Drying the body: diet and training process. Body drying menu for girls by day

To achieve an ideal physique with beautiful contours of sculpted muscles, you need not only to choose the right system of regular physical exercises, but also to create a diet that helps reduce the level of subcutaneous fat mass, that is, drying the body.

Drying the body is aimed at burning excess fat through special diets and a set of exercises.

Drying the body allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect. However, when drawing up a nutrition program, girls should not forget about preserving women's health.

A body drying diet for girls should include in the daily menu the consumption of foods with an optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.

When drying your body, you need to consume the following products:

  • rich in protein;
  • containing carbohydrates that promote the breakdown of fat cells;
  • Low-calorie foods that simultaneously support the body's metabolic process at a normal level.

How much protein per 1 kg of body for girls

Protein serves as the raw material for the generation of new body cells. During the period of drying the body, the daily protein requirement per 1 kg of weight for a girl is 1.5-2.5 g. In turn, 2/3 of the resulting proteins must be of animal origin, which are absorbed faster and more fully used by the body.

Protein products of animal origin (complete proteins) are well absorbed by the body and make it possible to maintain muscle mass during the period of drying the body.

Such increased protein consumption during a period of decreased energy value of food helps maintain muscle size and also, if necessary, serves as an alternative energy resource.

How many calories can you have per day?

To dry out the subcutaneous fat layer, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit. In order for body drying to proceed without harm to health, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit for the body that will allow it to adapt to changes in physical activity and nutrition, as well as maintain muscle volume.

The critical level of calorie intake for girls who regularly engage in sports is in the range of 1450-1700 kcal.

On a diet when drying the body for girls, a sharp reduction in the calorie content of consumed foods to a critical level is unacceptable on the menu, since instead of the desired result, this will lead to loss of water in the body and a decrease in muscle mass.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day

Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the main generator of energy, the diet during the period of drying the body should include a decrease in the rate of their consumption.

The daily requirement for carbohydrates per 1 kg of a girl’s weight should be within the following limits:

  • on the I and II seven-day diets - 3-4 g;
  • on the third and fourth seven days - 1.5 -2 g;
  • from week V - 0.5-1 g.

The need for daily carbohydrates, gradually decreasing, will reach 40-60 g for girls.

Allowed body drying products for women

In order for drying the subcutaneous fat layer to successfully achieve the desired result, the basis of the diet during this period is food that contains more proteins and carbohydrates.

During the day, you can include the following protein-rich foods without restriction in any meal:

  • egg white - fresh or boiled;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • chicken or turkey meat (preferably breast meat) boiled or steamed;
  • beef, veal, boiled or in the form of steam cutlets;
  • steamed white fish fillet (pollock, cod, tilapia);
  • squid fillet;
  • fermented milk products (kefir and yogurt 1%).

To regulate the metabolic process, girls during a diet when drying their bodies should stick to eating foods containing complex carbohydrates in the menu.

These products include the following:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice, boiled in water;
  • pasta made from high-quality wheat flour;
  • legumes (peas, lentils, beans), prepared in the form of soups or main courses;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, cabbage, beets, celery), fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed;
  • fresh greens.

The menu for drying the body for girls should include small amounts of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed) - exclusively as a salad dressing, as well as tonic drinks (tea with ginger or green).

Be sure to drink still or boiled water - in a daily volume of at least 2 liters.

Prohibited products for drying the body

  • sweets (sweets, lollipops, chocolate);
  • baked goods (cakes, cookies, pies, donuts, rolls);
  • sweet drinks.

During the period of drying the body, it is forbidden to eat foods containing fast carbohydrates.

Instead, in order to compensate for glucose deficiency, it is sometimes allowed to consume honey, dried fruits, berries, yellow and green citrus fruits.

Sausages, fatty meat, any canned food and semi-finished products are strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to avoid dressing salads with mayonnaise and sauces., as well as from salt and any types of sugar.

Body drying diet for girls

In a diet for drying the body for girls, the menu and food intake must be organized according to the following 5 principles:

  1. Entering and exiting a diet should be smooth.
  2. The number of meals per day is at least 4 times in small portions.
  3. About 65% of the daily amount of food should be consumed in the first two meals, preferably in the first half of the day.
  4. The evening meal should contain exclusively protein-rich foods.
  5. There should be a 2-hour gap before and after between meals and training.

The daily diet should be varied. In combination with exercise in a sports club or exercise at home You should definitely keep track of the calories you eat every day and monitor your weight..

Menu for the week by day

The daily menu should include a certain number of products, taking into account their energy value.

During a diet when drying the body, the recommended weekly menu for girls is as follows.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable soup; boiled chicken meat.

Third meal: grated apple seasoned with yogurt.

Dinner: stewed cauliflower, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil, vegetable puree soup with beef.

Third meal: omelette, kefir.

Dinner: salad of squid fillet, cucumbers and peppers.


Breakfast: bran bread, dried fruits, tea with lemon.

Second meal: cod soup; mix of green peas, asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Third meal: yogurt with strawberries.

Dinner: rice, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, ginger tea.

Second meal: vegetable soup with meat broth; boiled turkey fillet.

Third meal: apple slices topped with yogurt.

Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with herbs, dressed with olive oil.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable puree soup with veal; mix of vegetables.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge.

Dinner: boiled beans, steamed pollock fillet.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, tea with ginger.

Second meal: vegetable soup; chicken fillet.

Third meal: yogurt with grated apple.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: omelette, dried fruits, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: pasta with beef.

Third meal: kefir, dried fruits.

Dinner: boiled Brussels sprouts, steamed pollock fillet.

Menu for the month

If your health is normal, then, starting from the third week, the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods (vegetables, pasta, cereals) should be reduced by about 2 times, partially replacing them with foods that are rich in protein.

A body drying diet for girls should include a number of food products containing proteins of animal and plant origin in a ratio of 2/3 - complete proteins and 1/3 - incomplete proteins. They help maintain muscle mass while burning subcutaneous fat.

The diet is becoming more strict. The last meal should be lighter and consist of cottage cheese combined with kefir or yogurt. Starting from the fourth week, fruits are excluded from the diet.

A gradual reduction by 2 times in the daily requirement for carbohydrates reaches their minimum in the fifth week. From sources of carbohydrates, it is allowed to consume only porridges prepared in water from oatmeal, buckwheat or lentils.

It is necessary to introduce foods into the diet in the following order:

  • from week VI - fruits and dried fruits;
  • from week VII - vegetables, pasta, cereals.

A sharp return to the usual diet will cause a rapid increase in the kilograms lost during the drying period.

Vegetarian diet for drying the body by day for a week

The peculiarity of body nutrition for vegetarians during drying is that, unlike meat eaters, they do not consume protein of animal origin, but exclusively of plant origin.

To obtain the required amount of protein, vegetarians can eat legumes and other products containing protein of plant origin, but it should be borne in mind that it is less easily absorbed by the body compared to animal protein.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, mushrooms.

Third meal: pumpkin jail, nuts.

Dinner: stewed vegetable stew.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: boiled beans, fresh vegetable salad with herbs and olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.


Breakfast: bran bread, tea with lemon.

Second meal: buckwheat, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: curd mix with honey.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, ginger tea.

Second meal: brown rice; cucumber salad with olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: yogurt.


Breakfast: spelled porridge, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable mix of asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


Breakfast: corn porridge with water, tea with ginger.

Second meal: brown rice; mushrooms.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: millet cereal, boiled in water, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: stewed beans, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.

Sports nutrition for drying the body

In addition to diet and exercise in the gym or at home, special supplements are required, designed directly for burning subcutaneous fat mass.

Such supplements help replenish the amount of vitamins, which the body lacks during the diet, preserve muscle mass and support the functioning of metabolic processes.

Sports nutrition supplements help maintain the health of the body during drying periods.
  1. Whey Protein- serves as a source of protein and amino acids required to increase muscle mass. It has a high absorption rate, which contributes to the rapid burning of calories and fat. Helps quickly restore strength after grueling workouts. According to the advice of nutritionists, the recommended volume per day based on the intake rate per 1 kg of weight is divided into 3-5 doses.
  2. Creatine- helps restore energy reserves and build muscle mass by stimulating the process of producing growth hormone.
  3. Glutamine- is an effective fat burner. Strengthens the immune system of an athlete who experiences stress from a combination of intense training and a strict diet. Helps reduce the feeling of fatigue during training and quickly restore strength after it.
  4. Multivitamins- replenish vital nutrients lost by the body during a cutting diet, maintain good health and physical activity. It is recommended to take them during or after the first meal.
  5. BCAA- a complex of amino acids, reduces the risk of destruction and promotes the restoration of muscle fibers during intense training, increases the body's endurance and accelerates the growth of muscle mass.

Taking such supplements promotes effective burning of subcutaneous fat and is harmless.

However Use specific supplements only strictly in accordance with the instructor's recommendations, taking into account the state of the girl’s body, her physical fitness, sports regimen and diet.

Recipes for drying the body

For girls who strive to achieve the desired effect when drying their body, the set of dishes on the diet menu should be diversified with various cocktails and easily digestible cold appetizers based on vegetables.

Salads when drying the body

Vegetable salads are very useful for regulating digestive processes. In addition, in combination with meat ingredients, they are additional sources of protein.

Recipe No. 1: Chinese cabbage salad with chicken

Tear the Chinese cabbage leaves by hand. Cut the boiled chicken egg into small cubes. Cut the boiled chicken breast fillet into slices. Mix the ingredients and add finely chopped herbs (leeks, dill, parsley, celery). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with olive oil.

Recipe No. 2: white cabbage salad with turkey fillet

Shred white cabbage. Cut the boiled turkey fillet into thin slices. Add crushed walnuts. Add finely chopped greens (spinach, dill, cilantro). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with yogurt.

Recipe No. 3: squid salad with avocado

Cut the squid fillet into thin strips. Peel fresh cucumber and cut into thin slices. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes. Mix the ingredients and season with olive oil.

Cocktails on a diet when drying the body

Diet shakes consumed during drying should contain a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of protein. They should be consumed immediately after production. To prepare a diet shake, you will need a blender or other chopper.

Recipe No. 1: kiwi cocktail with walnuts

Place 250 g of kefir, 2 pre-peeled kiwis, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 100 g of boiled water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped walnuts. Mix the contents thoroughly.

Recipe No. 2: berry smoothie

Place 200 g of kefir, ½ cup of pre-washed black currants, ½ cup of raspberries, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 150 g of boiled water into a blender. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Recipe No. 3: honey-oat cocktail

Place 250 g of kefir, 3 tbsp. in a blender container. spoons of honey, 4 tbsp. spoons of cooked oatmeal, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g of boiled water. Mix the contents thoroughly.

In fitness, “drying the body” is not only a process of improving the body, but also adjusting self-discipline, self-control and lifestyle in general.

Strict adherence to the body drying diet menu for girls, combined with physical activity that forces the body to expend as much energy as possible, leads to achieving the desired result in just 6-8 weeks.

Useful videos about exercises and diet when drying the body for girls

What is body drying, how does it differ from a regular diet, recommendations from a professional athlete:

Body drying diet for girls and a set of effective exercises:

Hello, dear readers! Today’s material is dedicated to the beautiful half of humanity – women. Surely every girl dreams of a beautiful body. “Hungry” diets have been replaced by “body drying.”

Unfortunately, thoughtless and incorrect use of such a nutritional system can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous to health. In this article, I will share with you all the intricacies of this diet, and also tell you about nutrition when drying the body for girls.

Drying the body is a set of measures that allows you to reduce the level of fat in human soft tissues. It includes two components: a nutrition program with limited carbohydrate intake and special training.

Initially, drying was used only by professional athletes and bodybuilders before competitions - it helped to quickly lose excess fat and remove water from the body in order to maximize the definition of relief. With the development of the sports industry, ordinary people who watch their figure began to use drying. However, the drying mechanism for professionals and amateurs is significantly different.

Contraindications: can everyone “dry”?

Drying the body attracts many girls because it allows them to get rid of fat deposits in the shortest possible time.

But this method has limitations:

  1. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism: hypoglycemia, diabetes of all types
  2. Heart and kidney diseases
  3. Abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and liver
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

A sharp decrease in carbohydrate levels can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being. It is better to switch to a new diet on a day off, when you don’t need to go anywhere. This way you can check how your body tolerates the restriction of the level of incoming glucose. If you feel too bad, you need to drink sweetened water or juice to quickly restore your blood glucose levels and stop the diet.

Body drying cycles

In order for the body transformation to occur quickly, effectively and painlessly for the body, body drying for girls should be carried out in five cycles.

Each of them lasts a week, with the main emphasis being on the first month of the diet:

  • 1st cycle: introductory. During this time, the body should gradually wean itself off the high levels of glucose supplied by food. To do this, the volume of carbohydrates should be no more than 2 grams. per 1 kg. weight per day. For example, if your weight is 60 kg, then you can consume no more than 2 × 60 = 120 grams. carbohydrates
  • Cycle 2: active fat burning. The amount of carbohydrates consumed is reduced to 1 g. per 1 kg of weight per day
  • Cycle 3: active fat burning + removal of excess fluid. This is the most difficult stage: the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 0.5 g. per 1 kg. weight. At the same time, you need to reduce the consumption of salt and spices
  • 4 cycle: same as the second
  • Cycle 5: exit from drying - similar to the first

Losing weight correctly: principles of diet

The main principle of drying the body is to limit the carbohydrates entering the body. How it works? Carbohydrates are responsible for “fast energy”, that is, they are a kind of fuel for our body. If they are supplied in excess of the norm, and energy is not consumed, they are converted into fat.

In case of restriction of carbohydrates, the body is forced to use up its “reserves” - that is, to lose weight.
Please note that cutting only leads to a decrease in fat stores, not muscle mass, as is the case with diets based on calorie restriction.

Safe Fat Loss Limits

How much fat mass can a person lose in five weeks? First of all, think about how long you have been accumulating those “precious” pounds. Months? Years? And want to lose them in a matter of weeks? It won't work that way. The best rate of fat loss is 0.5-1 kg. in Week. That is, ideally, during the drying period you can get rid of 5 kg. pure fat.

In the first week, weight may come off faster due to fluid loss - carbohydrates, like salt, retain water in the body. That is, the drying result will be a plumb line, on average, from 5 to 12 kg, depending on your initial data.

Drying the body and other diets

Many girls who want to lose weight quickly are interested in whether they can combine drying with another diet? Some elements of other power systems can and even should be used during drying. So, it’s good to eat fractionally – that is, in small portions, but often. This allows you to maintain your metabolism at a high level and reduce the volume of your stomach. The principle of consuming carbohydrates in the first half of the day also has a positive effect.

But reducing calories can also lead to the opposite consequences - the metabolism slows down and the body is extremely reluctant to part with kilograms, and then begins to lose muscle mass in addition to fat. Therefore, combining body drying with a low-calorie diet is strictly not recommended.

Pros and cons of drying the body

The benefits of body drying for girls include:

  1. Losing fat, not muscle mass
  2. The body becomes sculpted, and the skin becomes toned and elastic.
  3. There's no need to go hungry

On the downside:

  1. The need to strictly follow the diet; any indulgence in “sweets” jeopardizes the effect of the entire diet
  2. Not suitable for everyone
  3. In the first stages, mild malaise, weakness and deterioration in mood are allowed
  4. Physical activity is required to create relief

Nutrition while drying the body

There is a myth that when drying you will have to literally choke on chicken breasts and boiled eggs. In fact, with the right approach to creating a nutrition plan, your diet will be quite varied.

You need to have an idea of ​​three groups of foods: these are basic - the basis of the diet, foods for every day, allowed - complement the diet and prohibited - they cannot be eaten at all.

Basic products:

  • Animal proteins: poultry, rabbit, beef and veal, chicken and quail eggs
  • Seafood: fish, shrimp, mussels, squid
  • Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts without sweet fillers
  • Vegetables: legumes, all types of fresh green salad, cabbage, celery, cucumbers

Authorized products:

  • Mushrooms
  • Porridge: oatmeal, rice and buckwheat
  • Curd and hard cheeses
  • Fruits: grapefruit, lemon, green apples
  • Sauerkraut

Prohibited products:

  • Sugar, sweets and any confectionery
  • Bakery products
  • Sweet drinks
  • Fruits and vegetables with a high glycemic index: potatoes, beets, carrots, bananas, grapes

Proportions of nutrients and calorie content

During the drying period, the average girl (weight - 60 kg) should consume 1800-2000 kcal of food. In this case, the ratio of proteins/fats/carbohydrates at the first stage should be approximately:

  • B - 60% = 1200 Kcal = 1200/4 = 300 g.
  • F-20% = 400 Kcal = 400/9 = 44.4 g.
  • U-20% = 400 Kcal = 400/4 = 100 g.

Then, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 30 grams. (0.5 grams per 1 kg of weight).

Drying menu by day

Drying menu by day

Day First day Second day The third day Fourth day Fifth day Sixth day Seventh day

apple baked with cinnamon

oatmeal with water (200g)

boiled egg

omelette (150g.)

fruit salad:
apple + grapefruit + yogurt 3.5%, (150g.)

apple baked with cinnamon

oatmeal on water (200g.)

boiled egg

oatmeal on water (150g.)

half a grapefruit

Two hard-boiled eggs

omelette (150g.) fruit salad: apple + grapefruit + yogurt 3.5% (150g.) 2 poached eggs

coffee with cream

boiled shrimp
(100 gr.)

50gr. cottage cheese with herbs

2 poached eggs

coffee with cream

boiled shrimp
(100 gr.)

50 gr. cottage cheese with herbs

2nd breakfast


kefir 3.5% (200ml.)

green apple kefir 3.5% (200ml.) green apple kefir 3.5% (200ml.) kefir 3.5% (200ml.) grapefruit

boiled rice (100g.)

steamed beef (200g.)

boiled white rice (100g)

vegetable salad (cucumber, celery, olive oil)

steamed beef (200g.)

boiled white rice (100 g)

fresh cabbage salad with sunflower oil

boiled chicken breasts (200g.)

boiled green beans (100g.)

vegetable salad (cucumber, green salad, vegetable oil)

oven-baked breasts (200g)

steamed broccoli with mushrooms (150 gr.)

green salad

fish broth with herbs

boiled cod (200 gr.)

seaweed with butter (150 gr.)

fish broth with herbs

pink salmon baked in the oven with cheese (200g.)

seaweed with butter (150g.)

Afternoon snack

any green salad with lemon juice

3 egg whites, hard boiled

arugula with lemon juice

omelette (150g.)

any green salad with lemon juice.

omelette (200g.) 2 cucumbers cottage cheese 10% with herbs (150g.)

boiled beans

green salad (100g.)

boiled chicken breast (200g.)

vegetable salad

hard yellow cheese

oven-baked chicken breast (200g)

boiled breasts (150g.)

vegetable salad

hard yellow cheese

boiled breasts (150g.)

vegetable salad

hard yellow cheese

fried cod (200g.)

arugula with vegetable oil

boiled cod (200g.)

arugula salad and

boiled shrimp

Second dinner yogurt 3.5% without sugar (200ml.) kefir 3.5% (200 ml.) Cottage cheese 10% with herbs (150g.) Cottage cheese 10% with herbs (150g.) Cottage cheese 10% with herbs (150 gr.) Yogurt 3.5% without sugar (200 ml.) kefir 3.5% (200 ml.)
Kcal 1820 1891 1851 1890 1810 1801 1875
Used 161,5/45,5/110 135,5/65/97 161/88/88 156/73/69,5 140/61/67 142/66/65 184/90/42
Used in % 53%/15%/37% 46%/22%/32% 48%/26%/26% 53%/24%/23% 53%/23%/24% 52%/24%/23% 58%/28%/19%

Intermittent fasting during the drying period

Girls often ask: is it possible to combine body drying with intermittent fasting? Yes, you can, provided that you feel well and do not have problems with your stomach or pancreas.

Please note that intermittent fasting can last no more than 24 hours, unlike therapeutic fasting, which is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Refusal to eat for a day is quite easily tolerated by a healthy body, while you lose fat, but muscle mass remains. Before fasting, you need to have a hearty dinner, and after it, on the contrary, take a light meal. The optimal frequency of intermittent fasting is 1 day per week.

Body drying for vegetarians

Drying the body is a real paradise for meat eaters. But what to do if you are a vegetarian? You need to get your protein from alternative sources such as legumes, mushrooms and nuts, and avoid fruits and vegetables with a high glycemic index.

Workouts while cutting

Physical activity is a mandatory element of working on your body. Unless, of course, you want to end up with an exhausted carcass covered in skin at the end of drying. During cutting, it is recommended to combine cardio and strength training.

Exercises at home

While drying, it is not at all necessary to sign up for a gym. All you need to do is get some minimal equipment: for example, weights, a jump rope, an exercise mat or a fit ball, and do your workouts at home.

Cardio training

They are aimed at burning fat. This could be cycling, running, dancing, jumping rope, or twirling a hoop.

Power training

Strength exercises allow you to build and maintain muscle mass. You can perform both basic and isolated exercises for specific muscle groups.

Sports nutrition for cutting: is it necessary?

When drying your body, you can completely do without sports nutrition, but to make the fat burning process faster and more comfortable, you can resort to taking some supplements.


To avoid loss of strength during training and maintain overall body tone, you can use creatine, an absolutely safe nutritional supplement necessary to improve energy metabolism in muscle tissue.

Some girls refuse to take creatine, mistakenly believing that this supplement is intended mainly for men and can negatively affect the femininity of the figure. Actually this is not true. During cutting, creatine helps increase the intensity and duration of workouts, accelerating the fat burning process.


To eat enough protein, your portions need to be fairly large. Not every girl can eat that much meat. Therefore, the diet can be supplemented with protein, and its share in the total amount of protein taken per day can be up to 50%. In addition, a number of studies have shown that whey protein promotes greater fat burning than protein derived from meat.

Protein should be taken in the morning, 1 hour before training and 1 hour after training, as well as between meals. The size of one serving can vary from 15 to 30 g.

How to eat after drying your body?

The extra pounds returned, and they also brought friends with them... Is this a familiar situation? Drying the body allows you to get rid of fat for a long time, but only if you eat properly. In the following weeks, gradually restore the usual amount of carbohydrates, and also try to replace unhealthy sweets - milk chocolate, cakes, sugar candies with healthier options - dried fruits, honey, dark chocolate. Remember to drink enough water. Then the result of your labors will be preserved.

Not every girl who goes to the gym is going to compete, but probably everyone will one day want to cut and see her body with a minimum percentage of fat. A period of fat burning should be carried out if a certain muscle mass has already been gained and there is a permanent period of work, calculated in months (at least six months), otherwise there will simply be nothing to “dry”. It is also important to understand that proper drying is not just about losing weight, it is about reducing the fat layer while preserving muscle mass as much as possible.

Drying for girls at home and for competitions is not much different, as is the daily menu, since in both cases the main task is to acquire a beautiful, sculpted body. The only difference is that in the last days of the competition, a more strict diet is used: water consumption is limited and carbohydrates are completely eliminated, and the day or a few hours before going on stage, the athlete consumes carbohydrates and gets a full muscular body.

But this is all very individual, and such actions are best carried out under the supervision of a personal trainer. If drying is required for life, then there is no need to carry out any schemes with carbohydrates and water. Let's find out what body drying should be like for girls. We will write out the menu for the month by day for the first 7 days, and indicate the principles of manipulating nutrients in subsequent stages.

How to start drying girls

On average, a fat burning diet lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the existing fat layer. It’s better to set realistic goals and not expect to dry out in one week. The start of drying should always be smooth and gradual, this way it is much easier to endure food restrictions, and the result is a better shape than when you are in a hurry and do everything at an accelerated pace.

Meals during drying should be fractional, in small portions - 5-7 times a day and only. Carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, or before training – 1-2 hours before. Immediately after training, it is recommended to drink whey protein isolate, and half an hour later, eat a full meal of vegetables and protein.

Any girl should definitely include polyunsaturated fats in her menu when drying her body, which are found in (especially a lot of red fats - salmon, trout, pink salmon), nuts, avocado and flaxseed oil. A deficiency of fats is extremely harmful for the female body, which can cause the absence of menstruation, deterioration of the hair and skin, so do not be afraid of the right fats.

What should be excluded from the menu immediately:

  • sugar
  • cakes and any baked goods
  • products containing animal fats - butter, sour cream, milk, fatty meats - pork, lamb, fatty parts of chicken and beef

Can be consumed in moderation:

  • fruits with a high glycemic index - pear, banana, peach no more than 1 piece per day and only in the first week, sour berries and fruits with low GI can be consumed throughout the drying period, but in moderation
  • sometimes you can eat starchy vegetables - corn, beets, pumpkin, potatoes (of course, boiled or baked without oil and only in the first or second week)
  • egg yolks, but no more than 2 per day

What can girls eat during drying:

  • boiled or baked chicken breasts, skinless turkey fillet, egg whites, any fish, including red, seafood
  • low-fat cottage cheese, but no more than once a day
  • fresh greens and vegetables high in fiber - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, celery, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, salads of any kind, celery, parsley

You can eat as much non-starchy vegetables as you want; they are not taken into account when calculating the calorie content of your diet, since they have practically no calories. It is also important to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

How and how much carbohydrates to eat

Carbohydrates are probably the most difficult thing for girls who stick to the cutting menu. An excess of them can slow down the fat burning process, and a deficiency will significantly worsen your psychological and physical condition. If you feel constant lethargy, fatigue and apathy while drying at home, and are ready to break out and eat a huge cake, then you should increase the amount of complex (not simple!) carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that serious restrictions await you, and you will always experience a slight feeling of hunger, but if you feel like a vegetable and are unable to do anything, then this is wrong! Therefore, you should focus not only on average indicators, but also on your own feelings and body characteristics, if necessary, increasing or decreasing complex carbohydrates.

For example, let’s take a girl weighing 55-60 kg and height 165-168 cm. In the first week of drying, she will need 100 grams of carbohydrates every day, that is, 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. With each week they will decrease, in the second you should reduce it to 60-50 grams per day, in the third you should consume no more than 50 grams, but monitor your feelings. Fourth week - we reduce the consumption of coals to a minimum, if weight loss is not going well, then we alternate 50 grams - for two days, that is, one day without carbohydrates at all, the second day - 50 grams for breakfast.

All carbohydrates are calculated in dry form, since porridge swells when cooked, and accordingly the weight increases. Where to get it - from oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, whole grain bread, brown rice.

Number of proteins

When drying, you need at least 2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight, that is, a girl weighing 50-55 will need at least 100 grams. However, if a girl has decent muscle mass, and her weight is 60-65 kg due to muscles, then she needs to increase the amount of proteins in her menu to 150-200 grams per day. You should predominantly consume protein from animal foods - meat, fish, eggs and protein; vegetable protein is consumed in an amount of no more than 10-20%.

In the first two weeks of drying, the amount of proteins is 50-70%, fats - 10-15%, carbohydrates - the remainder, in the third-fourth week proteins - 70-80%, fats - 10%, carbohydrates - the remainder, in the last week proteins are reduced to the maximum, and carbohydrates to a minimum, fats remain, you can determine the ideal ratio yourself depending on your own shape and well-being.

Photos of girls before and after drying

From time to time, they switch to a 5-6-week sports diet to reduce body fat and, with the help of exercises, give relief to their pumped up muscles. The result is determined by: menu, cooking technology and diet. The principle is built:

  • on a smooth reduction of carbohydrates;
  • introducing a large amount of protein and vegetables into the diet;
  • weekly correction of BJU;
  • 5-6 meals a day.

Low-calorie foods when dried lead to glucose deficiency and force the body to break down fats.

What foods should you not eat?

First of all from the menu completely exclude simple sugars, white flour baked goods. Alcohol and other tonic drinks are prohibited when drying. You can drink coffee, tea and yeast-free drinks. On the menu do not include butter, mayonnaise, products from the permitted menu prepared by frying. Meat and fish:

  • baked in its own juice;
  • boil;
  • grilled;
  • stewed.

The eggs are boiled and the omelet is steamed or microwaved.

Dubious foods that you should avoid

To the question: is it possible when drying soy sauce there is no clear answer. Although this is indeed a low-calorie product that enhances the taste of protein foods, it is useful only if it contains exclusively natural products that have gone through a fermentation cycle.

This also applies cola zero drying. There is nothing in the drink except asparkam, which is much more harmful Sahara. Besides, no one knows the real recipe for the drink. What's wrong with rosehip infusions or herbal teas that supply natural vitamins and strengthen the immune system?

Honey when drying, replace with a handful of dried fruits. Is it worth doing this if it contains simple sugars? It contains up to 80% glucose, fructose and sucrose. In light varieties there are 380 kcal/100 g, in dark varieties 455. In addition, it contains antibiotics. It's better to replace the sweetness walnuts, cashews, almonds. Drying peanuts stimulates nitrogen production and nutrition delivery to tissues.

List of protein products for relief

Athletes increase their protein intake to 2.5/1 kg of weight. The share of animal protein is 70%. The body receives the rest of the organic matter from plant foods. List of products that you can eat 150-200 g per meal:

  • red meat;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • turkey;
  • white meat chicken.

Useful dried fish, seafood, including seaweed. Vegetable protein source- nuts, seeds, sesame, flax seeds, legumes. Only in women's The body digests beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils better and does not cause fermentation.

Is it possible to dry cheese and fermented milk products?

A glass of dried milk with a fat content of 1.5 contains 6 g of protein, approximately the same amount of carbohydrates, about 20 micro and macroelements. A warm drink will replace a snack and allow you to forget about hunger.

Those who have Problems with the breakdown of lactose, yogurt and kefir are added for drying.

For breakfasts and snacks Suitable low-fat cottage cheese, hard tofu cheese. Fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are added to dried cottage cheese with 1% fat content. In the first week A slice of regular cheese is allowed, but it is better to replace it with unsalted feta cheese, which contains 1.7% fewer calories, or a soy equivalent. The share of milk fat in the daily diet is exactly 2%.

What foods can girls eat when drying their bodies: list of carbohydrates

In the first week, the daily glucose norm does not exceed 200 g; in the 2-4 seven-day weeks the volume is reduced to 50 - 70 g; in the last week it is again increased by 2.5 times. However, these values ​​are approximate and the amount of complex sugars entering the body is determined by how you feel. In any case, you can’t do without slow carbohydrates at breakfast.

  • Dried brown rice and pasta made from rye flour, millet, quinoa, and buckwheat are the main suppliers of slow carbohydrates.
  • When drying, muscle cells receive energy from oatmeal, avocado, carrots, and dried fruits eaten for second breakfast or an hour before training.

What fruits can girls dry: allowed foods

Benefit green apples when dried is undeniable. But is it possible to dry watermelon and banana if they have a high glycemic index (GI)? The pulp of melons, including melon, contains up to 92% water, 7.5% carbohydrates and only 0.6 protein. But along with apricots, mango and watermelon contain a lot of provitamin A, which is necessary for myofibrils and the immune system. There are only 40-50 kcal in 100 slices.

Although bananas when dried undesirable because belong to prohibited starchy foods, but there is no other source of magnesium that relaxes muscles. The fruit affects the synthesis of tryptophan, which improves mood and satisfies hunger for 2 hours. Useful fruits for drying:

  • Grapefruit, citrus, pears.
  • Sour berries - lingonberries, cranberries, currants.

What foods dry out the body?

First of all, these are fresh vegetables. The body loses more energy in their absorption than is contained in the products themselves. So, if a cucumber contains 14 kcal, it requires 16 units of heat to break it down. The list of body drying products for women for every day includes garden products:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • celery;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • green bean.

Useful when drying tomatoes, turnips, radishes, spinach, lettuce.

How to cook low-calorie food

The way they are prepared matters. Vegetables When dried, they are mostly eaten raw. If you stew green beans, turnips and celery with vegetable oil or add a spoonful to a salad, the energy value of the dish will immediately increase. In 1 tsp. (5 g) contains 45 kcal, in the dining room more than 180. However, natural vitamins and minerals are completely absorbed with fats, so 5 g of oil for salad dressing not prevent.

Beets and carrots are eaten only when dried fresh in complex salads. After cooking, their GI increases exactly 2 times. But what to do if not all permitted foods can be eaten without heat treatment? Stew in water or tomato sauce, pour in garlic-lemon sauce with herbs, or cook them as first courses. Soups for drying the body in lean meat broths - an additional source of protein and vitamins.

Drying the body - diet, eliminating subcutaneous fat deposits, complemented by intense physical activity. Its main difference from other methods of losing weight is the preservation of muscle mass and the reduction of body fat due to carbohydrate deficiency.

As you know, excess carbohydrates that enter the body and are not wasted for energy have the ability to transform into adipose tissue. Whereas, limiting the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates leads to the breakdown of existing fat tissue reserves to obtain the same energy.

Curious! The cutting diet is a popular way to remove fat deposits, successfully used in bodybuilding and fitness.

Rules for an effective diet

Basic principles:

  • food frequency - up to 5 times a day;
  • small portions;
  • drinking up to 2.5 liters;
  • reducing salt intake;
  • compulsory breakfast;
  • 2/3 of the daily diet is consumed in the first half of the day;
  • dinner consisting exclusively of protein products;
  • gradual abandonment of foods rich in carbohydrates;
  • daily control of calories entering the body;
  • regular training: aerobic or a complex combination of cardio and strength exercises;
  • refusal to eat one hour before and 2 hours after sports activities;
  • compliance with diet conditions for up to 6 weeks;
  • regular weighing.

Nutritional Features

The diet when drying the body consists of a predominantly protein diet, a minimal amount of vegetable fats and a gradually decreasing amount of carbohydrates.

Remember! Whole grain cereals are an important source of dietary fiber necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. At the same time, brown rice and buckwheat can be consumed only at the first stage of using the diet.

The main sources of protein when following a body drying diet for women are:

  • egg whites;
  • white fish meat;
  • chicken breast;
  • turkey fillet;
  • veal;
  • beef;
  • skim cheese;
  • 1% kefir;
  • 1% yoghurt
  • a variety of seafood: squid, seaweed, scallops, shrimp, shellfish and others.
  • cereals: buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal;
  • pasta made from whole grain or rye flour;
  • oat bran;
  • fresh vegetables: cabbage, peppers, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans and various greens;
  • unrefined oil obtained by cold pressing;
  • nuts: walnuts, pine, hazelnuts;
  • soy products: tofu, milk and others;
  • drinks: water, unsweetened green and ginger tea;
  • additional products: cinnamon, cocoa, honey, dried fruits.

Important! The drying diet for girls allows the consumption of vegetable oil in slightly larger quantities compared to the male version of the diet.

When following a dietary diet, the consumption of fruits is excluded, with the exception of grapefruits, lemons, kiwis and apples, green varieties. As well as sweet, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, flour products, smoked, salted and canned foods, fast food.

In the initial 2 weeks of the diet, carbohydrate consumption is allowed in the ratio: 2 g per 1 kg of weight. Over the next 2-3 weeks, the carbohydrate diet is reduced by 2 times.

During this period, you can additionally use special sports nutrition rich in proteins.

Diet for drying the body: menu for women

Sample diet for a week:

  • For breakfast: porridge, 2 proteins, unsweetened tea.
  • For lunch: vegetable cream soup, chicken breast.
  • For an afternoon snack: yogurt, some dried fruit.
  • For dinner: baked fish, broccoli.


  • For breakfast: steamed protein omelet, orange, skim milk.
  • For lunch: baked beef or veal, vegetable salad.
  • For an afternoon snack: cottage cheese, vegetables, kefir.
  • For dinner: seafood, tomatoes.


  • For breakfast: oat bran, dried fruits, tea.
  • For lunch: fish soup, boiled fish, rice.
  • For an afternoon snack: cottage cheese with honey.
  • For dinner: vegetable salad, baked fish.


  • For breakfast: porridge, 2 squirrels, tea.
  • For lunch: stewed or boiled squid, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: boiled cauliflower
  • For dinner: cottage cheese, yogurt.


  • For breakfast: steamed protein omelet, fresh vegetables, tea.
  • For lunch: rice, turkey breast, greens.
  • Afternoon snack: baked beans
  • For dinner, steamed fish, seaweed.


  • For breakfast: 2 proteins, vegetables, tea.
  • For lunch: stewed mushrooms with chicken fillet, greens.
  • For an afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with kefir.
  • For dinner: buckwheat with turkey breast.


  • For breakfast: porridge, dried fruits or nuts, tea.
  • For lunch: fish, grilled vegetables.
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • For dinner: squid, salad.

Important! During the first week of following a diet when drying the body, it is permissible for women to use 1 piece of permitted fruit as a snack; in the second week, the amount of fruit consumed as a snack must be halved. From the third week there is a complete refusal of fruits. During this period, you can use nuts or kefir for snacks.

Reducing the consumption of cereal products begins from the 4th week, from the 5th week only protein foods and vegetables remain in the diet.From the 6th week, a gradual return to the diet of the first week.

Drinking water during the drying diet accelerates the process of food absorption.

Disadvantages and Limitations

An imbalance in diet is the main disadvantage of this method of losing weight. This is especially true for the second, more strict period of dieting. Therefore, for girls, it is recommended to use the body drying diet no more than once every six months.

It is worth abandoning this method of obtaining a slim figure if you have diseases associated with the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels, liver, kidneys, dystrophy, diabetes, as well as with heavy mental stress, pregnancy, lactation.

Important! Cutting is unacceptable if there is not enough muscle mass. In this case, it is better to choose other methods of losing weight.

Drying the body is a rather strict diet, requiring a certain psychological attitude and physical preparation. Involvement in such methods of losing weight is unsafe for health, as it can lead to severe intoxication of the body due to the accumulation of ketone bodies formed as a result of the breakdown of fats and other metabolic processes.

At the initial stage of a cutting diet for women, due to the limited supply of carbohydrates, a low sugar level is observed in the blood, which provokes attacks of weakness.

At the last stage of following the diet, an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth and attacks of dizziness may appear; in this case, it is necessary to drink natural juice obtained from sweet fruits and berries to compensate for the glucose deficiency.

Express drying option

To get results within a week, with small deposits of subcutaneous fat in girls, it is recommended to use the express drying option. This method, although more stringent, is nevertheless popular due to its short-term nature.

For girls, the diet menu when drying the body is also dominated by foods rich in proteins, and the main chie is maximum rejection of carbohydrate foods and fruits and minimal consumption of vegetables and cereals, starting from the first day.

The combination of this 7-day diet with daily intense training in the gym under the guidance of an experienced trainer gives quick and tangible results.

The cutting diet helps you lose more than 10 kg and get an attractive muscle definition. To maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent its sagging, sagging and the appearance of cellulite, during the period of weight loss it is recommended to combine dietary nutrition with fairly intense daily physical activity in the gym, massage, body wraps, taking multivitamins and a good night's rest.