Excursion to the local history museum with children. An excursion to the museum as a means of introducing preschoolers to folk toys

Methodological development of an excursion in the school museum " A towel is not a towel for you!”
: Educating the younger generation in the spirit of reviving the folk traditions of Russia through reviving interest in folk arts and crafts using the example of using a towel in rituals.

Location: school museum.

Participants : Technology teacher, museum curator, pre-prepared student guides, schoolchildren (students aged 11-14 years).

Material support: museum exhibits of household items decorated with embroidery; completed works of children, mothers and grandmothers; tape recorder and audio cassette with recordings of folk melodies (the event takes place against the backdrop of Russian folk melodies).

    Greetings, general introduction to the museum

II . Excursion(the guides' stories are accompanied by a demonstration of museum exhibits, children's works of mothers and grandmothers, and their first works).

Teacher's story: Rushnik This is an embroidered decorative rectangular cloth made of hemp or linen canvas. This is not only an object of Slavic folk culture, but also one of the few relics of the fading Slavic culture of embroidered symbolic writing. The towel carries many meanings and preserves the history of the people not only of the Christian, but also of a much earlier, pagan period.

Word towel has the root “rush”, “rukh”. What does “destroy” mean – tear, break, that is, a towel is a torn piece of fabric, a cut. In the Slavic language, a root with this meaning is found in words that mean a shirt, a sheet, clothes - ruho, junk, that is, a canvas whose integrity has been compromised.

The fabric was torn and not cut because weaving as such appeared much earlier than metal knives and scissors.

The consonance with the word “hand” leads many people to mistakenly interpret the word “rushnik” as a hand towel. However, for wiping they used wiping pads, flies, towels, hand rubs, handbrake handles - small pieces of linen that were decorated much more modestly compared to a real towel.

A real towel had a width of 35 - 40 centimeters and a length of 3 - 5 meters. It was richly decorated with embroidery, ribbons, braided weaving, lace and braid - such a decorative product is almost impossible to wipe your hands with. Rushnik in Rus' it had primarily a ritual and ceremonial significance, and not an everyday one.

Guide 1: Rushnik- The road of life. An embroidered linen (or hemp) towel is a very symbolic thing. It accompanies a person at the most crucial moments of his life - birth, baptism, wedding. And the long - sometimes up to two and a half and three meters - bleached canvas symbolizes the road.

The most important events in the life of the people could not be done without a towel:

    he was a sign of hospitality,

    on it they served bread and salt to dear guests,

    newborns were received on towels,

    the mother gave a towel to her son on the road - for happiness in his new life,

    The Slavic bride had to prepare 40 towels for the wedding.

There were a large number of varieties of towels, each of which carried its own sacred meaning and had a clear purpose.

If we recall the well-known saying “good riddance”, which now has a negative meaning, then earlier, in this way, travelers were wished a happy journey. And this is connected with special travel towels. Travel towel personified the wish for an easy journey and a quick return.

On maternity towel the midwife received the newborn, and at the christening they embroidered baptismal towel, on which the child was carried to the temple and dried after dipping into the font.

For major annual holidays, special holiday towels were embroidered. For example, on Maslenitsa, in gratitude for the treat, the owners of the house were given pancake towel. Easter towels intended for baked Easter cakes, breads and similar hospitable towels, but differ in ornamentation - they often contain the abbreviations XV (Christ is risen) and egg symbols. " Divine"was called the towel that frames the icons.

Wedding towels there are about 40. As a sign of the consent of the bride and her parents to the marriage, the groom's family was given a richly embroidered hand towel. When the bride was prepared for the wedding, her father handed over to the groom's house messenger towel- a sign that you can go after the bride and start the wedding. Towel-fly tied on the bride's hand to take the girl out of her home. Weaved and embroidered separately towel “parental” or “blessed”, on which the newlyweds knelt when they were blessed for marriage by their parents before the wedding. Such towels were included in the bride's dowry.

Friendly towels are presented to witnesses-friends (hence the modern custom of putting ribbons over the shoulder of witnesses in the registry office).

Foremost wedding towel is called "wedding". There were also " Union", "hospitable", "rushnik-matinee" and many others that your grandmothers can tell you about.

Guide 2: Towels were decorated with magical patterns. Ancient embroidery is a kind of secret writing system. The patterns embroidered on towels had a deeply symbolic meaning. The towels were embroidered with zoomorphic (swans, roosters, chickens, eagles, ducks, deer, horses, etc.), plant (oak, hops, grapes, viburnum, lily, poppy, rose, etc.) and geometric (circles, rhombuses) ornaments , swastikas, zigzag lines, etc.).

A straight horizontal line indicated ground surface , horizontal wavy line - water , and vertical wavy - rain , triangle - mountains , crossing lines - fire and lightning . to the sun , As a source of life, possessing purifying and protective powers, great importance was attached, so solar symbolism was present on many objects. According to the technique of embroidery with counted stitches, a circle is turned into a polyhedron, rhombus, or square. In ancient times it was considered a messenger of the sun, warmth and light, a symbol of happiness and joy. bird, promising the onset of spring, harvest and wealth. Deer and horse They personified the “life-giving luminary” - the sun, and brought happiness and fun, well-being. Kalina - a tree of Ukrainian origin. Viburnum berries are red, which symbolizes the immortality of the family. Oak and viburnum are symbols of beauty and strength, but extraordinary strength, extraordinary beauty. Symbolism grapes reveals to us the joy and beauty of raising a family. Lily - a symbol of girlish purity and innocence, feminine energy. Patterns with roses embroidered according to the laws of floral patterns, which means continuous solar movement with constant renewal. Hop - very close to the symbolism of water and grapes, it carries the meaning of youth and love. The nightingale and the cuckoo embroidered on girls' towels. The newlyweds are symbolized falcons , pigeons Androosters .Martin - this bird always brings good news.

III . Reflection. The schoolchildren became interested in embroidering towels and chose patterns for their future works. We decided to invite mothers and grandmothers, listen to their stories, and learn embroidery from them.

IV. Photo report

Photo 1. The location of the excursion is the school museum.

Photo 2. Museum curator T.B. Lisova introduced the schoolchildren to museum exhibits.

Photo 3. Students demonstrate their first works completed in technology lessons.

School naturalistic excursions

The goals and objectives of the excursion “The History of the Development of Life on Earth” can be realized not only when conducting it on a geological outcrop, but also in a local history museum that has exhibitions on the geological past of the local region. An excursion to the museum does not change the established rhythm of the educational process and does not overload students in the preparatory period and during the excursion.

Local history museums with their branches in various regions can provide students with comprehensive information about the geological past of their region. The high information content and uniqueness of the paleontological finds stored in the museum not only contribute to broadening one’s ideological horizons, but also foster an ecological and local history approach to the modern environment. Students will learn the peculiarities of the work of geologists, which contributes to the formation of professional interest. The cognitive and intellectual capabilities of students are revealed more fully when organizing independent work in the paleontological hall of the museum.

Dioramas and wall displays present eras and periods with their descriptions, which allows students, according to the excursion plan, to study the exhibits on their own after walking around them with a guide.

It is advisable to conduct an excursion at the end of the study of the “Evolution” section, when the main directions and paths of the evolutionary process can be substantiated with specific examples from the geological past. Using the excursion material in a general lesson or test will allow the teacher to understand the level of students’ assimilation of the basic laws of evolution and subsequently correct their knowledge, and for students to practice transferring knowledge from a standard setting to the specific conditions of human life and nature as a whole.

To prepare for the excursion, students are told the topic: “The history of the development of life on Earth.” The purpose of the excursion: based on information about the geological past, to reveal the essence of biological progress and regression, establishing cause-and-effect relationships between the main directions and results of evolution. Describe the geological past of the local region.

Topics for repetition: “Lithosphere” and “Lithosphere and relief of the Earth” (geography 6-7 grades); “Development of the plant world” and “Evolution of the animal world” (biology 7-8 grades).

Issues for discussion:

  • Geological characteristics of the Earth.
  • The exposure of layers in the study area and their paleoecological conditions.
  • Paleontological evidence of the development of life in this area.
  • Aromorphoses and idioadaptations.
  • The mechanism of action of geological forces at the present time.

Before discussing these issues, the guide conducts an introductory conversation, briefly dwelling on the characteristics of the five eras and their duration. After this, a description of the periods is given.

It is necessary to draw students' attention to the issue that the evolutionary process continues at the present time, and its speed, compared to past eras, is increasing. An example of this is species that have disappeared within a few decades.

After the guide's story, students independently examine the exhibits in the paleontological hall.

Legends of deep antiquity

Excursion to the school local history museum

Purpose of the excursion: formation of knowledge on the history of the settlement of the native land, about the work and life of the Trans-Ural peasants on the basis of folklore data and museum exhibits.

Tour objectives:

1. Educational: during the excursion, ensure the assimilation of the main factors that influenced the development of their native land.

2. Educational: develop the ability to work with various sources of information and analyze the information received.

3. Educators: to develop an interest in the history of the native land and the achievements of their ancestors.

Expected results .

During the excursion, students will be able to:

Express your own opinion;

Use different sources of information;

Use the acquired knowledge in communicating with people.

Equipment: exhibits of the school museum.

After Ermak’s campaign in 1581–1582. people flocked to Siberia. Yuri Konetsky wrote in his poem “Verkhoturye”:

Rus' went to Siberia along the highway.

Some from the road, and some with a tassel,

Someone with a horse for fresh grass,

Some are attracted by free land.

Some are secret, some are shackles in the glands,

Some are walking around on business, some are doing so...

With the bryakuntsy on the troika - the boss,

Orderly voivode or clerk.

In rattles, carts, koshevas,

In boots, in bast shoes, barefoot

Are they trying to torture a lot of happiness?

Was it because of the previous grief that he ran?

People also walked to the Trans-Urals, which stretched in a strip between the Father Urals and Mother Siberia. The names of settlers often indicate where people came to our region from. The peasants came from Verkhoturye, Tyumen and Tobolsk districts, from Russia.

The Ustyuzhanins are from Ustyug, the Basargins are from the north of European Russia, the Permyakovs, the Zyryanovs are from the Perm province (Komi-Permyaks and Komi-Zyryans), Bulatov is a surname of Turkic origin, etc. (1, pp. 16, 17).

In the Trans-Urals, Russian people encountered Tatars and Bashkirs. It often happened that Turkic peoples attacked and took people captive. This is what the legend says about it.

Non-Russian people lived beyond Tobol. The pits from their yurts are still preserved. They once took away a very young girl, about 7 years old. She grew up among non-Russian people. Then she was married off. The son was born and began to grow.

An old Russian woman went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Non-Russian people swooped down on her like kites and took her away. The husband gave the old woman to his young wife as a goose yard to rock the child. The captive saw the mistress and recognized her lost daughter. And she sang a mournful song.

A ballad was written based on this story:

Like across the river

Yes for Daria

Evil Tatars

Duvan was duvanili.

On Duvanitsa

Got it,

Got it

Mother-in-law to son-in-law.

How the son-in-law took his mother-in-law

In the distant steppe,

Into the distant steppe

To his young wife.

Well, wife,

Worker for you

Russian from Rus'


You make her

Seven things to do.

First thing -

Rock the child

Another thing -

To spin the tow;

And the third thing -

Herd geese.


The cradle rocks

The cradle rocks

Here's a baby rocking

Here's a baby rocking


“You bei, I bei,

Boyar son,

You are like your father -

Little Tatar boy is angry,

And according to mother -

You are a little Russian

But by gender

You are my grandson.

After all, your mother is

My own daughter.

She is seven years old

It's completely taken."

When the hostess heard this song, she jumped up all over. She ran up to her mother, fell at her feet and cried bitter tears:

You are my dear Empress,

You didn't tell me

Why didn't you confess to me?

This song interested Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, who recorded it for himself (2, p. 164).

INXVIIcentury, the lands along the Iset River began to be actively populated. In 1644, the monastery was founded by the monk Dalmat (in the world Dmitry Ioannovich Mokrinsky). At the foot of a high place he dug a cave and settled as a hermit. And these lands belonged to a noble Tatar, the Tyumen Murza Iligei. He rode up with a detachment of Tatars, entered the saint’s cave with a drawn blade, but in a conversation he found out that Dalmata’s mother was a baptized Tatar from his family. In 1646, he gave Dalmatian ownership of the entire estate and gave him his battle cone and chain mail.

They built a wooden monastery, but in 1651 the Kalmyks attacked, burned the monastery, tortured the monks, only Dalmat survived. Monks and peasants with their families came to him again. His own son John (in monasticism Isaac) came. They built a wooden church in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God (3, pp. 5 – 11).

Model of the monastery in the Dalmatovo Museum of Local Lore. Photo: L. Plotnikova

In 1664, the monastery burned down again and was rebuilt again. In 1697, the monk Dalmat died at the age of 103. And his son Isaac built a stone monastery.

The museum exhibits testify to the difficult and dangerous times: flails, cannonballs, shackles.

The peaceful life of the peasants was filled with hard work. Proverbs speak about this.

“Bread and water are our food.”

“It’s not a problem that there’s quinoa in the rye, but it’s a disaster that there’s neither rye nor quinoa.”


Without salt, without bread, half of lunch.

No one has lunch without bread.

If there is a land of bread, then there is heaven under the spruce.

There is not a piece of bread, and there is melancholy in the upper room.

Pay attention to the tools used by Trans-Ural peasants. What do you think these riddles are about?

    She feeds the whole world, but she herself is hungry (plow).

    There are a lot of legs, but the (harrow) rides home from the field on its back.

    Small, stooped, he will run around all the fields, and come home by winter (sickle).

    It is mounted on a tree, in the summer - in the meadow, in the winter - on a hook (scythe).

Here's another riddle:

Show a sieve for sowing seeds, a mortar, a millstone, a shovel on which the rolls were sent to the oven.

Pay attention to household items and clothing of the villagers. Our museum presents things that keep the warmth of the hands of craftswomen: towels, lace, embroidery. They brought to us ideas about beauty and happiness. On winter evenings, women spun, knitted, and weaved. The girls themselves prepared the dowry: towels, tablecloths, sashes, etc. In rich families, the bride gave the groom reins and a carpet girth. While working, they sang, listened to fairy tales, legends, spiritual poems and biblical legends.

Among them was the legend of the “global flood.”

When Noah loaded the ark, he placed a dog to guard the entrance. And she was, like people, without fur. The devil sent in wind, rain, and hail.

When the dog shrank from the cold, the devil crawled up to her, tempting her with a warm fur coat, but the dog held on, performing honest service.

He immediately began to gnaw the ship and gnawed it. Water flowed into the hole and the ark sank. Trouble was imminent.

Then the cat rushed at the mouse and ate it, and then plugged the hole with its body. God saw this and gave earrings to all the “sisters,” commanding: “Let the dog grow a fur coat, and let the snake have a mark on its forehead - a “white star” so that it stands out from the snakes.

The dog is ordered to live in the yard (a big misdemeanor!), and the cat, for its responsibility, is ordered to live in the house, next to the person. The snake is also allowed to be close to people who are obliged to pour milk for it (2, p. 172).

The Christian world is reflected in the exhibits of the museum. This is a church bell, a chalice, and crosses.

Tasks for students:

Ask your relatives and elderly people what fairy tales, songs, ditties, legends they know;

Take notes.


1. Antropov, V.I. Katai Land / V.I. Antropov. – Kurgan, Parus-M., !998. - 304 s.

2. History of the Kurgan land from ancient times to the early 60sXIXcentury. Study guide for studentsVVIIclasses of schools in the Kurgan region. – Kurgan, 1997. – 206 p.

3. Venerable Dalmatian of Isetsky, founder of the Holy Dormition Dalmatovo Monastery (1594 – 1697). Booklet.

Target walk

Topic: “Excursion to the local history museum”


Vorobyova E. A.

Boarding school No. 2

Vyshny Volochyok

Topic of the lesson: excursion to the local history museum.

Goal: creating conditions for the correction and development of cognitive activity of students.
consolidate the concepts of “museum”, “historical sources”; form an idea of ​​the local history museum; expand and deepen students’ knowledge of the history of their hometown;
develop logical thinking, curiosity, and the ability to conduct comparative analysis;
to cultivate love for our native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in our talented people.

Progress of the lesson:

How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

Museum (from Greek μουσε ῖ ον - house of the Muses) - an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments of naturalstories, material and spiritualculture, as well as educational activities.

At first this concept meant a collection of objects (exhibits) By art And science, then, with 18th century, it also includesbuildingwhere the exhibits are located. Since the 19th century, research work carried out in museums has been added. And since the sixties20th centurypedagogical activities of museums began (special projects for children, adolescents and adults).

There are a lot of museums in the world with a wide variety of themes.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts...local history)

What is local history?

Local history - a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, and other settlements. Such studies are usually carried out by scientific specialists who have limited themselves to this region.

- Today we will take a trip to the local history museum of our city.

A story about the history of the museum.

The Vyshnyevlotsky Museum of Local History named after the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution was opened on November 7, 1932.

Our museum arose on the basis of the collections of a real school, where materials on the geology, flora and fauna of our native land were collected.

At the origins of local local history were such wonderful teachers as Alexander Vasilyevich Vessky, a school teacher, Semyon Aronovich Strom, a geography teacher at a girls’ gymnasium (now secondary school No. 5) and others. Thanks to these people, many items from a bygone era have been preserved in museum collections.

For a long time, the museum’s exhibitions were dominated by archaeological material to the detriment of other topics.

This circumstance was constantly noted by visitors and the press as a drawback. Another drawback was the limited space of the museum; at that time it was located in a two-story brick building with a total area of ​​266 square meters, heated by 6 stoves.

How many of you know what exposition is? (Exposition - displayobjects of art).

Since 1977, the Vyshnevolotsk Museum has become a branch of the Tver State United Museum. The requirements for his work have been significantly increased.

In 2005, the reconstruction of our local history museum was completed. The total area has increased 5 times. For the first time, the museum had exhibition and lecture halls, a room for a scientific library, and staff offices.

How should you behave in a museum?

What do you think we might see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, guide.

I advise you to listen carefully, because after the excursion the older guys and I will ask what you remember.

I give the floor to the guide.

  1. Vyshny Volochek during the war.


2. Collection “Flora and fauna of the Vyshnevolotsk region”

The unique geographical location has created the prerequisites for the conservation of many species of birds and animals in the area in natural conditions.

First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.

Who are the birds?

Birds - Class feathered, warm-blooded, oviparousvertebrateswhose forelimbs are shapedwings. Initially, the structure of birds is adapted for flight, although at present there are many speciesflightless birds. Another distinctive feature of birds is the presencebeak. Today, more than 9,800 different species live on Earth (in Russia -600 species).

How do birds differ from other flying animals, such as bats?

How many birds do you know? (we name one at a time, one at a time).

Look around, what is the biggest bird you see?

And the smallest?

Guess the riddles.

a) Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again


b) Flies to the feeder,

Briskly pecks at the seeds,

And even before spring

Sings a song loudly.


How to distinguish a tit from a bullfinch?

Look at stuffed real birds and tell me which bird you see for the first time.

- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak is large or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat the sounds it hears and even words?

And what birds stay with us for the winter?

What do wintering birds eat?

Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and a body covered with hair.

Now let's get to know what animals live in the forests of our area.

Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)

Do all animals have their own home?

Bear - ... in a den.

Fox - ... in the hole.

Hare - ... under a bush.

Squirrel - ... in a hollow.

And the wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow near a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw until spring.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it

Listen to the riddle and come to the answer.


Who lives in the deep forest,

Clumsy, clubfooted?

In summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Taller than a cat,

Lives in a hole in the forest,

Fluffy red tail -

We all know... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter?

Walking through the forest hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Rushes without looking back

Only the heels sparkle.

He rushes with all his might,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

All the animals are scared

He's saving himself under a bush,

Yes, the wolf gets into trouble. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen build a house without an axe.


  1. Now we offer to look at the ethnographic collection.

The Museum of Local History is rich in items of applied art. The museum collection contains many examples of embroidery, weaving, and wood carving.

Over the years of work, we have collected a lot of furniture: tables, chairs, mirrors, sofas, bedside tables, sideboards with decorative carvings, as well as metal products with chasing and engraving.

Our distant ancestor lived among dense forests and therefore considered wood to be the most valuable material. It was always at hand, suitable for everything, and easy to process. It was from wood that Russian people created everything that surrounded him in everyday life.

Vyshnevolotsk carpenters not only built household and residential buildings, but skillfully made household items, tools, and boat parts.

Wood carving and painting were widely developed in our region. This is evidenced by everyday peasant products of the 19th and early 20th centuries, which are represented in the museum’s collection by various examples. The collection of ordinary household utensils consists mainly of chiseled, carved and turned ware. These are brackets, ladles, bowls, salt shakers, spoons. Among the tools of labor, the largest part are spinning wheels, which were used for a long time in everyday life, or were preserved as a memory.

What do you think the spinning wheels were used for?

Among the various items for drinks, flat-bottomed vessels predominated, which traditionally preserved the natural color of the wood, occasionally painted with brown or red paint or covered with drying oil. All products of local craftsmen are distinguished by a beautiful shape, expressive silhouette with smooth lines. In particular, such vessels include the Vyshnevolotsk stapler with two slightly curved long handles. Its somewhat elongated body resembles a waterfowl.

How many of you have already encountered this piece of utensil and where?

Various dugout salt shakers were made everywhere.

The production of carved wooden sculptures has received noticeable development in Vyshnevolotsk district. The most common sculpture is of St. Nile of Stolbensky.

What did Nil Stolbensky founded? (he is the founder of the Nile Desert on Seliger)

Nil Stolobensky is depicted sitting with his head bowed on his chest and leaning on wooden crutches. In such an unusual position, the exhausted old man died during prayer. His monastic robes, with slightly worked pleats, are always dyed black.

According to recollections received from the indigenous residents of the Vyshnevolotsk region, each district had its own craftsmen who made and decorated various objects.

One of the ancient types of folk art is metalworking. Vyshnevolotsk blacksmiths knew how to skillfully forge iron and furniture. Artists also worked here. The museum's collection contains many examples of blacksmith's craftsmanship from the 18th and 19th centuries: torch lights, barn locks, keys, bells, etc.

The most ancient types of folk arts and crafts widespread in our region include pottery production. Its development was facilitated by the deposits of red, white, blue and gray clays available in the region. Many potters worked as families in their homes, firing their wares in conventional kilns.

This is where our excursion comes to a close.

III. Summarizing.

In what year was our local history museum founded? (1932)

Who took us to the museum? (guide)

What did the tour guide talk about?

Which section of the museum did Nastya and Il introduce us to?

Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which? (Historical)
- What were you introduced to there? (with everyday life, how people lived before, what clothes they wore, with folk crafts).

What kind of furniture is in the hall?

Guys, what did you like most about the museum?

Collection “Flora and fauna of the Vyshnevolotsk region”

Objectives of the excursion to the local history museum:



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten "Ryabinushka"

"Welcome to the museum!"

Completed by the teacher

MADO DSKV "Ryabinushka"

Kipko-Kulaga S.G.

Pokachi 2015

"Welcome to the museum!"

(summary of the excursion to the local history museum)


  • introduce children to the history of their hometown.
  • introduce children to the life of the indigenous peoples inhabiting our city.


Form an idea of ​​the local history museum; expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the history of their hometown;
- develop logical thinking, curiosity, and the ability to conduct comparative analysis;
- cultivate love for our native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the residents of the city.

Preliminary work:

Review of the album “The Land We Live In”

Preliminary group conversation

Educator :- Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? What is the name of which district? What is the main city in the area?

(Children's answers)

  • There are many cities in our district - Nefteyugansk, Surgut,

Pyt – Yakh, Langepas, Pokachi and others.

Educator: Today we will talk about our hometown, get acquainted with its history, find out how it came into being. For this purpose, we will go to the Museum of Local Lore.

Excursion progress:

How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

There are many different museums in the world.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, or other settlements.

- Today we will take a trip to the local history museum of our city.

A story about the history of the museum.

The local history museum of the city of Pokachi was created in 1994. This year the local history museum turned 20 years old. This is a real cultural center of the city.

More than five thousand people come to its halls every year. Guests of the year also visit the museum. The museum has interesting, unique exhibits that reflect the life of the Khanty people. Many exhibits are dedicated to the history of the city.

How many of you know what exposition is? (Exposition - display of art objects). The museum has many collections:

Collection "Ethnography". The museum contains interesting, significant exhibits telling about the life, way of life, and traditions of the Khanty people. The collection includes more than 400 storage units, part of which consists of items made by indigenous people, taking into account national traditions and characteristics.

Collection "Archaeological". The collection is represented by fragments of ceramic tableware, women's and men's bronze jewelry, and leather goods.

Collection "Photography". Basically, these are photographs depicting the history of the construction of the city, the development of oil production, and are the main witness to the radical change of the city, a link between time and generations.

Collection "Historical". The collection consists of objects from the 70-80s of our century, which help to recreate the life, culture, and lifestyle of the pioneer builders.

Collection "Natural". The collection is represented by animals and birds of our region: bear, fox, wolf, sable, mink, wading birds, upland game, birds of prey.

How should you behave in a museum?

What do you think we might see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, guide. I give the floor to the guide.

First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.

Who are the birds?

How do birds differ from other flying animals, such as bats?

How many birds do you know? (we name one at a time, one at a time).

Look around, what is the biggest bird you see?

And the smallest?

Guess the riddles.

a) Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again


b) Flies to the feeder,

Briskly pecks at the seeds,

And even before spring

Sings a song loudly.


How to distinguish a tit from a bullfinch?

Look at the birds and say which bird you see for the first time.

- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak is large or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat the sounds it hears and even words?

And what birds stay with us for the winter?

What do wintering birds eat?

Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and a body covered with hair.

Now let's get to know what animals live in our forest.

Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)

Do all animals have their own home?

Bear - ... in a den.

Fox - ... in the hole.

Hare - ... under a bush.

Squirrel - ... in a hollow.

And the wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow near a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw until spring.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it

Listen to the riddle and come to the answer.


Who lives in the deep forest,

Clumsy, clubfooted?

In summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Taller than a cat,

Lives in a hole in the forest,

Fluffy red tail -

We all know... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter?

Walking through the forest hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Rushes without looking back

Only the heels sparkle.

He rushes with all his might,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

All the animals are scared

He's saving himself under a bush,

Yes, the wolf gets into trouble. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen build a house without an axe. (Beavers)


Now we offer to look at the ethnographic collection.

How did the Khanty live before?

What clothes do the Khanty wear?

What do the Khanty like to do?This concludes our excursion. Summarizing.

In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)

Who took us to the museum? (guide)

What did the tour guide talk about?

Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which?
- What were you introduced to there? (with everyday life, how people lived before, what clothes they wore, with folk crafts).

Guys, what did you like most about the museum?