Class hour on healthy lifestyle “I choose life” in the form of “Brain-ring.

Brain-ring for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Parents and educators - two banks of the same river”

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region
The brain-ring was held as part of a seminar by the Russian Educational Institution for preschool teachers on the topic “Creating a unified educational space “Kindergarten – Family” through the formation of an active position of parents in raising children.” This event is practically significant for senior educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of students.
*clarify and systematize teachers’ knowledge on the issue of interaction with parents;
* to intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators, as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;
*intensify the activities of teachers to generalize, disseminate and introduce into practical work the experience of colleagues from other preschool educational institutions;
*support teachers’ interest in further study of this topic.

Opening speech by the presenter (senior teacher):
“Preschool childhood” is a unique period in a person’s life when health is formed and personality develops. At the same time, this is a period during which the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents, teachers. Therefore, inadequate care, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to serious consequences in the future.
Among the main tasks facing the kindergarten is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.” To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Therefore, an active course is needed to create a unified space for the development of the child, both in preschool educational institutions and in the family. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in Art. No. 18 “Preschool education” says the following: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in early childhood. To educate preschool children, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, develop individual abilities and necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.”
And each of us must remember that a preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of preschool teachers. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.
An important condition for interaction with parents is the establishment of trusting business contact, cooperation between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of the parents and teacher is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school. And this is precisely what confronts the teaching staff with the need to look for an ally, a like-minded person in raising a child in the family.
Preschool teachers should be the initiators of establishing this cooperation, since they are professionally prepared for educational work, and therefore understand that its success depends on consistency in raising children.
And in conclusion, I would like to say the following. We use the combination of “working with parents” every day, which we are, in principle, accustomed to. 20 - 15 years ago, there was nothing wrong with this. A modern young parent is very different from the parents of the 80s and 90s... Now the age limit for parents is shifted towards an early age. Our young mothers are young, democratic, capricious, with high self-esteem. And teachers need to approach this wisely and subtly. Therefore, the combination of “working with parents” is incorrect, since it too strongly reflects our professional snobbery and attitude towards parents as objects of influence. Not every parent will accept such an attitude towards themselves and allow them to “work” with them. Therefore, the word “interaction” is more accurate. And I advise you to pay attention to this.

Today, dear colleagues, I invite you to play a business game with me, which has the specific name brain ring.
Form of implementation: two teams (working creative groups - by institution)
Brain-ring(English brain - brain) - a television version of the game, invented by the Odessa intellectual games club "Erudite". An analogue of our famous game “What, where, when?” That is, the brain ring is a “brain attack”, a battle, a battle, a competition, a game. And its goal is to define and identify the knowledge of a group of people on a certain topic.
So I want to reveal your knowledge on the topic “Interaction between family and preschool educational institution.”
Since you and I have been dealing with the problem of cooperation with parents for many years, we can all be called erudites in this area. And the game will help us remember and clarify existing knowledge, place emphasis, and identify issues that require additional study.
We need to split into 2 teams.
Brain ring consists of 7 rounds.
At the end of the brain ring, the results are summed up and the winners are announced.
And now I will introduce you to the rules of our Brain Ring.
Rounds usually open with a question for both teams; the team that rings the bell the fastest has the right to answer first. If a team answers before ringing the bell or answers incorrectly, the other team can answer and receive a point for the correct answer. The team with the most points wins.
The Brain Ring is evaluated by a competent jury: ...
So, let's start our Brain Ring.
First, you need to come up with a name for your commands (1 minute is allotted to complete).

ROUND 1(Gong sounds) "Pedagogical Dictionary"
Choose a definition for this concept:
(don't forget about the bell and the right of first response) Slides.
Questionnaire- technical means of specific social research, compilation, distribution, study of questionnaires.
Interaction- interpenetration, communication, exchange of thoughts, feelings, ideas.
Parenting is an international term that refers to helping parents in fulfilling the functions of educators of their own children and parental functions; necessary to optimize the process of raising a child, for the health of society itself.
Communication - a method of mutual relations specific to subjects, a way of being of a person in relationships with other people.
Pedagogical reflection- the ability to analyze one’s own educational activities, critically evaluate them, find the reasons for one’s pedagogical mistakes, the ineffectiveness of the methods used; to select methods of influence on the child that are adequate to his characteristics in a particular situation.
Family- a historically specific system of relationships between spouses, parents and children. Family members are connected by marriage or kinship relationships, a common life, and mutual moral responsibility.
Content- the defining aspect of the whole, the totality of parts of an object.
Method - a way to achieve a goal, a certain ordered activity.
Form- external expression of any content.

ROUND 2(Gong sounds) "Teacher's Crossword"(execution time 5 minutes)
1. One of the techniques for activating parents (Game)
2. The most interesting form of communication with parents (Competition)
4. What does the “RIVER” symbolize between the two banks (Children)
5) A questionnaire to obtain any information (Questionnaire)
6) Traditional form of holding a parent meeting. (Lecture)
7) The main method of studying families of pupils. (Observation)
8) Non-traditional form of holding a parent meeting (Auction)

ROUND 3 “Pig in a poke”
I “pull” a card with a question from the bag and read it out. If the team is ready to answer, it rings the bell. The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer.

1. From which regulatory document is this phrase taken:
“Parents are the child’s first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in infancy.” (RF Law on Education)

2. Select the most complete answer: Family education is...
– more or less conscious efforts to raise a child;
– a controlled system of relationships and interactions between parents and children, aimed at achieving the desired results;
– raising children in a family environment;
– a means of family education;
– a form of general educational training for parents.

3. Name a method not related to the methods of studying families of pupils:
– observation;
– conversation;
– survey;
– interviews with parents;
- laboratory experiment.

4. Methods of activating parents include:
– teacher’s report;
– questions and examples;
– ignoring the child;
- diagnostics;
- control;
- a game.

5. What applies to non-traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents?
– meetings;
– conferences;
– competitions;
– information stands;
– conversations.

6. What applies to traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents?

- helpline;
- talk show;
– competitions;
– quizzes;
– consultations.

7. Traditional forms of work (remove the unnecessary)
– individual;
– subgroup;
– collective;
– visual and informational.

8. Does not apply to cognitive forms of communication...
– pedagogical briefings;
– meetings;
– consultations;
– oral journals;
– folklore holidays;
– brain rings

ROUND 4 “You for me, I for you”
Teams ask each other problematic pedagogical situations “parent - teacher” (prepared in advance, lying on their table).
The completeness and correctness of the answers is assessed. If the team asking the question completes their answers, they are awarded additional points.

Situation 1.
The mother of five-year-old Kolya came to the kindergarten with a complaint against the teacher. She believes that the teacher should not force the child to clean up his toys; there is a nanny for this. The child should develop, not clean.
Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 2.
Evening. Parents came for Vlad and Nastya. The children began to clean up their toys. Vlad’s mother stands, looks and rejoices, and Nastya’s mother shouts: “Get dressed quickly, I have no time!” “Mom, but you have to clean up after yourself,” says Nastya. “You will clean the house, but now I’m in a hurry.” Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

(Here, the teacher’s demands are canceled by the mother herself, so the work should be carried out not with the child, but with his parents. Then the effect of such educational influence will be noticeable).

Situation 3.
The teacher turns to Dima’s mother with a story about what the children learned new in class and offered to consolidate the learned material at home. In response, the mother sharply replies that she has no time to study with the child at home, that this is the responsibility of the teacher - he “gets money for this.” Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 4.
When picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents are indignant that his clothes are very dirty and accuse the teacher of not looking after the children well. Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 5.
Zulfiya is an active, lively girl who has difficulty adapting to the group. The teacher advises the mother to seek help from a pediatric neurologist. The girl’s mother took the advice with hostility and accused the teacher that she did not like her daughter because she was from a non-Russian family, saying that she would go to complain to the head.
In the following days, Zulfiya was not brought to kindergarten. Later it turned out that the girl was finally taken to a doctor, who prescribed her treatment. A month later, the girl began attending the group again, but the relationship between the teacher and her mother never improved. What was wrong with the teacher’s action?

Psychologist's comment: If the parent received such information from a kindergarten doctor or a teacher-psychologist, the reaction would be different, and there would be no conflict with the teacher. Do not take the “fire upon yourself”, seek the help of specialists. It is important to remember the boundaries of your competence!

Situation 6.
Sveta was often brought to kindergarten at 10.30, the time when all classes came to an end, and all that was left was a walk and communication with the children. Often they weren’t brought at all. Preparatory, speech therapy group. Her grandmother picked her up early after afternoon tea.
The teacher began to say that such visits would not bring any benefit to the child. Mom complained to the head teacher that the teacher was teaching them. Result: the girl was taken from kindergarten and enrolled in a preparatory group at school. What was wrong with the teacher’s action?

MKOU "Nizhnesarskaya Secondary School"


Developed by: Germanova O.V.



“We know everything about a healthy lifestyle!”

Goal: Increasing the intellectual level in matters of a healthy lifestyle.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Presenter - Health is one of the most important life values ​​of a person, the key to his

well-being and longevity. An ancient Indian proverb says, “There is no friend equal to

health; there is no enemy equal to disease.”

0Valuing your health, fighting bad habits, helping people in

trouble - this is what we learn when we talk about healthy lifestyle.

Epigraph of our brainring: May you always have:

Air to breathe, Sun to keep warm,

Water to drink, Earth to live!

Presenter - We welcome participants in the brainring, which is called:

“We choose a healthy lifestyle.” Teams of students from grade 8 “A” meet.

Topics: “Healthy lifestyle”, “Bad habits”, “Crime prevention”,

“Etiquette”, “We know everything”.

There are cards on the table:

a) the right to start the game first, b) with the names of the teams,

c) with topics.

The captains play for the right to be the first to start the game:

There are 6 cards on the table, one of which has the number 1 on it.

The captain who chooses the card with the number 1 gets the right to be the first to land

your team at the gaming table.

Then he chooses his opponent, taking a card with the name of the opposing team.

Among the theme cards, he selects the theme of the first game.

The first two teams take their places at the gaming tables.

The winner is the team that remains at the gaming table in the last round.

Consultants: social teacher, school physician, school psychologist.

Topics and questions:

"Healthy lifestyle"

    What does the concept of a healthy lifestyle include?

Name at least 5 elements of a healthy lifestyle.

(Rational nutrition, daily routine, physical development, hardening, self-control, emotional sphere of a person, level of education, moral standards, human culture, fight against bad habits).

    Anyone who starts every morning with this action will need half as much time to get ready and get into a working mood. (Charger).

    If you do not comply with this, then your appetite disappears, sleep goes away, and your sleep decreases.

efficiency is also a necessary condition for saving time. (Mode).

    In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your field

profession requires talent, hard work, perseverance, self-confidence and...

(good health).

    Before performing at a school competition or before passing exams, it will help

ability to manage oneself, or ... (autogenic training - self-suggestion).

6. People spend a third of their lives in this state. In ancient China one of the

The most terrible torture was to deprive a person of this state. (Dream).

"Crime Prevention"

1. At what age does criminal liability begin? (From 14 years old).

2. What violations carry administrative liability? Name

at least 6 violations. (Violation of silence from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.;

petty hooliganism; dog baiting;

insult; obscene language; breaking windows).

3. What is the name of theft with bodily injury. What criminal

Is the minor responsible?

(Robbery. Responsibility for minor children

carried by parents)

4. Is a 14-year-old teenager who drinks on

disco non-alcoholic beer? If yes, which one?

(Beer is considered an alcoholic drink. Drinking alcohol

drinks in public places is a violation of the administrative code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Parents bear administrative responsibility.

The teenager is registered at the drug dispensary)

5. What is meant by the concept of “Criminal liability”?

(Criminal liability involves a threat to life and

human health; extortion; theft; robbery)

6. What responsibility does a minor bear for storage, distribution?

psychotropic narcotic drugs?

(Article 259 “Illegal acquisition, storage, sale, transportation.”

Criminal liability. The case is being considered in court)

"Bad habits"

    Give at least 5 examples of behavior related to: a) consumption of harmful substances,

b) with bad habits.

(Smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction, non-compliance with the regime,

rudeness, lack of hygiene, spending a long time at the computer)

    Blitz tournament. 7 questions for each team. Answer with words: YES or NO.

I group of questions:

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes)

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)

3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No)

4. Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people every year? (Yes)

5. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes)

6. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)

7. Is it easy to quit smoking? (No)

II group of questions:

1. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? (No)

2. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

3. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes)

4. Is it true that 8 hours of sleep at night is enough for a child? (No)

5. Is it true that children under 15 years old cannot engage in weightlifting? (Yes)

6. Is it true that drugs that are smoked are not as dangerous as intravenous drugs?

drugs? (No)

7. Is it true that there is non-alcoholic beer? (No)

3. Is it necessary to ventilate the room in winter in which a patient with inflammation is located?

lungs? Why?

(It is necessary: ​​at a temperature of 1-2 degrees C, pathogenic bacteria die).

4. What effect does alcohol have on teenagers' vision?

(Severe damage to the optic nerves leading to loss of vision).

5. Is one-time drug use dangerous? Why?

(Yes. There is a strong psychological dependence and need

organism in drugs).

6. What is “passive smoking”?

(Staying in a smoky room is no less harmful than smoking itself)


1. Blitz tournament, questions for each team:

I a group of questions from one of the teams:

1. Who gets off the bus first: the girl or her boyfriend?

(Young man offers his hand to the lady)

2. You saw your friend on the street, he is standing with a girl you don’t know.

Who will you say hello to first? (With girl)

3 You have been invited to a banquet. Tableware is laid out in a row near your plate.

devices. The first course was served to you. What cutlery do you use?

will you use first?

(furthest from your plate)

II group of questions for the second team:

    You're late for the cinema. How to behave in a dark auditorium?

(Go to an empty seat, apologizing, facing those sitting)

2. In which hand should you hold the bouquet if you are presenting it to someone?

(In the left, the right hand should be free for greeting)

3. Which spoon do you eat porridge with: table spoon, dessert spoon, tea spoon? (dessert)

2. What gifts are appropriate in any case, on any occasion?

(Postcard, flowers, book, box of chocolates)

3. Continue the phrase: “If you don’t feel the beauty of flowers, if you don’t love

friendship, if the song does not impress you, if you are stingy and indifferent

to someone else’s grief, then you need ... " (Treat)

4. Can you eat scrambled eggs with a spoon or fork?

(Either spoon or fork, depending on consistency)

5. This should be taken before bed every day, and in hot weather - in the morning and

In the evening. (Shower)

6. Is it proper for a young man who comes to a disco with his girlfriend to dance with others?

girls? (No)

"We know everything!"

1. If this poison enters the human body in large quantities,

2. Is nasvay considered a narcotic substance? What harm does it do to


(This is a tobacco-containing substance. It corrodes the walls of the stomach,

causes oral cancer. Easily accessible.)

3. Is it possible to recognize a drug addict by his appearance?

(External signs: excessive thinness, unhealthy complexion,

the face looks like a mask, dry and pale skin,

lack of pupil reaction to light, slow or accelerated pace

movements, trembling of hands and head, fussiness, untidiness,

injection marks - red dots along the vein; swollen nose)

4. Pity, sympathy caused by the misfortune of another person.

(Mercy, compassion)

5. In 1934, in the French city of Nice, a group of young people organized

competition: who can smoke the most cigarettes. Two “winners” failed

get a prize because they died after smoking... (40; 60; 80 cigarettes)

6. These cells are the most sensitive to the harmful effects of alcohol.

(Nerve cells of the brain)

Presenter - We summarize and congratulate the winners of this intellectual

games. You have shown good knowledge and we are confident that you will apply

them in everyday life, the motto of which is:

“We choose a healthy lifestyle!”



Lesson topic:

"If you want to be healthy"

Purpose of the lesson:

  • Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To always be healthy,

Cheerful, slim and cheerful,

I'm ready to give you advice,

How to live without doctors.

You need to eat tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons,

Porridge - in the morning, soup - at lunch,

And for dinner - vinaigrette.

I need to play sports

Wash, temper,

Get into cross-country skiing

And smile more often.

Well, what if your lunch

You'll start with a bag of candy,

You’ll eat imported chewing gum,

Sweeten it with chocolate

And then for the whole evening

You'll sit down to the TV

And look in order

A series of series

Then for sure

Your companions are always -Myopia, pale appearance

And poor appetite.


Do you know?

1 Round

  • Questions for the first team:
  • 1. Which human organ is compared to a pump?
  • 2. What is the function of the skin?
  • 3. Which human organ is both a filter and a stove?
  • 4. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?
  • 5. All their lives they have been racing, but they cannot overtake each other.
  • 6. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have.
  • Questions for the second team:
  • 1. Which human organ is compared to a computer?
  • 2. What security posts prevent invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt - from entering your body?
  • 3. What human organs are affected by smoking?
  • 4. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears?
  • 5. My brother lives behind the mountain, but he won’t meet me
  • 6. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow it.


Hygiene is the basis of health

  • Never wash your hands.
  • Neck, ears and face.
  • This stupid activity leads to nothing.

Your hands will get dirty again.

Neck, ears and face.

So why waste energy?

Time to waste.

Getting a haircut is also useless.

There's no point.

As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • 1. Why must we brush our teeth twice a day?
  • 2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or at least your hand when coughing and sneezing?
  • 3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or to sweep it with a dry broom?
  • Questions for the second team:
  • 1. Why is it necessary to wash your hands before eating?
  • 2. What can the bad habit of biting your nails lead to?
  • 3. Why should a person wash himself daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, in the shower or in the bathhouse, or in the bathroom?







Questions for the first team:

  • What first aid does a person need for sunstroke?
  • or when you felt sick in the sun?

2. What should be done first in case of a burn?

3. What to do if you are injured

and are you bleeding?

Questions for the second team:

1. What to do if a person has a nosebleed?

2. What do you think needs to be done?

if you have frostbite on your nose or cheek?

3. What to do if a person

badly bruised and scraped your knee?


  • What measures to prevent flu in winter do you know?

2.Name the diseases of “dirty hands”

3. What diseases are fraught with a sip of water from a river or lake?

4. Why can’t you drink cold water immediately after exercise?

  • Why can't you pet unfamiliar cats and dogs?

2. How to avoid sunstroke?

3. Why shouldn’t you chew pencils, pens, or nails?

4. Why can't I smoke?


if you liked the lesson,

you were interested and in a good mood;

green -

if you weren't quite

happy with the job

and you were in a sad mood ;

in red -

  • in red -
  • in red -
  • in red -
  • in red -

if you were not happy


  • if you were not happy occupation,
  • if you were not happy occupation,
  • if you were not happy occupation,
  • if you were not happy occupation,

and you were in a gloomy mood.

MBOU "Educational Center No. 11"


Compiled by:
Russian language teacher and

year 2014
Nomination: Development of extracurricular activities.

Audience: students in grades 5-6

Title of the work: “Etymology of words on the topic: “Health. Healthy image

Goal of the event: developing a culture of student health
by studying the etymology of words on relevant topics.

draw students' attention to the etymology of words related to the topic of health and healthy lifestyle;
to form a correct idea of ​​human health and a healthy lifestyle;
promote the development of associative and creative thinking, long-term memory;
develop the ability to work in a group.

Conditions for an effective event:
Shansky N.M., Bobrova T.A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language: Origin of words. M.: “Bustard”, 2003 (for homework).
Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: “AZ”, 1992
Nuraliev Yu. Medicinal plants. Nizhny Novgorod: “IKPA”, 1991
Electronic presentation with questions and tasks for the brain ring.
Rules for working in a group (Appendix 1).

The game takes place in the form of a brain ring between teams of 6 people.
Homework is given in advance:
determine the composition of the teams and choose a captain;
come up with a name and make an emblem;
get acquainted with the contents of the school etymological dictionary on a given topic (words about human health).

Technological map of the event:

Event stages
Teacher activities
Student activities

Formulation of the theme of the event
The teacher’s word: “Brain-ring is a Russian game “in origin”, the name is English! How many of you know how it is translated?
So, let's start a “brain battle” between teams of 5 “A”, 5 “B” and 5 “C” classes!
Let us immediately warn you that today’s competition, although linguistic, is closely related to the topic of health!”

Students try to determine the origin of the name: “brain battle ground”, “brain battle association”, “brain battle circle”
Make a conscious choice of linguistic means depending on the purpose, topic, main idea, addressee, situation and conditions of communication, are able to replace terms with definitions;

Setting the goals and objectives of the event
The teacher suggests formulating the goal of the event and the tasks with which the goal will be achieved.
Students formulate the purpose and objectives of the event.

They independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it.

Work in groups to solve etymological problems
Question 1. What is etymology?

Question 2. Guess the word based on the following features:
firstly, it came to us from French and literally translates as “cowpox”, and secondly, it is a synonym for the word vaccination.
What is the importance of a vaccine in a person's life?

Question 3. Think and say which medicinal plant name comes from the Latin word meaning literally “to be healthy.” Hint: the mixture of this medicine helps a person calm his nerves.

Question 4. The next word is the name of the profession. How often do we turn to people of this specialization in difficult times! But the original meaning of this word is “speaking,

Question 5. In Latin, this word sounds like “pathogenic poison.” Vaccination can defeat it.
How can you prevent a viral disease?

Question 6. This word in the modern sense is a profession that is very necessary for us people. If we turn to its etymology, we learn a striking fact: in Latin it means “teacher.” A clue may be that both professions in our country belong to the public sector.

Question 7. Do you believe that polite people, when meeting, always wish each other health?
Question 8. Etymological puzzle: the ancient Slavs called one person “like a tree.” What would we call this person?
What kind of person would you call healthy?

Question 9. This word names a medicine that is in all first aid kits. Its name comes from the Greek for “purple.”
Why is iodine used in medicine?

Question 10. Do you believe that by eating fatty and carbohydrate foods we get not only additional calories, but also heat? Let us remind you that the game is linguistic!
Is it useful to count your calorie intake?

Question 11. What is onomatopoeia? The name of which healthy berry goes back to onomatopoeia? Hint: the place where it can be found sounds like “klyuchevina” in dialects, that is, a swamp.
What are the benefits of cranberries? What methods of storing cranberries do you know? Which berries retain the healing qualities of berries better?

Question 12. And this word means a semi-finished product and a ready-made dish. In Greek it is called “barley flour food”, and in Italian it is called “bliss”. Hint: The birthplace of this dish is Italy.
Is it healthy to eat pasta every day?

Question 13. Etymological problem. There are two words in the dictionary, say A and B. Both of them come from the word B. Of these, A is English and means a household appliance needed in the kitchen. B is Latin and refers to liquid medicine.
B – “I mix.” Guess what A and B sound like.

Question 14: Do you think we eat “unripe” vegetables? We remind you that the game is linguistic!
What are the benefits of cucumber?

Question 15. Translated from Italian, this word sounds like “golden apples.” What do Russian people call this vegetable?
What are the benefits of tomatoes?

Question 16. We all love salads. We make them from vegetables, herbs and even fruits... How do you think this word is translated from Italian?

Question 17. Diseases of this organ are very common in modern society. This is caused by smoking, alcohol, overeating, and an inactive lifestyle. And the name of this human organ is associated with its location in the body.

Question 18. What do your mothers cook cabbage soup from? What do you think they were originally made from?
Sorrel is not only a tasty food product, but also healthy. What is its use?
The branch of language science that studies the origins of words

The vaccine was originally produced from cowpox.

Help prevent infectious diseases. There are influenza, diphtheria, rubella, hepatitis, etc.


Get vaccinated on time, maintain good personal hygiene, avoid crowds, take vitamins.

Yes. Hello - this is the original Russian form of “be healthy!”
This is the literal translation of the modern word - “healthy”.

A healthy person is a prosperous person physically and mentally.
Iodine. Named after the color of vapors in the chemical experiments of J.-L. Gay-Lussac.

Iodine is used in medicine to disinfect wounds, as a drug that promotes the resorption of compactions under the skin.
Yes. Calorie literally means “heat” in Latin.
Counting calories is useful in order not to gain excess weight and become obese.

Cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. You can make jam, marmalade, and fruit drinks from cranberries, but fresh berries best preserve their healing qualities (they can be preserved well in a cool place).


It is better to buy durum wheat pasta and eat it with vegetables rather than meat.

Mixer and potion.

Yes, cucumbers. Literally translated from Greek as “unripe.”
Cucumber is widely used in dietetics and cosmetology.
Tomato is useful for normalizing metabolism and is used as a thirst quencher.
Salad is an Italian word in origin and literally means “salted greens.”

From sorrel. The common Slavic “cabbage soup” is sorrel.
Eating sorrel strengthens the heart and liver, treats anemia, and serves as a hemostatic agent.
Select sign-symbolic means to build a model;
search and select the necessary information;
establish working relationships, learn to collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation;
the ability to conduct dialogue on the basis of equal relations and mutual respect and acceptance;
carry out search, analysis, transformation of information extracted from various sources, present and transmit it taking into account the given conditions of communication;
consciously construct speech statements in oral and written form; express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; appropriately use the rules of speech behavior in educational activities.

Summing up the game
The teacher offers to summarize the game
Groups count the number of points earned and announce to the teacher.

The teacher asks you to answer the questions:
Have you achieved the goal of the event?
Did you meet the objectives of the event? To what extent?
How was the event useful?
What new things did you learn while playing?

analyze the feasibility of the game goal
note whether they coped with the objectives of the event,
highlight the positive aspects and disadvantages of their work in a group
They focus on what was useful and interesting to them, what they learned new.
Evaluate the achieved result
realize the quality and level of learning,
highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, realize the quality and level of assimilation; participate in collective discussion of problems, learn to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech.


Rules for working in a group
[Download the file to see the picture]
Be kind to your comrades. Remember that you are doing a common cause.
State clearly the proposed solution.
Learn to listen to others.
If you don’t agree with the opinions of others: DON’T SHOUT, DON’T INTERRUPT. Use polite phrases.
If you are wrong, apologize, admit your mistake, don’t be stubborn. Don't laugh at other people's mistakes. Remember that you may find yourself in the same position.
Do not talk while comrades from other groups are speaking, do not be distracted from the topic of the lesson.

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Linguistic brain-ringEtymology of words on the topic: “Health. Healthy lifestyle" Teacher: Aleshina O.N. What is etymology? Question 1. Etymology is a branch of the science of language that studies the origin of words Answer: Guess the word based on the following features: firstly, it came to us from French and literally translates as “cowpox” secondly, it is a synonym for the word vaccination Question 2. Vaccine Answer: Think and say which medicinal plant name comes from the Latin word meaning literally “to be healthy.” Hint: the mixture of this medicine helps a person calm his nerves Question 3. Valerian Answer: The next word is profession. How often do we turn to people of this specialization in difficult times! But the original meaning of this word is “bewitcher, wizard.” Question 4. Doctor Answer: In Latin, this word sounds like “pathogenic poison.” A vaccine can defeat it Question 5. Virus Answer: This word in the modern sense is a profession that is very necessary for us people. If we turn to its etymology, we learn a striking fact: in Latin it means “teacher.” A clue may be that both professions in our country belong to the public sector Question 6. Doctor Answer: Do you believe that polite people, when meeting, always wish each other health? Justify your opinion Question 7. Yes. Hello - this is the original Russian form of “be healthy!” Answer: Etymological problem: the ancient Slavs called one person “like a tree.” What would we call this person? Question 8. Answer: Healthy person This word is a medicine that is in all first aid kits. Its name goes back to the Greek “purple” Question 9. Iodine (the name is given by the color of the vapors in the chemical experiments of J.-L. Gay-Lussac) Answer: Do you believe that by eating fatty and carbohydrate foods we get not only additional calories, but also warm? Let us remind you that the game is linguistic! Question 10. Yes. Calorie in Latin literally means “heat.” Answer: What is onomatopoeia? The name of which healthy berry goes back to onomatopoeia? Hint: the place where it can be found sounds like “klyuchevina” in dialects, i.e. a swamp. Question 11. Cranberry Answer: And this word means a semi-finished product and a ready-made dish. In Greek it is called “a dish made from barley flour,” and in Italian it is called “bliss.” Question 12. Pasta Answer: Etymological problem. There are two words in the dictionary, say A and B. Both of them come from the word B. Of these, A is English and means a household appliance needed in the kitchen. B is Latin and refers to liquid medicine. B – “I mix.” Guess what A and B sound like Question 13. Mixer and mixture Answer: Do you think we eat “unripe” vegetables? We remind you that the game is linguistic! Question 14. Yes, cucumbers. From Greek it is literally translated as “unripe.” Answer: Translated from Italian, this word sounds like “golden apples.” What do Russian people call this vegetable? Question 15. Tomato Answer: We all love salads... We make them from vegetables, herbs and even fruits... How do you think this word is translated from Italian? Question 16: Salad is an Italian word in origin and literally means “salted greens.” Answer: Diseases of this organ are very common in modern society. This is caused by smoking, alcohol, overeating, and an inactive lifestyle. And the name of this human organ is associated with its location in the body Question 17. Heart Answer: What do your mothers cook cabbage soup from? What do you think they were originally made from? Question 18. Answer: From sorrel. The common Slavic “cabbage soup” is sorrel. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Secondary School Karim Mynbaev


"We choose

healthy lifestyle"

Prepared by an educational psychologist:



“We know everything about a healthy lifestyle!”

Goal: Increasing the intellectual level in matters of a healthy lifestyle. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Presenter - Health is one of the most important values ​​in life for a person, the key to his well-being and longevity. An ancient Indian proverb says, “No friend is equal to health; there is no enemy equal to disease.” To value your health, fight bad habits, help people in trouble - this is what we learn when we talk about a healthy lifestyle.
Epigraph of our brainring: May you always have: Air to breathe, Sun to keep warm, Water to drink, Earth to live!
Presenter - We welcome participants in the brain-ring, which is called: “We choose a healthy lifestyle.” The game is played by students in grades 8-9.
Dividing participants into groups. Each participant chooses a geometric figure that he likes depending on the shape, color, size. The division occurs as follows. By size. 1 team– all students who have large figures in their hands. 2nd team– all students who have small figures in their hands.
Topics: “Healthy lifestyle”, “Bad habits”, “Crime prevention”, “Etiquette”, “We know everything”.
There are cards on the table: a) for the right to start the game first, b) with themes. The captains play for the right to be the first to start the game: there are 6 cards on the table, one of which has the number 1 on it.
The captain who chooses the card with the number 1 gets the right to be the first to seat his team at the gaming table. Among the theme cards, he selects the theme of the first game. The team that scores the most points wins. Consultants: social teacher, school physician, school psychologist. During the game, teams have the right to announce a minute musical break.Topics and questions: "Healthy lifestyle"

    What does the concept of a healthy lifestyle include?
Name at least 5 elements of a healthy lifestyle.
    Anyone who starts every morning with this action will need half as much time to get ready and get into a working mood. (Charger).
    If you do not comply with this, then your appetite disappears, sleep goes away, and your sleep decreases.
    In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your field
profession requires talent, hard work, perseverance, self-confidence and... (good health).
    Before performing at a school competition or before passing exams, it will help
ability to manage oneself, or ... (autogenic training - self-suggestion).
6. People spend a third of their lives in this state. In ancient China, one of the worst tortures was depriving a person of this state. (Dream).

(From 14 years old).
2. What violations carry administrative liability? Name at least 6 violations. 3. What is the name of theft with bodily injury. What criminal liability does a minor have? carried by parents)
4. Is a 14-year-old teenager who drinks non-alcoholic beer at a disco criminally liable? If yes, which one? 5. What is meant by the concept of “Criminal liability”?
6. What responsibility does a minor bear for the storage and distribution of psychotropic drugs?
"Bad habits"

  1. Give at least 5 examples of behavior related to: a) consumption of harmful substances,
b) with bad habits.
    Blitz tournament. 7 questions for each team. Answer with words: YES or NO.
I group of questions:
1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes) 2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No) 3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No) 4. Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people every year? (Yes) 5. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes) 6. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No) 7. Is it easy to quit smoking? (No)

Group II questions:
1. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? (No) 2. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No) 3. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes) 4. Is it true that 8 hours of sleep at night is enough for a child? (No) 5. Is it true that children under 15 years old cannot do weightlifting? (Yes) 6. Is it true that drugs that are smoked are not as dangerous as intravenous drugs? (No) 7. Is it true that there is non-alcoholic beer? (No) 3. Is it necessary to ventilate the room in winter in which there is a patient with pneumonia? Why?
4. What effect does alcohol have on teenagers' vision?
5. Is one-time drug use dangerous? Why? organism in drugs).
6. What is “passive smoking”? "Etiquette"
1. Blitz tournament, questions for each team:
1. Who gets off the bus first: the girl or her boyfriend?
2. You saw your friend on the street, he is standing with a girl you don’t know. Who will you say hello to first? (With girl)
3 You have been invited to a banquet. Cutlery is laid out in a row near your plate. The first course was served to you. Which cutlery will you use first? 4. This should be taken before bed every day, and in hot weather - in the morning and evening. (Shower) 5. Is it proper for a young man who comes to a disco with his girlfriend to dance with other girls? (No)

2. In which hand should you hold the bouquet if you present it to someone?
4. What gifts are appropriate in any case, on any occasion?

5. Continue the phrase: “If you don’t feel the beauty of flowers, if you don’t like friendship, if a song doesn’t impress you, if you’re stingy and indifferent to other people’s grief, then you need to...” (Treat)
6. Can you eat scrambled eggs with a spoon or fork?

"We know everything!"
1. When this poison contained in tobacco enters the human body in large quantities, convulsions begin. (Nicotine) 2. Is nasvay considered a narcotic substance? What harm does it do to the body?
3. Is it possible to recognize a drug addict by his appearance?
4. Pity, sympathy caused by the misfortune of another person. (Mercy, compassion)
5. In 1934, in the French city of Nice, a group of young people staged a competition to see who could smoke the most cigarettes. Two “winners” were unable to receive the prize because they died after smoking… (40; 60; 80 cigarettes)
6. These cells are the most sensitive to the harmful effects of alcohol.
strong heroic
live enjoy don't get sick
I'll be healthy and get money
body condition

strong, individual

absence of disease

health - Priceless, dear. I love my health! Life!

"Master Class"

Presenter - We summarize and congratulate the winners of this intellectual game. You have shown good knowledge and we are confident that you apply it in everyday life, the motto of which is:
“We choose a healthy lifestyle!”


"We choose

healthy lifestyle"

"Healthy lifestyle"
1.What does the concept of a healthy lifestyle include? Name at least 5 elements of a healthy lifestyle. (Rational nutrition, daily routine, physical development, hardening, self-control, emotional sphere of a person, level of education, moral standards, human culture, fight against bad habits).
2. Anyone who starts every morning with this action will need half as much time to get ready and get into a working mood. (Charger).
3. If you do not comply with this, then your appetite disappears, sleep goes away, and your sleep decreases. efficiency is also a necessary condition for saving time. (Mode).

4.In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your field profession requires talent, hard work, perseverance, self-confidence and... (good health).

5. Before performing at a school competition or before passing exams, it will help ability to manage oneself, or ... (autogenic training - self-hypnosis).

6. People spend a third of their lives in this state. In ancient China one of the The most terrible torture was to deprive a person of this state. (Dream).

"Crime Prevention"

1. At what age does criminal liability begin? (From 14 years old).

2. What violations carry administrative liability? Name at least 6 violations. (Violation of silence from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.; petty hooliganism; dog baiting; insult; obscene language; breaking windows).
3. What is the name of theft with bodily injury. What criminal Is the minor responsible? (Robbery. Responsibility for minor children carried by parents)

4. Is a 14-year-old teenager who drinks on disco non-alcoholic beer? If yes, which one? (Beer is considered an alcoholic drink. Drinking alcohol drinks in public places is a violation of the administrative code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Parents bear administrative responsibility. The teenager is registered at the drug dispensary)
5. What is meant by the concept of “Criminal liability”? (Criminal liability involves a threat to life and human health; extortion; theft; robbery)

6. What responsibility does a minor bear for storage, distribution? psychotropic narcotic drugs? (Article 259 “Illegal acquisition, storage, sale, transportation.” Criminal liability. The case is being considered in court)

"Bad habits"

1.Give at least 5 examples of behavior related to: a) consumption of harmful substances, b) with bad habits. (Smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction, non-compliance with the regime, rudeness, lack of hygiene, spending a long time at the computer)
2. Blitz tournament. 7 questions for each team. Answer with words: YES or NO.
I group of questions:
1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes) 2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No) 3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No) 4. Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people every year? (Yes) 5. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes) 6. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No) 7. Is it easy to quit smoking? (No)

Group II questions:
1. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? (No) 2. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No) 3. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes) 4. Is it true that 8 hours of sleep at night is enough for a child? (No) 5. Is it true that children under 15 years old cannot engage in weightlifting? (Yes) 6. Is it true that drugs that are smoked are not as dangerous as intravenous drugs? drugs? (No) 7. Is it true that there is non-alcoholic beer? (No) 3. Is it necessary to ventilate the room in winter in which a patient with inflammation is located? lungs? Why? (It is necessary: ​​at a temperature of 1-2 degrees C, pathogenic bacteria die).
4. What effect does alcohol have on teenagers' vision? (Severe damage to the optic nerves leading to loss of vision).
5. Is one-time drug use dangerous? Why? (Yes. There is a strong psychological dependence and need organism in drugs).
6. What is “passive smoking”? (Staying in a smoky room is no less harmful than smoking itself)


1. Blitz tournament, questions for each team:
Ia group of questions from one of the teams:
1. Who gets off the bus first: the girl or her boyfriend? (Young man offers his hand to the lady)
2. You saw your friend on the street, he is standing with a girl you don’t know. Who will you say hello to first? (With girl)
3 You have been invited to a banquet. Tableware is laid out in a row near your plate. devices. The first course was served to you. What cutlery do you use? will you use first? (furthest from your plate) 4. This should be taken before bed every day, and in hot weather - in the morning and In the evening. (Shower) 5. Is it proper for a young man who comes to a disco with his girlfriend to dance with others? girls? (No)

6. Beautiful gait, posture, graceful gestures decorate. (both men and women.)

Group II questions for the second team:
    You're late for the cinema. How to behave in a dark auditorium?
(Go to an empty seat, apologizing, facing those sitting)
2. In which hand should you hold the bouquet if you are presenting it to someone? or? (In the left, the right hand should be free for greeting)
3. Which spoon do you eat porridge with: table spoon, dessert spoon, tea spoon? (dessert)
4. What gifts are appropriate in any case, on any occasion? (Postcard, flowers, book, box of chocolates)

5. Continue the phrase: “If you don’t feel the beauty of flowers, if you don’t love friendship, if the song does not impress you, if you are stingy and indifferent to someone else’s grief, then you need ... " (Treat)
6. Can you eat scrambled eggs with a spoon or fork? (Either spoon or fork, depending on consistency)

"We know everything!"

1. If this poison enters the human body in large quantities, contained in tobacco, convulsions begin. (Nicotine)
2. Is nasvay considered a narcotic substance? What harm does it do to organism? (This is a tobacco-containing substance. It corrodes the walls of the stomach, causes oral cancer. Easily accessible.)

3. Is it possible to recognize a drug addict by his appearance? (External signs: excessive thinness, unhealthy complexion, the face looks like a mask, dry and pale skin, lack of pupil reaction to light, slow or accelerated pace movements, trembling of hands and head, fussiness, untidiness, injection marks - red dots along the vein; swollen nose)

4. Pity, sympathy caused by the misfortune of another person. (Mercy, compassion)

5. In 1934, in the French city of Nice, a group of young people organized competition: who can smoke the most cigarettes. Two “winners” failed get a prize because they died after smoking... (40; 60; 80 cigarettes)

6. These cells are the most sensitive to the harmful effects of alcohol. (Nerve cells of the brain)

Exercise captains of two teams. Who can come up with a syncwine with the word HEALTH faster and correctly?

strong heroic
live enjoy don't get sick
I'll be healthy and get money
body condition

strong, individual
gets sick, gets treated, gets better
state of physical, mental and social well-being
absence of disease

health - Priceless, dear. Exercise, take care, harden. I love my health! Life!

"Master Class"
Teams are given posters on which they must draw or show with diagrams how they imagine a healthy lifestyle.