Nikolai Meladze biography. Musical career of Valery Meladze

Valery Meladze was born on June 23, 1965 in the Georgian city of Batumi. The future artist grew up in a large and friendly family with his brother Konstantin and sister Liana. No one in Meladze’s family was involved in music professionally. However, Grandma Valeria had a strong voice and a wide vocal range. And the singer’s parents are musically gifted people. At one time, Valery’s mother was offered to choose a career as a singer, but she chose engineering.

The future singer began to learn his first musical basics in one of the city music schools, learning to play the piano. He was accompanied by his older brother Konstantin, who mastered the skill of playing the violin and piano at the same time. After graduating from school, Valery entered the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute, where Konstantin had been studying for a year. Upon graduation, he had the prospect of becoming a mechanical engineer for ship power plants. But fate decreed otherwise. As a second-year student, Valery attended a rehearsal of the institute ensemble, in which his older brother played the keys. He was accepted into its composition as a sound technician, and after half a year he became the lead singer of this group.

In 1989, the talented Meladze brothers were invited to the Dialogue group, performing art-rock music. Kim Breitborg, the team leader, decided that Valery's voice was similar to the voice of Jon Anderson from the group Yes. In 1991, the Melodiya company released the “Dialogue” album “In the Middle of the World” (music by Konstantin Meladze, soloist Valery Meladze, lyrics by Arseny Tarkovsky), and in 1993 in Germany, the Solo Florentin company released the album “Autumn Cry of a Hawk.” Both records have become a real rarity today.

In 1993, at the Roksolana flower festival in Kyiv, Valery Meladze’s solo debut took place, after which the singer entered into a contract with producer Evgeny Fridland. Fridland helps young talents, whose music was liked by specialists, but considered extremely non-commercial, to get promoted.

Throughout the year, painstaking work was carried out on the recording of the first album with the participation of the Mysticana group and specially invited musicians and sound engineers. Valery Meladze’s first hit was the romance “Don’t disturb my soul, violin,” thanks to which the singer was called “Discovery of 1994.” Then, at the end of 1994, Alla Pugacheva invites Valery Meladze to take part in her Christmas meetings.

The album "Sera", which appeared at the beginning of 1995, almost immediately becomes a bestseller, and the title song wins almost all the charts. The success of the record was facilitated by five video clips shot for the songs “Don’t Disturb My Soul, Violin,” “Sera,” “Limbo,” “Midsummer,” and “The Night Before Christmas.” The latest clip, filmed in Prague, was shown on the leading Russian TV channels more than 100 times during the New Year.

In October 1996, Valery Meladze’s second album, “The Last Romantic,” was released. The huge resonance from the new album allowed Valery Meladze to gather a full house at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex twice in March 1997. After these performances, which were attended by almost all domestic pop stars, he received absolute recognition from his colleagues. Both shows were broadcast on central television channels, and a few months later the “Olimpic Live” record and video recording of the same name appeared in music stores.

In January 1998, the album “Samba of the White Moth” was released. After the release, Konstantin Meladze, at the invitation of his Ukrainian colleagues, leaves for Kyiv to work as a television producer. Now Valery sees him much less often, and new songs appear less often. Nevertheless, the cooperation of the Meladze brothers continues.

At the end of 1999, the album “That’s How It Was” was released. The songs “Dream” and “Rassvetnaya”, for which colorful videos were shot by director Janik Fayziev, instantly gained popularity, occupying the top lines of domestic hit lists for a long time.

Among other things, Valery Meladze takes part in Dzhanik Fayziev’s New Year’s projects “Old songs about the main thing.” And in the project “10 Songs about Moscow” he performs “Moscow Nights”.

In March 2002, in support of the new album “The Real,” Valery Meladze gave a grand solo performance in the concert hall of the Kremlin Palace.

Some break in the release of the singer’s albums is explained by Konstantin Meladze’s new hobby: in 2000, he became the music producer of the young Ukrainian duet VIA Gra. In addition, the elder Meladze is the author of all the musical tracks of the acclaimed television musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.” And since the fall of 2002, Konstantin Meladze has been busy working on the next New Year’s musical film “Cinderella”, in which Valery plays the role of the father of the main character. Like the previous fairy tale, “Cinderella” was received with a bang by the audience.

In the spring of 2003, due to the great popularity of Valery Meladze’s songs, his first four albums (“Sera”, “The Last Romantic”, “Samba of the White Moth”, “That’s How It Was”) were re-released. And in December of the same year, his seventh album with the sensual title “Bliss” was released.

A real revelation for fans was the joint project of Valery Meladze and his brother’s wards, girls from the group “VIA Gra”. As soon as they appeared on radio stations, the songs “Ocean and Three Rivers” and “There is No More Gravity” won the hearts of millions of listeners, and the colorful videos took first place in the music charts for a long time.

Although Valery’s family was not at all musical, music lives in the soul of every Georgian. When guests came to his parents, who worked as engineers, or the whole family gathered (with or without reason) at a large table, they always sang. Therefore, both boys, Valery and his older brother Konstantin, were sent to music school along with the general education school.

In young age

Konstantin simply loved music and could play musical instruments on his own for hours, of which there were several in the family. Moreover, from early childhood he suffered from a stutter and did not particularly like spending time with his peers.

Making music with my brother was much more interesting than making music alone. It was only thanks to him that Valery did not quit music school, although there were attempts to do so.

But still, most of the time the younger Meladze spent running on rooftops and construction sites. He always had a craving for abandoned places, and he put together a whole yard company that constantly got into different adventures - funny and not so much. But he simply hated classes, so the day when he finally graduated from school was one of the happiest for him.

Valery had no desire to continue his studies. But the father said that he would not tolerate a slacker in his house, and he had to get a job. After a short internship, he was hired to work as a lineman at a telephone exchange. Physical labor brought the fidget to his senses a little, and he decided to return to his textbooks.

Having prepared to pass the entrance exams, Valery goes to Ukraine to the shipbuilding institute, where his older brother was already studying. He enters the Faculty of Electrical Equipment and plans to connect his life with radio engineering in the future. But everything turned out completely differently.

The beginning of the way

Unable to imagine his life without music, from the very first days of his studies Konstantin became a keyboard player in the student ensemble, which quickly became popular not only among NKI students. A year later, the guys were talked about in the city, and they began to be invited to various events. And when Valery arrived, he soon became the lead singer of this group, and his brother began writing songs especially for him.

Unlike school, at the institute both brothers studied well and at the same time managed to work on creating new songs and preparing their own repertoire. At one of the concerts of the student ensemble, Konstantin was approached by the creator of the already popular group “Dialogue” in the city.

In 1991, the brothers traveled with the group to Germany, where they recorded their debut album, “In the Middle of the World,” in a professional studio. It quickly becomes popular among the Russian-speaking population of Germany.

And the guys, inspired by success, continue to work on new songs. In 1993, their second joint album with “Dialogue” was released, and this was the end of the brothers’ collaboration with the group.

Solo career

By the time of the break with Dialogue, Meladze already had enough songs written by his brother to create a full-fledged solo program. Moreover, he constantly took part in music competitions and festivals, and in 1992 he even became a laureate of the “Steps to Parnassus”.

And in 1993, Valery made his debut with a solo program in Kyiv and there he met Evgeny Freeland, who took the young performer under his wing.

A year later, Valery recorded his debut track and the first video for the composition “Don’t disturb my soul, violin” under the guidance of a producer. It begins to sound on all the leading radio stations in the country and is highly rated by music critics. And in 1994, the singer was invited to her “Christmas meetings” by the Russian prima donna Alla Pugacheva herself.

At the beginning of 1995, an entire solo album, “Sera,” was released, more than half of the songs from which became national hits. It brought the artist several prestigious music awards and cemented his star status on the stage. Meladze begins to actively tour throughout the CIS.

But critics have already begun to say that the singer’s repertoire is too monotonous. His lyrical compositions are beautiful, but I want variety. Having adequately responded to criticism, the singer dilutes the new album with fast compositions in the reggae style. And this makes him super popular. In 1997, Meladze's first solo concert took place at the Olympic Stadium.

Now most of the time Meladze works in Moscow. He is recording several more new albums and shooting professional videos for several of his hits. The popularity of the brothers is growing rapidly not only in the CIS. In 2001, Meladze went on his first big tour of the United States, where he gave 11 concerts in large halls.

Konstantin returns to Ukraine, where he begins to actively collaborate with leading TV channels. However, he continues to write songs for his brother, while simultaneously working on the creation of musicals and popular musical programs. And it was in his head that the idea of ​​trying himself as a producer was born.

In 2002, after almost a year of preliminary preparation, the girl musical group “VIA GRA” began its performances, which also performed songs written by Konstantin Meladze. Thanks to professional promotion and a talentedly selected repertoire, the group has already occupied the top steps of all the leading charts in just a few months. It was a huge commercial success!

Currently, the artist is more involved in producing young performers. He often appears on television as a host or jury member of music shows. The artist’s discography includes 8 solo albums, songs from which have been used in more than 20 video clips. Traditionally, he takes part in the filming of musicals and New Year's programs for Russian television channels.

Meladze successfully invests the money he earns in business. He is a co-owner of one of the large Moscow banks and the owner of a Moscow construction company that builds entertainment facilities and large shopping complexes. Meladze’s country house was also built according to his own design, from which his passion for construction began.

In addition to his own business projects, Meladze manages to take part in the show “The Voice. Children" as a mentor, and in 2018 in the project "Voice. 60+".

According to Valery, he especially likes this new TV show format, since he has to work with people almost the same age, and this is often not only more difficult, but in some ways more interesting than constantly admonishing young talents.

Personal life of Valery Meladze

Valery met his first wife Irina in Nikolaev, while studying at the NKI. The year they graduated from university, they got married, and soon their first child was born. Alas, the baby died almost immediately after birth. The couple experienced this tragedy very hard, but almost immediately Irina became pregnant again, and this time everything was fine - the couple had a girl, Inga.

With his first wife Irina

Due to difficulties with registration after Valery moved to Moscow, they had to divorce, but this was only a legal solution to the housing problem - the family still continued to exist. A couple of years later, Irina and her daughter also moved to the capital, and in 1998 they married again.

The reason for the re-marriage was Irina’s new pregnancy, and in 1999 they had another daughter, Sofia, and just three years later little Arisha was born - their third child together. But even the presence of small children did not save the family from collapse, the cause of which was Meladze’s long-term affair with one of the soloists of VIA GRA.

Their relationship began almost immediately after her appearance in the group. Bright and daring, completely different from the calm and homely Irina, Albina immediately won the heart of her producer. But for a long time he struggled with this feeling. But how could the ardent heart of a Georgian resist if they spent so much time together at rehearsals and on tours?!

With Albina Dzhanabaeva

The natural result of this affair was the birth of Dzhanabaeva’s son, Konstantin, in 2004. Everyone around him knew who his father was, but Albina herself categorically denied Meladze’s involvement in the birth of the boy, not wanting to become the cause of a scandal and a destroyer of the family. Irina also understood everything, but she endured and forgave for the sake of the children.

But in 2012, Meladze still made the final choice and filed for divorce, which was soon formalized by court decision. After the divorce, the singer leaves his wife and openly lives with Albina, who revealed to her son the truth about who his father is.

Konstantin's parents had nothing to do with show business. And nothing in the childhood of the future composer foreshadowed national fame. He grew up on the Black Sea coast in a noisy resort town.

There are three children in total in the family - Konstantin also has a younger brother Valery (now a popular performer) and a sister Liana (currently working with the artists whom Konstantin produces).

Despite the slight difference in age, the brothers were very different in character and temperament.

As a child with my brother

From an early age, Konstantin stood out for his seriousness and prudence. He often tried to stop his younger brother's tricks and was an example worthy of emulation for him.

While still at school, Konstantin learned to play the piano and began composing his own songs.

Georgia has always been known as a singing land. And the Meladze brothers, who grew up listening to beautiful Georgian songs from childhood, were in love with music. Perhaps, secretly from their parents, they dreamed of a musical career, but their father insisted that after graduation they get a serious profession.

Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute

At the request of their father, the brothers parted with their beloved Georgia in 1983 and went to the south of Ukraine, where they entered a shipbuilding institute known throughout the country and prepared to become shipbuilding engineers. But fate decreed otherwise. In those years, student amateur activities were very developed.

The brothers immediately got into this wave and, almost from the first days of studying at the university, began performing as part of the student VIA “April”: Valery as a vocalist, and Konstantin at the keys.

The group performed popular pop songs in Konstantin's original arrangement and music that he wrote himself.

The combination of Konstantin’s unusual, stylish original songs and Valery’s pleasant, well-produced voice quickly made the group popular. Students, and later all residents of Nikolaev, warmly received them at every concert and very quickly they became local stars. And amateur-recorded songs were heard in almost every home.

Very soon the brothers’ work was noticed by the then famous producer, head of the Dialogue group, Kim Breitburg. He invites the brothers to join his popular and well-promoted band, and the brothers begin active touring.

In 1990, the brothers recorded their first solo album in Germany at a professional studio, most of the songs from which were written by Konstantin Melazde.

The album is selling out quickly. It was enthusiastically received by both listeners and critics. The group gathers full houses throughout almost the entire former USSR. "Dialogue" takes part in such prestigious festivals as Jurmala and Song of the Year. In just a few years, the brothers become super popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia and soon move to Moscow.


For a number of reasons, the successful and fruitful collaboration of the Meladze brothers with Kim Breitburg ends in 1993 and Konstantin creates his own production center, which is primarily engaged in the promotion of Valery Meladze. Valery to this day performs exclusively songs written by Konstantin.

But soon the active Konstantin comes up with the idea of ​​​​creating a women's team. And in 2000, the VIA “GRA” project was launched, which is popular and successful to this day, despite the fact that the team has already renewed its lineup of performers several times.


Although few people remember that at first there were not three, but only two girls in the group - Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya. And a few months later they were joined by sexy Anna Sedokova, who was soon replaced by Svetlana Loboda, and after some time Albina Dzhanabaeva.

One after another, the group records super-popular albums, which instantly occupy the top steps of the most prestigious charts. Videos shot for Meladze's songs are shown on leading music channels, the group actively tours and attracts full houses in the CIS and neighboring countries.

The songs of the VIA GRA group annually participate in the Song of the Year festival and receive prestigious prizes and awards.

Musicals and production activities

Once in Moscow, Konstantin showed other facets of his creativity. In 2001 he began a long-term collaboration with ORT as a composer. The first joint project was the New Year's musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,” the music for which was written by Konstantin Meladze.

After the brilliant premiere of the musical, such stars as Sofia Rotaru, Kristina Orbakaite, Alla Pugacheva, Taisiya Povaliy, Grigory Leps and other famous performers for whom Konstantin wrote music began to turn to Konstantin.

A year later, Konstantin wrote music for the new musical “Cinderella”, and in 2004 he became the composer and music producer of “Sorochinskaya Fair”. In 2008, Konstantin Meladze wrote original soundtracks for the musical film “Hipsters”. He is also the author of the music for the series “The Thaw”, the films “Cinderella” and “The Irony of Fate-2”.

As a talented producer, Konstantin Meladze is being actively invited to join the jury of various music shows. He repeatedly took part in the “Star Factory”, the programs “Voice of the Country”, “Voice. Children" and many other TV shows.

He produced Polina Gagarina, Vera Brezhneva, Anastasia Prikhodko. Today he no longer collaborates with these performers, but they still have the warmest relations.

Meladze is now, as in previous years, busy working on his favorite project - the VIA Gra group. In March, Misha Romanova left the group, and the group’s performances in Georgia included Erica Herceg, Nastya Kozhevnikova and Olga Meganskaya. September was marked by the departure of Nastya Kozhevnikova from the group.

The group included Ulyana Sinetskaya, known for her participation in the musical projects “Voice” and “New Star Factory”.

In 2018, Konstantin began to actively explore the niche of the rating project “Voice”. Valery Meladze participated as a judge along with eminent colleagues - Lev Leshchenko, Leonid Agutin and Pelageya in the season “Voice 60+”.

In the final, due to his busy schedule, Valery gave up his refereeing position to his brother Konstantin. Based on the results of the audience voting, Sergei Manukyan from the Meladze team advanced to the super final.

This replacement was not accidental. Since October 12, Konstantin Meladze has been presented as a full-fledged mentor of the new season of “The Voice.” Reboot". The judging team included Ani Lorak, Sergei Shnurov and rapper Basta. During the castings, which took place for about three months in Ostankino, 150 contestants were selected.

A special feature of the new season was the appearance of the “Best Mentor” category, in which TV viewers could express their sympathies for the music guru.

Wife and personal life of Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze got married for the first time at almost thirty years of age. His first wife was Yana, originally from Ukraine, a lawyer by training. She bore him three children: two daughters and a son, Valery. However, after 19 years of marriage, the family broke up.

The reason for the divorce is considered to be Konstantin Meladze’s long-term romantic relationship with former soloist and ward Vera Brezhneva. For a long time, Meladze categorically denied this information, but after the official divorce from his wife in August 2013, the truth was revealed.

With Vera Brezhneva

Our today's heroes are the Meladze brothers. Their biography will be discussed further. Konstantin and Valery are united not only by family ties, but also by creative ones. Their tandem has existed for many years. Throughout this time, music has inextricably linked talented people.


The Meladze brothers were born at different times. Konstantin was born in 1963, on May 11. Valery was born in 1965, June 23. Both of our heroes come from Georgia, the city of Batumi. The Meladze brothers in their early years were completely opposite in temperament. Konstantin was a calm and obedient boy as a child. He was involved in collecting records. I listened to them with my brother Valera, who was his complete opposite.


The Meladze brothers studied music. Valery received secondary education. Then he began attending music school, choosing a piano class. His mother took him there with his brother. Konstantin attended music school without enthusiasm. Then he did not imagine that in the future he would write compositions that would bring him fame.


The Meladze brothers went to the city of Nikolaev. Valery entered the shipbuilding institute. Graduated from this educational institution. Moved to graduate school. Konstantin received his education together with his brother. As a result, he became a member of the ensemble at the institute. In 1990, both brothers joined the art-rock group “Dialogue”. Valery recognized a large range in his own voice, as well as a rare timbre. The group went on tour in the Kemerovo region. In 1991, the Melodiya company released a record by the group called “In the Middle of the World.” In 1992, Valery was a prize-winner of a television competition called “Step to Parnassus.” In 1993, the album “Autumn Cry of a Hawk” was published in Germany by the company Solo Florentin. In 1993, Dialogue disbanded. Valery's first solo concert took place in Kyiv.

Valery Meladze has probably already become a legend of the Russian stage. Who doesn't know this bright, extravagant singer? You just have to say his name, and the songs that you sing at the holiday table or sing for yourself when you come home from work will immediately flash in your head.

So, Valery has been delighting viewers with his amazing songs for many years. In addition, time most likely has no power over him, because with age, a bright man only becomes more handsome and respectable. But first things first.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valery Meladze

Height, weight, age. How old is Valery Meladze? Fans of the Russian star constantly ask themselves such questions. Looking at his excellent form, it seems that Valery does not leave gyms and spas. Whether this is true or not, today the man is 51 years old, 183 centimeters tall, and weighs 95 kilograms. He takes care of his appearance, does everything to look good, although he believes that the main “trick” of a real man lies in his actions, sincerity and masculinity.

Like many other celebrities, Meladze was not always a star. In addition, his childhood passed in such a way that his parents thought that he would definitely not be of any use. In the literal sense of the word, they “grabbed” their heads. So how did the life and star journey of Valery Meladze begin?

Biography of Valery Meladze

The singer was born in Batumi, June 21, 1965. The life and biography of Valery Meladze has always been rich and varied. True, this does not mean that all this happened in a good way. At school, the boy studied terribly, did not try, did not strive to become an excellent student. Instead of sitting diligently at his desk, he and his friends walked through swamps, construction sites, and abandoned places. There were even cases when a young rebel went to prison for petty hooliganism, although he did not stay there for long, due to his age and the fact that the offenses did not ultimately harm anyone.

In addition to regular school, the boy was forced to go to a music school, where he learned to play the piano. He categorically did not like it, although sometimes he was inspired. Among his hobbies, the boy preferred swimming, aviation, and even dreamed that one day he would fly into space. In his youth he won his first victory and became the champion of Batumi in Georgian wrestling.

As soon as the young man graduated from school, he immediately went to work. His first job was repairing telephones. But it didn’t last long; he realized that this was not what he wanted to do. Meladze decided that he had to come to his senses and fill in the gaps that he missed at school. After he re-read the necessary literature, he eventually entered the university. After he received his diploma, he decided that from now on he would be associated with radio engineering.

In addition, after the guy graduated from school, he received a summons to the army. Therefore, Valery decided that he did not need further education. But here too fate presented a gift. It turned out that the conscription plan had already been completed, no more soldiers were needed, so Meladze did not need to serve in the army. The young man decided to go to Ukraine, where he had a brother, Konstantin, who was then studying in Nikolaev. Meladze lived in his new place for more than ten years. From that moment his creative career as a singer and songwriter began.

The brothers began to build their own careers as musicians. We started by staging amateur performances at the university where Konstantin studied. It turned out that the brothers had not really communicated before and had nothing in common. However, from now on we went through life hand in hand in order to set new goals and achieve success.

In addition to his singing activities, Meladze tried to study, even began writing a dissertation. But the singer’s career captured Meladze and he began to rapidly pursue it. In the early nineties, he began to climb the singing career ladder step by step. He participated in various groups with different producers and authors, but in the end he began performing songs only written by his brother Konstantin.

At one of the festivals that took place in Kyiv, Valery met a producer whose name was Evgeniy Frilyand. Valery’s talent amazed Evgeniy, and he invited the singer to sign a contract of mutually beneficial cooperation.

It was Friland who helped Meladze achieve the desired popularity. Valery's talent helped him break through even where, it would seem, there could be no success.

Over the next year, work took place on the first solo album. The song “Don’t disturb my soul, violin” became a real discovery for both the singer and the listeners. Soon he receives an invitation from Alla Pugacheva herself to the “Christmas Meetings”. This allowed the man to gain star status.

In the mid-nineties, the next album “Sir” was released, which became a real bestseller. The record began to enjoy incredible popularity, the song was listened to wherever possible. At the same time, the singer receives awards and is recognized as the best vocalist. Well-deserved success came, the singer reached the level he strived for, however, he did not intend to stop.

Meladze prefers to call his own style “new romance.” But be that as it may, his beautiful voice and deep songs immediately captivate the listener.

It must be said that Valery Meladze sings successfully not only in Russia and Ukraine. At one time he went on tour to the USA. As many as eleven concerts were given in America, which were received magnificently. Moreover, I would like to note that the success was so great that it was necessary to give concerts that were not planned, but the singer did all this with joy and inspiration.

Then, returning to the former CIS, the celebrity decides to hold off on new records for now. He began producing three girls from Ukraine who were part of Via Gra, and developing fresh projects for them.

At the beginning of the two thousandth Valery Meladze returned to releasing his albums. He also produces his own video clips. The new album “Nega” is coming out.

The following year, 2004, Meladze becomes the host of the popular TV show “Country of Soviets,” which he hosts together with Ruslana Pysanka. The singer looked and felt harmonious and comfortable in the role of lead.

Personal life of Valery Meladze

The personal life of Valery Meladze is very rich and vibrant. He lived happily for eighteen years with his wife and three daughters. But, as often happens, show business can interfere with family happiness. This happened when Albina Dzhanabaeva came to the Via Gra group, with whom the singer began an affair. As a result, they had a son, however, they hid him from the press for a long time, and Albina did not name the baby’s real father for a long time.

But the secret is always revealed in the end. When journalists found out who Kostya’s father was, Valery and his first wife began to have problems. In the end, the man left the family and recognized the boy.

Family of Valery Meladze

As mentioned above, Valery Meladze lived with his wife for eighteen years, who bore him three daughters. Valery Meladze's family was strong and reliable; it was difficult to imagine the idyll being disrupted. After all, the marriage produced beloved children, and the spouses themselves joined their destinies at the age of twenty. However, almost twenty years later, their happiness began to crack. This happened because of another woman whom Valery met in the Via Gra group. Her name is Albina Dzhanabaeva.

Today, Valery Meladze lives with Albina and has two sons, Konstantin and Luka. There are rumors that they are seeking to legitimize their relationship and become official husband and wife. But so far no one can say for sure, the main thing is that they are happy and together.

Children of Valery Meladze

Valery Meladze is a father of many children. The children of Valery Meladze, first of all, see him as a caring and kind father, and only then as a famous singer. Now he has three daughters from his first marriage, two sons from his second marriage. It must be said that, unfortunately, Valery learned what it was like to lose a child.

After all, his first son, who was born in the early nineties, died ten days after birth. Meladze is proud of each of his children and believes that they will find their place in life and will be able to get on their feet. However, he is always ready to help them with this.

Daughter of Valery Meladze - Inga

A girl was born from her first marriage on February 7, 1991. She now lives with her mother, but continues to see her father without problems. Valery Meladze’s daughter Inga, despite the fact that her parents are not together, looks at life soberly and appreciates both her father and mother.

Daughter of Valery Meladze - Sophia

Valeria Meladze’s second daughter, Sophia, also from her first marriage, was born on May 18, 1999. She stayed with her mother, studied, took an example from a strong parent, chose her own path, which is not yet completely clear.

Daughter of Valery Meladze - Arina

The youngest daughter of Valeria Meladze, Arina, from his first wife Irina, was born on December 7, 2002, and is now finishing school. Now their mother Irina claims that her heart is no longer free, so her beloved girls are ready to welcome their mother’s new beloved man into the house.

Son of Valery Meladze - Konstantin

The son of Valery Meladze, Konstantin, was born from his second beloved woman. Moreover, this happened when the father was still married to his wife Irina. For a long time the boy was hidden from the press and no information was given about him. Today, the boy is growing up in an atmosphere of love and success, studying and deciding in life what he wants to become.

Son of Valery Meladze - Luka

The son of Valery Meladze, Luka, was born on July 2, 2014, now he is a cute little toddler who is growing healthy and strong. It’s too early to talk about his future, but it’s safe to say that a bright and prosperous future awaits him. Albina gave a nice boy to her husband after ten years of marriage.

Ex-wife of Valery Meladze - Irina Meladze

Valery Meladze's ex-wife, Irina Meladze, became Valery's first, and, as they thought, true love. They fell in love with each other when they were only twenty years old, went through all the difficulties together, and gave birth to several children in their marriage.

But the harsh reality of show business turned out to be too much of a test for Meladze. After Ira found out that her husband had a family on the side, the couple decided to separate. Now Irina is raising her daughters and says that a new love has appeared in her life.

Valery Meladze's common-law wife is Albina Dzhanabaeva. Young people's wedding

Today the latest news says that Valery lives in a marriage with Alina Dzhanabaeva, with whom he is raising two sons. The young woman is a former member of the famous group “Via Gra”; she is also a singer, actress and TV presenter.

That is, she fully meets the requirements of her star husband and holds the same bar as him. We can call this union a happy one, because the couple have been together for more than ten years. Valery Meladze’s common-law wife, Albina Dzhanabaeva, manages to build a career as a star and take care of her family.

Photo of Valery Meladze before and after plastic surgery is, perhaps, a very frequent and sought-after request in a search engine. After all, it’s always interesting whether our favorite idols use such services. Meladze himself claims that he does not use the services of modern plastic surgery.

But somehow, this bright man manages to get better with age. However, this can be explained by the fact that some people simply don’t take years to survive. Since there is no accurate information on the Internet that Meladze could have undergone plastic surgery somewhere, we can only believe that the singer really does not use such services. He is beautiful and elegant in his own right.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Meladze

For those who want to know more about Meladze, they can always go online and find the necessary information. First of all, we are talking about Wikipedia (,_Valery_Shotaevich), where general information about him is collected.

You can also always go to Valery’s personal page on Instagram ( and get acquainted with moments from his life, family, and creative plans. Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Meladze are always at the service of those who are interested in the life of Valery Meladze. With us, you don’t have to worry about getting into a fake account and receiving false information.