Anthology of Russian modernism. Formal method

Letter from critic Viktor Shklovsky (1893-1984) to writer Alexander Fadeev (1901-1956). First published: LG. 1929. April 22 No. 1 (under the name...

  • Dmitry Svyatopolk-Mirsky. "Shklovsky and Ehrenburg"

    Prince Dmitry Petrovich Svyatopolk-Mirsky (1890-1939) - Russian literary scholar, literary critic, publicist. In 1937 he was arrested...

  • Alexander Galushkin. Failed dialogue (From the history of the relationship between the formal school and the authorities)

    Alexander Yurievich Galushkin (1960-2014) - Russian literary historian and literary critic, head of the department “Literary...

  • Victor Shklovsky. "The Most Shklovsky" (2017)

    Shklovsky V.B. The most Shklovsky / comp., entry art. and comment. Alexandra Berlina; preface Nikita Shklovsky-Kordi. - Moscow: AST Publishing House:...

  • Boris Eikhenbaum. "About Poetry" (M., 2017)

    Eikhenbaum B. About poetry. - M.: Palmira, 2017. - 512 p. This collection combines the works of Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum dedicated to Russian poetry...

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  • Poetics of cinema. Theoretical works of the 1920s.

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  • Methodology and practice of Russian formalism: Brikov collection. Issue II

    Methodology and practice of Russian formalism: Brikov collection. Issue II: Proceedings of the international scientific conference "II Brikov Readings:...

  • Second - go! (Ask for the first volume in the best stores in the capitals!) ===============

    Formal method: Anthology of Russian modernism. Volume II. Materials / Ed. S. A. Ushakina - Yekaterinburg; Moscow: Cabinet Scientist, 2016. - 934 p. : ill.
    ISBN 978-5-7525-2996-2
    The collection includes program articles, interviews, reviews and other important texts by leading formalists of the “golden age” of Russian and Soviet modernism. The works of D. Vertov, S. Tretyakov, B. Eikhenbaum, A. Rodchenko, V. Stepanova are presented. Thematic sections of the book The books and selections of each author are preceded by articles specially written for this anthology by famous contemporary researchers.

    We. Manifest version......24
    Kinoki, revolution.........29
    Speech at the debate “Will there be a Russian
    Art drama and "Kino-Eye"...45
    “Kino-Eye” (newsreel in 6 episodes)....49
    Filmmakers and cinematographers..52
    “Kino-Eye” is the first movie thing...55
    The main “Kino-Eyes”, or the surest path to cinema-October......78
    Cinemas of the South......80
    For 100% Kino-Eye....82
    Khersonsky - Vertov. Vertov - Khersonsky...97

    Different ways about one thing......112
    Factory of facts..113
    "Kino-Glaz" and "11th"....116
    About the film “The Eleventh”..118
    “Man with a Movie Camera”......121
    “Cinema-Eyes” method....124
    From “Kino-Eye” to “Radio-Eye”. 127
    Against accusations of formalism...134
    Pathways Documentaries....137
    Documentary films and documentaries....145
    Laboratory diagram....147
    Latest experience.....149
    How did it start?...154
    Speech about the creative path.....157
    One minute.....172

    Devin Fore. Sergei Tretyakov: Fact.....183
    "LEF" and NEP....199
    Art in revolution and revolution in art......209

    Vsevolod Meyerhold......217
    Slogan processing.....220
    Democracy of helplessness....229
    Eisenstein - director-engineer......231
    New Leo Tolstoy.....234
    Playwright's notes....238
    How to turn ten years old.....242
    Newspaper on poles......252
    How cinema is alive......255
    Production script.....262
    Cinema for the anniversary....268
    Good tone......273
    Sounding the alarm......278
    Five-year plan - under the lens........287
    Photo notes........291
    Long-term film observation.........294
    From photo series to long-term photo observation.......298
    Citizens of 1940....310
    “LEF” and cinema.....314
    Cinema villages......339
    About the same thing (writer on a collective farm).......341
    Through uncleaned glasses....345
    Collective farm rear......352
    The Writer and the Socialist Village......359
    Present "Real"....366
    To be continued...368
    Literary polypoly.....374
    Happy New Year! With the “new LEF”!.....376
    What happened in proletliterature....381
    Beauty lovers......384
    The art of being an editor. The price of ideology. About translation.....385
    What's new......388
    Biography of the item......394
    About the pocket......399
    Evolution of the genre......407
    Speech at the First Congress of Soviet Writers.....413
    Archival investigation file of Sergei Tretyakov.....419

    Yan Levchenko. Boris Eikhenbaum: from the device of the text
    to the construction of everyday life......449
    About Chekhov......464
    Trumpet voice......471
    The fate of Blok......474
    A moment of consciousness......488
    How Gogol's "Overcoat" was made......494
    Young Tolstoy. Diaries (1847-1852).....511
    Pushkin's path to prose.....549
    Leskov and modern prose......563
    From a military ode to a “hussar song”......582
    “Moscow” by Andrei Bely......600
    Book about life......602
    About “simple things” and elementary truths.......604
    Scenery of the era.........606
    5 = 100...609
    Literary life....611
    Literature and writer....620
    Literary domesticity..641
    Theory of the “formal method”......645

    Alexander Lavrentyev. Rodchenko's angles......681
    Be creative!...717
    To the “original” critics and the newspaper “Monday”...718
    Dynamism of the plane.....719
    Rodchenko system.....720
    From the manifesto of Suprematists and non-subject matterists.....721
    From the ship's diaries......723
    Everything is experiments......735
    Be an inventor......738
    What Rodchenko first announced and developed..745
    Who are we......749
    Discipline: Graphic design on a plane. Initiative...752
    Design goal........755
    Program for the course “constructions” of the VKHUTEMAS Faculty of Mathematics
    Professor A. M. Rodchenko........757
    Program for the “composition” course at the VKHUTEMAS Faculty of Mathematics
    Professor A. M. Rodchenko.....762
    Technical drawing....765
    Material design of the item......768
    The artist and the “material environment” in a feature film.......772
    Notebook "LEF".......776
    To the photo in this issue.....782
    Versus summed portrait per snapshot..783
    Controversy in “New LEF”...788
    A. Rodchenko. Major illiteracy or minor disgusting?.....788
    B. Kushner. Open letter to Rodchenko.....792
    How to work photoLEF......795
    A. Rodchenko. The paths are modern oh photos.....797

    A. Rodchenko. Caution!...805
    Fulfillment of the request. B. Kushner...807
    From the editor......808
    About the composition......811

    Natalia Kurchanova. Varvara Stepanova: Texture....816
    Pointless creativity...846
    About pointless creativity......848
    A person cannot live without a miracle......851
    About the texture........863
    Conversation with V.F. Stepanova......867
    Today's costume - overalls........871
    From costume to design and fabric......875
    About the works of constructivist youth......879
    Workers' club. (Constructivist A. M. Rodchenko)....882
    INHUK protocols......889
    V. Stepanova - MOSSKH...909

    Generally edited by: S. A. Ushakin

    The collection includes policy articles, interviews, reviews and other important texts by leading formalists of the “golden age” of Russian and Soviet modernism. The works of D. Vertov, S. Tretyakov, B. Eikhenbaum, A. Rodchenko, V. Stepanova are presented. Thematic sections of the book and selections by each author are preceded by articles specially written for this anthology by famous contemporary researchers.

    Book chapters

    Logacheva V.K., Klyshinsky E. S., Galaktionov V. A. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS. ::. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS, 2012. No. 14.

    The paper proposes a method for automatically generating rules for the transcription of proper names based on analysis of the training sample. The rule generation process is divided into two stages: the selection of simple (primary) rules and the generation of complex rules. A new alignment technique is used to isolate primary rules. To carry out transcription, it is proposed to convert the rules into a finite machine and carry out transcription using it.

    Yablokova T. N. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2011. No. 2. P. 191-196.

    The article describes the patterns of implementation of emotional statements in dialogic and monologue speech. The author's main attention is paid to the characteristic features of the speech of a speaker who is in a state of emotional stress, and to the compositional and pragmatic features of dialogic and monologue text.

    An insufficient number of study hours and limited knowledge of a second foreign language do not contribute to full-fledged professionally oriented learning. It is necessary to use only some components of professional training: reading and summarizing texts in the specialty, searching for professional information in its various sources, conducting personal and business correspondence. An important component of professional activity is the ability to analyze information presented in a graph, table or diagram. The need is dictated by the fact that this type of activity is part of the exam to obtain the Test DaF certificate, which gives the right to study or work in Germany.

    The analysis of modern society, permeated by media, is carried out from the perspective of an ethnomethodological approach and represents an attempt to answer the cardinal question: what are the observed orderings of events broadcast by mass intermediaries. The study of rituals proceeds in two main directions: firstly, in the organizational and production system of media, focused on constant reproduction, which is based on the transmission model and the information/non-information distinction and, secondly, in the analysis of the perception of these messages by the audience, which is the implementation of a ritual or expressive model, the result of which is a shared experience. This means the ritual nature of modern media.

    The book contains complete and comprehensive information on the history of Imperial Russia - from Peter the Great to Nicholas II. These two centuries became the era when the foundations of Russia's power were laid. But this same time also caused the fall of the empire in 1917. The text of the book, presented in the traditional manner of chronological presentation, includes fascinating inserts: “Characters”, “Legends and Rumors” and others.

    Humanity is experiencing a change in cultural and historical eras, which is associated with the transformation of network media into the leading means of communication. The consequence of the “digital schism” is changes in social divisions: along with the traditional “haves and have-nots”, the confrontation “online (connected) versus offline (unconnected)” arises. Under these conditions, traditional intergenerational differences lose their significance, and the decisive factor is belonging to one or another information culture, on the basis of which media generations are formed. The work analyzes the diverse consequences of networking: cognitive, arising from the use of “smart” things with a user-friendly interface, psychological, giving rise to networked individualism and the increasing privatization of communication, social, embodying the “paradox of the empty public sphere.” The role of computer games as “substitutes” for traditional socialization and education is shown, and the vicissitudes of knowledge losing its meaning are examined. In conditions of excess information, the scarcest human resource today is human attention. Therefore, new principles of doing business can be defined as attention management.

    This scientific work uses the results obtained during the implementation of project No. 10-01-0009 “Media rituals”, implemented within the framework of the HSE Research Foundation Program in 2010-2012.

    Aistov A.V., Leonova L. A. OPTIONS Ñвенного ›› P1. 2010, 2010. R1/2010/04.

    The work analyzes factors for choosing employment status (based on data from the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Condition and Health of the Population 1994-2007). The analysis carried out does not reject the assumption of the forced nature of informal employment. The work also examined the influence of informally employed status on life satisfaction. It has been shown that informally employed people, on average, are more satisfied with life compared to formally registered workers.

    Available in formats: EPUB | PDF | FB2

    Pages: 912

    The year of publishing: 2016

    Language: Russian

    The collection includes policy articles, interviews, reviews and other important texts by leading formalists of the “golden age” of Russian and Soviet modernism (1920-1930s). The works of E. Lisitsky, R. Jacobson, V. Meyerhold, O. Brik, V. Tatlin are presented. Thematic sections of the book and selections by each author are preceded by articles specially written for this anthology by famous contemporary researchers.


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    To open a PDF file, you can use the free Acrobat Reader program. It is available for download at THE FORMAL METHOD An Anthology of Russian modernism An Anthology of Russian modernism Edited by Serguei A. Oushakine Ed. Sergei Ushakin Vol. I. SYSTEMS Volume I. SYSTEMS Armchair Scientist Armchair scientist Moscow - Ekaterinburg Moscow - Ekaterinburg 2016 2016 UDC 082.1 BBK 94.3(2) F79 CONTENTS F79 Formal method: Anthology of Russian modernism. Volume 1. Systems / Ed. S. A. Ushakina - Ekaterinburg - Moscow: Office - Sergey Ushakin. “Dream planes that didn’t take off”: about a generational scientist, 2016. - 952 p. formal method................................................... .................................... 9 ISBN 978-5-7525-2995-5 VIKTOR SHKLOVSKY : RECEPTION Ilya Kalinin. Viktor Shklovsky as a technique...................................63 The collection includes program articles, interviews, reviews, etc. Resurrection of the Word.................................................... ...............................................107 Important Texts by Leading Formalists “Golden Age” of Russian About poetry and abstruse language.................................................... ................................114 and Soviet modernism. The works of V. Shklovsky, Art as a technique are presented.................................... ....................................131 S. Eisenstein, Y. Tynyanova, K. Malevich. A. Ghana. Thematic sections of the book and selections of each author are preceded by a special structure of the story and novel....... ........................................................ ..........182 articles written for this anthology by well-known modern- Literature beyond the “plot” ......................... ...................................................198 significant researchers. Towards the technique of non-plot prose.................................................... ...................217 The fight for shape.................................. ........................................................ ..........222 UDC 082.1 Plot in verse (V. Mayakovsky and B. Pasternak)........................ ............226 BBK 94.3(2) Plot in cinema.................................... ...........................................231 Semantics of cinema. ........................................................ ...................................242 Where is Dziga Vertov going? ........................................................ ....................245 About Dziga Vertov......................... .... ........................................................ .......248 Monument to a Scientific Error..................................... ..................................262 Conversation with friends............. ........................................................ ...................268 Story about OPOYAZ........................ ........................................................ .....282 SERGEY EISENSTEIN: CONFLICT Kevin M. F. Platt. Sergei Eisenstein: cross-sectional installation....................315 Installation of attractions.................................... ........................................................ ......337 “Strike”, 1924 .................................... ........................................................ ...342 Application................................................... ........................................................ .......350 Give a Komsomol member to Dristalovka!.................................... .......................353 Dramaturgy of film form.................................. ...................................................357 ISBN 978-5-7525-2995-5 © V. Shklovsky, S. Eisentshtein, Y. Tynya - Installation of movie attractions......................... ...............................................379 new, K. Malevich, A. Gan, heirs, 2016 Behind the scenes................................................. ........................................................ ..........401 © I. Kalinin, K. M. F. Platt, A. Gornykh. Closing speech at the All-Union Creative Meeting K. Romberg, A. Veksler Katsnelson, 2016 workers of Soviet cinematography...................... ...................415 © S. Ushakin, compilation, introductory Montage 1938 .................... ........................................................ ........................423 article, 2016 “Ermolova” ................... ........................................................ ...........................467 © Armchair Scientist, 2016 Chapter on Dostoevsky (Metonymy and metaphor in the plot) ....... ................493 YURIY TYNYANOV: PARODY Constructivism in printing production.................................... ............908 Andrey Gornykh. Yuri Tynyanov: parody.................................................... ..517 “Left Front” and cinematography............................................. ........................915 Dostoevsky and Gogol (to the theory of parody)................................. ...........................530 Along two paths.................................... ........................................................ ...................919 Ode as an oratorical genre.................................. ............ ...................................562 About modern artistic groups.......... ........................922 Nekrasov’s verse forms.................. ........................................................ .592 Information about Kazimir Malevich.................................................... ...................926 About the parody............................ ........................................................ ....................603 What is constructivism? ........................................................ ....................932 Interval................................. ........................................................ .................632 Literary fact.................................... ........................................................ ...663 Information about the authors of the prefaces to the first volume...................................941 About literary evolution........................................................ ........................681 Name and subject index to the first volume.................... ...............943 How we write.................... ........................................................ .............694 KAZIMIR MALEVICH: POINTLESS Anna Veksler Katsnelson. Kazimir Malevich: non-objectivity.............705 From Cubism to Suprematism. New pictorial realism.........................722 “We are the stamp of our time...” .................... ...........................................731 Note on the expansion of consciousness, about color, about young poets...................735 I came......................... ........................................................ ........................740 The world of meat and bones is gone.................. ........................................................ .......742 About the museum.................................... ........................................................ ...............744 Notes................................... ........................................................ ..................748 Monuments not made by hands.................................... ........................................753 18951st “Eugene Onegin” .. ........................................................ ...................756 Suprematism................................. ........................................................ ..............761 Suprematism (Square, circle, semaphore of modernity) ...........................764 Suprematist mirror................................................... ...........................766 Formulas of Suprematism.................................... ................................... ...................767 Suprematism (from works of 1915–1920) .................... ........................768 The world as non-objectivity (Fragments) ............... ...................................771 Letter to the editor. Form, color and sensation.............................................785 An attempt to determine the relationship between color and form in painting......................................................... ........................................................ ........ 799 Russian constructivists and constructivism.................................... .....820 Picturesque laws in film problems.................................................... ............827 Lenin (from the book “On Pointlessness”)................................. .......................835 Follow in my footsteps...................... ........................................................ ......840 The purpose of music.................................... ........................................................ ...842 ALEXEY GAN: TECTONICS Christine Romberg. Introduction to tectonics: Alexey Gan...................845 Proletarian Theater............. ........................................................ ...................859 Our struggle............................ ........................................................ ................861 Constructivists................................ ........................................................ ....864 Constructivism............................................ ........................................867