Five Star Wars aliens that can be found in real life. List of Star Wars races and creatures Star Wars creatures

The universe "" is so filled with alien creatures that the appearance of new ones is not surprising. A new species of alien creatures will appear in The Last Jedi, and we have a feeling there's something special about them.

Entertainment Weekly revealed that new aliens called "Guardians" will join Luke Skywalker (and the Porgs) as residents of Ah-To.

“These creatures are both bird-like and fish-like and they live on an island,” writer-director Rian Johnson told Entertainment Weekly. “They have lived there for thousands of years, and they are essentially the natives of the island.”

“They're all female, and I wanted their community to feel like a little monastery,” Johnson continued. "Neil Scanlan's team designed them, and costume designer Michael Kaplan designed their casual clothes, which also reflected their sort of monastic, Spartan existence."


The director also said that, unlike the Porgs, the Guardians talk, and are not entirely happy that Luke Skywalker lives on their island. However, they tolerate it.

Probably to Star Wars fans, all of this information seems like puzzle pieces, and these creatures seem to be an addition to the Star Wars story.

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We know that the Force is not just something used by the Jedi. It is also not just an all-encompassing energy field. For many species in the galaxy, it is also the basis of religion. We saw this in the films "" and "The Hill Dwellers", which are filled with a lot of new information about beliefs.

The fact that the first Jedi temple has servants (called Guardians) and they don't like having Luke on Ah-To strongly confirms that they are a race closely associated with the Force. It's pretty easy to understand.

It's not easy to understand why, or whether it's important to the overall story. Perhaps the Jedi left them on the island for a specific purpose. Perhaps they inhabited the island to feel closer to the Force. Frankly, we have no idea what their role is. Maybe they are first-class cleaners.

These huge beasts debuted with the release of Star Wars and have been popping up every now and then ever since. They look an awful lot like woolly mammoths, an extinct species that once roamed the northern hemisphere. Like mammoths, banthas have powerful tusks and a long, shaggy coat - although they do not have trunks.

And this is strange, not really. Woolly mammoths flourished during the last ice age, when huge sheets of ice came from the Arctic and covered North America and northern Europe. The enormous size of mammoths and their thick skin helped them stay warm in cold climates.

In contrast, banthas live on the desert planet Tatooine. We didn't see a thermometer on the screen, but it was clearly hot there and there weren't any snowflakes in sight. The bows must overheat. The only conclusion left is that they were brought from somewhere else, perhaps Hoth, or that someone bred them for their fur.

Speaking of the icy expanses of Hoth, its native tauntauns were used as beasts of burden by the rebels in The Empire Strikes Back.

They have thick fur and a dirty white color - which makes sense given the snowy landscape in which they live. But they don't seem very comfortable for people to ride.

Almost all animals that people ride have four legs - the same horses, for example. But tauntauns are bipedal, holding two arms in front of them, like some prehistoric dinosaurs like tyrannosaurs.

This means that their entire weight must be supported by their two legs. You'd think the tauntaun would buckle under the added weight of Luke Skywalker. But not necessarily. There is one two-legged animal that people can and do ride: ostriches. If they can handle it, so can the tauntauns.


Wait a second... They were never mentioned on screen, but that’s okay, everyone knows perfectly well what they’re talking about. In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo hides the Millennium Falcon in a tunnel on an asteroid - and discovers that the tunnel is home to a giant worm-like creature, and the ship ends up parked on his tongue. Later this beast is called exogorth.

So far we have no evidence that giant worms could live on the asteroids of the solar system, and this is really unlikely. But the various elements of the exogorth were not pulled out of thin air.

For starters, there are many long animals that spend most of their time in burrows. Here is a spotted moray eel living in a pipe.

The question is: what can exogorth eat? Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke argued that this animal could not exist because not many edible animals passed by it. But this is if we assume that it eats meat.

Many single-celled organisms can extract energy from rocks: millions of such microbes live in lakes under the Antarctic ice. Such microbes can support more complex and larger organisms. We know that worms can live in solid rock several kilometers underground, where they consume films of bacteria.

True, these worms are several millimeters long, while the exogorth was hundreds of meters long. But still.

Jabba the Hutt

This crime boss is a giant slug with a gun in his hands.

Let's put aside the question of whether a slug can evolve enough to found a criminal empire. More interestingly, can a slug become the size of Jabba?

Slugs and snails are mollusks, that is, they belong to the same group as rapana, oysters and octopuses.

The largest mollusks are probably colossal squids, which can reach 12 meters in length, but you should not focus on them. Most of their length is made up of tentacles, and they grow so large because they live underwater.

Slugs and snails - technically known as "gastropods" - have very compact bodies and are able to limit their size. The California black sea hare is one of the largest, reaching a meter in length and weighing 14 kilograms. But again, these are marine species that can grow unusually large.

Back on land, the giant African snail Achatina can reach sizes of 30 centimeters. But most of her size and mass comes from her shell, and Jabba doesn't have a shell (as far as we know).

Among the shellless gastropods, the black slug may be the largest: it grows up to 20 centimeters. But a crime lord smaller than a laptop is unlikely to scare anyone.

Jabba the Hutt apparently has a penchant for unusual execution methods. In Return of the Jedi, he tries to throw our heroes into the Pit of Carkoon, which is home to a monster called the Sarlacc. Jabba the Hutt informed his victims that in the belly of the Sarlacc they would find a new definition of pain and suffering as they were slowly digested over a thousand years.

We never see the Sarlacc's entire body because it is completely buried in the sand. It lies at the bottom of a sand pit with steep sides, so that anyone who steps into it will inevitably slide straight into the creature's mouth.

The Sarlacc resembles one of the great insect predators: the antlion.

The larva of this insect feeds on ants and other insects, for which it prepares traps. She digs a small hole in the sand, a few centimeters deep.

The slope of the finished hole will be at a certain angle, known as the critical angle of repose. It is quite steep, but it does not allow you to fall into itself, and the slightest disturbance of peace will lead to sand falling to the bottom.

Any animal that wanders into the hole will find itself sliding inside - and there an antlion will be waiting for it, its huge jaws wide open. Am.

No matter how strange it may sound, humanity has not yet had time to come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, nevertheless, it has already entered into “star wars” with them. This stunning conclusion was made by J. Haynek, a professor at the University of Colorado. And according to Professor J. Haynek, the beginning star wars It was the earthlings who put it there. He was prompted to this conclusion by an analysis of 12 thousand cases of UFO encounters and the armed forces of the Earth.

Moreover, earthlings Having noticed a UFO, they were usually the first to open fire to kill, trying to shoot down the alien aircraft. Thus, humanity was the first to initiate hostilities. However, the alien spacecraft did not always respond to military operations against them, as if not “noticing” that they were being fired upon. But the pilots, trying to shoot down unidentified aircraft, inevitably failed. But most cases show that the aliens are losing their loyalty.

The beginning An undeclared war was triggered by the incident on February 25, 1942, when American air defense systems fired at two dozen unidentified objects, mistaking them for Japanese aircraft. Anti-aircraft air defense batteries fired about one and a half thousand shells at the UFO. However, the objects behaved strangely; they simply did not pay attention to the shells fired at them. And the anti-aircraft gunners’ shells not only did not cause any harm, but were not even able to destroy the formation of the flying group of aliens.

In June 1944 The 38th strike force of the US Navy discovers an unidentified object in its area of ​​operations. The command decides to shoot down the object, seeing it as an emanating threat. Two fighters from an aircraft carrier take off into the air, but when they try to fire at the UFO, the engines of both aircraft fail. The armed forces are suffering their first losses in the undeclared “star wars”, fortunately material ones. The cars sink, falling on the water, the pilots are picked up by an approaching destroyer.

Then They could not find a reasonable explanation for this event, because they did not know what they had to face. During World War II, pilots repeatedly encountered strange luminous balls in the airspace. Mistaking them for secret German equipment, the pilots dubbed them “cabbages.” And only three years later, the first photographs of flying “saucers” appear, and the assumption of alien spacecraft appears.

In 1948, in the skies of New York state over the city of Wayville, a UFO has caught up with an F-94 fighter and lands on its tail. The pilot of the plane receives an order to destroy the “saucer”, but the attack on the target did not take place, because the temperature in the cabin of the plane rises sharply, and so much that the crew is forced to abandon the fighter.

In that That same year, another attempt to shoot down a UFO ends in tragedy. From the Fort Knoko-Louisville airbase, Kentucky, USA, 4 fighters, under the command of Captain Mantell, take off to intercept a disc-shaped UFO. Recording of conversations between Captain Mantell's last flight.

15.00 - I don’t see anything.
15.02 - visibility is good. I continue to climb.
15.11 - I see the target - it is a large disk, it is difficult to say how much, about 230 feet.
15.12 - another pilot, I see the “object”, I take a photo. Mantell tries to pursue the "object". The "object" is 480 feet above me. They are trying to get closer.
15.14 — Mantell: a little more and I’ll get him. It looks metallic, the reflectors are shiny, the glass in the window is yellow. The color changes, becomes red, orange.
15.15 - ...No more than 1,100 feet. Increases speed. I'm trying to catch up. It rises at an angle of almost 45 degrees.
15.16 - Pilot on the right: Mantell has almost caught up with him. The target is increasing speed. I can't chase him anymore. Mantell disappeared into a layer of clouds.
15.18 - Mantell: the object is large, it picks up speed too quickly. The speed is unimaginable. Now…

After these words, the radio transmission from the pilot was cut off, and the pilot’s watch, later found at the crash site (the plane crashed into the ground), stopped at 15.18, the minute when he said his last words...

In that same year, American fighters in the skies over Japan make six attempts to catch up with a UFO. However, the unidentified aircraft easily escapes pursuit, demonstrating an unimaginable speed of 10 thousand km/h. American pilots can only guess who has air superiority.

Another an incident of this kind occurred with an airplane pilot in December 1952. Lieutenant Vogl, flying an F-51 fighter, made an attempt to get closer to an unknown disk-shaped device. However, the object began to draw circles around the fighter at high speed. Which made the pilot feel a sense of annoyance; unable to withstand the bullying, the pilot decides to attack the target and rushes after the UFO.

But this the alien craft no longer likes it, turning sharply, the UFO demonstrates that it is taking a course for a frontal attack. Only at the last moment does Lieutenant Vogl manage to turn away. But at the same time he felt his fighter shake violently, and the UFO was taking a course for a second attack. Realizing that he cannot resist the power of an unknown object, the pilot decides to make an emergency landing.

The next UFO encounter ended in tragedy. Three unidentified objects were discovered in the skies of Canada, moving towards Washington at an altitude of five kilometers. To intercept air targets, a fighter was raised, the pilot of which, arriving at the meeting point, reported that he was observing the targets. What happened next is unknown, since the pilot immediately sent a distress signal, and the plane disappeared from the radar screens. Further searches for the plane, the pilot, or the wreckage of the plane were unsuccessful.

June 24, 1953 year, ground tracking services are observing an air target that hangs in the air. A two-seat F-94c fighter takes off from Otis Airfield. Approaching the target, the pilots notice that it is a strange glowing spherical object. But just as the fighter commander was about to attack the target, all of the vehicle’s electrical equipment suddenly failed, and the fighter went into a tailspin. Captain James Suggs manages to eject, the co-pilot, Lieutenant Robert Barkoff, does not have time to leave the plane, and dies when the plane crashes to the ground. An investigation into this incident was unable to find the cause of the systems failure.

Passes literally four months, and in November 25 lieutenants Felix Moncla and Robert Wilson were lifted from Kincross base to intercept an air target. Having taken their seats in the F-89 fighter on alert, the lieutenants set off to intercept a UFO that was moving chaotically on the Great Lakes. Lieutenant Monkla only managed to broadcast that it was a huge spacecraft hanging at an altitude of 2.5 kilometers.

This is all what the base operators were able to hear and record, because as soon as the fighter came within sight of the object, it suddenly rushed towards the interceptor. On the radar screens they managed to note that the speed of the jerk exceeded the sound speed several times. What happened next remained unknown, since the two marks on the screens merged.

The alien spaceship has disappeared, and the search for the F-89 fighter and pilots was fruitless. North American and Canadian search teams were unable to find absolutely any debris. The impression was that there was no catastrophe at all; the fighter and pilots were abducted by alien creatures.

Also Three fighter jets disappear without a trace in 1972. When an object not responding to friend or foe was detected in the air, three duty interceptors take to the air. Having an order to force the UFO to land at the airfield, or if it is impossible to land, to shoot down the UFO. However, flying through the cloud, a group of fighters disappears from radar. The further fate of the cars and pilots has not been established; no traces of the crash were found.

June 1974, the sky of Japan over Hyankura, flying a Phantom fighter, Lieutenant Colonel Nakamura and Major Shiro Kubosa made visual contact with a ten-meter red disk. When attempting to attack the facility, the Japanese fighter catches fire. Lieutenant Colonel Nakamura fails to survive the ejection and his parachute burns out. The co-pilot, Major Shiro Kubose, manages to escape.

Didn't take place attack of two Phantoms and in June 1976 over the state of New Mexico, then they met a silver-colored object, similar to a disk, hanging at an altitude of 2.5 kilometers. But when trying to approach the UFO, both fighters' systems fail missile launch, and electronic aircraft control systems.
One of the planes break into a dive, the other one opposite is trying to escape by gaining altitude. But suddenly the UFO, which had previously been hanging in the air, suddenly takes off and rushes after the second plane. And they begin to draw circles around the fighter, after which the pilots decide to descend.

But the crew forced to leave the car because at an altitude of a kilometer the engine fails and the crew ejects. Moreover, according to the observation of the crew, the UFO accompanied the falling plane until the fall, after which it abruptly went into the sky, and then visual contact was lost.
The story began roughly the same way. However, since the 1990s, humanity has understood that it is not so easy to shoot down UFO objects, or force them to make an emergency landing. And other decisions are made, not to try to shoot down objects, but to try to study them.

As befits any legend, this film contains many unknown secrets that can surprise and delight any of you.

The first legendary Star Wars film was released on television back in 1977 and foreshadowed the beginning of a new galactic film era for many years to come. Since then, our planet has been significantly influenced by the space epic. The fantastic universe has created its own subculture and a huge sphere of multimedia products: films, animated series, cartoons, comics, books, video games. Literally on the eve of 2017, a new part of the stellar anthology was released, which instantly captured the entire global community of fans of this epic saga. As befits any legend, this film contains many unknown secrets that can surprise and delight any of you.

1. The first actor to play Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alec Guinness, had a low opinion of the upcoming film. He even called it “fairytale bullshit.”

2. Although, despite this, he made a lucrative deal, bargaining for 2% of royalties from the total income, which, due to the success of the film, brought him $95 million.

3. Harrison Ford was paid $10,000 for his role as Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, which subsequently brought him worldwide recognition and multimillion-dollar fees.

4. English actor Peter Cushing, who played Grand Moff Tarkin, believed that his costume, or rather boots, were too uncomfortable, so in many filming scenes where his feet were not visible, the actor wore slippers.

5. The sound of a flying TIE fighter is actually the roar of an elephant, superimposed on the squeal of car tires on wet asphalt.

6. Famous director Steven Spielberg made a fortune on the galactic saga thanks to a winning bet with Star Wars director George Lucas. Spielberg predicted the film to be an unprecedented success and was right.

7. During the filming of the film, many actors received injuries of varying severity. Actor Mark Hamill, who played Luke, could not avoid this either. In one of the scenes with the garbage compartment in A New Hope, the actor had to hold his breath for a long time. As a result of the long delay, a blood vessel in Mark's face burst, forcing the director to film only one side of Luke throughout the sequence.

8. Many of the buildings from the film on the planet Tatooine were built in real size and still exist in Tunisia. It is noteworthy that the buildings are used by local residents for their own needs.

9. Denis Lawson, who played Wedge Antilles in the original film trilogy, is the uncle of Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy.

10. The famous character Luke Skywalker was originally named Luke Starkiller. This name did not change until the filming of the film. Fortunately, just before the start, the decision was made to change the name of the Jedi Master, which was not difficult.

11. The original design for the spaceship, called the Millennium Falcon, was borrowed from Princess Leia's starship.

12. The Jawa language in the film is based on a sped-up version of the Zulu conversation.

13. Many languages ​​in the saga actually exist on our planet. For example, the Greedo language in South America is called Quechua.

14. The clothes of the movie character Bosk, who is represented as a bounty hunter in the saga, is the space suit of the hero from the movie “Doctor Who”.

15. The race of one of the most popular characters, Yoda, is unknown.

16. Mark Hamill was probably one of the unluckiest actors in terms of injuries. Before filming Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, the actor was in a car accident and severely injured his face, which affected the script. It was for this reason that the scene with the wampa attacking Luke was added.

17. Initially, the director planned that Master Yoda would be played by an ordinary monkey in a mask and with a cane.

18. During the evacuation of Cloud City, the actor can be seen with an ice cream machine, which actually contains an entire database for communication with the rebel army.

19. The word "Ewok" was never spoken in the saga. Although this word was mentioned several times in the end credits.

20. Luke's lightsaber in Episode VI was originally supposed to be blue. The sword of exactly the same color was lost in the previous part of the saga. But George Lucas decided that audiences might get confused and so the color of the Jedi sword was changed to green.

21. At one point during filming, the sixth installment in the Return of the Jedi cosmic timeline was to be called Revenge of the Jedi. Posters and trailers of the film were released with this name, but it is still unclear why the name was changed. Now a poster with the early title "Revenge of the Jedi" costs a lot of money.

22. By the way, the producers of Star Trek II: The Revenge of Khan changed the title of their film to The Wrath of Khan to avoid confusion.

23. One of the most ruthless droids in the galactic Star Wars film universe is IG-88, who was actually created from recycled film props. For example, his head is the dispenser in the bar scene in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.

24. In the sixth part of the film, 3 aliens named Klaatu, Barada and Nobody were seen on Jabba's barge. It is noteworthy that in the film Army of Darkness these words had to be spoken in order to destroy the book of the dead. In fact, those three words come from the original 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still. Using these code words, it was possible to disable the robot.

25. By the start of filming the sixth episode, the saga was already so popular that the film company decided to come up with a code word for the project so as not to reveal which film would be released. According to legend, in all documents the film was described as a thriller called “Blue Harvest” with the advertising slogan “Horror beyond imagination.”

26. The film crew was seriously considering making the film Blue Harvest when filming of the star-studded saga was interrupted for several days due to sandstorms.

27. The title of the film "Blue Harvest" is a direct reference to the 1929 horror film "Red Harvest" by Ja Schreiber. The book served as inspiration for the Japanese director's film "Bodyguard" and subsequently the "Star Wars" saga.

28. Initially, in one of the parts of the chronology (“Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi”), Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda had to leave the Domain of the Force and take on their physical form to help Luke in the fight against Darth Vader and the Emperor or join him during the celebration on Endor.

29. In theatrical productions, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace was credited as "A Doll's House."

30. Not a single clone trooper shell was created in reality. Every clone in the saga was designed using computer graphics.

31. The prototype of Qui-Gonn Jinn's communicator was an ordinary women's shaving machine from the Gillete company.

32. According to Samuel L. Jackson, who played Mace Windu, one of the Jedi swords had an obscene phrase engraved on it.

33. During filming of the sword fighting scenes, young Ewan McGregor was so engrossed in what was happening that he imitated the sounds of Jedi swords, which later had to be removed.

34. Tupac Shakur auditioned for the role of Mace Windu.

35. The original version of Star Wars began with the words: “This is the story of Mace Windu, a respected Jedi-band from Opuchi, a descendant of Asby Tape, the Padawan apprentice of the famous Jedi.” Although Mace Windu and the Padawans only appeared in the fourth part of the saga, Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, which was released.

36. The waterfalls in Naboo are real salt deposits.

37. "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones" was called "Cueball" in theaters.

38. The cow-like creature in Attack of the Clones grazing in the field next to Anakin and Padme can later be seen among the asteroids.

39. The director of the saga, George Lucas, filmed members of the musical group 'N Sync as cameo characters to please his own daughters. But these scenes were cut from the final part.

40. Actor Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar Binks, appears without a costume in one of the scenes.

41. The same thing happened with actor Anthony Daniels, who played the role of C-3PO.

42. George Lucas's daughter, Katie, appears in one of the parts of the saga as a dancer.

43. Her sister, Amanda Lucas, appeared as an extra in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.

44. The director’s son, Jett Jackson, was awarded the role of a young Padawan from the Jedi archives.

45. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was renamed "The Bridge" during theatrical releases.

46. ​​While on the Galactic Council, Jar Jar Binks voted in favor of Order 66, which demanded the destruction of all Jedi and the rise of the Empire.

47. The actual climactic shot of Anakin Skywalker at the end of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith symbolically represents the Galactic Empire.

48. In the Star Wars galaxy, the music style during the bar scene is called "Jiss".

49. Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) exhibits six of the nine symptoms of borderline personality disorder. And this is one more than is required for an accurate diagnosis.

50. There is always a person on the Lucasfilm team who is involved in maintaining the canon of the Star Wars chronology.

51. Extragalactic alien races are part of the Star Wars universe. A delegation of an alien race can be found in the Galactic Council.

52. In the early versions of the film, the famous robot R2-D2 speaks English and acts like a jerk.

53. The name of the droid R2-D2 was invented by George Lucas during the filming of the film “American Graffiti”. During filming, there was a slight hiccup and the sound engineer asked for an additional second reel, which in the abbreviated version sounds like R-2-D-2.

54. The phrase “I have a bad feeling” is heard in every Star Wars movie.

55. On planet Earth, there is an island nation of Niue that accepts Star Wars currency for payment.

56. Each film in the space saga was released a week after director George Lucas' birthday, that is, after May 14.

57. Darth Vader has been played by 6 different actors throughout the history of the saga: David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Bob Anderson, Sebastian Shaw, Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen.

58. The disco version of the Star Wars soundtrack became a huge hit in 1977 and stayed at the top of the charts for 2 weeks.