Literary dictation about a fairy tale by four artists. Tale of four artists

Cluster strategy

The teacher and students form a cluster.

Group work

111. Read the 1st part of G. Skrebitsky’s work “Four Artists”. Define

those of its genre and theme. Do you think there can be an artist - Winter, an artist -

Spring, artist - Summer, artist - Autumn?



Determine the genre and theme

Answer the questions

Find comparisons

Find personifications

Max. 3 points

Try it


What do you like most about winter nature?

Max. 3 points

114. Read the 2nd part of G. Skrebitsky’s work “Four Artists”. About what

Are you talking about the time of year?

115. Answer the questions.

Thin questions Thick questions

1. Why didn’t Spring get down to business right away?

2. What was the forest that spring saw?

2. Explain what a gloomy forest means, dull?

3. What tools did Vesna take? Why?

3. Is it true that for each of the birds Spring is

Has Krasna come up with something important?

4. How did spring decide to decorate the forest?

4. Why is the word Spring written with a capital letter?

5. What colors did Spring use?

6. What new, unfamiliar appeared in the picture?

6. Why is the kingfisher considered the most skillful?

7. What do you think the author wanted to convey to us in this work?

8. Find personifications in the text.

9. Write out the highlighted sentences and underline the comparisons.

Determine what is being compared to what?

Tasks for some.

117 -119 .. Listen to the 3rd and 4th parts of G. Skrebitsky’s work “Four Artists”. What seasons are we talking about? How are you

Do you think what Summer and Autumn will draw? What paints do they use? Now read and

Compare your prediction with the text.

118. Answer the questions.

1) What did Summer decide? Why?

2) What colors did Leto use?

3) What personifications did you encounter in the text? List verbally.

4) Prove that the last sentence contains a comparison

120. Answer the questions.

“Thin” questions “Thick” questions

How Autumn decorated the aspen tree

1. Explain why aspen leaves are compared

with ripe apples, and the aspen tree with fire?

Justify your answer.

She collected the golden grain from the fields and took it to the threshing floor,

threshing floor, and in the meadows swept away fragrant haystacks

tall, like towers, haystacks.

3. How did Autumn dress up the old man?

3. Prove that in this sentence

there is a comparison.

And there, you look, high, high, under

the very clouds, large white-

snow birds - swans; flying, ma-

the jester sends wings like handkerchiefs

farewell greetings to my native places

121. How do you think the story of G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists” will end? Kar-

Which artist's work will Sunny like?

Now compare the prediction with the text

Open lesson

for familiarization with fiction

in preschool class.

Lesson No. 22

Subject: Reading G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists” (“Winter”).

Goals: expand children's understanding of forest life in winter. Enrich your vocabulary. To develop in children the ability to emotionally and figuratively perceive the beauty of nature through works of art. Develop children's creative abilities by conveying impressions through drawing. Instill a love for the beauty of nature.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Org. Moment: Guys, let's welcome our guests. (Hello). Let's give them our smiles. Well, now let's get into a working mood. (Thank you).

2.Introductory part:

Well, now let’s begin our lesson on familiarizing ourselves with fiction. Guys, today we will get acquainted with another work about winter. But in order to find out what work we will get acquainted with today, we need to complete the tasks prepared by the queen of literature.

3. Updating knowledge: We carry out the tasks of the queen of literature.

In front of you on the board there are four almost identical people. You must count them, determine who they are and say which of them is in charge today and why. (Children's answers: 4 artists, like 4 seasons, blue, because winter paints with cold tones)

    And now we need to find out what time of year it is there will be a speech. To do this, you need to open the picture that is located under the geometric shapes. (Children's answers: a picture opened« Winter")

    Well done, you completed the tasks. Thus, we learned that the story we will read. It's called “Four Artists. Winter." And it was written by G.A. Skrebitsky, naturalist writer. (Writes about nature and animals). Look at his portrait.

4.Playing with a magic box. Let's take out from our magic box the book that the Queen of Literature prepared for us and listen to the story.

Children, pay attention to how observant our queen is; lately she has been offering us various works about winter. She really wants us to learn more about winter, about winter phenomena in nature.

Remember what works about winter we already know? (Children's answers).

5. Working with the story.

    Reading a story by the teacher.


What feelings did you experience while listening to the story?

Who do you think is the main character of the story? Why?

What would you say about Winter's actions? (takes care of animals, decorates trees, is attentive).

Can Winter be called a mistress, a sorceress? Why?

What new things have you learned about forest life in winter?

What outfits does Winter have in store for nature? (fur coats, tablecloths, down ones, mittens, bedspreads).

What do you think the author feels about the winter forest? Why?

5. Physical exercise.

6. Examination of the illustration. ( Guys, look at the easel, at the illustration for the story).

What do the works of a writer and an artist have in common?

What colors did the artist use to paint winter? (Cold).

Guys, look carefully at the picture and tell me, did Winter fix everything? Let's help! (Children draw blankets of snow on the fir trees and make the hare’s coat white).

    Guys, I suggest you watch the cartoon: it is also about the seasons. (View cartoon« Seasons." To the music of Antonio Vivaldi).

Conclusion: You can express your feelings and attitude towards nature not only through words, as in a story, but also through music and drawing.

    View slides with winter landscapes.

    Lesson Analysis: 1. What work did you get acquainted with today?

2. By what means can you express your attitude towards nature?

3. How should we relate to nature?

10. Closing the book: Now we will say goodbye to the book until the next lesson.

11. Homework: Draw a winter landscape at home, together with your parents.

Lesson summary on the topic: "Retelling the story" Four Artists. Winter".

(according to G. Skrebitsky)


Teaching a coherent retelling with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams depicting the sequence of events.



    develop retell planning skills;

    form coherent monologue speech;

    consolidate the use of various grammatical structures in the formation of speech utterances.

Correctional and developmental:

    develop interhemispheric specialization;

    form clear oculomotor and speech motor operations;

    develop spatio-temporal concepts, visual perception;

    synchronize the work of the hemispheres;

    develop memory, attention, speech;

    clarify and enrich children's vocabulary;


Lexical material:


Painting and illustrations for the story; subject pictures: fur coats, hats, mittens, heroes, bedspread, winter landscape; graphic diagrams. Ball, chips according to the number of children (numbered according to the number of children), magnets, multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:



an approach.

Children's activities.

Organizing time.

Guys, let's smile, join our palms and give the warmth of our hands, as well as a good mood to each other.

A) Massage of biologically active zones. Exercises with elements of auricolotherapy.

c) The teacher reads by heart an excerpt from a poem by S.V. Konovalenko


She came so snowy

Covered with white clothes

Forests, fields, houses and streets

She's a diligent artist

Everything will be painted into the kingdom of snow,

Will hang lace from frost -

So fabulously beautiful!

What time of year are we talking about?

Children stand in a circle, joining their palms, smiling at each other.

Children read a poem and make appropriate movements.

We rub our hands and warm them up

And we warm your face with warmth

Rake rakes away all bad thoughts.

We quickly rub the ears up and down.

We bend them forward, pull them down by the lobes,

Now let’s stroke our cheeks with our fingers.

We stretch our cheeks to puff up.

We'll chew our lips to make you smile.

Children's answers...

Preparation for text comprehension.

Remember the story "Four Artists". Who is its author?

Name four artists from this story?

Children's answers:

Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky.

Winter spring Summer Autumn.

Reading the adapted story “Four Artists. Winter."

Listen, I will read you an excerpt from this story.

(see Appendix. Speech material)

Children listen to the teacher read.

Sensory and vocabulary work.

The speech therapist clarifies and explains the meaning of words.

- What does the word mean rite?

What does it mean jammed?

How do you understand the word sorceress? Tell me differently?

Who are they heroes?

Bunches of berries differently?


What means stand decorously?

What can you grab?

What can you wear?

Children's answers:

Dress up, dress up.

I put it on top.

Sorceress, fairy, witch.

Giants, brave, brave and strong warriors.

Clusters of fruits.

Blanket, cape.

Important, calm.

Cap, hat, hat, panama hat.

In a fur coat, jacket, overalls.

Physical education moment. «


"Fist, rib, palm"


"Ear - nose"


Children do exercises.

Conversation on the content of the story.

The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations for the story and answer the questions:

What did Winter dress the pine and spruce trees in?

What did she pull down to their very eyebrows?

What did you put on the branches of the pines and spruces?

What did Winter dress the various bushes and young trees in?

What did winter throw at the rowan tree?

Children's statements:

Winter has dressed the pines and spruces in heavy snow coats and spruces.

She pulled their snow-white hats down to their eyebrows.

I put downy mittens on the branches of the pine and spruce trees.

Winter dressed various bushes and young trees in white coats.

Winter has thrown a white blanket over the rowan tree.

With red earrings that are visible from under the white blanket.

Lexico-grammatical exercises.

a) Ball game “Choose the actions?”

The teacher invites the children to remember the action words for the wordwinter:

- Winter in the forest...



b) Game “Pick the sign”.

Fur coats (what kind?)…

Hats (what kind?)…

Mittens (what kind?)…

C) Game “Make a sentence”.

The teacher invites the children to choose an illustration for the story and make a sentence based on it.

Children catch the ball and give answers:

-….looked in.

-... rites.

-...pushed it.

-... put it on.

-... threw it on.

-...decorated it.

Children stand in a circle. Passing the picture around, each child selects a sign for it.

-...heavy, snowy, white, fabulous, warm.

-….snow-white, huge, warm, beautiful.

-...downy, soft, warm, white.

Children choose the necessary illustrations for the story and make up sentences.

Re-reading the story.

Guys, I’ll read the story again now. Listen carefully and try to remember.

Children listen to the teacher read again.


"Hands on Shoulders"

"Skier's Pose"

Children do exercises.

Drawing up a graphic outline of the story.

The speech therapist draws children's attention to graphic diagrams and helps them draw up a story plan.

Children create a story plan with visual support.

Retelling the story with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams.

With the help of chips, children determine the order of the retelling and retell the text in a chain.

The result of the marriage.

The teacher evaluates the children's work in class.

- What did you like most about the story “Four Artists. Winter?".

Remember the proverbs about winter.

Pupils give answers.

Children remember proverbs about winter:

Winter is not summer, he’s wearing a fur coat.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

December ends the year and winter begins

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

Four wizard-painters somehow came together: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn; They got together and argued: which of them draws better? They argued and argued and decided to choose the Red Sun as the judge: “It lives high in the sky, it has seen many wonderful things in its lifetime, let it judge us.” The Sun agreed to be the judge. The painters got to work. The first to volunteer to paint a picture was Zimushka-Winter.

“Only Sunny shouldn’t look at my work,” she decided. “I shouldn’t see her until I’m done.”

Winter has stretched gray clouds across the sky and let's cover the earth with fresh fluffy snow! One day I decorated everything around me.

The fields and hills turned white. The river became covered with thin ice, became silent, and fell asleep, like in a fairy tale.

Winter walks through the mountains, through the valleys, walking in large soft felt boots, stepping quietly, inaudibly. And she herself looks around - here and there she will correct her magical picture.

Here is a hillock in the middle of a field, the prankster took the wind from it and blew away his white cap. We need to put it on again... But a gray hare is sneaking between the bushes. It’s bad for him, the gray one: in the white snow, a predatory animal or bird will immediately notice him, you won’t be able to hide from them anywhere. “If you, the scythe, wear a white fur coat,” Winter decided, “then they won’t soon notice you in the snow.”

But Lisa Patrikeevna has no need to dress in white. She lives in a deep hole, hiding underground from enemies. She just needs to be more beautiful and warmer. Winter has prepared a wonderful fur coat for her, it’s simply amazing: all bright red, like a fire! The fox will move its fluffy tail, as if it would scatter sparks across the snow.

Winter looked into the forest. “I’ll decorate it so much that the Sun will fall in love!”

She dressed the pines and spruce trees in heavy snow coats; she pulled snow-white hats down to their eyebrows; I put downy mittens on the branches. The forest heroes stand next to each other, stand decorously, calmly.

And below them, various bushes and young trees took refuge. Winter also dressed them, like children, in white fur coats.

And she threw a white blanket over the mountain ash that grows at the edge of the forest. It turned out so well! At the ends of the rowan branches, clusters of berries hang, like red earrings visible from under a white blanket.

Under the trees, Winter painted all the snow with a pattern of different footprints and footprints. Here is a hare's footprint: in front there are two large paw prints next to each other, and behind - one after the other - two small ones; and the fox - as if drawn by a thread: paw into paw, so it stretches in a chain; and the gray wolf ran through the forest, also leaving his prints. But the bear’s footprint is nowhere to be seen, and no wonder: Zimushka-Winter Toptygina built a cozy den in the thicket of the forest, covered the target with a thick snow blanket on top: sleep well! And he is happy to try - he doesn’t crawl out of the den. That’s why you can’t see a bear’s footprint in the forest.

But it’s not just animal tracks that can be seen in the snow. In a forest clearing, where green lingonberry and blueberry bushes stick out, the snow, like crosses, is trampled by bird tracks. These are chickens of the woods - hazel grouse and black grouse - running around the clearing here, pecking at the remaining berries. And here they are: black grouse, motley hazel grouse and black grouse. On the white snow how beautiful they all are!

The picture of the winter forest turned out well, not dead, but alive! Either a gray squirrel will jump from twig to twig, or a spotted woodpecker, sitting on the trunk of an old tree, will begin to knock out seeds from a pine cone. He’ll stick it into the crevice and hit it with his beak!

The winter forest lives. Snowy fields and valleys live. The whole picture of the gray-haired sorceress - Winter - lives on. You can show it to Sunny too.

The sun parted the blue cloud. He looks at the winter forest, at the valleys... And under his gentle gaze everything around him becomes even more beautiful.

The snow flared up and glowed. Blue, red, green lights lit up on the ground, on the bushes, on the trees. And the breeze blew, shook off the frost from the branches, and multi-colored lights also sparkled and danced in the air.

It turned out to be a wonderful picture! Perhaps you couldn’t draw it better.

The Sun admires the picture of Winter, admires the month, the other - he cannot take his eyes off it.

The snow sparkles more and more brightly, everything is more joyful, more fun all around. Winter itself cannot withstand so much heat and light. The time has come to give way to another artist.

“Well, let’s see if he can paint a picture more beautiful than mine,” Winter grumbles. “And it’s time for me to rest.”

Another artist began work - Vesna-Krasna. She didn't get down to business right away. At first I thought: what kind of picture should she draw?

Here the forest stands in front of her - gloomy, dull.

“Let me decorate it in my own way, in spring!”

She took thin, delicate brushes. She slightly touched the branches of the birches with greenery, and hung long pink and silver earrings on the aspen and poplar trees. Day after day, Spring paints its picture more and more elegantly.

In a wide forest clearing, she painted a large spring puddle with blue paint. And around her, like blue splashes, scattered the first flowers of snowdrops and lungworts.

He still draws a day and another. There are bird cherry bushes on the slope of the ravine; their branches were covered by Spring with shaggy clusters of white flowers. And on the edge of the forest, also all white, as if covered in snow, there are wild apple and pear trees.

The grass is already turning green in the middle of the meadow. And in the dampest places, marigold flowers bloomed like golden balls.

Everything comes alive all around. Sensing the warmth, insects and spiders crawl out of various cracks. May beetles buzzed near the green birch branches. The first bees and butterflies fly to the flowers.

And how many birds there are in the forests and fields! And for each of them, Spring-Red came up with an important task. Together with the birds, Spring builds cozy nests.

Here on the branch of a birch tree, near the trunk, is a finch’s nest. It's like a growth on a tree - you won't notice it right away. And to make it even more invisible, white birch skin is woven into the outer walls of the nest. It turned out to be a nice nest!

Even better is the oriole's nest. Like a wicker basket, it is suspended in a fork of branches. And the long-nosed, handsome kingfisher made his bird house on the steep bank of the river: he dug a hole with his beak, and built a nest in it; only he lined it inside not with fluff, but with fish bones and scales. It is not for nothing that the kingfisher is considered the most skillful fisherman. But, of course, the most wonderful nest was invented by Vesna-Krasna for one small reddish bird. A brown mitten hangs over the stream on a flexible alder branch. The mitten is woven not from wool, but from thin plants. It was woven by winged needlewomen - remeza birds - with their beaks. Only the bird's thumb was not tied; Instead, they left a hole - this is the entrance to the nest.

And many other wonderful houses for birds and animals were invented by the entertainer Spring!

Days pass by. The living picture of forests and fields has become unrecognizable. - THE END -

Tatiana Turusova
Abstract of GCD based on the fairy tale by G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists. Winter" using productive reading technology

Fairy tale by G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists. Winter"

Target. Acquaintance with the work of G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists. Winter". To develop in children the skill of perceiving literary texts and comprehending the events of a fairy tale.


Learn to listen carefully to a literary text and understand the meaning of a fairy tale.

Teach children to select and use figurative expressions in speech.

Enrich children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena.

Develop the ability to guess and predict the content of a text before reading from illustrations and music.

Develop pantomime skills, teach children to create expressive images using facial expressions and gestures.

Form coherent speech in children.

To educate a literate reader who reflects on the author’s intentions; reader drawing his own conclusions.

Equipment: photo illustrations depicting winter landscapes; audio recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s cycle “The Seasons. Winter"; hats-masks, magic wand, multi-colored plumes.

Methods and techniques used:

verbal: speech explanation, questions for children, intonation, logical stress, pauses.

practical: dramatization game.

visual: display of photo illustrations, facial expressions, gestures, use of TSO. A method of reviving children's emotions with the help of music.

Dictionary: sorceress, pulled herself together, more beautiful.

Progress of the lesson

Working with text before reading (anticipation)

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds. Winter"

Educator: Our children have an unusual activity today. I invite you, without leaving the group, to take a walk into the beautiful, magical world of nature.

Listen to this amazing music. It was composed by the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. This music is from the series “Seasons”. What time of year is the music dedicated to? What is the character of the music? What do you imagine when listening to it? And now let's look at photo illustrations depicting winter landscapes.

All the pictures are different, but they are all about winter. Winter, guys, can be depicted not only in a picture, but also in words. Today, guys, I invite you to listen to the fairy tale by Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky “Four Artists. Winter".

Part 2

Commented reading

Four artists. Winter

The fields and hills turned white. The river became covered with thin ice, became silent, and fell asleep, like in a fairy tale. (Why did this happen)

Winter walks through the mountains, through the valleys, walking in large soft felt boots, stepping quietly, inaudibly. And she herself looks around - here and there she will correct her magical picture. (What is she doing)

Here is a hillock in the middle of a field, the prankster took the wind from it and blew away his white cap. I need to put it on again. And over there a gray hare is sneaking between the bushes. It’s bad for him, the gray one: (Why does the gray bunny feel bad in winter) on the white snow, a predatory animal or bird will immediately notice it; you can’t hide from them anywhere.

“I’ll dress the slanted one in a white fur coat,” Winter decided, “then you won’t soon notice him in the snow.”

But Lisa Patrikeevna has no need to dress in white. She lives in a deep hole, hiding underground from enemies. She just needs to be dressed up more beautifully and warmly.

Winter has prepared a wonderful fur coat for her, it’s simply amazing: (What color is a fox’s coat in winter) all bright red, like fire is burning! The fox will move its fluffy tail, as if it would scatter sparks across the snow.

Winter looked into the forest. “I’ll decorate it so much that the Sun will fall in love!” (How winter can brighten up a forest)

She dressed the pines and spruce trees in heavy snow coats; she pulled snow-white hats down to their eyebrows; I put downy mittens on the branches. The forest heroes stand next to each other, stand decorously, calmly.

And below them, various bushes and young trees took refuge. Winter also dressed them, like children, in white fur coats.

And she threw a white blanket over the mountain ash that grows at the edge of the forest. It turned out so well! At the ends of the rowan branches, clusters of berries hang, like red earrings visible from under a white blanket.

Under the trees, Winter painted all the snow with a pattern of different footprints and footprints. (Whose traces can be seen in the forest in winter) Here is a hare's footprint: in front there are two large paw prints next to each other, and behind - one after the other - two small ones; and the fox - as if drawn by a thread: paw into paw, so it stretches in a chain; and the gray wolf ran through the forest, also leaving his prints. But the bear's footprint is nowhere to be seen (Why there is no bear trail) , and no wonder: Zimushka-Winter arranged a cozy den for Toptygina in the thicket of the forest, covered it with a thick snow blanket on top: sleep well! And he is happy to try - he doesn’t crawl out of the den. That’s why you can’t see a bear’s footprint in the forest.

The winter forest lives. Snowy fields and valleys live. The whole picture of the gray-haired sorceress Winter lives on. You can show it to Sunny too.

The sun parted the blue cloud. Looks at the winter forest, at the valleys. And under his gentle gaze everything around becomes even more beautiful. (What happens when the sun starts to shine in winter)

The snow flared up and glowed. Blue, red, green lights lit up on the ground, on the bushes, on the trees. And the breeze blew, shook off the frost from the branches, and multi-colored lights also sparkled and danced in the air.

It turned out to be a wonderful picture! Perhaps you couldn’t draw it better.

Fizminutka“We’ve worked hard, let’s rest”

We worked hard - let's rest, (Walking in place.)

Let's stand up and take a deep breath. (Stretching.)

Arms to the sides, forward, (Turns of the torso.)

Left, right turn. (Tilts left and right.)

Three bends, stand up straight. (Squats.)

Raise your arms up and down. (Jumping.)

Hands gradually lowered, (Walking in place.)

They brought smiles to everyone.

Part 3

Discussion of what you read.

Conversation with children about the content of what they read.

Do you think the work you read is a fairy tale or a short story?

How did Winter take care of the animals?

Snow in winter varies. Do you agree with this? Think about what snow is like on a clear frosty day.

What does snow look like when the thaw begins?

Why do you think the snow under the sun's rays turned from snow-white to multi-colored?

Try to tell us what you like most about winter nature.

Part 4

Playing text.

Sketches for the expression of emotions and movements.

The teacher invites the children to portray the characters of the fairy tale in its different episodes. Let's imagine that with the help of a magic wand we can get into this fairy tale.

Imagine Winter, which steps quietly, inaudibly. And she looks around.

Show how a gray hare sneaks between the bushes.

Show Lisa Patrikeevna in a new fur coat.

Remember how Winter treated the pine and spruce trees. What did the author name the trees in the fairy tale? Show how the forest heroes stand. How can you depict bushes and young trees?

What pattern did Winter paint the snow with? Let's follow the fox's trail.

How can you show that the snow flared up, lit up, sparkled?

Bottom line

What is this fairy tale about? (about winter)

Who wrote it? (G. Skrebitsky)

That is why Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky wrote such a beautiful fairy tale, in which he draws pictures of nature, teaches how to observe nature, see and understand its beauty.

1. Skorolupova O. A. Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Winter” - M.: TC Sfera, 2003.

2. Chindilova, O. V. Reading fiction by preschoolers: approaches to understanding and forms of implementation. – Preschool education. – 2011. – No. 1. – P. 59 – 61.

Publications on the topic:

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Image library: