How to activate a new wallet to attract money. Folk signs about a new wallet

Since ancient times, people have carried out various rituals and conspiracies, the purpose of which was to enrich themselves. Material wealth affects every area of ​​human activity. The wallet in which bills and coins are stored can also affect your wealth. Choosing the right wallet is the first step to financial wealth.

Reasons for lack of money: what folk wisdom says

There are several reasons why you may be constantly short of money. This is mainly due to the low interest in the income-expenditure ratio. As a rule, people with such an attitude towards money do not take much account of their spending and do not make careful planning. As a result, at the end of the month there is no money left at all, which makes it impossible to save.

Popular wisdom says that the poor person is not the one who has little income, but the one for whom any income is insufficient. This can be interpreted as a lack of planning and saving. This saying especially applies to people who waste their wealth.

“A penny saves the ruble” or “A family gathered penny to penny.” This folk wisdom advises that money should be kept in one place.

It is also believed that money is attracted to the wallet. The wallet is the home of cash. Popular wisdom says that money will be found where it takes root. And the old product is no longer suitable for increasing income. The presence of bald spots and holes gives money a way out, which over time reduces wealth.

If your income level has decreased and you are constantly short of money, it is recommended to pay attention to your wallet. If it is already more than one year old, then you should think about purchasing a new wallet to store money.

How often should you change wallets?

To ensure that money is always in the house, it is recommended to change your wallet at least once a year. In addition, the wallet needs to be changed if the old one has scuffs or holes. It is advisable to buy a wallet for some holidays. For example, on New Year's. The product will be charged with a good mood. But you should not buy wallets for birthdays - this will force the future owner to make unintended expenses.

How to buy a wallet correctly

In order for a wallet to bring wealth, you need to carefully prepare for its purchase. It is recommended to carefully prepare for this moment. Otherwise, an unexpectedly purchased product will divert cash flow from itself.

Choice of design, color

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to some of its characteristics. There are only five of them:

  1. Color. A certain color has an impact on a person's life. For example, money is attracted by the color of the earth. These include black, brown, green, yellow, orange. Money is also attracted to metal colors, such as white, gold or silver.
  1. Size. A wallet is a home for money, and a small house cannot accommodate numerous residents. The dimensions of the wallet should be from 18 cm. It is advisable that the product be slightly larger than this size. There is no need to worry about such bulkiness; as a rule, in addition to money, other things are stored in the wallet (credit cards, discount cards, etc.).
  1. Material. The material must be natural. It is best to choose leather or suede products. If you don’t have the funds to buy an expensive leather product, you can pay attention to high-quality artificial leather.
  1. Quality. The main criterion when choosing is always the quality of the product. There should be no protruding threads. The seams must be strong and neat. The clasps work well. The coloring must be durable and of high quality. Also, the wallet should not smell bad of synthetics or any other odor.
  1. Design. It is advisable to choose a product with many compartments. It is worth focusing on the fact that bills of the same denomination were in one compartment. Additional compartments for talismans and small items would also be useful.

It is also necessary to take into account that the wallet should be liked by its owner. That is why when choosing a product you need to pick it up. This will make it clear whether the product is suitable for the owner or not.

Advice! When choosing, do not avoid bright red color. Red color has a good effect on magical objects and symbols. It can be additionally charged to attract money.

Best time to buy

You need to carefully prepare for purchasing a wallet. This also applies to the timing of purchase. The wallet must be purchased at the following times:

  • the month must be with a waxing moon;
  • It is better to make a purchase between morning and lunch;
  • The most successful day of the week for purchasing is Wednesday, Thursday.

Folk signs for buying a new wallet

There are several signs for buying a new wallet. It is advisable to follow them:

  • give money to the seller with your right hand;
  • Don’t take change, especially if it’s small change.

It is also preferable to pay in cash when purchasing a new wallet. So you give material money for it, and in return it will attract additional funds.

What to do with an old wallet

After purchasing a new wallet, you need to decide what to do with the old one. Under no circumstances should you throw away an already worn item. Money was kept in it for a long time, and it absorbed their energy.

To attract money, you need to put a bill in your wallet and put it in a closet or other place. After a higher denomination bill appears in the house, you will need to take out the old bill and put it in. This must be done until there is a banknote of the highest denomination in the old wallet. After a while, the magic of the wallet will work and your financial situation will noticeably improve. It is not necessary to carry out conspiracies or rituals during this action. The main thing is to put the bill in a good mood. It is also advisable that this happen on a waxing moon.

In addition, you can save money in an old wallet, using it as a piggy bank. But in this case, you should understand that the old wallet should not contain coins or small denomination bills.

How to activate a new wealth wallet

Just buying a new product will not eliminate the lack of money. It also wouldn’t hurt to perform a ceremony to attract money for a new wallet.

Ancient rituals

On the first day after purchase, no one should know about the new acquisition. It is better to keep your purchase away from prying eyes. Also, you cannot put money in your wallet on the first day. On a waxing moon at night, you need to put three silver-colored coins in your purse; five-ruble coins will do. This must be done in complete darkness by the light of the moon.

When the wallet first falls into the hands of the owner, it is recommended to say the following words: “Money, I’m giving you a new house. So grow and multiply in it!”. It is not necessary to say the words out loud, just say them mentally. The main thing is to be convinced of the power of this conspiracy; if you are unsure in your head or thoughts, the ritual will not work.

How to fill in money correctly

The first money in your wallet must be placed according to certain rules. They are quite easy to remember:

  1. Apply a drop of peppermint oil to the inner lining. This has a positive effect on the activation of cash flow attraction.
  2. The first bill must be paper. It is advisable that it be brought as a gift from a successful wealthy person. An acquaintance with good financial income will also do.
  3. Also, on another bill you need to write a money sign in pencil and put it equal to infinity. This bill must be hidden in your wallet.
  4. Then you can stack the remaining bills and coins. The main thing is that there is an even number of bills in each compartment. So each monetary denomination will have its own pair.

What talismans are best to put in your wallet?

  1. Clover with four petals. This is a powerful talisman for good luck. And if you put it in your wallet, it will attract good luck in the monetary sense. It can act in a variety of ways. After the wallet takes root, a part-time job, bonus or promotion at work may suddenly appear in the wallet.
  2. Plants that grow quickly produce rich harvests. You can put horseradish, St. John's wort or heather in a small canvas bag. Then put it in your wallet. These plants help increase income.
  3. Green stone. Natural stones or jewelry containing them attract money. Especially if the jewelry has a green color or tint. Malachite is great for attracting wealth.
  4. The first coin or bill earned. The first money earned through your own labor has powerful energy. And if suddenly you still have a bill or even a coin from your first salary in your life, then it must be placed in your wallet. If there is none, then it is recommended to put in a dollar. It depicts a powerful talisman - the all-seeing eye.
  5. Small round mirror. Such an item in your wallet will help your money double. The mirror should be simple, framed. The item must be free of chips and cracks.
  6. Runes of wealth fehu and otal. It is not necessary to purchase runes. You can apply them yourself to a piece of paper or a pebble and put them in your wallet.
  7. Gold item. An earring, ring or chain is suitable for this. Gold brings stable material income.
  8. 3 Chinese coins connected by a red thread. This is a powerful talisman for attracting money. It should be placed in the compartment where the largest bills are stored. You can also attach it to a keychain. But in case of accidental loss of the talisman, the financial situation will be shaken.

It is not necessary to invest all talismans at once to attract money. You can choose several that act differently. For example, one attracts wealth, another increases it, and the third keeps the financial situation stable.

Do modern products help attract money?

In stores you can buy a lot of modern talismans aimed at attracting wealth. Don't think that they don't work. The main thing in our case is the confidence that they will help.Not only must the talisman itself have the ability to attract money, it must also be charged by the owner.

Also, if there is any doubt about ready-made talismans that can be bought in a store, it is recommended to make it yourself. When assembling a talisman, the main thing is to think about financial wealth and be in a good mood. This is to charge the talisman with positive energy.

A popular talisman for attracting money, which you can make yourself, is a shirt made from a banknote. It's pretty easy to make and looks great in your wallet.

Signs related to the wallet

There are many signs associated with a wallet. They say that:

  1. It is forbidden for strangers to pick up the wallet, as the wallet can be charged with negative energy from them.
  2. You should not put tattered and ugly banknotes in your wallet.
  3. You can't buy very cheap wallets; they tend to carry negative energy and drain away wealth.
  4. You cannot put photographs of relatives in your wallet, this will interrupt the cash flow.
  5. If coins are accidentally spilled from your wallet, you should only pick them up with your right hand.
  6. It is not recommended to spend all the money; at least a few coins should remain. This is due to the fact that these coins are charged to attract other money. And if your wallet is empty, then there will be nothing to attract wealth.
  7. Banknotes should be folded from highest to lowest denomination. Banknotes with the same number of zeros should also be stored together.

The wallet must always be with its owner. It should not be kept in sight all the time. Also, cards with money should be kept in your wallet, but credit cards with debt should be kept in a separate compartment.


If you know what needs to be done with a new wallet in order to have money, you can change your well-being for the better. The main thing is to approach both storing money and attracting it wisely.

Philosophers, esotericists and even bankers believe that money is not just “a specific product with maximum liquidity.”

Banknotes and coins, in their opinion, have a special energy and, moreover, are themselves energy and driving force. Therefore, it is no coincidence that a conspiracy for a new wallet is read.

It is believed that after this ritual, money will be attracted to the wallet and spent more carefully; the owner of the wallet will feel more wealthy.

The energy of a new wallet

Buying a new wallet is a pleasant and at the same time responsible thing. Don't choose the cheapest wallet available because that way you demonstrate to the Universe your willingness to be content with little financially, subconsciously setting yourself up for poverty and forced savings.

Choose a wallet that you like, you will feel it intuitively. Some people subconsciously choose wallets with shiny decorations, thereby associating the shine of the accessories with the shine of coins made of gold and silver (as you know, coins made of precious metals were in use for a long time).

It's a good sign if your new wallet has multiple compartments to show off your willingness to “accept” a lot of money various denominations: credit cards, banknotes of different denominations and coins.

It will be a good omen if the first money you keep in your new wallet spend it on something nice. The purchase does not have to be global, even if it is a small thing (for example, buy yourself a cake or a cup of coffee), but it must definitely please you and charge you with positivity.

Thus, you will point your new wallet in the right direction: the funds that will be in it are intended for necessary and pleasant things. For the same reason, the first money that is stored in the wallet is not recommended:

  • pay off debts;
  • pay for things and services that are unpleasant for you.

If your old wallet has become unusable (it is torn, the folds are worn out, or the locks are broken), then you should purchase a new one as soon as possible. The point is that a shabby wallet carries the negative energy of poverty, lack and scarcity.

Choose a new wallet as soon as possible and before you start using it, perform a magical ritual on it. There is a popular belief that this really works, and in the most incredible way. In a charmed new wallet there will always be money.

We are not talking about untold wealth, but these will be amounts with which you can easily and simply resolve your financial issues (and not just “wants”, but really important and necessary matters).

Conspiracy for a new wallet on the new moon

On a new moon, you will need to place your wallet on the table so that the light from the moon falls on it. You need to place seven church candles around the wallet and light them one by one. When all the candles are burning, you need to read the plot:

“There will be money in the new wallet, big and small, paper and copper. A person can be rich and poor. Each one is given a reward according to his labors. I can work honestly and have money in my wallet. My word is strong, my deed is true. Amen".

There are various options for spells for a new wallet. You can perform the following ritual on a new moon: try to stand so that you can see the moon. Place a white metal coin in your wallet and say:

“Just as a rich man’s purse is never empty, so my wallet will never be empty. Having money in my wallet, I couldn’t be happier about it. Money is for my benefit, not a test. Amen".

Read on a new wallet at home

To cast a spell for a new wallet, it is not necessary to turn to fortune tellers and magicians; this ritual can be performed independently, at home. There is such a thing as household magic - its conspiracies are quite harmless and are not aimed at influencing other people (for example, a love spell or a lapel).

Their purpose – to make a person’s life luckier and happier. Skeptics argue that household magic is considered so effective not because it involves unknown otherworldly forces, but because the person by reading a plot, one programs oneself for success.

After reading the plot, a person feels more confident, so he succeeds in his plans. Be that as it may, household magic spells are effective and efficient.

It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to read the ancient text of the conspiracy; it can be improvised. A striking example of this is the money mouse. This ritual was invented these days and is gradually becoming more and more popular. You can “place” a mouse (a miniature figurine, a charm mouse, or just a picture of this animal) in your new wallet and say your cherished words “Mouse, put some money in your wallet!”

Another simple example of household magic: a new wallet needs put a coin, something remarkable for you, or a banknote:

  • it could be a coin from a country you visited and liked;
  • a coin that you won in the lottery or that you got it due to a happy coincidence of circumstances;
  • the banknote may have a number that repeats your date of birth or its number may have letters that repeat your initials.

It is believed that this lucky money will become a beacon for other money. Being constantly in the wallet, it will show the way to the cash flow and attract it to the wallet. Esotericists believe that to attract money to your wallet Do not use religious symbols(for example, a cross), because money is the material world, and the cross is a symbol of the spiritual.

Waxing moon spell

The moon has a special, magical energy. It is not without reason that she is called the wolf sun and the luminary of the world of the dead. Many magical rituals are performed in accordance with the phases of the moon. It is believed that the energy of the waxing moon helps increase existing wealth and is capable of increasing well-being. That is why the conspiracy must be read precisely on the waxing moon. In this case, the money in your new wallet will “grow.”

There are several options for performing this ritual. We'll tell you about the most popular ones.

The new wallet should be wrapped in a beautiful red ribbon and placed on the table so that the moonlight falls on it. Above the wallet you need to read the plot:

“Month, my friend, fill your wallet. The money will come in it, but I don’t need to know. The coins in my wallet are ringing, they tell me to be rich.”

After the plot has been read three times, you need to put the wallet under your pillow without removing the tape from it. In the morning you can start using it as usual.

You can perform such a ritual on the waxing moon. Place the wallet in front of the mirror, while the moonlight should be reflected in the mirror. The plot reads like this:

“The month has silver horns - give me good things, fill my wallet with money. How the chests in the princely chambers are full of gold and silver, So my wallet will be filled with gold and silver. There is no poverty in the heavenly palaces, there is no poverty in my earthly mansions. My word is inviolable, so be it.”

The spell for 40 coins in a new wallet is read on the waxing moon. You need to stand so that the light of the growing moon falls on you. Put forty coins in your wallet and read the plot:

“Forty forties, forty winds, forty saints. Gold and silver will arrive in my wallet, but I don’t need to know. Money will help me live in abundance, at the same time, the money will be according to my merits and talents. There should be no unjust money in my wallet, so as not to bring trouble upon me. My word is inviolable, my deed is true. Amen".

Reading this plot, you need coin ringing in wallet. To perform the ritual you will need 39 white metal coins and one yellow metal coin. In the morning these coins must be given to the poor.

When reading a conspiracy for a new wallet, you need to believe in its effectiveness.

To increase profits, many people use various methods: some are constantly in the process of looking for a new high-paying job, others are developing their business, some are investing money in gambling - there are a huge number of options.

However, one of the selected options can be strengthened quite well if you use the help of higher powers. For people, a wallet has always been a symbol of wealth, so it is hardly possible to come up with a more relevant talisman for attracting wealth.

It’s not for nothing that people call this accessory a money house.

It has the ability to attract money and promotes the magic of wealth based on monetary energy. When purchasing a new wallet, do not rush to throw away the old one; it is recommended to use the appropriate wallet spell, for example, from Natalya Stepanova. It will allow you to get rich. The ideal time for the ritual is the full moon or new moon. A person can achieve a significant increase in profits at work if he follows the “rules of the game.”

Be sure to follow the rules

In order for a conspiracy or whisper to be effective, you need to follow some rules, the most important thing is to follow the instructions exactly and not make any changes to them. This can only be done by professional magicians in exceptional cases. Unless otherwise specified in the instructions, it is recommended to carry out the money plot or whisper of Natalia Stepanova on a new moon or full moon.

If you do not have the item that is necessary to perform the ritual, then it is better for you to choose another plot. A conspiracy for a new wallet is no joke, so simply carrying it out at any time is highly discouraged, otherwise you risk making powerful enemies. Every word in the plot has a meaning, so don’t rearrange them, don’t change them. You need to put your energy, feelings and emotions into every word of the conspiracy.

Concentrate as much as possible on your desire to earn more money, and not on the financial problem itself.

Usually, wallets are given to people with money, for example, a penny. It's better not to waste it, because it will bring you good luck. It is also worth remembering that magic only works effectively in conjunction with your actions. If a person constantly lies on the couch, it is unlikely that he will be able to see any money. You don’t need to throw away your old wallet until you read the money plot over the new one.

What to do with a new wallet

Find the period of the new moon or full moon on the lunar calendar; at this time the conspiracy and whispers are especially strong. Early in the morning, one coin of different denominations, as well as banknotes, are placed in a new wallet. The more money you invest in it, the better. Foreign currencies can also be used for this procedure. The most important thing is not to put “dead bills” in it that have gone out of use, for example Soviet ones. Then you need to say the magic words over the wallet.

Conspiracy “On the wallet”

“The cash flow rushes and runs into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen."

Carry the charmed wallet with you until the evening, only after that you can take out and spend money from the new wallet.

Another ritual with your new wallet is the spell for a wallet with seven candles. Buy 7 of the most expensive green candles from the church. Perform the ritual on a new moon or full moon at midnight, preferably on Thursday night. A new, unused wallet is placed in a place where moonlight can easily reach.

You must place 7 candles around, they are set on fire, then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced.

Spell “On the wallet” for candles

“I, servant of God (name), will stand, be blessed, and walk, crossing myself, I will follow my mother on the damp earth, I will be covered with the sky, I will be girded with the dawn, I will be wrapped in stars, I will be clothed in a white robe, I will be baptized in Christ. I will create the Life-giving Cross and pray to God. Holy Soul, Nameless Light. Sveta unsearchable and hidden, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all darkness of ignorance, giving us to drink the streams of Your knowledge; raise us up, cast down by sin, free us, enslaved by passions, heal us from every ulcer that lurks in us, through the communion of Divine and incorruptible Food, the Body and Blood of Christ, we pray to You, hear us and have mercy. God! You have a lot of things, give me, Your servant, a small fraction of your riches. Daily bread, prosperity in the house, shelter on the road, haste in business, increase in money. Before this happens, grant me, Lord, repentance for my sins and justification at the Last Judgment.”

After reading, the candles should burn out completely; you need to get rid of the cinders. Always carry a new wallet with you, keep it clean, do not carry useless garbage or receipts in it.

People read the simplest conspiracy or whisper over an open wallet on a full or new moon; you need to put one single coin in it.

Conspiracy “On the wallet”

“As coins gather to money, so happiness and prosperity gather to me, money to coins flows into a new wallet. And in the new wallet there is always rustling and ringing, for new clothes, for a shiny ring, and there is enough for everything. My word is strong. To those words of mine, heaven and earth are the key and lock. Amen."

It should preferably be silver in color, this is done so that you do not confuse it with the others. It can be painted red. The coin from the new wallet cannot be given to other people; if this does happen, then it is better to give the wallet to the new owner.

What will be the result

It will not be difficult for you to guess that if you follow the ritual correctly, you can achieve a significant increase in income. The new wallet will be your reliable ally, a talisman that increases your ability to earn money. Treat it with care and you will see how effective magic can be. If you follow all the rules and read Natalia Stepanova’s conspiracy or whispers on a new or full moon, the effect will be stunning. Thus, an ordinary wallet can become a faithful ally and a tool for increasing earnings for many people.

Video: Wallet spell

Money is never superfluous. Situations often arise when a person constantly experiences financial difficulties and life becomes quite uncomfortable. A correctly chosen spell for a new wallet can help resolve this problem. It will help you ward off financial failures and attract a stable financial flow. A conspiracy is a special ritual, the use of magical words and actions to attract the desired target. In this case, the main goal is finance and its constant growth.

In order for the wallet spell to be effective, you will need to comply with several basic requirements. The treasured wallet must be just purchased; it is best to prefer a wallet in gold, scarlet or green - these are the most “money” colors. It is very important to carry out the ritual on the waxing moon, since this time is most conducive to financial well-being.

Banknotes from a charmed wallet cannot be completely wasted - at least a small amount should always be inside. Also, you should not exchange large bills for smaller ones too often - it is believed that this helps to reduce the amount of money available.

To prevent money from leaking out, they must be arranged from large to small, with the reverse side inward. Also, when using wallet spells, there should be no inappropriate details inside it - bus tickets, photos, receipts and other things. It is forbidden to carry money that has gone out of circulation in a charmed wallet - they are considered “dead” and bring financial failure.

When using wallet spells, it is very important to believe in the power of your own actions and mentally use only positive energy to make your plans come true. It is best to carry out all the rituals yourself, over the financial custodian who you plan to use personally.

The bait for financial success

A fairly popular and effective wallet spell, which will help you attract money to yourself, advises taking a previously unused wallet in the palm of your hand and reading the following words:

“The money sticks to the coin, and the profit with luck rushes here. In the new wallet, the money makes an enormous noise and clinks. They buy me new clothes, shiny jewelry, and I have enough for everything. In these phrases, the key is in the lock. Amen".

Then the wallet must remain close to the owner until the end of the day, and from the next day it must be used for its intended purpose.

Another wallet conspiracy is also considered quite effective. You need to hide the nickel inside and not latch the coin compartment. Then you need to say these words:

“I’ll hide a piglet, I’ll find 10, I’ll hide 10, I’ll find a thousand. The moon is growing, and so are my finances. So be it".

Then the compartment for small change needs to be zipped up and hidden in the window, and at dawn you can put your money in it. Overnight, the lunar force will charge your wallet with monetary attraction.

The main rule of this ritual is that the nickel that was placed first cannot be spent. He must always be inside to maintain the love spell.

Silver coin bait

Another working conspiracy for a new wallet. You need to put a silver coin inside and leave it near the window at any time during the first quarter of the waxing moon. Then the magic words are pronounced three times:

“I’m talking myself and this wallet into an endless financial influx. So that money always increases in it, like the stars of heaven. So that their number increases as the month grows. Whoever steals this purse, let him get thirty-three misfortunes with an eternal lack of money, and I won’t see them forever. Amen".

The purse must lie untouched for three days, and after that paper money is placed in it, and then it is allowed to be used.

Strong love spell

An effective way to attract money to yourself is a ritual for material well-being. It is necessary to sit with your shoes off and your hair down, facing directly to the window. The purchased wallet must be crossed three times and a personal gold item must be hidden inside. Then the church candle is lit and the words are said:

“Send the moon, silver horns, gold and silver to this wallet. Let him get rich, fill himself up, and be filled with money. Amen".

There is another method that has been proven by many. Over the course of a week, you will need to put one coin into the new product, and then a banknote of any denomination. It is best if the denomination gradually increases each time. In this case, each time the following is said over the product:

“Just as life stretches a long path, so wealth is attracted to me, money is pulled into this wallet. And in this wallet there will always be an abundance of money, but it will be used for good. My word is strong. To these words, heaven and earth, key and lock. Amen".

You can also attract wealth to yourself using the following ritual. It will also require purchasing a completely new product. You will also need 7 pieces of green church candles. It is advisable to perform this ritual on Thursday during the waxing moon. The purse should be placed in a place where there is good moonlight, and all the lit candles should be placed around it.

Then the following text is pronounced:

“The financial flow is rushing and rushing into this purchased magic wallet. My income will increase, my expenses will become very small. Monetary power protects me, and poverty quickly moves away from the holy fire. Let it be true. This word is strong. Amen".

After this, the charged wallet cannot be given into the wrong hands, otherwise the magical energy will go away and it will be very difficult to return it.

Ritual with water

As you know, water has positive energy, so it can also be used to increase money. You need to hide any coin in your coin pocket and go to the nearest river or spring. There you need to wet your palm in water and spray it on your wallet 3 times, while saying:

“The water in the river (spring) runs and does not end. So, this wallet will never run out of money. The water runs, brightly silvers and sparkles. So, money will always flow into this wallet, sparkling and silvering for me at random and for the benefit of everyone.”

It is important to check that drops of water are on the surface of the product at the moment when the words are spoken.

Using any of the above rituals, you can ensure a constant cash flow and soon noticeably improve your financial situation. The main thing is to approach this issue with confidence and sincerely believe in your own actions, then your finances will soon return to normal.

A strong spell for a new wallet is a magical rite that promotes increased financial well-being and increased wealth. To make the ritual more effective, it is recommended to perform it on a full moon or a waxing moon.


Rules for choosing a money wallet

Rules for choosing a money wallet:

  1. It should be made of expensive genuine leather, suede or nubuck.
  2. When purchasing an accessory, you cannot save money, since this item is a status item.
  3. It is important that the wallet is pleasant to the hands and likes the future owner.
  4. It is necessary to choose a wallet with several compartments: for change, bills, bank cards, etc.
  5. The accessory must be rectangular in shape, at least 18 cm in length, so that the entire banknote can fit inside it.
  6. The clasps and buttons in the wallet must function flawlessly. There should be no holes or poor-quality seams inside.

Most preferred wallet colors:

  • red;
  • baby blue;
  • pink;
  • dark lilac.
  • black;
  • brown;
  • golden.

To learn about the wallet's compliance with the ancient tradition of Feng Shui, see the Olga Seif channel.

What to do with an old wallet?

Do this with the old wallet:

  1. They thank him for his help and put it aside. Afterwards, they place banknotes there, gradually reducing their denomination.
  2. After some time, the accessory is burned so that it does not interfere with the new one, already charged with wealth and prosperity.

An old wallet cannot be thrown away or given away.

Preparation for the rituals

Here's how to prepare for powerful rituals:

  1. The place (room) where the ritual will be performed is ventilated and cleaned.
  2. During the ceremony you must wear loose, clean clothes in light colors. It is recommended to remove round-shaped wardrobe items - belts, jewelry.
  3. Set yourself up for a positive outcome - think about good things and experience positive feelings. Dream about the useful use of money - helping loved ones, relaxing, purchasing things for the house.

All rituals and conspiracies for a new wallet are carried out at home in absolute silence and solitude. If someone interferes or distracts you, you will have to redo everything.

How to charge your wallet to attract wealth?

Conspiracies will help you charge your wallet to attract wealth:

  • with candles;
  • with apples;
  • with a spoon;
  • with coins;
  • to the moonlight;
  • with mirror;
  • on a red wallet.

To transfer money you need:

  1. Read the spell for a new wallet before shopping.
  2. Carry a laurel leaf, a cinnamon stick, a sprig of mint in a separate pocket - they attract money.

Conspiracies with candles

For such conspiracies, blessed candles are used, which are bought at a temple or church kiosk.

Then they light seven candles on a full moon or new moon, put a wallet in front of them and read the plot:

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and I will walk, crossing myself, I will follow my mother on the damp earth, I will be covered with the sky, I will be girded with the dawn, I will be wrapped in stars, I will be clothed in a white robe, I will be baptized in Christ. I will create the Life-giving Cross and pray to God. Holy Soul, Nameless Light. Unsearchable and hidden Light, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all darkness of ignorance, giving us to drink the streams of Your knowledge; raise us up, cast down by sin, free us, enslaved by passions, heal us from every ulcer that lurks in us, through the communion of Divine and incorruptible Food, the Body and Blood of Christ, we pray to You, hear us and have mercy. God! You have a lot of things, give me, Your servant, a small fraction of your riches. Daily bread, prosperity in the house, shelter on the road, haste in business, increase in money. Before this happens, grant me, Lord, repentance for my sins and justification at the Last Judgment.

When the candles burn out, the cinders are buried in the ground.

The ritual will work if, at the time of its implementation, you believe in the power of lunar energy and the magic of church candles.

Conspiracy with apples

The plot with apples is carried out like this:

  1. In the morning, take an apple and cut it in half.
  2. Say the conspiracy out loud.
  3. Eat the fruit.

Magic text:

I call upon the money spirit and infuse it into the apple. I eat an apple and give myself the money spirit. Love me, money, come to me, money. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen.

There is another ritual with apples (it requires more time and preparation):

  1. Collect 20 apples from the garden (you can buy the fruits, but leave the change to the seller).
  2. Give 14 of them to the porch on the first day.
  3. Give three to the poor on the second day.
  4. Take three to the temple and place them on the table for remembrance (canon).

Remember my poverty for peace, and let my wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy with a spoon

The spell with a spoon is simple:

  1. Purchase a special raking spoon. Then soak overnight in salt water.
  2. The next morning they wipe it and put it in the wallet separately from bills and small change.
  3. They read the plot.

Magic words:

I wipe the spoon dry and attract money. You will be lying in my wallet, raking in money.

Silver scoop spoon

Conspiracy with coins

Finance is attracted by Chinese coins placed in a money wallet and tied with a red thread.

To enchant a coin you will need:

  • two buckets;
  • “silent” (collected in silence) water;
  • copper money.

Correct algorithm of actions:

  1. A coin is placed in an empty bucket.
  2. From the full one, “silent” water is poured into it.
  3. A money-attracting conspiracy is read.

The words are:

The river flows in a clean field, the mighty streams are useful to plants and animals. Silver and gold, you are found with me, fill the bins with a stream. My words are bound with iron. Amen.

Moonlight conspiracy

The moonlight spell is read like this:

Everything grows and multiplies from the sun, and money comes from moonlight. Grow, multiply, increase. Enrich me, come to me. Amen.

Another way is to look at the full moon and hold your wallet in your hands and read the following words:

Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debts and poverty. I ask you to give away wealth and generosity. I always attract money to myself. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You can perform a ritual with coins on the full moon, for which you should:

  1. Pour out handfuls of change from your wallet.
  2. As you sort through the coins, imagine how their number grows and becomes heavier.
  3. Allow yourself to feel the feeling of wealth and well-being, read the money-attracting plot.

Fertile Moon, saturate my house to the full. Multiply my coins - by number and color. Send some golden rain into my bottomless wallet! Money comes into my life and finds shelter for itself. Full moon, full cup, rivers of prosperity flow through my house, settling in the right amount and even more. Let it be so for the common good! Amen!

Conspiracy with the mirror

The spell with the mirror goes like this:

  1. Place a lit candle in front of the mirror.
  2. Place all the money in your wallet and place it in front of the mirror.
  3. Read the spell seven times: “Double your money, double your wallet, double your wealth.” Amen!"
  4. After a month, repeat the procedure.

For the mirror conspiracy to be successful, no one should be initiated into the ritual.

For another ritual, you should place a small coin in front of the mirror and read the plot seven times:

Mother Luna, your money is in my wallet, Your treasury is my treasury, Money to money!

The next morning, put the coin in your wallet and do not spend it, but keep it as a talisman.

Red wallet conspiracy

To plot a red wallet you will need:

  • money tree (crassula);
  • large pot for house plants;
  • garden soil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Three days before the ceremony, put seven copper coins in your wallet. The wallet should lie overnight next to the potty.
  2. Early in the morning, pour the soil, mix the coins with the soil and plant the crassula.
  3. When planting a plant, read the plot seven times.

The magic words are:

As in the little jar of earth, so are the coins in the wallet. The longer the roots, the greater the wealth. Just as the earth remains in place, so gold and silver are found in the house.

You cannot spend money on the day of the ritual, otherwise the ritual will have to be performed again.

The red wallet itself is a symbol, but it is also important to speak it for good luck so that money can be found.

5 money talismans for your wallet. The video was filmed by the “University of Success” channel.

Ritual for protection against theft

The simplest ritual to protect money and wallet from theft is to place a scroll with the following text in your wallet:

There are eyes in the forehead, and images in the corner. Whoever offends me (name) by stealing will not see the white light.

There is a more labor-intensive ritual:

  1. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, dig up the plantain along with the roots.
  2. Wash the plant, dry it, carefully place it in a white envelope.
  3. You need to write a magical text on it in red ink.
  4. On the first Wednesday after the ritual, place the envelope with the plantain in the secret pocket of your wallet and carry it until the paper is worn out.
  5. Burn the used envelope, bury the ashes in the ground, and make a new talisman for the wallet against theft.

Conspiracy words:

Everything that I keep, that comes to me, and everything that leaves, I let go without words.

Prayer for financial well-being

Saints for whom special prayers for well-being in the financial sphere were created:

  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

They pray to Saint Spyridon like this:

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Blessed Matrona, you are our Righteous Elder! For all my sins and for all the terrible groaning, the Lord sent me punishment. The punishment is fair and worthy for me. But I strongly believe with all my soul in your holy relics, I ask you for financial help. Make sure that I always have enough for black bread, and that despair does not occupy my hand. Let your will be done! Amen!

In difficult financial situations, they turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with the following words:

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling on your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice: strive, servant of God, do not leave us in sinful captivity to be, so that we may not joyfully be our enemy and we will not die in our evil deeds: pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with your disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts , but in His goodness He will reward us: we trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and the troubles that rise upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mire of our passions: pray to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, may He grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation for our souls and great mercy, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


For ways to handle your wallet and how to persuade it to receive money, see the Karina Tarot channel.