The blue dot is not a game to press. Red button: “Do not press! How to Approach Selection Criteria

Beginners and experienced gamblers are always concerned with the question: which casinos are in the top in terms of reliability and payouts, where to find the rating of the best online casinos for real money, how much you can trust these lists. I would like to immediately note that our lists can be trusted and they actually include proven and best online casinos for real money.

How are casino ratings compiled?

On the Internet you can find reviews of the best online casinos for real money. But how much can you trust them? This is the question that gamblers always face. To determine how conscientiously and objectively the rating of the best online casinos for money is compiled, just look at the selection criteria and characteristics of the gaming establishments included in the list.

When compiling a list of top online casinos for real money, the following are taken into account:

  • Reliability;
  • License;
  • Year of foundation and work in the gaming market;
  • Set of services offered;
  • Bonuses and prizes for gamers;
  • Percentage of return on the size of the prize fund;
  • Availability on different platforms and Internet connection methods;
  • Methods, limits and speed of withdrawal of money;
  • Availability of Russian language in the interface of the casino itself and its games;
  • Speed ​​and thoroughness of the support service.

These are objective indicators, they do not depend on the opinions of biased or unlucky players and users. The former write favorable reviews for various types of bonuses, while the latter pour out bile after a loss, often blaming their problems on the establishment’s head. This kind of “opinion” is biased and can be misleading.

In return, we offer a set of verifiable criteria (this is very important) for choosing a casino. The player himself decides what is more important and profitable for him. For example, a super-reliable casino may have a slightly lower return on prize money (as a payment for reliability), or the range of games does not always satisfy the gamer, and he is looking for riskier or conservative options.

Our rating of online casinos for real money does not force you to do anything, it gives you the opportunity to choose from fair and understandable criteria, but the player is responsible for the choice itself. He does it with his eyes open, understanding what is behind the grades.

How to Approach Selection Criteria

One of the main criteria for checking a casino is withdrawing money. It should happen quickly, have many ways, and be understandable to any user. In addition, the withdrawal currency must be the same as the deposit. Gaming establishments can be multi-currency or single-currency. The main thing in this matter is not to buy into conversions inside the casino, there may be an unfavorable exchange rate and interest may be charged.

The withdrawal process itself takes a day or two. If it is more, then this is stipulated in the casino regulations. The exception is the first withdrawal; it may take a week or two due to verification of the deposit owner. Money is transferred to the card; any payment system can be used. The more options there are, the more you can trust the casino.

In our table of the best online casinos for real money 2019, much attention is paid to the return of the gaming establishment. That is, how much money is returned to the players. And here confusion arises, not because the table should not be trusted, but because the terms are poorly understood. The return on casinos, or slot machines, is usually expressed as a percentage, and it ranges from 94-97%. This does not mean that winning occurs in 97% of cases. Arithmetic will help here: 100 gamblers place a bet on a ruble, they lose and with this money they form a winning fund. It is 100 rubles. The casino isn’t taking anything yet, but it won’t be adding anything either. Then 97 rubles are sent to the winnings, and the establishment takes three rubles for itself. And then one person wins these 97 rubles. You need to understand that the winner takes the losses of others, and the casino takes only a small part.

Therefore, when you see a list of the best online casinos for real money, keep in mind that not everyone will receive winnings anyway, since this is mathematically impossible. A gaming establishment cannot pay extra to make everyone happy. Winning at the casino is not an illusion, but the truth. Illusion is what is being deceived there. The gaming establishment takes only from 3% to 6% and that’s enough for them.

But the rating of online casinos for money also takes into account prizes and bonuses for players. The gaming establishment cannot pay extra so that gamblers can win often, but it can increase the chances and give out bonus games or bonuses. Bonuses come in the form of money, but they cannot be withdrawn. They need to be won back, that is, you can place a bet with this money, and then take the winnings for yourself. There are more generous establishments, there are less, but all have a bonus program for newcomers and regulars.

If you make your choice using the casino rating for real money, be sure to pay attention to all the points that make up it. Do this consciously, and then he will definitely help.

There are games that we continue to play without really understanding why. But the flash game “Red Button” is not one of those. Here the player becomes clearly interested in what will happen next, what will happen after the next click? How far has the game developer's imagination gone? We invite you to plunge into it yourself and test your strength and curiosity in flash game "Red Button", which can be played online and for free.

Flash game "Red Button"

Game description:

We have only one task - to click on the red button, despite all its tricks and assurances that there is no need to press it anymore. But the more we press, the more intrigues the button itself creates for us. In her opinion, she has the right to do this, because you were warned about the possible consequences. The button will hide, multiply, try to scare you, and the words of the button master will accompany the entire game and will not let you get bored. A real psychological thriller will play out before your eyes!


Mouse. Use the left button to click on the button.

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Meet the first flash game “Red Button: Don’t Press!” (Red Button: Don’t Push) and its main character Big Red Button. She does what she wants and demands to be left alone! But every button response seems to say “press again” or not? Let's find out!

I wonder how to play the “Red Button” - to press or not to press? Well, you're a gamer, make your own decision! But keep in mind: this game is a joke, don’t be offended!

How to play

Keep pressing the red button and see the answers in Russian. If you are bored, sad and your soul is asking for something interesting - be sure to play! Invaluable experience and good mood are included! Game control - with the mouse, in one click!

Do you want to play in full screen? You need to press the green button above the game! Already allergic to the word “button”? Then hold down the “CTRL” key and roll the mouse wheel to zoom in or out! Have a good game!

If you like subtle trolling, be sure to play the flash game “Red Button: Don’t Press!” This is an old joke from the days of The Muppet Show in the 80's! Back then, a series of interactive puzzle games featured a special device: a red switch with a “Please do not press” prohibition. If you disobeyed him, voice recordings were launched into the topic, with different emotions: from humorous to irritated.