What does the name Alena mean for a girl? Sunny name Alena: what secrets does it keep?

What does our name carry, what is its secret and influence on fate? How not to make a mistake in choosing? Let's figure it out.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name

There are two versions of the origin of this name. According to one, it is believed that Alena is the folk form of Elena, meaning “light”. According to another version, this name is of Slavic origin, it was the name of the pagan goddess of dawn. Tribes living in the European part of the country named themselves in her honor. It means “scarlet”, “fiery”, “beautiful”.

Little Alena. Meaning of the name

Alyonushka’s character is similar to that of her namesake from a Russian fairy tale: quiet, modest, silent, calm. Spends his childhood reading books. She loves to dream when she is among children; it seems that only her physical shell is here, and her thoughts are carried away to a completely different place. It is not surprising that kindergarten teachers and neighboring grandmothers sympathize with her. She is gullible, but if she is deceived, she can take revenge, showing ingenuity worthy of the Count of Monte Cristo. Kind, but not with fists. He can bring home an abandoned puppy, but if the parents demand to get rid of him, he will take him back to the street, bitterly shedding tears.
As a child, he had a large number of hobbies. Loves everything beautiful and enjoys handicrafts. You don’t have enough perseverance, and how will you have time if you simultaneously start embroidering a picture, making a dress for a doll and knitting a scarf? He studies well, but gets good grades more due to his abilities, good memory and sympathy for the teacher than to diligence. She looks like her father, especially in character. Emotional, does not recognize halftones.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name. Mature years

Having matured, Alena will not become a quarrelsome and capricious young lady. She will not be a leader in an unfamiliar company; at first glance she may seem timid and shy. But among close people she transforms, becomes cheerful, her laughter rings like a bell. He will never open up to the first person he meets. The girl is very vulnerable. She tries not to let anyone know about her weaknesses. There are few close friends, but they know how loyal and devoted a friend Alenka is. She is interested in understanding herself. Can reflect for a long time, remembering some important moments. Self-knowledge will become her main hobby. He can spend his entire life discovering himself and finding new traits.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name. Professional activity

Chooses professions that require communication with people. She is responsible, understands what duty is, and will not take a careless approach to work. Can become a psychologist, accountant, designer. He loves variety; if he doesn’t allow him to travel, he will be happy to go on a business trip. Possesses analytical skills but is poorly versed in technology.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name. Love and marriage

Amorous, feminine. Easily adapts to a man, it can become an ideal for almost anyone. Compassionate and compassionate. He would rather choose a poor touching romantic with whom he can sympathize than a callous, cynical businessman. He believes that it is more important for a man to have a good education and be a great lover than to be able to earn big money. Her home is cozy and calm. Caring, good mother. Can prepare a delicious dinner, but does not strive to surprise guests with exquisite and complex dishes.

Names for girls. Alyona

Alena is affectionately called Alyonushka, Alenka, Alenochka, Alenky.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a complete analysis of the character, compatibility and fate of the name Alena in this article!

Full name: Alena

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Helene - “torch, light”

Similar names: Olena, Helen, Elen, Elena, Lean

Church name: Non-church (folk) version Elena

What does the name Daria mean?

The name Alena is of ancient Greek origin. In the past, the Greeks often called their newborn girls Helena, which means “light” or “torch.” On the territory of Ancient Rus', the word “alen” meant the pagans who lived in its eastern part. These people jealously guarded their territory, living separately. Their symbolism was a bright red fire, so it is believed that this is the meaning of this female name. Even before the Slavs adopted Christianity, Alena began to be called the pagan goddess of the Morning Dew. After baptism, the name Alena was given to newborn girls born at dawn. It is popular among female names, but it is far from the first place in the rating.

The name Alena in different languages ​​of the world

In Arabic: ألينا

In Armenian: Ալենա

In Belarusian: Alena

In Greek: Αλένα

In Georgian: ალენა

In Spanish: Alena

In Italian: Alena

In Chinese: 阿蓮娜

In Ukrainian: Alena

In French: Alena

Characteristics and astrology of the name Alena

Favorable day: Sunday

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Patron Planet: Sun

Talisman stone: chrysolite

Color: red

Plant: lavender

Animal: lioness

What does the name Alena mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Alena is wise beyond her years, calm and reasonable. She is quiet and level-headed. With all her heart she believes in Santa Claus and magic, loves to read fairy tales and take part in all matinees in kindergarten and events in elementary school. The girl loves teddy bears and dolls. She often puts them to bed, reads to them at night, or sings them a lullaby.

In the company of peers she is friendly and sweet, so she is always surrounded by friends, both girls and boys. But he chooses his girlfriends carefully, despite his young age. She loves to communicate with those girls who seem unusual and interesting to her.

Alena is flirtatious and playful, she does not like to be discouraged and sad. She has a stubborn and strong character, the manifestation of which is often mistaken for disobedience. She is tenacious and persistent in getting what she wants. This applies to both positive and negative desires.

As a teenager, Alena loves justice and does not accept the infringement of her rights. The years spent in high school are fun and carefree. The same thing is observed with the student period in life. Without making much effort in her studies, Alena manages to pass all her tests with “good” and “excellent” marks.

Childish perseverance now took the form of integrity and a thirst for justice. Alena does not accept lies and flattery and quickly recognizes these qualities in people at the first meeting. He loves to communicate on various topics and if he is well versed in one of them, he will definitely show off his knowledge to others.

Alena devotes a lot of time to her many friends and loves to wander around the city with them in search of adventures. He doesn’t show much interest in guys, considering them only as friends with whom he can play football, joke, and laugh. He is friends only with those in whom he sees directness and sincerity. She will begin to look at the opposite sex later than her friends.

As a woman, Alena is charming, sexy and attractive. Men like her, they give her gifts, trying to achieve the attention and affection of such a desirable person. She accepts courtship, gifts and flowers, but does not promise anything to her suitor. Likes to keep his distance.

Alena’s direct and firm character can lead her to an early but happy marriage, because in her relationship with her beloved she does not like intrigue and showdowns, but simply wants to be close to him. After marriage, he is completely immersed in family life and farming.

Alena loves to take a leadership position and subjugate people. But not with close relatives. She is kind, sweet, sincere and caring with them. She will come to the aid of any of them, regardless of whether they are from her side or from her husband’s. Values ​​family values, traditions and bonds. A woman is hardworking, can do quality work and have a good rest.

Character and fate of the name Alena

  • hard work
  • emotionality
  • intuitiveness
  • unselfishness

Intuition practically does not let Alena down and in her actions she is often guided by it. Family and friends love to spend time with her because she is hospitable and friendly. If one of them has a serious problem, a woman can push aside her plans and selflessly help someone in need.

Alena likes to spend her weekends at home, doing general cleaning and exhausting carpets, washing and washing every corner of her apartment. But this is only if she is married and has children. Before marriage, a woman does not like to do household chores. If the spouse is kind, understanding and loving, then Alena completely devotes herself to him, pleasing her beloved in his desires.

  • incredulity
  • conflict
  • isolation
  • excessive talkativeness

Despite the apparent belligerence of her character, inside the woman is vulnerable and sensitive. Sometimes in the company of strangers she becomes withdrawn and closed, unable to open up. At these moments she is very wary and perceives everything with some apprehension.

Although Alena is liked by the opposite sex, there is a category of men who are annoyed by this woman. Especially her inattentiveness and inability to pay attention to small details. Alena often encounters this attitude at work. They are also irritated by her excessive talkativeness and curiosity. This category of men may be among close relatives.

Alena's fate

Alena, due to her character, can get married early and live with one man all her life, completely dedicating herself to her family. She tends to take care of loved ones, pushing aside her own needs and desires. She loves children, so she can decide to have a large family.

Throughout her life, Alena will skillfully realize herself, both in the family and at work. She can become a businesswoman without forgetting about her children. Free time from work will be spent with children. This is the woman who manages to do everything. Earning a lot, she does not exalt herself over her husband; he is the main breadwinner for her and the head of the family.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Design, philosophy and economics are areas of business that attract Alena. Having chosen one thing, a woman is completely “immersed” in the topic and becomes a master of this field of knowledge, constantly improves and engages in self-education. It is important for her to become a good specialist.

Alena prefers that her work is not associated with a strict schedule and time frame. If her work is limited to something, she cannot fully realize herself. Therefore, a woman is engaged in entrepreneurial activity in order to create her own work schedule.

Alena needs such a free work schedule so that she has time for her family - her beloved husband and children. Mobility and love of freedom are what she wants from her profession. He does not choose to work in a factory or any large enterprise. She can work there remotely, so as not to spend a lot of time at work, but to be useful while sitting at home.

Marriage and family

Only a generous, open and kind gentleman can melt Alena’s heart. Novels begin quickly and can be passionate. If the attraction between partners is irresistible, people decide to live together and tie the knot. Such a desire arises in Alena and her companion at the same time.

At the beginning of family life, she may show irritability and capriciousness, despite the fact that most of the time she is very caring and reverent. Because of this, quarrels and misunderstandings may arise between spouses. But if the husband is wise enough, he will be able to find an approach to the woman and minimize the negative.

Alena can take a leading position in the family if her husband is too soft and pliable. But with a strong and strong-willed man, she happily gives up the dominant position. A woman triples her family life in order to avoid monotony and boredom. He organizes any joint holidays on a grand scale so that the children will remember them. She is an example of a loving wife and caring mother.

Sex and love

Alena is the conqueror of men's hearts. She is sexy, attractive, erotic. In terms of sex, she has many ideas and fantasies, for the embodiment of which she, being temperamental and playful, chooses a partner similar to herself. Her irrepressible energy demands that it be spent to the end.

In love relationships, Alena prefers freedom, to be trusted, and she trusted in return. Does not like supervision and persecution. If she lives with a man under the same roof, she may go away for a while (to go on a visit, on vacation) in order to miss her loved one, she believes that this way the relationship becomes stronger, and the sensations in sex take on a new coloring.

Independent and strong in life, Alena in an intimate sense completely submits to the will of her partner. But this happens if the man’s temperament is stronger than her character. Intuition tells a woman whether the new gentleman will suit her as a permanent lover or will not live up to her desires and fantasies.


As a child, Alena had problems with her constitution and was overweight. You will be able to lose weight only from the beginning of puberty. Before this, he will actively engage in sports, but will not get much results in losing weight. Adolescence will be a period for her to lose excess weight.

Having matured, Alena looks younger than her age, but suffers from depression and nervous disorders, because she takes all the events that happen to her to heart. Worries about loved ones further aggravate the state of her nervous system. Then only a woman’s strong character and determination will help her get out of such a state and never return to it.

At retirement age, Alena suffers from diseases of the genitourinary system or chronic pneumonia. An elderly woman spends a lot of money, time and effort on treating these ailments. She copes with them if she feels the support of her husband, children and close relatives.

Interests and hobbies

In her work, Alena quickly lights up and cools down just as quickly. Often, as a creative activity, he chooses an active lifestyle and constant sports. He may also become interested in computer or art graphics, drawing, theater and cinema.

There is no such hobby to which Alena would devote several years of her life. Because she is interested in everything. She learns something new, immerses herself in this activity, improves and begins to realize that she has exhausted herself. Then the woman tries something completely opposite.

For a long time and persistently, Alena can do only one thing - decorate and ennoble her family nest. This is where her energy and passion are embodied. She loves when the apartment has a homely and cozy atmosphere. The woman is constantly improving her home design.

Compatibility of the name Alena with male names

Strong, loving and trusting relationships are possible for Alena with men whose names are Hilarion, Leonty, Samuel, Timur and Ian. They will meet a woman’s expectations of what a man should be in her eyes and ideas. A particularly passionate romance is possible with Ian or Timur, who will do everything to please their beloved woman.

A good marriage, in which mutual understanding and mutual support reigns, is possible for Alena with Kirill, Miron, Semyon, Thaddeus and Yaroslav. They will all be able to treat a woman’s whims wisely and condescendingly and teach her to fully open up to her husband about what worries her. They will be stronger than her in character and temperament, so they will be able to take power in the family into their own hands and solve family problems quickly and with dignity.

Relationships can be passionate, but not long-lasting and sometimes upset Alena with Artemy, Vladimir, Daniil, Egor and Naum. Not one of them is able to come to terms with her love of freedom. They go too far in the matter of a woman’s personal space, tracking her movements, because they are jealous and do not trust.

Alena may have completely unsuccessful relationships with men named Boris, Georgy, Dmitry, Konstantin and Yakov. On their own, they can be sweet and sympathetic men, but in their relationship with Alena they turn into real tyrants. This happens simply because they are not compatible with it. They may well be happy in marriage and love, but not with Alena.

The meaning of the name Alena for you will depend on the version of the origin of the name that you choose. But read on about the versions of the origin and meaning of the name.

The most popular version of the origin of the name Alena is considered to be the version of the origin of the name Alena from the name Elena. According to this version, Alena is one of the popular forms of the name, which has become an independent name. Fans of this version believe that The meaning of the name Alena is “sunlight” or “sunbeam”, just like the name Elena. These are not all versions of the meaning of the name Elena. You can view other versions by following the link.

There is a version that the name Alena is the name of pre-Christian Rus' and it is associated with the name of one of the tribes, the Alan tribe. This tribe lived on the territory of modern Ossetia. Until now, Ossetia is often called Alania. The Slavic tribes that inhabited Rus' and the Alans were in active contact, and that’s how the name Alena appeared.

The name Alena is also a derivative form of the names Madeleine and Alina.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl

A girl named Alena is a wonderful, calm child. She communicates well with other children and easily finds a common language with them, which makes her a little different from Elena. The girl is kind and sympathetic, she has been very feminine since childhood. Despite all her innate femininity and coquetry, the girl’s character is more like her father. She has a fairly independent character, so you will have to learn to make quality arguments in order to convince the girl.

The girl studies well. Alena has a remarkable ability to quickly remember everything, but this leaves a certain imprint. Alena gets used to gaining knowledge without making any effort. If for some reason she falls behind the program, then studying the material independently will turn into torture for her. The help of parents and loved ones will be very helpful here.

The girl's health will, for the most part, please her parents. Alena loves to spend time actively, which has a positive effect on her health. She may have weight problems as a teenager. During this period of hormonal changes, it is better to be careful with the child’s health. In any case, if there is a sudden change in body weight, seek professional help.

Short name Alena

Lena, Alya, Elya, Anya.

Diminutive pet names

Alyonka, Alyonushka, Alyonchik, Alyonochka, Lenochka, Lenchik, Lenusya, Elichka.

Name Alena in English

If we assume that the names Alena and Elena are identical, then the name Alena in English will be Helen, Elen, Ellen or Helena. If we consider that this is a completely independent name, then it needs to be transliterated. Transliteration of the name Alena is ALENA.

Name Alena for international passport, according to the rules of machine transliteration - ALENA.

Translation of the name Alena into other languages

Unfortunately, the name has very little distribution in other languages, so the name Alena just needs to be transliterated into the required language.

Church name Alena(in the Orthodox faith) - Elena. This is one of the facts indicating the origin of the name Alena from the name Elena.

Characteristics of the name Alena

Since childhood, Alena has had her own opinion on every issue. She loves to prove that she is right, but she cannot stand listening to counter arguments. She is mostly cheerful and enjoys life every second. At the same time, she is prone to sudden changes in mood for no apparent reason. She may remember something unpleasant and immediately withdraw into herself, although just a minute ago she was happy and laughing. He loves to have fun and hates boredom.

Finding a common language, and even more precisely, making people like her is Alena’s talent. If she learns to also earn money from this talent, she will be able to combine her hobby and work. Alena easily establishes contact with strangers and finds common topics for interaction. She has a clear ability to separate work space and personal space. This allows Alena to remove her negative character traits from prying eyes and appear better.

Family is very important for Alena, but in her specific understanding. The man next to her should emphasize her success. Alena rarely changes this approach to life, even after the birth of children. Alena knows how to please the opposite sex and uses it successfully. She always has many admirers and she loves when there is a choice. Alena loves her children, although in her youth she devotes little time to them.

The secret of the name Alena

Alena’s secret is that he is a born manipulator. She very skillfully achieves her goal. For Alena herself, this feature is also mostly a secret. She has been able to manipulate since childhood and considers this natural behavior. That is, she exploits people's weaknesses without thinking about it.

It’s fashionable to call Alena’s second secret her envy. She treats herself like a princess. Alena should have all the best. If someone is doing better, don’t expect sincere joy from Alena. She has a hard time with other people's success.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Aries or Leo.

Totem animal- Scarab.

Name color- Yellow and red.

Tree- Cherry.

Plant- Lavender.

Stone- Diamond.


According to the main version, the name Alena comes from the Greek word, translated meaning “torch”. Thus, apparently, the name Alena is purely Greek. But there is a second version of its origin, according to which it may have roots in Hebrew culture and come from a word translated as “oak.”

The female name Alena today is found quite often in the countries of the former USSR, like many old names, which is not surprising, because it sounds beautiful and has quite good significance. Well, below we will talk in more detail about the issue of significance, and touch on the topic of the influence of the zodiac...

Popularity: The female Russian name Alena occupies 23-24 positions in the ranking of popular female names and accounts for no less than 12 girls out of a thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusha

Modern English analogues: Olena, Olena, Helen

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Alena can bestow the bearer with a whole list of good qualities. Usually Alena is the owner of such qualities as openness, cheerfulness, sociability, stubbornness, determination, charm, sociability, positive attitude, optimism and restraint.

The main advantage is good nature. She is not created for deception or betrayal, and she does not know how to hide her feelings. He will never lie, deceive, or pursue selfish goals in communicating with this or that person. It's nice to talk to such a girl. She can be trusted. And with age, she also becomes very reasonable...

Advantages and positive features: positive attitude, hard work, dedication, always achieves set goals and never resorts to tricks, acts only according to conscience and is guided by common sense in making important decisions.

Alena treats him badly selfish and cunning, as well as negative and pessimistic people, injustice, lies, exaggerations, rash actions and insecure individuals.

There is an opinion that the name Alena has very strong energy and can give rise to traits in a girl that did not belong to any of her parents.

Character of the name Alena

The nature of the name Alena is such that it endows the bearer of this name with a bunch of good characteristics. Usually the character of the one named in this way, as mentioned earlier, is filled with leadership qualities. Alena is the owner of such willpower that one can only envy, a potential boss and leader, capable of achieving incredible results in any business. At the same time, this girl’s character is not always able to get along with people with similar traits - her demandingness towards people and the simultaneous fear of competition often leads to the fact that in her environment there are exclusively weak-willed and controllable people. But there is another side of the coin - the character of the girl, called the personal variation of Alain, is such that it promises her success, luck, determination and planning, and this, whatever one may say, can bring its own, rather desirable fruits...

On the other hand, the nature of the name is one of the most theoretical parameters, and in many ways it depends on a bunch of additional factors, including parental upbringing, the influence of the zodiac sign and even the season...

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl named Alena is filled with good moments, which is not surprising, because the meaning of this name usually endows the bearer with a good character and a bunch of important characteristics, including the gift of leadership, emotionality, activity, energy, goodwill, and cheerfulness. , and mobility. The girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Alena has quite a lot of good qualities, and all of them arise in childhood, at the moment of the greatest impact of significance, but many excellent qualities are added as she grows up. As for childhood specifically, everything is simple here - firstly, Alena is a very active and active child, never bored or sitting still, secondly, she is purposeful and always achieves the goal set for her, whether it is set by her parents, or by herself, and thirdly, in childhood she may have incredible willpower, which contributes to her rapid learning of any task. Which in turn affects everyone without exception. Plus, Alena, who is protected by the meaning of this name, is a very sociable child, this girl has many friends and comrades, and it is almost impossible to catch her alone.


A teenage girl, for whom her parents at birth decided to choose the female name Alena, has no less advantages. By nature she remains a leader and ringleader, always in first place, doesn’t let anyone get ahead of her and is ready to take on a ton of responsibility - she has a lot of friends and like-minded people, but there is one drawback. This disadvantage lies in the fact that she will never allow into her social circle a person who has a chance of becoming her competitor in terms of leadership. A girl who has reached adolescence, and is protected by such a parameter as the meaning of the name Alena, is a person with incredible willpower, self-confident, persistent, persistent, respectable and friendly. She is ready to take responsibility and be responsible for the people around her, she is ready to give her one hundred percent in business, but she is not ready to give in. Alena does not tolerate criticism and teaching, does not like selfish people, and most of all despises those prone to betrayal and deception. As for school, everything is very simple here - she can study well and even become the favorite of teachers, because she has all the data for this. The meaning endows her with excellent organizational skills, responsibility, commitment, diligence and determination - but all this may conflict with her femininity and desire to be a good girl. In the future, problems may begin to arise, but mainly in communication with men...

Adult woman

A girl named by the name form Alena and who has already reached maturity may exhibit many shortcomings at this stage. The main ones are such traits as stubbornness, persistence, perseverance, uncompromisingness, integrity, straightforwardness and aggressiveness. The latter only manifests itself in moments when someone tries, even if not on purpose, to hurt her dignity and self-esteem. Adult Alena loves to dominate the weak, but in return she gives weak people what many crave - her protection, her willingness to help in difficult times, and the desire to be human, to take responsibility for the mistakes those people make. In general, Alena is a good person at her core - her value endows her not only with leadership abilities, but also with conscientiousness, justice, and kindness, which in turn simply cannot but be appreciated. The only negative point is that the girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Alena usually has big problems in her personal life, but this is not surprising, because not every man is able to withstand such an assertive, strong, self-possessed and self-confident woman next to her. with myself.

The interaction of Alain's character with the seasons

Winter - here the meaning of the season gives birth to the bearer of the name Alena, persistent and straightforward, principled and persistent. Such a joke is bad - she can easily see through lies and sycophancy, and especially does not like the latter very much. This is a demanding girl, ready to endlessly search for truly faithful friends. It’s the same in choosing a soul mate - he won’t love the first sucker he comes across and will look for a prince.

Summer - these girls are generally ambitious, calculating in nature, but too envious, and this is the main disadvantage. It is envy that will prevent such a person from achieving success in her career, and therefore it is not surprising if, already in middle age, she throws herself headlong into family life. Everything is bad with friends, but she won’t need them if she finds someone who will charm her and love her.

Autumn - Alen brings practical and intelligent, comprehensively developed, far-sighted and scrupulous, decisive people into this world. She always makes decisions on her own, will never accept anyone’s opinion, and will never give up her position in proving that she is right. But there is a thirst for justice and an excellent character - you won’t get lies and deceit from such a person.

Spring - at this time, someone is born who will have stubbornness, prudence, self-interest and an incredible craving for material wealth. It is difficult to build a family life with such a person - its goal is power and money, but not to build a strong couple. That is why such people remain lonely until the deadline, unable to justify their noble origins.

The fate of the name Alena

The fate of a name is the most theoretical parameter of all existing ones. He is able to determine the possible fate of the bearer of the name Alena in relationships with the opposite sex, in love and in marriage. But at the same time, it is worth noting its inaccuracy and the fact that often theoretical data, which is fate as such and its definition, do not coincide with reality...

However, there are several factors that even modern, advanced researchers believe in. They say that the fate of the name Alena can reward the bearer of this name form with a difficult fate in terms of her personal life, and the reason is in her character. She is a leader and a confident person who loves to dominate, surrounding herself with people who need her dominance, but wanting to see an equally strong but compliant man next to her, and it is rare for a strong man to be compliant. That is. In fact, fate may lead her to create a couple with a very difficult future.

On the other hand, fate is such that it can turn the owner of the name Alena into an ideal wife and mother. Such a woman will gladly take on both female and male responsibilities, and at the same time will never cease to be an exemplary mother and at the same time a leader.

Love and marriage

All Alenas, without exception, take relationships extremely seriously and responsibly. These are the girls who want strong and long-lasting relationships, monotony and constancy in love, and not the other way around. This is why all of Alain’s relationships usually last longer than those of other girls. The situation is exactly the same with marriage - or even more serious.

The fact is that marriage for Alena is not just a stamp in a passport and a legalized relationship. For her, marriage is, first of all, a sign that she has found a soul mate, a person destined by fate. That is why she will be looking for a man to play her husband for a very long time, choosing from a bunch of admirers (Alain always has enough of them). She will only bow to a man who will meet all her even the most unrealistic criteria.

She will be happy in marriage only with a brutal, tough, demanding, but at the same time restrained and not too emotional man. He must respect her opinion, support her in all endeavors, help her and please her in every possible way. She will give the same thing in return, and perhaps more...

Alena as Mother

It's hard to say what kind of mother Alena will become. On the one hand, these are, for the most part, very responsible, punctual, obligatory and serious girls who treat any task with the utmost responsibility. This means that Alena will treat the child responsibly. But on the other hand, Alena values ​​her freedom, independence and personal space too much. But a child can be deprived of all this...

Only her husband can make sure that Alena is happy and at the same time a responsible mother. He should often give her a break from motherhood and maternal responsibilities. In response, she will increasingly want to experience everything that mothers experience. Hence maternal love, attention to the child, and care.

An example, a role model, can also provoke Alena to love maternal responsibilities. One has only to slightly offend Alena’s dignity by citing some “ideal mommy” as an example, and she will immediately begin to try to become even better.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of compatibility of the name Alena with male names has long been revealed by researchers in this field. Thus, today we know several important facts, namely...

The best combination of destinies and characters in terms of feelings is established with such people as Akim, Gabriel, Kazimir, Laurus, Ostap, Taras.

A lasting marriage can be achieved with Fedor, Pankrat, Igor, Laurus, Julius and Ermolai.

If you know Alena, never call her Lena! It is not the same name in different forms. Elena is a Greek name, and the name Alena is of Old Russian origin.

Many people mistakenly believe that Elena and Alena are one and the same, but this is not so. It’s just that when baptized, Alen is often called Elena. But if in baptism she is Elena, and in life she is called Alena, then these are still different names. Let's figure out what the name Alena means, what its origin, roots are and what traits this woman is endowed with.

As already mentioned, the origin is Old Russian, Slavic. The meaning of the name Alena is dual. Firstly, the Slavs had a goddess of the same name, the dawn, who gives hope, resurrects, and illuminates with light and warmth. There is a second meaning of the name Alena - “scarlet, red, fiery.” The name Alena was given to girls in ancient Slavic tribes who were valiant and brave.

And from Greek the word is translated as “torch”. As you can see, the name Alena is always associated with fire, light and heat. This is a full female name.

And the girl can be affectionately called Alyonushka, Alya, Alenka, Alyusya. However, the name is not a church name; it is not in the Orthodox or Catholic monthly calendar, since there are no saints with that name in the calendar. The child at baptism is often called Helen.

Characteristics and life path

From the meaning and translation you can already learn a lot about the character and fate of this woman. Since childhood, this girl has had a slightly reserved character; she does not really like to play among a group of children, preferring solitude, reading and playing with dolls. She is endowed with amazing imagination, loves to compose something, often comes up with fabulous imaginary worlds and lives in them with her imaginary friends.

She has a penchant for creativity and talents, they manifest themselves from an early age. Often Alena is a needlewoman; she skillfully sews, embroiders or makes something. Many peers may consider her boring and unsociable, but this only seems at first glance.

In fact, friends are important to this child, and she has them, but only real ones, with whom there will be something to talk about, who share her interests. If you talk to her more closely, it becomes clear that she is a cheerful, interesting girl, you won’t get bored with her.

Over time, Alena will have many fans. Men love her and surround her with attention because she is gentle, kind and very feminine, attractive and charming. Even if Alena does not have outstanding external beauty, she still carefully takes care of herself, looks neat, stylish, elegant and at the same time simple. It attracts men and fascinates them.

In addition, it has one main difference from all the others - internal light and warmth. It’s as if a bright, pleasant energy, a vitality is pouring out of her, which warms everyone around, and you want to be around her. She is amazingly good at being supportive! If you feel bad or sad, just stay next to her, talk - and everything will pass.

Alyonushka’s character is flexible and very easy, it’s easy to find a common language with her, she is simple and does not play any roles. The femininity in her is primordial, indigenous, she is not endowed with any masculine qualities, she knows how to be weak and defenseless, conquering men with this.

They want to protect her, protect her, look after her, treat her kindly and carefully. But at the same time, Alena actually knows how to stand up for herself and is not weak and defenseless. Strength and courage are also present in her, along with softness and femininity.

In the work sphere, this woman can express herself fully if work is her favorite pastime. She tries to do what she likes, but she is interested in many things at the same time, so she often gets “sprayed” and does not have time to complete one task. Often chooses creative professions or areas such as cooking, sewing, and handicrafts.

Caring for animals or raising children is also of interest to her; she loves and knows how to take care of others. She does not strive to achieve great success, to beat everyone; careerists are rare among Alena. Rather, she will support her husband in this, and she herself will create family comfort and maintain a homely hearth.

In love, Alyonushka will have a happy fate, because she won’t have to be lonely, and she won’t choose just anyone. She does not give in to the first impulse, is not too amorous, is very reasonable and understands what she is doing. She rarely makes mistakes, is never reckless, and does not take risks. Therefore, she chooses her husband long and carefully and will give her heart only to a worthy person, with whom her destiny will be happy, and her life will be full, harmonious and stable.

In men, she values ​​truly masculine qualities - courage, honesty, perseverance and hard work, but external data is also important. Honesty and sincerity are crucial: Alena will not tolerate deception, hypocrisy or betrayal. She takes grievances very hard, but knows how to stand up for herself.

Wealth has little meaning for her, and Alena can get by with very little; she is not picky. Comfort, peace, stability and order play a much greater role for her. She is not scandalous or confrontational, she knows how to endure and wait.

A sense of compassion is very characteristic of this woman - she is so partial to other people’s troubles that she often spends her life on other people, sacrificing her personal interests. Out of pity for a person, she is capable of real feats.

Men and their names

This lady has different relationships with different men. Many people like her, but not everyone can find a common language with her. For example, Alexey or Igor are almost ideal couples for her, but Oleg or Bogdan are the opposite. Let's see its compatibility!

  • Ideal compatibility and excellent prospects: Alexey, Igor, . Great depth of feelings, kinship of souls, understanding at a glance and, as a result, a happy family for many years!
  • Average compatibility: Taras, Konstantin, Stanislav, Zakhar. Love will be ardent and passionate, but the marriage will be strong only on the condition that both he and she work on themselves and on their relationship.
  • But with such men as Nikolai, Anatoly, Bogdan, Victor, Oleg and Alena, relationships will be difficult. They are different - and in general they rarely even get to know each other.

But if your name is Maxim or Alexey, for example, and you want to win the heart of this girl, you should not pay attention to all this. Because the main thing is desire, sincerity and love!

Alena doesn’t celebrate her birthday, but her whole life can become a continuous holiday, there can be many other reasons for joy. She is a cheerful, positive, kind person who will not only be able to create her own happiness on her own, but will also generously share it with everyone around her! Author: Vasilina Serova