Strawberries. `Inspector`

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March 07 2016

look for ideal people. Saltykov-Shchedrin Nikolaev Russia of the 19th century... Everywhere, especially in the provincial towns, the arbitrariness of the authorities reigns. People get to high positions not thanks to Their merits, but through deception and sycophancy in front of higher authorities.

Bribery and embezzlement, lawlessness and idleness are observed everywhere. A clear example of this state of affairs are the officials of the district city from N.V. Gogol \'\"The Inspector\'\'\", and in particular the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin and the Trustee of charitable institutions Zemlyanika. Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin copying prohibited 2005 and Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. Judge and trustee of charitable institutions. They have a lot in common, but also a lot of differences.

Ammos Fedorovich, although he puts on a significant face, is, however, a big hunter of guesses, apparently due to the lack of deep knowledge, so, with his own mind, he reached a crazy theory about the creation of the world. Lyapkin-Tyapkin, who has read five or six books and doesn’t think about anything except dogs. Strawberry's appearance is also deceptive: he is a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but for all that he is a weasel and a Trickster. In addition, the trustee of charitable institutions is very helpful and fussy (in front of the authorities). Both Lyapkin-Tyapkin and Zemlyanika have the same attitude towards service - negligently.

In the district towns there is no order: in court the hunting arapnik is dried up right above the cupboard with papers, in charitable institutions the patients look more like blacksmiths, since they walk at home. In public places under the jurisdiction of the judge, the guards brought in domestic geese. Ammos Fedorovich does not even try to consider the complaints of city residents, arguing that “Solomon himself will not decide what is true and what is not true.”

In addition, he takes advantage of his official position: \'\"Cheptovich and Varkhovinsky started a lawsuit, and now I have the luxury of hunting hares on the lands of both of them. \'\' The trustee of charitable institutions also has a disregard for service: sick ,\'\"if he dies, he will Die anyway; if he recovers, then he will recover. The attending physician does not speak a word of Russian. Expensive medicines Not used. The patients were ordered to be given gabersup, but cabbage was carried through the corridors.

Patients in the hospital, According to him, \'\' everyone gets better like flies\'\", although they rather die like flies without proper care. The judge takes bribes, albeit with greyhound puppies, but still bribes, however He personally never gave them, judging by His behavior when meeting with the "auditor". He tries his best to maintain the brand of a respectable and Honest judge, although he does not succeed well.

Lyapkin-Tyapkin is afraid for his vile little soul. Unlike the judge, it is immediately clear that Strawberry is a more experienced and cunning bribe-giver. It is he who advises to approach with bribes one by one. Artemy Filippovich behaves more boldly than Lyapkin-Tyapkin, but is so scared that he sells everyone, even his relative, in order to get away with it. When the news about the extradition of Marya Antonovna to Khlestakov is reported, the judge first of all hurries to show his respects, in order to then benefit from meeting the future family of the “auditor”.

He even agrees to sell the dog, which he apparently did not want to sell. Lyapkin-Tyapkin wants to enlist the support of the “future general”, although he believes that the mayor is deserving of the generalship, Like a saddle for a cow. And Strawberry congratulates \'\"lucky friend\'\' to benefit from meeting the family \'\"of the future high-ranking official\'\'.

He also flatters the mayor in every possible way, but thinks that “such a pig always gets into his mouth.” Ammos Fedorovich and Artemy Filippovich praise Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, but they envy his “fortune” behind his back. When it turns out that Khlestakov is not an auditor at all, but “neither this nor that,” Lyapkin-Tyapkin and Strawberry understand that all their sycophancy was in vain, but still support the mayor, since he is superior to them Title.

Although, probably, they are only pretending so as not to be suspected of insincerity. All their feelings are shown in a silent scene: they are discouraged by the arrival of a real auditor, but it seems to me that the judge and trustee of the charitable institutions are happy with this state of affairs, since the mayor has not become so superior to them that they must bow to him. In my opinion, Strawberry causes a lot of hostility, since he, unlike the judge, takes everything more seriously.

The judge is half unaware of the significance of his crimes (he takes bribes like greyhound puppies and claims that it can’t even be called a bribe). Strawberry understands well that the hospital will not pat him on the head for such a condition, and therefore sells all his “friends” just to get out himself. N.V. Gogol wrote: \'\"In \'\"The Inspector General\'\' I decided to collect in one pile all the bad things in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices that are being done in those places and in those cases, where most is required of the Man of Justice\'\'. Sharpening the characteristic features of different layers of society, he created a group of Literary types of global significance. Lyapkin-Tyapkin and Zemlyanika became a household name embodiment of similar Traits of many dishonest people.

I believe that the writer managed to embody all the vices of society of that time in Two significant persons of the county town, on whose decisions many lives of ordinary people depend. But neither the judge nor the trustee of charitable institutions think about the fate of the townspeople, indulging in idleness and bribery. compositions: sanchous

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Strawberry characterization of the hero of the comedy The Inspector General according to plan


1. Introduction

2. General characteristics

3.Attitude towards the position

4. Strawberry resourcefulness


One of the main characters of Gogol's comedy "" is the trustee of charitable institutions Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. Due to his duty of service, this person is obliged to take care of sick and poor people, but in reality, Strawberry only cares about himself.

He himself describes Artemy Filippovich this way: “a very fat, clumsy and clumsy person.” He became this way as a result of unpunished theft and neglect of his direct duties. Strawberry's helpfulness and fussiness indicate that it was not by chance that he became a trustee of charitable institutions. Artemy Filippovich understands perfectly well what kind of people he can and even needs to humiliate himself in front of in order to benefit.

A vivid representation of how Strawberry carries out its service is given at the very beginning of the comedy. The patients do not receive any medical care. Firstly, the doctor does not speak Russian. Secondly, Artemy Filippovich believes that everything is in God’s hands: the patient “if he dies, then he will die; if he recovers, then he will recover.” This monstrous phrase is based not on the trustee’s ignorance, but on his desire to hide the theft of money intended for the purchase of medicines.

The mayor is well aware of the true state of affairs in charitable institutions. He advises Artemy Filippovich to create at least the appearance of useful activity before visiting the imaginary auditor. Strawberry himself knows what needs to be done first. The only thing that Khlestakov remembered was that there were very few patients. Artemy Filippovich explains this by saying that it was with his assumption of office that “everyone, like flies, gets better.” The success of treatment, according to the trustee, is based solely on “honesty and order.”

Artemy Filippovich is the first to receive the “honor” of receiving an important person in his subordinate institutions. It is he who is the author of the idea of ​​​​giving a bribe to Khlestakov. Strawberry advises doing this alone, but now he is no longer eager to be ahead of everyone. Out of caution, letting three of them through, Artemy Filippovich officially introduces himself to Khlestakov. The willingness to be humiliated takes a symbolic form: the trustee agrees that yesterday he may have been shorter.

Strawberry wanted to talk to him alone, not to give a bribe. His goal is to denigrate his colleagues in embezzlement as much as possible and, thereby, look better in the eyes of the auditor. Artemy Filippovich’s denunciation looks very disgusting, because in addition to actual violations, he considers it necessary to mention the judge’s love affairs. Oral denunciation is not enough for strawberries. He wants to document his zeal. Having achieved Khlestakov’s favor, the trustee would have left, but at the mention of money he immediately lays out the required amount.

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry is a vivid example of how any good undertaking can be perverted. The network of charitable institutions in pre-revolutionary Russia did not serve to really help people, but was just another “feeding trough” for officials. The image of Strawberry embodies a huge army of trustees who shamelessly rob already disadvantaged people.

Strawberries. "Inspector". Quote descriptionAuthor's description
"...Strawberry, a trustee of charitable institutions, is a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but for all that he is a sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy..."
Quote characteristic
Name: Artemy Filippovich Strawberry.
Position – trustee of charitable institutions in the city of N.
Powers: responsible for hospitals, shelters, etc.: "...Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika, trustee of charitable institutions..."
Appearance: looks like a “pig in a yarmulke”: “...Strawberry is a perfect pig in a yarmulke...” (yarmulke - hat)
Rank - court councilor: "...I have the honor to introduce myself: trustee of charitable institutions, court councilor Strawberry..."
Attitude to business: unscrupulous official.
He lies that he performs his duties well: “...I can say that I don’t regret anything and carry out my service zealously...”
Doesn’t keep order in establishments: “...make sure everything is decent: the caps are clean, and the sick don’t look like blacksmiths, as they usually do at home...” “...It’s not good that you have the sick smoke such strong tobacco that you always sneeze when you walk in..."
Does not purchase medicines for patients. He explains this by saying that the person “will recover anyway.” if this is destined: "...Oh! As for healing, Christian Ivanovich and I took our own measures: the closer to nature, the better - we do not use expensive medicines. A simple man: if he dies, then he will die; if he recovers, then and so he will recover..."
In hospitals, patients eat cabbage. This, of course, is Strawberry's fault: "...The sick were ordered to give habersup, but I have such cabbage flying through all the corridors that you just need to take care of your nose..."
Insincere. Despite all the unrest in the hospitals, Zemlyanika lies to the “auditor” Khlestakov that in fact everything is in order: “... There are ten people left, no more; and the rest have all recovered. This is how it is arranged, this is the order. Since then, how I took over - it may even seem incredible to you - everyone gets better like flies. Before the patient enters the infirmary, he is already healthy; and not so much with medicine, but with honesty and order..."
A traitor, a vile person. He reveals to the “auditor” Khlestakov the truth about his fellow officials. In this way, Strawberry hopes to please the “auditor”: “...(Moves closer with his chair and speaks in a low voice.) The local postmaster is doing absolutely nothing: everything is in great disrepair, parcels are delayed... if you please, you can find it yourself on purpose. The judge too.. "Would you like me to put it all down on paper?"
A father of many children, he has five children: “...As a matter of fact, five; two are already adults... Nikolai, Ivan, Elizaveta, Marya and Perepetua...” “...Zemlyanika’s daughter is also in blue. No, I’d rather I'll wear a colored one..."

In 1835, Gogol wrote the comedy "The Inspector General". It was created over the course of two months. The plot of this work was suggested to the author by Pushkin. The comedy was staged in 1836 at the Alexandria Theater. The characteristics of Strawberry from "The Inspector General" will be presented in this article.

Time and place of the comedy

The action of the work takes place during the dark period of the reign. The characterization of Strawberry from The Inspector General reflects the characteristics of the era. At that time there was a system of denunciation and investigation. The comedy reveals various social vices: embezzlement, bribery, etc. Gogol wrote that in The Inspector General he decided to collect everything bad in our country and laugh at everyone at once. The action takes place in 1831, in one of the county towns. It, like any state, has its own education, healthcare, and justice. Their officials are at the head of institutions. The most important of them is Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich, mayor. This is the head of this district city.

Strawberries: brief description

Strawberry Artemy Filippovich is a trustee of charitable institutions in the work. In the comedy "The Inspector General" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, this is a minor character. Strawberry is a slanderer and a gossip, revealing all the secrets of officials, his colleagues, to the imaginary auditor out of self-interest. This is a brief description of Strawberry from The Inspector General.

Strawberry character traits

Let's take a closer look at this image. About one of his colleagues, a school superintendent, Zemlyanika says that he does not understand how his superiors could entrust him with such a position. After all, in his opinion, this man is “worse than a Jacobin.” He instills ill-intentioned rules in the youth. These words reveal in more detail the characteristics of Strawberry from The Inspector General. You can see a man who is accustomed to taking the place of his colleagues and helping them out.

A hypocrite and a careerist, very fussy and helpful, Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika. The characteristics (“Inspector”) of his appearance are as follows. The official's body is of impressive size. He is a rogue and a crafty character, which enhances the comic effect in the work. Clumsy and clumsy, he manages to slip to a good ending in any vicissitudes of fate.

The situation in hospitals

The characterization of Strawberry from the comedy "The Inspector General" is also revealed to the reader when Gogol describes this man's management method. It consists of the following: to justify one’s actions with good intentions. For example, when saying that he does not purchase expensive medicines for charitable institutions, he justifies himself in time: “the closer to nature, the better.” But we understand from the context that in this way he simply saves on people.

There is chaos and dirt in hospitals. The cooks wear dirty caps, and the patients themselves are dressed as if they worked in a forge. Patients also smoke constantly. Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself with determining the diagnosis and treating patients.

Nikolai Vasilyevich speaks about the incredible indifference to their duty of people in the service through the characteristics of the trustee of charitable institutions. This is a “fat” man, but a “thin rogue.” Patients in the hospital entrusted to his management are dying like flies. The doctor (German Christian Ivanovich Gibner) does not speak Russian, but Zemlyanika calmly argues that a Russian person is a simple person - if he dies, he will die, but he will recover, and he will recover.

Strawberry's ability to curry favor

Strawberry knows how to curry favor. That is why the mayor first of all takes Khlestakov to charitable institutions under his jurisdiction. When asked why there are almost no patients in one of them, he finds in response the fatal excuse that “like flies” everyone here recovers. Khlestakov, who is not particularly attentive and quick-witted, does not notice the catch in Strawberry’s speech. The caretaker of charitable institutions, knowing his main dignity - to curry favor, sincerely envies Khlestakov. Parodying a mediocre official who receives more from his position than he gives to people as a limitless ruler, Gogol created an image that has survived centuries. And centuries later it has not become morally obsolete; it is quite relevant today.

Strawberry - careerist

Strawberry, this hardened careerist, believes that any means are good to move forward on the career ladder. He, like the mayor, is ready to appear, if not of virtue, then at least as an extremely conscientious and dutiful official. In an effort to earn a reputation through denunciations and scams, he “sells” his “friends” without hesitation. At the same time, Strawberry assures Khlestakov that he is doing such things “for the benefit of the fatherland.” This official will never miss the opportunity to get along, knowing that flattery and sycophancy will fully pay off. The rise of the mayor evokes an acute feeling of envy in him, which is noted in the work. The characteristics of Strawberries in basic terms were presented by us. Let us also note the characteristics of the characters in the comedy that interests us.

Features of characters in the work

All the characters in the work are purely comic characters. Nikolai Vasilyevich does not portray them as extraordinary people. The writer is interested in what is found everywhere and what everyday, ordinary life consists of. Many of the minor characters described by the author only strengthen the impression that Nikolai Vasilyevich portrays ordinary, ordinary people. This is the characteristic of heroes. Strawberries are just one of them.