, changes came into her life, and she herself changed - she became more decisive and confident that “all good things will definitely happen.”

    “I think the strength to believe in this is in my name Nadezhda”, shared Matveeva.

  • Favorite actor: George Clooney.
  • Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.
  • Matveeva loves cats.
  • As a child, she dreamed of being a ballerina.
  • Nadezhda is afraid of heights.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of “Liza,” we want to celebrate those who inspire and inspire our readers, who have become role models. This is how the idea for the project came about "Women who inspire us!"

If you like Nadezhda Matveeva, you can vote for her in our project!

Photo: Facebook of Nadezhda Matveeva

Nadezhda Matveeva told who she is rooting for on “MasterChef”

Popular presenter Nadezhda Matveeva starred in a tender photo shoot

How Nadezhda Matveeva takes care of herself

Every day Nadezhda Matveeva invites famous people to her studio to reveal a new side to them for the audience. Viva!, in turn, tried to find out 10 interesting facts about the popular TV presenter.

1. Failed ballerina.“My childhood clubs started with failure - I wasn’t accepted into ballet. Or rather, I went to class a little, and then the teacher asked my mother to take me from the studio so that I would not suffer. Then I went to folk dancing, and danced for seven years. Along the way, I visited the pool, then tennis. There they hit me on the head with a racket, I figured out what would happen next and decided to go to basketball. There were cutting and sewing courses, a theater club...”

2. Nadezhda Matveeva is afraid of heights.“When I first went out onto the 14th floor balcony, I grabbed the railing and was afraid to move - my head began to spin, and my voice became thin and trembling. Although I’m not afraid to fly on an airplane, I’m afraid to even think about jumping with a parachute, I’m not ready yet.”

3. As a child, I wanted to be like Margarita Terekhova in the role of Milady from the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.”“Her way of speaking and her gorgeous curls seemed irresistible to me. Later I learned how the actress had to “mock” her hair in order to achieve such an effect. Since then, I have come to appreciate my natural curls even more. They are, of course, not as luxurious as those of the movie Milady, but I like them.”

4. At school I sewed underpants for dad.“I know how to sew and knit and theoretically love to do it. But the whole question is in time. To succeed, you need to fully concentrate, delve into the process and its subtleties, and pay attention to every detail. And I am focused on the details of another - television - process. In high school, I made almost all my own clothes, even my prom outfit. Dad is a family panty, forgive me for being frank. Then for my son - undershirts and shirts. And I rarely knitted, because my mother is an unsurpassed master in this matter!”

5. Breaks dishes.“When I’m angry, I don’t hit. But I have periods when I accidentally break plates or cups. This happened periodically, I finally tried to figure out why this was happening?! And I came to the conclusion that I act this way in a situation that seems hopeless to me. When I lived with my first husband’s parents, I broke dishes so often that it was even embarrassing. At that time, it seemed to me that we would never live separately, and internally, apparently, I resisted this. It’s good that my mother-in-law was a wise and kind woman and forgave me.”

6. Admires doctors.“As a newborn, I suffered from lobar pneumonia, finding myself on the brink of life and death. The young doctor, still completely inexperienced, literally looked after me, despite the sad prognosis. A doctor from God, low bow to him and endless gratitude.”

7. Impatient.“I can’t stand it very well when at the checkout in a supermarket someone leisurely puts away the purchased product, not paying attention to the queue lined up behind it. Perhaps I put myself in these situations to learn patience. I even convince myself: “Imagine that this person bought a dozen more goods, and at this time the cashier punches the receipt... Don’t watch him sleep near the cash register, think about the good... Nadya, you’re not in a hurry, you’re just standing there in the store, enjoying the opportunity to buy everything you need..."

8. Nadezhda Matveeva loves cats.“Our family has cats and pets. My son made this choice, and we fully supported him. When we were children, we had a dog, a hedgehog, fish, a hamster, a guinea pig, and a talking jackdaw. At different times, of course."

9. Favorite actor - .“He’s just handsome, talented and smart. Over the years, he becomes more and more beautiful, and I, as a woman, cannot be indifferent to him. Moreover, if suddenly, by some miracle, we ended up in the same room, my plan would be to quickly escape from there! Firstly, in his presence I wouldn’t have been able to put two words together, and he’s probably already tired of such fans. And secondly, I would not be able to adequately perceive a man whom I consider so wonderful, and I would be terribly upset if he was not ideal. I’m almost serious when I say this.”

10. Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.“And not only in them, but also in different predictions. Only I understand that they may not come true due to circumstances. Therefore, I focus on the positive aspects of the horoscope and act in this direction. And then - how it goes. If it doesn’t come true, it’s not the horoscope’s fault.”

09:33 23.01.2015

In yesterday’s episode of the program “Everything Will Be Good,” TV presenter Nadezhda Matveeva admitted that she has been living and working under a pseudonym for several years. Having moved from Kremenchug to Kyiv, Matveeva changed her name, hoping that it would help her cope with the difficulties in the new place.

One day my mother told me a family story that I could not remember, although I was a participant in it. Even before I was six months old, I became very ill - lobar pneumonia at that time was an almost fatal diagnosis. In one of the hospitals where my mother and I were hospitalized, there was a doctor - a young man who so wanted to strengthen himself as a professional that he literally gave all his strength to save me, a little girl. And he succeeded. When this happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the grandmother said: “I should have called her Nadenka.” For several months my parents called me Nadyusha, but then they again began to call me by the name that was given at birth.

When my mother reminded me of this situation, I had an epiphany: if I was able then, still small, without understanding anything, to overcome such a terrible problem and continue to live, maybe this name - Nadya - will help me again do something that I could not do without I can’t make this name? And when I arrived in Kyiv, I began to call myself Nadya. And all the people who met me in this city know me as Nadezhda. And according to my passport, I’m Lyudmila.

According to the TV presenter, with the name Nadezhda, changes came into her life, and she herself changed - she became more decisive and confident that “all good things will definitely happen.” “I think the strength to believe in this is in my name Nadezhda,” Matveeva shared.

Nadezhda Matveeva is a shining example of what a modern woman should be. She is successful and independent, bright and smart, sociable and cheerful, and most importantly, she is a true professional in journalism and is always aimed at self-improvement.

Nadezhda Matveeva is the constant presenter of the TV magazine “Everything will be good” and the program “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB channel, beloved by millions of Ukrainians. She also lives an active public life and enjoys communicating with fans on social networks.


Nadezhda (real name Lyudmila) Matveeva was born on November 15, 1968 in Kerch and fell in love with this cozy town and the warm Black Sea all her life. Little Luda was a diligent student and graduated from school with a gold medal. Even at that time, the girl had big plans and significant ambitions, but it was not possible to realize them in a small town. Therefore, Nadezhda went to study as an engineer at the Moscow Energy Institute.

Capital life completely captured the young provincial girl, but even before completing her studies, she met her first husband. Matveeva followed him to Kremenchug, where he had work. From this marriage, Nadezhda is raising a 20-year-old son, Vladislav.

There Nadezhda continued her education in a completely different direction at the Kremenchug University of Economics, Information Technologies and Management. At first, she was content with the role of a homemaker and an office worker, but she never became an engineer or an economist, and work in her specialty was difficult in a small town.

It was then that the girl remembered what she does best - talk and be the center of attention. She got a job as a radio DJ and began working as a presenter on a regional TV channel in Kremenchug. Then Nadezhda worked as a newspaper editor in the city of Cherkassy, ​​and then moved to Kyiv, where she began working at Russian Radio. In journalism, Nadezhda felt like a fish in water and her career was rapidly going uphill.

In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB, after which she turned from a good editor and presenter into a real TV star. From the first issues of the popular women's television magazine, Nadezhda Matveeva became one of the most recognizable presenters on Ukrainian TV. She knows how to present any information in a captivating way, and communicates with experts and guests of the program easily and naturally. As a result, Nadezhda Matveeva has become a real adviser for a whole generation of women who do not want to be content with the role of ordinary housewives. From episode to episode of the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB, the host asks the show’s experts about how to simultaneously be a beautiful wife and a caring mother, achieve success at work and remain a good housewife, as well as maintain true independence and the ability to learn about yourself every new day and the world around us, something new. Through her own example, she inspires women to move forward and become better every day.

Deciding to achieve even greater heights in her career, Nadezhda Matveeva became the host of the show “Everything will be delicious!” and a judge of the “Battle of Psychics” project on STB. Despite all her workload, she does not forget about her first media hobby - hosting morning broadcasts on the radio.

“My main hobby is work. Plunging into it headlong, I get so many impressions that it’s enough for several lifetimes. Friends even joke that I have more information in my head than in an encyclopedia.”

But even in her free time from work, the woman amazes with her activity and irrepressible energy. She plays sports, relaxes in the sauna, goes to the cinema, cooks something delicious, and also spends time with her friends and son Vladislav.

Personal life

Nadezhda was married twice. She met her first husband at the university when she was studying in Moscow, and from this marriage her beloved son Vladislav was born:

“When I got married for the first time, I was sure that it would be until old age and death. My husband was a real man, but sometimes I didn’t understand him. For example, he left with friends for another job and was away from home for more than a month. And then I accidentally met him on the street when I was walking with my child. It turns out that he returned, but did not immediately go home to see us, and was also deciding some matters at work. Then I was very outraged. Although now I understand that one can argue in different ways. However, thanks to my first husband, I began working in radio. He heard about an ad for presenters at a local GM station and advised me to go. I didn’t even think that I could work there. I went and it worked..."

It was on the radio that the future television star met her second husband:

“Because of this, one might say, we divorced our first husband. After all, on the radio I met a man whom I soon married. And again for a good person - talented, smart, decent. When trouble happened to his first wife, my husband rushed to the rescue of her and his son. For almost three years he was torn between two families, so as not to offend anyone. But, of course, I still felt offended. It was difficult to survive this time. We separated eleven years later, when I moved to Kyiv to work at Russian Ya Radio.”

Now Nadezhda Matveeva prefers not to talk about her personal life and fans still don’t know whether her heart is free now.

Nadezhda Matveeva periodically appears in public with her son Vladislav, of whom she is very proud and rejoices at their mutual understanding:

“Vladislav doesn’t like it when I talk about him, but the wishes of people, especially those most loved, must be taken into account. Therefore, I will not go into lyrical details. My son graduated from a technical university and lives separately. Works as a promoter for a home appliance company. She cooks, cleans, does laundry, and takes care of the cat on her own. He practices boxing and learns to drive a car. In men he respects intelligence and strength, in women - the ability to look attractive and communicate interestingly. I completely trust my son and feel his support.”

Interesting Facts

  • Real name is Lyudmila. Having moved from Kremenchug to Kyiv, Matveeva changed her name, hoping that it would help her cope with the difficulties in the new place. According to the TV presenter, with the name Nadezhda, changes came into her life, and she herself changed - she became more decisive and confident that “all good things will definitely happen.”

    “I think the strength to believe in this is in my name Nadezhda,” Matveeva shared.

  • Favorite actor: George Clooney.
  • Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.
  • Matveeva loves cats.
  • As a child, she dreamed of being a ballerina.
  • Nadezhda is afraid of heights.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of “Liza,” we want to celebrate those who inspire and inspire our readers, who have become role models. This is how the idea of ​​the project “Women who inspire us!” came about.

If you like Nadezhda Matveeva, you can vote for her in our project!

Nadezhda Matveeva told who she is rooting for on “MasterChef”

Popular presenter Nadezhda Matveeva starred in a tender photo shoot

How Nadezhda Matveeva takes care of herself