Chinese government grant. How to get a Chinese government scholarship

  • 1 of 40 students participating in the competition receive a scholarship
  • 25 - 50% - average tuition coverage
  • 100% coverage of tuition is an extremely rare case and requires outstanding achievements
  • 12 months- this is the minimum period within which it is necessary to begin preparing documents
  • Scholarships in China

    Obtaining higher education in China is not only profitable, but also prestigious. It is difficult to argue with this statement, since the economy of the Celestial Empire, like the education system, has dramatically stepped forward in just a couple of decades. By opening access to free higher education, the Chinese government has made the country a world leader in scientific, technological and medical developments. Foreign students also have the opportunity not to pay for their education at Chinese universities, but this luxury is not available to everyone, but only to the most talented and promising students.
    Higher education in China is officially free, but the competition for one budget place in a bachelor's program sometimes reaches 50-100 people, depending on the university and the demand for the specialty. In addition, Chinese citizens are the first to enroll in state-funded universities, so foreigners most often have to pay tuition.
    As a rule, the cost of one year of undergraduate education costs a foreigner on average 2,000 USD – 5,000 USD, which is much lower than the price tags that many American and European universities charge. A huge advantage of receiving higher education in China is that the government and third-party funds provide a lot of scholarships and grants, the amounts of which allow you to fully or partially cover the costs of studying and living in a foreign country.

    How to get a scholarship in China?

    It is quite possible to receive funding from the Chinese government or alternative funds. To qualify for a grant or scholarship, a candidate must meet certain requirements:
    • be no older than 25 years (for bachelor's programs), no older than 35 years (for master's programs), and no older than 40 years (for doctoral programs);
    • speak Chinese at the proper level (as a rule, a HSK-4 certificate or higher is required). This requirement is not always mandatory, for example, for university scholarships (applies to language courses);
    • have a high grade point average (GPA) of a diploma or certificate (the criterion depends on the requirements of a particular scholarship program or university);
    • high academic performance during the academic year (if the candidate plans to receive a scholarship at the beginning of the next semester or year of study);
    • excellent health (this indicator is especially important when entering Chinese universities, which require a certificate of completion of a full medical examination and the absence of chronic diseases);
    • presence of an interesting research project or future project plan (this criterion is important for master's and doctoral students).
    A foreign student has the opportunity to receive a grant or scholarship at any educational level, but the lion's share of funding is aimed at students in postgraduate programs (master's, postgraduate) programs.

    Scholarships in China

    Government Scholarships in China

  • China/UNESCO - The Great Wall Fellowship Program
  • An annual scholarship from the Chinese Ministry of Education, which is awarded to students who have received a recommendation from the UNESCO Cultural Foundation. The Great Wall Fellowship Program is aimed at senior scholars and general scholars working at the university. The former receive a remuneration of around 2,000 yuan per month, the latter - about 1,700 yuan per month. There are very few grants and scholarships for English-language programs in China, The Great Wall Fellowship Program is one of them. Financial assistance is provided for one year, but if the candidate chooses programs in Chinese, the scholarship is extended for another year. Applications from applicants are accepted from January 1 to April 30 annually.
  • Chinese Government Scholarship Scheme
  • The scholarship program was created with the support of the Chinese government and is aimed at foreign students who wish to obtain higher education in China. The amount of financial aid varies for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. Future bachelors and students of language courses receive just over 200 USD per month, future masters - more than 250 USD per month, doctoral students receive at least 300 USD per month. This money is enough to cover living expenses and food. Applications from scholarship applicants are accepted from January 1 to April 30.
  • China/Shanghai Cooperation Organization Scholarship Scheme
  • Students of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs who are citizens of countries that are members of the SCO (Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) can apply for financial assistance. The amount of scholarships depends on the educational level at which the student is. Future doctors of science receive the most generous remuneration - about 2,000 yuan per month, master's stipends are about 1,700 yuan per month, bachelors receive about 1,400 yuan per month. Students who do not speak Chinese well have the opportunity to attend language courses at their chosen university for free, the costs are covered by the scholarship program.
  • Chinese Culture Research Fellowship Scheme

  • The scholarship program was created with the support of the Chinese Ministry of Education and is aimed at maintaining the interest of foreign specialists in Chinese culture and traditions. An applicant for the scholarship must have a doctoral degree in a field related to Chinese culture, language or history. An equally important criterion when selecting candidates for a scholarship is the presence of original publications in well-known publications. Financial assistance to the scholarship holder is provided for a period of 5 months in the amount of about 3,000 yuan per month.
  • Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation “Global Education”
  • A scholarship program implemented with the support of the President of the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to support domestic students enrolled in foreign universities for postgraduate education programs (master's, doctoral) programs. To date, partnership agreements have been signed with more than 200 universities around the world, this group also includes Chinese universities: Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University university
    The scholarship fully covers the costs of studying and living abroad (including meals and the purchase of teaching aids). Each participant in the program is allocated 1.5 million rubles. After completing training, the scholarship holder is required to return to their homeland and work for at least 3 years in a domestic company.

    Independent scholarships

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship
  • Academically successful students studying master's programs at Russian universities have the opportunity to continue their studies at one of the universities in China under the Erasmus+ student mobility program. In addition, program participants receive a scholarship (the amount of the benefit must be clarified with representatives of the Erasmus+ Foundation). Students from Russian universities that have signed partnership agreements with Chinese universities can apply for the scholarship.
  • Women in Science Grant
  • The UNESCO Cultural Foundation, together with the cosmetics company L'OREAL Foundation, launched the Women in Science project in 1998 to support women scientists around the world. The Foundation annually allocates 10 cash grants of $100,000 each. Candidates under 35 years of age who are studying in graduate school (or working at a university) in such specializations as medicine, chemistry, physics and biology are invited to take part in the program. The main selection criterion is the practical usefulness of the research conducted by the candidate.

    Scholarships from Chinese Universities

  • Xi'an Transport University Scholarship
  • Financial assistance is provided to postgraduate students in such areas as energy, information and communications, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer technology. The scholarship is paid for two years and covers all university tuition and living expenses, and also guarantees a monthly stipend of approximately 1,700 yuan.
  • WMO Program
  • The scholarship, established by the Chinese government, aims to support international students in bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs studying at Hohei University and Nanyang Information Science and Technology University. Financial assistance applies to the following faculties: water resources monitoring and management, meteorology and hydrology. The scholarship partially covers university tuition, living expenses and health insurance. Applications for participation in the program are submitted from November 1 to February 28.
  • Hohei University Scholarship

  • Hohai University offers full and partial funding to international students. Full scholarships cover all costs of studying at a university, up to payment of the application fee for examination of documents and housing. Additionally, undergraduate students receive a monthly allowance of about 1,000 yuan, future master's students receive at least 1,300 yuan, and PhD students receive about 1,500 yuan. Partial funding usually only covers tuition and living expenses.
  • Peking University Scholarship

  • 3rd year undergraduate students and students of postgraduate programs (master's, doctoral) can apply for a scholarship from Peking University. The only caveat: candidates for the scholarship are nominated by university teachers. Each applicant is reviewed by the teaching council, after which a decision is made to award a scholarship. Every year, the university allocates about 5 scholarships for doctoral students of 10,000 yuan, another 10 scholarships for doctoral students of 5,000 yuan, 15 scholarships for future masters of 4,000 yuan and 30 scholarships for undergraduate students of 3,000 yuan.
  • Beihang University Scholarship
  • The program was initiated with the support of the Chinese government, its purpose is to provide financial assistance to students of master's and doctoral programs at Beihang University. The scholarship fully covers tuition, living expenses, medical care, insurance, travel expenses (international flights) and living allowance. Candidates must have a high level of English or Chinese language skills and a strong academic record.
  • Schwarzman Scholarship at Tsinghua University
  • Financial aid is available to students in English-language graduate programs studying Politics, Economics and Business or International Studies at Tsinghua University. The scholarship program is valid for a year and covers tuition, room and board, course materials and health insurance. In addition, fellows receive a monthly stipend.
  • Lanzhou University Scholarship

  • To attract talented students, LZU or Lanzhou University has established a scholarship program that aims to support students in master's and doctoral programs. Candidates must meet the university requirements (have a bachelor's degree for master's studies and a master's degree for doctoral studies, respectively), have a certificate of a passed medical examination, as well as high academic performance. Financial assistance for master's programs is about 3,000 yuan per month, for doctoral programs - about 3,500 yuan per month. Fellows are exempt from fees for tuition, housing, educational and laboratory materials.
  • Shanghai University Scholarship
  • The program is implemented by the Shanghai government for foreign students wishing to study at Shanghai University. There are two types of financial assistance – full and partial. Full funding is provided to master's and doctoral students, covering tuition, living expenses, accident insurance, and a small living allowance. Partial financing only covers insurance and benefits.

    Free education in China is possible!
    Today, domestic students or simply anyone who wishes can easily apply for scholarships and grants to study in China. Their size, payment procedure and other features may vary significantly, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information below in detail.

    There are 440,000 foreign students studying in China, and many do so through grants and scholarships. Agree, it’s nice when your studies at a university in China are paid not by you or your parents, but by the government, the Confucius Institute or the university itself?

    What are the types of student scholarships in China?

    Grants and scholarships in China may vary in size and include:

    1. Full support for the student. The university fully covers tuition and living expenses, and also pays the student monthly from 300 to 600 dollars.
    2. Full support without scholarship support. The student will be able to study and live on the university campus for free.
    3. Partial support for the student. In this case, tuition payments are not provided, and accommodation is paid by the student. The university only provides the right to free education.

    Please note that you can receive a training grant in different ways. Entry requirements, size and type of scholarship depend entirely on who is issuing the grant. Currently, grants are available from:

    • Chinese government scholarship (applies to all specialties at any Chinese university of the applicant’s choice);
    • Confucius Institute (within the specialty “Chinese”);
    • individual universities in China or their faculties;
    • cities, provinces or the entire state.

    And may include tuition, accommodation and up to $600, tuition and accommodation only, or tuition only (in whole or in part).

    How to get a government scholarship

    About 40,000 scholarships are awarded annually for bachelors, masters, and doctors - of which 85% are full and 15% are partial. Each country has its own quota and Russia accounts for 2,400 scholarships. Education in China is becoming more and more popular, so competition among applicants is growing.

    First of all, let’s figure out how to get a scholarship from the Chinese Government and the Confucius Institute. To do this, you need to pass the Chinese Language Qualification Exam (HSK) and receive the corresponding certificate (from level 4 and above). If you do not speak the national language of the People's Republic of China, you must take a 12-month preparatory course to gain basic knowledge in this area.

    At the same time, in addition to a number of general requirements for the applicant, master's programs in China are available only to those who have a bachelor's degree. The age of the applicant must not exceed 35 years. To obtain a PhD, you must have a master's degree and be under 40 years of age. A mandatory requirement is also the submission of a complete package of documents (including copies of diplomas and grade books, medical certificates, etc.). To receive a government scholarship, letters of recommendation from two teachers (professor or associate professor) are additionally required.

    Please note that you can apply for admission to several organizations at the same time, indicating the priority of the university. Good luck!

    How to Get a Confucius Institute Scholarship

    The Confucius Institute scholarship differs from the government scholarship in that it is allocated only to those who are going to study in Chinese in the humanities at a bachelor's or master's degree. The choice of universities is smaller than in the state program - 165. In addition, the choice of the university where you will study is made by the program organizers.

    Although theoretically any applicant who speaks Chinese at the HSK-4 level and above can apply for a Confucius Scholarship, in practice they prefer those who are studying under an institute program in their own country and have a recommendation from a local branch. There is fierce competition for full scholarships, as they only make up 4% of the grants awarded.

    How do I get reimbursement in the province?

    Such compensations are regular, for example, to attract more foreign students to local universities. And irregular, when a student is needed one-time in a specific field or to participate in scientific work. The number of scholarships in such programs is usually measured in units, less often - in tens.

    To find such scholarships, you need to at least speak English, and better yet, Chinese. After all, you will have to look for them on the websites of local authorities. There is usually little information in Russian and it quickly becomes outdated.

    What documents are needed to apply?

    The package of documents usually includes:

    • a short biography of the applicant;
    • a copy of the certificate with grades or diploma;
    • copy of passport;
    • Some photos;
    • HSK certificate of proficiency in Chinese (if you speak);
    • medical certificates;
    • a letter of representation stating that all the data you provided is accurate.

    Depending on the program, other documents may be added (for example, recommendations from the director, rector, professor, associate professor), as well as their translation into Chinese.

    If you know Chinese, you will need to pass the HSK language qualification exam at level 4-6. If not, then applicants for a state scholarship are given a year for language training before starting their studies at the university.

    Confucius Institute applicants must learn Chinese in advance. For city and provincial scholarships, language requirements are determined by local governments depending on the situation.

    Examples of grants in universities CCN

    Grant universities CCN

    At the moment, undergraduate grants are available at all 28 universities of the CCN consortium, and master's grants are available at 20 universities. Here you can find a list of universities, conditions and types of grants and other details.

    University Type of grant Grant coverage
    Fudan University A1 100% free education (Shanghai Government Scholarship)
    Zhejiang University A1 100% free training (covering 20,000 RMB)
    Southeast University A0-1 Free tuition + free accommodation + insurance + scholarship
    A4 Additional subsidy
    Harbin Institute of Technology A0-2 Free training + free accommodation
    A1 100% free training
    A3 Discount on training 50%
    A4 Discount on training 25%

    Open the directory of grants for bachelor's and master's degrees.

    Today, many students from around the world prefer to get an education in China, since over the past couple of decades the PRC has significantly risen not only in the economic sector, but also in the level and quality of education has become high and prestigious. But for many, the question of how to get a scholarship in China is not entirely clear.

    The Celestial Empire - majestic and mysterious

    There are different ways, including paid ones. But in fact, you can apply for scholarships in China yourself if you know how to proceed correctly. You can additionally find useful and relevant information on mofcom.

    To travel to China to study, you will need to undergo a medical examination in your country

    When selecting students for training, an important role will be played by:

    • review of personal portfolio;
    • current level of education;
    • recommendations;
    • You can submit dissertations or abstracts of various scientific studies.

    How to apply for a government scholarship on your own?

    The first thing you need to do is decide on the choice of universities, there are many of them in China, several in each major city, and about 94 in total. Then you can search on the website from among those that provide scholarships from the Chinese government. Basically they are indicated by the corresponding symbol, a red star, useful and informative data is available on mofcom.

    An applicant for a Chinese government scholarship must select a host university and specialty from a list of higher education institutions determined by the Ministry of Education of China.

    To make it easier to decide, you can look at the ratings of each institute; you shouldn’t worry, even if some of them are in the lead, getting into them is no more difficult, usually these are metropolitan universities, where there is a lot of competition.

    Next, you need to decide on your specialty, for example, if you are interested in philology, it is better to give preference to language universities rather than technical ones. The emphasis on teaching philology is higher and more in-depth, even if technical ones are closer to the leaders in the list of ratings. And to increase your chances of entering a Chinese higher education institution, it is better to apply to several different ones at once, but also be prepared to collect documents for several universities.

    Now you need to contact universities, for this you should look for an email address that you can contact to apply for government grants. It is necessary to write a letter, preferably expressing admiration for the educational institution.

    More information about studying in China, scholarships and grants can be found in the video below.

    If the response does not come, you can try to resend. If the answer comes, it should indicate the time frame within which you need to invest in submitting documents; it would also be useful to clarify the list of specialties, since it happens that not all available specialties are indicated on the site or, conversely, the data is not entirely up-to-date and for some There is no training in professions.

    Find out more here.

    Despite the huge amount of work with students’ documents in language courses, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, I decided to write this post to answer the question of the guys who are actively and daily interested in Government grants and ask the same question: “How to study in China for free and how to get a full Government grant,” and at the end of the questions there is always a note: “Help! We will pay!")

    Let me remind you that today we are looking at the eighth question in the “TOP 10 customer questions” section. You can get answers to all previous questions by clicking on the appropriate link.

    1. How to get a grant and study in China for free? Help, we will pay!

    I would like to schematically examine this pressing issue regarding Government grants. There are several options to receive a grant: from the Government of the People's Republic of China and from the province (or the university itself). We do not take into account the Hanban programs, Confucius grants and others. You also need to understand that there are grants with and without a monthly stipend, but based on the results of the semester/year, a one-time stipend may also be paid.

    Most applicants for studying in China want, of course, a Government grant, but they don’t just want it, they want to buy it :) It has been and will be explained dozens and hundreds of times that such a grant cannot be bought. The candidate is reviewed by the university and then confirmed by the grant commission in Beijing. We will not dwell on this issue in detail and say that if the university needs you, then you will most likely receive a Government grant, but if the university does not know you, then the rules of a regular competition apply: submit documents on a general basis and wait until the end of June-July for the result .

    Also remember that today only master’s and doctoral students can apply for a Government grant directly to China. But most often it happens like this: I don’t have knowledge of the Chinese language, I want everything for free and a stipend to be paid every month. Tell me, for what merit should China do this for you? Think soberly. The PRC is now investing a lot of money in training foreigners, this is true, but they also want normal students with knowledge of the language.

    For children who do not yet have knowledge of the language, there are a large number of grant programs. Yes, they are often without scholarships, yes, there are conditions for the transition from a language year to a bachelor’s degree based on academic performance and attendance, but this is just normal, it’s logical! It’s not logical when the mother of one student calls us and says, we went through one Kazakh company, promised everything for free, arrived, and then the university handed us pennies for money. It turned out that everything is not true, you will figure it out, I don’t have the money to pay the full price. And when you were offered such sweet terms, you didn’t want to figure it out? But...perhaps it has always been and will be.

    Do you know why such assistants still exist? This is exactly the same as in sports forecasts. Two people are given the opposite forecast, one loses and hopes for next time, and the second is endlessly happy about the victory and will write a couple of cool comments on the forums about his benefactors. The same goes for grants. Out of 20-30 people, someone will definitely pass on their own))

    Oh, how many times have we had to refuse easy money for Government grants :) People are used to the fact that everything can be bought and are sincerely perplexed when we refuse them. The result is that only you can receive a government grant. With a bachelor's degree, of course, it is now very difficult after the document submission scheme has changed. Previously, universities accepted them directly, but now only through the Ministry of Education of your country or the Chinese Consulate. The latter are sent to the former, and the former shrug their shoulders, saying we don’t know anything. We wrote earlier that bachelor's quota places are distributed to local universities that have exchange agreements with China and, as always, through connections. I will definitely say that now it is extremely difficult for those wishing to receive a Government grant for a bachelor’s degree.

    Universities come to the rescue, ready to offer grant programs at their own expense or at the expense of their province. They are also completely free, partially paid and require diligence from the student in study and behavior, but the result is worth it - the same full grant and often with the same scholarship.

    These are the kind of grants we work with. and such programs provide an opportunity for worthy children (in terms of previous academic performance) to receive a grant with no worse conditions. These are bachelor's programs with a year of language training 1+3 and 1+4, master's programs 1+2 and 1+3, and also without a preparatory year. There are grants only for (which are not provided by the Government). They are very popular at an extremely attractive grant price.

    Usually, by paying a partial fee for the first year, the university is insured against those who came to relax and not to study, and then the university is happy to finance motivated students and thereby earn indicators and ratings before the Government, which in the future will more than cover all the expenses of the university by increasing funding by developing a research base, increasing teaching staff, building new modern dormitories for both Chinese and foreigners, and so on. This is a kind of policy that you don’t need to understand too much. You need to take advantage of this offer and not miss the chance.

    Nobody knows what will happen in 5-10 years, and whether such programs will exist next year. Here is the leadership of Shandong Polytechnic University, for example, for two years now I have been tormented by the question of whether they know exactly about the date of completion of their language courses, to which I always receive a clear answer: “This year the province gave places, what will happen next year, we ourselves do not we know."

    In the case of Government grants, for which we are constantly offered money, the future student learns the commission’s decision only in June-July, and very often at this time it is no longer possible to offer him any other option in the event of the commission’s refusal. Therefore, when choosing a Government grant, we recommend that you be sure to be backed by a provincial grant or a university grant.

    Don’t tempt fate and don’t hope for chance - think about getting a grant now. Don't know anything about grant programs? No problem. Contact us for advice and get one step closer to your dream of studying in China. We are responsible for the conditions that we stipulate in contracts with you!

    How can you get a government grant for free education at a university in China? Requirements for admission to bachelor's and master's degrees at universities in this country in 2019.

    Today it is famous not only for its sustainable economy, but also for its impeccable education system. Many people want to study in China, but, unfortunately, not everyone has such a financial opportunity. Students and applicants who want to in 2019 or 2019 have the opportunity to receive a grant at one of the higher educational institutions of the Celestial Empire.

    China has many good educational institutions, many of them among the top 100 in the world. Studying and graduating from a Chinese university promises a person not only obtaining high-quality knowledge, but also promising prospects in the future.

    Tsinghua University is one of the best universities in China

    A grant to study in China is a provision of free education in the PRC. On average, for 1 year of study you have to pay about 140,000 Chinese yuan (approximately 1,280,000 Russian rubles), and receiving a grant provides an excellent opportunity to receive an international diploma for free.

    Grants for studying in China can be full or partial. A full grant is compensation for the cost of not only tuition, but also accommodation in a dormitory, attendance at additional courses, payment of a scholarship and educational materials.

    With a partial grant, only part of the tuition or the above services is paid, which means that the second part of the costs must be covered by the student himself.

    China is a country that cares about its economic system, which is why it provides a lot of grants for foreign students every year. The Chinese government, through the provision of grants to foreigners, promotes the development of international economic and cultural ties.

    A Chinese university student talks about receiving a study grant

    Types of grants

    There are several types of grants that will allow you to study at universities in China. There is also the opportunity to enroll in a master's program.

    Grants provided by the Government of the People's Republic of China

    The government grant implies not only tuition fees, but also free accommodation and a scholarship. Only people wishing to obtain a master's or doctorate degree can apply for it. The master's stipend is approximately $500 per month, and doctoral studies pay international students $600 per month.

    There are strict requirements for applicants for government scholarships. Firstly, a person applying for a grant to obtain a master's degree must not be older than 35 years, and an applicant for a doctorate degree must not be older than 40 years. Secondly, the applicant must have at least a bachelor's degree in education. Thirdly, a person must have an excellent knowledge of Chinese traditions and respect them, as well as follow the national customs of the PRC.

    Grants provided by the Confucius Institute

    The scholarship is only available for Chinese majors.

    The grant covers the following expenses:

    1. Full tuition payment.
    2. Payment for accommodation.
    3. Scholarship. The amount of the scholarship directly depends on what degree the applicant will study for:
    • Bachelor's stipend – $317 per month.
    • Master's stipend – $475 per month.
    • Doctoral Scholarship – $571 per month.

    In addition, this grant provides a one-time residence allowance of CNY 1,500 per year (approximately US$238) and provides comprehensive medical insurance for a foreign resident.

    Conditions for applying for the Confucius Institute Scholarship

    Documents for awarding a grant are submitted to such institutions as:

    1. Department of Educational Affairs at the Diplomatic Mission of the People's Republic of China.
    2. Confucius Institute (available in different countries of the world). In Russia, you can apply for a grant at the following address: Moscow, Komsomolsky Prospekt, building No. 6.

    Grants provided by cities and provinces of this country

    These grants cover only 75% of the cost of training and provide free accommodation. Only those candidates who have received an HSK certificate of at least level 4 can receive a grant.

    The number of foreign students in China is constantly growing. In 2019, this figure could reach half a million.

    Grants provided by higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China

    Such grants cover only 50% of the cost of training. The main requirement for applicants who do not know Chinese is to take one year of Chinese language courses. Even those foreign residents who intend to study in English are required to take courses.