Masha Weber and her husband Sergei. Masha Weber: “My husband and I dream of a daughter

Weber Maria Yuryevna was born on May 5, 1987, like all ordinary children, she went to kindergarten, and then entered high school at the age of 6. There I took piano classes and learned to play the guitar. Masha loves Latin American music and Spanish, which is why she started studying it. Of course, his study was influenced by her long-time idol - Natalia Oreiro. Masha used to like being compared to Nati, but now she really doesn’t like it, because... believes that each person should be individual. If it works out, Masha is going to enter GITIS this year, and if not fate, then next year. Maria considers her participation in Star Factory 3 to be the most striking event.

Maria Weber

Eye color: green
Height: 170
Pets: cat Mark
Favorite food: seafood (especially sushi) and sweets
Favorite drink: green tea
Music preferences: Whitney Houston, Craig David, Pink, Justin Timberlake
What I don’t like in people: obsession
What I like in people: honesty, sincerity
Favorite activity: relaxing

Weber Maria
Any subject at school: there are none... but in general, probably psychology
First time I fell in love: at 10 years old

Profile from star factory 3.
Natalia Oreiro's song "De tu amor" plays, then Mashenka dances with toys, a cat and laughs!

My name is Masha Weber, but my friends call me Natalia Oreiro. There is such a wonderful photograph, also very often, when my friends come to me, they come up and say: “is this Oreiro?”, I say: “No, it’s me!” I would be very happy to fulfill my dream to the end; of course, singing with her would be very pleasant for me.

Weber Maria
I would be glad to show her my entire collection that I once collected about her. Talk (let it slip) with her in her language.
I am now beginning to understand that if I start doing this myself, then I would of course like to be an individual. To compare other people to me.
As far as I know, I like it when they copy it, but you still have to look for yourself!

Even “tattoo” Yulia Volkova couldn’t get along with Masha Weber’s ex-lover

Recently, many have noticed that after a long break, the former lead singer of the group “Tutsi” Masha unexpectedly returned to show business. WEBER. Her new songs “You are better” and “He” began to be actively played on Russian Radio and for one of them she was even given the “Golden Gramophone”. Producer Viktor DROBISH, who promoted “Tootsie,” invited her as a starperform at "New Star Factory" on Muz-TV. And Alexey VOROBYEV performed a duet with her the song “Your Love I” in the “Main New Year’s Concert” on Channel One. As it turned out, it was no coincidence that the member of the long-forgotten group became so in demand.

The general public saw for the first time Weber 15 years ago in the Channel One project “Star Factory-3”, which was directed by the singer’s ex-husband Valeria Alexander Shulgin. Because of him, Masha immediately found herself in the center of an ugly scandal. He gave her supposedly his song “Moscow Melancholy” to sing. He said that he wrote it especially for Masha. But suddenly other authors claimed rights to it - the singer Alexander Shevtsov and his wife Alla Blaer.

I gave CDs with this song to many people,” said Shevtsov. “The only one who responded and offered us cooperation was Shulgin. I was quite surprised why he was named as the author on the “Star Factory” broadcast.

Then Shulgin had a conflict with the management of Channel One, and further work with his charges was assigned to Victor Drobysh. He did not bother separately with each “manufacturer” and united Masha Weber with Anastasia Krainova, Olesya Yaroslavskaya And Irina Ortman to the Tootsie group. Masha worked there for two years and left. Either because of the interesting position, or because of resentment towards the producer, who on MTV called Ortman “Irina Wrotman”, and pronounced Weber’s last name without the first letter.

From a connection with Parviz YASINOV... Photo from

Bad reputation

As it later became known, the lead singer of “Tutsi” was knocked up by a young Tajik construction worker Parviz Yasinov, together with his father Obid Yasinov head of the large company Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5. Masha gave birth to Parviz's son Oscar and devoted herself to caring for him. And her place in “Tootsie” was taken by someone well known to all participants Adelina Sharipova, who once hung out with them on tour. True, she had such a bad reputation that she did not stay long in the group.

...Masha's son Oscar is growing up. Photo:

During the “Factory-3” tour, Adeline got acquainted with all the “manufacturers” and right behind the scenes began to give herself to them, the party girl said Ksenia Ushakova. - I couldn’t resist first Nikita Malinin. But he doesn’t care at all - with whom and where. Here Dima Golubev from the KGB group is extremely picky in this regard. Nevertheless, Adeline seduced him too. When the popularity of the third “Factory” waned, Adeline switched to the fourth. Been in bed Anton Zatsepin And Ratmira Shishkova from the group "Banda". And at the casting of “Star Factory-6” she managed to have an affair with the now former vice president of MTV Ilya Bachurin, and he persuaded Victor Drobysh take her to Tootsie's. When the girls found out who they were going to work with, they almost died of horror and gave an ultimatum: “Either we, or her.” But Drobysh did not listen to them. As a result, practically no one in the group communicated with Adeline. And “Tutsie” began to be called nothing more than “Prostitutes.”

Drobysh’s attempts to replace Sharipova, who did not live up to expectations, with a participant in “Star Factory-6” Sabrina Gadzhikaibova were also not successful. And he couldn’t come up with anything better than to bring back Masha Weber. By that time, she had already broken up with Parviz Yasinov. The loving Tajik left her for a more famous singer - the former lead singer of the group “t.A.T.u.” Yulia Volkova. And, leaving her young son to the nannies, Masha again began touring with the group “Tutsi”.

Having given birth to a boy, Samir, from Parviz... Photo:

“I can’t be called a single mother,” Weber swaggered. - A lot of people help me. Officially, Parviz and I were never married. And we continue to maintain relations even now. He comes and talks with his son. Does Parviz give money for his maintenance? Well, I can’t support my child?! I make good money myself.

By a bitter irony of fate, family life with Parviz Yasinov and the “home-wrecker” Volkova did not work out. Neither the birth of Samir’s son, nor even Yulia’s adoption of Islam helped. To top it all off, in 2011, Parviz was almost imprisoned for his involvement in an attack on a car in which were the daughter of the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the highest courts. Mikhail Barshchevsky Natalya and her husband - a businessman Kirill Meshcheryakov.

...Yulia VOLKOVA converted to Islam, and when he abandoned her, she returned to Orthodoxy

After the incident, MUR operatives turned to a retired police colonel Marat Abdulkarimov, who upon dismissal from the authorities was deputy general director of Mosstroymekhanzatsia-5 CJSC,” the Versiya newspaper reported. “He was shown a recording of street monitors... “I instantly identified Parviz Yasinov,” says Marat Umarovich. At the initiative of Abdulkarimov, the former director of the branch of JSC Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5 was invited to the MUR Alexey Andreev. He also identified Yasinov. Andreev was completely sure that the crime was committed with the aim of “knocking out” from Meshcheryakov 6 percent of the shares of JSC Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5, which the latter bought from him for 5 million US dollars. He also said that shortly before the attack on Meshcheryakov, the Yasinov family was actively seeking the sale of these shares from Andreev. Parviz Yasinov repeatedly called Andreev and demanded that he give up the shares. Otherwise, he threatened that he would “bring the Chechens after him, who would quickly deal with him and his life.” Parviz Yasinov was arrested and sent to a pre-trial detention center. Five days later, Obid Yasinov, using his official position, issues a loan from the bank in the amount of 240 million rubles to CJSC Mosstroymekhanzatsia-5. Then he personally takes possession of this huge amount, registering it as “material assistance.” You can easily guess what this money was used for - to free his son from prison. Why the ICR workers did not subsequently come to this conclusion, who opened criminal case No. 62704 on the fact of this “material assistance” on November 26, 2014 on the grounds of a crime under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Fraud on an especially large scale”), to put it mildly, is not clear .

Family contract

After the collapse of the Tutsi group in 2012, Masha Weber was not heard from for many years. Perhaps she would not have been remembered to this day if she had not gotten married a year and a half ago. Masha carefully hid her new husband. But recently his name was announced in the singer’s video blog Katie Gordon. It turned out that this person occupies a high position at Russian Radio, which has great influence in show business.

It’s funny to me whose songs are currently being played on this radio station,” Gordon admitted to us. - They have such a family tradition. Elena Sever- wife Vladimir Kiselev, who came to Russian Radio after the removal of the previous leadership. YurKiss And VladiMir- their sons. And Masha Weber is the wife of Kiselev’s right hand Sergei Bunin, who heads their board of directors. Only from the General Director Romana Sarkisova no wife. And so she would probably spin. The entire show business is laughing out loud at the quality of the repertoire of these wives and sons. It’s just that no one dares to talk about it publicly. Everyone is afraid that they won’t be accepted on “Russian Radio” or will be taken off the air. And I don't care about that.

I stopped sending my songs to radio stations a long time ago. If one day I have an extra million dollars, I'll just buy ether from them. But I won’t go to bow and humiliate myself so that my song will be played.

My friend does the same thing Lola Milyavskaya. Representatives of Russian Radio recommended that she not go to the Sound Track. Like, this is an enemy event. But Lola said that she doesn’t give up on her friends, and she went. After that, Russian Radio took her off the air. It seems to me that this is another reason to tell them to go to hell.

Thank God I have my own business - a law firm. Both my earnings and my life do not depend in any way on Russian Radio or any other radio station or TV channel. Therefore, I can allow myself to express my opinion frankly. And in the future I will do this in my video blog. There are so many lies around that it’s time to start telling the truth.

Singer Date of birth May 5 (Taurus) 1987 (32) Place of birth Chisinau Instagram @masha_weber

Maria Weber is a singer from Moldova who came to the pop stage thanks to her participation in the third “Star Factory”. After graduation, Maria worked in the Tutsi group with her Factory colleagues, but was forced to leave it because she was going to become a mother. The break in Maria's career did not affect her creative career in any way - having raised her son and remarried, Masha returned to the stage to please her fans with new compositions.

Biography of Maria Weber

The future celebrity was born on May 5, 1987 in Chisinau. During her school years, the girl learned to play the piano and guitar. Very early on, she realized that she loved Latin music and the Spanish language. Masha began learning Spanish with enthusiasm. There was another reason for this: she watched with trepidation the creative life of Oreiro, who was her idol. At first, young Masha was even compared to Oreiro, which she really liked. But, as she grew up, Weber realized that this was not very good, since each person should be individual.

The most striking moment in Weber’s life was her participation in the third Star Factory. On the television project, she presented the image of a romantic girl, performing tender lyrical compositions. After the end of the project in 2004, the girl was invited to be a soloist in the group “Tutsi”. Maria sang in “Tutsi” for only 2 years - in 2006 she had to leave the group because she was expecting the birth of a child.

After the birth of her son, Maria did not perform, but she studied to become a director at GITIS. The girl had almost given up her dreams of the big stage and was thinking about devoting herself to filmmaking. But she still overcame her passion for performing - she continued to develop in this direction and recorded songs. However, at that moment she did it more for herself, since there was no time or opportunity to promote these compositions.

Anthology of Russian female groups: part 2

Anthology of Russian female groups: part 2

Anthology of Russian female groups: part 2

The lead singer of the “Tutsi” group, in addition to a musical career, is thinking about an acting career and is studying at GITIS. For her 25th birthday, she wanted to make friends with friends from the world of music and from the acting community.

The lead singer of the “Tutsi” group, in addition to a musical career, is thinking about an acting career and is studying at GITIS. Perhaps that is why, on her 25th birthday, Masha wanted to make friends both from the world of music and from the acting environment. And all this happened at karaoke.

Gennady Avramenko

Before getting to the party, guests had to pass through several security cordons, and at the entrance to the club, security guards checked every bag with a flashlight. Irina Ortman, who came with her husband and a large bright box, spent a long time trying to persuade people not to open the gift, vowing that there were no explosives or other prohibited substances in it. The birthday girl herself shone in different outfits and constantly listened to compliments addressed to her.

“I haven’t had a big birthday for a long time.” I just don’t like excessive attention to myself,” said Masha. “But this year I’m 25 years old, and all my friends said: “Are you crazy? We need to celebrate properly! I decided to celebrate at karaoke because I really like to sing. And my friends all love to sing. I am very pleased that everyone I invited is joining in.

- Well, what about your family, young man?

— Unfortunately, I don’t have a boyfriend. Mommy won't come either. That’s what she said: “It’s better to celebrate night parties yourself, with friends.” My son is also at home.

— Growing up as an artist, what do you think?

“I don’t want him to be an artist, but to be a smart guy and engaged in a serious profession.” He fed his mother, wife and children.

— Rumor has it that you are thinking about a solo career...
- Yes, I’m already thinking about it. I recorded two songs, one of which I will sing today. Well, I’m actively involved in acting, studying at GITIS. I want to try myself in the film industry and theater arts. True, we are not allowed to film yet. This is my first correspondence course. But I want to say that it’s not part-time - we hang out there from morning to night, rehearsing.

The former lead singer of the group “Tutsi” was not very lucky in her personal life; having given birth to a son, she was left alone because husband of Maria Weber Parviz Yasinov he chose another one over her - the lead singer of the Tatu group, Yulia Volkova. Masha was not going to give her betrothed to her rival just like that and desperately fought for Parviz, but her efforts were in vain.

At first, she was sure that her husband’s infatuation with Volkova was only a temporary phenomenon, and he would not exchange Masha and their son Oscar for her, because everything in the young family was just perfect until Maria Weber’s husband became interested in “tattoo”.

In the photo - Maria Weber's husband

Maria Weber met her future husband at one of the social events, however, there was no love at first sight - Masha didn’t even like the guy at first, but gradually the girl realized that she wanted to be with him.

After they became husband and wife, Masha gave up her career, she and Parviz were expecting the birth of their son, and everything was going just perfectly in their young family, until at a party with Mashin’s friends, her husband met Yulia Volkova.

In the photo - Maria Weber and Parviz Yasinov

Despite the fact that at that time both were not free - Yulia met with Vlad Topalov, a romantic relationship began between them. While Maria hoped that her husband’s infatuation with the “tattoo” would quickly pass, the lovers flew to the United Arab Emirates, where a wedding ceremony was performed over them according to Muslim customs, and Volkova, in fact, became the second wife of Parviz Yasinov. When this bad news reached Weber, she did not create loud scandals, but behaved wisely and with dignity, saying only that she was confident that Parviz would return to her and her son.

In the photo - Parviz and Yulia Volkova

But Maria Weber’s husband had completely different plans - he was not going to return to her, but planned to adopt Yulia Volkova’s daughter from her first common-law husband, Pavel Sidorov.

Another circumstance that did not work in Masha’s favor was the appearance of her candid photos online, because of which Parviz’s parents gave her a real scolding. But in this situation, the singer’s husband behaved with dignity, saying that this was only their personal matter, especially since the pictures were taken long before they started living together.

Parviz Yasinov is the son of a famous entrepreneur, owner of the Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5 company - one of the largest in the capital's construction market, Obid Yasinov. Parviz himself is not very interested in business, although his father tried to involve him in the family business by giving him a share in the Legion company. He prefers to achieve fame in other ways, and sees the meaning of life in endless parties, clubs and illegal races. His father does not constrain his funds, so all these entertainments are quite accessible to the guy.