Hitler's father's surname. Adolf Hitler (real name: Adolf Schicklgruber)

Adolf Hitler, whose biography is full of brilliant achievements and heinous crimes, has become an integral part of European and world history. He is one of those people who literally managed to push in a certain direction. Of course, the last statement does not in any way relate to the moral side of his philosophy and activities.

Adolf Hitler: biography

Adolf Schicklgruber was born in a small town located on the border of Austria and Germany. Already at an early age, the idea of ​​​​the greatness of the German nation was planted in his head. The first significant efforts in this matter were made by the school Fuhrer, Leopold Petch, who himself was an ardent supporter of Prussian nationalism and a pan-Germanist. After graduating from school, the young man goes to Vienna, cherishing the dream of entering the art academy of this city. Many people are well aware of the story of how a young man failed his exams in 1907, after which the rector of the academy recommended that he take up architecture rather than fine arts. Young Adolf then returns to his native Linz, but a year later he tries his hand again and fails again. It was during the next period that Hitler, later known throughout the world, was formed. The biography of these years is filled with extreme poverty, constant vagrancy, living under bridges and in flophouses, odd jobs and other pages from the bottom of life. But at the same time, the young man finally formed his political views during this period, in which he himself

admitted and described the process in detail later in the book “My Struggle.” Speaking about the reasons for the emergence of such a violent ideology, it is imperative to take into account the specifics of the Weimar period, when nationalist sentiments and ideas of anti-German conspiracies were so popular in society, and many small Judeophobic political forces were widespread. At the same time, the young man had the opportunity to observe how, under the onslaught of the Slavs and Hungarians, the Germans were losing their absolutely dominant position in Austria-Hungary. All this came together in a very, very unique way, and then was rethought in the head of young Adolf.

Adolf Hitler: the path to power

After the First World War, being extremely disappointed, the young corporal again returned to his odd jobs, but in Munich. His fate here was abruptly turned around by chance. As fate would have it, he was destined to end up in one of the city's beer establishments, where the local patriotic party (then called the Workers' Party of Germany) was holding its meeting at the same time. The guy, passionate about politics, became interested in their ideas, and in 1920 he joined this still small society. And soon, thanks to his own charisma and perseverance, he became its most important person. Hitler's first attempt to come to power dates back to 1923. We are talking about the famous November Beer Hall Putsch, which ended in failure. As the coup column marched through the streets of Munich, they were stopped by police forces who opened fire on the rebels. An interesting story from the memories of eyewitnesses is relayed by the famous researcher (and former journalist in Weimar and Nazi Germany) William Shirer: under a barrage of fire, the putschists were forced to lie down on the ground; Immediately after the police stopped shooting, the party leader was the first to jump up and start running from the scene of the collision, then got into the car and drove away. Strange, but Adolf Hitler’s flight did not affect his authority in any way. Moreover, having coped with the first fear, he behaved very boldly

the subsequent trial, which even added to his sympathy. However, for attempting a putsch, the young politician was nevertheless sent to prison in the Landsberg fortress. True, he spent less than a year there.

Adolf Hitler: political biography

And when he was released at the end of 1925, he again began his struggle for power. With incendiary speeches, cunning political actions, outright blackmail of other political forces, forceful reprisals against their opponents and outright deception in Nazi propaganda, after just a few years, the NSDAP became the most influential force in the country. And in Adolf Hitler forces the then President of the Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, to make himself chancellor. From this moment on, the NSDAP rapidly becomes a single political force in the state, their ideology is the only true one, and Germany is immersed in

The brilliance and enormity of the Fuhrer's biggest struggle

Having come to power, the new head of state did not hide his true face for long. Within the country, opposition forces were quickly eliminated. The Fuhrer did not spend long preparing for foreign policy actions. Already in 1936, in violation of the Versailles agreements, he sent his troops into the demilitarized Rhineland. The obedient disregard for this violation was only the first cowardly silence of the great powers in a long chain. This was followed by outright blackmail and the seizure of first Austria, then Czechoslovakia and Poland. In 1940, France also suffered the same fate as the occupation. England was barely saved. It probably makes no sense to retell the further biography of Adolf Hitler in detail. It is hardly possible to find a person in our country who has not heard about the German invasion of the USSR, about the first successes of the Blitzkrieg and the subsequent gradual complete loss of any adequacy by the Fuhrer, who could not come to terms with the defeats - first at Moscow, then at Stalingrad, and then on all fronts. The ideologist of the Nazi Party threw more and more batches of German soldiers into battle (which is often attributed to Zhukov and Stalin), sacrificing an entire generation of Germans on the altar of his idea. However, the victorious march of the Allies completely drove the Fuhrer crazy. In the last days of his life, he, sick and broken, but with his former fanaticism, the last thing left of the former Hitler, declared that the German nation must perish if it could not win this war. Adolf Hitler found his death by taking poison on April 30, 1945.

Adolf Gitler. In the twentieth century, this name became synonymous with cruelty and inhumanity - people who experienced the horrors of concentration camps, who saw the war with their own eyes, know who we are talking about. But history is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and even now there are those who consider him their hero and create for him the aura of a “romantic” freedom fighter. It would seem - how can the winners of fascism take the side of the vanquished? However, among the descendants of those who fought with Hitler and died from his army, there are those who today, April 20, celebrate the Fuhrer’s birthday as their holiday.

Even on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the great victory, in 2005, some documents were found and published that explored and talked about the personality of Adolf Hitler, diaries and memoirs of the people around him - a few touches to the portrait of the dictator.

People shouldn't know who I am or what family I come from!

The diary of Hitler's sister Paula was found in Germany. Describing her earliest childhood memories, when she was about eight and Adolf was 15, Paula writes: “I feel my brother’s heavy hand on my face again.” New information has also emerged about Paula herself - initially she was considered only an innocent victim, but as it turned out, the Fuhrer’s sister was engaged to one of the most sinister doctors of the Holocaust who was involved in euthanasia. Researchers have uncovered Russian interrogation records that reveal that Paula Hitler was engaged to Erwin Yekelius, who was responsible for the murder of 4,000 people in a gas chamber during the war. The wedding did not take place only because Adolf banned it, and after some time Yekelius was actually surrendered to the Russian army.

Historians have also discovered memoirs written jointly by Hitler's half-brother Alois and half-sister Angela. One passage describes the cruelty of Hitler's father, also named Alois, and how Adolf's mother tried to protect her son from constant beatings: "In fear, seeing that her father could no longer control his unbridled anger, she decided to end these tortures. She goes up to the attic and covers Adolf with her body, but cannot dodge another blow from her father. She endures it silently."

25 tablets a day + injections = perfect dictator

It is known that Hitler took great care of his health. His personal physician was Professor Morel, a famous Berlin venereologist, one of the few people whom the dictator trusted. According to eyewitnesses, Morel had an almost hypnotic influence on the Fuhrer and his patient was extremely pleased with the work of his physician.

There is evidence that Hitler took over 25 different pills a day. Morel constantly gave him painkillers and tonic injections, first out of necessity, then for prevention, and after a while the injections became an obligatory part of life.

The Fuhrer, concerned about his appearance, constantly took diet pills, which were invariably followed by opium.
“Concern” for health became truly a mania - even the vegetables that Hitler ate were grown on special plots of land. It was fumigated to free it from bacteria, and fertilized with especially pure manure from especially pure animals. Everything was carefully checked - the dictator was afraid that he might be poisoned.

Examining all these “precautionary measures,” post-war doctors came to the conclusion that Hitler’s body aged four to five years within a year.

It is likely that new facts about Adolf’s biography will soon appear. On the eve of Hitler's birthday, Germany announced its agreement to make Holocaust archives publicly available. These documents contain data on the fates of more than 17 million victims of Nazism.

Until now, this information could only be used by employees of the International Red Cross, they helped people search for relatives who disappeared during the war. Now the declassified archives will be available to scientists and former concentration camp prisoners.

Perhaps this data can still open the eyes of those who now dare to create his cult.

The material also uses information from the Peoples.Ru website

The material was prepared by the online editorswww.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti Agency and other sources

On July 1, 1751, the first volume of the world's first Encyclopedia was published. And although reference books and terminological dictionaries existed back in Ancient Egypt, it was the French “Encyclopedia, or explanatory dictionary of sciences, arts and crafts” that had the form of articles to which we are accustomed.

Until now, encyclopedias remain one of the main authorities to which both scientists and ordinary readers traditionally turn for a qualified definition, but not a single book is immune from inaccuracies. AiF.ru recalls the most famous blunders of authoritative publications.

"Grozny" Vasilievich

One of the funniest mistakes, which has already turned into a historical joke, happened with the famous encyclopedic dictionary published in France by the Larousse publishing house. The 1903 edition published an article about Ivan IV, in which his famous nickname “Terrible” was interpreted somewhat differently. It said: “Ivan the Fourth, Tsar of All Rus', nicknamed Vasilyevich for his cruelty.”

Alternative astronomy

In 2008, the Great Astronomical Encyclopedia, published by one of the largest publishing houses in the country, was at the center of the scandal. The book consisted of 25 thousand dictionary entries and serious errors were made in several of them. For example, the constellation Lynx, which on all star maps is located near the north pole of the world, suddenly turned out to be in the southern hemisphere, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor turned their tails towards each other, and Neptune’s satellite Triton turned out to be a constellation, which did not even prevent it from having mass.

Hitler's "real" surname

In the third edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, to the horror of many historians, an error was made in the article about Adolf Hitler. In it, the authors indicated that the “real” surname of the Fuhrer was Schicklgruber, although in fact only his father Alois bore this surname in his youth, while Adolf himself was Hitler all his life.

Strait instead of a revolutionary

A funny story happened with the fifth volume of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, which published a laudatory article about Beria. After the Minister of Internal Affairs was arrested and shot, the editors of TSB sent out a special letter to all subscribers, which recommended using scissors or a razor blade to “remove pages 21, 22, 23 and 24 from the fifth volume of TSB, as well as the portrait pasted between 22 and 23 pages." In exchange for the article about Beria, readers were sent additional pages dedicated to the expanded article “Bering Strait”.

Non-existent frog

For a similar reason, an article appeared in the same TSB publication about a “green frog” that does not exist in biological taxonomy. The thing is that on the eve of the publication of the encyclopedia in the so-called “Doctors’ Case” he was arrested Academician Vladimir Zelenin and it was decided to replace his biography with an article about an ordinary pond frog, which was called “green”.

Lost bison

In 2005, an incident occurred related to the oldest and one of the most famous universal encyclopedias in the world, the Encyclopedia Britannica (Britannica). In the latest edition, an ordinary 12-year-old British schoolboy discovered five errors at once regarding information about Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. For example, the encyclopedia claimed that bison are found only in Poland, the city of Khotyn is not in Ukraine, but in Moldova, and the Polish part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is located in the districts of Bialystok, Suwalki and Lomza.

Too complex hieroglyph

In 2006, a 56-year-old resident of Shanghai found even more errors in the latest edition of the most popular explanatory dictionary of the Chinese language, Xinhua Zidian. In the book, which is widely used both domestically and around the world, he found 4,000 typos and even went to court with a complaint against the publishers. By the way, errors are discovered from time to time in the best-selling Chinese dictionary, but most often the publishers manage to prove that these are not errors, but just a misunderstanding of the hieroglyphs by readers.

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) - a great political and military figure, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founder and ideologist of the theory of National Socialism.

Hitler is known to the whole world, first of all, as a bloody dictator, a nationalist who dreamed of taking over the whole world and cleansing it of people of the “wrong” (non-Aryan) race. He conquered half the world, launched a world war, created one of the most brutal political systems and killed millions of people in his camps.

Brief biography of Adolf Hitler

Hitler was born in a small town on the border of Germany and Austria. The boy did poorly at school, and he never managed to get a higher education - he tried twice to enter the Academy of Arts (Hitler had artistic talent), but he was never accepted.

At a young age, at the beginning of the First World War, Hitler voluntarily went to fight at the front, where the birth of a great politician and National Socialist took place in him. Hitler achieved success in his military career, receiving the rank of corporal and several military awards. In 1919, he returned from the war and joined the German Workers' Party, where he was also quickly able to advance in his career. At a time of serious economic and political crisis in Germany, Hitler skillfully carried out a number of National Socialist reforms in the party and achieved the post of head of the party in 1921. From that time on, he began to actively promote his policies and new national ideas, using the party apparatus and his military experience.

After the Bavarian Putsch was organized on Hitler's orders, he was immediately arrested and sent to prison. It was during the time spent in prison that Hitler wrote one of his main works - “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”), in which he outlined all his thoughts regarding the current situation, outlined his position on racial issues (the superiority of the Aryan race), and declared war. Jews and communists, and also stated that Germany should become the dominant state in the world.

Hitler's path to world domination began in 1933, when he was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Hitler received his post thanks to the economic reforms he carried out, which helped overcome the crisis that broke out in 1929 (Germany was devastated after the First World War and was not in the best position). After his appointment as Chancellor, Hitler immediately banned all other parties except the Nationalist Party. During the same period, a law was passed according to which Hitler became dictator for 4 years with unlimited power.

A year later, in 1934, he appointed himself leader of the “Third Reich” - a new political system based on nationalist principles. Hitler's struggle with the Jews flared up - SS detachments and concentration camps were created. During the same period, the army was completely modernized and rearmed - Hitler was preparing for a war that was supposed to bring world domination to Germany.

In 1938, Hitler's victorious march around the world began. First Austria was captured, then Czechoslovakia - they were annexed to German territory. The Second World War was in full swing. In 1941, Hitler’s army attacked the USSR (Great Patriotic War), but after four years of hostilities, Hitler failed to capture the country. The Soviet army, on the orders of Stalin, pushed back the German troops and captured Berlin.

At the end of the war, Hitler controlled his troops from an underground bunker in his last days, but this did not help. Humiliated by defeat, Adolf Hitler committed suicide along with his wife Eva Braun in 1945.

The main provisions of Hitler's policy

Hitler's policy is a policy of racial discrimination and the superiority of one race and people over another. This is what guided the dictator, both in domestic and foreign policy. Germany, under his leadership, was to become a racially pure power that follows socialist principles and is ready to lead the world. In order to achieve this ideal, Hitler pursued a policy of exterminating all other races; Jews were especially persecuted. At first they were simply deprived of all civil rights, and then they simply began to be caught and killed with extreme cruelty. Later, captured soldiers were also sent to concentration camps during the Second World War.

However, it is worth noting that Hitler managed to significantly improve the German economy and lead the country out of the crisis. Hitler significantly reduced unemployment. He boosted industry (it was now focused on serving the military industry), encouraged various public events and various holidays (exclusively among the indigenous German population). Germany, as a whole, was able to get back on its feet before the war and gain some economic stability.

Results of Hitler's reign

  • Germany managed to get out of the economic crisis;
  • Germany turned into a National Socialist state, which bore the unofficial name “Third Reich” and pursued a policy of racial discrimination and terror;
  • Hitler became one of the main figures who unleashed the Second World War. He managed to capture vast territories and significantly increase Germany's political influence in the world;
  • During Hitler's reign of terror, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed, including children and women. Numerous concentration camps, where Jews and other unwanted individuals were taken, became death chambers for hundreds of people, only a few survived;
  • Hitler is considered one of the most brutal world dictators in the history of mankind.

In contact with


Adolf Gitler

Name: Adolf Hitler
Date of Birth: April 20, 1889
Zodiac sign: Aries
Age: 56 years
Date of death: April 30, 1945
Place of Birth: Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary
Height: 175
Activity: founder of the dictatorship of the Third Reich, Fuhrer of the NSDAP, Reich Chancellor and head of Germany
Family status: was married

Adolf Hitler is a famous German political leader whose activities are associated with terrible crimes against humanity, including the Holocaust. The creator of the Nazi Party and the dictatorship of the Third Reich, the immorality of whose philosophy and political views are widely discussed in society today.

After Hitler was able to become the head of the German fascist state in 1934, he launched a large-scale operation to seize Europe, was the initiator of the Second World War, which made him a “monster and a sadist” for the citizens of the USSR, and for many German citizens a brilliant leader, which changed people's lives for the better.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn, which is located near the border with Germany. His parents, Alois and Klara Hitler, were peasants, but his father was able to break out into the world and become a government official-customs officer, which enabled the family to live in normal conditions. “Nazi No. 1” was the third child in the family and very beloved by his mother, whom he was very similar in appearance. Later, he had younger brothers Edmund and sister Paula, to whom the future German Fuhrer became very attached and took care of her all his life.

Hitler's parents

Adolf's childhood was spent in endless moves, caused by the peculiarities of his father's work, and changes in schools, where he did not show any special talents, but was still able to finish 4 classes of a real school in Steyr and received a certificate of education, in which good grades were only in such subjects as drawing and physical education. During this period, his mother Clara Hitler died of cancer, which dealt a big blow to the young man’s psyche, but he did not break down, and, having completed the necessary documents to receive a pension for himself and his sister Paula, moved to Vienna and set out on the path to adulthood.

At first he tried to enter the Art Academy, because he had extraordinary talent and a passion for fine art, but did not pass the entrance exams. The next couple of years, Adolf Hitler's biography was filled with poverty, vagrancy, temporary work, endless moving from place to place, and sleeping under city bridges. Throughout this period, he did not tell either his family or friends about his whereabouts, because he was afraid of being drafted into the army, where he would be forced to serve along with the Jews, for whom he felt deep hatred.

At the age of 24, Hitler moved to Munich, where he encountered the First World War, which made him very happy. He immediately enlisted as a volunteer in the Bavarian army, in whose ranks he took part in many battles. He took the defeat of Germany in the First World War quite painfully and categorically blamed politicians for it. Against this background, he engaged in large-scale campaigning activities, which gave him the opportunity to get into the political movement of the People's Workers' Party, which he skillfully turned into a Nazi one.

Having become the head of the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler over time began to make his way deeper and deeper to the political heights and in 1923 he organized the Beer Hall Putsch. Enlisting the support of 5 thousand stormtroopers, he burst into a beer bar where the leaders of the General Staff were holding an action and announced the overthrow of the traitors in the Berlin government. On November 9, 1923, the Nazi putsch went towards the ministry to seize power, but was intercepted by police detachments, who used firearms to disperse the Nazis.

In March 1924, Adolf Hitler, as the organizer of the putsch, was convicted of high treason and sentenced to 5 years in prison. However, the Nazi dictator spent only 9 months in prison - on December 20, 1924, for unknown reasons, he was released. Immediately after his release, Hitler revived the Nazi party NSDAP and transformed it, with the help of Gregor Strasser, into a national political force. During that period, he was able to establish close ties with the German generals, as well as establish relationships with major industrial magnates.

At the same time, Adolf Hitler wrote his work “My Struggle” (“Mein Kampf”), in which he described in detail his autobiography and the idea of ​​National Socialism. In 1930, the political leader of the Nazis became the Supreme Commander of the Storm Troops (SA), and in 1932 he tried to get the post of Reich Chancellor. To do this, he was forced to renounce his Austrian citizenship and become a German citizen, and also enlist the support of the Allies.

From the first time, Hitler was unable to win the elections, in which Kurt von Schleicher was ahead of him. A year later, German leader Paul von Hindenburg, under Nazi pressure, dismissed the victorious von Schleicher and appointed Hitler in his place.

This appointment did not cover all the hopes of the Nazi leader, since power over Germany continued to remain in the hands of the Reichstag, and its powers included only the leadership of the Cabinet of Ministers, which still needed to be created.

In just 1.5 years, Adolf Hitler was able to remove all obstacles in the form of the President of Germany and the Reichstag from his path and become an unlimited dictator. From that time on, oppression of Jews and Gypsies began in the state, trade unions were closed and the “Hitler era” began, which during the 10 years of his rule was completely saturated with human blood.

In 1934, Hitler gained power over Germany, where the total Nazi regime immediately began, the ideology of which was the only correct one. Having become the ruler of Germany, the Nazi leader instantly showed his true colors and began large foreign policy rallies. He quickly creates the Wehrmacht and restores aviation and tank troops, as well as long-range artillery. Contrary to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany seizes the Rhineland, and then Czechoslovakia and Austria.

At the same time, he carried out a purge within his ranks - the dictator organized the so-called “Night of the Long Knives,” when all prominent Nazis who posed a threat to Hitler’s absolute power were eliminated. Having given himself the title of Supreme Leader of the Third Reich, he created the Gestapo police force, as well as a system of concentration camps, where he sent all “undesirable elements,” including Jews, gypsies, political opponents, and later prisoners of war.

The basis of Adolf Hitler's domestic policy was the ideology of racial discrimination and the superiority of the indigenous Aryans over other peoples. He wanted to be the only leader of the whole world, in which the Slavs were to become “elite” slaves, and the lower races, to which he included Jews and Gypsies, were completely eliminated. Along with massive crimes against people, the ruler of Germany developed a similar foreign policy, deciding to take over the entire world.

In April 1939, Hitler approved a plan to attack Poland, which was destroyed in September of the same year. Then the Germans occupied Norway, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg and broke through the French front. In the spring of 1941, Hitler captured Greece and Yugoslavia, and on June 22, he attacked the Soviet Union, then led by Joseph Stalin.

In 1943, the Red Army launched a large-scale offensive against the Germans, which caused World War II to enter the Reich in 1945, which drove Hitler completely crazy. He sent pensioners, teenagers and disabled people to fight the Red Army soldiers, ordering the soldiers to stand to death, while he himself hid in a “bunker” and watched what was happening from the side.

With the coming to power of Adolf Hitler, a whole complex of death camps and concentration camps was created in Germany, Poland and Austria, the first of which was founded in 1933 near Munich. It is known that there were over 42 thousand such camps, in which millions of people died under torture. These specially equipped centers were intended for genocide and terror both against prisoners of war and over the local population, among whom were disabled people, women and children.

The largest Hitler “death factories” were “Auschwitz”, “Majdanek”, “Buchenwald”, “Treblinka”, in which people who dissented from Hitler were subjected to terrible torture and “experiments” with poisons, incendiary mixtures, gas, which in 80 percent of cases led to the painful death of people. All death camps were founded with the goal of “cleansing” the entire world population of anti-fascists, inferior races, which for Hitler were Jews and Gypsies, simple criminals and simply undesirable “elements” for the German leader.

The symbol of Hitler’s ruthlessness and fascism was the Polish city of Auschwitz, in which the most terrible death conveyors were erected, where over 20 thousand people were exterminated every day. This is one of the most terrible places on the planet, which became the center of the extermination of Jews - they died there in “gas” chambers immediately after arrival, even without registration and identification. The Auschwitz camp (Auschwitz) became a tragic symbol of the Holocaust - the mass extermination of the Jewish nation, which is recognized as the largest genocide of the 20th century.

There are several versions of why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews so much, whom he tried to “wipe off the face of the earth.” Historians who have studied the personality of the “bloody” dictator put forward several theories, each of which could be true.

The first and most plausible version is considered to be the “racial policy” of the German dictator, who considered only native Germans as people. Because of this, he divided all nations into 3 parts - the Aryans, who were supposed to rule the world, the Slavs, who in his ideology were assigned the role of slaves, and the Jews, whom Hitler planned to completely exterminate.

Economic motives for the Holocaust are also not excluded, since at that time Germany was in a difficult state economically, and the Jews had profitable enterprises and banking institutions, which Hitler took from them after being sent to concentration camps.

There is also a version that Hitler exterminated the Jewish nation in order to maintain the morale of his army. He assigned Jews and Gypsies the role of victims, whom he handed over to be torn to pieces so that the Nazis would have the opportunity to enjoy human blood, which, as the leader of the Third Reich believed, should have set them up for victory.

On April 30, 1945, when Hitler's house in Berlin was surrounded by the Soviet army, "Nazi No. 1" admitted defeat and decided to commit suicide. There are several versions of how Adolf Hitler died: some historians note that the German dictator drank potassium cyanide, while others do not rule out that he shot himself. Along with the head of Germany, his common-law wife Eva Braun, with whom he lived for more than 15 years, also died.

It is noted that the bodies of the couple were burned at the entrance to the bunker, which was the dictator’s requirement before his death. Later, the remains of Hitler's body were discovered by a group of the Red Army Guard - to this day, only dentures and part of the Nazi leader's skull with a bullet entry hole have survived, which are still stored in Russian archives.

The personal life of Adolf Hitler in modern history has no confirmed facts and is filled with a lot of speculation. There is information that the German Fuhrer was never officially married and had no recognized children. At the same time, despite his very unattractive appearance, he was the favorite of the entire female population of the state, which played an important role in his life. Historians note that “Nazi No. 1” had the ability to influence people hypnotically.

With his speeches and cultured manners, he charmed the weaker sex, whose representatives began to thoughtlessly love the leader, which forced them to do the impossible for him. Hitler's mistresses were predominantly married ladies who idolized him and considered him a great man.

In 1929, the dictator met Eva Braun, who conquered Hitler with her appearance and cheerful disposition. During the years of living with the Fuhrer, the girl tried to commit suicide 2 times because of the loving nature of her common-law husband, who openly flirted with the women he liked.

In 2012, American Werner Schmedt announced that he was the legitimate son of Hitler and his young niece Geli Ruabal, who, according to historians, was killed by the dictator in a fit of jealousy. He provided family photographs in which the Fuhrer of the Third Reich and Geli Ruabal are depicted in an embrace. Also, Hitler’s possible son showed his birth certificate, in which only the initials “G” and “R” were written in the data column about the parents, which was done, apparently, for the purpose of secrecy.

According to the Fuhrer's son, after the death of Geli Ruabal, nannies from Austria and Germany were involved in his upbringing, but his father visited him all the time. In 1940, Schmedt last met with Hitler, who promised him that if he won the Second World War, he would give him the whole world. But since events did not unfold according to Hitler’s plan, Werner was forced to hide his origin and place of residence from everyone for a long time.