Sasha Cherno last house 2. Alexandra Cherno now

Age: 26 years old

City: Sergiev Posad

Height: 181 cm Weight: 140 kg

862 days on project

Alexandra Cherno came to the project with Roman Baranchuk. The girl weighs 130 kg and has a height of 183 cm. The girl is not at all shy about the fact that she is the owner of very curvy figures, so she was easily able to dance in front of the group near the pole, despite the laughter of her colleagues on the show. At the same time, Sasha has said more than once that she is not going to stick to diets and torture herself with physical exercise.

In Moscow, Alexandra worked in an insurance agency, but did not work there for long, deciding to go to the House 2 project. Sasha admits that she had a relationship before joining the reality show. She lived with a young man in a civil marriage and was even going down the aisle. But within three days of the solemn event, the would-be bride changed her mind and ran away. According to Alexandra, the guy was boring, greedy, and communication with him ceased to be enjoyable.

Having joined the ranks of participants in the reality show, Sasha and Roman were moved into a separate room so that the guys could begin to get to know each other better. Despite the pressure and desire to create a strong couple, the girl was never able to impress the intelligent guy, who categorically refused to build a relationship with the new participant.

A new contender for her heart has come to Sasha - . The guys tried to build a relationship for a long time, but problems constantly arose, the couple came together and diverged more than once, sorting things out. Joseph criticized Sasha every day. When the girl was sent to the Seychelles, Joseph did not fly with her. He promised that he would be there later, but he kept putting off leaving. However, later the guys became a couple.

On June 15, Sasha Cherno finally received a marriage proposal from her beloved Joseph Oganesyan. During the recording of the next evening broadcast of the show, Joseph put on a tuxedo, a bow tie, picked up a bouquet and presented Black with an engagement ring. True, before the wedding the couple managed to quarrel several more times. So, Cherno accused Oganesyan of not wanting to have children with her, but then she herself stated that she was not sure whether she was ready to have a child. Sasha admitted that she was afraid to be left alone with the baby in her arms. According to Cherno, Joseph still continues to flirt with other girls, so she doubts whether she wants children from him or not.

In 2018, the girl and Joseph participated in the “Wedding for a Million” competition. Despite all the criticism and negativity from viewers and subscribers, Joseph and Sasha still got married on December 22, 2018. The wedding ceremony took place in the capital's Vernadsky registry office. The girl took her husband’s surname - Oganesyan.

49 years old

q Capricorn

Completely different young people appear on the Dom-2 television project. And even weight is not important in such a matter as love. This is what Alexandra Cherno thought, who came purposefully to, having heard about his love for ladies of a magnificent physique. No one argues that Sasha is a very interesting conversationalist and a kind-hearted person, but many have doubts that she will be able to find love on the project, because her heavy weight may not play the best role in finding a soul mate.
Alexandra arrived on the talk show, then she didn’t have time to tell almost anything about herself, but, to be honest, there wasn’t much to tell. Biography of Alexandra Cherno very meager. The girl was born and lived in a small town Sergiev Posad. After graduating from school, I did not go to university. The girl also did not engage in sports, it is easy to guess this, seeing her “appetizing” forms. Sasha was a fan of House-2, and so she decided to come to the TV project.
From the very first minute of being on the set, the girl showed herself to be a very confident lady, which surprised the team. Even Cherno’s excess weight did not instill in her any complexes; she admitted that there was excess in her figure, but did not consider it critical. That’s probably why she came to Baranchuk. The guy had special feelings for ladies with curves, but even for him it was too much. He decided to refuse the new fan, and the hosts, taking the initiative into their own hands, moved the couple into a room without the right to move out, but this did not help the development of the relationship. Roman’s sympathy never arose, and the girl was already starting to get boring. It seemed that he began to get used to her, when another young man appeared on the project and expressed sympathy for Alexandra. Now it’s the girl’s turn to fight off her obsessive admirer. She admitted that she was not used to attention from men and always sought it herself, and the current situation took her out of her comfort zone.
The team did not believe in the sincerity of the new guy, just like Sasha. Joseph was quite handsome, with a thin build. No one imagined them together; visually the young people did not suit each other. Many accused Oganesyan of self-interest, allegedly using Sasha as a ticket of entry. But the guy did not give up and won the trust of the lady and the team. Alexandra slowly began to take steps towards Joseph. At some point, Roman even showed jealousy, but he tried to carefully hide it.
After a short courtship, Alexandra ended up in bed with Oganesyan and the couple decided to try a relationship. This time Joseph found himself under the strict control of Cherno, the girl turned out to be very jealous. To test this couple, the presenters sent them to Love Island, where the young people managed to confess their love to each other. Sasha decided to change for the sake of her boyfriend and is trying to lose weight.
At the moment, Joseph is alone on the island, since, by the decision of the audience, Alexandra was sent to Moscow. The distance did not affect the couple's relationship in any way and they are still together.

Among television viewers, the reality show “DOM-2” is usually considered a kind of doll’s house: after all, almost all the participants there, as if by choice, are young, beautiful, ambitious, as if they had just stepped off the catwalks or covers of glossy magazines. However, from time to time, truly extraordinary personalities apply for the project, who hardly fit into this whole utopian idyll - and she has become just such a “black sheep.” However, it would not be very appropriate to compare this young lady with a graceful soaring bird. Of course, the girl weighs neither more nor less, 130 kilograms, and even her relatively large height of 185 centimeters does not save her one bit. People often say that there must be many good people - but this can only be said about Cherno conditionally, and even then, with a huge stretch. She is persistent to such an extent that her persistence borders on persistence and intrusiveness, and her manners leave much to be desired.

Looking at Sasha, you might think that this is a seasoned auntie about forty years old, but this is just a delusion - a girl born March 16, 1993, and only on the eve of her visit to the city of love she celebrated her 24th birthday. Not many facts are known from her biography, but Cherno still talked about something: immediately after school, she gave preference to self-education, instead of continuing her studies at the university. In addition, she was in a relationship with a young man for a long time, and was even ready to get married - but at the last moment she changed her mind, and in the best traditions of Hollywood films, she ran away from her groom, considering that he was not suitable for the role of her life partner. This lady can really be compared to an actress, at least in terms of showiness and the ability to present herself in public - she is not lacking in these talents. But her appearance repels many prominent gentlemen from her - Alexandra herself understands this very well, and declares her intention to soon put herself in order, getting rid of tens of kilograms of excess weight, growing her hair and completely changing her image.

For now, these are just words - during the month of participation, Cherno did not change a bit: this applies not only to external data, since she continued to almost forcibly keep him close to her, imposing her company on him. At night, the insidious young lady even engaged in almost violent acts, harassing Roma, but he remained adamant, continuing to reject the person unpleasant to him again and again. Sasha was already beginning to think that she was doomed to loneliness - especially since a much prettier woman came to Baranchuk - but happiness also knocked on her door in the form of a newcomer with the unusual name Joseph, who announced his intention to build a relationship with her. However, she reacted to such a proposal without any enthusiasm, and even with caution - the girl thought that they wanted to use her as a ticket to a television production.

Sasha Cherno is one of the most prominent participants in the Dom-2 television project. Despite her curvy figure, the girl is very sweet and charming. Sasha fell in love with the audience for her irrepressible energy and charisma. Every day she wins the hearts of new fans. In the article we will get acquainted with interesting facts from Alexandra’s life and find out how her relationships are shaping up today.

Biography of Sasha Cherno before the project

Sasha Cherno (real name Chernyavskaya) was born on March 16, 1993 in the Moscow region in the village of Mishutino, which is located in the Sergiev Posad district.

Sasha is a simple girl who grew up in an ordinary family and studied at a comprehensive school. Since childhood, Alexandra had a cheerful, open disposition. She got along easily with people and had many friends. But the girl’s relationship with her mother was not easy, because Sasha was born when she was only fifteen years old. The girl’s father turned 20 at that time. The parents lived together for about a year and separated.

There were three more children in the family; there was always not enough money to support them. Mom was brought to justice more than once for fraud. From the age of five, the child was raised by his grandmother.

Sasha, quite by accident, while still a schoolgirl, met her dad and began to communicate with him. The father helped his daughter in every possible way: both financially and morally.

Moving to Moscow

Sasha studied poorly. After graduating from school, she decided not to pursue higher education. In search of a better life, she moved to Moscow. In the capital, Alexandra got a job at an insurance agency. It was during this period of her biography that Sasha Cherno began to gain extra pounds. In childhood and adolescence, the girl was not overweight.

In Sasha’s personal life, everything also went as usual. Alexandra lived with a young man named Vladislav, they were even preparing for their wedding. But everything changed in the biography of Sasha Cherno three days before the planned event. She doubted the correctness of the decision, and the wedding did not take place.

Soon the girl met another guy who lived in Volgograd. The relationship lasted several months, after which the young people broke up. The chosen one betrayed Alexandra. When the young man found out about Cherno’s pregnancy, he left her and turned his attention to another chosen one. This act of her lover made Sasha be careful with men; she decided that from now on she would live only for herself.

The dark past of Sasha Cherno

As it turned out, in Alexandra’s biography before “House-2” not everything is as smooth as it seems. The girl still has grudges against her family. She still hates her mother. There are also communication problems with my grandmother.

There was a moment when Sasha quarreled with her and went to live with her dad, but she did not find understanding there either. The girl constantly quarreled with her father's wife, and because of this she ran away from home. Sasha found herself in bad company and acquired bad habits. The father tried to influence his daughter, as a result of which the relationship between them deteriorated.

It is also known that fraud flourished in the insurance agency where Alexandra worked. One of the incidents came to light and Sasha began to receive threats.

In addition, the girl received loans from banks, which she is now repaying. Their total amount is about two million rubles.

Participation in a popular TV show

Sasha Cherno has been a fan of the Dom-2 program for a long time. Left without a relationship, she thought about participating in this project. The girl, not believing in success, nevertheless submitted an application to the casting service of the TV show. Luck smiled at her, and on March 22, 2017, Sasha Cherno became a participant in Dom-2.

Alexandra’s arrival on the project was very bright: she danced a fiery dance for Roman Baranchuk, a participant in whose direction the girl expressed sympathy. The young man did not appreciate these efforts and refused to build a relationship.

Soon, a fan appeared in Sasha Cherno’s biography. It was Joseph Oganesyan who came to her. To the young man’s advances, Sasha responded that she was not used to attention from men. As it turned out, for a girl, a more comfortable situation is when she herself seeks reciprocity from the object of her sympathy.

Joseph and Alexandra were so visually unsuitable for each other that no one from the team believed in the guy’s sincerity. The young man did not pay attention to negative statements and gradually gained Sasha’s favor.

Alexandra Cherno today

Over time, the girl reciprocated Joseph's feelings. Now the young people are together. Yes, not everything is simple in a couple. Parents on both sides are unhappy with their children's choices. And Sasha does not completely trust Joseph, being very jealous of his other girls. Scandals often happen. The young man initially criticized his lover’s appearance. In response to Joseph's comments, Alexandra tries to change.

Sasha took part in the Reboot program, but it did not bring any tangible results. The girl's weight decreased slightly. At the same time, there is a positive trend: Sasha began to dress more femininely, changed the color and length of her hair, which suits her very well. The girl knows how to present herself effectively.

Sasha plans to change her appearance through plastic surgery, but Joseph does not support her in this decision.

Today, in the biography of Sasha Cherno on “House-2” there is mutual love; not so long ago Joseph proposed to her.

Sasha Cherno was kicked out of House 2 because, in order to close them, she started begging for money from fans! This is exactly the information that appeared on the Internet yesterday and quickly spread across neighborhood sites and groups.

Many were overjoyed, because this would have been a very pleasant gift for the Old New Year from the management of the television production for the viewers of House 2, but the joy was premature, and the news turned out to be just a “duck”. Sasha Cherno hastened to refute these gossips and reassured everyone who was very worried and even began to mourn her departure. The girl is not going to leave anywhere and shlok understands her perfectly. At the moment, and don’t throw rotten tomatoes at me, these are not fictions, but real statistics. Why Sasha Cherno was framed and kicked out of the house 2 is not difficult to guess. For the same reason, Ilya Yabbarov buried and resurrected himself at one time. The question is different -

Are they growing another “brand” at House 2?

Every day Alexandra is more and more blown away by her own importance in the life of house 2. Judging by yesterday’s broadcast on, she really believes that she is an alpha female and all men want her. Cherno no longer has the slightest doubt that Misha Vyrsky is crazy about her, and what she did yesterday with Alexei Kudryashov is simply beyond the pale... Are they growing another “brand” on their own?

Participant name: Alexandra Chernyavskaya

Age (birthday): 16.03.1993

City: Sergiev Posad

Family: married

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Read with this article:

Sasha Cherno was born on March 16, 1993 in the city of Sergiev Posad. The girl studied in a simple school, but refused to enter a higher educational institution, choosing a more interesting path for development.

Sasha has long been a fan of the popular television project Dom-2, which she was forced to go on by the lack of relationships with the opposite sex. On March 23, 2017, the bright brunette showed herself in all her beauty.

At one of the shows in city apartments, Sasha danced a fiery dance in a swimsuit for her chosen one -.

Joining the ranks of reality show participants, Sasha and Roman were placed in a separate room so that the guys can begin to get to know each other better.

Despite the pressure and desire to create a strong couple, the girl was never able to impress the intelligent guy, who categorically refused to build a relationship with the new participant.

Colorful Sasha is not ashamed of her curvy figure. The girl admitted that she was once slimmer, and even blonde.

Now the participant is ready for changes, Sasha wants to take care not only of her appearance in order to become slim and beautiful, but also to get rid of the phobias that torment her. As it turns out, behind her bold appearance hides a vulnerable girl who is almost afraid of her own shadow.

On the project, Sasha is the life of the party, the girl actively takes part in various skits and competitions. The desire to stand out does not go unnoticed; Sasha often performs at an acting school, where she never ceases to be praised.

Not long ago, the brunette spoke about her past relationships. It turns out that Sasha lived in a civil marriage and even agreed to marry her chosen one, but three days before the wedding she changed her mind and ran away. According to the girl, the young man was very stingy and boring.

Sasha tried to win over Roman, the girl is sure that she has no equal and that soon the indestructible wall will move and an interesting couple will form, for which she herself is rooting.

But Roman was against their couple and the guys were never able to build a relationship. A new contender for her heart came to Sasha - . The guys tried to build a relationship for a long time, but problems constantly arose. Joseph criticized Sasha every day.

When the girl was sent to the Seychelles, Joseph did not fly with her. He promised that he would be there later, but he kept putting off leaving. However, later the guys became a couple. In 2018, the girl and Joseph participated in the “Wedding for a Million” competition. You can learn more about the relationship between the couple Joseph and Sasha.

Despite all the criticism and negativity from viewers and subscribers, Joseph and Sasha still got married in December 2018.

Photo by Sasha

Sasha posts photos with reality show participants and has fun on the project.