Group_Artery. The Arteriya group reveals the secrets of festival cuisine Arteriya Terentyev

“Artery” is a musical project of the ex-guitarist of the groups “Aria” and “Kipelov” Sergei Terentyev, which has existed since 2003. They perform heavy metal music.
The history of the Arteriya group dates back to the end of 2003, when Sergei Terentyev announced his departure from the Kipelov group. A year earlier, Terentyev left the group “Aria”, to which he devoted 8 years of his life and recorded the following discs with it: “Night is Shorter than Day” (1995), “Made in Russia” (1996), “Generator of Evil” (1998), “Tribute to Harley-Davidson" (1999), "2000 and One Night" (1999), "Tribute to Harley-Davidson II" (2001), "Chimera" (2001), "In Search of a New Victim" (2003), as well as the single “Paradise Lost” (2000) and the soundtrack “Truckers 2” (2000) for the game of the same name.
After leaving Kipelov, Terentyev needed a worthy vocalist to create a group. He became an old acquaintance - the vocalist of the Legion group Alexey Bulgakov. The result of the first collaboration was the re-release of Terentyev’s first solo album “Up to Thirty” in 1994. The album was re-released in 2004 under the title “30+3+Infinity” and included three bonus tracks. "Paradise Lost" and "Who Are You?" Sergei recorded with “Aria” in 1999, and for the 2004 disc these compositions were rewritten again with vocals by Alexei Bulgakov. “The stars have fallen to the bottom” - a new song based on the poems of Alexander Yelin).
In July 2004, Alexey Bulgakov proposed the candidacy of Sergei Eranov (Legion) for the place of drummer, and Robert Boym (ex-BETRAYER, ex-KhimerA (Moscow)) became the band’s bass player. At the end of spring 2005, it became known that work on the album, called “Fly to the Light,” was completed.
In June 2005, without any visible conflict situations, Alexey Bulgakov stated that further cooperation was impossible and left, taking Sergei Eranov with him. Bulgakov himself explained this by saying that he did not have time to work with Arteriya and his group Legion at the same time, so he chose Legion. Not knowing what to do in this situation, Robert Boym also refused to continue cooperation. In July, Nikolai Korshunov (ex-Tomcat) auditions for the vacant position of bass guitarist. Alexey Barzilovich (ex-Valkyrie) becomes the new drummer, and young guitarist Vyacheslav Selin is invited to take the place of the second guitarist. Soon Sergei Terentyev announces the name of the new vocalist - Sergei Lugansky (ex-Magnit).
However, cooperation with Lugansky did not work out, despite the impressive results of joint work, and already in September, after listening to many applicants, Terentyev chose Andrey Khramov (ex-KhimerA, Magnat, Green Town).
In the summer of 2006, CD-Maximum released the group's next album, In Search of a New Life. This is an album of remakes of songs from the “Aryan” period, authored by Sergei Terentyev.
Since September 2006, the “Artery” group has been immersed in work on the musical project of Margarita Pushkina “Dynasty of the Initiates”, the composer of which was Sergei Skripnikov (Terentyev’s former colleague in the group “New Testament”). Margarita Pushkina appoints Sergei Terentyev as the producer of the project. After 9 months, work on a very complex and unusual project for Russian rock music was completed.
Current lineup:
Sergey Terentyev - guitar, keyboards, arrangements (2003-present)
Alexander Kap - vocals (2012-present)
Sergey Vanyushin - guitar (2011-present)
Daniil Zakharenkov - bass guitar (2011-present)
Sergey Kutaev - drums (2006-present)
Former members:
Alexey Bulgakov - vocals (2004-2005)
Robert Boym - bass guitar (2004-2005)
Sergey Eranov - drums (2004-2005)
Sergey Lugansky - vocals (2005)
Alexey Barzilovich - drums (2005-2006)
Andrey Khramov - vocals (2005)
Sergey Sergeev - vocals (2005-2008)
Vyacheslav Selin - guitar (2005-2008)
Nikolay Korshunov - bass guitar (2005-2008)
Andrey Volkov - vocals (2008-2010)
Yuri Makarov - bass guitar (2008-2011)
Eduard Sharonov - guitar (2009-2011)
Grigory Strelkov - vocals (2010-2012)

The beginning of the history of the Arteriya group was laid in 2003 by Sergei Terentyev, who scandalously left Kipelov’s group. Before this, Sergei was a member of the well-known group "Aria", in which he recorded a lot of popular tracks ("Chimera", "Generator of Evil", etc.). Sergey Terentyev was looking for an experienced vocalist to create his own group. Alexey Bulgakov was chosen for this role for a reason; he was an old acquaintance of Sergei. In 1994, their collaboration was Terentyev’s solo album entitled “Up to Thirty”. Sergei re-released this album only 10 years later (“30+3+Infinity”). He added three completely new compositions to it. In 2004, two new members joined the band on the advice of Alexei Bulgakov - bass guitarist Boym and drummer Eranov. But further cooperation between the group members did not work out. In the same year, for unknown reasons, Alexey Bulgakov left the group. The drummer also left the band with him. Bulgakov later explained that he simply did not have enough time to work with “Artery” and “Legion,” which was Alexei’s personal group. “Artery” member Boym also left his place in the group, as he did not see its further development. Terentyev did not feel sad for a long time, and a month later he took Nikolai Korshunov to the vacant position. Alexey Barzilovich began to play the drums.

Another guitarist in the musical group was Vyacheslav Selin. Together with Sergei himself, Sergei Lugansky began to do vocals. But their cooperation was short-lived, although many people liked the result of such an experiment. Sergei invited Andrei Khramov to take the place of the second vocalist. But there was no long-term cooperation with this participant either. After a long absence due to illness, Sergei Sergeev was invited to take the place of vocalist. The first album of the group "Artery" was released in the fall of 2005 ("Fly to the Light") CD-Maximum. A couple of months later, this album was re-released, it included a full-fledged booklet with two new tracks, in which Sergei Sergeev performed the vocal part. After this, another album, “In Search of a New Life,” was published. This was the last job for drummer Barzilovic, who immediately left the group. At this time, the team also participated in the creation of the musical project "Dynasty of the Initiates". In 2007, Sergei Terentyev was found guilty of committing the murder of a 19-year-old girl (there was an accident involving Sergei’s car). In this regard, a year later two of its members left the group - Sergeev and Selin, who soon created their own group "Forsazh". In 2009, colossal changes took place in the group: the bass guitarist left the group, a new vocalist Andrei Volkov and guitarist Eduard Sheronov joined the group. Volkov also did not last long in the group; Grigory Strelkov took his place. Bass guitarist Makarov also left Artery. In 2011, the renewed team presented its first composition, “Time will call your name.” Only in 2014 was an album released, which included songs from 2009.

Rock bands and performers will not let any guest at a corporate party get bored. What can we say about weddings and anniversaries, for the celebration of which special wishes are always put forward. Do you dream of capturing a significant date in your life? Invite the Artery group to the event and create the most relaxed, inviting atmosphere in the hall. If you wish, you can book a rock band or performer at ProConcert for the whole evening. The fee for the Arteriya group is discussed in advance, and at the same time they agree on the rider and the cost of the performance.

Organization of performances by the Arteriya group on the official website of the concert agent
The company > will be happy to provide you with services for organizing performances of the Artery group. If you want to see this group at a concert, then you can safely go to the official website of the Artery agent and leave your contact information for the evening! Based on your request, the company will > provide you with the opportunity to perform as a band at the event.
After receiving a complete request regarding the group’s order, we will be able to inform you in advance about the cost of the “Artery” performance. I would like to warn you that the cost of hotels, transport services and other things is different, so you should definitely check the amount of the fee and the cost of the group’s performance. In addition, when organizing a group concert, it is necessary to provide each member of the group with comfort and service, in order to avoid everyday problems.
So, you must remember that before ordering a performance by the Arteriya group, you should not forget about such points as: free dates in the group’s schedule, household and technical requirements, as well as the amount of the fee.

During the entire existence of the company, all performances took place without leaving even a shadow of doubt about the smoothness of our work!

Lost Paradise of Terentyev
In 2003, when Sergei Terentyev announced the decision that he was leaving the Kipelov group, and even earlier he left the Aria group, Artery was born, performing music in the style of heavy metal and industrial -rock". Then Terentyev began to look for a standing vocalist. The choice was made on the ex-vocalist of the Legion group Alexei Bulgakov.
Anyone who decides to undertake the organization of a concert of the Artery group should know about several important events in the group.
In July 2004, bass player Robert Boym and drummer Sergei Yerevanov were found. Together, Terentyev’s friendly team published the album “Fly to the Light.”
Immediately after this event, the newly arrived members of the group left it. Next, the following are auditioned: drummer Alexey Barzilovich, second guitarist Vyacheslav Selin and bass guitarist Nikolai Korshunov. Those who book the Artery group for a concert or event will be interested to know that Sergei Sergeev is being replaced as the vocalist. Throughout its history, the members of the group have partially changed; the current composition of the group, in addition to the creator, guitarist Sergei Terentyev, includes Alexander Kap - vocalist, Daniil Zakharenkov - bass guitarist, Sergey Vanyushin - guitarist and Sergey Kutaev - drums. Among the group’s discography there are such albums as: “Fly to the Light”, “In Search of a New Life”.
In September 2006, the group boldly began working on Margenta’s new musical project, “Dynasty of the Initiates.” After some time, work on such a project, unusual for Russian rock music, was completed.

Music festivals originated in Great Britain (London, 1709) and were first associated with church music. From the second half of the 18th century. were carried out in many countries of central Europe, mainly in Germany. They became widespread in the mid-40s of the twentieth century. The largest of them contributed and continue to promote the promotion of musical art and the development of cultural ties between peoples. At the same time, a number of music festivals remain inaccessible to the general public due to high ticket prices and are of an elitist nature; others are carried out for advertising purposes (to attract tourists).

In the late 60s - early 70s, pop art and song festivals became popular, especially in Europe, where there are more than 200 of them. Thus, the rock movement that emerged in the last century could not remain aloof from the festival movement. The most prestigious and famous rock festivals today - the American Woodstock, the English Glastonbury and the Australian Big Day Out - bring together the best musicians on the planet.

According to experts, the success of music festivals is explained by the increasing interest of people in live concerts. Moreover, now among the audience there are not only young people, but also people of the older generation. This is also due to the obvious rise in interest in live guitar bands performing, so to speak, stadium anthems.

What are rock festivals like in the current millennium, what difficulties await participants, organizers and spectators? Today we will look at the “festival kitchen” from the inside. To do this, I talked with members of the Artery group: leader Sergei Terentyev (ex-musician of the groups “Aria” and “Kipelov”), vocalist Sergei Sergeev, bassist Nikolai Korshunov and guitarist Vyacheslav Selin. The group itself characterizes itself as a team that adheres to “intelligent metal”.

- You have devoted your entire conscious creative life to rock music. Rock is...

Sergey Terentyev: The continuation of classical music, performed on electronic instruments, is quite tough and sincere.

Vyacheslav Selin: This is honest music, self-expression. Rock bands work for the public. And there are teams working for the wallet.

Nikolai Korshunov: The word “rock” in Russian means fate, which leads those who agree and drags those who resist. Rock is a way of life through which the individual opposes himself to the crowd. And rock music is one of its manifestations.

Best of the day

- Festivals have become an integral part of the rock scene. What are the specifics of Russian festivals?

Vyacheslav Selin: Festival movements here and abroad are fundamentally different. In Russia, the public comes to the festival, interested in a specific group. European listeners are interested in festivals in general. It almost never happens that after an artist’s performance the hall is half empty. People go to a specific musical direction.

Nikolai Korshunov: Russian festivals are not for the better in almost everything, from the attitude towards the audience to the selection of musicians. For example, the members of the band METALLICA, who played at the 1991 festival in Tushino, were in terrible shock at how the cops beat up the fans for “losing out” to their favorite music. Now this is no longer the case, however, and bands like METALLICA don’t come to us. At major festivals the same lineups constantly perform, sounding as if they all learned to play from “Our Radio”. Maybe this is cool for some, but what does rock have to do with it?

- Have you taken part in Western festivals?

Sergey Terentyev: We performed in an Israeli park. The equipment was much worse than in Russia. According to the regulations, each group had five minutes to set up. Naturally, this time was not enough! Israeli fans are not very active. Maybe because the Israelis are a calmer people?

- By what principle does a group choose a festival and decide on its participation in it?

Sergey Terentyev: Artists are interested in advertising and attention from the media. This is often the decisive argument in deciding whether to participate.

Vyacheslav Selin: No matter how bad it may sound, the musician must benefit from the event. It is useless to touch upon the material aspect. You start to think about what bonuses offered by the organizers you can use.

-Have there been any cases when you refused to participate in a concert?

Sergey Terentyev: There was one case. Then the work of the organizers left much to be desired. There was no advertising at all. We arrived and saw an empty hall and several very drunk groups, which were considered unnecessary to perform with.

Nikolay Korshunov: This suggests that the choice of festival crowd should be taken seriously. One or two poorly organized concerts in the presence of television cameras - and tomorrow they will forget about you. Nobody needs extra “black PR”.

- What do you see as the main shortcomings of organizational activities?

Vyacheslav Selin: The main mistake is the wrong choice of venue. Often organizers do not connect the venue with the style of the concert. For example, metal festivals are held in clubs that are not suitable for heavy music. Or, on the contrary, jazz players gather in alternative clubs. This is bad for a number of reasons: firstly, the premises themselves are unsuitable, and secondly, there is a contingent of people who do not go to the group, but to hang out in this particular place.

Sergey Terentyev: An equally important point, in my opinion, is the accessibility of the venue. It happens that you have to get to the festival for several hours, stand in traffic jams, make your way in the heat through police cordons who don’t want to let you through without a special badge, and you, squeezed like a lemon, have to go on stage and delight the audience with your bright and talented performance! Spectators also often complain about the organizers, due to whom they have to stand in line for two hours at the entrance and end up getting to the concert only halfway through... I understand that creating additional entrances and exits is quite difficult and expensive, but otherwise inconvenience is guaranteed.

Vyacheslav Selin: Another nuisance is the posters announcing the lineup of participants, which are posted in advance. But it happens that some group refuses to participate, while another, on the contrary, agrees. Many spectators who came to the concert break off. In the West, this can only happen with headliners. We often go to listen to a certain group, and if it refuses, complaints are all over the place.

Nikolai Korshunov: Another problem is the ideological background of the event. I won’t say names, but almost all of our major festivals have hidden advertising, for example, of alcohol. But beer is not soda, you understand. It turns out that the groups performing at such shows, perhaps against their will, but participate on the side of the alcohol producers. For young guys, consuming such goodness does not improve their health.

- How do you see an ideal festival?

Vyacheslav Selin: At this stage there are no ideal festivals, because often a festival is a convenience for the public and an inconvenience for the artists. In terms of sound, common dressing rooms, shouts from the crowd, when one half shouts “hurray!”, the other - “go home!” An ideal festival should be not only for the public, but also for the musicians, when there is an opportunity to organize normally, have their own fitting, and when the selection of groups corresponds to the ideology of the festival.

Nikolay Korshunov: An ideal festival should be positive and joyful, first of all. The so-called Russian rockers always have some kind of melancholy, messianic complexes, even to the point of preaching from the stage. This is also not childishly stressful. Everyone somehow forgets that the person did not come to be sad, but to have fun. The ideal festival will be when people on both sides of the stage disperse with the desire to enjoy life, with fun in their souls, and not with the desire to hit someone on the head.

- Do we understand the subtleties of selecting participants as complex relationships between groups?

Sergey Terentyev: Quite often, luring musicians from group to group. This causes conflicts. Agree, it’s unpleasant when you spend six months introducing a person to the program, and he leaves for another group.

Vyacheslav Selin: Human relationships are a very complex concept. If organizers want to achieve a cohesive festival, they should not invite groups at odds with each other. Fifty percent of the artist's relationship is reflected in the fans' relationship. A parallel can be drawn with football fans who fight after a match. If groups are unpleasant to each other on a personal level, there may even be set-ups with sound.

Sergey Terentyev: As they say, show business with an inhuman face. The musician must be sober, attentive and know his equipment better than the technicians, so that at a critical moment he can correct the situation on his own.

- What was the most successful festival in your entire practice?

Sergey Terentyev: “Change your tomorrow-2” is a festival that is positive in all respects. I really liked the work of the organizers, the place and time of the event. We worked to a full house.

- What will you please your fans with at the “Change Your Tomorrow-3” festival?

Nikolay Korshunov: Most likely, the basis of the festival performance will be hits from our first album “Fly to the Light”. In the words of the song “Machine of Death”, we are ready to win and “fight to the end” for everyone who “bleeds under a black T-shirt”!

The history of the Arteriya group dates back to the end of 2003, when Sergei Terentyev announced his departure from the Kipelov group. A year earlier, S. Terentyev left the most popular Russian group, “Aria,” to which he devoted 8 years of his life and recorded the following discs with it: “Night is Shorter than Day” (1995), “Made in Russia” (1996), “Generator of Evil” ( 1998), “Tribute to Harley-Davidson” (1999), “2000 and One Night” (1999), “Chimera” (2001). After leaving Kipelov, Terentyev needed a worthy vocalist to create a group. It was the vocalist of the Legion group Alexey Bulgakov. The result of the first collaboration was the re-release of Sergei Terentyev’s first solo album “Up To Thirty” (1994). The album was re-released in 2004 under the title “30+3+infinity” and included three bonus tracks: “Paradise Lost”, “Who are you?” and “The stars have fallen to the bottom.”

In July 2004, bass guitarist Robert Boym (ex - “BETRAYER”) and drummer Sergei Eranov (“Legion”) were invited to the project. At the end of spring 2005, work on the first album “Fly to the Light” was completed. In June of the same year, Alexey Bulgakov, Sergei Eranov and Robert Boym left the group. In July, Nikolai Korshunov (ex-Tomcat) auditions for the vacant position of bass guitarist. Alexey Barzilovich (ex-Valkyrie) becomes the new drummer, and young guitarist Vyacheslav Selin is invited to take the place of the second guitarist. Sergey Lugansky (ex-Magnit) and Andrey Khramov (ex-Khimera, Magnat, Green Town) auditioned for the vocalist position, but for various reasons they worked with the group for only a short time. After some time, Sergey Sergeev (ex-Shadow Host) became the vocalist.

The debut album of the group “Artery” with vocals by Alexei Bulgakov - “Fly to the Light” was released on October 3, 2005 under the CD-Maximum label. Already at the end of the same year, CD-Maximum reissued “Fly to the Light” with a full booklet and two bonus tracks sung by new vocalist Sergei Sergeev. In the summer of 2006, CD-Maximum released the group's next album, “In Search of a New Life.” This is an album of remakes of songs from the “Aryan” period, authored by Sergei Terentyev. Shortly after the release of this album, drummer Alexey Barzilovich was fired from the group. Sergey Kutaev (ex - “Shadow Host”) became the new drummer of “Artery”.

Since September 2006, the “Artery” group has been immersed in work on the Margenta musical project - “Dynasty of the Initiates” (the author of the idea and all the lyrics is Margarita Pushkina, the composer is Sergei Skripnikov (ex-“New Testament”), the producer is Sergei Terentyev.) Via 9 months of work on a very complex and unusual project for Russian rock music was completed. Release date: June 2007. In January 2008, Vyacheslav Selin and Sergey Sergeev left the group to create their own project. In June of the same year, bass guitarist Nikolai Korshunov left the group. His place was taken by bass guitarist Yuri Makarov. Andrey Volkov became the new vocalist.
In June 2009, young guitarist Eduard Sharonov joined the group. At the moment, the musicians of the “Artery” group are working on their third numbered album.

At the end of January 2010, the group “Artery” released a single called “Pain”.

In the April 2010 issue of Music Box magazine there was an interview with Sergei Terentyev and a CD supplement in which the new song of the Arteriya group “Your Own Enemy” was released.

After a long vacation, on May 15, 2010, vocalist Andrei Volkov announced that he was returning to his homeland in Morshansk for permanent residence, which made it impossible for him to participate in the group. Andrey’s collaboration with Arteriya lasted more than two years and this period was one of the best in the history of the team.

On June 10, 2010, the group “Artery” posted a new song “Land of the Winds” (music and lyrics by Andrei Kobzar) on the Internet.

Grigory Strelkov (“Asferix”) became the new vocalist of the “Arteriya” group. Grigory made his debut as part of the group “Artery” on June 13, 2010 at the 1-Rock club.

On December 19, 2010, the presentation of the DVD of the group “5 Points” took place, but for technical reasons the physical release of the edition was delayed by two months.

Bass guitarist Yuri Makarov, who played in the Artery group for more than two years, said that he was forced to stop his cooperation with the group due to his professional employment in the field of film production.

Daniil Zakharenkov (“Black Obelisk”, GlossyTeria) became the new bassist of the “Arteriya” group.