Allegrova biography year of birth nationality. Biography of Irina Allegrova - the empress of the Russian stage

Irina Allegrova- Soviet and Russian pop singer, actress. Irina Allegrova - People's Artist of Russia (2010).

early years

Father - Alexander Grigorievich Allegrov(1915−1984) - Armenian by origin, Allegrov - pseudonym. The real name of Irina Alexandrovna’s father is Sarkisov. Irina Allegrova’s father was a theater director, actor, Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR and the RSFSR.

Mother of Irina Allegrova - Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya(1923−2012) - singer, actress.

The family moved from Rostov-on-Don in 1961 to Baku, where Irina’s parents began working at the Baku Musical Comedy Theater. Irina Allegrova entered the Central Music School at the Baku Conservatory to study piano. It is noteworthy that she was accepted straight into the third grade, since at the entrance exam Irina Allegrova captivated the examiners with her performance of the piece Johann Bach.

The next triumph at the dawn of Irina Allegrova’s musical career was the final exam at school, at which the girl played the Second Concerto Sergei Rachmaninov.

During her school years, Irina also attended a ballet club. In addition, Allegrova was passionate about drawing, designing sketches of clothes. And at the same time, Irina Allegrova took part in the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival in Baku, winning second place.

Irina wanted to continue receiving a music education after school and decided to enter the Baku Conservatory, but she got sick and missed the entrance exams. After many years, Allegrova still tried to get a higher education and entered GITIS, but did not enter.

Having recovered from her illness, Irina Allegrova began dubbing Indian films at the Indian Film Festival in 1969, and in the same year Irina went on tour with the Song Theater Rashida Behbutova.

Career of Irina Allegrova

Irina Allegrova’s career included famous orchestras with which the singer successfully worked. In Allegrova’s creative biography - the Yerevan Orchestra under the direction of K. Orbelyan, orchestra conducted Leonida Utesov. Irina Allegrova was a soloist of the ensembles “Inspiration” at the Mosconcert (1976), “Young Voices” (1977), and VIA “Fakel” (1979).

Then there was a break in Allegrova’s career. Irina was even planning to quit music, earning money by baking sweets at home. But Allegrova could not finally part with the stage, even under the patronage of the producer Vladimir Dubovitsky came to audition with the composer Oscar Feltsman.

Under the guidance of this famous musician, who wrote the song “Voice of a Child” especially for her, Irina Allegrova made her debut in 1985 at the “Song of the Year” festival. Afterwards, Irina became a soloist of the Lights of Moscow ensemble, whose artistic director was also Oscar Borisovich. It was under his leadership that Irina Allegrova recorded her first disc.

When Oscar Feltsman left the ensemble, he began to lead the Lights of Moscow team David Tukhmanov. During this period, the ensemble changed its name to “Electroclub”. More talented soloists appeared, besides Allegrova - Igor Talkov, Raisa Syed Shah. Then other new performers came. “Electroclub” turned into “Electroclub-2”, picking up the baton of success and popularity.

At one of the concerts, Irina Allegrova tore her ligaments. The singer was unable to cure the hoarseness of her voice, however, it was precisely this shortcoming that Allegrova turned into her “highlight”.

In 1990, Irina Allegrova left Electroclub-2 and began a solo career. Her first song as a pop singer, who was destined to become a prominent figure on the Russian stage in the 90s, was the hit “Strannik” Igor Nikolaev.

Then more and more new popular songs appeared in her repertoire - “Photography”, “Don’t fly away, love!”, “Believe in love, girls.” Allegrova’s popularity grew, she could be listened to on the radio and seen clips on TV channels. By the way, some call Irina Allegrova a “pioneer” in terms of explicit video clips. The videos for the songs “Transit Passenger” and “Enter Me,” which appeared on screens in the 90s, were, as they say, “not recommended for children under 16.”

Irina Allegrova toured a lot. In 1995, Irina Allegrova’s concerts were successfully held at the Kremlin Palace.

In 1996, Irina began collaborating with Igor Krutoy. The albums “An Unfinished Romance” and “Table for Two” were released.

Irina Allegrova sang in a duet with Mikhail Shufutinsky, Grigory Leps, Igor Nikolaev. In December 2007, Allegrova and Leps became laureates of the Golden Gramophone, awarded for the song “I Don’t Believe You.”

Irina Allegrova was an active participant in television projects and festivals. “New songs about the main thing” (premiere of the song “Princess”), “Old songs about the main thing” (song “Trouble” based on poetry V. Vysotsky), Song of the Year 2008 (song “Two Faces”). Irina is a regular participant in New Year’s programs, in particular for the “Two Stars” project Allegrova sang in a duet with Joseph Kobzon song "Old Maple".

Sometimes Irina Allegrova, along with Alla Pugacheva, were listed among those who were already tired of the public by constantly participating in New Year's shows. However, the performers are not too worried about such criticism.

In the fall of 2011, news came: Irina Allegrova announced the end of her concert activities.

However, the “farewell” lasted until 2014, and in 2015 Irina Allegrova announced a “reboot” of her creativity. It has new authors, a new creative team has formed.

In November 2015, the premiere of Allegrova’s new program called “Reboot” took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. In 2016, a new album was released under the same name.

In addition, Irina Allegrova took part in the anniversary concert Raymond Pauls.

The singer is touring a lot again. She gave concerts in big cities of Russia, visited Siberia and the Far East, and also gave several concerts in Belarus. Irina Allegrova is the record holder for collecting a full paid solo SK "Olympiysky" in Moscow, according to her biography on Wikipedia.

In September 2016, the performer visited the Sochi festival “New Wave”, where she presented the guests with two new compositions - “Mature Love” and “Cinema about Love”. Irina Allegrova is in great shape. As in the news, at the New Wave, the 65-year-old singer appeared in a dress with a deep neckline, showing off her ample breasts. The photo was actively posted by the media.

It is interesting that the favorite of millions was the first performer of the famous romance “Vain Words,” which later became famous in the performance of another singer - Alexandra Malinina.

Irina Allegrova, like many Russian pop stars, was included in the database of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”. She is “incriminated” for singing songs in Crimea.

Personal life of Irina Allegrova

Irina Allegrova married a basketball player for the first time Georgiy Tairov. From him the singer has her only daughter, Lala. The marriage was short-lived.

Then Irina was accompanied by unstable family relationships, and her personal life corresponded to songs about the difficult fate of women.

Irina's second husband was Vladimir Blekher- artistic director of the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”, in which Allegrova worked. I wrote the song “Flood” for her, which she performed 30 years later at “Song of the Year 2013”. Got a sentence for currency fraud.

“In Soviet times, this was a terrible article. Irina quickly filed for divorce so as not to fall out of favor with the authorities,” Sobesednik described the story of Allegrova’s second marriage. According to the publication, Vladimir Bleher reproached Irina for abandoning him in difficult times.

But after Blecher, a new man quickly appeared in the personal life of Irina Allegrova. The third husband, Vladimir Dubovitsky, is a producer and musician. He was a bass guitarist in Oscar Feltsman’s ensemble “Moscow Lights”, the leader of David Tukhmanov’s group “Electroclub”.

The fourth husband of Irina Allegrova was Igor Kapusta, a dancer from her group. They met in 1993. Then Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta got married, although the new husband was 9 years younger than the singer. But media news reported that this marriage was not officially registered. Allegrova lived with her fourth husband for 7 years, after which she realized that this was not what she needed.

As the media wrote, Allegrova broke up with Kapusta, convicting him of treason. After breaking up with Irina, her ex-husband married again and had a daughter.

A decade after breaking up with Allegrova, Igor Kapusta was in the crime news; in 2012 he was accused of drug trafficking. In 2017, the ex-husband of Russian pop star Irina Allegrova, Igor Kapusta, was released after five years in a maximum security colony in the village of Fornosovo in the Leningrad region. After that, he became a participant in television shows, in which he talks about his life with Allegrova and his years behind bars. By the way, his new wife could not wait for her husband to leave the colony.

Daughter - Lala Allegrova(born 1972) - director of variety and mass shows, graduated from the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (workshop Alexey Garnizov). Son-in-law, Lala's husband - Artyom Sergeevich Artemyev, Russian sambist and judoka.

Grandson - Alexander (born 1995).

Irina Allegrova claims that she has only two most beloved people left - her daughter Lala and grandson Sasha.

Allegrova Irina Alexandrovna(born January 20, 1952, Rostov-on-Don) - Russian pop singer, actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Biography: stages of creative and life path

1952-1974 - Early years: childhood and adolescence

She was born in the family of theater director, actor, Honored Artist of the AzSSR and the RSFSR Alexander Allegrove, an Armenian by nationality, who in his youth officially changed his real name Sarkisov to Allegrove. Mother Sosnovskaya Serafima Mikhailovna was an opera singer and actress. The first years of her life, Irina Allegrova lived in Rostov-on-Don.

In 1961, the family moved to Baku. Parents work at the Baku Musical Comedy Theater. Many representatives of the creative intelligentsia of that time visited their home: M. Rostropovich, G. Vishnevskaya, A. Khachaturyan, M. Magomaev, T. Shmyga and others. Upon arrival in Baku, Irina graduated from the second grade of a general education school and the first grade of a music school, having played a work by J. S. Bach at the entrance exams, she was immediately taken to the third grade of the Central Music School (CMS) at the Baku Conservatory in piano (specialty - pianist-accompanist), which she graduated from by playing S. Rachmaninov’s Second Concerto at the final exam. In parallel with the music school, she attends a ballet club. In her childhood, Irina first declared herself as a singer, taking part in the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival in Baku and taking second place.

In 1969, Irina graduated from school. But due to illness, he misses the entrance exams to the Baku Conservatory for the performing arts department.

In 1970, Irina Allegrova began working in the Yerevan Orchestra under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan.

In 1971, Irina Allegrova got married for the first time.

In 1972, daughter Lala is born, and six months after the birth of her daughter, Irina divorces her husband.

1975-1984 - Formation of talent and beginning of a career

The 70s and 80s for Irina Allegrova were a time of a long thorny path to success, creative search and determination, time of work in various teams with whom she traveled throughout the Soviet Union more than once, according to I. Allegrova, “increasing meat to the bones." Irina often recalls in interviews that she will never forget such times, “when she left 60 kopecks for cigarettes and knew the warmest seat in every brand of bus.”

In 1975, Irina Allegrova comes to Moscow and tries to enter GITIS, but does not make it into the third round. He begins to earn his living by giving private music lessons and working as an accompanist at a choreographic school.

In 1976, Irina Allegrova began working in the orchestra under the direction of Leonid Utesov. Then she works as a soloist in the Inspiration ensemble at the Mosconcert.

In 1977, Irina became a soloist of the ensemble “Young Voices” at the Tambov Philharmonic, in which she became a laureate of the 2nd All-Union Song Contest “Sochi-78”. Success at this competition did not bring wide popularity to the group, and in 1979 the ensemble split into two: “Torch” and “Cruise”.

From 1979 to 1981, Irina Allegrova worked at VIA Fakel. An interesting fact: the then unknown Igor Krutoy worked as a pianist-accompanist in this group. Later, I. Allegrova will say that working in all these groups gave the most valuable and important thing for the artist: “ I have something to go to the audience with and what to tell him. When an artist gets everything at once, he remains empty.”

In 1982, creative stagnation began. Irina Allegrova did not work for 9 months and wanted to quit her singing career. At this time, she was doing part-time work at home - baking cakes, pastries and other sweets. Cooking is one of the singer’s main hobbies. The singer repeatedly takes part in culinary programs. In 1982, I. Allegrova went on tour as part of the musical theater of Margarita Terekhova together with Igor Talkov and Lyudmila Senchina. Subsequently, Irina Allegrova and Igor Talkov will take part in the production of the musical and poetic composition-musical “Sister Carrie” by Theodore Dreiser to the music of Raymond Pauls at the Margarita Terekhova Musical Theater.

1983-1984 - Irina Allegrova works in the variety show of the Arbat, Starry Sky restaurants and the variety show of the National Hotel, where a small part of the program was allocated for her performance. During the same period, Irina meets the young producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, who brings Irina Allegrova to an audition with Oscar Feltsman, the author of the acclaimed hit “Lilies of the Valley.”

1985-1989 - The path to the big stage and the Electroclub group

1985 was a turning point in the life of Irina Allegrova. O. Feltsman writes the song “The Voice of a Child” for Irina, with which she debuts at the composer’s creative evening and first appears at the song festival “Song of the Year” in 1985. This year, Irina becomes a soloist of the Moscow Lights ensemble, whose artistic director is O. Feltsman.

The Lights of Moscow ensemble toured a lot during 1985-1986. Lyudmila Gurchenko and Nikolai Gnatyuk go on tour with the ensemble. Irina Allegrova sings backing vocals and performs songs solo between sections. Soon it became difficult for O. Feltsman to go on tour with the group, and he transferred the group to David Tukhmanov. The rock group “Electroclub” was formed, the first soloists of which were Irina Allegrova, Igor Talkov and Raisa Saed-Shah. The group performs songs by D. Tukhmanov and makes its debut at the “Song-86” festival with the composition “Old Mirror”. The most famous song of the first composition of the group was the composition “Chistye Prudy”. Popularity comes to the group.

At the beginning of 1987, the team took part in the “Golden Tuning Fork” competition with a song performed by Irina Allegrova and Igor Talkov “Three Letters” and became a laureate - this became their first success on the professional stage. In the same year, Irina recorded several songs for feature films (the film “Time to Fly” (the song “Cloud Boy”) and “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” (the romance “Vain Words”, the first performer of which was I. Allegrova, later this the romance was performed by Alexander Malinin).

At the end of 1987, I. Talkov left the Electroclub. With Talkov's departure, musicians from the Forum group joined the team, along with Viktor Saltykov, and the group became known as Electroclub-2. In 1988, the Electroclub-2 group took part in the filming of the first Soviet stereophonic music video film at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. In the same year, concerts of the Electroclub-2 group were held in the city of Zhdanov; a record number of spectators attended the performance - 17,000 people, and in a TASS survey for June 1988, the Electroclub-2 group took 1st place in popularity. The group takes part in the filming of the program “Meeting of Friends” or “Fireworks-1” by Alla Pugacheva.

Irina Allegrova expressed a desire to perform lyrical songs; she wanted independent creative realization, which was not possible to do in the “format” of the group. Irina Allegrova had a hard time finding an opportunity to sing at the group’s concert several songs that appeared by Igor Nikolaev (“Toy”, “My affectionate and gentle beast”), which did not fit into the group’s repertoire and its image.

At the beginning of 1990, Irina Allegrova left the team, according to the singer, “to nowhere, holding in her hands like a flag the future hit of Igor Nikolaev “The Wanderer.” Only the director and sound engineer Lazar Anastasiadi (who, to this day, has been working in the team of I. Allegrova) and a drummer. Less than a year later, Irina Allegrova was named the best singer of the year based on the results of the audience vote of the “Sound Track” hit parade (the only hit parade at that time). She would retain this title four times in a row, breaking a long-term monopoly on this pedestal of Alla Pugacheva.

Since 1990, Irina Allegrova’s triumphal march to the heights of the musical Olympus begins. The singer herself has been counting down her solo creative career since this year.

1990-1995 - Beginning of solo career. Success.

1990 - the singer left the Electroclub group. Irina Allegrova considers “The Wanderer” by Igor Nikolaev to be her flagship song. Irina Allegrova’s repertoire includes “Photography 9x12”, “There was no sadness”, “Don’t fly away, love!”, “Believe in love, girls”, “Come into me”, etc. In the same year, Irina begins to appear regularly on television and tour with a solo program.

In 1991, Irina Allegrova sold out the halls. At first, the singer deals with production matters herself, and later she takes director Khizri Baytaziev to help. The song “Wanderer” makes it to the final “Song-91”. Along with the cycle of songs by I. Nikolaev, Victor Chaika’s songs “Transit” and “Womanizer” appear in Irina’s repertoire, which also become hits.

In 1992, the singer gave 5 concerts in a row in one of the large halls - at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. All days the hall was sold out. Irina shoots a video based on the song “My Betrothed”, starring Alexander Domogarov, and releases her first giant disc and magnetic album “My Wanderer”.

In 1993, the video “Transit” was shot. From November 3 to 7, Irina holds solo concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. Irina becomes a participant in major events: “Slavic Bazaar”, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”, “50/50”, etc. and releases new songs - “Hello, Andrey”, “Candle-candle”, “Mirages” (duet with I. Nikolaev), “The Catcher in the Rye”, “Gold of Love”, “Keys”, etc.

In 1994, I. Allegrova’s first CD, “My Betrothed,” was released, she was named the best singer of the year by the “Soundtrack” hit parade, and received the “Ovation” award in the “Best Pop Singer 1992/93” category. The singer’s personal life is also improving - it becomes known about Irina’s affair with the dancer of her group Igor Kapusta, the marriage with whom will last 6 years; the singer moves to live from a two-room apartment in Novye Cheryomushki to a country house. This year, Irina suffers great grief - her father dies. The singer interrupts her touring activities. The return is marked by the release of a video for Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “I will win you back” - as a tribute to her departed father-actor. In this video, Irina also showed her acting skills. She says in an interview: “I don’t consider myself a singer. I feel much better when they call me an actress.” According to her, there was a desire not to “just sing” (“I’m not interested in just singing,” - IA), but to combine the stage with the theater.

1996-1999 - “Star Procession”. "Cool" period

In 1995, the singer released her second disc, “The Thief.” Concerts called “Empress” are held with great success at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the first part of which consisted of old hits, and the second - a program of new songs - “Empress”, “Unrequited Love”, “The Thief”, etc. This year The daughter of singer Lala gives birth to the singer's grandson, Alexander. Irina Allegrova is filming the song “Enter Me.” The director of the video was Tigran Keosayan, who shot several more videos for Irina (“I will win you back”, “Transit”, “Curtain”). The singer writes 3 romance novels “The Theorem of Love”, “Paradise Island” and “More than Love”.

In 1996, cooperation with Igor Krutoy began. The audience was presented with the program “I will part the clouds with my hands”, which took place at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” for 6 days. A disc of the same name was released for the concerts. Irina Allegrova appeared before the viewer in a different image - the broken Irina was replaced by an elegant and stately grand lady, wise with experience. The new program and image of the singer will be repeated in the same hall a year later under the name “Encore Concerts”. In addition to the television broadcast of the concert, a concert film was released with an interview with Irina and Igor Krutoy, as well as concert numbers from the program. I. Allegrova is participating in the all-Russian presidential tour “Vote or Lose.” A large number of concerts were given, 2 videos were shot for songs from the new album - “I will part the clouds with my hands” and “Palms”, filming in the film “Old Songs about the Main Thing”, where Irina performed Oscar Feltsman’s song “White Light”.

1996-1998 years pass in a creative tandem with Igor Krutoy: the singer takes part in the composer’s creative evenings, records songs in a studio in New York to the music of I. Krutoy for the second joint album “Unfinished Romance”, presents at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” for 4 days a new program of the same name in a row, shoots 2 videos in the USA - “Don’t be late” and “Monologue”, actor Oleg Vidov becomes his filming partner. The album “Empress” was released, which did not contain a single song by I. Krutoy. In 1998, the singer held a press conference at which she announced a boycott of journalists and promised not to communicate with them for a year. Irina Allegrova and Igor Krutoy gave concerts in the USA in one of the most prestigious halls in New York - Madison Square Garden.

In 1999, I. Allegrova takes part in the creative evenings of I. Krutoy and presents a new joint program “Table for Two”, many songs from which form the “golden fund” of Irina’s songs (for example, the same “Unfinished Romance” or “Bitch Women” "). These concerts completed the creative union of Irina Allegrova and Igor Krutoy. Irina, at the peak of the tandem’s popularity, goes into “free swimming”, refusing the media support of the ARS company, the main person of which is I. Krutoy. Irina makes a decision: using her own funds and under her own label, she releases a new unexpected album of 15 compositions, “Theatre...”, which does not contain a single song by I. Krutoy. Irina Allegrova again appears in a new image - the album has new themes, new moods, new intonations, new sound. The new song “Harem”, which I. Allegrova presented at “Song-99. “From Century to Century” and the hit of all time “Wanderer” in the new version - as a tribute to the composition with which the singer’s solo career and fantastic rise to musical heights began almost 10 years ago. After a 10-year break, I. Allegrova takes part in Alla Pugacheva’s Christmas meetings, and also becomes a nominee for the Ovation Award in the Soloist of the Year category.

2000-2005 - Creative experiments

In 2000, for the TV-6 television project “Your Music”, Irina Allegrova performed a solo concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. The new album “Theatre...” was presented. Irina Allegrova takes part in the charity concert of Yuri Erikona “Take care of the clowns” at the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where she performs his songs. Irina Allegrova will close the benefit performance held at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” with the song “Clown” with the participation of composers and lyricists with whom she has worked. The duration of the concert is three hours. At the end of the year, at the Song 2000 festival, Irina Allegrova was awarded a memorial prize named after. Klavdia Shulzhenko for her great contribution to the development of national song. In the same year, the singer tries herself in a new role as the leading “Golden Duck” award in the Republic of Kazakhstan “Metelitsa”, awarded to the most deceitful journalists and media.

In 2001, the album “All over again” was released. A special feature of the album was that Irina specially selected songs by authors little known to the general public, and even musical works by fans. 2 videos are released for the songs “I’m guilty without guilt” and “Everything is fine.” The clips have an interesting direction: they are connected by a common plot, and the end of one clip is the beginning of the next. The singer is touring with a new program of songs from the album “All over again.”

The year 2002 was a definite stage in the work of Irina Allegrova - the creation of a creative alliance with the composer, poet, and production director Alexei Garnizov. The show program “On the Blade of Love” was created. More than 100 people worked on the program, and the program included 20 songs. The show traveled to all major cities of Russia, neighboring countries, the USA, and Israel.

On October 30, 2002, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation hosted a ceremony of presenting state awards to creative figures of Russia, Irina Allegrova was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

In November 2002 she was awarded the commemorative medal “200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, and in December 2002 she was awarded the diploma “In Defense of Motherhood and Childhood”.

In 2002, a virtual video interview with Irina Allegrova was published in the World of Stars magazine.

In December 2002, Irina Allegrova’s album “On the Blade of Love” was released with songs from the program of the same name.

In 2003, Irina Allegrova presented a new program, “The Two of Us,” from the trilogy cycle “On the Blade of Love.” The premiere took place in March, in St. Petersburg, for 2 days at the Ice Palace with a capacity of 13,000 people. The concerts were sold out. In April, the program premiered in Moscow at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses and attracted more than 11,000 spectators. In November, the premiere of the program “Salute, Love!” took place at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” for 3 days, which became the result of the musical project “On the Blade of Love”.

In 2004, at the ceremony of presenting the third annual “Chanson of the Year” award, I. Allegrova received the “Golden String” prize for the best duet of the year “New Year’s Dreams” with Mikhail Shufutinsky. In April, Irina Allegrova was awarded the Order of Peter the Great by the public organization "Academy of Defense Security and Law Enforcement Problems". In June 2004, Irina Allegrova conducted a tour of US cities. In October 2004, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the XVIII solemn ceremony of presenting awards of the international foundation “Patrons of the Century” took place; Irina Allegrova was awarded the Order of the Ruby Cross for her constant and active participation in charity events. In October 2004, a joint album with Mikhail Shufutinsky, “In Half,” was released.

In November 2004, the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall laid a personal star for Irina Allegrova. At the concert dedicated to this event, the audience was presented with an updated program. Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, Joseph Kobzon, composers and songwriters came to congratulate Irina Alexandrovna. At this concert, I. Allegrova performed a 15-minute medley of her songs. Anticipating the medley, I. Allegrova explained: “I used to be offended when I did program after program, recorded new songs, and the audience asked for old songs, but then I realized that those songs are our youth and adolescence, they are like the first kiss , like a first date and first love, which can never be forgotten."

In January 2005, Irina Allegrova for the first time hosted the “Sound Track in the Kremlin” concert together with Artur Gasparyan. In March 2005, a ceremony was held to appoint Irina Allegrova as Advisor to the EurAsEC Secretary General for Culture (on a voluntary basis) at the EurAsEC Secretariat. On March 7-8, concerts are held in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. In May, a tour took place in Germany and Belgium.

In the fall of 2005, the album “Happy Birthday!” was released, which collected 12 compositions by Alexey Garnizov and Evgeny Muravyov. In November, a tour of Israeli cities took place.

2006-present - New times and new heights

In 2006, collaboration with composer Viktor Chaika was resumed. In February, the premiere of V. Chaika’s song “I imagined” took place at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” at the concert “New Songs about the Main Thing”. In March 2006, Irina Allegrova took part in the anniversary concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Oscar Feltsman and performed 2 songs: “For those who are nearby” and “Maestro”, the music for the latter was written by I. Allegrova herself.

In February-March there are tours in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Far East and Siberia.

In the spring of 2006, new songs by Viktor Chaika “Farewell”, “Okay”, “Fly My Angel” and others were recorded, which premiered in June at a concert in New York. In April, I. Allegrova received the award “Best Russian Singer of Armenian Origin” at an award ceremony at the State Concert Palace in Moscow. In July, Irina Allegrova gives a solo concert in Monaco at the Salle des etoiles. In 2006, I. Allegrova took part in a group concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of FC Shakhtar; a national concert within the framework of the EurAsEC summit; gala concert of the Five Stars festival, where the singer presented the song “C’est la vie”; filming of the television programs “Saturday Evening”, “New Songs about the Main Thing”, “Best Songs 2006”; participation in the television project “Two Stars”, etc. In November - December 2006, a tour of German cities takes place.

2007 is an anniversary year. For this event, on the singer’s birthday, Channel One showed an hour-long documentary film “Irina Allegrova’s Crazy Star.” On January 20, 2007, Irina Allegrova celebrated her anniversary live on Andrei Malakhov’s program “Major League” and received congratulations from Grigory Leps, with whom the rock duet “I Don’t Believe You” was recorded. On February 9 and 10, the premiere of Irina Allegrova’s solo program “From the Past to the Future...” took place at the State Kremlin Palace to a full house.

In March, the shooting of a video by Irina Allegrova and Grigory Leps for Victor Drobysh’s song “I Don’t Believe You” took place. The director of the video is music video director Alexander Solokha.

The singer participates in the filming of musical programs and events: gala concert and award ceremony “People's Brand 2006”; filming of the concert “Good Songs”; festive concert for Radio Day; In Yerevan (Armenia) the gala concert “May Victories” was held on Freedom Square. The following songs were performed by I. Allegrova: “Hello, hello!”, “Gilding”, “Say”, “Farewell”, “Let’s pray for our parents”, “My Angel”, “Medley” and “Happy Birthday!” I. Allegrova takes part in a festive concert for Victory Day in St. Petersburg; in the filming of the program “Cabaret “One Hundred Stars”; in the filming of the gala concert “New Songs about the Main Thing”; in the final of the First Channel TV project “King of the Ring”; in June, Irina Allegrova took part in the presentation of the First Channel “Starry Summer in America” in cities USA; participates in Igor Krutoy’s creative evening at the festival of young performers “New Wave 2007.” The singer takes part in events: in a gala concert for Airborne Forces Day; in the final gala concert of the “Five Stars” competition (Sochi); in filming reporting concert of the television project "Star Factory 7"; in a concert for Police Day; in the festival "Old / New Songs about the Main Thing"; in a concert for Rescuer Day (EMERCOM); in the Opening Ceremony of the Year of the Family. In September - October 2007, Irina Allegrova is on a large tour of the cities of the Black Earth Region, Siberia and Ukraine.

On October 25, 2007, Irina Allegrova’s new album “Allegrova-2007” was released, which included 14 compositions. The premiere took place at the State Palace of Culture at the solo concerts “From the Past to the Future...”.

In December, Irina Allegrova and Grigory Leps became laureates of the XII annual national Golden Gramophone award and the Song 2007 festival with the duet song “I Don’t Believe You.”

2008 Irina Allegrova became a guest on Channel One’s hour-long program “Looking at Night,” in which an interview with the singer was shown.

In March, Irina Allegrova’s traditional Holiday concerts are sold out in St. Petersburg, after which the singer goes on a tour of the Far East.

In the spring, I. Allegrova takes part in a number of events: Dmitry Medvedev’s election campaign concert “Russia - forward!”; filming “Saturday Night” programs; anniversary concert of Ilya Reznik; The third annual national award in the field of Armenian show business “Tashir-2008”. Irina Allegrova took part in the festive concert “Songs of Spring and Victory”; in the anniversary concert “AIF - 30 years”; in the festive concert “Shakhtar is a champion!”; in July she took part in a creative evening with Igor Nikolaev and took part in the closing of the New Wave 2008 festival.

At the MUZ-TV music award ceremony, the duet of I. Allegrova and G. Leps “I Don’t Believe You” wins the “Best Duet of the Year” nomination.

In August, I. Allegrova takes part in the closing of the competition for young performers “Five Stars” with the television premiere of a production number for the song “No Excuses” from the new album.

In summer and autumn, Irina Allegrova tours the southern cities of Russia, Siberia and the Far East, the Baltic countries, and cities in the Moscow region.

The singer takes part in major music and television events: festivals “New songs about the main thing” (premiere of the song “Princess”), “Old songs about the main thing” (the song “Trouble” based on poems by V. Vysotsky), Song of the Year - 2008 (song “ Two Faces"), concert for Police Day, concert for Rescuer Day (song “Princess”), guest of the TV program “Starry Ice” (song “Two Faces”), closing of the 39th festival “Musical Autumn”; starred in the New Year's block of programs "Two Stars" (duet with I. Kobzon "Old Maple"), the finale of the program "What? Where? When?" (song “Curtain”), the final release of “Minute of Glory” (song “Happy New Year!”), etc.

In December, I. Allegrova held a charity solo concert at the temple center of St. Vyacheslav the Czech in the village of Nov; All proceeds from ticket sales were donated to the temple to recreate the painting of the dome according to Rastrelli's drawings.

In 2009, I. Allegrova has a busy touring schedule: in January, the singer began work on a new program and recording new songs; in February, Irina Alexandrovna gave a series of solo concerts in the cities of the Moscow region; Traditional holiday solo concerts were sold out in St. Petersburg on March 6, 7 and 8 at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall (the singer presented an updated program, 5 song premieres were presented to the public and new production numbers were presented). On the day of the last solo concert in St. Petersburg, I. Allegrova takes part in a festive concert for March 8 and performs 5 songs (“Empress”, “Bitches”, “Princess”, “Two Faces” and a duet with V. Leontiev " Cocktail of love"). On March 12, the singer took part in the filming of the next series of programs “Saturday Evening” and presented to the public 2 compositions - “Hello, Hello” and “Princess”, as well as the premiere of the comic song “Eh, Nut”.

In the second half of March, I. Allegrova is scheduled to tour the cities of Ukraine.

On April 4, I. Allegrova traditionally participates in the Armenian song festival "Tashir", held at the State Kremlin Palace and broadcast live. Irina Allegrova was awarded the "Muse of the Festival" prize and the status of the Muse of this event in all subsequent Tashir ceremonies. The singer’s gift was the televised premiere of the song “I Won’t Turn Back.”

A large tour of German cities with a new show program “I am love!” is planned in April - May. As part of the German tour, a series of joint concerts with Grigory Leps called “The Stage is Life” is planned.

Awards and achievements

1969 - Laureate of the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival of Performing Musicians, Baku

1978 - Laureate of the II All-Union Song Contest “Sochi-78” (as part of the VIA “Young Voices”)

1987 - Prize at the “Golden Tuning Fork” competition (duet with Igor Talkov “Three Letters”)

1990-1994 - Award “Best Singer of the Year” according to a poll of readers of the “Soundtrack” hit parade

1994 - Ovation Award in the category “Best Singer of the Year”

1998 - “Stopudovy Hit” Award from Radio “Hit-FM”

2000 - Memorial prize named after K. I. Shulzhenko as part of the “Song of the Year” festival

2002 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

2002 - Medal “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”

2002 - Diploma for great contribution to the implementation of programs for the protection of motherhood and childhood

2004 - Golden String prize at the Chanson of the Year award for the best duet of the year (duet with Mikhail Shufutinsky)

2004 - Professor, academician and holder of the Order of Peter the Great

2004 - Knight of the Order of the Ruby Cross for constant and active participation in charity events from the international foundation “Patrons of the Century”

2004 - Knight of the Order “For Charity and Mercy” from the international foundation “Patrons of the Century”

2004 - Personalized star on the “Square of Stars” at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” in Moscow

2005 - Advisor to the Secretary General of the EurAsEC on culture (on a voluntary basis)

2006 - Award “Best Singer of Armenian Origin” at the National Award in the field of Armenian show business “Anelik-2006”

2007 - Golden Gramophone Award (duet with Grigory Leps “I don’t believe you”)

2008 - Award “Best Duet of the Year” (duet with Grigory Leps “I Don’t Believe You”) of the National Music Award “MUZ-TV”

2009 - “Muse of the Festival” Award (within the framework of the National Festival of Armenian Song “Tashir-2009”) and assignment of Muse status for subsequent “Tashir” festivals


Solo albums (LP), (CD)

1992 - “My Wanderer” (LP)

1994 - “My Betrothed” (CD)

1994 - “The Hijacker” (CD) (1995 - reissue, 1997 - reissue)

1996 - “I will part the clouds with my hands” (CD)

1997 - “Empress” (CD)

1998 - “An Unfinished Novel” (CD)

1999 - “Theatre...” (CD)

2001 - “All over again” (CD)

2001 - “All over again” (reissue) (CD)

2002 - “On the Blade of Love” (CD)

2002 - “On the Blade of Love” (reissue) (CD)

2004 - “In half” (with M. Shufutinsky) (CD)

2005 - “Happy Birthday!” (CD)

2007 - “Allegrova-2007” (CD)

Compilation of the best songs by I. Allegrova (CD)

2002 - “New collection. Best songs" (CD)

2002 - “New wave. Best songs" (CD)

2002 - “The best” (CD)

2002 - “Grand collection” (CD)

2004 - “In the Mood for Love” (CD)

Vinyl records (LP) and compact discs (CD) as part of various groups

1985 - Island of Childhood (songs by O. Feltsman), giant disc (LP) - “Hourglass”, “Voice of a Child”, “I am Love”

1987 - Flexible record in the magazine “Krugozor” (No. 7) (LP) - “But still summer” (duet with Igor talc)

1987 - Golden Tuning Fork (No. 1) (LP) - “Three Letters” (duet with Igor Talkov)

1987 - Birthday (LP) - “Birthday”, “Old Mirror”

1987 - Golden Tuning Fork (LP) - “Three Letters” (duet with Igor Talkov), “Birthday”

1987 - Photo for memory (LP) (as part of the group “Electroclub-2” with Viktor Saltykov)

1987 - Electroclub (LP) (as part of the Electroclub group with Igor Talkov)

1989 - Electroclub. Songs of David Tukhmanov (LP) (as part of the group “Electroclub-2” with Viktor Saltykov)

1995 - Electroclub. Songs of David Tukhmanov (CD) (as part of the group “Electroclub-2” with Viktor Saltykov) (reissue)

1995 - Electroclub (CD) (as part of the Electroclub group with Igor Talkov) (reissue)

1999 - Horses in Apples (CD) (as part of the group “Electroclub-2” with Viktor Saltykov) (re-release)

1999 - Chistye Prudy (CD) as part of the Electroclub group with Igor Talkov) (reissue)

2007 - Dark horse. Songs of David Tukhmanov (CD) (as part of the groups "Electroclub" and "Electroclub-2) (reissue)


Documentary films about I. Allegrova and concert films

1994 - “Love Story” (documentary film about I. Allegrova), dir. G. Skoblova

1995 - “Irina” (documentary film about I. Allegrova), dir. S. Kholenev

1996 - “I will part the clouds with my hands” (concert film), dir. S. Kalvarsky

1998 - “The Unfinished Novel of Irina Allegrova” (concert film), dir. A. Boltenko

1999 - “Untitled” (documentary film about I. Allegrova), dir. V, Tkachenko, A. Rastorguev

2007 - “Irina Allegrova’s Crazy Star” (documentary film for I. Allegrova’s anniversary), dir. I. Golubeva

Soundtracks (songs for films)

1987 - “Vain words” * (1987), from the t/s “Experts are conducting the investigation.” Case No. 20 “Boomerang”, dir. Vasily Davidchuk

(* Irina Allegrova is the first performer of the romance “Vain Words,” which later became famous performed by Alexander Malinin)

music D. Tukhmanov - Art. L. Rubalskaya

1987 - “Cloud Boy” (1987), from the film “Time to Fly”, dir. Alexey Sakharov

music D. Tukhmanov - Art. D. Samoilov

2007 - “Life is a Game” (2006), from the series “Guardian Angel”, dir. Bata Nedic

music V. Tikhonov - Art. L. Shvetsov

TV movies

1997 - “Old songs about the main thing”

2005 - “Emergency - 2” (feature film-series, I. Allegrova in a cameo role), dir. V, Sokolovsky

2005 - “Funny Pictures” (humorous feature film-series, I. Allegrova starring in one episode)

Concert and show programs

1992 - “Don’t fly away, love”!

1994 - “The Hijacker”

1995 - “Irina Allegrova sings” (concerts at the request of the audience)

1995 - “Confession”

1996 - “I will part the clouds with my hands”

1997 - “I will part the clouds with my hands” (encore concerts, updated program)

1997 - “Monologue”

1998 - “An Unfinished Novel”

1999 - “Table for two”

2000 - “Benefit performance of Irina Allegrova” (anniversary gala performance at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” with the participation of pop stars)

2001 - “All over again”

2002 - “On the Blade of Love” (premiere of the trilogy program)

2003 - “The Two of Us” (as part of the “Blade of Love” trilogy program)

2003 - “Salute, love!” (as part of the “Blade of Love” trilogy program)

2004 - “My Star” (the premiere of the program is timed to coincide with the laying of I. Allegrova’s personal star at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia”)

2005 - “Happy Birthday!” (premiere of anniversary concerts)

2007 - “From the past to the future...”

2009 - “Holiday Concerts” (updated program, premiere at traditional concerts in St. Petersburg on May 6, 7 and 8)

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Irina Allegrova's songs are very popular among Russians. The artist began her career during the Soviet era and continues to sing to this day. Fascinated by the singer’s voice, fans want to know how old Irina Allegrova is and what is the secret of her youth. Irina Allegrova was born in 1952. In 2017, the singer turned 65 years old..

Rare birthdays or wedding feasts are complete without her musical stories, emotionally told in a hoarse voice.

The singer's early years

Allegrova’s homeland is the city of Rostov-on-Don. She was born on a frosty winter day on January 20th. The parents of the future People's Artist were creative people. His father was a theater director, and his mother worked as an opera singer. Her name was Serafima Sosnovskaya.

Until she was 9 years old, little Irina lived in Rostov. There she entered elementary school. But in the early 60s, the family was forced to leave Irina’s hometown. The Allegrovs went to Baku to continue their career in the comedy theater.

There was always music in the Allegrovs' house. This left its mark on the personality and mentality of the future star. Irina loved to play music. Therefore, her parents enrolled her in a school at the conservatory.

At the qualifying tests, Allegrova amazed the selection committee with her talent. He performed Bach's composition so passionately that the teachers decided to take Irina directly to the third grade.

Allegrova studies music, goes to a drawing club and a ballet studio. She is also considering a career as a fashion designer.

But over time, Irina realizes that her only passion is singing. She dreams of becoming a singer.

Carier start

When Irina turned 17 years old, fate smiled at her. A girl is invited to a music event to provide dubbing for Indian films. The unusual timbre of the voice captivated the audience.

After this debut, the singer began to study vocals professionally. She goes on tour as part of Rashid Behbudov's theater troupe. Later she goes to work in the Orbelyan orchestra.

In 1973, in search of popularity, the artist moved to the capital. She dreams of becoming a pop singer, but circumstances are different.

Instead of shining on the stages of concert halls, Allegrova entertains the public in restaurants. To earn money, the star goes to work in a variety show in one of the Moscow hotels.

A year later, luck smiled on Irina. The director of the orchestra, Levon Merabov, notices her and invites her to the musical group “Inspiration”. Irina happily gives up her restaurant and hotel career and goes towards the stage.

Allegrova periodically moves from one ensemble to another. “Inspiration” is being replaced by “Young Voices”. This team received an honorary award in Sochi in 1978. Then the group breaks up, the singer becomes a member of the “Torch” project.

Constant travel, hotels and lack of a normal schedule exhaust Irina. She understands that she got on stage by becoming a singer. Her dream came true. But she is unhappy with the result.

Allegrova decides to go on sabbatical and think about her future. She is putting her singing career on hold.

Irina Allegrova's finest hour

The creative break was beneficial for Irina. She weighed her strength and outlined her future path. Allegrova realized that singing songs in a group was not her dream. Irina wants to be a solo artist.

And as if having heard her request, fate immediately gives Allegrova a chance. Popular author Oscar Feltsman writes the song “Voice of a Child” for her. And she won “Song of the Year” with her in 1985. This was her triumph.

The artist successfully realized the chance that chance gave her. A new star named Irina Allegrova lit up on the pop horizon of the USSR.

Allegrova and "Electroclub"

The time has come to record the first record. The singer releases her album as part of a musical group. But the disc also features her solo songs.

1986 becomes a key year in the singer’s career. David Tukhmanov organizes a group that had two soloists. Their names were Irina Allegrova and Igor Talkov. The team becomes the winner of several awards.

A year later, Talkov leaves the project. And Viktor Saltykov, a young and ambitious artist, begins to perform in a duet with Irina. The group is gaining popularity. All songs performed by Victor and Irina instantly become hits. The whole country sings them.

Saltykov and Allegrova star in videos and record new records. They understand that real success has come.

Later, Irina expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that all the group’s compositions are presented to the public in a rock arrangement. She dreams of performing songs by Igor Nikolaev. But the group's leadership categorically disagreed with her.

Allegrova is tired of squabbles and scandals within the team. In the early 90s, she left the group, deciding to become a solo singer.

She performs the song “The Wanderer,” which instantly makes her the queen of the Russian stage. Now every Russian girl from the 90s is familiar with the chorus of the song “My Wanderer!” Heartfelt lyrics, exposing all the hidden corners of the soul, make Allegrova a superstar.

Store shelves are full of covers of her music albums. Television is happy to show her clips. Tickets for her concerts sell out instantly.

Allegrova and Krutoy

In 1993, Allegrova received the Ovation Prize. After this, she begins to collaborate with Igor Krutoy. Their tandem is gaining popularity.

In 1996, her album “I will part the clouds with my hands” was released. Two years later, the disc “An Unfinished Novel” appears. Every album hits the mark. Allegrova is loved and respected by audiences throughout Russia.

Allegrova is leaving on a tour around the world. She finds fans in Israel and the USA.

Personal life of Irina

Irina got married for the first time at the age of 18. The early marriage did not bring happiness, as it was concluded out of spite for another man. But every cloud has a silver lining. This union gave Allegrova a child. The star had a daughter named Lala.

At the age of 20, Allegrova again goes to the Wedding Palace. Irina’s chosen one was Vladimir Blekher, director of the “Jolly Fellows” ensemble. This time the couple lived for 5 years.

In 1984, Irina got married again. Vladimir Dubovitsky becomes her husband. The family breaks up in 1990.

After 4 years, Irina decides to get married again. Her choice fell on a dancer named Igor Kapusta. Five years later, the marriage cracked.

New career takeoff

In 2011, Irina made a statement about ending her singing career. But a quiet life in retirement does not please the energetic Allegrova.

Having endured only 4 years of silence, she assembles a new team and again bursts onto the Russian stage with fresh hits. Her song “Birthday” is played on all Russian radio stations.

It seems that this artist does not know fatigue and despondency. Her show must go on.

Irina did not grieve alone with her daughter for long. 2 years after the divorce I met Vladimir Blekher. At that time he was the director of the Young Voices ensemble. He liked the girl so much that he invited her to join his team.

They immediately began dating, passion burned between them. He asked her to marry her during a boat trip along the Moscow River. The wedding was modest, only the closest people were present. But soon after the celebration she becomes disappointed in her second husband. She even got bored with the Young Voices ensemble. She filed for divorce and left him forever with an unpleasant aftertaste in her soul.

Vladimir Dubovitsky

While still married to Blecher, the singer met Vladimir Dubovitsky. He turned her head, and she charmed him. For her sake, he created the group “Moscow Lights”, and then the “Electroclub”. Thanks to him, she became very popular. But after the wedding, she finds out that he is having affairs with young girls. She threw a tantrum, he was on his knees and asked for forgiveness, but she was unapproachable.

Her pride did not allow her to forgive her husband, so she drove him away.

Igor Kapusta

Igor Kapusta became the fourth husband of Irina Allegrova. Recently he has been a dancer in her group. Previously, he served 5 years in prison. At the time they met, Irina was 44, and he was only 35. Irina fell in love with him, and he was in a relationship with another woman. He had nothing to do with Allegrova. Irina firmly decided that she would win Igor’s heart. She achieved her goal, Igor became her husband. To confirm their relationship before God, the lovers got married in church. However, they lived in marriage for only 7 years; for Irina it was the longest marriage.

Igor is tired of Irina, especially since she did not give birth to the child he had dreamed of for so long. That's why he left her, she cried at night, begging him to come back. Igor’s further personal life with other women did not work out; he later went to prison. There he had a heart attack, his relatives blamed Allegrova for everything and asked her for help. But she considered it necessary to no longer be a part of Igor’s life. She suffered for too long after the breakup.

It’s a pity that Irina’s personal life didn’t work out, but her career was successful. She achieved everything she could. She had a difficult life, but now she is absolutely happy, and does not remember the past at all!

    The “Empress” of the Russian stage was born in Rostov-on-Don on a cold winter morning on January 20, 1952. Her father, Alexander Allegrov (Sarkisov), was a theater director, held the title of Honored Artist of two Soviet republics: Russia and Azerbaijan, and her mother, Serafima Sosnovskaya, was a theater actress and opera singer.

    (childhood and adolescence)

    Irina spent her infancy in the most international of Russian cities - Rostov-on-Don. There the girl went to first grade. However, when she turned nine, their family moved to the capital of the Azerbaijan SSR - the city of Baku. In those distant times, this city was also considered international. Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Russians, Georgians, Jews, etc. lived here peacefully, side by side. And Irina’s family, despite their Armenian origin, felt very comfortable in Baku. Her parents got jobs in the musical theater: her father was a director, and her mother was a singer. Their hospitable home was often visited by such Soviet stars as Muslim Magomayev, Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, who also lived in Baku in those years. Allegrova’s biography, in a word, began in a creative environment, and the fact that Irina later became seriously interested in music was more a pattern than a surprise.

    From early childhood, the girl studied at a music school, took piano classes, went to classes at a ballet school, and also attended a drawing club. As a schoolgirl, she took part in a jazz festival and took second place. In 1969, young Irina, after graduating from school, decides to enter the conservatory, but due to illness she misses the exams. She gets a job in a song theater and, as part of it, goes on a tour of some cities of the USSR. A year later, she receives an invitation from Konstantin Orbelyan to sing as a soloist in the legendary Armenian jazz ensemble and goes to Yerevan. So Irina - Armenian by origin - finally finds herself in her historical homeland, but not as Irina Sarkisova, but as Allegrova. Her biography, however, does not briefly connect her with this city. Almost at the same time, she married basketball player Georgy Tairov. Later she admits that she took this step because of unrequited love for another guy. Due to pregnancy, she has to leave the stage for a while. At the age of 19 she gives birth to her daughter Lala. But Irina soon divorces her father.

    Irina Allegrova: biography. The difficult path to success

    In 1974, leaving her daughter in the care of her mother, Irina goes to conquer Moscow. Here she gets a job in the famous pop ensemble under the direction of her compatriot Levon Mehrabov. However, the ensemble soon breaks up. Irina becomes a soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Young Voices", whose artistic director is Vladimir Blekher. In the same capacity, she becomes a laureate of the All-Union vocal competition "Sochi-78". Soon Vladimir Blekher announces his engagement and upcoming wedding. His bride, naturally, is Irina Allegrova. The singer’s biography contains information that this union, like the previous one, does not last long. Irina files for divorce.

    After this, she begins to have a creative crisis. She is even thinking about leaving the stage forever. However, Irina manages to cope with the blues, she has a fighting character, because she is the future “empress” of Allegrova! Her biography is replenished by her acquaintance with the then unknown pianist Igor Krutoy. Then Irina performs with Igor Talkov and Lyudmila Senchina at the Margarita Terekhova Music Theater, and also works part-time in restaurants. Chance introduces her to her third husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. From this moment on, her career is on the rise: first, she worked in the group “Moscow Lights”, then in the legendary group “Electroclub”, where she performs as a soloist together with Talkov. She has hits: “Wanderer”, “Photography”, “My affectionate and gentle beast”. The name of Irina Allegrova is known throughout the Soviet country. Endless tours, new cities, millions of fans. Here it is, the long-awaited popularity!

    On the throne of the Empress

    In 1990, Irina broke up with Dubovitsky and set out on a solo voyage both in her work and in her personal life. The best composers - Igor Nikolaev, Igor Krutoy - write songs for her. In 1995, her solo concert “The Empress” was sold out, and Irina was recognized as the best singer of the year. She conquers the hearts of millions of listeners, tours many cities in Russia and the CIS together with her dance group. Soon a rumor spreads across Moscow that a wedding ceremony took place in some Moscow church, where the groom was the dancer Igor Kapusta, and the bride was Irina Allegrova. The biography (photos from the wedding immediately appeared in the press and online) of the singer states: she got married for the 4th time, although according to official sources she was married only three times.

    In the late 90s, the tandem with Igor Krutoy brought Allegrova great popularity. In the new millennium, Irina experienced a new wave of popularity. In 2007, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Today, the 62-year-old singer has not lost her army of fans and continues to delight them with her new songs.