Astrological compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius. Aquarius and Aquarius: compatibility of men and women in friendship

If you came to read this article, then most likely you are Aquarius or Pisces. And you probably want to know about the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces in a love relationship. Or about their compatibility in business and friendship. These are neighboring signs, which also end the zodiac circle, so their union is interesting, but not simple

General compatibility of the signs Pisces and Aquarius, prospects for union

There is a tangible connection between Aquarius and Pisces, and it simply does not allow them to stray too far from each other. Their values ​​are basically the same, but they are realized in completely different ways. Both signs value freedom of any kind, love of humanity, change, inspiration, ideas and dreams.

But for Aquarius, love for humanity will mean absolute justice, equality and freedom of speech.

For Pisces, it rather means the eternal sound of the ocean as a blessing to humanity, the mountains and the starry sky above.

And they have many such seemingly unimportant, but nevertheless significant differences in the perception of the same things.

The nature of the interaction of their elements contributes to their relationship. Pisces represents the element of water, Aquarius – air. The interaction between them is soft and creates almost no tension; rather, they coexist harmoniously side by side.

If you have ever seen the horizon where the sea and sky meet, you know how peaceful the picture is. But there is no challenge, excitement or drive in this. Therefore, the relationship between these two signs is more like a pleasant pastime and contemplation of life between two like-minded people than a passionate lifelong union.

In general, their compatibility is 38%.

Aquarius and Pisces friendship compatibility

They dream well with each other, but, unfortunately, their dreams are unlikely to ever come true. Lack of realism in their relationship can hurt both of them, and they may not even know where the problem lies.

Therefore, they often feel frustrated in their relationships. Pisces is able to justify the ideas of Aquarius because their element is closer to earth. However, along the way, they often get lost in reasoning and rarely do anything concrete and real. Especially if they don't feel like it aligns with their own mission.

There is not always deep understanding between them. And while they may have great fun together, they will have different approaches to the things that interest them.

For example, if they start talking about religion, it will end up as a philosophical battle that will have no real value. Such a conversation will make Pisces feel bad because they had to rationalize their faith, which they do not like.

And Aquarius will feel like he was talking to a vague fog rather than someone with an opinion. After such arguments of any nature, they will feel empty and will need time to begin to be inspired by each other again.

They can be good friends if they don't try to impose their vision on each other and accept their differences without wanting to change it.

For joint business relationships, these signs lack grounding and practicality. Rather, they can successfully work in one team, where there will also be representatives of earth signs, but even in this case, it is advisable that each of them do their own thing.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting bogged down in endless disputes.

Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in love, sexual compatibility

The sign of Aquarius strengthens Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. There is a strong connection between these two signs, and there will certainly never be a dull moment in bed. At first glance, they don't go well together.

One of them is romantic, and is looking for his true love, and the other is reserved, and is looking for ways to free himself from all emotions.

However, their sex life can be amazing if Pisces aren't too affectionate and find a way to keep their distance until their partner starts to express emotions themselves.

As a mutable sign, Pisces understands the need for change, playfulness and excitement in sexual intercourse. Aquarius will follow this, but with less enthusiasm because he is rational. The beauty of their sex life lies in the creativity, play of emotions and curiosity that brings even more excitement and passion to the relationship as a whole.

Unfortunately, emotions are very important for Pisces, and the restraint of an air partner can become a reason for frequent disappointment. And Pisces would rather end a relationship than deal with constant disappointments.

The intimate life of this couple needs a good starting point and Aquarius' ability to show his emotions from time to time.

Aquarius and Pisces, like most neighboring signs, have difficulties in building a harmonious and long-term union. Difficulties are associated, as a rule, with knowing and accepting the nature of your partner, without trying to change something. Only mature individuals can do this.

Aquarius man and Pisces woman love compatibility

If you are a woman, you better know about the positive and negative traits of an Aquarius man if you want to seduce him. Aquarians are smart, unpredictable, social, independent and master communicators.

Negative traits include unreliability, stubbornness, indecision and inflexibility.

If you want to win this man, you don't want to show too much emotion. If you seem overly emotional to him, he won't even think about starting a relationship with you.

Aquarius often lives in his own head, so he needs a companion to talk about his progressive ideas. If you are determined to connect your life with this person, then first you must become friends.

Most of their romances begin as friendships, which gradually turn into something more serious. This means that a man of this sign will not enter into a romantic relationship with someone who is not already a friend.

It is important for him to feel that his need for freedom, his individuality and desire to change the world are respected and understood.

Pisces women are known to be kind, creative, compassionate, selfless and extremely sensitive individuals. She is attracted to romantic men with a good sense of humor and the ability to listen. She enjoys lively discussions about spiritual matters and the supernatural. She wants to be treated with respect and is unlikely to be seduced on first dates.

It can be said that these two are well suited for each other. This is how it is, and at first everything will be fine. Difficulties can begin after the partner feels that she can trust and fully open up to her partner.

She will begin to actively express her feelings, of which she has many, and it will be important for her to receive the same from her loved one. While the aloofness of Aquarius that she will encounter will not only not satisfy her need for emotional intimacy, but rather may hurt and cause pain.

Which will most likely end in a surge of grievances and claims. And this is exactly what Aquarius men avoid at all costs. The vulnerability and touchiness of the Pisces woman and the cold detachment of the Aquarius man are unlikely to be able to coexist together.

Unless a woman, having gone through the stage of friendly relations with her partner, understands that his restraint is not a personal character trait. This is simply one of the qualities of his nature. However, it is difficult for Pisces to control their feelings, so most likely such an alliance will not last long.

Pisces man and Aquarius woman love compatibility

A man born under the sign of Pisces lives to love and please the object of his love. The best way to seduce such a man is to open up to him completely.

Some of his best qualities are sensitivity, compassion and kindness. He is a very gentle and caring friend and lover.

The Pisces man loves to laugh, so the one he finds funny, cheerful and with whom he feels at ease will easily win his heart.

The Aquarius woman has all the qualities that romantic Pisces seek and appreciate. She has a unique sense of humor. She is independent, mysterious, free and eccentric.

A woman of this sign also craves romance and loves intimate conversations. Although, at first glance, she may seem cold and aloof. In addition, Aquarius women are excellent sexual partners.

This couple can make a good family. Moreover, this will be a marriage of two like-minded people, idealists and creative individuals. Their family life will not be boring, just as their bed will not be boring.

However, everything can be ruined by the excessive affection of the Pisces partner and his tendency to express his emotions vividly. The Aquarius woman does not like control, pressure and emotionally charged problems.

Therefore, ease, a certain degree of personal freedom, humor and an intellectual approach to solving problems are a necessary condition for their family life to be harmonious and long.

What Aquarius and Pisces need to work on in their relationship

Like many other couples, for this couple, gaining trust is the main job of the relationship. Only in this case the problem with trust can take extreme forms. Depending on the quality of the partners' intimacy, they may get stuck in lies or have no secrets from each other, and therefore have no obligations.

The Aquarian nature can be a bit aggressive, which causes Pisces to lose their sense of security and desire to share their innermost thoughts and feelings. As a result, a representative of the Pisces sign may get bogged down in lies, and the Aquarius partner will prefer to close his eyes to this so as not to lose his freedom. This could easily destroy their union in the long run.

The only way they can build unconditional trust is by using their ability to sense each other's true selves.

If Pisces recognizes the softness of Aquarius hidden beneath the cold surface, they will be able to speak the truth. When true intimacy is established, Aquarius will be able to stop his flight from commitments, and the problem of lack of freedom will be automatically solved.

It is difficult for two idealists Aquarius and Pisces to fit into real life with its everyday problems and small joys. There is very little in common between them, since they exist in “parallel” worlds. Therefore, for mutual understanding they have to put in a lot of effort. To know for sure what this will lead to, it is important to understand what kind of relationship emotional Aquarius and silent Pisces strive for. It must be taken into account that the compatibility of signs can be very different and depends on the type of relationship between them.

Compatibility in love relationships between Aquarius and Pisces

Although the air sign Aquarius is under the tutelage of Uranus, and the water sign Pisces is guided by Neptune, they can count on favorable compatibility in love. The basis for their harmonious love relationship will be a wonderful combination of emotions and intellect. They will successfully complement each other, and at first they will be comfortable and interested, but later problems in communication are inevitable. This is due to Pisces’ reluctance to put up with Aquarius’s excessive love of freedom. To maintain balance in relationships, Pisces should not make harsh statements and find a compromise with their favorite air sign.

Love compatibility between Aquarius man and Pisces woman

The love relationships of these signs are characterized by average compatibility. Pleasant and interested communication awaits them until one of them begins to limit the freedom of their partner. Most often this happens to Pisces, who is offended by the relaxed behavior of her beloved Aquarius. Typically, a conflict situation arises if a couple is connected by living together or by marriage. This can be avoided if the Pisces girl can let go of her emotions and disarm her partner with flexibility and friendliness.

Love compatibility between Pisces man and Aquarius woman

The contradictory love relationships of these signs are not stable, since they are based on their non-standard thinking, divorced from reality. For the mutual interest shown in each other on the basis of deceptive similarity, disappointment awaits them. Pisces’ developed intuition will allow him to be the first to sense disharmony in Aquarius’s mood and become the initiator of a breakup. If the Aquarius girl is on the same wavelength as Pisces in his aspirations and dreams, then she is destined to become his favorite muse for a long time.

Sexual compatibility between Pisces and Aquarius

The intimate relationships of these signs are full of difficulties and disappointments, despite their mutual desire to experiment in this area. But due to the increased demands of Pisces for the manifestation of warm feelings on the part of Aquarius, they will soon feel driven into a corner, and their intimate relationships will reach a dead end. Sexual relationships can move to a higher level if partners achieve spiritual intimacy.

Compatibility in bed between Pisces men and Aquarius women

According to the horoscope, their sex life can be very successful. The Pisces man shows maximum tenderness and affection towards his partner and is constantly ready to surprise her with sexual experiments in bed. He admires the Aquarius woman and is faithful to her even in those moments when she loses confidence in her attractiveness. If a couple is lucky after some time to combine sexual and spiritual intimacy, then their communication in intimate life will turn into something special and incredible.

Sexual compatibility between Aquarius man and Pisces woman

The harmony of the masculine and feminine principles inherent in nature in the zodiac signs of the Aquarius man and the Pisces woman will ensure their successful compatibility in sex. Moreover, in bed they listen not only to animal instincts, but also to their own emotions. The initiator in these relationships is usually the seductress Pisces, who manages to show her not very passionate man how much happiness and joy this intimacy conceals. Unfortunately, over time, liberated Aquarius tends to get tired even of love, and the Pisces woman will not receive enough of the emotions she needs in sex. This could be a serious threat to their relationship.

Marriage Compatibility

The stars are not particularly optimistic about this marriage. Aquarius is careless about the formal side of marriage and is in no hurry to formalize the relationship, while Pisces tends to idealize it. This is fraught with inevitable disappointments and jeopardizes the marriage bond.

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Pisces woman in marriage

Although the compatibility of signs in the family of an Aquarius husband and a Pisces wife can hardly be called successful, the mutual desire of the partners to strengthen the marriage gives him a good chance. The spouse does not really burden herself with taking care of home comfort, and this can become a problem, since Aquarius is bothered by the lack of comfort. Both signs are easy to communicate and attractive to the opposite sex, but if Pisces is not interested in flirting, then Aquarius is capable of causing jealousy with his frivolity. If these contradictions are not resolved through the efforts of both partners, then their marriage can easily fall apart.

Marriage compatibility between Aquarius woman and Pisces man

Not a very good combination for marriage. When serious problems arise in the family, it turns out that none of the spouses is ready to take the initiative to solve them. A man’s reluctance to take on the burden of obligations will clash with the Aquarius woman’s opinion about the responsible role of a man in the family. Intimate life does not add brightness and positivity to this marriage, since an emotionally stingy partner becomes less sexually attractive to a man over time. Therefore, this union often ends in divorce.

Compatibility in friendship for Aquarius and Pisces

The likelihood of friendly relations arising between them is quite real. But for Aquarius, friendship is strengthened by common interests, and for Pisces it is more through emotional closeness. In case of strong disagreements, Pisces are the first to delicately leave this relationship.

Compatibility in friendship between an Aquarius man and a Pisces woman

Friendly relations between an Aquarius guy and a Pisces girl have average compatibility. The Pisces girl is very emotional in friendship, and the Aquarius man is more practical in choosing friends, which is why their compatibility is so low. Friendly relationships are more likely between them, as they greatly value sympathy and support.

Compatibility in friendship for a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman

Their friendly compatibility is very low, since their views on the world around them practically do not coincide. The Pisces man is very emotional, and the Aquarius woman considers this a disadvantage. Although warm friendly relations do not shine for them, periodic friendly communication is possible between them when discussing pressing problems, if they are either relatives or colleagues.

Compatibility of Pisces with Aquarius in business relationships

In business terms, their union looks good, since the rationalism and practicality of Aquarius are complemented by the flexible intuition of Pisces. If the work methods for representatives of both signs coincide when completing the assigned tasks, the business union will be successful.

Compatibility of the zodiac signs of Pisces woman and Aquarius man at work

This is a very uncoordinated team at work against the backdrop of poor mutual understanding. Pisces simply follows the lead of the constantly experimenting Aquarius.
There is a much greater chance of achieving success in working on your project, developed by Aquarius and actively supported by Pisces. An alliance in which a woman acts as an indecisive leader, and Aquarius as a poorly controlled subordinate, will not justify itself. The combination consisting of the energetic leader of Aquarius and the lack of initiative Pisces has little prospects.

Work compatibility between Aquarius woman and Pisces man at work

The working union of these signs is characterized by weak compatibility. Pisces is of little interest in the concerns of the work team, unlike the active Aquarius. Therefore, due to the divergence of interests, they have little chance of benefiting each other. In the creative field, such a compromise is possible when the woman is the boss and the Pisces man is subordinate. The union is also effective if the Aquarius woman sympathizes with the dreamy boss and takes on most of the responsibilities.

Pisces and Aquarius are a complex union in which the partners, although similar to each other in their idealism, seem to live in different worlds and must make a lot of effort in order to achieve mutual understanding and harmony. However, the compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius in different areas of life can be different.

Both partners in such a couple are a little “out of this world.” They are idealists who do not accept reality and live in their own worlds. The Pisces guy is attracted to the Aquarius girl by her spirituality and dreaminess, because he himself is a dreamer and a creative person. Aquarius will not call him to reality and will understand his aspirations and dreams, so he will very quickly become his muse.

Perfect Union

The Aquarius woman gives her chosen one the freedom to soar in the clouds and often takes upon herself communication with the outside world so that he has the opportunity not to break away from his grandiose plans and ideas. She is kind and romantic, patient and active, so for a Pisces man she will become not just a good wife, but also a fairy fairy in marriage.

Both partners are not practical, so no one earns much money in their relationship. But they are certainly rich spiritually and do not notice financial problems. Often, an Aquarius woman can make her husband a famous writer or artist, since she knows how to inspire and instill confidence. Such a mission makes her happy, and her man receives the sympathy and trust he needs.

Possible problems

The main difficulty in the love of Pisces and Aquarius is high expectations. Both expect support and help from their partner in difficult moments. However, Aquarius will only approve of the actions of his chosen one, and he is able to support only with affection and kind words, but not with deeds. It turns out that they can only serve as a support for each other fictitiously, but in the event of strong blows of fate, they should rely only on themselves.

Another problem will certainly arise in the love relationship of this couple. Pisces is an introvert by nature, he cannot stand noisy companies and wild fun, while Aquarius is an extrovert and loves to be in society. Therefore, a woman in such a union will demand to share her interests with her, and the man will be offended that his chosen one prefers fun events and friendly gatherings to communicating with him.

Aquarius man and Pisces woman

In love and marriage, this couple faces many difficulties. Aquarius directs his energy into the outer world, which he seeks to change, while the Pisces woman lives in her own inner world and is guided primarily by her feelings and emotions.

Perfect Union

Aquarius is attracted by the extravagance of Pisces, the richness of their inner world and their difference from others. Sincerity, friendliness and original thoughts are exactly what he will appreciate in this woman first of all.

It is important to note that Aquarians are often selfish in love relationships because they are so preoccupied with the problems of humanity that they do not notice the needs of their loved ones. And it is the Pisces woman who will not reproach Aquarius for such behavior and will be able to sacrifice her interests for the well-being of the union. Such a wife will do everything possible for her husband, and thanks to her sacrifice, the couple can be happy in marriage.

Possible problems

The threat of a breakup constantly hangs over this couple due to the selfishness of Aquarius. He takes the care and boundless devotion of Pisces for granted. And even if the strength of his love for his chosen one is great, he feels good alone, so it seems that he does not particularly value his woman.

As a rule, partners break up when Pisces runs out of patience. Despite their passion for self-sacrifice, they want to feel the same manifestations of love and care towards themselves. Not receiving them, Pisces demand at least gratitude, but they soon discover that Aquarius is simply saving humanity, and he does not care about such “little things.”

In bed

The sexual life of a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman, according to the horoscope, is developing successfully. Both are romantics and expect spiritual unity from the intimate side of life. The man in this union is unusually gentle and affectionate, although he is often drawn to unusual sexual experiments, which can scare away his chosen one. However, he is faithful to his muse and will look at her with admiration, even if at some point she considers herself absolutely devoid of attractiveness.

An Aquarius man can please his chosen one sexually at the first stage of a relationship, when his romanticism is manifested by tenderness and a reverent attitude. Unfortunately, Aquarians quickly get tired of everything in the world, including love. It’s also difficult to call them temperamental, so she is unlikely to receive the emotions that a Pisces woman needs in sex for a long time.

In friendship

The Pisces man loves to be friends with the Aquarius woman because she can always instill confidence and encourage him, give good advice and just listen. In turn, Aquarius finds a like-minded person in Pisces, who helps her cope with the onslaught of reality and does not consider her cut off from the world. These two can discuss issues that seem terribly strange to most. However, the friendship of these zodiac signs does not last long. As soon as a man finds his soul mate, he will stop dating, believing that communicating with another woman will offend her.

According to the horoscope, friendly relations between an Aquarius man and a woman born under the constellation Pisces will not last long. The first, although a reliable friend, does not invest warmth into the friendship, and for Pisces the emotional component of the relationship is extremely important. That is why they will begin to move away first.

At work

These zodiac signs are unlikely to meet in the workplace as colleagues, since Aquarius makes contact in a team and actively communicates, while Pisces withdraws into themselves and is not interested in others. That is why these two often do not notice each other at work. But if they still have to do business together, then they will not coincide in anything - neither in methods of work, nor in goals, nor in rhythm.

If Pisces acts as a leader, Aquarius will have to work hard to achieve good results, as well as take on the lion's share of the responsibilities of their boss. Pisces are not cut out for leadership positions; they are too emotional and disconnected from the outside world to manage people. When an Aquarius woman is in the role of a subordinate (and provided that she sympathizes with her boss as a person), she will take upon herself the implementation of the most important tasks.

Also, the Pisces woman, according to the horoscope, will work well under Aquarius. She will be carried away by his original ideas and inspired by interesting plans. However, the fact is that the Aquarius man is also not a good candidate for the post of leader: he can give brilliant ideas, but the representative of the sign often has problems with implementation.

Pisces and Aquarius are an interesting union of two rather similar people who simultaneously live in different worlds. However, in rare cases, their worlds can still complement each other.

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Aquarius and Pisces look at the world differently. The compatibility of these zodiac signs is very controversial, but their unions often develop quite successfully. Here two interacting elements collide: air and water, so cooperation between these partners has a chance of success if both are serious.

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Dreamy Pisces often ignore the shortcomings of their chosen ones. They idealize Aquarians, and the latter are sensitive to positive opinions about them, so they try to conform. Astrologers note that in this union, self-deception of partners helps them get closer and become better.

General characteristics of relationships

Pairs of Pisces and Aquarius most often arise against the background of a friendly relationship. Both partners are sensitive and sentimental, so their mutual understanding manifests itself on an intuitive level. There is spiritual closeness in this union, but Pisces always show greater interest in the relationship. Aquarius, on the other hand, cold-bloodedly uses a representative of the water element. Pisces quickly become attached to a partner, so they can be easily manipulated.

Airy Aquarius needs care and understanding, and in alliance with a water sign, he receives both. Pisces selflessly endures all the antics of an independent partner:

  • they are lenient about his frequent absences;
  • do not reproach for broken promises;
  • turn a blind eye to betrayal.

The fickle Aquarius in this tandem finds a strong rear: he can show up to Pisces at any time of the day or night, confident that he will be received with open arms. However, the excessive consumerism of the air sign quickly dissipates. Aquarius knows how to value loyalty, so he tries to protect his vulnerable partner from emotional distress when he realizes that Pisces is sincerely disposed towards him and is ready to do anything for him.

This is a union of two creative and tactful natures.

Representatives of the constellations converge well against the backdrop of joint activities. They rarely have conflicts, because both people are able to express mutual dissatisfaction delicately. All issues in this couple are resolved peacefully. Both partners are intellectually developed, but emotionally, Pisces understand their partner more deeply, so most often they are the ones who make concessions if opinions differ on something. But Aquarius thinks more rationally than Pisces, makes more practical and logical decisions.

Positive and negative sides of the union

The main advantages of this union are that everyone tries to take into account the wishes of the partner. Even the selfish Aquarius paired with Pisces changes, suppressing his thirst for personal gain.

The negative features of the relationship are expressed in the suspiciousness and impatience of both signs. Until Pisces and Aquarius come to trusting and open dialogues, they tend to think up understatements and draw incorrect conclusions. This is typical for the first year of communication. It is during this period that partners often break up, but if they have enough wisdom and patience, they move to a new level of relationship, quickly achieving harmony.

Difficulties of the union and possible conflictsHow to keep peace at home
Pisces in this pair often feel unnecessary and lonely, so they sometimes behave overly intrusively. Aquarius, on the other hand, views this as an encroachment on his freedom and gets irritated in response. Minor quarrels due to lack of attention can lead to separation of the unionAquarius needs to understand that Pisces wants to be useful to their partner. A representative of the water element cannot be left alone for a long time, otherwise he will invent thousands of reasons that are not true. In order for Pisces to feel confident, Aquarius needs to openly talk about where he is going, and it is better to invite a partner with him
Scenes of jealousy are not uncommon in this union, and they are unlikely to be avoided. Aquarius loves to go for a walk and flirt, but he also suspects his partner of the same behavior. Pisces are not stupid: they understand perfectly well that the chosen one is capable of treasonTo prevent jealousy from destroying relationships, Pisces and Aquarius should learn to control themselves and not voice suspicions. Most often, communication of these signs with other representatives of the opposite sex is limited to light flirting, but if partners voice accusations of cheating, they only push each other towards it
The main problem is mutual distrust. Representatives of these constellations do not know how to express feelings in such a way that their partner gains confidence in the other’s attitude towards him. Both feel that their relationship is temporary.To strengthen their relationship, Aquarius and Pisces need to make joint plans for the future more often. The dreamy sign of the water element in such conversations is most inclined towards the chosen one, and the representative of the air element is aimed at creation. Aquarius lives one day at a time, but seeing specific goals, he becomes more serious and thorough

Aquarius man and Pisces woman

An Aquarius guy is unlikely to be an ideal match for a Pisces girl. The lady of this constellation takes any relationship too seriously. If she falls in love with a man, she immediately draws pictures of their long and happy life in her thoughts. However, luring an Aquarius into marriage is not so easy; this guy is an eternal bachelor. If a lady manages to throw a marital bridle on him, this can be considered a great success. Most often, a man is forced to marry - because his chosen one is pregnant or in pursuit of some selfish goals.

In this combination, representatives of the constellations Pisces and Aquarius rarely create strong families, and if this happens, such a marriage is less successful for a woman than for a man.

The compatibility of this couple is 70%, but achieving this figure mainly depends on the behavior of the lady. If she allows herself to make sacrifices for the sake of her beloved, everything works out great, otherwise this relationship has no chance of a happy future.

Characteristics of relationships between partners in various areas of life are presented in the table:



LoveThe mysterious Pisces girl immediately attracts the attention of Aquarius, but he should not persistently show interest in her until he is convinced of the seriousness of his intentions. The lady of the water constellation is quite amorous: one date is enough for her to convince herself of deep feelings for a guy. After this, it is difficult to get rid of her; she is able to pursue the object of her passion for many years. If a man intends to enter into a strong relationship, he is unlikely to find a better life partner than Pisces. In a love relationship, this couple will have a wonderful candy-bouquet period. Both partners are romantic, so their romance is full of bright moments. The guy arranges surprises for his beloved, envelops her with attention and affection, and she gratefully accepts the signs of attention and takes care of her lover. When passion wanes, Aquarius may suddenly disappear from Pisces' life and break her heart. To prevent this from happening, the girl should behave naturally and prove to the chosen one that she does not claim his independence. Only in this case the guy will voluntarily propose marriage. However, a woman often tries to drag a man down the aisle in a roundabout way. If she succeeds, pretty soon she will become disillusioned with her marriage.
MarriageThis couple's family boat is quite precariously afloat. Aquarius needs a long time to realize the delights of marriage, but the wife is not ready to wait, she needs everything at once. At first, partners often quarrel. The bulk of conflicts arise due to inconsistency in leisure time. The man behaves as he did before marriage: he constantly disappears unknown where, and the woman puts pressure on him, demanding that he devote more time to his family. Aquarius is negligent about household duties. It is difficult to call him an exemplary family man, but he is a good father. If a child appears in a family, the man dotes on him. For the sake of the children, he is ready to give up frequent absences from home, but one cannot expect help with the housework from him. All household chores in this marriage fall entirely on the shoulders of Pisces. The material side of marriage also leaves much to be desired: Aquarius will not change jobs or look for additional income if there is not enough money for something. The Pisces woman does not reproach her husband for inactivity, trying to rationally spend what she has. However, over time she gets tired of it. If financial troubles are constantly present, the wife becomes grumpy, and often begins to think about divorce. Aquarius is happy with everything in this marriage, but if he fails to adequately assess the climate in the house, one day his wife will leave him
SexIn bed between Pisces and Aquarius, everything is perfect. Their temperaments match, so sex brings pleasure to both partners. A man's extravagant ideas are always supported by a woman. Representatives of these constellations do not get bored in bed, constantly invent something new and support mutual passion with a beautiful environment that the Pisces girl loves to create
FriendshipThere is no need to talk about the sincere friendship of these zodiac signs. If a girl is still capable of true friendship with Aquarius, when communicating with ladies he always pursues goals of an intimate nature. This guy doesn’t know how to be friends with women, they are all objects of sexual passion for him, so communication with Pisces will invariably end in bed, unless the lady decides to completely abandon the relationship
JobThe Pisces woman is not known for her hard work, but she likes to cooperate with Aquarius. Representatives of the signs are unlikely to create a profitable joint business, but in the creative field this couple has no equal. Both are bursting with new ideas, attract each other to new horizons and achieve positive results, working hand in hand.

Pisces man and Aquarius woman

There is never stability in this union. A woman of the air element is always in the clouds, and a Pisces man lives in his own illusions. These partners are able to stay together for a long time, but never get to know the depths of each other’s inner worlds. The Pisces guy cares about the feelings of his chosen one, but he comes up with them on his own. The Aquarius lady is cool in this relationship: the chosen one seems weak and weak-willed to her, so she rarely takes him seriously.

The zodiac compatibility horoscope indicates that these partners are 80% suitable for each other, but this high indicator does not indicate spiritual unity.

In this couple, everyone lives their own separate life, without interfering with the other’s personal space, so both feel quite comfortable together.

The characteristics of the relationship are presented in the table:

Type of relationshipCharacteristic
LoveAt first, it seems to the Pisces guy and the Aquarius girl that they are extremely similar, but in reality it turns out that they have almost nothing in common. A man's quiet hobbies only make a lady smile. Pisces love quiet and measured rest, while Aquarius needs passions and constant movement. This girl can’t sit still, and the guy persistently invites her to go fishing, but it’s impossible to explain to her the beauty of prolonged contemplation of the water surface. Aquarius needs communication and fun. The Pisces man is able to captivate her in conversation, but she quickly becomes bored with him. If a guy is ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of his chosen one, she cleverly involves him in her company. However, it soon becomes clear to both that they cannot be together for long. If partners manage to agree on rare meetings, dates bring great pleasure to both, but a Water sign man cannot maintain a connection at the level of sexual relations for a long time. He needs more, he claims the full attention of his partner, and if she refuses, he breaks off the relationship or resorts to blackmail. It all depends on the girl: she is the one who chooses what to prefer: love or freedom. With a Pisces guy it is easy and cozy for Aquarius, and if she is ready for marriage, she will soon become her legal wife. Otherwise, a man of the water element only strains her with his pressure
MarriageThe family life of these signs is not easy. The wife absolutely refuses to run the household, and the man does household chores in his own way. He does not reproach his wife for anything other than cheating. With this lady, the husband constantly finds reasons for jealousy, but he cannot hit the table and forbid his wife to communicate with other men. The Aquarius spouse feels at ease in this marriage, she is allowed everything, but she does not go beyond what is permitted. However, she does not have much respect for her husband; she perceives him as a close friend who can be manipulated openly. If a Pisces man has reached adulthood at the time of marriage, he is unlikely to divorce his wife, but a young husband will not stay long with his flighty wife. Most often, these partners live like good neighbors, gradually moving away from each other emotionally. However, these unions turn out to be extremely strong and durable, since no one bothers anyone
SexThe lady of the air sign is stingy with emotions in sex, while Pisces needs sensual returns from the chosen one. When a guy of the water element does not feel that his partner loves him and values ​​him, he is not capable of passion. The brightness of the colors in the intimate life of this couple fades away quite quickly. A woman does not need frequent contacts, and a man perceives her coldness as self-neglect, so he does not take the initiative
FriendshipFor a Pisces guy, friendship is the merging of two souls. He perceives his friends as close relatives, empathizes with them and fully supports them. Aquarius does not understand such relationships with strangers, so a water sign man seems strange to her. She is able to communicate with him in a circle of mutual acquaintances, but is unlikely to agree to closer contacts. If an Aquarius lady is interested in Pisces, then this only means that she is attracted to him as a man, and not as a friend
JobIn the work collective, this couple communicates freely, but they do not see each other as reliable partners for a common cause. They should not be trusted with joint projects, since the lady will definitely try to push her responsibilities onto Pisces, and the man will not carry the common load alone. They should not take on a common business: there is no chance of joint development of the project

On the path to happiness, these zodiac signs will have to work hard to harmonize relationships. Although it all depends on the couple – their individuality. It is important to find out the main problems in the alliance in order to eliminate them in time and increase overall compatibility. Knowledge is power if applied in time.

The good news is that these zodiac signs have a lot in common and this has a beneficial effect on their relationships. Sincerity, emotionality, and excellent imagination are the qualities that make their world multifaceted and make them enjoy life.

Pisces and Aquarius believe in the same standards - they are idealists. The whole world for them is like the Emerald City, whose residents looked at their city through special glasses. Although they have a lot in common, they can have difficulty understanding each other, which makes their compatibility difficult. This is especially noticeable when a guy and a girl meet before marriage.

Pisces is a zodiac sign that will always show concern for its neighbor. Gentleness and kindness are the pillars of character on which this sign rests. Aquarius is pleased with such qualities and will accept them with gratitude. Aquarius is also a zodiac sign that loves independence. Other signs are against this, but not Pisces. This is exactly what they like.

Since Pisces have a softer character, in most families Aquarius decides everything. It is in such pairs that there is good compatibility. What if Aquarius is a girl?

Pisces man and Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is an individual who is difficult to surprise or shock with anything. She is always ready for something extreme, for any antics. Impulsive woman. She will easily do something that could shock her man or those close to her. So her husband should not let her get bored.

Pisces men have a strong logic and completely forget about romance. Walking under the moonlight is not their hobby. They are good with imagination, so they can always surprise their woman. Their character is soft and easy to convince. For Pisces, family comes first on the list of life goals. Softness and pliability make Pisces good family men. Although this is not enough to keep such a woman near you. A love union requires many sacrifices on the part of the husband.

The union of partners is not particularly passionate - no, love is present here, but without fanaticism. Yes, they don’t need it, this man and woman have other ideals - spiritual intimacy. We can say that they have compatibility of souls, kinship on a cosmic level.

The Pisces man doesn’t like to lead, that’s how he was born. If an Aquarius woman is inclined to obedience, then he simply has nowhere to go - he will have to take on the “first fiddle” in the family. He will do well in this role.

The personalities of these zodiac signs are a bit similar. Although this seems like a plus, it is actually what drives a wedge into the overall compatibility of the couple. Because you need money, but where can you get it? If a man and woman live in a fantasy world. Take off the glasses of Goodwin, the wizard from the Emerald City, then enlightenment will come - reality. Otherwise, you can ruin your love relationship forever.

Also, partners in such unions experience not only love, but also a great creative surge of strength. They are each other's muse, zodiac signs that have found their inspiration. Although the heterogeneity of this union is quite large, it is creativity that can keep a man and woman married until a very old age. A couple can produce brilliant creations - masterpieces.

Aquarius man and Pisces woman

Although there are many positive emotions, things do not always go smoothly for a couple. A man and a woman cannot tolerate household chores. Because of this, everyday life is disrupted, which affects overall compatibility. Love is a good thing, but when you want to eat, you won’t be satisfied with love alone. One of the partners will still have to take on household chores in order to maintain the relationship.

This couple needs to learn to sacrifice their interests for the sake of common goals, then the union of a man and a woman will be successful. The husband should spend more time with the family, and his wife must do everything to make her want to return to their home.

If we take the sex life of Aquarius and Pisces in this pair, then it is quite difficult to predict any results for these zodiac signs. A man is always looking for something and will enter into a relationship only when he is sure of the reciprocity of feelings. Flirting with love is not for him.

Love and passion fill the hearts of the partners in this union

Difficult sexual compatibility is helped out by wild fantasy and imagination. The couple gets an excellent platform for their experiments. There their creativity and creative potential are fully realized. How many conflicts have subsided after such violent experiments. Here fantasy played an important role, eclipsing even the Kama Sutra.

Pisces and Aquarius in friendship, work and business

If you have a great project, then do not create a team of Pisces and Aquarius, because these zodiac signs have poor compatibility at work. These zodiac signs work in different rhythms, and they also have different business qualities. There are no complementary qualities that could bring success to a joint business. If they work together, then Pisces always falls under the influence of Aquarius, who is always ready for risky experiments. Unfortunately, they are not always successful.

In business, as business partners, they also have poor compatibility. Aquarius will always offer their partner a transcendental goal - utopia. The softness of Pisces can provoke a positive response and wasted work, as well as loss of finances. So it’s better for these zodiac signs not to start joint projects. The exception is creative projects. They will always bring their material to perfection when it comes to creativity.

Good friends, excellent compatibility in friendship. Their many common interests will make them great friends. Friendship is also possible between a man and a woman. They especially love to discuss creativity, new items, and classics. Everything that is ingenious and from the Higher worlds. Aquarius in friendship looks for similarities of interests, and Pisces - emotions. If they find what they were looking for, it turns out to be true friendship.