How to explain to a child the expression intelligence above wealth. Master class "gold mines"

Development of a lesson on literary reading, grade 2

Subject: " Porridge from an axe" is a Russian folk tale.

Target: introduce children to a new type of fairy tale - an everyday fairy tale.


    • practice expressive reading skills.

      enrich students' speech.

      learn to work with text.

    expansion and enrichment of students' vocabulary.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge


1) Textbook: Literary reading. Native speech for grade 2 (1-4). Authors: Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2009.

2) Students’ drawings for the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane.”

3) Audio recording for physical minutes.

Board design:

There are bells near the stake,

And there are bells on the stakes.

Servant - soldier, military man.



Enough - enough.


Lumber room



If - if.

Sort of - like this.

Smetka - ingenuity.

B) Inventory is the most expensive.

During the classes:

I .Organizing time.

Check your readiness for a literary reading lesson.

II .Speech warm-up.

Today during speech warm-up we will pronounce the tongue twister that is written on the board:

There are bells near the stake,

And there are bells on the stakes.

Let's remember how we work with tongue twisters.

The first time we read slowly, then a little faster, even faster, very quickly.

The most important thing is to pronounce all words correctly.

Let's practice first as a choir, then individually.

III .Checking homework.

Students' drawings are posted on a magnetic board (in advance). Children read passages to their illustrations (2-3 people).

IV .Self-determination for activity.


Let's remember what types of fairy tales we know?


Magical, about animals, everyday.


What do everyday fairy tales tell?


Everyday fairy tales talk about poor or rich people.


In everyday fairy tales, the greed, stinginess, and stupidity of rich people and the kindness, intelligence, and ingenuity of the poor are ridiculed. The main characters of the tale are people, and the actions take place in ordinary houses and villages. Every fairy tale necessarily teaches something, ridicules bad deeds or negative qualities of a person.

Today we will get acquainted with one such fairy tale. Open your textbooks to page 44, read the title of the fairy tale.


Porridge from an axe.


Is it possible to identify the main characters by the title of a fairy tale?


We can assume that these will be villagers: the ax is used to chop wood, and the firewood is used in the village.

V .Learning new material.

1) The text is read by children who read well; vocabulary work is carried out as they read. The words are written on the board.

Servant - soldier, military man.

Stay - visiting someone for a short time.

Izba - wooden, peasant house.

Enough - enough.

Brew - hot liquid food, stew.

Lumber room - a room in the house that served as a storage room.

Season – add something to food for taste.

Boiler – a large metal vessel for cooking food.

If - if.

Sort of - like this.

Smetka - ingenuity.

2)Primary check of understanding of the text.

Did you like the fairy tale? What did you like?

Did the title of the fairy tale surprise you? What did you think when you read it?

Why did the soldier knock on the hut?

Who lived there?

What did the soldier ask the old woman?

How did the old woman react to the soldier’s request?

What did the soldier come up with?

What did he ask the old woman first?

And then?

What did the soldier manage to cook from an axe?

How is the old woman shown in the fairy tale?

What kind of soldier?

Why did he do this?

VI .Phys.minute.

Let's take a short break. Let's do exercises to music.

VII .Reinforcement of the studied material.

1) Work on proverbs (on the board).

Read the proverbs that are written on the board.

Which of these proverbs best suits our fairy tale?

A) Guess and ingenuity are no worse than reason.

B) Inventory is the most expensive.

C) A stupid man turns sour, but a wise man sees through everything.


The second proverb has the best meaning:the estimate is more expensive than anything else.

The fairy tale is not about how smart a soldier is, but about the fact that his ingenuity helps him survive in difficult conditions, when there is no food, clothing, money, etc.


Students read the story one by one, then by role.

Pay attention to how friendly the soldier addresses the old woman. Read in the text.

And how hypocritically the old woman answers him. Read it.

Behind the kind words lies a subtext. Emotions are not always expressed directly; they can be revealed through the actions of the characters.

The old woman had plenty of everything, but she was stingy with feeding the soldier and pretended to be an orphan.

- Oh, good man, I haven’t eaten anything today either: nothing.

3)Working with illustrations.

You can also depict emotions in illustrations.

Consider the illustration on page 45.

Which lines from the fairy tale fit the illustration?


- The soldier took out a spoon and stirred the brew. I tried it.


Explain why these lines were chosen? What emotions can you see?


A soldier tries the porridge with a spoon. He moved his hand to the side, showing how tasty it was for him. The old woman stands surprised. She folded her hands under her chin and opened her mouth.

4)Work on the text.

Take simple pencils and underline the words in the text, with the help of which you can determine the feelings, state, hidden thoughts of the characters.

Tired the soldier is on the road, hungry - a state of fatigue.

The old woman has plenty of everything, but she stints on feeding the soldier, pretended to be an orphan - she became greedy and decided to deceive.

The old woman looks can't tear myself away - The old woman was very surprised.

And the soldier eats yes he chuckles - Laughs to himself at the stupidity and greed of the old woman. Treats the old woman with irony (hidden ridicule).


The fairy tale sympathetically depicts a seasoned soldier who knows how to cook soup from an ax and can outwit anyone. He is able to deceive a stupid old woman. The servant skillfully achieves his goal, despite the absurdity of the situation. And this reveals the irony.

Describe the soldier. What is he like? (The question can be read in the textbook on page 47.)







The savvy soldier, because he figured out how to cook porridge “out of nothing,” outwitted the old woman. You can also call him resourceful. He did not beg the old woman to give him something to eat, he himself figured out how to get out of the situation. A soldier can also be called kind. He didn’t say a single bad word to the old woman, he treated her politely and kindly.

What can you say about the old woman? What is she like? You are taking:






One can say about the old woman that she is greedy and stupid. She never realized that she had deceived herself.

VIII .Reflection.

What new fairy tale did you learn about in class?

What is fantastic (fabulous) in a fairy tale, and what could really happen in life?


It’s fabulous that a soldier cooked porridge from an ax, that an old woman allowed a complete stranger, a stranger, to run her house.

The real thing is that the soldier was going on leave, stopped for the night, that they didn’t want to feed him, the old woman living in the village. The soldier could outwit the old woman.


Did the soldier achieve his goal? What helped him?


Yes, I achieved it. I wanted to eat and ate. His ingenuity, kind treatment of the old woman, and politeness helped him. He punished the old woman for her greed.


Is the soldier right?


Life forced the soldier to do this, otherwise he would have died of hunger.


Whose side do you think the narrator is on? Why?


The storyteller is on the soldier's side. No matter what difficulties befall the soldier, he does not lose heart. Finds a way out of any situation. Greed and stupidity must be punished. Only the old woman did not understand this. The soldier is very sympathetic to the narrator.

IX .Homework.

Homework: prepare for role-playing reading.


Class: 2

Lesson topic: “Porridge from an Axe” is a Russian folk tale.

Lesson type :

This is the seventh lesson in the system. In the first lessons, one gets acquainted with the article by Y. Koval “Fairy Tales”, as well as with the poems by Y. Moritz “A Fairy Tale Walks Through the Forest...”. In the following lessons, Russian folk tales about animals are studied.

In the first lessons, the concepts of “what a fairy tale is”, “why everyone loves fairy tales”, “what fairy tales teach” are formed. In subsequent lessons, the concept of “fairy tales about animals” is formed. The seventh lesson is devoted to studying the concept of “everyday fairy tale”. Next, children get acquainted with a fairy tale. Throughout all lessons, work continues on the ability to read expressively. At a general lesson, children have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

The goal of the lesson was to introduce children to a new type of fairy tale - an everyday fairy tale - using the example of the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe” was achieved.

The objectives of the lesson were also solved: expressive reading skills were practiced. Words that are rarely used today were written on the board, and work was done to clarify the meaning of these words. This expanded the students’ vocabulary and enriched their speech. During the lesson, the ability to work with text and find the right answer was practiced.

The goals and objectives of the lesson were achieved. The goal is justified by the content of the program, the artistic nature of the work, and the age of the class. The teacher builds on the students' existing knowledge. Against this background, a new concept is introduced - an everyday fairy tale.

During the lesson, reading and speaking skills are developed (considered after analysis). The skill of expressive reading and role-playing reading are practiced. Expressive reading and role-playing always give children pleasure and make it easier for them to assimilate the typical features of a fairy tale: colloquial language, repetitions, special rhythms.

The lesson analyzes the fairy tale in some detail. The analysis meets the requirements.

Questions are asked of an analytical, search nature, ensuring the reading of subtextual information.

The work in the lesson was quite clearly thought out, each question was answered and explained. This was facilitated by a thoughtful lesson plan. The lesson was held in a high emotional atmosphere, so the level of activity of the children was quite high. This was facilitated by a variety of forms of working with fairy tales.

Teacher: Reprintseva V.V.

Analysis of a lesson on literary reading in grade 2 “B”

Subject: Russian folktale "Porridge from an axe."

Target: To form an idea of ​​everyday fairy tales.

Tasks: 1.Formation of competent reading as the basis of information competence.

2 Formation of educational cooperation as the basis of communicative competence.

3. Instilling spiritual and moral values ​​as the basis of personal competence.

Lesson type: lesson in solving a new problem

Lesson form. Village get-togethers

Technology. Personally-oriented learning, aimed at a cultural approach.

Methods and techniques. Problematic, dialogue, game, support signs. Verbal, visual, work with a textbook.

During the classes.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities


Lived once
Old man and old woman...
Do you like fairy tales?
So listen, be quiet.
Good fairy tale
Fresh out of the oven.
What could it be
Truer than bread?
Cut a piece -
And immediately warm.

In fairy tales, as in life,
Earth and sky
Sun and clouds
Good and evil.
Good fairy tale
I remember from childhood.
I want a fairy tale
You listened too.
To sneak up
To the very heart
And she planted the seed of kindness.

Good afternoon friends. Today we gathered for our village gatherings to learn new things and show ourselves.

Children enter the classroom to the music in Russian ancient costumes and take their seats.

2. Checking homework

I see that you did not come to visit me empty-handed. Let's look at your drawings and listen to the reading for them.

Which works did you like and why?

Children read passages and show their drawings.

Children analyze and evaluate each other.

3. Speech warm-up.

Read the text on the board and determine its genre.

Bows, bows,

When he comes home, he will stretch out.

Well done guys, you worked hard and know the genres of oral folk art. What is the name of the genre you worked with in the last lesson?

It's a mystery.

This is an axe.

Children are reading.

It was a fairy tale.

4. Introduction to the topic.

Today we will continue to get acquainted with this genre at our gatherings. We will learn about a new type of fairy tale, get acquainted with its characteristics and improve our reading technique.

What do you know about fairy tales?

On the slide you see fairy tale characters and objects. Sort them by type of fairy tale.

What type of fairy tale do you classify the picture of the soldier and the old man as?

Now let's work with the dictionary.

Look up the concept “Everyday fairy tale” in the dictionary.

Let's remember what everyday, village object you have already encountered today?

Based on the pictures provided, determine the name of the fairy tale.

Guys, what do you think, is it really possible to cook porridge from an axe?

In everyday fairy tales there are many words that have fallen out of use and do not correspond to modern times. Such words are called obsolete. After working in groups, can you explain the meaning of these words?





Lumber room




Sort of


I also leafed through S.I.’s Explanatory Dictionary. Ozhegov and give you their exact meaning. Read them.

If you found this work difficult, show a card with a question mark. And if you find this work interesting, show the card with an exclamation mark. Both signs are taken into account simultaneously.

There are fairy tales about animals, magical, (everyday) and original folk tales. "Cluster"

The guys do the work and justify their decision.

The guys reason and prove their opinions. We cannot attribute these heroes to fairy tales about animals; fairy tales contain miracles and magical objects in their content. This is the life of ordinary people. Therefore, we classify these heroes as a type of everyday fairy tale.

Students work with a dictionary and find the meaning of the concept “everyday fairy tale”

It was an axe.

"Porridge from an axe"

This is not real, but in fairy tales it is possible.

The guys work in groups, and then each group gives an explanation of three words.

Servant- soldier, military man.

A stay is a visit to someone for a short time.

Enough- enough.

Brew – hot liquid food, stew.

Lumber room- a room in the house that served as a storage room.

Season– add something to food for taste.

Boiler – large metal vessel for cooking food.

Koli – if.

Sort of - like this.

Savvy- ingenuity.

The guys signal their attitude to work with cards.

5. Primary reading of the text

You did a good job. It's time and honor to know - we need to read a fairy tale,

Now sit back and listen to a fairy tale performed by theater artists. (audio recording). And after listening, tell me what you liked about this fairy tale?

Physical education minute.

Russian soldiers defended their Motherland and its people with courage, bravery and strength. And the people sang them in their songs.

Listen to one of them and show the movements that are easy to perform to the music.

The guys listen and answer the question.

The guys perform movements to the Russian folk song “Soldatushki...”

6.Secondary reading of the text

We had a good rest and everyone returned to their place. Guys, where did the events of this fairy tale take place?

Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

You will easily give the correct answers if you read this story in buzz reading mode.

The children read the story with buzz reading.

7. The primary stage of fairy tale analysis.

Well, we buzzed and, of course, found out everything.

Where did the events of the fairy tale take place?

Now work in pairs and tell each other the sequence of actions and events in the fairy tale.

All the actions of the fairy tale take place in the village, in the outermost hut.

There is not one main character, but two. This is an old woman and a soldier.

8. Secondary stage of fairy tale analysis.

Where was the soldier going? Give your answer with a sentence from the text.

Why did he knock on this particular hut?

Read what the soldier asked the old woman on the doorstep?

How did he address the old woman?

How did the old woman respond to the request? Why? (read)

How do you understand the word orphan?

What did the soldier come up with?

How did he do it?

What kind of soldier was he, what can you say about him?

What was the old woman like, what can you say about her?

Now, after working in pairs, identify the character traits of the old woman and the character traits of the soldier.

A soldier was going on leave. (Selective reading.)

This hut was extreme, and the soldier was very tired and hungry.

Do you, hostess, have anything to snack on?

He called her mistress.

With respect and reverence.

The old woman had plenty of everything, but she was stingy with feeding the soldier and pretended to be an orphan.

A person who lives alone and no one helps him is called an orphan.

He decided to cook the porridge himself.

He saw that the old woman was lying to him and decided to outwit the old woman. He suggested that she cook porridge from an axe.

He is attentive and smart.

She is greedy and stingy.

Working in pairs, find the character traits of the main characters. (by card)

9. Summarizing what you read

Summarize: name the main character traits of the heroes.

Who do you like best and why?

How do you feel about the old woman, the soldier?

What advice would you give to the heroes of a fairy tale?

The Russian people have always been famous for their hospitality. And especially the village people were like that. When they went to work, the house was left open, and there was food on the table for the people on the road.

Now read the proverb.

How do you understand the word “smartness”?

How do you understand it?

I like the resilient soldier. He finds a way out of a difficult situation, but at the same time he does not offend the person.

I don't like the old woman. She is greedy, knows how to pretend and is very stupid, you can’t cook porridge with an ax.

You can't be stingy and greedy. Today you helped another person, and tomorrow they will help you.

Thanks soldier. He ate himself and fed the old woman without argument or objection. Everyone was happy.

They give their answers.

A mark is more valuable than wealth.

Savvy is savvy.

If you are a savvy person, then you will always be happy. You will find a way out of any difficult situation.

10. Express

solid reading

And now interesting work awaits us. We will work on expressive reading of a fairy tale. Let's try to convey the plot of the fairy tale in parts through intonation, gestures, and facial expressions. Look at page 44 (on the slide). What is the best way to read a fairy tale?

To make it easier for you to understand, I have marked the text of each character and author with different colors.

How many people do you need for this?

With what intonation does each hero of the fairy tale read?

Work is carried out similarly on page 45.

Reading by roles.

The soldier's words are friendly, with a request?

The old woman’s words are calm, without emotion.

Children read, then analyze the reading.

11. Homework.

Tell me what the fairy tale teaches. Name the main characters of the fairy tale. Which hero is positive? Which one is negative? Why?

What did you learn in the lesson?

What have you learned?

What did you get? Why not?

What fairy tale did you come across?

– What type of fairy tale does it belong to?

– What did you learn about the everyday fairy tale?

Now use signal cards to show your attitude to the lesson.

Role reading at home. Pages 44-46. and work in the workbook.

Thank you for your work and help in the lesson.

Children's answers.

We got acquainted with the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”

This is an everyday fairy tale. The main characters are people, the actions take place in ordinary houses. In everyday fairy tales, greed, stinginess, and stupidity are ridiculed; kindness, intelligence, and ingenuity are glorified.

The guys show cards.

The guys leave the class to the music.



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“The work of the school library” - The main directions of work on the formation of information culture. Use of ICT in school libraries. The main functions of a modern school library also follow from the main task of the library: Structure of the library collection. Sometimes school libraries are called media libraries. Determining the theme and main idea of ​​the text.

“Typology of libraries” - Typologies of the early twentieth century. Special libraries. Basic meanings of the concept “type”. The first scientific attempts to create typologies of library institutions. Offer. “type”, “typical”, “typology”. Types of libraries of the twentieth century. Types of typologies. Type is an essential, not a status or formal characteristic.

“Library Day” - The National Library of the Republic of Tajikistan has a long history. Republican Youth Library of Tatarstan. In 2008, the library celebrated its 30th anniversary. Lost in the notes People without tomorrow and people without memory." Or concentrate - create the Great. In the silence of libraries, the most important work is going on. But only on January 10 (24), 1865, the city public library was opened.

“The role of the library in the educational process” - The main functions of the library. The subscription is always crowded. Great importance is attached to conducting library and bibliographic literacy lessons for schoolchildren. Celebration “Initiation of first-graders into readers.” Readers' Awards. Library readers take an active part in city competitions and Olympiads.

"Education of School Librarians" - Journal Evaluation. Library budget. Required courses for certification. Continuing education of school librarians. Certification program. Educational service centers. Certification of school librarians. Functioning of the library. Computer applications. Recommended sequence of program courses.

Long before the appearance of the first handwritten book, the Russian people created a high culture of the spoken word, a unique literature, which is now called oral folk art.

Manuscripts burned, libraries with poetic masterpieces turned into ashes, but no hard times of history could destroy the people's memory. She preserved and brought to us “Gold Placers”.

    A fairy tale accompanies a person throughout his life: in early childhood, our parents told us about them; As we get older, we enjoy reading them ourselves, and then we will tell them to our children and grandchildren.

    Fairy tales are different, there are fairy tales in which such heroes as Vasilisa the Wise and Baba Yaga act - these are fairy tales.

Tales similar to fables are tales about animals.

Fairy tales that deal with the life of pre-revolutionary Russia are everyday fairy tales.

The everyday fairy tale, as its content and its characters show, is the youngest. But the fairy tale originated so long ago that it cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen.

* You, of course, know fairy tales well, and I think you will support me. I will read the beginning of the fairy tale, and you continue it.

1. At the behest of the pike

*At my request.

2. Sivka - Burka, prophetic kaurka

* Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass.

3. The fox is carrying me to distant forests

* For fast rivers,

For the high mountains.

4. Goats, kids, open up, open up

* Your mother came and brought milk.

5. Who, who lives in the little house?

* Who, who lives in a low place?

5. Go there without knowing where

Bring something without knowing what.

6. Soon the fairy tale will tell

It won't be done soon.

    Fairy tales contain not only interest, not only entertainment. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows,” wrote the great poet. Indeed, there is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very gentle, most often it is friendly advice. From the proposed proverbs, choose the proverb that reflects the meaning of the fairy tale.

1. Fairy tale “Porridge from an axe”

*Smartness is more valuable than wealth.

2. Fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”.

* They pay for good and good.

3. Ivan is a peasant son and Miracle is a Yudo.

* Your own land is sweet in a handful.

4. Fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

* The beginning is not expensive, but the end is praiseworthy.

    Russian folk tale is the deepest source of education for a person’s spiritual qualities. To answer the question: “What do fairy tales teach?” we will grow the tree of Wisdom. And the tree, as you know, is red with its fruits. What fruits will ripen on this tree? Let's answer this question together.

I will name the fairy tale, and you will remember those best spiritual qualities of a person that are reflected in it.

    “Marya – beauty – long braid”

**Bravery, courage, love.

    "Cockerel - a golden comb"

**Loyalty, friendship.

    "Vasilisa the Wise"


    "Swan geese"

**Obedience and patience.


**Kindness and hard work.

Indeed, this is an incredible land of fantasies and wonders, teaching a person to be kind and sympathetic, honest and decent.

    The fundamental principles of the fairy tale - the life and ideas of ancient man - have long been forgotten. Now everything is different! Another life walks on Earth, but the fairy tale lives on!

Name modern objects that came to us from a fairy tale.

Gusli - samogudy -* record player.

Rejuvenating apples -* face cream.

Emelya's stove -* automobile.

Burenushka Tiny Khavroshechki -* washing machine and iron.

Feather Heat - birds -* electricity.

Miracle - mirror– * satellite communications and television.

Ball of thread -* compass.

Carpet plane -* airliner.

*In modern life, the principle has been preserved: in order to get something, to deserve something, you need to work hard and pass tests. Study, sports, and adult careers are built according to this scheme. Orthodoxy stands on this.

*Every day, like in a fairy tale, we are faced with a choice: what should we be? By conquering laziness, cowardice, selfishness, and impatience, we perform a great miracle - we become better and kinder, finding the meaning of our whole life.

    Thank you for your attention!

Open reading lesson. Fairy tale. "Porridge from an axe." 2nd grade.

    introduce students to a new type of fairy tale (everyday) using the example of the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”; practice expressive reading skills; enrich students' speech, develop thinking, attention, memory.
Planned results:

    Subject: know how to navigate a textbook, text, read expressively and consciously, tell a coherent story, know how to evaluate the actions of characters,

    Personal results:

1. We develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters and express emotions.2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.3. Forming motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


    Cognitive UUD

1. Convert information from one form to another: retell small texts in detail. 2. D Draw conclusions as a result of joint work between the class and the teacher.3. Focus on the spread of the textbook.4. Find answers to questions in the text and illustrations.

    Communicative UUD

1. R We develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others.
2. Read and retell the text expressively.3. Express your thoughts orally.4. U Ability to work in pairs and in groups.

    Regulatory UUD

1. Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher. 2. Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations. 3. Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.
Equipment: cards with encrypted proverbs, presentation, children's drawings for the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time.

II. Checking homework. What topic are we studying?(Folklore)- Name the genres of oral folk art (folk songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, fairy tales, tongue twisters, ditties, jokes)

Children read different genres, students learn which genre.

    Without good work there is no fruit. Patience and work will grind everything down. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. Love for work is in plain sight.(proverbs about work)
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.(patter)
    Bucket sun,
Look out the window! Sunshine, dress up Red, show yourself! (a nursery rhyme)
Masha, la-la,
She slept on the rubble.
Two grouse have arrived
They pecked and flew away. (joke)
- What genre did we get acquainted with in the previous lesson? (fairy tale)
What type of fairy tale? (about animals)Students tell from the drawing which episode of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane” they drew, and why they wanted to depict this episode.III. Speech warm-up.
- Read the text written on the slide and determine its genre. (This is a riddle) ( slide No. 1) Bows, bows, When he comes home, he will stretch out.(Axe)- Guess the riddle.-Learn to read it in tongue twister.- What is an ax and what is it for?
The cereal is poured into the pan, Fill with cold water And they put it on the stove to cook. And what can happen here? (porridge) - slide number 2 - What can you cook porridge from? (from semolina, oatmeal, wheat...)
- Is it possible to cook porridge from an ax? (No)-And the hero of our fairy tale was able to do this, listen to how he cooked this porridge.
IV. Vocabulary work. ( slide number 3 )

Servant- soldier, military man.

Stay- visiting someone for a short time.

Enough - enough.

Brew- hot liquid food.

Lumber room- a room in the house that served as a storage room.

Flavor- add something to food for taste.

Boiler- a large metal vessel for cooking porridge.

If- if.

Sort of- like this.

Smetka – savvy (smartness)

V. Primary reading of the fairy tale by the teacher.

- How did this fairy tale make you feel?- What kind of person should an author be to write such a fairy tale?- Who is the author of this fairy tale?This tale has been passed down from generation to generation. It was told by ordinary people: fishermen, lumberjacks, nannies. The tale passed from one storyteller to another. Many talented people worked on it. That's why she's so good and wise.- Name the heroes of the fairy tale.-Where was the soldier going? (home)- Why did he knock on this particular hut? (extreme)-How did the old woman respond to the soldier’s request? (pretended to be an orphan)-What does the word orphan mean? (let’s look at the dictionary- orphan- a child or minor whose one or both parents have died) – slide number 3 - What did the soldier come up with? (to deceive the old woman)- How did he do it? (cooked porridge from an ax)
VI. Physical training.
Along the path, along the path We jump on the right leg. (Jump on your right foot.) And along the same path We gallop on our left leg (Jump on your left leg.) Let's run along the path, We'll run to the lawn. (Running in place.) On the lawn, on the lawn We'll jump like bunnies. (Jumping in place on both legs.) Stop. Let's rest a little. And we'll walk home. (Walk in place.)
VII. Consolidation of what has been learned.
    Re-reading a fairy tale.
- Pay attention to how the heroes communicate with each other. (The soldier is friendly, and the old woman is feignedly affectionate. You can understand the interlocutor by his actions, actions) - Read the very last sentence of the story. (And the soldier eats and chuckles.)How do you understand this expression?Guys, why didn’t the soldier argue with the old woman, didn’t object to her?
2. Working with proverbs.(by groups)
    If strength fails, ingenuity will help. A resourceful person feeds a hundred heads, but a fool cannot feed himself. A good deed will not go without reward.( slide number 4)
- Make up proverbs from individual words.- One student at the blackboard (Acumen is more valuable than wealth)- Which proverb best suits our fairy tale? Prove your opinion.
VIII. Reflection.(slide number 5 ) -Choose and continue any sentence.
    In today's lesson I learned... In this lesson I would praise myself for...... After the lesson I wanted...... Today I managed.....
IX. Lesson summary.

-What fairy tale did you get acquainted with? (“Porridge from an ax”)What type of fairy tale does it belong to? (household)What have you learned about everyday fairy tales? (The main characters are people, the actions take place in ordinary houses. In everyday fairy tales, greed, stinginess, stupidity are ridiculed, kindness, intelligence, and ingenuity are glorified.)

X. Homework

Prepare for expressive reading of a fairy tale by role.