Download presentation Dostoevsky. Presentation on literature on the topic "F.M.

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich 1821-1881 Parents of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Father - Mikhail Andreevich - doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor

Mother - Maria Fedorovna, daughter of the Moscow merchant Fyodor Nechaev

Parents have long thought about the future of their eldest sons. They knew about the literary hobbies of Fyodor and Mikhail and encouraged them in every possible way. Main Engineering School in St. Petersburg. On January 28, 1838, Fyodor Dostoevsky was enrolled in the school and moved to the Engineering Castle. From a friendly, loving family, Fyodor ended up in a military school, where newcomers were often tortured by high school students. Military service weighed heavily on the future writer. On August 5, 1841, an order was issued to promote Dostoevsky from conductor to the lower officer rank - field ensign. “Poor People” is the first novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, begun by him in 1844 and, after numerous alterations, completed in May 1845. Young Avdotya Panaeva was remembered by Dostoevsky for a long time. He would later reward the heroine of “Crime and Punishment” with one characteristic feature of her appearance, also Avdotya, Raskolnikov’s sister... “White Nights” is a story about the loneliness of a person who has not found himself in an unfair world, about failed happiness. In the spring of 1846, Dostoevsky met Petrashevsky, first borrowed books by utopian socialists from his library, and then became a frequent visitor to “Fridays” in his house. On April 15, 1849, on one of the “Fridays,” Dostoevsky read a letter from V.G. that was banned at that time. Belinsky to N.V. Gogol, and on April 23 of the same year, 24 members of the circle, including Dostoevsky, were arrested and placed in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress. A military court found Dostoevsky guilty and, along with 20 other Petrashevsky members, sentenced him to death. On December 22, 1849, on the Semyonovsky parade ground in St. Petersburg, a ritual of preparation for the death penalty was performed over the Petrashevites. Dostoevsky was sentenced to four years of hard labor in Omsk, and then to indefinite service as a private. In Semipalatinsk, Dostoevsky meets Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. The writer was completely captured by this first great love... After the death of his wife and brother, Dostoevsky feels infinitely lonely...

Anna Corvina-Krukovskaya

Apollinaria Suslova

Dostoevsky had to experience such long-awaited family happiness at the age of 46. Fyodor Mikhailovich considered his marriage to Anna Grigorievna Snytkina as an entry into a new life.

Thanks to Anna Grigorievna, Dostoevsky found peace of mind and family happiness.

From his marriage to Anna Grigorievna, F. M. Dostoevsky had four children. The novel “Demons” is a formidable prophecy of the writer about impending catastrophes on the world, this novel is a warning. The pinnacle in the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”. Dostoevsky's swan song was his speech at the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow in June 1880. Dostoevsky's views, formed after hard labor, found a vivid artistic embodiment in Crime and Punishment. His smile - where did he get it? - Warmed all the painfully in love, Humiliated, sick and insulted, Nightmare earthly existence. Prepared by the teacher-librarian of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 4”, Chistopol RT Nikolaeva Elena Vladimirovna 2016

Longing for the world like hell
ugly, convulsively bright,
in his prophetic delirium
He outlined our disastrous century.
Hearing his cry at night,
God thought: is it really possible?
so that everything given by Me,
Would it be so scary and difficult?
Vladimir Nabokov
Life and art

Worldview is a system of views, views on nature and
Humanism is a worldview based on recognition
the values ​​of a person as an individual, his right to free
development and manifestation of one’s abilities, affirmation of the good
person as a criterion for assessing social relations.
Vera (an original Russian word) - the absence of doubts,
conviction, confidence in someone or something
Psychology (in the 3rd meaning) – mental make-up, spiritual
human organization.

The genius of Dostoevsky
undeniable, in strength
his talent for representation
equal, perhaps, only
M. Gorky

Writer's Word

Man is a mystery. She needs it
solve it, and if you
to solve it all your life, then
don't say you lost
time; I'm doing this
a secret, because I want to be

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881)

Conscience became in him
prophet and poet
And the Karamazovs and the demons
lived in it, but what is it for us now?
shines with soft light,
It was for him
painful fire.

The Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor in Moscow is my father’s place of work.

October 30, old style, November 11, new style 1821
one of the greatest Russian writers was born
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.
Fedor was second
a child in a family
Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor in
Moscow is my father’s place of work.

Living room


Dostoevsky was baptized in
Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
He went here
almost every
a week with my parents.

Granted by the nobility
retired staff physician Mikhail
Dostoevsky inspired his
for children:
"With my death you
you will remain poor and must
be ready to break through yourself
your way."
But they don't talk about it
thought, fished,
swam, played savages,

We read at my parents' house
aloud “History of the State”
Russian” N.M. Karamzina,
works by G.R. Derzhavin,
V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin.
With special enthusiasm
Dostoevsky recalled in
mature years about dating
Scripture: “We are in a family
ours knew the Gospel almost
from the first childhood.”

In a carefree childhood, one after another
another tragedy burst in:
- death of mother,
- duel of the idol of the Pushkin family,
- father's murder...
M. Dostoevsky only managed
identify sons in
Petersburg Military Engineering School.

Main Engineering School in St. Petersburg

After graduating, Fedor got into engineering
department, and for its practical work Nicholas I
imposed a resolution: “What fool drew this?”

After graduating from college,
having served for less than a year
engineering team,
summer 1844 Dostoevsky
resigned with the rank of lieutenant,
having decided completely
surrender to literary

Fyodor Mikhailovich knew St. Petersburg well. For many years he
lived in it, changing 20 apartments in the period from 1842 to 1881

House on

Dostoevsky's first work, the novel “Poor People,” was written in epistolary form.

“Poor People” is a social work.
contrasts heroes
not according to the “poor-rich” principle, but according to the principle
“capable of empathy
and hard-hearted."

"Poor people." Makar Devushkin.
"Poor people." Varenka

Features of the writer's creative style:

focus on the hero's inner world,
ability to convey subtle nuances
states of the characters,
principle of confessional self-disclosure
characters (it is not by chance that the form was chosen
“novel in letters”),
system of doubles, “accompanying”
the main characters.

Literary dating

It was the novel “Poor People” that introduced Dostoevsky to
Belinsky. Having entered the Belinsky circle (where he met
I.S. Turgenev, V.F. Odoevsky, I.I. Panaev), Dostoevsky, according to him
later admitted, “passionately accepted the entire teaching” of the critic,
including his socialist ideas.

The young writer is a passionate political dreamer

Dostoevsky entered the secret
socialist circles
M. Petrashevsky and
N. Speshneva, who prepared
revolution and those gathered
set up a secret printing press for
literature and leaflets.

On April 22, 1849, together with other Petrashevites, he was arrested and imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

On December 22, 1849, the convicts were taken to the Semenovsky parade ground, where pillars, white shirts-shrouds and a military team were ready for execution

On December 22, 1849, the convicts were taken to
Semenovsky parade ground, where the pillars were ready, white
shirts-shrouds and a military team for execution.

“Omsk is a nasty little town.
There are almost no trees. In summer the heat and
wind with sand, snowstorm in winter.
I didn't see nature. Gorodishko
dirty, military and depraved in
highest degree"

In the Omsk military prison, the writer conceived “Notes from
dead house”, which will be published only in 1861-1862
Four years Dostoevsky
spent at hard labor
work in the Omsk fortress,
and then a soldier in
In 1859 he married
M.D. Isaeva, went out to
resignation. Received
permission to live in Tver, and
then in St. Petersburg.

Throughout the years of hard labor, Dostoevsky kept notes that served as the basis for
“Notes from the House of the Dead”:
“Lonely in spirit, I reviewed my entire past life... I judged
myself, inexorably and strictly... I thought, I decided, I swore to myself that I would already
in my future life there will be neither those mistakes nor those falls that
were before.. And how many were buried in these walls in vain
youth, how many great forces died here in vain!”

He is humiliated, insulted, but cannot suppress
in the soul of passionate interest in
participation of the same people, could not suppress
the voice of doubt, disbelief, protest, rebellion.
He writes “Humiliated and Offended” -
first major work after
returning from Siberia.

Publishing magazines with the participation of brother Mikhail and critics A.A. Grigoriev and N.N. Strakhov (1861-1865)

"Poor People" (1845) –
poor people theme
"Double" (1846) –
theme of personality disintegration
“White Nights” (1848) –
dreamer theme
“Humiliated and Insulted” (1861) –
rebellion theme
"Crime and Punishment"
synthesis of all previous topics

"Crime and Punishment"

My whole heart will rest with blood
in this novel, I conceived it in
hard labor, in a difficult moment of sadness,
lying on the bunks on the bunks...
F.M. Dostoevsky

You say that Dostoevsky described himself in his heroes,
imagining that all people are like this. And what! The result is that even
in these exceptional persons not only we, people related to him, but
foreigners recognize themselves, their souls.
L. Tolstoy

1867 - marriage to stenographer Anna Grigorievna Snitkina. Living abroad for 4 years.

A.G. Dostoevskaya.
Photo 1863


A.G. Dostoevskaya. Dresden.
Photo 1867–1871.



Artistic genius beat
anxiety in “The Idiot”,
“Player”, “Teenager”,
his thoughts called to
humanism in “Demons”, not
making peace with
not true

In the first years after release
F.M. Dostoevsky replaced his resignation
in St. Petersburg a number of addresses. At the beginning
1846, finishing the story
“Double”, he left a separate
apartment on the corner of Vladimirsky
Avenue and by the beginning of February 1846
moved to the house of U.K. Kuchina, and
lived there until spring. A lot of
years later writer
settled in this house again,
This is where he died.

I will definitely come here the same place,
exactly at this hour, and I will
happy remembering
yesterday. This is the place for me
cute. I already have these
two or three places in St. Petersburg.
I even cried once

Office of F.M. Dostoevsky in the literary and memorial museum of the writer in St. Petersburg

Fedor and Lyubov
Dostoevsky - children
The house in which F.M. lived and died.
Dostoevsky (St. Petersburg,
Kuznechny Lane, 5/2)

Funeral of Dostoevsky. Artist V. Porfiryev. 1881

At the grave of F.M. Dostoevsky. In the center
A.G. Dostoevskaya with children Any and
Fedey. Photo February 5, 1881

“Take care of your soul, believe in goodness, and beauty will save the world,
mercy and love."

Author of the presentation: Averina M.A.,

On October 30 (November 11, new style), 1821 in Moscow, in the right wing of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor (popularly called Bozhedomka), a boy Fedya was born

Maria Feodorovna Dostoevskaya is the mother of Fyodor Mikhailovich. “She was an extremely kind, religious woman...” - this is how she was imprinted in family tradition

Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky is the writer’s father. He treated his father with respect, perhaps, and loved him with a special, suffering love, but his memory retained many painful adolescent impressions. From his father, the writer inherited a truly titanic will to systematic education

The Engineering School is one of the best educational institutions of that time.
The Engineering School is one of the best educational institutions of that time. “ the entire school there was not a student who was as little suited to military bearing as F.M. Dostoevsky,” recalled K. Trutovsky. D. Grigorovich: “Even then he showed traits of unsociability... he sat, immersed in a book, and looked for secluded places.”

F.M. Dostoevsky. Drawing by K. Trutovsky. 1847
“Thoughtful, rather gloomy, one might say, withdrawn... one could never see him idle and cheerful... Sometimes, in the dead of night one could notice Fyodor Mikhailovich at the table, sitting at work,” recalls A. Savelyev

In February 1844, Dostoevsky wrote a petition to renounce his inheritance rights, and on October 19 of the same year he finally decided to change his life at once and sought resignation. “I was in a hurry from the Vyborg side to my home... It was as if I understood something at that moment, something that had only been stirring in me until now, but not yet comprehended, as if I had seen into something new, into a completely new world, unfamiliar to me ...I believe that from that very moment my existence began..."

“Do you understand yourself that you wrote this!... It cannot be that you, at your twenty years old, already understood this... The truth was revealed and proclaimed to you as an artist, it was given to you as a gift, appreciate your gift and stay and you will be a great writer! - V.G. Belinsky

He stood on the scaffold, blinded after the languid months of gloomy loneliness by the grayness of the St. Petersburg morning of December 22, 1849, which took a long time to conceive and seemed unwilling to be born. “What if I didn’t die! What if we could turn back life - what infinity! And it would all be mine! Then I would turn every minute into a whole century...” (from the novel “The Idiot”)

Dostoevsky the convict. Artist V. Domogatsky. 1956
On Christmas night 1849, Dostoevsky was shackled for the first time. " Brother! I was not sad or discouraged. Life is life everywhere, life is in ourselves, and not in the external. There will be people next to me, and to be a person among people and remain so forever, in any misfortunes, not to lose heart and not to fall - that’s what life is, what its task is. I realized this. This idea has entered my flesh and blood.” (From a letter to my brother)

F.M.Dostoevsky. Photo by N. Leibin. Semipalatinsk 1858
In January 1858, Dostoevsky resigned. In March 1859, the highest order came to dismiss Warrant Officer Dostoevsky from the Siberian Line Battalion No. 7 due to illness, allowing him to live in Tver and prohibiting him from traveling to the St. Petersburg and Moscow provinces...

F.M. Dostoevsky in 1861
In 1859, the writer moved to St. Petersburg, in 1860 he received permission to publish the magazine “Vremya”, in January 1861 the first copy of the magazine was published with the first chapters of the novel “Humiliated and Insulted”

M.D. Dostoevskaya. Photo from the early 1860s
“She loved me infinitely. I also loved her beyond measure, but we did not live happily...” “Masha is lying on the table, will I see Masha?” the writer writes in his notebook on the day of his wife’s death in April 1864.

Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya
On October 4, 1866, the young stenographer Anna Grigorievna and F.M. Dostoevsky met. In 1867, on February 15, the wedding of A.G. Snitkina and Dostoevsky. “How happy I would be if I could somehow brighten his life. He had so little joy in his life that at least in the end he would have felt good.”

F..M. Dostoevsky. Artist V. Perov. 1872
Dostoevsky received a letter from P.M. Tretyakov with a request to pose for the artist V. Perov. He turned out to be not only an excellent artist, but an excellent conversationalist: an intelligent, thoughtful man, he knew how to get Dostoevsky to talk.

F.M. Dostoevsky. Artist I. Glazunov
“I personally revered him so reverently, worshiped him so much that even because of these feelings I kept postponing my personal acquaintance with him. This, in addition to the great writer, was a deeply Russian man who passionately revered his fatherland, despite all its ulcers. It was not only an apostle, it was a prophet, it was a teacher of all good things, it was our public conscience...” (from a letter from P.M. Tretyakov to I.N. Kramskoy)

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Man is a mystery. It must be solved, and if you spend your whole life solving it, then don’t say that you wasted your time; I am studying this mystery because I want to be a man. F. M. Dostoevsky

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Participants: students in grades 5-11, head. library, literature teacher, director. museum. The purpose of the event: to expand schoolchildren’s understanding of the life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky. Objectives: developing public speaking skills; development of expressive prose reading skills, enrichment of the emotional sphere of students. Equipment: exhibition of works by F.M. Dostoevsky, abstract works of students dedicated to the writer’s work, books devoted to the study of the Kuznetsk period of F.M.’s life. Dostoevsky (M.M. Kushnikov “Mysteries of the Province”, A.S. Shadrin “22 days in the life of F.M. Dostoevsky”), presentation “The Life and Work of F.M. Dostoevsky."

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Events dedicated to the 190th anniversary of F.M. Dostoevsky

On November 11 and 12, 2011, the museum event “Dostoevsky’s Night,” dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the writer’s birth, took place at the Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky (Novokuznetsk). Museum visitors took part in the mini-play “Kuznetsk Days,” which tells about Dostoevsky’s stay in the district Kuznetsk in the mid-19th century. The complex, dramatic history of relations between F.M. Dostoevsky and M.D. Isaeva left no one indifferent.

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Presentation of the site “F.M. Dostoevsky and Kuznetsk" on November 8 in the conference hall of the Library. N.V. Gogol, a presentation of this network information and bibliographic resource “Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and Kuznetsk” took place, which is part of the official website of the Central Library named after. N.V. Gogol, Novokuznetsk. The event is dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The site “Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and Kuznetsk” can serve as a kind of source study base for the development of scientific research on the topics “Dostoevsky and Isaev”, “Dostoevsky and Kuznetsk”. Texts published since 1903 are presented in fragments.

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F. M. Dostoevsky: life and creativity

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on October 30 (November 11), 1821 in Moscow. He was the second of 7 children. Father, Mikhail Andreevich, worked as a doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the poor. He was a strict and cruel person, he loved order. Mother, Maria Fedorovna, on the contrary, was very kind-hearted and kind.

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1838-1843 - studied at the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School, after graduating from which he entered the drafting department of the engineering department. 1844 - retired and took up literary activity

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1846 - first story, “Poor People.” In other works of the 40s. - “The Double” (1846), “White Nights” (1848), “Netochka Nezvanova” (1849) - the theme of the psychological duality of man arises, which is also characteristic of the late period of creativity. “Poor People” Makar Devushkin.

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1847 - becomes a member of the revolutionary circle of M.V. Petrashevsky, is keen on the ideas of utopian socialism. 1849 - together with other Petrashevites, he was arrested and sentenced to death, which was then replaced by 4 years of hard labor. 1850-54 - after serving a sentence in the Omsk convict prison, he was enlisted as a private in the Siberian linear regiment in Semipalatinsk.

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1856, November - Dostoevsky makes an official proposal to M.D. Isaeva and receives her consent to marriage. 1857 - Dostoevsky marries M.D. Isaeva in Kuznetsk. By the highest decree, Dostoevsky's hereditary nobility was returned to the Governing Senate. This gives him the opportunity to publish his works. M.D. Isaeva

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Free life

1858 – submits his resignation. Dostoevsky chooses Tver as his place of residence. 1859 - returned to St. Petersburg and resumed literary activity. He published the stories "Uncle's Dream" (1859), "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants" (1859), the novels "The Humiliated and Insulted" (1861) and "Notes from the House of the Dead" (1861-62). In the magazines "Time" (1861-63) and "Epoch" (1864-65), the essays "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" (1863) and the story "Notes from Underground" (1864) were published.

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"Idiot". Prince Myshkin 1860-70 - the largest novels were created - “Crime and Punishment” (1866), “The Idiot” (1868). 1866 - the novel "Crime and Punishment" begins to be published in the magazine "Russian Messenger". Publication continues throughout the year. 1867 - wedding of Dostoevsky and A.G. Snitkina. 1873 - Dostoevsky is elected a member of the Slavic Charitable Committee

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Death of the genius of Russian literature

1881, January 28 (February 9) - Dostoevsky died in St. Petersburg. An obituary is published by “New Time”: “Not only a writer died, a teacher died, a noble man died.”

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Literary and Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky in Novokuznetsk

Museum F.M. Dostoevsky is the only literary museum in the south of Kuzbass, which has thematic collections “Dostoevsky in Kuznetsk”, “The Life and Work of F.M. Dostoevsky”, “Literary Local History of Kuzbass”. Since 1974, the memorial house of F.M. Dostoevsky in Kuznetsk is recognized as a monument of history and culture of republican (all-Russian) significance. In 1996, the museum opened a permanent exhibition “Dostoevsky in Kuznetsk”, built on the principles of the plot-figurative method. A. Fomchenko. "Memories of the Kuznetsk wedding." From the museum exposition.

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Reading Dostoevsky's "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree" (1876)

The story was published in 1876. In his story, Dostoevsky intended to tell his readers “something about children in general, about children with fathers, about children without fathers in particular, about children at Christmas trees, without Christmas trees, about children who are criminals...”. The theme of the story is compassion for children.

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“Netochka Nezvanova” (1848)

The writer depicts the life of a little girl from eight to sixteen years old. Dostoevsky does not spare his heroes: dirty attics and huge rich mansions are filled with people with diverse destinies, intertwined into a pattern in which one can discern the tragedy of each person. Except that two little girls, who still have everything ahead of them, give hope to the reader. But the novel is not over and we will never know how their lives turned out.

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"White Nights" (1848)

The plot of the story “looks like a fairy tale and in no way resembles anything similar to reality.” The sentimental novel is “one of the most poetic” in Russian literature, “original in thought and absolutely elegant in execution” E. V. Tur

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"Crime and Punishment" (1866)

The plot revolves around the main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, in whose head a theory of the crime is ripening. According to his idea (Raskolnikov’s Theory), humanity is divided into “those who have the right” and “trembling creatures.” The novel reveals the social and psychological causes of crimes, disasters and moral contradictions. Throughout the novel, Raskolnikov tries to understand whether he is a worthy person, whether he has the right to judge other people.

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Was the future writer born in Moscow, where did he die and what city did he consider “rotten”, “slimy”, “fantastic”, “deliberate”, “abstract”? Which work of F. M. Dostoevsky was published in N. A. Nekrasov’s “Petersburg Collection”? Which circle did Dostoevsky become a member of in 1848? Where did Dostoevsky serve hard labor? In 1857, Dostoevsky came to Kuznetsk (now Novokuznetsk). State the purpose of the trip. What “talking” names does Dostoevsky choose for his heroes? In which cities are there museums of F. M. Dostoevsky?

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Used literature and sources

Electronic resources: Encyclopedia Wikipedia Information resource “F.M. Dostoevsky and Kuznetsk" Novokuznetsk Literary and Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky Information portal of Russian school libraries