Tilicheeva). Performs the play “Bunny” (music

Lived and visited my grandmother...

Entertainment for the autumn holiday for 1st junior group Characters:

Leading- adult


bear older children


Repertoire : dance with leaves “The wind is blowing”, dance “Everyone clapped their hands”, game

“Catch up with us, Bear”, game “Rain”, free dance.

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading Children, we have come to the Autumn Festival! (examines the scenery in the

hall) The mischievous wind will either lift or toss

Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf, golden leaf!

Song – dance with leaves “The wind blows, the wind blows”

Leading Do you hear? Someone's coming!

Bunny (enters music with a basket of carrots) Hello children! (puts down the basket)

I am the Jumping Bunny! I came to you for the Autumn holiday. Let's Dance!

Dance "Everyone clapped their hands"

Bunny Well done! And you know, I didn’t come to you alone, but with a friend - Mishka the Naughty Bear -

niche. Yes, he fell behind on the way. Did he fall asleep somewhere? (suits to

tree, a bear sleeps there.) But, it is true! Here he is sleeping, lazybones! Guys, yes-

Let's sing him a song and wake him up.

Game "Catch us, Mishka"

Children sing: Mishka, Mishka, why have you been sleeping so long?

Mishka, Mishka, why are you snoring so much?

Bear, Bear, Mishenka, get up!

Mishka, Mishka, play with us!

The bear wakes up and gets up: Who sang songs here and didn’t let Mishka sleep?!

Catching up with the children. Children run to their chairs.

bear Hello guys! I am a naughty bear. I really like pine cones. View

rub how much you got . (shows and puts down his basket.)

Goat (runs in to cheerful music with an umbrella.) Me-e-e! Hello! Whose is this?

bumps? ABOUT! Carrot!!! (takes the baskets and scatters the contents around


Leading Aw, what a shame! Who are you?

Goat I am the mischievous Goat! I live with my grandmother.

Leading Why are you behaving so badly? Scattered everything! Get out of here!

Goat Me-e-e. Yes, I was joking. I just wanted to play with you. Now I'll collect everything.

Leading Guys, let's help Kozlik collect everything. What are we going to collect for the bunny?

(Carrot.) What about Mishka? (Bumps.)

Children collect toys in Teddy Bear and Bunny baskets.

Goat Children! And look what a beautiful umbrella I have. What is it for?

That's right, hide from the rain.

Game "Rain"

    Rain, rain on the path, it will wet our feet.

You need to raise your legs - jump through puddles!

    It started to rain, it started to rain - it got all the kids wet.

Well, let's hurry up, we'll run away from the rain!

Children run under an umbrella to the music of “rain”.

Leading Thank you, Kozlik! Dance with the guys.

Free dance

Goat Oh kids, I found something ...(carries a large fake carrot.)

How heavy! What's inside? Surprise! (gives the treat.) Well,

It's time for me to go to grandma. Goodbye! (runs away.)

Leading And it's time for us!

Bear. I know I know! About the fox

Children: No no! It's about a bunny!

M.R. Children, explain to the bear why this is not about a fox.

Children. The music is abrupt, light, cheerful.

Bear. So what? The fox is also light and cheerful. So it's about a fox.

Children. No, about the bunny. The music is abrupt, as if jumping.

M.r.. How does the bunny jump?

He performs the play again, the children, pretending to be bunnies, move scattered around the hall, easily, without tension.

M.R. Bear, who will the music be about now?

Performs an excerpt from the opera “Rogneda” (music by A. Serov // Musical-motor exercises in kindergarten. M., 1969). Children perform the “Sparrows” exercise.

Bear. This is probably about me. The same beautiful music as me!

Children. No, no, it's not like that at all!

M.R. And about whom?

Children. About birds?

M.R. That's right, about the birds. The music is light, airy, gentle. What about the bear?

Children. Low, clumsy, stomping, loud.

M.R. Right. Listen, bear, to music about yourself . (Performs the play “Bear”, music by V. Rebikov). Bear, now you know what your music sounds like. Then you and I will play a game “The bear comes to visit.”

Don't be lazy and get up

Play with us.

We'll go for a walk

And let's take the teddy bear.

Let's dance with the bear

And to amuse the guys.

The music director organizes the game “The Bear Comes to Visit”, ensures that all children are active, emotional, clap their hands rhythmically, and independently use familiar dance movements.

Bear, you're still young

And probably tired.

Sit down. have a rest

And they wouldn’t go crazy without us!

We’ll go to the group, but we’ll come to the bear again! Goodbye!

Note No. 48

Topic: “Mishka is a musician”

Program content:

1. Learn to distinguish musical instruments by their timbre sound, improve the ability to play rattles, tambourines, drums, and develop a sense of rhythm.

2. Learn to sing expressively (in chorus and one at a time) well-known songs.

Educational areas


Material. Rattles, tambourine, drum, triangle. Bear (soft toy). Beautifully designed box, various subject pictures.

GCD move

The musical director comes to the group.

M.R. Hello! Today the bear is waiting for you to visit again. This time he brought something. Let's go have a look!

Adults lead children into the hall.

M.R. (in the hall). Here he is, the trampling bear. What interesting things did he bring us? Now we’ll see, but first let’s say hello politely and musically.

Children hum - each in their own way - a short phrase “Hello, Mishka!” The bear sits on the table, at his feet there is a large box containing various musical instruments and pictures. The music director shows a picture of walking soldiers.

Aty, baht, aty, baht,

Soldiers are approaching!

The trumpet is calling louder and louder,

The drum is beating louder!

And here is the drum. It is best to perform a march on it.

The music director (on the piano) and the teacher (on the drum) perform any march. Invite children to tap finger on finger

M.R. Let's see if it's comfortable to walk to the drum , (children walk one after another in a circle, adults play the drum.) Here's another picture. (Shows) What's written on it? That's right, children who dance merrily. And we will play a dance song on a tambourine.

The music director (on the piano) and the teacher (on the tambourine) perform the Russian folk melody “Polyanka”, the children clap their hands. During the repetition, they are given rattles from a bear box, the children play on them, and the music director makes sure that they move rhythmically.

M.R. (shows an illustration of a girl rocking a teddy bear in her arms). What is shown here? That's right, the girl sings a lullaby to the bear. Do you want to know which one? Listen.

Performs “Lullaby” (music by E. Tilicheeva, collection “Teach Children to Sing”).

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Sleep, my teddy bear, go to sleep.

You close, close your eye,

You sleep, sleep for an hour.

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Sleep, my teddy bear, sleep!

Leads children to understand the affectionate nature of the song, invites them to sing along when it is performed again, and develops a melodious sound.

M.R. And it’s good to sing a lullaby on a triangle, because it sounds ringing, gentle, and quiet. (Performs fragment). Thank you, bear, for your surprise. We really liked the pictures and musical instruments. At the last lesson we promised to teach you to sing, the children will now perform their favorite songs. Listen to them carefully and learn!

Children sing songs - optionally - in chorus and one at a time. The musical director teaches expressive performance and harmonious sound.

M.R. Very good. I think the bear really liked it. Who will teach him to dance today?

One of the children takes the bear, the rest become pairs and perform the “Boots” dance.

M.R. Olya looked at the bear while dancing, and some didn’t even look at their partner: let’s dance again and look at each other affectionately. (The dance is performed again). Well done! Bear, come to us again. We will be waiting! And now goodbye!

Note No. 49

Topic: “Mishka is a musician” (continued)

Program content.

1. Learn to distinguish the timbre of musical instruments that create an image, convey it in movement, distinguish the means of musical expression;

2. Stimulate creativity;

3. Improve movement in step.

Educational areas


“F” - develop physical qualities for musical and rhythmic activities;

“K” - development of all components of oral speech in theatrical activities;

“C” - develop play activities;

“X” - to develop children's creativity, to introduce them to various types of art.

Material. Bear (soft toy). Fife, metallophone, drum, tambourine, rattles, triangle

Dance suite "Peddlers"

Description of movements

And two Peddlers stand in the corners of the central wall of the hall. Everyone has trays on tape, on which are laid out bright mittens, covered with multi-colored scarves.

1-2 measures. The peddlers walk along the central wall towards each other.

3-4 measures. Having met, they turn to face the audience and walk forward.

5-8 measures. They disperse: one to the right, the other to the left, then they go to the central wall and meet again there, turning to face the audience.

9-10 measures. For each count: foot on the heel forward, to the side, forward and to the place with a stomp.

11-12 measures. Repeat the movements for 9-10 beats, only with your left foot.

17-18 measures. Each boy walks along the side wall and bows to the sitting children (for the second half of measure 18).

19-20 measures. Repeat the movements for 17-18 beats.

21-24 measures. The boys go to the opposite walls of the hall and again to the central wall.


Children, if you guess the riddle that the Peddlers will tell you, you will find out what our next dance will be.

1st Peddler:

There was barely a breath of winter -
They are always with you.

2nd Peddler:

Two sisters will warm you up,
Their names are...




Right! Now we will have a dance with mittens.

Peddlers remove scarves from trays.

1st Peddler:

Our mittens are colored:
Both yellow and blue.

2nd Peddler:

Green and red
Excellent for girls.


The mittens are good
We give them to you from the bottom of our hearts!

1st Peddler:

Laughter girls
Run out quickly

2nd Peddler:

Take gloves
And start dancing!

Girls run out, wearing bright scarves on their heads, tied at the back. They take mittens that match the color of their hats. The mittens have elastic inside the braid so that they fit well on the palms and do not fall off.

Dance with mittens.

Russian folk polka “Gusachok” (see above “Sketch for boys”)

8-12 girls take part in the dance. They stand in two subgroups one behind the other in the corners of the central wall, clearly diagonally facing the opposite corner.

1 figure

Music A.

Raising their arms to the sides, palms up and shaking them slightly up and down, the girls walk with a “comb” to the opposite corners of the hall (the girls of the second subgroup, meeting in the center of the hall, let the girls of the first pass in front of them). Thus, they line up in two ranks. They give up.

2nd part of music.

9 bars Crouching slightly, the girls hide behind their mittens, like screens (palms back to face).

10 bars. The girls stand up straight, arms to the sides and down, foot on the heel (“Here we are and what kind of mittens we have!”).

11-16 measures. Repeat the movements for 9-10 beats.

2 figure

Music A.

1-4 measures. Passing through the gates. The girls of the first rank raise their joined hands up, forming collars, and the girls of the second rank pass into these collars.

5-8 measures. Repetition of movements of 1-4 measures, only subgroups change roles.

Music V.

9 bars Girls move their right hand in front of the body to the left, and then immediately to the right and up.

10 bars. The same with the left hand.

11-12 measures. Rotation of the brushes - “flashlights” - from top to bottom.

13-16 measures. Repeat movements 9-12 beats.

3 figure

Music A.

1-4 measures. Spin in pairs, joining your right hands. The free arm is bent at the elbow at shoulder level. Rotation with a brush.

5-8 measures. The same thing, circling in the other direction.

Music V.

I.p.: girls stand facing the guests, hands “shelf” (slightly shake it).

9 bars First quarter - both arms are extended forward with a half turn to the right, on a spring. Second quarter - return to starting position.

Bar 10 - repetition of the movements of bar 9.

11-12 measures. The girls swing the “shelf” on the “spring”.

13-16 measures. Repeat movements 9-12 beats.

4 figure

Music A.

1-4 measures. Girls walk forward with a stomping step, arms to the sides, palms up (sway arms slightly).

5-8 measures. The girls walk back at a calm pace, hands behind their backs.

Music V.

9 bars Arms to the sides (show mittens).

10 bars. Hands behind your back.

11-16 measures. Repeat movements for 9-10 beats. On the last chord, the girls quickly raise their arms to the sides and up.

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Sleep, my teddy bear, go to sleep.

You close, close your eye,

You sleep, sleep for an hour.

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Sleep, my teddy bear, sleep!

Leads children to understand the affectionate nature of the song, invites them to sing along when it is performed again, and develops a melodious sound.

M.R. And it’s good to sing a lullaby on a triangle, because it sounds ringing, gentle, and quiet. (Performs fragment). Thank you, bear, for your surprise. We really liked the pictures and musical instruments. At the last lesson we promised to teach you to sing, the children will now perform their favorite songs. Listen to them carefully and learn!

Children sing songs - optionally - in chorus and one at a time. The musical director teaches expressive performance and harmonious sound.

M.R. Very good. I think the bear really liked it. Who will teach him to dance today?

One of the children takes the bear, the rest become pairs and perform the “Boots” dance.

M.R. Olya looked at the bear while dancing, and some didn’t even look at their partner: let’s dance again and look at each other affectionately. (The dance is performed again). Well done! Bear, come to us again. We will be waiting! And now goodbye!

Note No. 49

Topic: “Mishka is a musician” (continued)

Program content.

1. Learn to distinguish the timbre of musical instruments that create an image, convey it in movement, distinguish the means of musical expression;

2. Stimulate creativity;

3. Improve movement in step.

Educational areas


Material. Bear (soft toy). Fife, metallophone, drum, tambourine, rattles, triangle

GCD move

M.r.. Get ready quickly, the bear is already waiting for us. Today he brought us many musical instruments, we will play.

Children gather in a flock and go to the hall together with the teacher. There are different instruments on the table: a pipe, a metallophone, a drum, a tambourine, rattles, a triangle.

M.R. That's how the bear took care of us - how many musical instruments he brought!

Here's a happy drum

Drumming: tram-there-there!

What kind of music will we play on it? children. To walk! Let's play a march!

M.r.. Stand up, guys, let's march like soldiers!

During any march, children march around the hall one after another or in a flock scattered in one direction, maintaining their posture.

M.R. And now I want to listen to a lullaby, what should we play it on? Of course, on a triangle.

“Lullaby” (music by S. Razorenov) is recorded, the teacher plays along on the triangle.

M.R. Which instrument is better to play a dance song on?

Children. On a tambourine, rattles, spoons, rattle.

M.r.. You already know how to play different instruments. Play a dance!

Children perform the Russian folk melody “Oh, you, birch” in arr. M. Rauchwerger, collection. "Music in kindergarten." The music director draws their attention to dynamic shades (louder - quieter), develops a sense of rhythm, emotional performance, and endurance.

M.R. What to play on the pipe?

Without a pipe, that’s the problem,

The legs go in the wrong direction.

And when they smell the pipe,

The little feet are dancing!

Children perform the song “Duda” (music by An. Alexandrov). Then they play the game “Dudochka-duda”.

M.R. Thank you, bear, for bringing so many musical instruments! Come visit us again. Goodbye!

Note No. 50

Topic: “Parsley’s fun”

Program content:

1. In a playful way, continue to teach how to recognize musical works and move in accordance with their character;

2. Distinguish dynamic shades and convey them in claps.

3. In singing, learn to sing clearly, intonate the melody and perform songs expressively.

Educational areas


“F” - develop physical qualities for musical and rhythmic activities;

“K” - development of all components of oral speech in theatrical activities;

“C” - develop play activities;

“X” - to develop children's creativity, to introduce them to various types of art.


Parsley. Various subject pictures.

GCD move

The music director comes to take the children into the group.

M.R. Do you know who is waiting for you in the music room? (Answers are assumptions) No, not a bear or a Tanya doll. Want to see who? Then let's go!

The children go to the music room, where Petrushka is waiting for them.

M.r.. Hello, Petrushka! (Parsley is silent). Don't you know how to say hello? Then we will teach you. Let's say hello to Petrushka musically. (Children sing a greeting). Parsley, we are glad that you came to visit us, we haven’t seen you for a long time, we miss you. Now the children will show you how they learned to listen and recognize music.

Performs melodies for marching, running, galloping, jumping. Children recognize music and begin to move independently in accordance with its character. It is necessary that they freely navigate in space, move easily, without tension.

M.R. Look, Petrushka likes it, he even clapped his hands. Do you know how to clap - loudly and quietly - with your hands?

The exercise “Cheerful Palms” is carried out to the music “Old Polka” in the arrangement. N. Sokolova. The music director teaches children to convey dynamic shades in motion and to move rhythmically.

M.R. Well done! Parsley, what did you bring for the children?

Parsley. I brought wonderful pictures. Look here. (The first picture shows a mother rocking her baby.)

The stars shine tenderly

Above my window.

And sings me a song

Mom before bed.

My most favorite song:

“Sleep, my dear,

Sleep, my pretty one,

Baiushki bye!"

What a glorious lullaby! We can also rock our daughters to sleep with this song.

Adults and children sing the song “Sleep, dolls.” It helps develop pitch hearing, the ability to distinguish higher sounds, and develops a melodious sound. The song is very difficult to sing as there are no stops or pauses in the melody, so you have to repeatedly show when to take your breath.

M.R. What kind of picture is this, Parsley? It depicts a holiday! Everyone has cheerful faces, everyone laughs, congratulates mom on Women’s Day, gives flowers and gifts. Soon we will have such a holiday. We'll sing a song for mom, like this.

Performs the melody of the song “Pies” (children will recognize it). He invites you to sing affectionately, tenderly, and involves all children, especially boys, in singing. Teaches you to sing harmoniously, at a moderate tempo, in a natural voice, and to perceive the cheerful, joyful nature of the song.

M.R. (takes Petrushka by the hand, walks with him around the hall, turns him to face him and taps his foot). What dance did Petrushka and I perform? That's right, “Boots”. Do you want to dance too? Get into pairs as soon as possible. Let the boys invite the girls.

All children perform the “Boots” dance. The musical director makes sure that they move in the same direction and follow distance, eyes looked at each other.

M.R. Fine! Parsley, come, we will be waiting. Now it's time to go for a walk! Goodbye!

Note No. 51