Merlin Kerro and Alexey Pokhabov joint investigation. Psychics are investigating - Marilyn Kerro and Alexey Pokhabov

Alexey Pokhabov was born in the city of Achinsk on November 28, 1983. No one in Alexei’s family had any special gift; no one practiced fortune telling or magic. Alexey himself today is actively involved in esotericism and lives in the capital. The psychic provides assistance to many people and teaches those who would like to learn how to manage their abilities and develop them. Alexey himself believes that many people have abilities. which they simply do not know how to develop in themselves. A psychic moved to Moscow to live after he received higher education and served in the army. Already in childhood, little Alexei had certain abilities, but he did not attach any importance to them.

Then, at the age of 6, it became clear to Alexey that he was capable of leaving for a while own body, then return to it again. Then the boy thought that he had only seen a dream. People around Alexei said that this does not happen, and it was difficult for him to believe what was happening to him. At the age of 19, Pokhabov had to endure a severe shock, his gift awakened. And this was preceded by a separation from my beloved, which was painful. Then Alexei managed to leave his body again. Friends did not understand Alexey when he told them everything. There was only ridicule from relatives and friends; people thought it was due to drugs or depression, but Alexey developed his gift. Alexey claims that developing your gift is very useful, just like playing sports, in which case you can work on both your body and your health. Pokhabov does not consider himself special at all; he is confident that everyone can work on themselves and become a psychic. There was a period in Pokhabov’s life when he studied at the school of Boris Mamonov, a famous psychic.

By education, Alexey is a lawyer, but he did not work in his specialty. Alexey sold Cell phones, worked at a radio station as a DJ. And after the Battle of Psychics project, in which Alexey won, he began to provide professional services as a psychic. Girls like Pokhabov, and rumors recently appeared on the Internet that he has already found his soul mate, although Alexey himself does not like to give interviews and talk about his life. Alexey is afraid of large-scale predictions; he does not make them. You all remember very well that Alexey Pokhabov won the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics. Before the clairvoyant came to the project, he watched all the seasons of the battle and tried to pass the tests while sitting in front of the TV screen. And Alexey came to the project just to check what he was capable of. At first, Novoselova was in the lead in the project, but then Pokhabov overtook her. Alexey received 64% of the audience votes.

The most popular TNT project, “Battles of Psychics” is not the only mystical show in which the best clairvoyants from all over the world show their talents. “Psychics Are Investigating” is a separate, but no less exciting project.

The strongest of the participants « Psychic battles » take part in real investigations, shedding light on sinister crimes and unexplained mysteries. Sometimes it is simply impossible to unravel a case without their help. Although many people have clairvoyance abilities, it is not so easy to reveal your inner gift.

In a programme « Psychics are investigating,” not only the winners of the “Battle of Psychics” appeared, but also the finalists who showed off their undeniable talents. In episode 10 of season 7, Marilyn Kerro will become such a participant. This Estonian witch took part in the “Battle” twice and took second place twice. But she received popular recognition as strong psychic, so the investigation with her participation will be exciting.

It is already known that Marilyn will perform a ritual with chicken feet. The bird's paw evokes thoughts of dark rituals that Kerro did not disdain before. Let's see what the witch decides to do this time, and whether force majeure will happen: sometimes Marilyn works in such a way that the impact of the rituals affects her health. After all, the investigations that psychics undertake are becoming more and more complex and confusing. In the previous, episode 9 of season 7, Marilyn's lover Alexander Sheps, together with Julia Wang, tested this for themselves.

Another participant in episode 10 of season 7 will be Alexey Pokhabov. Alexey is the winner of season 7 of the “Battle of Psychics”, a strong competitor and a charismatic personality. However, don’t put your finger in Marilyn’s mouth: the witch knows how to repel any competitor.

It remains a mystery what kind of mystery Alexey and Marilyn will face in their investigation. Very soon the 10th episode of the 7th season of the program “Psychics Are Investigating” » can be viewed online on our website. In the meantime, you can read more about your favorite characters. is on our website.

Very soon the new, 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” will begin on the TNT channel. Follow the news from the set with us and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.07.2016 08:34

Season 14 of the “Battle of Psychics” has ended. According to tradition, the producers of the program decided to find out about the fates of those people...

Even before the final broadcast of the show, the name of the winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” became known. He became...

Ridiculous, funny, reckless, crazy, magical.
No sense, no use, out of tune, completely out of place...

Today the next shooting of EVR should take place. It seemed to Alexey that he had long ago left the program “Battle of Psychics” and everything connected with it in the past. No, there were no grievances or disappointments, on the contrary - the Battle brought him unexpected victory and glory. Just another life stage remained in the past and that’s all... It’s like you finish eleventh grade and say goodbye to school forever. Just because it’s necessary, because it’s time to move on...
How many times have the editors of Battle called, diligently trying to get him to conduct the next investigation, but he always politely refused, citing being terribly busy. This should have happened then, about a year ago, when editor Katya, upset by his next refusal, was about to hang up, as if casually throwing out the phrase: “Well, we’ll have to urgently look for another partner for Kerro...”
Yeah... She didn’t have time to hang up...
Why he agreed, Alexey himself did not know. A kind of element of masochism, no less! Those shootings were very messy. Tension was in the air, and Marilyn herself seemed to be barely able to restrain herself from hitting him on the head with something heavy. Even a joint visit to a cafe under the gunpoint of the same ubiquitous cameras did not save us. The Estonian woman did not make contact at all...
And here again... Why the hell does this name affect him like electric lamp on Pavlov's dog. It’s worth saying: “Shooting with Kerro...” - and that’s it, the brain immediately cowardly runs away, leaving only stupid, uncontrollable instincts. And, it seems, he’s not a stupid person at all, but it’s all to no avail!

Alexey was noticeably worried, having arrived at the filming location ahead of time. However, it was absolutely impossible to concentrate and think about the upcoming work; all thoughts, against his will, stubbornly returned to the red-haired witch...
Mary finally showed up...
As always, incredibly beautiful Marilyn...
Foreign name rolled on the tongue, like an amazingly tasty candy, which at the same time you want to eat as quickly as possible, but at the same time - to prolong your pleasure...
Or is it that today she is somehow especially chic, that she’s already glowing from the inside?
"Do not flatter yourself! - the harmful one blathered inner voice. “She’s been doing well on the personal front for a long time, she’s happy. It’s time to let go and not torment yourself..."
How infuriating this smart guy is! Would it be better to advise how to do this?!
You can record as many different videos as you like, telling the gullible people about the lack of love in the world, as such, and about the problem of “sticking” in particular, but it never worked out to deceive yourself. He still didn’t understand how this red-haired beast managed to take over his heart so quickly and mercilessly...

She first came to Arcanum back in April 2013 before her first battle. So shy and funny, so scared and timid... The young witch, barely finding Russian words that were incredibly difficult for her, tried to practically explain her problem in her fingers, to say that she was confusing the past and the future and was asking for help in this matter...
Struck by her soft charm and incredible, somehow unspoiled femininity, he, of course, then immediately promised to help her, not forgetting to invite the beautiful girl, who was so sweetly embarrassed under his gaze, to go somewhere for lunch... The Estonian woman, blushing to the ends of her hair, shot looked at him with a slightly frightened look, but agreed...
Alexey no longer remembered very well how their first date went. It seems that he was constantly telling something tirelessly, and she was silent almost all the time and listened... Afterwards, he offered to walk her home, she allowed... But when at the entrance the young man carefully took her hand, the girl sharply pulled back and threw her looked at him with a murderous look and ran away, probably suspecting him of all mortal sins at once...
Upset Alexei thought that she would not come again, but no, the next day this copper-haired miracle, again cutely embarrassed, appeared on the threshold of his office. He then canceled all the meetings and trips that had been arranged ahead of time, studying with her until late, and then accompanied her home again and again, only, for fear of scaring her, he never dared to touch her again...
The employees of the center began to whisper behind his back, almost openly, half jokingly, half seriously, claiming that the Baltic sorceress had completely bewitched their hitherto insensitive boss. And the funny thing is that they were not far from the truth...
My father's illness changed my plans dramatically young man, Alexey took off so urgently on the first flight home that he even forgot to warn his red-haired witch, and when he returned a month and a half later, he heard an icy voice on the phone: “There’s nothing more to talk about... Goodbye!”
He desperately tried to call several more times and explain himself, but everything turned out to be useless - Mary simply never picked up the phone, and she no longer lived at her old address...
Alexei understood that it was all his own fault, that he should have written her at least a couple of lines of a short text message, but he got carried away, got busy, forgot... And then, a little later, when his father was released, he decided that he would come back and apologize in person, only They didn’t give him that chance anymore...

And now, she is there again... Still incredibly desirable, but still just as inaccessible. Only now, to the fullest extent, she has long been “almost married.” True, her precious medium is taking a long time to propose! Oh, unforgivably long...
Today Kerro did not show the terrible aggression that he had a year ago; on the contrary, there was some strange softness and... Tenderness?! No, she still kept him at a distance, but the hatred no longer rang out so strongly. Even the editors, seeing this sincere smile on the witch’s face, suspected something was wrong and literally bombarded them with unambiguous questions.
However, those shootings, like a year ago, did not end in anything. Alexey, feeling this rebuff on a mental level, did not even wait for the end of the Estonian’s filming and did not see that disappointed look with tears immediately appearing in the corners of his eyes when the girl, surprised by his absence, was told that he had already left...

It's no secret that EVR episodes are aired very late. Life did not stand still; almost a year has passed since that filming. That May evening, Alexey indifferently sat down in front of the TV, looking at himself from the outside. And how can you miss it if all the battle-related groups on the Internet literally exploded with posts with photos and phrases of Mary and him...
Pokhabov only chuckled at the reigning chaos and general excitement. Naive! This filming has been going on for God knows how long, but they are reacting as if the Estonian princess is not now with her precious Sheps, but is sitting next to him...
Skeptically assessing his work, he, however, was satisfied with what he saw, deciding that he had done everything he could at that time. He had nothing to reproach himself with...
Before going to bed, Alexey looked again at social networks and... He laughed... How long he laughed when he suddenly discovered a two-minute release from Sheps’s Instagram account in one of the groups. The opponent could not adequately swallow all these human speculations and remain silent, dragging the Estonian woman onto the air, which made it clear where and with whom Kerro is now. Logical, perhaps, but...
Funny, by God!

The May holidays were coming to an end. The noise in the groups has already subsided, and tomorrow the usual workdays begin.
The ringing tone of the phone interrupted Alexei’s usual meditation on the coming sleep.
- Yes, hello...
-Are you going to be at home? - Alexey twitched and... He was confused. The young man didn’t expect anyone to hear her voice at all.
“Yes...” Alexey answered cautiously. - And what…
He wanted to ask what happened? But he didn’t have time, there was only silence on the phone again...
So what was that?! What happened to Kerro that she suddenly dialed his number? Anxious thoughts rushed through my head like clumsy hippopotamuses. The sharp trill of the entrance bell made Alexey twitch, hastily get up from the special rug and go to see who was there for the night, but already in the hallway, before reaching a few steps, he froze, perfectly aware of who exactly was standing behind the door...
- Open it, please! - came from behind the iron barrier. Mary did not call a second time, having caught his energy literally a few steps away from her. - Please...
Alexey exhaled raggedly and, having covered a short distance, opened the door.
Kerro froze, looking intently and slightly frowning at the owner of the apartment, and suddenly said:
- We forgot to drink coffee last time... You should treat me to coffee, right?
Alexey raised his eyebrows in surprise, but immediately stepped back, letting the night guest inside his bachelor’s den. Now his thoughts, on the contrary, like flies stuck in syrup, moved in his head slowly, slowly...
And where is Sheps?.. How did he let her go?.. What does all this mean?.. Lord, coffee is just an excuse, it’s obvious... She came to his house!.. Not to a cafe!.. She came herself...
“Sasha should go home to Samara...” the Estonian responded to his unspoken thoughts. - We'll have a fight with him again. I also want to go home to Estonia, but... Change my mind... - Marilyn took a couple of steps and came almost close. - I can’t be alone now... You... Give me some coffee, huh?
Alexei just nodded silently. The words got stuck in my throat, and they weren’t needed here...
Of course, he will give her coffee and... He will never leave her alone when she is in pain and difficult... Isn’t that what fragile women need? strong men? And generally speaking…
He had imagined this for so long... He had wanted it for so long... So, what difference does it make why and why she is here? The main thing is that she came! She feels bad, she needs his help... And everything else, everything that will happen later - tomorrow - does not matter now...

The time comes - and with it chills and fear,
And secret heat, delight and power...
And pain, and laughter, and shadow, and light - into one fire,
In one fire - what kind of misfortune?
From a mirage, from nothing, from my extravagance
Suddenly someone's face appears and acquires light and sound,
Both flesh and passion...
Both flesh and passion...

Ridiculous, funny, reckless, crazy, magical...
No sense, no use, out of tune, completely out of place...

“Psychics are investigating: the battle of the strongest” 2016: Alexey Pokhabov - The Mystery of Photos, watch online

Unusual project, which viewers can watch on the TNT channel, is the show “Psychics Are Investigating.” In this program, the main participants are people with superpowers. They demonstrated their gift in the “Battle of Psychics” program, from which the participants in this project emerged victorious. In this project they provide assistance to law enforcement agencies. Some cases are difficult for law enforcement officers to investigate due to their complexity, as well as the presence of mystical elements in them. Therefore, in order for the “hanging fruit” to be revealed, they turn to psychics for assistance. Thanks to their gift of clairvoyance, these people help the police identify the criminal. In addition, the participants in the program provide assistance and ordinary people who contact this project in Lately often. They help you understand difficult situations that ordinary Russians faced.

In the next episode of the program, psychics will have a new investigation. During the episode, viewers will get to know another family that has become a victim of mystical events. They learn about happy large family, which lived quite amicably a few years ago. However, when my grandmother passed away, everything in her changed dramatically. Now relations between family members are tense. One day when Tatyana was cleaning the house, she found old family photos. Upon examining them, she discovered that the photographs were mutilated and insults were written on them. In addition, the girl discovered another interesting find in the closet. She found a Bible with threats written on its pages, the author of which turned out to be her grandmother. To understand why the grandmother cursed her children, the members of this family decided to turn to magicians. Alexey Pokhabov decided to help them. When a program participant gets acquainted with this story, he becomes confident that there is no curse. He is absolutely sure that it is impossible to simply ruin photographs in a fit of anger and send a curse on a person. According to the psychic, the troubles that befell this family are a mere coincidence and have nothing to do with the mutilated photographs.

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