Maria Kokhno for the first time about life after the project. On-line translation


The departure of Maria Kokhno did not put an end to her story on House-2; the girl was able to attract attention to her person even outside the perimeter. The Internet was blown up by the news about Lilia Cetraru, who wanted to take a married man away from the family, despite the newborn child. Mary Kuleshova brought her young boyfriend to the boiling point so that Simon Mardanshin is ready to “have a hand” in her upbringing. Read more about all the news in the material of the portal “Southern Federal.

Maria Kokhno's departure from the television project was painful, both for the girl herself and for some of the participants. However, this did not stop Maria from becoming the center of discussion on the Internet. Fans of the project were attracted by the photo in which Maria Kokhno photographed with Dmitry Dmitrienko, ex-husband of Olga Rapunzel.

The young people look happy, which could not help but attract the attention of Dom-2 fans. Many of them believe that they should wait for quick comments from Rapunzel, who, in their opinion, this photo will undoubtedly touch a nerve. In addition, fans are sure that Kokhno and Dmitrienko have a love affair.

Dom-2 news and rumors 6 days ahead of the broadcast - the latest today, October 21.
Lilia Cetraru tried to take the man away from the family. The girl spoke about this in her interview for the project magazine, writes the portal Life Dom2.

As it turned out, Lily once had an affair with a married man, and the girl knew that her lover had a wife and a newborn child. But Lilia was ready to destroy the family and insisted that the man leave the family, abandoning his wife and child. Fans reacted to the girl’s story with great negativity, saying that it didn’t make her look good, despite the fact that Chetraru was young and inexperienced at that moment.

Dom-2 news and rumors, releases 6 days earlier than broadcast - what is known today is October 21.
Paired by Mary Kuleshova and Simon Mardanshin There is no mutual understanding at all, reports dom2_reality. The young man said that he was tired of seeking respect from the girl and her latest trick was the last straw.

As it turned out, the girl was discussing her boyfriend with the participants in the television production. At the same time, Mary did not mince words and said that she did not have a drop of respect for Saiman, the site reports. Hearing these conversations, Simon became furious and declared that he was ready to use force against Kuleshova, as he saw that the conversations were meaningless.

Regular viewers of “House-2” may remember that for a long time Mary Kuleshova claimed that it was very difficult for her to fall in love with someone and she was not going to settle down with the first suitor she came across. However, as soon as Simon Mardanshin began to show her signs of attention, she gave up. Very soon, intimacy occurred between them, but after that the relationship between the lovers did not work out.

“He is the only man to whom I was able to open up on the project. If we put all conflicts aside, he is courageous, strong, strong, handsome and caring, it’s hard for me to resist him, although I think that “magic” (the euphemism “magic” is used by the participants of “House-2” to refer to sex. – Ed. .) we were in a hurry,” she told

The girl admitted that she gave herself to the young man so early under the influence of passion. However, this storm of emotions does not save them from constant conflicts. “We recently started building a relationship, but the quarrels are as if we’ve been living together for five years and there’s been a betrayal,” the beauty complained.

She is sure that there are simply no serious reasons for conflicts within the couple. “Yes, he is offended by the topic of his exes, but my phone number is in his full access and has never given rise to suspicion,” said Mary Kuleshova. She is not ready to part with her lover.

“Many people say that I am a provocateur and overly emotional, but I am ready to work on myself and I do not deny that I have such character traits, but for our sake I am ready to try. The main thing is that he also wants this. I don’t know what awaits us next, but I’m not giving up yet,” the girl emphasized.

The reality TV star decided to have a frank conversation. Live at @dom2magazine, the blonde will answer questions from fans of the TV project and explain the numerous rumors that surround her scandalous departure from the reality show.

Maria Kokhno

Several days have passed since Maria Kokhno crossed the threshold of the famous television set. During this time, the blonde managed to make a lot of noise on the Internet thanks to secret meetings with Dima Dmitrenko, work in a recording studio and other details that she sometimes shares with subscribers.

In a word, even being outside the perimeter, Masha remains one of the most discussed stars of the television project. The girl became the heroine of a “live broadcast” on Instagram @dom2magazine, where in the next few minutes he will answer all the questions that have accumulated in the public. Connect and watch the online broadcast on the website!

The girl was asked about her relationship with Andrei Shtrikh, who, by the way, decided to stay on the project when Masha was kicked out. As it turned out, Kokhno does not hold a grudge against him and perfectly understands the motives of his action.

“Andrey wrote to me, called me, approached the presenters, asked for me to be returned... Everything was sincere with us. He is a very good guy, very sincere,” admits Masha. - When a guy understands that I won’t be returned, what’s the point in poisoning his soul? He wanted to come to me the next day, but they didn’t let him in... I understand him and don’t blame him. He deserves a good relationship."

When asked if the girl missed her former lover, she only smiled mysteriously and tried to avoid the conversation.

According to Masha, she does not hold a grudge against her best friend Marina Afrikantova, who was absent from Polyana on voting day because she was celebrating her birthday with her loved ones. Kokhno honestly admitted that at first she considered the girl’s act selfish and even accused her of not saving her from leaving the project. True, later, when the passions subsided, Masha realized that she had no right to be angry with Marina.

“She is my best friend, a wonderful person. If the presenters wanted to leave me, they would have found a way out, called Marina and taken her voice... Everything turned out as it turned out.”

Marina Afrikantova and Maria Kokhno
​Photo: Program frame

We were talking about one of the most piquant topics that is currently being discussed by fans of Masha Kokhno. The girl told how she and Dmitry Dmitrenko began to communicate, and then become friends. It's no secret that the guys spend a lot of time together - they visit the Conservatory, have dinner in restaurants, go on live broadcasts together... In a word, the guys are almost inseparable.

“When I just left the project, Dima, it turns out, couldn’t find my Instagram. Wanted to contact me. But my microblog was blocked for a long time, so he couldn’t find me,” Kokhno recalls. - Ultimately, Zhenya Kuzin gave him my number, he called me... We talked for three hours, we couldn’t stop. Then we started seeing each other.”

Interestingly, Masha admitted that she always considered Dima as a potential boyfriend, even when he was in a relationship with Olga Rapunzel. True, then Kokhno understood that this romance would not happen.

“It’s not like we’re having a candy-bouquet period... We just communicate a lot, we feel good together. It’s hard for him now, I understand and support him very well,” says Masha. - Dima is currently filming a film, he is busy, enthusiastic...”

Masha spends a lot of time with Dima

Masha Kokhno has already met Dmitrenko’s relatives. The blonde talks to Dima’s mother on the phone, and saw her sister in person just the other day. “He has a wonderful family! I don’t understand at all how Rapunzel’s relationship with Dima’s mother could not have worked out. She’s an amazing woman and we communicate great.”

While Dima Dmitrenko is waiting for a divorce from Olya Rapunzel, Masha Kokhno herself is busy dissolving her marriage. Both guys are still officially married, but this does not stop them from building a relationship. According to the girl, in the near future she will change her marital status and finally begin a new life.

A question was asked about what Masha was doing after leaving the project. The blonde admitted that she is recording an album that will feature beautiful melodies performed by her on the violin. In addition, according to the girl, she now has a producer, so now she is in good hands. Kokhno hopes to give concerts where he will play classical works. She is confident that the audience of “DOM-2” will happily come to appreciate her work.

Just a few hours ago, Dima Dmitrenko shared his plans for the evening with his microblog subscribers. It turned out that the man was going out of town with Masha Kokhno. Attentive social media users asked where exactly the guys were going.

“We will go to my best friend out of town. She has a big house. There will be barbecues, songs, conversations... - says Masha. “We’re going with Dima, my friend and her boyfriend will also be there.”

Interestingly, Masha does not rule out that in the future, if she and Dima are invited to a project as a couple, they will agree. The girl admits: she really loves the project on which she spent a year, and she cannot get rid of these feelings so easily. Of course, the blonde is bored and is considering the option of returning to the walls of a reality show, if such an opportunity arises. “Anything can happen in our lives,” says Kokhno.

When the conversation turned to family relationships and parental support, Masha became noticeably sad. The girl explained that she does not have the easiest relationship with her loved ones. It is especially difficult for her to communicate with her father, a musician, who expected that his violinist daughter would continue her creative career. Contrary to her parent’s wishes, Kokhno went to “DOM-2”, which greatly disappointed him. In addition, as it turned out, soon after this, Masha’s dad left the family.

Returning to the topic of relations with Dmitrenko, Kokhno emphasized that Rapunzel lost a very worthy man only through her own fault. Masha is sure that Dima would be a good husband and father, he would be faithful to Olya all his life, but she did not appreciate this.

As usual, over the past month, Masha Kokhno and Lera Frost have been candidates for leaving. Masha said that it would have been easier for her to leave three weeks ago before meeting Andrey. Denisov is not ready to leave the perimeter, since he and Masha are not yet a fully formed couple, but he would like to be with Masha and would like to be left behind. Kadoni does not understand why Marina Afrikantova, Masha’s friend, knowing that today was a difficult vote, asked to leave the clearing and has not returned yet. Maya Dontsova supported Masha, said that Masha wants to stay on the project and sincerely treats Denisov. Lera said that this is a circus, last week Masha was given a chance, Andrei wanted to leave with her, but after the execution Masha began to humiliate and scold her boyfriend for bringing something up for discussion among the team. Lera believes that Masha does not need a relationship, but her relationship with Zakhar has gone through five circles of hell, they are developing and everything is fine with them. Salenko wants to have a wedding on the project; he and Lera have already moved to a new level of relationship. Yulia Efremenkova supported Kokhno and Shtrikh, asked the participants not to vote against them, she loves Masha, she is close and dear to her, she knows how to forgive, it’s strange that Lera sits and laughs, as if she knows that she will remain on the project. Rapunzel for Lera and Zahara. Sasha Cherno watched Andrey all day, he cried today, talked with the participants, so she will support Masha and calls on the team to vote for Masha against Lera. The result was 17 votes to 17 votes. Kadoni decided that Masha Kokhno was leaving the project. Masha burst into tears, it was hard, bad and painful for her to leave Andrei, she realized that she was happy with him, she understands her mistakes in her relationship with Andrei. Vlad doesn’t feel sorry for either Masha or Frost, since the viewer who nominated them for voting every week doesn’t believe them. Kokhno does not want to leave Andrey. Shtrikh wants to leave with Masha, but understands that he cannot give her anything. Kokhno was escorted to the gate, many participants were crying, Maya was on the island, in the clearing Yulia, Rapa, Tata, Polina.
This week Araik, Polina and Anastasia came to the project. Polya said that she made mistakes, but she drew conclusions; there was no need to rush and trust so quickly. Anastasia expressed sympathy for Alexey Kupin, she singled him out from the entire team, Maya does not embarrass Anastasia, since in the pair of Lesha and Maya there is no passion and harmony. Kupin does not believe in this sympathy and thinks that Anastasia wants to go to the Seychelles, either because of the vote. Arayik likes it on the project, he has found friends, these are Lesha, Roma, Zakhar, and of the free girls he physically wants Lyuba. Since Lena Vereskunova left the project for family reasons, Kadoni gave a chance to Nastya, whom the participants voted against.
New participants came to the project. Margo Ovsyannikova, 21 years old from the city of Donetsk, came to a project with the charming and handsome Roma Gritsenko, Lisa is not suitable for him, she is an adult girl with a child, walking. Margot is an English teacher by training, practices Thai boxing, and sings and dances well. Margot had a serious relationship, everything was heading towards the wedding, but her boyfriend cheated on her, now this guy gives gifts and helps her, but she cannot forgive. Roma didn’t like that the new girl called Lisa a wandering girl, but he’s going to talk to her. Alexander Gubernatsky, 28 years old from Krasnoarmeysk, Donetsk region, came to Marina Afrikantova. Roma is not suitable for Marina in age, all of Marina’s partners hit the table with their fists, she needs love and tenderness. Sasha is a master of sports of Ukraine in combat sambo, he will be able to protect Marina if necessary. Blumenkrantz tried to woo Sasha to Rapunzel. Gubernatsky also likes Tanya Musulbes.
Marina and Roma arrived at the clearing. Marina consoled the crying Masha Kokhno in the admin room. Masha missed Marina, she felt bad, she realized that she needed Andrei, Andrei cried all night.

Highlights for the day: