Night in the library of the year. BiblioNight – Russia

The magic of the book #BrightLifeRGBM

Books throughout our lives are a source of a wide variety of knowledge, impressions, emotions and feelings. We follow with trepidation the lives of the characters, experiencing their sorrows, doubts and moments of happiness. We receive new useful information by studying science. We learn about our history better by reading non-fiction. Books enrich and brighten our lives.

It was these thoughts that inspired us when we were preparing the program for the All-Russian event “Library Night2018” in our library.

The program consists of more than 20 events and activities that will take place on Saturday April 21 from 18:00 to 00:00. All events will be free, but some require registration.


Guests will receive a special gift from the volunteer artists: a canvas created specifically for the Russian State Library of Music, depicting heroes from various literary eras: from ancient Russian tales to the classics of the 20th century. During Library Night, everyone will be able to turn this literary kaleidoscope into a bright picture, against which they can take a photo at the end of the evening.

In the “Music Basement” you will be able to compete in your dancing skills using the Kinect Just Dance game with a varied playlist in which everyone will find a composition in their favorite style.

The Hall of Fiction and Art will host an interactive lecture by psychologist Maria Efimova on the topic “Everyone has their own brightness”. Participants will learn to think brightly, positively and look at the world around them with optimism.

Also on this day guests are expected to:

  • excursions around "E-Book Museum" with the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of some of the exhibits;
  • games in English;
  • exciting stories about the volumes of our Rare Book Hall, which you can look through with your own hands;
  • installation “Sleeping with a Book”.

Literary quiz

One of the most famous teams in Moscow “Raccoon, Why Not?” will organize this evening especially for our library Literary quiz.

Quiz is an intellectual and entertaining game in which teams compete by answering questions based on logic and erudition. In our quiz you will find seven rounds of 6 and 12 questions, which will be related to literature in one way or another. All rounds have different formats. And questions can be both text and multimedia.

The number of teams is limited. Registration is required via this link.


At the beginning of the evening, guests will be greeted at the entrance to the library by jazz band "Polina Porokhova Trio". Next, the musical events will move to the “Music Basement”, where guitarist Vasily Ermolovich, author and performer of his own songs in the popular rock genre. And Library Night at the Russian State Library will end with audio impressions from "Gifts" group performing club music.


As part of our #BrightLifeRGBM program, lectures will be held on a variety of topics:

  • Topic "From Klingon to the present day: artificial languages ​​in cinema" will be revealed by the winner of the “Enlightener2017” prize, candidate of philological sciences Alexander Piperski. Elvish languages, Dothraki and Klingon anyone with even the slightest interest in cinema will immediately remember several artificial languages. How are they, from the point of view of “serious” linguistics, similar to natural languages, and how are they different from them? Who comes up with languages ​​for films and why is it needed? You can learn about this at the lecture;
  • On the occasion of the writer's anniversary “The Lives of Turgenev’s “Ghosts” in the 21st Century” Anna Kharitonova, philologist, graduate student of the Department of History of Russian Literature at Moscow State University will tell you. M.V. Lomonosov. Why are a number of his later works called “mysterious tales”? What place does the fantasy “Ghosts” take among them? How was this text interpreted in different eras and through what means of art was it read again in the 21st century? We will not only talk about "Ghosts", but also look at them;
  • Lecture on science fiction "Double Fantastic Strike" will carry out Evgeny Kharitonov, writer, literary and film historian, and science fiction writer Mikhail Tyrin. “Apocrypha of the Looking Glass, or the Unknown about the Known”: why Hollywood stole Soviet films, who came up with the expression “wooden ruble” and who “invented” little green men, when the idea of ​​​​creating a multi-stage rocket was born and why the US government recommended studying Alexander Belyaev’s books in school;
  • "Japanese book: from handwritten scrolls to the Internet" a senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences will talk about this Maria Toropygina. You will learn interesting facts about the history of Japanese books: what a Japanese handwritten book looked like and why printed books did not replace manuscripts; when did the first printing presses appear in Japan? why it turned out to be more convenient to publish Japanese books using woodblock printing rather than using movable type; how texts were translated into new media in the 18th and 19th centuries and on what sites you can see old Japanese books on the Internet;
  • About “Space as a choice. The future of Russian cosmonautics" will tell Anton Pervushin, science fiction writer, popularizer of science and one of the most famous space explorers;
  • Another lecture on space "First steps to other worlds" will be voiced by Alexey Borisov, general director of the Human Planet studio, author of the Our Universe project, popularizer of astronautics, member of the Russian Space Society. The lecture, based on Stephen Hawking's research, will focus on the possibilities of moving people to other planets.

Master classes

A series of master classes will be held in our Artist’s Office:

  • Artist's master class Irina Sheremeteva “Drawing a landscape in watercolors”;
  • Artist's master class Alima Velitova “Drawing from the imagination”;
  • As well as a master class by an art therapist Svetlana Filyaeva on creating a collage for mood and inspiration. Registration is required for this master class. An application for participation can be sent in free form to the following address.

Master Class “3D pen as a unique creative tool” will be held in the MediaLAB hall by Roman Kazakov, a prototyping specialist. Participants will become familiar with the technology of creating three-dimensional products using a 3D pen.

There will also be a master class in our media laboratory. "Stirling Engine" by Nikolai Shelest participant of the Young Power Engineer project, curator of the preparation of experimental models. After introductory information about the famous “omnivorous” Stirling engine with a demonstration of the device itself, participants will be able to assemble a working prototype of the machine.

Children's program

This year our library will have a children's program organized by Svetlana Kazakova, history teacher, culturologist, specialist in theater pedagogy. The events will take place in the Children's Room. Since the space there is small, there will be three stages, for each of which you can sign up separately on the evening itself:

  1. “Once a kitten went to his mother” filmstrip for the little ones (34 years) + interactive game;
  2. “The Mouse, the Pancake and the Sparrow” filmstrip for kids (45 years old) + master class;
  3. “The Dream of the Iron Man” scary fairy tale based on Lithuanian legends (from 7 to 12 years old) + quiz.

Fair from the Workshop of Social and Creative Inclusion “Chest”

At our evening, products from participants in the Social and Creative Inclusion Workshop “Chest” will be presented, in which young people with autism spectrum disorder create unique souvenirs and gifts with their own hands and with love. Anyone can purchase them.

In order to find out the exact time and location of the events, please read the program.

#BrightLifeRGBM #Librarynight2018 #MagicBooks #RGBM



Opening of “Library Night” The magic of the book #BrightLifeRGBM

Performance by the jazz band “Polina Porokhova Trio”

Literary kaleidoscope

Guests will receive a special gift from the volunteer artists: a canvas created specifically for the Russian State Library of Music, depicting heroes from various literary eras: from ancient Russian tales to the classics of the 20th century. During Library Night, everyone will be able to turn this literary kaleidoscope into a bright picture, against which they can take a photo at the end of the evening.

Closing. Performance by the group "Gifts"

Genre: rock, acoustic program

  • Evgeniy Ballad guitar, vocals
  • Roman Gadas vocals
  • Roman Titenstein bongs

About the group:

The musicians, connected by long-standing friendship, playing intelligently loudly and fervently quietly, form together a musical group called “Gifts”. Lyrics play a very important role in the work of Podarkov, which distinguishes them from many young groups. The band’s music is difficult to confine to any specific style; this is reflected in the diverse and even incompatible musical preferences of its members: “RHCP” and “AuktYon”, “Muse” and Pyotr Mamonov, “Rammstein” and traditional Russian folklore.

Hall of Literature on Social Sciences and Humanities

Literary quiz from one of the most famous teams in Moscow “Raccoon, Why Not?”

Quiz is an intellectual and entertaining game in which teams compete by answering questions based on logic and erudition.

The number of teams is limited. Registration via link.

Lecture “Double Fantastic Strike”

Writer, literary and film historian Evgeny Kharitonov will present a lecture-performance “Apocrypha of the Looking Glass, or the Unknown about the Known”: why Hollywood stole Soviet films, who came up with the expression “wooden ruble” and who “invented” little green men, when the idea of ​​​​creating a multi-stage rocket was born and why the US government recommended studying Alexander Belyaev’s books in school. Famous science fiction writer Mikhail Tyrin will continue the conversation about the surprises of science fiction and answer questions from readers.

Hall of Literature in Foreign Languages

MediaLAB Hall

Master class “3D pen as a unique creative tool”

Magic, you might think, but no – just another technological breakthrough in the field of 3D modeling, with the help of which it is possible to significantly simplify the prototyping process.

Presenter: Roman Kazakov, prototyping specialist.

During the tour you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of some of the exhibits.

The event will be hosted by the founder of the museum, Alexander Purnik.

Lecture “First steps to other worlds”

The lecture, based on the research of Stephen Hawking, will be devoted to the possibilities of relocating people to other planets, and Alexey Borisov, general director of the Planet of People studio, author of the Our Universe project, popularizer of astronautics, member of the Russian Space Society, will talk about this.

Master class “Stirling engine”

After introductory information about the famous “omnivorous” Stirling engine with a demonstration of the device itself, participants will be able to assemble a working prototype of the machine. And Nikolay Shelest, a participant in the “Young Energy Engineer” project, curator of the preparation of experimental models, will help you with this.

Hall "Music Cellar"

Rare Book Hall

Lecture “Japanese book: from handwritten scrolls to the Internet”

You will learn interesting facts about the history of Japanese books: what a Japanese handwritten book looked like and why printed books did not replace manuscripts; when did the first printing presses appear in Japan? why it turned out to be more convenient to publish Japanese books using woodblock printing rather than using movable type; how texts were translated into new media in the 18th-19th centuries and on what sites you can see old Japanese books on the Internet.

Lecturer: Maria Toropygina, senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Display of a collection of ancient books from the collections of the Russian State Library of Lithuania

You will be able to get acquainted with copies of domestic publications from the hand press period, printed in civil and Church Slavonic fonts, see one of the first Russian textbooks on arithmetic, books on geography, philosophy, history and religion, lifetime editions of the works of A.S. Pushkin, as well as get an idea of ​​the owner’s and publisher’s bindings. Hold books from the collection of the Romanov family and Count Uvarov in your hands, and look through pre-revolutionary translations into Russian of the works of Charles Darwin, K. Marx, G. Spencer and Voltaire. The books will be presented by Alexander Makarenko.

Artist's office

Hall of Visual Arts and Comics

Lecture “Space as a choice. The future of Russian cosmonautics"

The lecture will be given by Anton Pervushin, science fiction writer, popularizer of science, historian of astronautics.

Lecture “Life of GHOSTS of Turgenev in the 21st century”

Why are a number of Turgenev’s later works called “mysterious stories”? What place does the fantasy “Ghosts” take among them? How was this text interpreted in different eras and through what means of art was it read again in the 21st century? We will not only talk about “Ghosts”, but also look at them.

The lecture will be given by Anna Kharitonova, philologist, graduate student of the Department of History of Russian Literature at Moscow State University.

Lecture “From Klingon to the present day: artificial languages ​​in cinema”

Elvish languages, Dothraki and Klingon anyone with even the slightest interest in cinema will immediately remember several artificial languages. How are they, from the point of view of “serious” linguistics, similar to natural languages, and how are they different from them? Who comes up with languages ​​for films and why is it needed?

The topic will be discussed by Alexander Piperski, laureate of the Enlightenment Prize 2017, candidate of philological sciences.

Hall of Fiction and Art

Club hall

Fish room


Children's room

“One day a kitten was walking to its mother.” Filmstrip for the little ones (34 years) + interactive game

"The Mouse, the Pancake and the Sparrow." Filmstrip for kids (4-5 years old) + master class

"The Dream of Iron Man" Scary tale based on Lithuanian legends (712 years) + quiz

No more than 7 people per filmstrip session. The registration sheet will hang in front of the entrance to the Children's room.

Master class “Matryoshka cats” (paper origami)

Master class “Sparrow” (craft made from cardboard and wool)

The classes will be conducted by Olga Kovba, chief specialist in environmental education activities of the State Budgetary Institution “Mospriroda”.

  • | Print |

On Saturday, April 21, the National Library of the Chuvash Republic will host a long-awaited meeting of all fans of the All-Russian event in support of reading “Library Night 2018”.

“Library Night 2018” is an amazing symbiosis of intellectual relaxation and sports passion, creative activity and the spirit of competition. The multi-colored mosaic of the action will be made up of major events: the “Intellectual GTO” complex, the speed reading and reading aloud championships “Open Your Mouth”, the poetry concert “Aroklion”, the anniversary 5th Cup of Library Night in sports “What? Where? When?”, the literary salon of the book theater “Balzaminov’s Marriage”, and the all-Russian concept of “The Magic of the Book” will be supported by various venues with a “magical twist”.

The natural portal “Abyrvalg”, an interactive tour of ancient tomes “Flipping Through the Ages”, “Little Stories of the Magic Lamp” (of course, for the youngest guests), exclusive visits to the most mysterious departments of the library - the book depository and the conservation and restoration sector - will become bright colors on the canvas of an April Saturday.

The active events of the campaign will be complemented by the flagship of last year’s Library Night - the Intellectual GTO complex, which can be registered for delivery from 16:00. The organizers have prepared new tests at familiar venues: a literary swim, a book run, and a poetry shooting will once again open their doors to everyone. A bonus for each participant will be a certificate of successful completion of the standards, and the winner will receive valuable prizes.

Everyone who loves to read, and especially read aloud, is invited to take part in the regional qualifying round of the incredibly exciting Open Your Mouth championship, the official organizer of which is the Interregional Reading Federation Association, which unites 120 cities and thousands of participants throughout Russia. To read and win “Open Your Mouth” you do not need to be a professional announcer, actor or have experience in performing – just desire, a positive attitude and charismatic drive, which the jury will definitely appreciate. But what is needed to participate in the reading aloud championship is registration on the website:

Fans of speed reading also have a chance to receive another award from the School of Speed ​​Reading and Intelligence Development IQ 007. The speed reading championship will be held in real time and readers themselves will be able to monitor changes in the standings.

The highlight of Library Night will be the poetry concert of the Aroklion group. Lyrical music connoisseurs will be able to enjoy the deep philosophical lines of the author's poetry, coupled with a harmonious melody. The mastery of accents and rhythms of the charismatic trio will not leave anyone indifferent and will allow you to truly enjoy the polyphonic evening.

In addition, during the event, quests, exciting games, creative master classes and magical experiments from Professor Nicolas’ Science Show will be organized

Diverse, diverse and multifaceted puzzles of Library Night will be assembled into a bright picture on April 21 at the National Library of the Chuvash Republic. Tell friends and family about an upcoming cultural event and plan to spend a Saturday evening with the library. Follow all changes in event announcements on the library’s official website. All library night events are free. Events Center – 17:00

Learn more about each site.

From April 21 to 22, Moscow will take part in the all-Russian event “Library Night” for the seventh time. This year it is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Turgenev. Some libraries will extend their opening hours, and nine reading rooms will be open until 06:00 on April 22. In total, more than two thousand events will be held in 440 Moscow libraries - more than 100 meetings with writers, about 150 master classes, about 30 performances, as well as quests, concerts and readings. The general start of the action will be given in the library-reading room named after I.S. Turgenev at 18:00. There will be a dance ball, a flash mob, exhibitions, excursions, a meeting with the artistic director of the Modern Theater Yuri Grymov, writer Viktor Erofeev and film critic Vyacheslav Shmyrov.

In 22 children's libraries in the city, as part of the “Library Twilight” program, the “Time of Fairy Tales” event was prepared for young visitors. The children will get acquainted with fairy tales, and then share their impressions with the help of drawings and crafts. The crafts will become the basis for the creation of “Books of Fairy Tales” collections in libraries, which will be exhibited in May in the children’s city of masters “Masterslavl”.

Ball and performance in the library-reading room named after I.S. Turgenev

“Library Night” in the library-reading room named after I.S. Turgenev will begin with a walking tour at 14:00. Participants will walk through those places in the capital that were in one way or another connected with the writer and learn their history. Then everyone will be invited to the library park for a concert, and then to a costume ball. The ApARTe Theater will show an excerpt from the play “Fathers & Sons”. Director Yuri Grymov, film critic Vyacheslav Shmyrov and writer Viktor Erofeev will meet with the library guests. Exactly at midnight the musical and poetic performance “Turgenev. Parallels. Love. Work. Life. Creation". And from 02:00 until the morning there will be a screening of fragments from famous foreign and Soviet film adaptations of the writer’s works, films about Turgenev and Turgenev’s places.

Address: Bobrov lane, building 6, building 1

Dream catchers and cartoons in the library-media center No. 67

Children and their parents will be shown cartoons from the Soyuzmultfilm studio and invited to take part in a literary quest. The winners will receive souvenirs. What is right hemisphere drawing? Guests will be introduced to this technique at the “Paints of the Library Night” master class. At midnight, viewers will see the sketch play “Provincial Girl” based on Turgenev’s play, and at 01:10, director Viktor Ginzburg and producer Ivan Zasursky will talk about the film Empire V based on the work of Viktor Pelevin and answer all questions. Video art performances from director Sergei Lepsky will be broadcast throughout the night. In addition, here you can make your own dream catcher - master classes will be given throughout the evening.

Address: Argunovskaya street, house 14, building 2

Mulled wine and quiz at the Central Children's Library No. 14

This is the only children's library that will operate at night. The events will begin at 18:30 with a lecture by trainer Olga Savelyeva, who will tell you how to create your own video blog. Then there will be an interactive quiz “Notes of a Geographer in the Margins of Turgenev’s Works”, a screening of the film “Journey to the End of the Universe” directed by Yawar Abbas, a DJ set and the preparation of non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Address: Bakhrushina street, building 4

Poetry of rock and Turgenev in love in library No. 164

The Youth StartUp project will be launched at the site. Actors from GITIS, the Shchukinsky and Shchepkinsky schools will show the literary composition “Turgenev in Love” and tell you what a talented person in love is capable of. The basis of the composition is Turgenev’s letters to Pauline Viardot, fragments of his prose poems, stories “Asya”, “First Love”, “Spring Waters”. In the musical part of the evening, guests will enjoy poetic romances. Dmitry Maloletov will play the guitar (he masters the technique of two-handed playing), artists from the Most Theater will present the production “Poetry of Rock”, and the Russian Army Theater will present “Performance about Love”.

Address: Shabolovka street, building 36

The story “Asya” and the cinema room in library No. 96

Library No. 96 has a theater program. At 19:00 “The Librarian” starts here - the author’s project of Mikhail Umanets. Participants create their own covers and new interpretations of famous texts. Then the actor and director Timofey Spivak will meet with the guests, and the actors of the Mayakovsky Theater will present the musical program “Evening of Mikael Tariverdiev”. At midnight, a theatrical reading of the story “Asya” will begin, and then the graduation concert of the comedy improvisation course from acting teacher Kirill Stepin. In addition, there will be a cinema lounge, a board games area and a tea buffet for visitors.

Address: Svobodny Avenue, building 24

Filmstrips and quests in the Nekrasov Library

This evening, Guzel Yakhina, the author of the acclaimed bestseller “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes,” will visit Nekrasovka. The lecture “Prose of Family Life” will be given by writer Alexey Salnikov. At 22:00 the library will present the project “Why do they come back?” and will show filmstrips by contemporary artists created specifically for the event. There will also be a street quest. To complete it, participants will have to visit several libraries and complete small tasks in each of them. At midnight the program “Dead Formats” will begin, which will include a discussion about surviving and modern formats. There will be an interactive program until the morning, where you can try to develop film, take photographs on Polaroid, and play dominoes. And from 02:30 to 04:00 - the performance “Stories about History” by the Brusnikin Workshop.

Address: Baumanskaya street, house 58/25, building 14

“Crocodile” and virtual reality in the library named after M.A. Svetlova

In the library named after M.A. Svetlova guests will be invited to play the old but exciting game “crocodile” in a completely new format - in virtual and mixed reality. This means that the players will use a special helmet: one person will draw a scene from literary works offered to him to choose from in three-dimensional space, and the others will guess, the rules do not change. Also, in virtual reality format, they will demonstrate a ready-made three-dimensional sketch, with the help of which you can literally find yourself inside the imagination of actors Yuri Kolokolnikov and Aglaya Tarasova. By the way, Kolokolnikov himself will attend the event. At night, several master classes will take place, including theater ones, a gift draw, musical performances and a secret program “Twilight of Love”. And in the morning you can have breakfast while playing solitaire.

Address: Bolshaya Sadovaya street, building 1

African culture and poets in the A.P. Art Library Bogolyubova

The program will be dedicated to the theme “Fathers and Sons: Dialogue of Cultures.” From 18:00 to 19:00 there will be poetry readings “Young Poets of the 21st Century”, and then Professor Larisa Ruban will give a lecture “Women in the Life of I.S. Turgenev." At 22:00 the festival of African culture will open, where guests will enjoy poetry, music, fashion and a creative meeting with the writer and traveler Igor Sid. Especially for “Library Night” they prepared an exhibition “Poets on Strastnoy” by photographer Sergei Zharkov and the Russian PEN Center of the same name. The project is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Turgenev. In addition to photographs, you can get acquainted with the poems of 30 contemporary poets.

Address: Sushchevskaya street, building 14

“No Jokes” and a movie marathon at the Gogol House

At the Gogol House there will be a creative evening by actor Avangard Leontyev “Through the Pages of Russian Classics” and a solo performance “No Jokes” based on the works of Anton Chekhov performed by actress Olga Gomon-Pronina. Also planned are a night movie marathon “Turgenev 200”, at which film adaptations of the writer’s works will be shown, and a lecture “Two Classics. Gogol and Turgenev."

Address: Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a

Female images and Glagoleva’s film in Library No. 4 named after E.A. Furtseva

In library No. 4 named after E.A. Furtseva will talk about female images in the works of Ivan Turgenev. At 19:00 everyone is invited to the discussion “Modern Women’s Cinema” with VGIK professor and director Viktor Man. At 22:00 - movie night with singer Maria Katz. From 00:00 to 02:00 - screening of the film “Two Women”, which was filmed by Vera Glagoleva in 2014. Then there will be a creative evening of the writer and TV presenter Natalya Tolstaya and the writer Yulia Shilova.

Address: Frunzenskaya embankment, building 50

Museums, galleries and more than 30 cultural centers will also take part in “Library Night” - the Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K.G. Paustovsky, Ilya Glazunov Gallery, State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky and the Moscow Exhibition Halls association.

In addition, guests of the event will be able to immerse themselves in virtual reality with the help of three-dimensional videos filmed based on the story “Bezhin Meadow” and the story “Spring Waters” with the participation of actors Yuri Kolokolnikov and Aglaya Tarasova.

On April 21, the exhibition “Poets on Strastnoy” will open on Strastnoy Boulevard - an artistic project by photographer Sergei Zharkov and the Russian PEN Center, dedicated to modern Moscow poets.

” traces its history back to 2011, and for 7 years now, libraries across the country have been opening their doors to book lovers. On this day, a large number of libraries prepare a special program: meetings with writers, competitions and master classes, presentations, introduction to archives, exhibitions, quizzes, and much more are included in the day's program.

Theme of the action

This year the theme of the event is “The Magic of Books”. Also, many libraries will have a special section for events dedicated to the anniversary of Maxim Gorky and Ivan Turgenev. In total, 440 libraries will take part in the “Library Night 2018” event in Moscow. The promotion starts at 18.00.

“Library Night 2018”: program (Moscow)

So, for example, library-reading room named after. Turgenev(metro station "Turgenevskaya", Bobrov lane, 6, building 1), Alexander Green library(metro station “Ilyich Square”, Volochaevskaya St., 14a) will prepare programs dedicated to the author of “Fathers and Sons”. The first one, by the way, will work all night. It will also include a meeting with the writer Viktor Erofeev, as well as with the director Yuri Grymov.

IN Russian State Library(metro station “Alexandrovsky Garden”, Vozdvizhenka St., 5) you can chat with the writer Alexey Ivanov (“The Geographer Drank His Globe Away”), and at 20.30 there will be a meeting with Alexey German Jr. Then see his film “Dovlatov”. “Unprincipled Readings” starts at 21.00: famous actors will read stories by contemporary writers. Among the readers: Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Lyubov Tolkalina, Dmitry Chebotarev, Katerina Shpitsa, Lukerya Ilyashenko, writers Alexander Tsypkin, Alexander Snegirev, Alexander Malenkov, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after. Rudomino(metro station "Taganskaya", Nikoloyamskaya St., 1) has prepared a travel program based on fairy tales, stories, legends: Hogwarts and the Land of Oz will not leave anyone indifferent.

Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Mendelssohn await visitors Libraries of Arts named after. A. P. Bogolyubova(metro station “Novoslobodskaya”, Sushchevskaya st., 24). Live concerts and performances will be shown here to library card holders.

Complete list of libraries in Moscow

Find the full list of libraries participating in the event in Moscow on the website It is worth noting that some bookstores, parks and museums will also prepare their “Library Nights 2018” programs in Moscow.

For owls, we publish libraries open all night:

1. Central Library named after N.A. Nekrasova;

2. Central Library named after M.A. Svetlova;

3. Art Library named after A.P. Bogolyubova;

4. Library-reading room named after I.S. Turgenev;

5. Memorial Museum and Scientific Library “House of N.V. Gogol";

6. Library-media center No. 67 on Argunovskaya Street;

7. Central Children's Library No. 14 (branch on Dubininskaya Street, building 20, building 1); Library No. 164 “Education of the Working People”;

8. Library No. 96 - theater center "Svobodny 24".

Read the article: 4 104

BiblioNight is not just a festival, it is an all-Russian socio-cultural event that every year gathers under its wing hundreds of thousands of people who are in love with books and literature in general.

For the only night of the year, almost all libraries and bookstores are open in the country, where you can not only read and purchase literature, but also take part in the cultural program that the organizers prepare for their guests many months before the significant event.

BiblioNight 2019

Every year, the main literary event of the year takes place in April, when nature generously bestows us with the bright spring sun, and streams run through the streets, shimmering in the sun. But each time the date of the event is different.

So, we’ll tell you what date this important cultural event will take place. This year's promotion BiblioNight 2019 will pass 20 April. Libraries and bookstores across the country will take part in it. Tama this year "The whole world is a theater". Last year the theme was “The Magic of the Book”.

A Little History

BiblioNight - now everyone knows this name, but for the first time, the idea for the action was invented by a group of activists on the social network Facebook in 2011. It was this year that they held the first event in the Turgenev Library as part of the “Night of Museums” Festival. This event received a response not only from the public, but also found support from the Ministry of Culture.

In 2012, the event was already held with the support of the Library Community, and a couple of years later it was already supported by about 2,000 venues, which was an excellent start to the festival at the all-Russian level. Since 2017, 84 regions have participated in the promotion. Some are doing this for the first time, for example Vologda - only 16 reading institutions, and in regions such as Novosibirsk 865 libraries took part in it. Many libraries and thematic literary stores of the city were also opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

About the Festival

Now not only libraries and bookstores participate in the BiblioNight campaign. Art spaces and literature museums began to actively participate in the festival. BiblioNight has become an excellent occasion for event tourism to the cultural capitals and cities of Russia, in which not only adults, but also active youth take part.

It’s nice to think that this action served as an excellent occasion for popularizing reading among the younger generation, who are completely fascinated by the Internet and gadgets. In recent years, modern youth have begun to read more literature, and books have again become popular.

Every year, within the framework of the project, various literary competitions are held, in which anyone can take part.

The promotion has its own hashtags #BiblioNight and #BiblioNight

Where does BiblioNight take place?

Literary events will be held in many libraries and bookstores across the country. The full poster in Russian cities can be viewed on the official website, link below.


We invite you to see how the main literary project of the year is going in the country. But it's better to come yourself.