How to get rid of failures. Change the "beggar" mindset

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what home conspiracies to read to get out of poverty and get rid of chronic lack of money. The problem of money is relevant for everyone, without exception. People have different approaches to solving this problem. But only people who practice magic wonder how to use simple spells to get rid of poverty and lack of money. But it can be done. You just have to work competently, efficiently and safely. It’s not difficult if you know in what order and what home conspiracies to cure poverty to read. In addition, you need to have an idea of ​​how exactly what you made works, and what result you should expect.

Wax spell against poverty and lack of money - the strongest home ritual

If you want to get a good, stable result, you always need to work comprehensively, and, of course, count on your strengths. So, having set the goal of getting rid of poverty, create those independent conspiracies that practicing magicians recommend for work, and those that you can carry out cleanly, without mistakes.
In this material I want to offer you a strong ritual to get rid of poverty and lack of money– a wax casting of financial negativity. Castings can be used to remove negatives of various types. Cast on wax:

  • damage to health,
  • remove loneliness
  • and failures in relationships,
  • save a person from bad luck,
  • break various locks,
  • and do a lot more.

Wax is a unique material. In the magical rituals of casting a person with wax, the main thing is to clearly state what you want to get rid of.

So, if your life paths have been blocked by witchcraft, you can make a wax casting yourself, read a conspiracy against poverty and to open roads:

“I pour what was blocking the way to happiness into my home, and open the way to happiness and good luck into my home. I will never return everything that is superficial, brought, lining and whispered to my doorstep, to my home I will open the way to happiness and good luck. Truly spoken."

There are also slightly more complex wax works. However, they can be used independently at home. Here is material for beginner magicians to familiarize themselves with and practice - an effective ritual for driving out poverty and getting rid of financial failures.

A strong spell against poverty for the waning moon - a wax casting of poverty

This is a proven and effective ritual for cleaning the money channel. An independent ritual of white magic, it has successfully proven itself in independent work. The method is easy to perform and is suitable for those who do not yet have experience working with wax. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend this method in combination with annealing the money channel with the Krada rune - the sixth rune of the Slavic (Vendish) runic series.

For an independent ritual to get rid of poverty and lack of money with conspiracies, prepare:

  • your photo or photo of the target
  • deep bowl
  • cold water
  • natural beeswax
  • wax container

The photograph is placed under a bowl of cold water. If you have a transparent bowl, that's great, use it. Melt the wax in a water bath, using a container of wax counterclockwise, making circular movements over the bowl of water. At this time, read the words of the conspiracy once. Then slowly pour the wax into the water, reading a conspiracy to get rid of poverty and poverty, 2 more times. In total, the money spell must be cast three times.

“I pour wax, cast it, I remove the lack of money and poverty from myself (name) with wax, everything that interferes with my monetary profit, takes away my wealth and well-being, any attachments, bindings, marks, bends, and other adversities I remove from myself with wax. “Everything that blocks the way to the influx of money, removes luck and profit from me, I cast off myself and lock it in wax.”

Then, on the wax that hardens in water, the text of a home plot to get out of poverty is read 3 times:

“Just as hot wax cools in water, so the thing that deprives me of prosperity and good luck in money hardens in the wax, the wax locks poverty in itself, and removes the lack of money from me. I have spoken, what has been spoken will come true. Let it be so. Amen".

Do this effective ritual of getting rid of poverty 3 days in a row. They make 3 castings per day. In total, in 3 days of work you should get 9 castings. For each casting, new wax is taken. After casting, the used wax should not be kept at home, but should be taken away to a cemetery crossroads and buried at midnight, you can leave a ransom. In difficult cases, it is better to transfer the item or money and leave it at the crossroads.

How to make a strong conspiracy against poverty - rules for wax castings

Many novice magicians ask the same question: is it possible to use paraffin in magical castings for poverty and lack of money? No, you can't do this. In witchcraft castings for money damage and bad luck, only natural beeswax is used, since it has the property of absorbing both someone else’s and your own. This happens due to the natural ability of this material to receive and retain information. This amazing receptivity of wax is taken as the basis in all witchcraft rituals with it - in rites of love magic, in magical rituals against poverty in money magic, and in other sections of black magic. For the same reason, wax is widely used in traditional medicine recipes.

Wax not only reads information from a person’s biofield, it draws out all the negativity onto itself, like a sponge. Therefore, it is impossible to replace natural wax, artificial paraffin, stearin and other substances in magical castings to banish poverty. An independent ritual of casting a person out of poverty, with the given material, will not give the desired effect.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Another fairly common question for newcomers to magic is whether it is possible to use the remnants of wax candles previously used in other rituals in castings for poverty and poverty, when a strong spell is being read. Absolutely not. This cannot be done, because such wax carries side effects. For castings you need to buy pure natural wax that has not been used. You can buy such wax from familiar beekeepers, or in specialized stores, or order it on the Internet from those who sell beekeeping products. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, do not recommend ordering from magic online stores, you need natural wax, not a fake. You can also melt new wax church candles. Using such wax to pay off poverty is permissible if castings are made using a Christian egregor, and you are prone to white magic.

Should you read conspiracies on a waxing or waning moon to get rid of poverty and lack of money?

In the practices of black magic, rituals of expelling poverty and misery, i.e. cleansing, if planned, is done during the waning phase of the moon. For the money channel, work proceeds steadily like this: on the waning moon, cleansing takes place, on the waxing moon, the money channel is filled. Without taking into account the lunar phases, only emergency cleanings are done. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this way of working.

How long does the effect last, and how often should the casting from money negativity be repeated?

An effective ritual of wax casting with a strong conspiracy against poverty on the waning moon - the essence of cleansing, the elimination of negative programs, cutting off the stealers of good luck. The effect is quite persistent and will persist until the following occur on your money channel:

  • evil eyes,
  • new damage,
  • luck stealers,
  • self-damage,
  • the results of unsuccessful magical rituals,
  • and other magical negativity.

The algorithm for a magician’s practical work should be like this:

  • castings were made
  • then they made a diagnosis.
  • if there is a need to clean it again, you can apply the same cleaning again, or use other methods.
  • after which they fill the money channel, placing rituals for wealth and money luck on an open field.
  • then they put up protection.

This, I repeat, is truly magical, complex work that helps. It is very effective to alternate poverty castings with other home cleaning methods, such as salt. At the same time, you need to check with diagnostics what suits you, and what home rituals for poverty do not give results.

And finally, a question that does not leave indifferent not only those who begin their magical practice, but also those who have been consciously practicing for a long time. Will wax casting remove the protection? Wax also has side effects. It not only draws out the negative and removes what the magician stipulates, but can also influence positive witchcraft. For example, it can really weaken a person’s magical defenses. Weak protection with effective ritual to banish poverty and may completely demolish it. After several castings, it would be a good idea to check the condition of your protection using diagnostics. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise using magical protections of the protective plan, scientific protective magic and daily recitations during the casting process to get rid of poverty.

Read the plot against poverty on the waning moon

Independent conspiracies and rituals to get rid of poverty and lack of money can be done in different ways, using a variety of objects that symbolize either the wealth that you attract or the poverty that you are getting rid of. This is, for example, a strong ritual of paying off poverty with shoes, when they get rid of charmed shoes. By analogy, rituals for lack of money with an old wallet, glass or coin work.

For example, with the help of this independent wallet spell, you can get rid of poverty.

This is a strong ritual of transferring your failure and bad luck with money. Of course, the money channel cannot be filled with this, and the stealers cannot be cut off, but part of the negative impact on well-being can be eliminated. On the waning moon, 9 coins of the same denomination are placed in an old wallet. They throw it in the center of the intersection and read the words of the spell to get rid of poverty three times:

“Whoever picks it up will take away my poverty. Let it be so".

Here is another example of how to make an effective ritual for getting rid of poverty. They do it on the waning moon. The coin is slandered 9 times:

“I don’t value poverty, I save everything on a coin. Whoever takes the coin will take my poverty for himself.”

Find a way to give this coin to any person. At the same time, you need to say to yourself: “What was mine is now yours” A magical conspiracy to send poverty and ruin to the enemy

You can also make a ritual so that your enemy has poverty. This can be achieved through rituals of transferring your lack of money. Or you can make a deliberate damage to poverty, to the complete ruin of the enemy.

How can you use magic to destroy an enemy yourself?

There are witchcraft rituals for the poverty of a bad person, and there are many of them. Here's one of them. In the dead of midnight you need to go to the crossroads of three roads. Light 3 wax candles and read the magic conspiracy to make the enemy poor. You need to read until the candles burn out completely, and then leave without turning around.

“I will walk along the black path, I will stand in the middle of three roads, bow to the four sides, and call upon the angry winds. You fly, the winds to the house of the slave (name of the enemy), fly into doors and cracks, all his goods, scatter what you have acquired throughout the world. A hole full of holes, rotten trash, an empty void, a thick darkness, let everything be as it was sentenced. Amen".

This is an effective ritual for the poverty of an ill-wisher, which, in general, does not fail. It's unlikely to give a kickback. In my practice, that of the magician Sergei Artgrom, for example, there has never been a rollback. Despite the fact that the ritual is performed at a crossroads, it is not a demonic ritual, but an appeal to the wind. This can be done at U-shaped and T-shaped intersections. You can pay for the flour by scattering it in the wind.

There is not enough money all the time. It is especially difficult for families raising children. Sometimes things are so bad that there is no money even for the most necessary things. How to get rid of poverty and overcome bad luck? There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the situation. Sometimes the person himself is to blame for failures; he needs to reconsider his views on life and change.

The conspiracy will help attract finance

The reason for lack of money may be damage caused to the family. It needs to be removed, and then the problems will solve themselves. For those who have not suffered from black magic and are doing everything right, a conspiracy against lack of money will help.

Correct outlook on life

Magic can solve many problems, but it is important to use it correctly. If a family does not have money because people do not work or are lazy or addicted to alcohol, no rituals will help.

Working on yourself is also important. Reading relevant literature is useful. Here are the basic rules of behavior that will help you change and start making money:

  1. Don't envy, don't blame others for your failures. You can’t constantly complain about life, get angry at more successful and wealthy people. Forget about the role of “victim”, you build your own life and are responsible for it, not other people or the state.
  2. Be active, work, achieve your goals. Money will not fall from the sky for you. One trick helps: don’t just save money, but set a specific goal (apartment, car, vacation, etc.).
  3. Fight low self-esteem. It prevents you from finding a good job and showing all your positive sides at an interview. Choose a job that you like. Then it will be easier to succeed.
  4. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. You are an ordinary person, if you make the wrong choice, you can correct everything. It's better than doing nothing. If you have had failures in life, don’t think about it, move on, achieve your goal.
  5. Distribute your earned money correctly. Don't splurge and spend it on things you don't need. Weigh everything, calculate it, distribute your salary, and you will be able to understand whether or not you are ready to pay this or that amount for a new phone or tablet. Do not take out loans unless absolutely necessary.

You need to learn how to manage money correctly

If you have followed all these rules, you can practice magic that will help you get rid of poverty. But before you read the conspiracies, make sure that there is no damage to your money.

Damage to money

If you previously had no problems with money, no debts, and then suddenly you fell into poverty, someone could be jealous of your happiness and cast a spell on you. You should not read money conspiracies until you have managed to remove this damage.

How to determine damage

Before removing the damage, you need to make sure that there was a witchcraft influence. Sometimes a person experiences a streak of bad luck, but it occurs without the intervention of another person. You can suspect damage based on the following signs:

  1. Suddenly you either lost your main source of income or your profit became minimal (you were fired, the company has no income, bankruptcy).
  2. For a long time you cannot get a job or even find a part-time job. All projects end in failure, you lose the desire to work.
  3. You have a lot of debts that you cannot pay off.
  4. You regularly lose money: you forget your wallet, they give you the wrong change, you get robbed, etc. You have unexpected expenses: household appliances break down, your loved ones need money for medicine, etc. You squander money, spend it on things you don't need.

Ritual to determine damage

If you have all these signs of damage, it must be removed.

But to finally make sure that there is damage, this ritual, which is carried out after church holidays or before them, will help.

For this you will need a wax candle, which you need to buy in the temple. During the ceremony you must be alone. It takes place at midnight.

A wax candle must be placed on the table

Place a candle on the table and light it. Between you and the candle, place an item related to your work, money: work uniform, documents, a bag that you always took to work, etc. Afterwards you will need prayer. Read the “Our Father” 3 times, then move the candle over an object related to work. By the flame of a candle you can easily determine whether there is damage.

  1. An even and calm flame indicates that there is no damage.
  2. If the candle goes out, then there is damage, it must be removed.
  3. If the flame fluctuates, the candle crackles, smokes, damage has been cast on you, but it has not yet manifested itself. There is a lot of smoke and soot - the negative program has already gained strength.
  4. A flame that flares up abruptly is a strong curse that acts slowly, but can cause severe damage.

Conspiracy with banknotes

If you are convinced that someone has damaged your money, it must be removed. Other ways to get rid of poverty and debt will not work. To remove damage, you can go to famous sorcerers, or you can perform the ceremony at home.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon

On the waxing moon, take any banknote; you will no longer be able to use it for its intended purpose. You will need a black marker or pen. Cross out all the numbers on it that indicate its denomination. Fold it 4 times. Take white thread and sew it to the lining of your coat or other outerwear that you wear most often. Repeat at the same time:

“Happiness for happiness, money for money, any misfortune will bypass me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

Or another version of this conspiracy, it is carried out on the waning moon. You will need a bill on which you cross out the numbers showing its value with a black pen and fold it 4 times. Take a needle and black thread and sew the edges of the bill with it, saying:

“I sew up failure, I sew up lack of money, I sew up debts and problems. Luck will come back to me. Let it be so".

Then take the stitched banknote far from home, throw it into the river or bury it under a tree.

To remove the damage from poverty, sew or buy a bag made of thick, coarse fabric. The ritual itself is carried out between the 16th and 19th lunar days. With your right hand, take a coin and place it in a bag, repeat until several coins have accumulated there.

In the evening, take out this bag, sit by the open window, sprinkle holy water on it 3 times, repeating the spell against poverty:

“Holy water, cleanse the Servant of God (name) from every black eye, from evil words, from adversity and from poverty.”

Get up, take the bag and go outside with it. Find a place where several paths intersect and dig a hole there, put a bag in it and say:

“As the water goes away, the damage will go away, as the damage goes away, the money will come. Amen!".

Leave a barely noticeable sign on the ground for yourself, so that the next day, in the evening, you can come to this place again, pour a glass of holy water on it and say a spell. You will have to walk like this for 6 days. When a week has passed since the day you started the ritual, i.e. on day 8, return to this place early in the morning, at dawn. Take a bag out of the ground, pour the coins from it into your wallet, and burn the bag itself, choosing any wasteland for this.

Powerful Ritual

This is a powerful ritual that will help remove even severe damage. It is spent completely alone.

To carry out the conspiracy you need to take a green ribbon

To do this, prepare a crust of black bread, rub it with garlic and salt. Take a green ribbon and fold it on the floor so that you have an infinity symbol. Exactly in the middle of this sign, where the stripes intersect, place a candle, also green. Sprinkle ground cinnamon onto the ribbon that is lying on the floor, sparing no spice. Take a crust of bread in your hands and say the words of the spell until the candle burns out. After the ceremony, hide the cinder and ribbon and give the bread to the beggar.

In the morning, go to the temple and light candles for the health of your relatives, friends, and enemies.

“The Lord is my protector, my God. I trust in you. Let the evil eye and evil damage be wiped away with salt and garlic, let it be beaten, let it be killed. From me, the servant of God (name), everything will fall from a bush, go into manure, and remain there. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayers and conspiracies for lack of money

If you have a streak of bad luck, and damage is to blame, it must be removed so that things will go uphill. But, if other people and your lifestyle are not to blame for your lack of money, a prayer or a conspiracy will help restore your luck. Prayer is better because... then you turn to God, to His help.

Prayer is white magic

But the prayer may not be heard if He decides that for the well-being of your soul it is useful for you to endure lack of money. A conspiracy is an appeal to dark forces that are always ready to help a person if it benefits them. Prayer is a safer way, but is not suitable for those who do not believe in God, i.e. not Orthodox people.


  1. A prayer that protects against poverty.

    “You, O Lord, are our wealth, and therefore we lack nothing. With You we desire nothing, neither in heaven nor on earth. In You we enjoy indescribably great bliss, which the whole world cannot give us. Do it, so that we may continually find ourselves in You, and then for Your sake we will willingly renounce everything that is displeasing to You, and we will be content, no matter how You, our Heavenly Father, arranges our earthly fate. Amen".

  2. Prayer to the Guardian Angel.

    “I appeal to you, angel of Christ. He also protected me and protected me and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So respond now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked. So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded. Reward me according to my labors, holy one, so that my hand, weary with labor, may be filled, and I may live comfortably and serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen".

  3. Prayer for failure

    “Making the sign of the cross over myself, I turn in earnest prayer to you, the angel of Christ, guardian of my soul and body. Whoever is in charge of my affairs, who guides me, who sends me a happy occasion, do not leave me even in the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, since I have sinned against the faith. Protect, saint, from bad luck. May failures pass by the servant of God (name), may the will of the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, be done in all my affairs, and may I never suffer from bad luck and poverty. This is what I pray to you, benefactor. Amen".

Rules for reading money conspiracies

To get rid of lack of money, you can read the plot, choosing the one that you like more than the rest.

Pregnant women should not perform rituals or read conspiracies.

  1. Do not rush to read the plot if you are not sure that you need it. Weigh all the pros and cons, remember the consequences that any magical action may have. Do not perform the ritual out of curiosity. The one who asks for money must be in a desperate situation and in dire need of money. What is important is the belief that the ritual will work.
  2. Do not change the words of the conspiracy, do not confuse them, repeat them as written. Read it on the day that is recommended.
  3. You cannot read money conspiracies to pregnant women, because... they will attract misfortune to their unborn child.
  4. If you ask for help from another person (not a sorcerer), then give him something as a sign of gratitude. You cannot give money or alcohol.
  5. Do not tell anyone that you are going to perform the ritual.
  6. Before performing the ritual, fast for at least 3 days. These days you cannot steal or kill animals, or quarrel with loved ones.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

This ritual is performed on the full moon. On a full moon, at night, go to the cemetery. Don't forget to make a monetary purchase to the owner of the cemetery. Take a wallet with money. At the cemetery, pick up a stick and go to the old tree. Tap the wood three times with a stick (the wallet should be in your hand) and say:

“The dead will not rise from the grave, and money will not leave me forever, but just as the graveyard is filled with the dead, so my wallet is replenished with money. Yes, everything will come true, as long as everything is not forgotten on Judgment Day. Amen".

Throw away the stick and leave the cemetery without looking back.

Bread spell

It is read on black bread.

The plot is read only on black bread

You will also need water taken before dawn. Read the spell over the bread and water, then eat the bread and drink the water.

“How true is it,

That the Lord gave five loaves

And that Jesus Christ is the Son of God,

It is so true that the Lord is merciful.

Turn, Lord, my luck

From west to east,

From North to South,

Give her more than three roads,

And one road

To my doorstep.

And you, woe-misfortune,

Find your way

Into the womb of the snake.

There's a place for you there

That's where you live,

There is your being.

And I’ll put on a talisman,

Do not know grief and misfortune.

I close the lock with the key.

I throw the key into the sea.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

With old shoes

Read on the waning moon. Don’t throw away your old shoes, but use them for ritual. You also need a church candle. Take white paper, place shoes on it, light a candle. While it burns, you need to pray:

  1. The Lord's Prayer.
  2. Prayer "May God rise again."
  3. Prayer "Psalm 90".

With the tip of a knife, cross the shoes, starting from the left, from the toe and moving to the heel, and say the spell three times:

"Our Father! Poverty, the damn friend, was looking for shoes, and behind her came all the demonic poverty. So the flowing one reached the threshold of the slave (s) (your name) and came. Don't make noise, don't scream, it's all demonic bullshit. Let Poverty try on his shoes, take them and go away forever. To serve your Master." Then add: “Lord! Our Father! Do not judge me, Your servant (your name), strictly. Show Poverty, all the demonic destitution, the way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let it be so".

Place wax into your boots (3 drops each) and use a kitchen knife to cut them into pieces. Collect these pieces and, together with crumpled white paper and a candle stub, put out with a knife, place it in a black bag.

Late in the evening, at midnight, go to a crossroads and throw a package there. Don't talk while you're walking there and back. If someone calls you, show the fig in your pocket and move on. If you talk to a person, poverty will increase.

Take a shower or wash your face with soap.

For three days, or better yet a week after the ritual, you cannot give or borrow anything, you cannot even give a glass of water, or take on an old debt, otherwise you will remain a beggar forever.

The person who asks you for something at this time is your secret enemy.

How to use magic to get rid of lack of money is the main topic of this material. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about this today. The magical problem of lack of money and poverty, and how to get rid of it? This is the most burning question of our compatriots, who came to the need for witchcraft rituals with the motivation to improve their lives.

What to do if you are tired of lack of money?

The cause of poverty and financial failure should not always be sought in induced damage or other magical effects on poverty. However, this problem does exist. And any witchcraft, as you know, can be removed by a real magician. Magical cleansing from damage to poverty, and then strong conspiracies against lack of money will help you change your own life, or the lives of people close to you.

But what to do if failures are not related to the damage caused to a person due to lack of money?

These could be some personal characteristics:

  • drunkenness,
  • uncertainty,
  • idleness,
  • banal laziness and so on.

These aspects can also be influenced through magical rituals. There are independent conspiracies,

  • to make a slacker work,
  • free an alcoholic from addiction,
  • With the help of magic you can strengthen your character,
  • remove complexities,
  • drive away the "cockroaches".

This is a complex work that may include magical rituals to relieve lack of money per person, for the influx of money, stabilization of financial situation and attract good luck.

You can try to correct an undesirable situation with the help of prayer for lack of money and debts if a person has a connection with, or if he is simply afraid to turn to the egregors of black magic. In real witchcraft there are always a lot of options. And, be that as it may, practical magic has been and remains a powerful tool for influencing the world around the individual, and the situations in which he (the individual) finds himself. Here is a good, in my opinion, ritual for constant lack of money, a working one that has positive reviews.

Independent ritual against bad luck and lack of money in the cemetery

The ritual to overcome complete lack of money in the family should be done on the full moon. On the night of the full moon, go to the cemetery. Take your wallet with money with you. You need to find a stick in the cemetery and approach the old tree. Hit the tree trunk three times with this stick, hold the wallet in your hand, and read the words of the conspiracy against lack of money and poverty:

“The dead will not rise from the grave, and money will not leave me forever, but just as the graveyard is filled with the dead, so my wallet is replenished with money. Yes, everything will come true, as long as everything is not forgotten on Judgment Day. Amen".

When independent conspiracy against failure and lack of money was read, throw the stick and leave without looking back. Perform a magical ritual according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft. It doesn’t matter which tree you choose for the ritual to get rid of debts and lack of money. But before carrying out the conspiracy, you should make a purchase to the owner of the cemetery. In this case, make a cash purchase.

How to relieve yourself of lack of money and attract good luck

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, has already repeatedly said what to do if you are tired of lack of money, clarification of the situation begins with diagnosis. First, the causes of the problem are identified, after which the practicing magician selects rituals to eliminate the causes of lack of money and bad luck. Ritual magical cleansing is done - warlock or runic. It is possible to combine the witchcraft rituals of these two ancient magical traditions, since the Dark Forces, the egregor of the world of the dead and the Runes do not conflict with each other.

If you turn to black magic, you should know what the powerful do rituals for lack of money on the waning moon, while runic rituals do not depend on the state of the moon. In black magic, work is also tied to lunar energy. This is not the case in Runes; there are other energy sources.
If a person and his family live for a long time in lack of money and poverty, barely making ends meet, people must be checked for the presence of. In this case, the algorithm of work is clear: a series of purges from damage caused by bad luck, strong protections, magical work with a person, rituals to attract money and good luck. But the problem of constant lack of money and bad luck may turn out to be more serious. An old ancestral curse of poverty with deep, strong roots may come to light.

One of the signs of the damage caused by poverty and bad luck can be considered: financial failures, lack of money, material dependence of several families and generations related by family. Ordinary conspiracies against lack of money and poverty are unlikely to help here. What to do in this case? There are strong rituals of black magic that allow you to overcome complete lack of money. First of all, you need to remove the damage, cleanse the entire family from the damage to poverty and failure. This is serious work that requires time and effort. But, it's worth it. But first you need to unwind everything, and think about how best to do it.

There may be another problem of constant lack of money, but also related to relatives. It happens that people do not practice witchcraft, do not cast spells on poverty, but they have such destructive energy that any negative wishes are immediately realized. And first of all, this affects the family’s finances. These people are real black holes where light drowns, where well-being and joy disappear. Such energetically vampire channels need to be cut off and magical protection installed. As long as there are such people next to you, poverty will not go away from your life, neither Orthodox prayer for lack of money, nor black conspiracies for bad luck and poverty will give the desired result.

How to get rid of debts and lack of money - onion spell

An independent ritual to remove lack of money is done on the personal strength of the performer. In powerful black magic rituals there are many transfers of personal power that work great. Obviously, a powerful, old curse on debts and constant lack of money cannot be removed using a proven ritual, but in the complex, transferring one’s poverty works well. The independent ritual is simple and schematically correct: shabby clothes symbolize what the performer is suffering from, and the bow symbolizes tears, poverty, problems. Problems are drowned in water, and old clothes, or a scrap from them, are used here as a binding. So, the accents are placed correctly. The principle of magically transferring your lack of money is one and universal.

So, here is a magical ritual on how to get rid of poverty and lack of money.

To make a transfer you must have:

  • any worn out clothes
  • onion

Take the clothes with which you will make this transfer. A scrap from it will also do.
Wrap the onion in a rag, wrap the bundle three times, and throw it into the river.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Here are the words of an independent conspiracy for the waning moon from lack of money:

“Dashing beggar, don’t touch me, witch (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t invite me with you. Lie under the snag, don’t hold me, hold the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags, don’t be poor forever, don’t shed tears, don’t eat bitter onions, don’t count every penny and don’t hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. Key, tongue, lock. Amen, amen, amen."

This real ritual, like other home spells of magical translation, is not just a theoretical recommendation on how to get rid of failures and lack of money. This is a practical work ritual, a real opportunity to remove negativity.

An ordinary miracle - the power of magic to get rid of lack of money

Unlike the previous ritual for getting rid of lack of money, which is done on the waning moon, in this independent ritual the moon is not important. The conspiracy against poverty and poverty is good, despite its simplicity. Do not throw away the cup after the ceremony, but leave it for subsequent manipulations of the result. There is nothing wrong with this, because you are not dumping negativity on the cup. This is a simple conspiracy against lack of money, so that there is always prosperity and joy in the house. I will not say that this is a strong rite of passage from constant lack of money. Rather, it is like a talisman for the home against poverty and misery. The ritual is effective, without a doubt, despite its apparent simplicity.
“Malanya went out to the outskirts early in the morning, cried and sobbed, did not know how to calm down, spoke in all directions, made complaints. I give her my troubles, I don’t want to bear them anymore. Let her carry my troubles far, far, across the ocean, beyond, to the very ends of the earth. Let my house be full; there will be bread and porridge in it. Everyone in the house, nothing out. I, the witch (name), am the mistress of this house, and it cannot be any other way. There are locks on all my words. Let it be so".

After this, take the cup with your right hand and drink the contents down to a drop.

May 13, 2017

Are you trying to save money and putting money under your pillow for months, but you are still haunted by financial setbacks and the money goes to unforeseen expenses?

Probably everyone has heard at least once how they say about some person that money just sticks to him.

Not everyone can explain such luck and success in financial matters and understand how to catch the bird of happiness. And the point here is not at all a lack of hard work. After all, some people try all their lives, but all their affairs end with them remaining in debt.

It turns out that well-being can be attracted with the help of special rituals or conspiracies. A correctly performed ritual can not only improve the financial situation of the person asking, but also give him the opportunity to feel monetary energy.
The latter circumstance will be the key to successful financial affairs in the future.

For some people, blocking the money channel is haunted from birth. They say about such people that they are chronic losers. They have to live from paycheck to paycheck, and besides, they borrow all the time. Fatal bad luck is often accompanied by health problems, which further aggravates the situation.

Of course, you can sit and wait your whole life for a chance to get rid of failures and lack of money, or you can start taking action. And the first magical kick for you can be magical rituals against poverty.

The easiest way to get rid of failures and lack of money is with the help of a “farm-out” - a small package that is left where people walk.

Ritaul for 13 coins

Replace 13 five-ruble coins and wrap them in a bundle made of natural fabric. Add to this “bag” a twig from a broom, which you use to sweep the floor at home, and a small personal item. It could be a ring, a brooch, a personal pen.

Take the ransom to a crowded place, where you accidentally drop it and quickly leave without looking back and without speaking to anyone. You need to do this in such a way that those around you do not pay attention to the fact that “something fell out of your pocket or purse.”
If you suddenly get your package back, you need to thank it and leave. In this case, you will have to perform the ritual again.

Ritaul for 7 coins

Find the oldest glass or cup in the house and prepare seven coins of any denomination. It is best to do the ritual on a full moon, so that the waning moon will then help you get rid of financial troubles.
After sunset, throw coins into the glass one by one and simultaneously say the text in an odd number:

“Here is your payment for poverty from me, have fun, poverty from morning to sunset, walk poverty, drink, eat, but don’t touch me, God’s servant (name). Here’s your ransom, here’s your tribute, but leave me alone in poverty, leave me alone forever.”

When finished, place the glass with coins in the kitchen (hide it). When the moon begins to wane, take out a glass with coins and pour earth or sand (snow) into it, then say:

“You, poverty, should lie under the ground (snow), but I (your name), not know grief, live in joy, be friends with money. Let it be so!"

Take the glass to a deserted intersection and leave it there. Before leaving, cross him three times and say once:

“I bought myself out of poverty, said goodbye to troubles. Truly!

Remove lack of money

At the crossroads you can easily get rid of poverty. First, speak money at night for a declining month.

“My poor thing, my mother, get off my ridge.
Get off me and go for some change.
Whoever picks up a penny will take the poor from my backbone.
Dasun, Dasun, come and take some pennies."

On the waning moon, at exactly midnight, go to the crossroads. Throw a handful of change over your left shoulder, read the plot and, without looking back, go home. The latter is very important. Don't look back even if someone calls out to you. Otherwise, lack of money will remain with you.

In Old Slavic mythology Dasun- a dark kingdom inhabited by dasu - demons or non-Slavic, non-Aryan peoples

Ritual on a skein of red thread

Take a small skein of red thread and rewind it, saying:

“I didn’t call you poverty,
You came to me uninvited.
Sit down, poverty, on the red thread,
From now on you won't be with me.
Let it be so!"

On the first Thursday of the month, throw a skein at a pedestrian intersection and recite the plot 3 more times.

Bread and salt ritual

Roll the bread crumb into three round pieces. Place one penny and a pinch of salt inside each of them. Tie it in a white napkin/rag and go with it to the intersection.
Place it on the ground and read the plot 3 times:

“Here is poverty and need, financial losses, a gift: Money, bread and salt.
Take them and leave them alone...
Completely torment me, the servant of God (name), torment me with need, plague me with poverty, torment me with lack of money.
I’ll leave, and you can live here.”

Leave without looking back.

Ritual for success in business

Here is another small ritual for you to ensure that all your affairs and your plans go smoothly and work out in your favor.
Take any coin in your hand, bring the palm with the coin to your lips, fingers away from you, lean it against your chin, blow three times and say three times:

“What’s in the way, I blow away, what’s needed, I attract”

Do this three times for different coins. Then drop them at the nearest intersection and begin your activities.

Ritual for quickly receiving a certain amount of money

Finally, one more simple ritual for refined sugar. Pour yourself some tea, take some sugar and say three times about it:

“Sugar, sugar, white side, how sweet you are, I wish I had some money for my hair.”

Then throw it into a mug of tea, stir and drink in small sips. This ritual helps to get the intended amount of money. It is better to do it on the waxing moon.

PS. Remember that a cheap wallet itself carries the energy of poverty and large bills have almost no chance of ending up in it. Let your wallet not be super expensive, but decent; let it definitely have compartments for both small and large bills. If you do spend a decent amount on a wallet, you can be sure that this money will quickly return to you, and, moreover, it will increase.
Based on materials from,

Bad luck is a concept that, although random, is nevertheless persistent. Repeated several times, they worsen our attitude towards ourselves and our destiny, as a result we stop believing in luck, which makes us even more attracted to bad luck.

How to get rid of failures in life conspiracy

To get rid of bad luck, you can use this method. Buy a small toy on Wednesday, bring it home and put it on your bed to sleep with. And on Saturday, with a protected hand, put it in an empty garbage bag and, tying it tightly, throw it away, while whispering three times: I leave bad luck behind, I free myself from it. Here he will disappear, he won’t know his way back, he won’t come back to me, he won’t mock me.

How to get rid of failures and bad luck in your personal life and love with the help of prayer

Twice a day, morning and evening, you need to read the following prayer: Lord, have mercy on me, your servant, my soul is raging in evil. Help me, Lord, guide me on the right path, deliver me from bad luck and failures, give me happiness and prosperity. Take away the bad people from me who wish me harm. Amen.

How to get rid of failures in business and work, affairs magic

On the waning moon, you should take any bill, cross out the numbers on it with a black pen, and fold the bill four times. Then use a needle and black thread to stitch the edges of the bill, repeating: I sew up failure, I sew up lack of money, I sew up debts and problems. Luck will come back to me. Let it be so. The bill will need to be thrown away from the house.

Get rid of failures at the crossroads

On the last day of the full moon, you need to collect nickels according to the number of full years, put them in a new handkerchief, take them in your left palm and whisper a spell onto the coins: I collected you, shed sweat for you, you will be at my mercy, you will serve my luck.

Tie a scarf and put it in a dark place. On the first day of the new moon, at midnight, you need to go to any intersection. Untie the scarf and throw the coins over your left shoulder with your right hand, saying at this time: “Paid.”

How to get rid of bad luck from a black streak after a broken mirror

A broken mirror, as you know, brings bad luck, but you shouldn’t throw away the fragments either. You need to leave one of the largest ones and save it until the next full moon. When the lunar disk appears in the sky, you need to use a fragment to reflect it, and then look at the fragment yourself. Now you can bury the fragment in the ground, and the troubles will go away with it.

How to get rid of failures with the help of salt and psychology

You need to take a pinch of salt and throw it over your left shoulder. To protect the house, you can sprinkle a little salt in the corners of the rooms and on the windowsill, this will protect the house from failure.

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