Excerpts from stories from village life. Leo Tolstoy's childhood excerpt from the story

Well, there’s no need to be modest,” one of the interlocutors interrupted him. - We know your daguerreotype portrait. It’s not that you weren’t ugly, but you were handsome.
- The handsome man is so handsome, but that’s not the point. But the fact is that during this, my strongest love for her, I was on the last day of Maslenitsa at a ball hosted by the provincial leader, a good-natured old man, a rich hospitable man and a chamberlain. He was received by his wife, who was as good-natured as he, in a velvet puce dress, with a diamond feronniere on her head and with open old, plump, white shoulders and breasts, like portraits of Elizaveta Petrovna. The ball was wonderful; the hall is beautiful, with choirs, the musicians are famous serfs of the amateur landowner at that time, there is a magnificent buffet and a sea of ​​champagne poured out. Although I was a lover of champagne, I didn’t drink, because without wine I was drunk with love, but I danced until I dropped, danced quadrilles, waltzes, and polkas, of course, as far as possible, all with Varenka. She was wearing a white dress with a pink belt and white kid gloves that did not reach her thin, sharp elbows, and white satin shoes. The Mazurka was taken from me; the disgusting engineer Anisimov - I still can’t forgive him for this - invited her, she just came in, and I stopped by the hairdresser and for gloves and was late. So I danced the mazurka not with her, but with a German girl whom I had courted a little before. But, I’m afraid, that evening I was very discourteous with her, did not speak to her, did not look at her, but saw only a tall, slender figure in a white dress with a pink belt, her radiant, flushed face with dimples and gentle, sweet eyes. I'm not the only one, everyone
they looked at her and admired her, both men and women admired her, despite the fact that she eclipsed them all. It was impossible not to admire.
According to the law, so to speak, I did not dance the mazurka with her, but in reality I danced almost all the time with her. She, without embarrassment, walked straight across the hall to me, and I jumped up without waiting for an invitation, and she thanked me with a smile for my insight. When we were brought to her and she did not guess my quality, she, giving her hand not to me, shrugged her thin shoulders and, as a sign of regret and consolation, smiled at me. When they did the mazurka waltz figures, I waltzed with her for a long time, and she, breathing quickly, smiled and told me: “Encore” [More (French)]. And I waltzed again and again and did not feel my body.
Read the full story. - A very interesting story from a psychological point of view. By the way, they report online that the story is textbook, that it is taught in schools and essays are written on it. And I just read it for the first time.

In the above excerpt it is quite interesting how horse people, mazurka, waltz and cotillion are mixed together.

Russian ball of the 18th – early 20th centuries. Dances, costumes, symbols Zakharova Oksana Yurievna

Leo Tolstoy Childhood Excerpt from the story

Lev Tolstoy

Excerpt from the story

Guests are gathering

Judging by the special fussiness noticeable in the buffet, by the bright lighting, which gave a kind of new, festive look to all the objects in the living room and hall that had long been familiar to me, and especially judging by the fact that it was not for nothing that Prince Ivan Ivanovich sent his music, it was expected a considerable number of guests in the evening.

At the noise of each carriage passing by, I ran to the window, put my palms to my temples and glass and looked out into the street with impatient curiosity. From the darkness, which at first hid all the objects in the window, little by little appeared: opposite - a long-familiar shop with a lantern, diagonally - a large house with two illuminated windows below, in the middle of the street - some Vanka with two riders or an empty stroller walking home; but then a carriage drove up to the porch, and I, in full confidence that it was the Ivins, who promised to arrive early, ran to meet them in the hallway. Instead of the Ivins, behind the livery hand that opened the door, two female persons appeared: one was large, in a blue coat with a sable collar, the other was small, all wrapped in a green shawl, from under which only small legs in fur boots were visible. Not paying any attention to my presence in the hallway, although I considered it my duty to bow to them when these persons appeared, the little one silently approached the big one and stopped in front of her. The big one unwound the scarf that covered the little one’s entire head, unbuttoned her cloak, and when the livery footman received these things for safekeeping and took off her fur boots, a wonderful twelve-year-old girl in a short open muslin dress, white pantaloons and tiny black shoes emerged from the muffled person. There was a black velvet ribbon on the little white neck; her head was all covered in dark blond curls, which went so well in front to her beautiful face, and in the back to her bare shoulders, that I would not have believed anyone, not even Karl Ivanovich himself, that they curled so well because they had been wrapped in the morning into pieces of the Moskovskie Vedomosti and that they were burned with hot iron tongs. It seemed like she was born with this curly head.

The striking feature of her face was the extraordinary size of her bulging, half-closed eyes, which made a strange but pleasant contrast with her tiny mouth. Her lips were pursed, and her eyes looked so seriously that the general expression of her face was one from which you would not expect a smile, and the smile of which is all the more charming.

Trying to be unnoticed, I slipped through the door of the hall and considered it necessary to walk back and forth, pretending that I was deep in thought and completely unaware that guests had arrived. When the guests came to half the hall, I seemed to come to my senses, shuffled around and announced to them that my grandmother was in the living room. Mrs. Valakhina, whose face I really liked, especially because I found in it a great resemblance to the face of her daughter Sonechka, nodded her head at me favorably.

Grandmother seemed very glad to see Sonechka: she called her closer to her, straightened one curl on her head that was falling onto her forehead, and, peering intently into her face, said: “Quelle charmante enfant!” Sonechka smiled, blushed and became so sweet that I also blushed looking at her.

I hope you won’t be bored with me, my friend,” said the grandmother, lifting her face by the chin, “please have fun and dance as much as possible.” “Now there is one lady and two gentlemen,” she added, turning to Mrs. Valakhina and touching me with her hand.

This rapprochement was so pleasant to me that it made me blush again.

Feeling that my shyness was increasing, and hearing the noise of the still approaching carriage, I considered it necessary to leave. In the hallway I found Princess Kornakova with her son and an incredible number of daughters. The daughters all looked alike - they looked like a princess and were ugly; therefore, none of them stopped attention. Taking off their coats and tails, they all suddenly spoke in thin voices, fussed and laughed at something - probably because there were so many of them. Etienne was a boy of about fifteen, tall, fleshy, with a wasted face, sunken, blue eyes at the bottom, and with arms and legs that were huge for his age; he was clumsy, had an unpleasant and uneven voice, but he seemed very pleased with himself and was exactly what, according to my ideas, a boy who was whipped with rods could be.

We stood opposite each other for quite a long time and, without saying a word, peered carefully; then, moving closer, they seemed to want to kiss, but after looking into each other’s eyes, for some reason they changed their minds. When the dresses of all his sisters rustled past us in order to start a conversation with something, I asked if they were not cramped in the carriage.

“I don’t know,” he answered me casually, “I never ride in a carriage, because as soon as I sit down, I start to feel sick, and mamma knows it.” When we go somewhere in the evening, I always sit on the box - it’s much more fun - everything is visible, Philip lets me drive, sometimes I take the whip. That way for people passing by, you know, sometimes,” he added with an expressive gesture, “wonderful!”

“Your Excellency,” said the footman, entering the hall. - Philip asks: where did you want to put the whip?

How are you doing? Yes, I gave it to him.

He says they didn't give it away.

Well, I hung it on the lantern.

Philip says that there is no sign on the lantern, but you’d better say that you took it and lost it, and Philip will be responsible for your pampering with his money,” the disgruntled footman continued, becoming more and more inspired.

The footman, who seemed to be a respectable and gloomy man, seemed to ardently take Philip's side and was determined to clarify this matter at all costs. Out of an involuntary sense of delicacy, as if not noticing anything, I stepped aside; but the lackeys present acted completely differently: they came closer, looking with approval at the old servant.

Well, he lost it, he lost it,” said Etienne, avoiding further explanations, “whatever the whip costs him, I’ll pay.” This is hilarious! - he added, coming up to me and dragging me into the living room.

No, excuse me, sir, will you pay with something? I know how you pay: Marya Vasilievna has been paying two kopecks for the eighth month, and I, too, seem to be in my second year. Parsley...

Will you shut up! - shouted the young prince, turning pale with anger. - I’ll tell you all this.

I'll say everything, I'll say everything! - said the footman. - Not good, your Excellency! - he added especially expressively as we entered the hall, and went with the cloaks to the chest.

That's it, that's it! - we heard someone’s approving voice in the hallway behind us.

Grandmother had a special gift, using a certain tone and in certain cases, plural and singular pronouns of the second person, to express her opinion about people. Although she used You And You Contrary to the generally accepted custom, in her mouth these shades took on a completely different meaning. When the young prince approached her, she said a few words to him, calling him You, and looked at him with an expression of such disdain that if I had been in his place, I would have been completely at a loss; but Etienne was, apparently, not that kind of boy addition: he not only did not pay any attention to the grandmother’s reception, but even to her entire person, and bowed to the whole company, if not deftly, then completely cheekily. Sonechka occupied all my attention: I remember that when Volodya, Etienne and I were talking in the hall in a place from which Sonechka was visible and she could see and hear us, I spoke with pleasure; when I happened to say, in my opinion, a funny or clever word, I pronounced it louder and looked back at the door to the living room; when we moved to another place, from which we could neither be heard nor seen from the living room, I remained silent and no longer found any pleasure in the conversation.

The living room and halls were gradually filled with guests; among them, as always happens at children's parties, there were several big children who did not want to miss the opportunity to have fun and dance, as if only to please the mistress of the house.

When the Ivins arrived, instead of the pleasure that I usually felt when meeting Seryozha, I felt some strange annoyance at him for seeing Sonechka and showing himself to her.

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Subject: L.N. Tolstoy. Excerpt from the story "Childhood".


  • Introduce students to a brief biography of the writer, the history of the appearance of the novel “Four Epochs of Development,” and the content of an excerpt from the story.
  • Develop skills of correct, conscious, expressive, selective reading, oral coherent speech; the ability to reproduce previously read works in memory based on listened passages; the ability to put together an exhibition of books on a given topic with a brief annotation for each book; the ability to analyze a read text and, as a result of the analysis, determine what means of expression the author uses to express his feelings.
  • Using the example of the hero of the excerpt from the story, cultivate a warm and caring attitude towards the mother - the dearest person.


  • books with the works of Leo Tolstoy for the exhibition;
  • audio recording with excerpts from the works of Leo Tolstoy;
  • photographs about the writer's life; statement by A.M. Gorky.


I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

II. Introductory part

On the board is a statement by A.M. Gorky, which the teacher reads out: “There is no person more worthy of the name of genius, more complex and contradictory and beautiful in everything...”

– We have known this man for a long time through his works. His name is Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. (Cm. Application . Rice. 1) Today in class we will talk in more detail about his life and work, and get acquainted with an excerpt from his story.

III. Getting to know the biography

The teacher talks about the pages of the writer’s biography, illustrating his story with photographs.

– Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28 (September 9, new style) in 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, near Tula. The writer spent most of his life in this place. (Cm. Application . Fig.1, 2, 3)
By origin, Lev Nikolaevich belonged to famous noble families. In addition to Lev Nikolaevich, the family had three more sons: Nikolai, Sergei, Dmitry and daughter Maria, the writer’s sister. Unfortunately, the children were orphaned early: Maria Nikolaevna, their mother, died in 1830, Nikolai Ilyich, their father, in 1837.
Their distant relative Tatyana Aleksandrovna Ergolskaya became the children’s teacher. She preserved the children's works of Leo Tolstoy.
Since 1841, the fat children lived in Kazan with their aunt-guardian Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova. In 1844, Lev Nikolaevich entered Kazan University. But the existing teaching did not satisfy his inquisitive mind, and in 1847 Tolstoy filed a petition to dismiss him from the audience.
In 1851, Tolstoy and his brother Nikolai (by that time an artillery officer) went to the Caucasus to enlist in military service. In the Caucasus, L.N. Tolstoy wrote his first story, “Childhood.” Under the title “The Story of My Childhood,” the story was published in the Sovremennik magazine and, at the author’s request, was signed only with his initials: “L.N.”
During the period of reforms of the 1860s, Tolstoy devoted a lot of energy to practical activities, striving not in words, but in deeds to make life easier for the people. He accepted the position of peace mediator in order to fairly resolve disputes between landowners and peasants.
In 1859, he opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. (Cm. Application . Rice. 4) Subsequently, in Krapivensky district, with the active participation of Tolstoy, 26 more schools were opened. Tolstoy himself taught the children to read and write. In the 1870s, he created the ABC and the original reading books. Everyone knows these short stories and fables from early childhood.

IV. Checking homework

1. Return to the works of Tolstoy that we have read.

– We got acquainted with these stories throughout all four years of school. They are well remembered, because the stories of Leo Tolstoy teach only goodness and justice. Listen to the excerpts and remember which works they are taken from?

Children are invited to listen to five excerpts from the stories and fables of Leo Tolstoy, recorded on audio cassette:

  1. Excerpt from the story “Filipok”.
  2. Excerpt from the fable “Father and Sons”.
  3. Excerpt from the story “The Jump”.
  4. Excerpt from the fable “The Ant and the Dove”.
  5. Excerpt from the story “Shark”.

2. An exhibition of books selected by students, with brief annotations.

– What other stories by Leo Tolstoy did you find in the library? Tell us about your findings.

V. Introduction to the biography (continuation)

– In his declining years, Tolstoy was full of creative energy. Over the last decade of his life, he wrote about fifty works. Tolstoy retained his love for children throughout his life. In the 1900s, he again worked with peasant children, as in his youth. (Cm. Application . Rice. 5).
On October 28, 1910, at six o'clock in the morning, Tolstoy left Yasnaya Polyana forever. He was heading to the south of Russia. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to get off the train at Astapovo station. The last seven days of the writer’s life passed in the station master’s house.
On November 7 at 6:50 a.m. Leo Tolstoy passed away.
Lev Nikolaevich lived a long life. He died when he was 82 years old. They buried him, as he had ordered, in Yasnaya Polyana, among the trees, on the edge of a ravine. (cm. Application . Rice. 6, 7).
In Yasnaya Polyana there is a museum of Lev Nikolaevich. People come there from all over the world to see with their own eyes the house where the great Russian writer lived and worked.

VI. Getting to know a new work

1. The history of the story “Childhood”

– In my story about Tolstoy’s work, I mentioned the story “Childhood”. This story was born in the Caucasus. It was there that Lev Nikolaevich made his most important choice in life - he became a writer. He conceived the novel “Four Epochs of Development,” in which he wanted to depict the process of human spiritual development, “to sharply outline the characteristic features of each era of life: in childhood, warmth and fidelity of feeling; skepticism in adolescence; in youth, the beauty of feelings, the development of vanity and self-doubt.” The first part of the planned novel, “Childhood,” was written in the Caucasus; later two others were created - “Adolescence” and “Youth”, and the fourth part “Youth” remained unwritten.

– During the lesson we will only get acquainted with an excerpt from the first story. When creating the images of the characters in the story, the writer used his personal impressions and experiences, but the story is only partly autobiographical. L.N. Tolstoy claimed that he wrote not only about his childhood, but also about what is in the childhood of every person.

2. Primary perception of the text.

Combined reading: teacher - students who read well.

– What feelings is this passage filled with?

3. Speech warm-up.

– Before we begin independent reading, we will conduct a speech warm-up, which will help us prepare the articulatory apparatus for work. The warm-up is called the same as the passage by L.N. Tolstoy - “Childhood” by M. Yasnov.

  • expressive reading by the teacher;
  • reading highlighted words, explaining their formation;
  • silent reading by students;
  • choral reading at a moderate pace.

IN MIRACLE you will open the windows -
HAPPY knocks on the path,
Veselyutik blooms by the river,
And the Nightingales sing loudly.
And somewhere along distant roads
Nosomot and Begerog are wandering...
We’ll soon go to the MIRACLE with them -
TOROPINKA is in a hurry right under the window,
Calls us to look - to take a look:
What's behind the window?
Chu!.. Childhood!

4. Vocabulary work.

Maman – read “maman” in the French manner.

5. “Buzzing” reading by students with the task:

– Find in the text what words Nikolenka addresses his mother, what he calls her.

6. Selective reading passage analysis.

– What does mother call her son?

– What can these expressions tell you and me, the readers?

– What did the boy experience when he was next to his mother? What did he want to do at these moments for all the people he knew and didn’t know? Read it.

7. Highlighting the main idea of ​​the text.

– This work by L.N. Tolstoy is called “Childhood”. Do you think the writer only wanted to tell about the childhood years of the boy Nikolenka?

– Find and read the lines that express the main idea of ​​the passage.

VII. Summing up the lesson

– I would like to end our lesson with the words of Lev Nikolaevich himself, with which he addressed his students at the Yasnaya Polyana school: “Thank you, guys, for coming to me. I'm glad when you study well. Just please don't be naughty. And then there are those who don’t listen, but only play pranks themselves. And what I tell you will be necessary for you. You will remember, when I am no longer here, that the old man spoke kindly to you.” All the works of Lev Nikolaevich are permeated with this goodness. That is why adults and children love and know them.

VIII. Homework

– Prepare an expressive reading based on the roles of this work.

“Leo Tolstoy wrote lyrics exclusively for reggae music,” sings Boris Grebenshchikov. In this post we prove that Leo, whose birthday is today, was still a nonconformist and present five little-known quotes from a key writer of Russian literature.

Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was not such a boring character. He spoiled a promising military career by writing several satirical soldier songs; traveled around Europe and was disappointed; founded the Yasnaya Polyana school with an alternative approach to pedagogy, where children sat where and as long as they wanted, and the teacher’s only task was to interest the students; came up with his own religious doctrine, which questioned the authority of the church and state; was excommunicated; and in his last, 82nd year of life, he secretly left Yasnaya Polyana, went to the railway station, bought a ticket for the first direction he came across and began traveling back and forth without any purpose.


And to do this, on my advice, they used a variety of methods,” said the devil in the cape.

People have a fairy tale about how a good wizard, saving a person from an evil one, turns him into a grain of millet and how an evil wizard, having turned into a rooster, was ready to peck this grain, but the good wizard poured a measure of grains onto the grain. And the evil wizard could not eat all the grains and could not find the one he needed. They did the same, on my advice, with the teaching of the one who taught that the whole law is to do to others what you want them to do to you, they recognized 49 books as the sacred exposition of the law of God and in these books they recognized every word the work of God - the holy spirit. They poured such a heap of imaginary sacred truths onto the simple, understandable truth that it became impossible either to accept them all, or to find in them the one that people need. This is their first method. The second method, which they have used successfully for more than a thousand years, is that they simply kill and burn all those who want to reveal the truth. Now this method is already falling out of use, but they do not abandon it and, although they no longer burn people who are trying to discover the truth, they slander them, so poison their lives that only very rare people decide to expose them. This is the second way. The third way is that, recognizing themselves as the church, therefore, infallible, they directly teach, when they need it, the opposite of what is said in scripture, leaving their students to find their way out of these contradictions as they wish and know how.

But the teaching was so simple and clear,” said Beelzebub, still not wanting to believe that his servants would do something that he did not think of doing, “that it was impossible to reinterpret it. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” How can we reinterpret this?

So, for example, the scripture says: “You have one teacher, Christ, and do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one father, who is in heaven, and do not be called a teacher, for you have one teacher, Christ,” but they They say: “We are the only fathers and we are the only mentors of people.” Or it is said: “if you want to pray, then pray alone in secret, and God will hear you,” but they teach that everyone should pray in churches together, accompanied by songs and music. Or the scripture says: “do not swear in any way,” but they teach that everyone must swear unquestioning obedience to the authorities, no matter what these authorities demand. Or it is said: “Thou shalt not kill,” but they teach that one can and should kill in war and in court. Or it is also said: “My teaching is spirit and life; eat it like bread.” And they teach that if you put pieces of bread in wine and say certain words over these pieces, then the bread becomes the body, and the wine - the blood, and that eating this bread and drinking this wine is very useful for the salvation of the soul. People believe in this and diligently eat this stew, and then, when they come to us, they are very surprised that this stew did not help them,” the caped devil concluded, rolled his eyes and grinned from ear to ear.


There was one boy. And he loved to eat chickens and was very afraid of wolves. And one day this boy went to bed and fell asleep. And in a dream he saw that he was walking alone through the forest to pick mushrooms and suddenly a wolf jumped out of the bushes and rushed at the boy.

The boy got scared and shouted: “Ay, ah! He will eat me!

The wolf says: “Wait, I won’t eat you, but I’ll talk to you.”

And the wolf says: “You are afraid that I will eat you. What are you doing yourself? Do you like chickens?

- "I love".

- “Why do you eat them? After all, they, these chickens, are just as alive as you. Every morning, go and see how they are caught, how the cook carries them to the kitchen, how their throats are cut, how their queen cackles that their chicks are being taken from her. Did you see this? - says the wolf.

The boy says: “I didn’t see it.”

“If you haven’t seen it, then take a look. But now I will eat you. You’re just like a chicken - I’ll eat you.”

And the wolf rushed at the boy, and the boy got scared and shouted: “Ay, ah, ah!” He screamed and woke up.

And since then the boy stopped eating meat - he did not eat beef, veal, lamb, or chicken.

How people live

It was not possible for a mother to know what her children needed to live. It was not possible for the rich man to know what he himself needed. And not a single person can know whether he needs boots for a living person or barefoot shoes for a dead person by the evening.

And all people are alive not because they think about themselves, but because there is love in people.

I remained alive when I was a man, not because I thought myself up, but because there was love in the man passing by and in his wife, and they took pity and loved me. The orphans survived not because they thought about them, but because there was love in the heart of a strange woman and she took pity and loved them. And all people are alive not because they think about themselves, but because there is love in people.

About what is called art

A piece of music, to be art, must act on the senses. And what? Most musical works, in imitation of the meaningless works of Beethoven, are a collection of sounds that are of interest to those who have studied fugue and counterpoint, but do not evoke any feeling in the ordinary listener; and the musicians are not at all embarrassed by this, but calmly say that this happens because the listener does not understand the music. The musician plays you his composition, which, like most of the compositions of new musicians, is incomprehensible, that is, alien to music.

You listen and the composition causes you bewilderment (especially if the musician is of a cheerful character), is it not a hoax? Isn't he just throwing his hands at random to test you, and you say that you don't like it? No, you don’t understand yet, the musician answers you. When will I understand? After all, it’s over, it’s over.

You are not an illiterate person, but an aesthetically educated person, you know and appreciate the classics of music. You listen and the composition causes you bewilderment (especially if the musician is of a cheerful character), is it not a hoax? Isn't he just throwing his hands at random to test you, and you say that you don't like it? No, you don’t understand yet, the musician answers you. When will I understand? After all, it’s over, it’s over.

Army reform project

This evil is debauchery, vices and loss of spirit of the Russian army.

In Russia, so powerful in its material strength and the strength of its spirit, there is no army; there are crowds of oppressed slaves obeying thieves, oppressive mercenaries and robbers, and in this crowd there is neither devotion to the king, nor love of the fatherland - words that are so often abused - nor knightly honor and courage, there is, on the one hand, a spirit of patience and suppressed grumbling, on the other hand, the spirit of oppression and covetousness.

“Tolstoy’s Childhood” - Stages and timing of the project. Feelings, actions and spiritual world of the main character in the story by L. Results of the presentation. Student of the Faculty of Philology, 342 Yankevichute Diana. We will study the following chapters. Tolstoy's "Childhood". Tolstoy's "Childhood". Fundamental question. Problematic issues.

"A.K. Tolstoy" - Career. At the age of eight, Tolstoy, with his mother and Perovsky, moved to St. Petersburg. Kozma Prutkov. A.K. Tolstoy (1817-75), Meeting with Alexander II. Parents. Creation. The marriage was unhappy; An open break soon occurred between the spouses. Education.

“Tatyana Tolstaya” - “I’m interested in people from the outskirts...” Date of birth: May 3, 1951 Background of Simeonov. Creation. “Bad” - “good” person in the story “Okkervil River”. A television. In 2002, she participated in the TV show “Basic Instinct.” She moved to Moscow in the early 1980s and began working at the Nauka publishing house as a proofreader.

“The Writer Tolstoy” - Natasha is the ideal image of a woman in Tolstoy’s view. In the Caucasus L.N. Tolstoy begins his writing career. The story "Childhood". In 1857, the war between Russia and Turkey began. Life poses serious questions to the heroes. In 1862, L. Tolstoy married the daughter of a famous doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers.

“On the Life of Leo Tolstoy” - In the circle of writers. The appearance of War and Peace made Tolstoy the greatest Russian writer. Adolescence and youth. Here Tolstoy first felt the senseless, cruel side of war. “Without knowing Tolstoy, you cannot consider yourself a cultured person” M. Gorky. The turbulent life of adolescence. The Tolstoy family existed in Russia for 600 years.

“Biography of Alexei Tolstoy” - In recent years he turned to poetry (wrote ballads and political satires in verse). He grew up in a wealthy noble family. Vladimir Mikhailovich. In 1843 he received the rank of chamber cadet. Alexey Mikhailovich. Zhemchuzhnikov brothers. He was buried in Nice at the Cocad Russian Cemetery. In his work he combined sharp satire with lyricism.