Why Caucasians are a privileged class in Russia, but Russians are not - Lessons in tolerance. Why do Caucasians love Russian women?

This was in the early 2000s. I then worked in a Ural village as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

I lived in the apartment of a local geography teacher, who had long since retired, and was also disabled. He was a talkative, interesting guy - from such a special rural intelligentsia, the representatives of which are no longer in sight. One day we were talking in the kitchen, and I asked him:

Listen, Nikolai Vitalievich! I noticed that in the 9th and 10th grades of our school there are quite a lot of guys with surnames like Mamedov and Aliev... Where are they from here - in the Ural outback?

Cough, cough,” the former teacher grinned, “the sins of the youth of local girls.”

In what sense? - I ask, already guessing something.

And in this one! This was during perestroika times. One day a team of young guys from Azerbaijan came to our collective farm to build a pigsty. Why them? Why from Azerbaijan? Couldn't ours have built it? I don't know about this. But they only stayed in our village for the whole summer. And the guys are hot! During the day - work. What to do in the evenings? They began to court local girls. This and that, moonlit walks, passionate declarations of love, hot Caucasian blood... In short, many Manki and Lyubkas could not resist the Mameds and Nazyrs back then!..

Got pregnant?

Otherwise! Ten pieces, no less. We gave birth in the regional center - all in one month! But only those Azerbaijanis had mercy on the girls, and then went back to their Caucasus.

And you didn't get married?

No. However, all children are registered with Azerbaijani surnames. The fathers themselves insisted on this.

But at the same time they left the girls and children?

Hm. And why do Caucasians love Russian women? - I say thoughtfully.

But I know the answer to this question,” Nikolai Vitalievich smiles. - In Soviet times, I traveled around the country quite a lot with the kids. I’ve also been to Georgia once. Of course, Georgians are not Azerbaijanis, but they love Russian girls as much as all Caucasians. I noticed that the Georgian men strictly watched their girls, and did not even allow them to talk to the Russian guys. Even if you just go up to meet a girl on the street, a completely unknown Georgian will immediately run up to you and almost get into a fight. But the Georgians themselves!.. Cough, cough... They never passed by Russian girls! They really liked them! This is their double philosophy: they say, don’t touch our girls, but give us yours to bed with us.

So why do they love our people?

But I once asked a Georgian about this, with whom we stopped for the night. I explain the situation: so, they say, so. Why do you stick to our women? And he looked around, saw that his wife was not nearby and said: “Because our women are cold. And yours are wow hot! They drink all the juices out of us in bed. But we are happy about it!”

Is this a compliment or not?

How to say, how to say... Basically, from their point of view, this means that our women are whores. Sorry for being blunt.

It turns out like this.

It turns out that way, yes...

To the question Why are Caucasians so aggressive and hot-tempered? given by the author Neuropathologist the best answer is In the Caucasus, all controversial issues are resolved by force. Someone killed someone, the elder must take revenge. There are tapes. If you don’t take revenge, it means you’re weak. Tape is losing respect. This is not beneficial for Tape. Tape says, go and take revenge. And he goes, whether he wants to or not. More children, stronger family. There's no escape there. Everything must be done according to the law. Blood feud occurs quietly and honestly - the one who committed the blood feud does not hide, but publicly says that he avenged a relative. For example, my child will cry and be torn, but if my father is nearby, I have no right to take him in my arms - only the mother, I cannot show feelings. You see, in our world the opinions of others are very important, and you can’t do anything about it. You must behave as expected, otherwise your family’s reputation will suffer, people will talk badly about your father, your voice in the tape will mean less, and therefore less chance of help and protection. All life depends on it.
In Russia they think: they are bloodthirsty there, they kill each other. But a person takes revenge not only because he wants to. He can't help but take revenge. For example, I don’t want to kill anyone, but if my brother was killed, I am obliged to take revenge - the whole family is waiting for this, the whole teip. I have to do this to maintain order, balance. Therefore, every murder here is followed by at least one more. A month ago there was a shootout in Pliev - militants fired at a police car, killing one, Akhmed Isakov. They began to catch up with them and also killed one, Ali Tsaroev. So, it turned out that both of them had brothers who died less than a year ago. For Isakov he worked in the police, for Tsaroev, apparently, he was a militant. Ahmed and Ali went to take revenge. It’s very simple: if a policeman dies, his brother is told: “You know, there is always a place for you, come, work, take revenge.” If you come to the militants and say that your brother has died, they will also give you a machine gun. During the year, their families buried two sons each.
This is an archaic mountain consciousness that does not allow one to forgive in pretend, and takes one’s breath away from the abyss that separates us.
What is the logic of what is happening? My friends in Ingushetia are right: there is none. In the sense that the bloody mess is not the result of someone’s policy, but the spontaneous interaction of large armed groups. And this is the worst thing.
There are Russian security forces - a temporary group of troops, the FSB, the GRU, and mobile units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Formally, they are subordinate to someone there in Moscow, but in reality it is a separate world that emerged during the Chechen wars, with its own customs, culture, and mechanism of action. People come and go, but the group remains. She has her own way of existing, interacting with the world - this is war. Security forces live in barracks and go out on operations. They don’t care about the local population, in general it is their enemy, the local government is zero.
On the other hand, there are militants. They have the same condition of existence - war, they need it, they produce it. They also don’t care about the population; their funding also comes from outside. Both of them intimidate people, kill those who dare to be ideologically close to the enemy. These are the main warring forces. They cannot defeat each other, and in reality no one sets such a task.
There are various other groups.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why are Caucasians so aggressive and hot-tempered?

Answer from Vasyatko[guru]
They're idiots because...

Answer from Give advice[guru]
While the smart guy was undressing, the fool crossed the river...

Answer from Yorgey Neimirko[guru]
Their blood is “hot”, genetically.

Answer from Good neighborliness[guru]
the sun hits me in the head =))

Answer from Yergey Petrov[expert]
Banditry is their most important virtue!

Answer from Natalie[guru]
you don’t need to interfere with the Caucasians with your regulations, even if they kill each other on their territory, but in Russia they need to be put in their place, not allowing their mouths to open, their impudence is only with those who allow it, alone they are cowards

Answer from User deleted[master]
Caucasians did not have serfdom. The harsh life in the mountains strengthened character from generation to generation. I do not agree that Russians are calmer and slower. It's just that many Russians are more fearful. Most people fear their superiors more than they fear Satan.

Answer from Sator[guru]
Russians are more lazy, until they realize that they need to lose their temper - there is no need anymore.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
We haven't received a fucking hit for a long time!

Answer from *LiS*[guru]
long to describe. . put "Marat, Friend of the People" as the best answer. He's right.

Answer from Andrey Andreev[guru]
Caucasian temper is more of a myth, if you hit the horns well, they become very quiet, have mercy on your mother, I swear I won’t do it again

Answer from Yom...[guru]
I don’t want to offend, but this is how it is - Animal instincts, survival of the fittest, (Animals).

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Caucasians do not allow themselves to be humiliated. For example, blood feud: you don’t want to offend or mock someone again when you know that not only you, but also your entire family will pay for it. And to the Russian: “look it in the eye, he’ll say it’s God’s dew.” I agree that Caucasians need to be put in their place and not allowed to behave like masters in Russia.

Answer from ALEX Klavdii[guru]
Drunk Russians are worse than an entire village of these Caucasians, since only when you are drunk can you defend your honor and dignity, your courage until the first blow to the skull, and when you are sober, you only get it.

Answer from Kate[guru]
they are arrogant, that's for sure, aggressive, that's for sure. It depends on their upbringing; they see the meaning of life in struggle, in overcoming obstacles. In addition, every mother tells her children every day - you are the best, but strangers do not notice this best, so anger is in full swing. In short, education. just for fun, here it is

Answer from Lobster[guru]
Why are Caucasians so aggressive and hot-tempered?
Because the Caucasus was conquered but her empire was not conquered either
want to Russify. If Russia is taken over by the Chinese
and try to Sinicize you (Russians will appear in Maskva
children who understand only Chinese) you will be like that too.

Answer from DAVARO DAVARO[newbie]

Answer from XXx[expert]
Caucasians live according to some of their own medieval laws and customs in the 21st century. It’s the same as now taking spear sticks, dressing in skins and running. According to their customs, they have revenge; almost someone looked at them wrongly or made a remark and they are ready to kill, since supposedly this is a very strong unacceptable insult for them! Then I have a question for them: what if you were cut for every wrong word or for looking at someone wrong, because you are far from ideally behaving towards others, what would you say? Revenge is not the answer. Because revenge begets revenge, evil begets evil! And there is a constant cycle. You can’t behave the way your ancestors behaved 200 years ago, since evolution proceeds and man must develop, our ancestors didn’t understand a lot of things, didn’t know a lot of things, did a lot of things wrong! And because of this, you have stopped your development and are behaving the way people behaved 200 years ago, repeating their mistakes.

Answer from Marie Night[expert]
because they weren’t far from the macaques.

Speaking about the national psychology of Caucasians, about the peculiarities of their psyche, only the lazy, perhaps, do not mention their supposedly extraordinary “militancy,” rage, courage, despair, “animal instinct,” etc. They themselves actively strive to maintain a similar image in our society, so that the Russians would not have any thoughts about the possibility of resisting the invaders - the image of these berserkers, infinitely warlike and cruel, not feeling pain, not knowing fear and not knowing pity. Unlike, of course, from us, cowardly and intimidated in life. Here, for example, is the most typical reasoning on this matter: “What do you think is the main reason for Russia’s defeat in the Chechen War? Of course, many of them can be named, these reasons are political, economic, social, and some others. But I will name one single reason, which is quite enough. In Russia, they begin to instill in a person almost from the cradle: you are no one, you are nothing, at best you are just a cog in the machine, and at worst you are just an empty place. And what are our proverbs worth, like “Don’t sit in your own sleigh”, “Every cricket knows its own nest”, etc. and so on.! I am convinced that the Chechen people do not and cannot have such proverbs. In the Caucasus, almost from the cradle, a boy is taught: you are a man, you are a warrior, you cannot be afraid, you should not cry, let girls cry, you are fearless, you are invincible... From the age of two or three, they are constantly introduced into the child’s consciousness similar installations. Therefore, it is almost impossible to defeat such a people. You can only exterminate him to the last warrior. But as long as this warrior is alive, he will fight.” (Vadim Shlakhter)

It would be good if only representatives of the “progressive” nationality had such an opinion, one would not expect anything else from them, since a significant part of Russians perceive a similar attitude! And Russian proverbs are always selected accordingly in order to “prove” our supposed natural laziness, cowardice, passivity, meanness and the like, and thereby program our social consciousness for further self-destruction. After all, Mr. Schlachter did not remember such proverbs as “Die from your land - and do not leave”, “Die yourself - but help your comrade”, and many others similar. And then, if we are such a lousy people, then how can we explain all our military victories - from the campaigns of Svyatoslav Igorevich to the defeat of Nazi Germany? How can we explain that a nation of cowards and nonentities created and defended for a millennium the largest state in the world? The Jews, of course, have no answers to this question and cannot have them. By the way, to the question that, as Mr. Schlachter put it, “at best you are just a cog in the machine, and at worst you are just an empty place.” The only reason the Russian people have worked miracles in history is because Russian people are distinguished by their high ability to interact. Why did the Chechens - “a proud nation of warriors” - achieve nothing, why didn’t they create a state, didn’t create an empire, since they are such brave warriors, why can they only destroy? And they don’t fight that well, more simply instilling fear in the enemy with their savage cruelty. Because each of the proud, by and large, is always on his own. Each of the proud men does not recognize command, shuns menial work, “unworthy of a real man,” and strives to act alone in battle. When such an army of proud people meets a truly serious force, it crumbles to smithereens. Our army, welded together by the invisible bonds of duty, honor and camaraderie, defeated any enemy - subject to skillful command, of course. The Chechen bastard would have won, even in the first campaign, if not for the mediocre cowardly generals, the generous assistance to the Chechens from the anti-Russian “democratic” government, and from the entire world Judeo-community. And of course, if it weren’t for the severe spiritual crisis that crippled the entire society, and the army, as part of it.

The “bravery”, “rage” and “militancy” of the Caucasians is as much a myth as their “nobility”. It is known for what purpose this myth was created, but in practice we see either the “bravery” of idiots pumped up on drugs (it’s hard for Chechens to fight without drugs), or the “bravery” of scoundrels hiding behind hostages, or, most often, elementary intimidation and demoralization of the enemy through demonstrative cruel treatment with prisoners, and inhuman terror against “non-combatants”. Batu used this “know-how” against us, and the Chechens did not come up with anything new here. We survived Batu and his horde, and we will survive the Chechens too. You just need to know your enemy well. Therefore, let’s talk about something that was somehow not accepted to talk about until now: what is the psychological portrait of the “average” Caucasian, what type of psyche is more typical for Caucasians? Let's look at the problem from a “scientific” point of view, from the point of view of psychophysiology.

In search of an answer to these questions, you can, of course, study special literature: on medicine, psychology and psychiatry - the results of these studies and “natural” comparisons will be very interesting. Just imagine, I found an almost exhaustive psychological description of the “average” Caucasian in manuals and manuals for operational personnel of law enforcement agencies. Moreover, the psychology of the enemy interests us from the “practical” side, in the sense of determining his strengths and weaknesses, as well as developing techniques and methods to combat him. And what’s interesting: when speaking about the “psychophysiology of a potential enemy,” such literature does not at all mean the psychophysiology of a representative of a particular nation. For the security forces, as is known, “bandits and terrorists have neither nationality nor religion” (this, obviously, explains the failures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB in the fight against these same terrorists). By “enemy” there is meant, first of all, a criminal, no matter what nationality he may be, or (in wartime) a representative of the enemy’s agents, recruited from the “locals”, in his moral qualities - the same criminal. However, it is simply amazing how similar the psychological portrait of a special service operative’s “client” is to that of a typical representative of absolutely any of the “small but proud nations”! And they are also offended when, for example, the Chechens are called a criminal nation, and the Caucasus in general is called a gangster nest. However, judge for yourself.

Actually, this is the answer to the reason for the disproportionately large participation of Caucasians in crime, and in general for their antisocial behavior, which at the everyday level has long been expressed in formulas like “all Caucasians are crooks”, “all Caucasians are psychos”, as well as in the expressions “chocks” ", "Caucasian beast", "criminal nation" and many others. “A person of Caucasian nationality” for us is a synonym for the word “criminal,” since we are already tired of hearing such a phrase in crime reports. This point of view, however, is highly condemned by the so-called “human rights activists” and “liberals”, and is for them a manifestation of “Russian fascism”. Which, however, is quite understandable: among “human rights activists”, “liberals” and other “democratic” evil spirits, the proportion of psychokinesthetics and epileptoid psychopaths also goes beyond the critical level. Especially if you consider that in terms of national composition, the majority of the “democratic” camp consists of representatives of a nation very similar to the Caucasians in their life principles and attitudes.

And one more important point. I have already spoken about the imaginary “nobility” of the Caucasians, the mention of which usually makes any Russian person laugh through tears. Caucasians themselves are very fond of speculating on the topic of supposedly characteristic courage, honesty, decency, fidelity, devotion and other qualities that only they themselves notice in themselves. Naturally, implying that “Russian pigs” do not have these qualities, never have had them and, in principle, cannot have them. Like, only we, Chechens (Dagestanians, Ingush and others) sacredly honor our national traditions, are forever devoted to the interests of our clan, our people, are ready to give our lives for them, fight the enemy to the last drop of blood, etc., etc. etc. In fact, everything is much more prosaic: “...Despite belonging to various political and social groups (one could add “and national” - A.K.), in the end, psychokinesthetics always stand only for themselves. Only fear can force them to work for someone. Such people do not like to obey.” (A. A. Potapov.). This is much closer to the truth. Fear of revenge from one’s own people makes a Caucasian “faithful” to the interests of his teip and his pseudo-people. Fear, and an elementary corporate, predatory calculation: if you stick to your flock, the flock will help you. The flock will snatch a piece - and you will get it. The same fear makes him “brave” in battle, and when the “field commander” is killed and this fear disappears, mass surrender begins. Fear of blood feud makes a Caucasian “noble” and “decent” when he is in his homeland. Of course, he would have tried, for example, to rape, or at least simply insult a woman - someone’s wife, someone’s sister. He would try to steal something there. I would try to sell drugs in my native village... Only fear, and not “decency” unknown to Caucasians! Fear of an efficient police force makes him "law-abiding" when he is abroad. When he is found somewhere in central Russia, then this fear is completely absent (we have disbanded them after all, we have taught them not to be afraid!), and any “noble” Caucasian immediately turns into a beast: he kills, and rapes, and steals, and sells drugs. Here is the solution to the notorious “Caucasian nobility”.

Accepting fear as the only control tool in their own environment, Caucasians sincerely believe that there are no other control tools for any society at all, or they are all ineffective and do not deserve attention. Therefore, wherever they are, they certainly transfer their own worldview to the society where they are. As they say, they judge others solely by themselves, moreover, believing that there simply cannot be a society with a better structure than their own “bandnation”, and better management methods than those accepted in their environment (i.e. based on animal fear) also cannot be. That is, it is all other societies, in the eyes of the “average” Caucasian, and not his own, that are in the “Stone Age”. It is other peoples in his eyes who are “savages”, “sheep” and “chumps”, and not his people. Caucasians didn’t care about “tolerance,” internationalist consciousness, “equality of all before the law,” respect for other people’s customs and other values ​​accepted in modern society. For them, only fear matters, and the force that causes this fear in them. At the everyday level, this feature of theirs has long been noticed by Russian people and is expressed in the formula “Caucasians respect only strength.”

Accordingly, the place where they do not experience this fear and pressure on themselves is considered suitable for their expansion. Due to known circumstances, they considered the central regions of Russia to be such a place. In accordance with their worldview and vision of “historical processes”, in winning for themselves a “place in the sun” from the Russians in Russia, Caucasians strive “to the fullest” to use exactly that instrument of influence that they consider the only effective one - fear. Hence the “black terror” against the Russians, which, if you follow the logic of things, will intensify more and more as the number of Caucasian “diasporas” in Russia increases - according to the “Chechen” scenario. Hence the other Caucasian crime, which, according to the Caucasians themselves, also has a “useful” side effect - intimidating Russians and depriving them of the will to resist.

So, I think the “psychological portrait” of a typical Caucasian is described very clearly. We can also talk about the reasons for the predominance of psychokinesthetic and epileptoid-psychopathic personality types among the majority of the peoples of the Caucasus, although this is somewhat beyond the scope of this work. However, I will briefly dwell on them. In my opinion, these reasons are as follows.

1. The notorious “closeness to nature” of these ethnic groups, the extremely low level of their social, spiritual, moral and intellectual development, which follows from the “childhood”, from a historical point of view, age of these ethnic groups (their society is at the level of development of the tribal system ). Thus, the Chechens, according to some sources, formed as an ethnic group no earlier than the 14th century. This “childhood” is clearly manifested, in particular, in the infantile worldview of the Caucasian peoples (for example, in their desire for “freedom” at the expense of others, in the eternal search for those to blame for their troubles, in dislike for any order and any power), in the complete absence sense of responsibility. And children, as you know, must live in the “nursery” and must have severely limited rights, otherwise they will get into trouble... Which, in fact, is what is happening now.

2. The large role of violence in the life of these ethnic groups is a reason that logically follows from the first, as well as from the remoteness and isolation of the habitat of the Caucasian ethnic groups for thousands of years from more developed peoples.

3. A kind of “selection”: it is known that in the formation of these nations (for example, the Chechen one) the criminal element, the scum of other nations, outcasts who were rejected by more developed societies and found shelter in the high mountain villages, from where, in fact, and most of the current Caucasian peoples left.

In any extreme conditions, in particular, in the conditions of modern Russian chaos and anarchy, or, for example, in conditions of war (and we essentially have a war), psychokinesthetics and epileptoid psychopaths - i.e. types that are dominant, due to historical reasons, among mountain peoples, they have a certain “tactical” advantage over “normal” people, whose psychophysics is based on an intellectual, rational principle, and whose “animal instincts”, as unnecessary, have long been “mothballed” and dormant. Actually, soldiers at all times knew a simple truth: in battle you need to think less with your head and trust more in your instincts, natural reflexes and instincts. If you tried to comprehend any dangerous phenomenon, instead of acting “on autopilot”, using reflexes, it means you hesitated, and if you hesitated, it means you died. The lower your intellectual level, the more developed your natural feelings and instincts are, and the greater your chances of surviving. In war, intellectuals generally do not live long, except in headquarters, away from the front line. Our Russian reality is a continuous battle, a continuous war, a struggle for existence, for a “place in the sun”, in which we are still losing, for the reasons stated above. And for now, THEY are winning. Who do you think in Russia has a better chance of surviving and leaving offspring - a university graduate specializing in quantum mechanics and working at a research institute, or a Caucasian trader with three years of education? We read from A. A. Potapov, a veteran of the special services, who is well acquainted with the “specific” contingent: “These people (psychokineesthetics - A. K.) are active and energetic, have increased observation, insight and instant intelligence. They have their own, secret, primitive, but accurate knowledge of the nature of things, based on an innate intuitive understanding of the enemy’s weak points. Psychokinesthetics themselves do not consider this knowledge; this is their vital essence to which they are accustomed. They know this and feel this way. Their unmistakable innate fighting instincts are not in a dormant state, like those of intellectuals, but in everyday life they are triggered as necessary on the “here and now” principle. ... They are excellent at processing close and short-term goals that immediately involve them in the life work process (in our case, for example, “making money” quickly, without any far-reaching business projects that require painstaking development and financial investments - A.K.) . For them, close goals are familiar, understandable and therefore achievable. ... For such individuals, intuition works very well for “the vital dirt of human relationships (who are our most unsurpassed masters in bribery and blackmail? - A.K.).”

Andrey Kochetov

Caucasians, or as you called them, Caucasian people, is a general term. Still, most of the reproaches expressed by other commentators who have responded here apply to representatives of Chechnya and Dagestan.

The current dislike is a kind of self-sustaining process. Let me explain: society already has a stereotype about Caucasians; it is more or less fully described in other answers. Therefore, one way or another, regardless of what kind of person he is, this attitude applies to a newly arriving Chechen or Dagestani. Those, in turn, also have stereotypes about Russians. And the fact that most often Caucasians prefer to communicate with representatives of their people also does not help in overcoming stereotypes associated with nationality, but rather perpetuates them. Here it is appropriate to recall a social experiment conducted in the United States at a time when racial prejudices were still strong. Although the schools already had mixed classes, white children and African-American children stayed apart from each other and, of course, were full of stereotypes about children of other skin colors. Educational work (and in fact, just words about equality) gave a result close to zero. But when the children were divided into groups in which there were both white and black children, and each group was required to do a project, then in the process of collective work most of the stereotypes disappeared. This practice was introduced throughout the United States, and this greatly improved the situation. I think that as long as Caucasians primarily communicate only with representatives of their own people, this situation will continue. Those Dagestanis I know who have perfectly integrated into society do not limit their social circle only or predominantly to Dagestanis of their nationality (Laks, Avars, Tabasarans and others), and there is no negativity towards them.

Another important point: in communication there is a moment of misunderstanding of culture and psychology, and this is also true for both sides. This is especially noticeable when communicating with people who have been affected by the war in one way or another, and these are Chechnya and Dagestan. In order to understand how differently we think, I would like to recommend watching this interview with a Chechen:

Misunderstanding of culture and related psychology also leads to incorrect communication tactics in conflict situations. In general, if you see that a Caucasian is doing the wrong thing, you can recommend the following tactics:

1. Appeal to the memory of ancestors, clan or nation: I have seen more than once that after the words “Why are you disgracing your family?” the behavior of the Caucasian changed radically;

2. Tell about the act committed by a Caucasian man to a mullah in a mosque (here we need to exclude Armenians, Georgians and Ossetians who adhere to Orthodoxy, but there are usually fewer complaints against them). At the same time, it doesn’t matter what kind of mosque it is and whether you can accurately describe this Caucasian - they will still find him, since he casts a shadow on all believers, and they will conduct an educational conversation so that he will try not to repeat this again.

Severe mountaineers. Strongly developed physically. Hospitable and noble. But as soon as they leave the mountains and come to us, they instantly change - they grab knives, form gangs, in general - they behave completely differently from at home.

Of course, the Russians don’t like them after this, to put it mildly:

As in all cases, dissatisfaction comes from misunderstanding. In this post I will try to talk about the peculiarities of Caucasian upbringing and mentality. And I will recommend how to behave in order to avoid such incidents.

Since I myself am a Cat, albeit a Scientist, the animal world is closer to me than the human world. For this reason, I will occasionally resort to analogies. Not because I think people are beasts, but simply because it’s more convenient for me. No offense, okay?

So, let's start with the basics. Urban animals are divided into two types - pack animals and individualists. The pack ones are dogs and rats, and the individualists, naturally, are cats. At the same time, dogs, if necessary, easily divide the pack into prides: for example, most likely only their parents will drag puppies out of the fire, at least their own first.

In turn, city cats easily form prides and more complex cooperations. For example, if a woman feeds cats on a certain street, then the cats from this street form a pride cooperative so that the best pieces go to them and their families, and not to crooks from neighboring streets.

This behavior in pack animals is called adaptive internal aggression. This is roughly how the Caucasian community is built, from villages to capitals. There are prides led by alpha males - Caucasian elders. Their task is to protect their pride, but not with brute force, but by negotiating with other alpha males, creating clans and cementing them with blood ties, marrying off children from allied prides to each other. The death of an alpha male can lead to the disappearance of an entire dynasty, if it has blood avengers. This is why there is such respect for old people in the Caucasus.

In turn, the clans form the main pack, where in case of danger, each member of the pack will protect his pack and his alpha male. But as soon as there is a danger of an abyss, the pack breaks up into clans, those into prides, and within the pride again two brother wrestlers begin to knead each other’s sides, with the full approval of the alpha male. This is already internal aggression, and it has a completely different form than external one.

When there is a struggle within a pride, its goal is to find the strongest offspring to whom the alpha male will hand over the reins of power. In my opinion, it would be more logical to pass it on to the smartest person and instead of visiting the rocking chairs, send your children to play chess. However, smart offspring can only survive in pride cooperation, since in peacetime they will be destroyed by stupider and stronger offspring of warring clans.

Such internal fights are very noble. Because Caucasians are not animals after all, and there is a very real chance that when one of the wrestling brothers twists his ankle, the other will not finish him off, but will show nobility and thereby earn the approval of his alpha male: wow, what a noble man! This person can be trusted with our family!

But we should not forget that school animals are predatory and they still raise predators. Therefore, when it comes to skirmishes that have nothing to do with the alpha male’s assessment of the level of nobility, then anything comes into play - numerical superiority, weapons, dirty tricks, etc. In war, as they say, in war.

And the reason for such bloodthirstiness is that alpha males do not tolerate loser children who lose fights to the children of hostile clans. And if that same alpha male finds out, and he will definitely find out, he will beat the loser in the fight much harder than he got. And he may threaten to expel him from the pride. Thus, the culture of a predator is formed in children - to survive in a fight at any cost, otherwise the alpha male will simply kill them or kick them out of the pride, which in principle is equivalent.

Now do you understand why such noble Caucasians come to each other’s rescue, forgetting their feuds, and why they easily form flocks for numerical victory over the enemy?

Absolutely right! You are not part of their pack, which means you are an enemy or prey. We, cats, have a complete understanding with dogs - we firmly know that we are enemies, since the average dog is twice as large and stronger than the average cat. That’s why when dogs run at us, we climb trees and don’t try to fight back. Although if the dog is alone, and without a pack, then it is not yet known whose will take it.

In the case of relations between Russians and Caucasians, there is a complete misunderstanding of the behavior model. For example, if a city dog ​​tries to attack a wild jungle cat, this will be the last day of its life. This is why the jungle cat will have a completely different model of behavior - as an enemy, and not as prey. They will surround him and try to attack him in the most vile, dog-like manner, from behind.

When a Russian demonstrates the wrong model of behavior, he turns from prey to enemy. Let me remind you that Caucasians are not animals and they do not need to maim or kill their prey for food. Often this is simply instinctive behavior when the dog senses a weak cat and lazily barks, and the cat runs under the car and waits for the dog to go about its own dog business. A dog is too lazy to chase a cat, a cat is too lazy to climb a tree.

The enemy is a different time. With the enemy, all means are good. The enemy must be destroyed, preferably in a flock. And let there be representatives of a hostile clan in this flock - it doesn’t matter. In case of danger, they will always come to the rescue and people will always come to them. This can only be arranged for a showdown later. But not now, when the enemy threatens the pack!

How should Russians correctly demonstrate the model of victim behavior? More on this a little later, but for now let’s touch on such a nuance as Caucasian hospitality.

Imagine a dog pride in which a kitten was slipped to a nursing bitch. He has grown up and the pride sees him as a member. Now let's place this pride in a dog pack. Other dogs may try to show aggression, but will be met with intercessors who will fight for the kitten as if it were their own.

Approximately the same model works in the case of hospitality. If a Caucasian alpha male cannot provide shelter to his guest, then he will question his alpha status or, in the language of the mountaineers, he will lose respect.

This is why they give all the best to the guest in order to make him theirs. Much like how a bitch feeds a kitten. But as soon as the kitten moves away from its pride, it becomes a victim.

And in conclusion, a little advice on how to behave in a situation when you are forced to live next to a Caucasian. You should immediately understand that you will never become “one of us.”

Therefore, while he is alone, do not show any aggression, you still cannot defeat him, it is better to make ingratiating jokes, lend money and laugh at his jokes.

When there are several Caucasians, you are guaranteed to end up as prey - they will be able to snatch your phone and take your money. But you will not be maimed or killed.

Are you interested in why a Russian cannot defeat a Caucasian in a fair fight? Is it worth writing a separate post about this?

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