How to draw a line in a Word table. How to make a line in Word for a signature: a few simple ways

25.01.2017 28.01.2018

Hello to all Photoshop lovers!

Drawing a straight line in Photoshop is not at all difficult, just move the mouse cursor, but, alas, this movement does not always turn out straight. In this lesson we will learn how to draw straight lines.

To make the line in Photoshop smooth, hold down the keyboard SHIFT and you will draw a straight line in Photoshop. This allows you to draw straight horizontal and vertical lines. You can also draw diagonally; to do this, click the left mouse button once on the area where the line begins, and a second time where it ends (with the SHIFT). This will draw a straight line at the given coordinates.

There are several ways to draw straight lines in Photoshop, giving them color, thickness and other styles. The following tools are commonly used: Brush, Pencil, Pen, Line, Rectangular Marquee. Which tool is best suited for the task is up to you to decide. Each method has its pros and cons.

Draw a straight line with the Brush Tool

The easiest way to draw a line is with a tool Brush (Brush Tool). Create a document in Photoshop (Ctrl + N) with an arbitrary size, I have this 800x600 pixels:

Activate the tool Brush (Brush Tool). Tool hotkey - B.

At the top settings panel change tools if necessary size And rigidity brushes:

We draw the line:

Somehow it’s not quite even, you’ll reasonably notice, right?

To draw a perfectly straight line, you need to hold down the key before starting to draw Shift, draw a line and release the key. This is how smooth the line turned out:

Keystroke method Shift before starting to draw a line, it helps to draw a strictly horizontal or vertical line at an angle of 90 degrees, but if you need to draw a line, for example, diagonally, you must first click the mouse button at the beginning of the line and hold down the key Shift, draw a line, then release the mouse button and Shift.

Draw a straight line using the Pencil Tool

Tool Pencil Tool is in the same tool group as the tool Brush, tool hotkey - B.

Drawing a line using the tool Pencil Tool similar to drawing Brush- click the mouse at the beginning of the line, hold down the key Shift and draw a line.

Draw a line with the Pen Tool

To draw a line with the tool Feather It will take a little longer than in previous cases.

Activate the tool Pen Tool tool hotkey - P.

Don't forget to make sure that the tool Feather is in mode "circuit". You can view this at top panel instrument settings:

Create a new layer, click on the layer creation icon in layers panel:

Draw a straight line - just put two points. To draw a horizontal or vertical line, hold down the key again Shift:

To start drawing a new line, hold down the key Ctrl and click on the canvas; if this is not done, the lines will be created continuously.

Draw arbitrary curved lines and hold down the key at the end Ctrl with a mouse click on the canvas to complete the lines.

The lines are ready, but, unfortunately, they are only visible in Photoshop in the tab Outlines (Window-Paths), if you save the image, for example, in jpg* format, the lines will not be displayed.

In order to make them visible, we return to the tool Brush, V top panel adjusting instrument settings size, brush hardness and if necessary, select the brush itself. We will need a round brush:

Choose a color:

Activate the tool Feather, right-click on the canvas and select “Stroke Path”:

The following window will open in which you need to select as the source "Brush", and a tick "Simulate pressure" (Simulate Pressure) It is advisable to remove it to get straight lines:


If you leave a checkmark “Simulate Pressure”, the lines will become thinner towards the ends:

Draw a line with the Line tool

One of the most common ways to draw a straight line in Photoshop is the Line. Located in the left panel:

The great thing is that you can easily adjust the color and thickness of the line:

With the clamped SHIFT I draw straight lines. They are created by the shape tool from a vector. You can easily draw a vertical, horizontal and a straight line at a 45 degree angle.

Straight line using selection in Photoshop

It happens that you don’t want to bother with the settings of vector shapes and brushes. Therefore, you can simply select the desired area in Photoshop, for example, in the form of a line and fill it with color.

There is a Rectangular Marquee tool in Photoshop:

For example, we need a long and thick line in Photoshop. Select the desired area:

Choosing a tool Fill and set the color for the future line.

Fill the selected area with color and deselect it CTRL+D. We have a straight line.

These are the simple ways to draw a line in Photoshop. We hope you found this information useful! Good luck in your creativity and good mood!

In this article we will look at three ways:

  • how to make a horizontal line autocorrect;
  • how to insert a horizontal line by adding a border;
  • and how to draw a horizontal line.

Let's start with the fastest and easiest way, how to make a horizontal line in Word .

The fastest way to make a horizontal line in Word

In order to quickly make a horizontal line, enter three or more special characters on a new line and then press Enter. Word automatically converts these characters to a horizontal line. The style of the horizontal line depends on the characters entered:

How to make a horizontal line in Word - Styles of horizontal lines in Word
  • Three or more "*" - dotted horizontal line
  • Three or more "=" - double horizontal line
  • Three or more "~" - a wavy horizontal line
  • Three or more "#" - thick decorative horizontal line
  • Three or more "-" or "_" - thick or thin single horizontal line

These horizontal lines are often used in Word documents.

How to make a horizontal line using a border

You can also use paragraph boundaries.

1. To do this, place the cursor where you want .

How to make a horizontal line in Word - Where to insert a horizontal line
  1. On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” group, click on the “Borders” command arrow.

How to Make a Horizontal Line in Word - Inserting a Horizontal Line
  1. Horizontal line ».

How to make a horizontal line in Word - Horizontal Line
  1. will appear at the cursor location horizontal line.

How to make a horizontal line in Word - Horizontal line in Word
  1. To set up made horizontal line double-click on it with the left mouse button. The dialog box “ Horizontal Line Format».

How to make a horizontal line in Word - Setting up a horizontal line in Word

In this window you can adjust the width, height, color and alignment horizontal line in Word .

More information about boundaries is available in the article.

How to make a horizontal line using a shape

The last way how to make a horizontal line in Word- This draw a horizontal line.

  1. Go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Illustrations” group, click the “Shapes” command.

How to Make a Horizontal Line in Word - Shapes
  1. In the list that opens, select " Line ».

How to make a horizontal line in Word - Line
  1. The mouse pointer turns into a plus sign. Click where you want in the document insert horizontal line, and hold down the Shift key and the mouse button, move the pointer to another location, and then release.

How to draw a horizontal line in Word - Drawing a horizontal line in Word

Here are the ways you can make a horizontal line in Word.

Working in Word, everyone sooner or later wonders how to make a subscript or superscript line. This function is especially often in demand when creating templates for documents. Note that there are many methods, and we will consider the most convenient and popular ones.

Lines below and above text in Word 2007

  • Place the cursor in the place where the intended text with a line will be located. On the “Home” tab, find the “Paragraph” section and the “Bottom Border” subsection, select the required border type and enter the text. We move to a new line using arrows, not “Enter”.
  • A subscript can be created by using the “Underlines” button in the “Fonts” section on “Home”.
  • If you need a line without text, place the cursor in the required place and hold down the “Shift” and “-” buttons until the required length is achieved.

Making lines in Word 2003

  • Place the cursor in the required place. From the Format menu, select Borders and Shading. We find a suitable line in the types, indicate its upper or lower location. Confirm “Ok”. The line will belong to the entire paragraph.
  • If only part of a row is needed, it is better to use inserting a table (its cells), in which invisible and visible lines should be marked.

Don't overuse lines. Use them as needed.
Conquer Word and see you again!

A fairly common question regarding working in Word is creating a line. What line are we talking about? Bold, solid, dotted, horizontal, vertical? What function should such a line perform? It is quite difficult to give one answer to all these questions. Therefore, let's look at ways to create different lines in Word.

How to make an underline in text?

If you have written text and you need to draw a straight line under it or underline a word or sentence, Word has a special underlining tool. To apply it, perform the following steps:

  • Select the bottom sentence, the word that needs to be emphasized.
  • In this case, we emphasized the last line. A line appeared below it.

How to make bold, dotted or double lines in Word?

In order to create a thick line, double or dotted, you should use the following methods:

  • If a thick or double line should underline the text, select the underline tool. If you click the arrow next to it, options for different lines will appear. Choose bold, dotted, double or another format.

  • If the bold line should be outside the text, select the Borders tool. Select the location of the line.

  • By right-clicking on it, specify the color, thickness and size of the line.

How to make a solid line or a line under the text?

There is another button on the toolbar that you can use to create a solid line across the entire width of the sheet or a line under the text.

  • Place the cursor after the line under which you want to draw a solid line.

  • In the “Home” tab, select the “Borders” button.

  • In this case, we need to put a line between the text. Select “Internal” border. If the line needs to be placed at the end of the text - “Bottom Line”.

How to make horizontal and vertical lines?

Smooth horizontal and vertical lines can be created in the previous way using the Borders tool. It has horizontal and vertical line options. If the line needs to be drawn in any order, we use the following method.

  • Go to the “Insert” tab and select “Shapes”.

  • Select “Lines” from the pop-up menu.

  • Select the type of line and draw it in the desired direction.

How to make a straight line?

There is a button on the number row of the keyboard that represents a dash. If you hold down the Ctrl+dash key, a straight line will appear.

However, this method is not suitable for underlining text.

How to make a signature line?

In order to make a line for a signature in Word, you should follow these steps:

  • Click “Insert” and select the “Signature Line” icon.

  • A new window will open. Enter information about the face and click “OK”.

  • If the position of the signature does not suit you, select the signature area and change the position in the text.

How to make a table line?

In order to make a table line in Word or draw a table using lines, do the following:

  • Click “Insert”, “Table”, “Draw Table”.

  • A pencil will appear on the sheet, and the table boundaries will be displayed on the ruler.

  • Draw a table and lines in it.

If you need to add a line to the finished table, you can use the insert function.

Or select the table, click “Design”, select “Draw Table” and add the desired line using a pencil.

How to make a line invisible?

For a line to be invisible in Word, it must be part of a table.

  • Draw a table and fill it with text or numbers.

  • Select “Design”, “Borders” and set “No border”.

  • The table lines will become invisible.

How to draw a line?

Lines are one of the basic elements of drawing. These are the walls of the house, and the edges, and the horizon line. The first lessons in classical drawing or graphic design are devoted to the technique of creating this element.

Drawings in AutoCAD

Drawing a straight line in this program will not be difficult if you follow our recommendations:

  1. In the top menu, select the “Drawing” tab, find the “Segment” function and select it.
  2. Use the left mouse button to mark the beginning of the segment. Drag the mouse towards the end of the segment. The boundaries of the line will be marked with dotted lines. Left-click to mark the end of the line.
  3. To finish drawing, press the ESC or ENTER key.

Drawing lines in Photoshop

In this graphic editor you can draw a straight or wavy line.

Straight line

  1. To draw a straight line, select the straight line icon “Line” (“Line Tool”) in the left panel. Or call the tool using the U key.
  2. Click with the left mouse button at the beginning of the segment. While holding the button, draw a segment of the required length with the mouse and release it. You managed to draw a straight line.

Wavy line

If you want to draw a wavy line, do the following:

  1. Using the Pen Tool (hotkey P), draw a straight line in the same way as we did with the Line tool.
  2. Place the cursor over the line until the “+” sign appears.
  3. Draw a line, it will take on a wavy look. You will have an additional straight line with which you can adjust the curve by changing the slope and length.
  4. Press ENTER.

Lines in Word

The text editor also allows you to draw lines.

Draw with a pencil

Artists need to be able to draw straight lines without resorting to a ruler:

  1. First, let's practice drawing lines through the air with our hands. Let's remember this movement. It must be fast and confident.
  2. We fix the sheet of paper vertically, like on an easel. We take the pencil by the very tip with our thumb and forefinger. In this case, the thumb should lie on the index finger. And we repeat the same movement as in the air. With a little practice you will be successful.

This way you can draw different types of lines.