Effective diets - weight loss menu for the day, for the week. Healthy eating: menu for weight loss

An effective way to burn fat is to create a calorie deficit. In order for the process to be realized, it is necessary to create a healthy diet for a week for weight loss, that is, develop an approximate menu in which proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are correctly balanced. Having a specific table, you will follow it strictly, which eliminates the possibility of failures.

How to create a healthy nutrition menu for the week

First, you need to calculate your daily caloric intake for your normal weight. This can be done using an online calculator where you will need to enter your age, height, weight and daily physical activity level. After clicking the “Calculation” button, the individual value of the energy value of the diet, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will appear. If you want to lose weight, the number will be 20% less than normal calories. Based on these indicators, you need to create a healthy nutrition menu for the week.

Weekly meal plan for weight loss

Do you want to be constantly full even when on a diet? Take a pen and piece of paper and write down how to create a weekly meal plan for weight loss:

  1. Decide on the number of meals. Ideal when there are five of them: breakfast, lunch, dinner and a couple of snacks between them. The largest amount of calories comes with breakfast and lunch, the same with snacks; dinner requires the least amount of energy.
  2. In the first part of the day, eat 50% of your daily calories. If you want to enjoy unhealthy foods, include them in your breakfast or first snack.
  3. Make a menu for losing weight for a week so that the interval between meals is no more than 3 hours.
  4. The rational distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is not an easy task. The best way to do it is this:
    • Breakfast: a portion of carbohydrates, some protein and healthy fats.
    • Snack: fast carbohydrates in the form of fruit, you can add complex carbohydrates.
    • At lunch, liquid food is required - soup, borscht. The menu contains proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fats.
    • The second snack consists of proteins and fats. These are nuts, seeds, chicken breast. A good option is fermented milk products.
    • Dinner: Eat protein and fiber (vegetables).
  5. Don't forget to consider your water needs. For 1 kg of body weight you need 30-40 ml of clean water. In the heat and with physical activity, this figure increases.

Meal schedule for weight loss for a week

As an example, a diet of 1500-1700 kcal is presented. On training days, the calorie content of the menu is slightly increased. A healthy diet for a week looks something like this:

  1. Schedule on training days – Mon, Wed, Fri. The calorie content of the diet is 1700 kcal.
    • 7:00 – breakfast (450 kcal). Approximate serving size: 180 g carbohydrate food, 50 g protein, 5 g fat. Tea, coffee – 200 ml.
    • 10:00 – snack (350 kcal). This is 200 g grapefruit, 1 medium apple, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream 15% fat.
    • 12:30 – lunch (450 kcal). A serving of soup is 250 ml, 140 g of carbohydrate food, 100 g of protein, 10 g of fat. Liquid – 200 ml.
    • 17:00 – snack (350 kcal). This is 100 g of cottage cheese + a glass of kefir + several walnuts.
    • 21:00 – dinner (100 kcal). Serving: 65 g protein food, 100-50 g fiber, 5 g fat.
  2. Schedule on days free from training – Tue, Thurs, Sat, Sun. The weekly diet for weight loss will total 1500 kcal daily.
    • 7:00 – breakfast (400 kcal). Serving size: 170 g carbohydrate food, 45 g protein, 5 g fat. Tea, coffee – 200 ml.
    • 10:00 – snack (250 kcal). This is 85 g of dried apricots or 3 crackers, 5 olives, 60 g of soft cheese.
    • 12:30 – lunch (400 kcal). A serving of soup is 200 ml, 130 g of carbohydrate food, 90 g of protein, 8 g of fat. Liquid – 200 ml.
    • 17:00 – snack (250 kcal). This is 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, a glass of milk 2.5%.
    • 21:00 – dinner (200 kcal). Serving: 100 g protein food, 100-50 g fiber, 5 g fat.

Diet food for the week

Girls and boys need to make a list of products in order to easily implement a proper nutrition menu for weight loss for the week. The consumer basket may include inexpensive products. Diet food for the week:

  • meat and offal: beef/veal, chicken (fillet/drumsticks/thighs), turkey, liver, hearts;
  • fish: mackerel, hake, bream;
  • chicken/quail eggs;
  • cereals and grains: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal (rolled oats), wheat, corn grits;
  • mushrooms: champignons/oyster mushrooms;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, beets, onions, carrots, potatoes;
  • fruits, berries;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • greenery;
  • dairy and fermented milk products: cottage cheese 9%, milk 2.5%, sour cream 10%, kefir 1%, yogurt without fillers;
  • fats: butter, sunflower, olive;
  • durum pasta;
  • whole wheat bread.

Sample healthy diet for a week

You need to develop a weekly menu according to the model shown in the table. With a little work, you will draw up a complete plan that will take everything into account. The table shows a sample for 1500 kcal. In brackets you will see the percentage of protein, fat and carbohydrate foods that you need to eat at a specific meal. An approximate healthy diet for a week has the following distribution of dietary fat and calorie content:


Proteins, kcal

Fats, kcal

Carbohydrates, kcal

Calorie content of the diet, kcal

Examples of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week

Losing weight in women and men will become a simple matter if you have a written diet for a week for weight loss in your hands. You need to create an individual program based on your daily calorie intake. Divide it into 5 parts, calculate the calorie content of protein, fat and carbohydrate foods by percentage from the above table, then you can find out the serving size. An example of proper nutrition for a week for weight loss will be your guide in creating your diet.

Healthy nutrition menu for the week

This example of nutrition for weight loss can be used by adults and healthy people who want to lose excess weight systematically. All foods in your diet are healthy and varied, so you won’t go hungry and constantly think about food. Proper nutrition for a week looks something like this:

Day of the week

Oatmeal, omelet, whole grain bread with butter, tea

Apple, pear

Borsch, steam cutlet, vegetable salad

Cottage cheese seasoned with herbs and sour cream

Baked mackerel with carrots and onions

Buckwheat, toast with cheese, egg, flaxseed oil, coffee

Baked apple with cottage cheese and honey

Cabbage soup, beef goulash, tomatoes and cucumbers

Ryazhenka, whole grain bread

Chicken skewers, green salad

Rice, ham and cheese sandwich, cocoa

Berries with yogurt

Homemade chicken soup, stewed hearts, cabbage and herb salad

Kefir, nuts

Stewed hake in tomato, vegetable salad

Wheat porridge, protein pancakes, homemade boiled sausage, tea

Dried apricots/prunes, dates, walnuts

Meatball soup, liver cutlets, Greek salad

Vinaigrette without potatoes with beans and olive oil

Stewed veal with vegetable sauce

Corn porridge with milk, cottage cheese with berries, coffee

Muesli bar

Beef broth, baked chicken drumstick, beet and garlic salad

Avocado with feta cheese

Steamed bream, vegetable stew

Curd casserole with sour cream, berries, cocoa

Fruit salad

Mushroom soup with buckwheat, grilled chicken thighs, squash caviar

Milk, bread with cheese

Omelet with mixed frozen vegetables

Protein omelette with buckwheat, whole grain bun, tea

Curd balls with nuts and dried fruits

Fish soup, turkey gravy, radish and green salad

Vegetable salad with chicken breast

Boiled beans, pollock

Diet menu for the week

You can use the diet suggested in the table above as a basis. However, a weekly diet for weight loss requires you to prepare healthy dishes with a minimum of salt and spices. If you resort to frying, do it in a non-stick frying pan with one drop of oil. It is better to boil, stew, or steam foods. In addition to clean water, you can drink freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes, tea, coffee. Diet meals for the week allow you to have a light snack before bed in the form of kefir or natural yogurt.

Simple menu for weight loss for a week

Even if your food budget is modest, you can plan a diet using cheap, but tasty and healthy foods. Create a simple menu for weight loss for a week like this:

  • Breakfast: porridge + egg dish + drink.
  • Snack: Seasonal fruit.
  • Lunch: liquid dish (soup, borscht) + dish of offal (hearts, liver, ventricles) + seasonal vegetable salad.
  • Snack: fermented milk product.
  • Dinner: salad of seasonal vegetables, inexpensive boiled/steamed/baked fish.

Menu for a teenager for a week

The above table is also suitable for teenagers, but the portion size should take into account the daily requirement of 2500-3000 kcal. An example menu for a teenager who is losing weight is compiled according to the same scheme as for adults, taking into account the calorie content of protein, fat and carbohydrate foods. You should not reduce the amount of carbohydrates, since they are the main source of energy for a growing body.

Weekly menu for the whole family

First, make a list of the products you plan to buy. Then come up with options for ready-made meals that can be made from the purchased provisions. The weekly menu for the whole family includes the following dishes:

  1. Breakfast:
    • milk and water porridges: buckwheat, rice, wheat, barley, oatmeal, millet, semolina, corn;
    • egg dishes.
  2. Soups: chicken, pea, fish, mushroom, with meatballs, vegetable, kharcho, borscht, rassolnik, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, cabbage soup.
  3. Second for lunch: meatballs, cabbage rolls, goulash, fish and meat cutlets, pilaf, gravy from meat and offal.
  4. Side dishes: baked/boiled/mashed potatoes, pasta, porridge.
  5. Salads: seasonal vegetable, vinaigrette, Greek, Caesar, beetroot.
  6. Desserts: baked apples, puddings, soufflé, ice cream, sponge cake.

Video: proper nutrition for a week for weight loss

Strict diets designed to lose excess weight significantly harm the body. Refusal of certain foods and a sharp decrease in energy value food allow quickly, but disrupt metabolism. That is why, after returning to the usual diet, there is a rapid increase in body weight, digestive problems and systemic disruptions in the functioning of the body. In addition, long malnutrition leads to a deficiency of vital microelements and vitamins. To lose weight correctly, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Eat a varied diet. The diet must contain both proteins and fats with carbohydrates, as this will help maintain a balance of macro- and micronutrients. At the same time, the daily energy value of food should not exceed 1200 and 1600 kcal for women and men, respectively.
  • Maintain the correct proportions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, while simultaneously increasing the consumption of vegetables (both fresh and thermally processed). This group of foods gives the body a lot of vitamins and fiber, which not only normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also cleanses it.
  • Reduce the proportion of fast carbohydrates in the daily menu to a minimum. They are the ones who ensure the growth of fatty deposits and provoke. Sugar, various desserts and sweets must be replaced with fruits.
  • Limit your fat intake. It is not advisable to completely abandon them, since both vegetable oil and butter contain various valuable micronutrients. However, it is better to replace fatty meats with lean ones.
  • Consume enough fermented milk products. They are rich in calcium necessary for the body and contain a lot of protein, but you need to choose kefir and cottage cheese with a low fat content.
  • Follow the regime. Rare and heavy meals lead to a slowdown in metabolism. To speed up your metabolism and activate the process, you need to eat small portions every 3-4 hours. This will also reduce the volume of the stomach and speed up the onset of the feeling of fullness.
  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume. There is already enough of it in food, and excess sodium chloride leads to many diseases.
  • Cook correctly. That is, completely abandon frying foods in favor of stewing and steaming.
  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a source of “empty” calories, especially if you combine libations with large meals.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Priority should be given to clean water, tea and coffee without sugar, as well as natural juices and berry compotes. In the latter case, sugar should be replaced with artificial sweeteners.

The listed principles must be adhered to constantly, then the excess weight will quickly go away and is guaranteed not to return. Diet restrictions do not mean a complete renunciation of gastronomic pleasures. The sample menu with recipes below allows you to eat very varied and tasty.

How to plan your menu correctly

First of all, you need to pay attention to calorie content of foods. The article provides a sample weekly menu, the daily energy value of which does not exceed the recommended norm. When making your own diet, stick to the restrictions.

In addition, you need to eat enough different types of food every day. A large proportion of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. They provide replenishment of the body's vitamin and mineral reserves and are rich in fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness.

Near quarters healthy daily menu is squirrels. It is optimal to use dairy products, as well as lean fish and meat as their source.

You need to eat about the same amount cereals and legumes. They saturate the body with energy because they are absorbed slowly. Besides, complex carbohydrates are not deposited under the skin as fat.

The last point is the importance of fractional meals. A sample menu for the week consists of: 4 meals, however, between them it is useful to eat an apple or a small handful of dried fruits. This will prevent hunger and activate your metabolism.

Sample menu for one week with recipes

Below are several recipes for delicious and very healthy dishes for weight loss. In the event that an exact description of the finished product is not given, you need to eat the amount of food recommended by nutritionists. For porridge as a side dish or an independent dish is it 150 g, for soup – 250 ml, for fish and meat – no more than 120. You can eat about 200 ml(a glass of kefir, for example). Concerning vegetables, then they can be used practically in unlimited quantities.


On prepare an unusual omelet with vegetables and cottage cheese:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 grams of spinach and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • spoon of oil (vegetable).

Mix eggs with a couple of tablespoons of water, cottage cheese and spinach preheated in oil. Cover the omelette and cook until done.

For lunch eat a serving of chicken broth with vegetables and noodles.

As an afternoon snack A glass of kefir and one unsweetened fruit (for example, kiwi) will do.

Have dinner You can have fish baked in the oven without oil and salt (cooked in foil with the addition of aromatic herbs) and a portion of cabbage salad with carrots and apples.


For breakfast cook millet porridge in water or milk, drink a glass of unsweetened tea or coffee.

For lunch you can make boiled beef with a side dish of rice:

  • a piece of lean beef weighing up to 1 kg;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • spices (bay leaf and a couple of black peppercorns);
  • dill and parsley;
  • small fresh cucumber;
  • spoon of soy sauce.

You should start preparing this delicious dish the day before by soaking the rice in water and leaving it in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day beef is boiled:

  • To do this, the washed piece of meat is poured with cold water, is being cooked a couple of minutes after boiling, after which the fatty broth is drained.
  • The meat, cut into several large pieces, is again placed in water with a little salt and spices.
  • After 50 minutes of boiling add a bunch of greens and (without chopping), simmer for another 10 minutes and remove the finished beef from the broth.

Parallel boil the washed rice in 1 glass of water until it boils. Add to side dish chopped cucumber and soy sauce, stir. Cut a third of the boiled meat into pieces and eat with rice, and put the rest in the refrigerator. Beef can also be used to make sandwiches and salads.

Afternoon snack today it’s fruits and mineral water.

For dinner drink a glass of kefir and eat a serving of vegetable salad.


For breakfast prepare a couple of sandwiches with yesterday's boiled beef and slices of fresh cucumber, make coffee.

Have lunch Maybe with lean cabbage soup.

For afternoon tea make dietary cheesecakes:

  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina;
  • a little vegetable oil.
  • After making the dough from eggs, cottage cheese and semolina, form several small cheesecakes and fry them in oil until golden brown. You can add a spoonful of honey when serving.

    For dinner today – boiled fish and fresh vegetables.


    Breakfast– a portion of buckwheat porridge with water, tea with a sugar substitute and a piece of hard cheese.

    For lunch Soup made from dried or fresh mushrooms is perfect:

    Which he is simply unable to remove while the “wrong” food is supplied in large quantities. As soon as the diet changes towards foods that are natural for a living organism, metabolism accelerates!!!

    Junk food

    Let's start with what is important to exclude from the diet. These are any purchased sausages and frankfurters, confectionery and flour products, mayonnaise, sugar, alcohol, chocolate (except bitter, from 70%), fast foods, premium bread, juices in tetra packs. Salt consumption should be reduced to 4 grams per day, but not completely eliminated.

    The right foods for weight loss

    • fish must definitely be included in healthy nutrition menu: these are trout, horse mackerel, chum salmon, pink salmon. The fish you choose should be fresh, young and medium-sized;
    • birdcomplements the list of basic healthy products: this is chicken (breasts and wings, without skin), as well as turkey;
    • meat: veal, beef. But the most correct product is liver;
    • fruits(about 5 pieces per day);
    • dried fruits(almost any of them has healing properties). Prunes have a good effect on digestion and are useful for people with hypertension and heart problems, and dried apricots are a simple prevention of cancer;
    • : everything except salty, sweet and fried.
    • vegetables: better raw or steamed, stewed or baked in the oven, up to 400 grams per day. The best recipes - ;
    • cereals;
    • bread;
    • dairy products:, natural yoghurts.
    • cheese natural: Dutch, Adyghe, mozzarella, gouda. It is better to choose non-spicy varieties of cheese and eat up to 100 grams of it per day.

    Golden Rule: It’s better to eat more often, but in small portions than twice a day and “to the fullest.” Following this rule, we offer this proper nutrition regimen.

    Sample menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day

    Breakfast should be high in calories and satisfying. An approximate menu is as follows: oatmeal or any other cereal with milk, dried fruits, cheese, muesli, fruits, fresh juices, tea without sugar. Of course, you need to select a couple of items from this list; you don’t need to eat everything at once).

    Snack. 1 fruit or yogurt.

    Dinner. Steamed meat or fish, baked or stewed. Garnish: rice, vegetables, buckwheat, coarse wheat pasta. You can cook light or.
    You can add flavor to the dish using a bay leaf or a small pinch of any other seasonings: basil, oregano, marjoram.

    Afternoon snack. 1 fruit, kefir, yogurt, several nuts or dried fruits (to choose from);

    Dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime. The menu is the same as for lunch, only slightly reducing the portion; the best option is, for example, Greek.

    During the day, do not forget to drink healthy drinks and clean water 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after them.

    A proper nutrition menu for weight loss will be very useful for beautiful ladies who are always striving for ideal shapes. This healthy eating menu is designed to give you a light and toned body.

    Principles of proper nutrition to lose weight

    • To lose weight with proper nutrition, breakfast is a must. Even if you indulge in excess during breakfast, during the work day there are many opportunities to burn off excess calories. As a rule, they do not turn into fat, which cannot be said in the case of the habit of large lunches or dinners.

    • It is necessary to set aside special time and devote it exclusively to eating. Only a body focused on this activity can effectively digest and assimilate it. If the brain is busy solving some other problems, it is much more likely that part of the food will turn into fat for absorption later, if hunger suddenly sets in, accumulating a reserve “just in case.”
    • For more, you shouldn’t rush while eating, since this is a kind of protection against overeating, because the signal about the onset of satiety always reaches the brain a little later. If you eat slowly, it arrives just in time.
    • Eating slowly allows you to digest food better - your stomach will be grateful for it. After eating, it is useful to sit for at least five minutes, giving the stomach the opportunity to really “get involved” in its work.
    • You need to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger that you can eat a little more.

    To lose weight, you need to eat less sugar, using honey instead, but also in small quantities.

    It is better to eat no later than two hours before bedtime, and dinner should not be heavy. There are two reasons for this:

    • It’s hard to sleep with a full stomach;
    • there is a possibility that the stomach will “cheat” and process some of the food “in reserve”, creating fat deposits.

    To effectively lose weight with a healthy diet, of course, taking into account the time of year. The body needs water for internal self-cleaning, because dishes are washed with water, and not with tea, milk or compote.

    If you are actively involved in sports and want to create an athletic figure, then the healthy nutrition menu can be supplemented with sports nutrition, for example, Weider fat burners. The substances contained in the capsules activate metabolism and promote accelerated utilization of fat from the body. However, before consuming any type of sports nutrition, you should definitely consult a specialist.

    In conclusion - how to organize a healthy diet for weight loss

    To lose weight with a healthy diet, you should eliminate the psychological stress caused by following a particular diet. You need to eat throughout the day, but in such a way that you don’t feel hungry. Hunger causes stress and has a negative impact on the psyche.

    Properly organized nutrition helps to effectively get rid of extra pounds, promoting weight loss only if you spend more calories than you get from food. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the nutritional value of foods and the balance of the daily diet.

    You need to start eating right by giving up junk food, not food that contains a lot of calories. It is this feature that distinguishes the principles of healthy eating from all kinds of weight loss diets.

    The list of harmful foods is known: excessively sweet, fatty, high in calories in large quantities, a lot of coffee,.

    Eating in fits and starts during the day, eating large lunches or dinners, eating in front of the TV or during work, when the feeling of hunger is satisfied with a chocolate bar, a pie, or a cup of coffee, delays the goal of losing weight.

    It is much healthier to satisfy your hunger with yogurt, eat more fruits and vegetables - carrots, radishes, vegetable salad with the addition of cold-pressed oil. Eat cottage cheese, drink tea. Obviously, these foods will not make you fat, since they contain few calories. They effectively satisfy the feeling of hunger, help avoid discomfort and at the same time lose weight.

    After following a strict diet, weight returns quickly, which forces a person to go on a limited diet again and again. To ensure that the kilograms do not return after losing weight, you need to completely reconsider the principles of nutrition and create a diet menu for weight loss every day. But to find out all the information about proper nutrition, sometimes there is simply not enough free time, so we invite you to learn about its basics and how to properly create a daily menu for weight loss.

    Rules for proper nutrition for weight loss

    The basic rule of losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you expend. When this happens, the body replaces calories by reducing body fat. When creating a menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day with recipes, keep in mind that the majority of the diet should be slow carbohydrates, which saturate the stomach for a long time, allowing you to not feel hungry for a long period of time. Losing weight will also happen slowly, but there is a high chance that the kilograms will not return, especially if you stick to the right diet all the time.

    The practical part of proper nutrition:

    1. Eat when you feel hungry. The digestion process is associated with energy consumption. The feeling of hunger when losing weight occurs when the body's resources are exhausted - this is how nature intends it. If there is no hunger, the food eaten will not be used for future use, but will contribute to fat deposits.
    2. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly. According to research, the faster a person eats, especially when losing weight, the greater the risk of gaining excess weight. This is due to the fact that the stomach fills quickly, without the brain having time to signal saturation. Thoroughly chewed food transfers vitamins and other nutrients to the body in full.
    3. Follow your diet. The classic option is 4 meals a day, which are distributed according to the following scheme: breakfast - 35%, lunch and dinner 25% each, afternoon snack - 15%. One of the main principles of healthy eating every day is the obligatory presence of a rich breakfast, because for modern people it is reduced to a sandwich and a cup of coffee, which has a catastrophic effect on metabolism. Include small snacks between meals in your daily menu to avoid starvation while losing weight.
    4. Don't drink while eating. This applies to all liquids: water, tea, compotes, juices and others. Drinking during meals leads to incomplete digestion of foods, which subsequently accumulate on the intestinal walls and decompose. Drinking is allowed only 15 minutes after eating.

    Principles of creating a daily menu for weight loss

    A daily weight loss menu at home should contain less salt to get rid of swelling and a large amount of protein so that muscle mass does not go away along with excess weight. Healthy proteins are found in fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, cheeses, chicken, turkey, and lean veal, which are included in the weight loss menu without fail.

    Use 2 tbsp every day. a spoonful of flaxseed (corn, olive) oil to reduce cholesterol and lower blood viscosity to improve the elasticity of blood vessels. A healthy weight loss menu should contain every day:

    • fresh fruits;
    • raw vegetables;
    • fiber (oatmeal, peas, bran);

    Nutritionists do not recommend including canned food in your diet when losing weight at home, as they contain harmful substances. Also on the list of prohibited foods are all processed foods: sausages, smoked meats, sweet pastries, carbonated drinks prepared with a huge amount of preservatives and additives.

    Your daily weight loss diet should not include alcohol, because it is not a dietary product. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories. During weight loss, they slow down metabolism and stimulate appetite.

    Sample menu for weight loss for a week for every day

    Portions when losing weight should not be larger than a fist. Additionally, you are allowed to add 2 servings of green vegetables or vegetable soups to your meals every day. For drinks, in addition to water (1.5-2 liters per day), include green tea, herbal infusions, vegetable juices, a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt in your menu - they promote weight loss. If you are planning a diet for every day of the week when losing weight, then taking into account the calorie deficit, use an approximate nutrition plan:


    • Breakfast - oatmeal 200 g;
    • Lunch - hard cheese 50 g, tea;
    • Lunch - 300 gr. soup, 150 gr. vegetable salad, 2 pieces of bread;
    • Dinner - boiled veal 80 g, stewed vegetables on the side.


    • Breakfast - 150 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of dried fruits;
    • Lunch - 50 g nuts, a glass of kefir;
    • Lunch - 120 g steamed fish, 150 g raw vegetables;
    • Dinner - 180 g egg omelet, 150 g vegetable salad.


    • Breakfast - 150 gr. muesli, 200 ml yogurt;
    • Lunch - curd pudding 150 g, a glass of juice;
    • Lunch - 120 gr. stewed mushrooms, 100 gr. fresh cucumbers;
    • Dinner - 200 rub. cottage cheese, 150 gr. vegetable salad.


    • Breakfast - 2 egg omelet, a slice of bran bread;
    • Lunch - fresh fruit 250 g;
    • Lunch - 200 g of steamed fish, 150 g of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes;
    • Dinner - 200 g of stewed beans, 1 soft-boiled egg.


    • Breakfast - 100 gr. homemade cheese, 1 banana;
    • Lunch - yoghurt 200 ml, 50 g. hazelnuts;
    • Lunch - 300 gr. fresh cabbage soup, 150 gr. buckwheat porridge;
    • Dinner - 150 gr. grilled veal steak, 150 gr. vegetable salad.


    • Breakfast - 200 gr. milk rice porridge with honey, tea;
    • Lunch - 200 ml yogurt, apple;
    • Lunch - 150 gr. chicken puree, 200 gr. beet salad;
    • Dinner - 150 gr. grilled fish, 150 gr. fresh vegetables, 2 rye bread.


    • Breakfast - 2 soft-boiled eggs, unsweetened coffee;
    • Lunch - 150 gr. cottage cheese with dried apricots;
    • Lunch - 300 gr. fish soup, 150 gr. beef goulash, stewed vegetables on the side;
    • Dinner - 200 gr. steamed pollock, 150 gr. beetroot salad with prunes, 2 rye breads.

    Dietary dishes: recipes in grams with photos

    Every day in your weight loss menu, include only natural ingredients that are healthy for the body. The method of processing is also of great importance: food should not be fried, because it is on the fried surface that toxins accumulate after cooking at high temperatures with vegetable oil. Proper nutrition for every day is cooking with water and steaming, and it is also allowed to stew and bake.

    Boiled chicken fillet

    You will need:

    • 200 g chicken fillet;
    • 100 g onions;
    • 100 g carrots;
    • 50 g parsley (or other herbs).


    1. Rinse the fillet, dry it, cut into 4 parts.
    2. Pour water into a saucepan, boil, add the prepared meat.
    3. Peel the vegetables, chop coarsely, place in a pan with boiling fillet.
    4. Boil for 30 minutes.
    5. If desired, add salt, spices, bay leaf.
    6. After turning off the heat, let it sit for another 15 minutes.

    Cottage cheese casserole

    You will need

    • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 40 g sugar;
    • 40 g semolina;
    • one egg;
    • 20 g raisins.


    1. Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly.
    2. Mix with remaining ingredients.
    3. Pour the mixture into the mold.
    4. Bake for half an hour in the oven.
    5. Serve with honey or low-fat sour cream.

    Meat soufflé

    You will need

    • ½ kg. minced lean beef;
    • 150 g bran loaf;
    • 50 ml skim milk;
    • 100 g onions;
    • salt, spices - optional.


    1. Soak the loaf in milk.
    2. Grind the minced meat, loaf, and onion through a fine meat grinder twice.
    3. Place the resulting minced meat into the mold. Z
    4. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 C.

    How to organize a healthy diet for weight loss

    To achieve an ideal figure, stick to the simplest possible menu while losing weight. Judging by the reviews of those losing weight, the highest results were achieved when psychological stress associated with dietary restrictions was excluded. If you eat right during the day while losing weight, you will not feel hungry. Increased appetite is the number one cause of stress.

    To quickly lose weight, exclude fast food, pies, a lot of coffee, and semi-finished products from the nearest grocery store from the menu. It’s better to lean on homemade yoghurts, vegetable salads, cottage cheese, green tea and eat one grapefruit every day. All these products will help satisfy hunger, avoid intestinal discomfort and quickly lose weight without harm to health.

    How to organize proper nutrition to lose weight and relieve hunger? In the video below, you will learn how to create a healthy diet menu for weight loss and what dishes can and should be included in the diet:

    Which of us hasn’t promised ourselves to start a new life on Monday: drink water on an empty stomach, spend more time in the fresh air and finally switch to a daily menu of proper nutrition? In something like losing weight, the main thing is powerful motivation!

    I’ll warn you right away - you can’t rely on magic teas for weight loss and Chinese “miracle pills” for instant slimness. First, a diuretic or laxative will not get rid of fat, but will keep you dehydrated. Well, secondly, it is not known at all how they are produced and what consequences this will lead to. There have been, for example, cases of completion of such diets in intensive care... The principles of a proper diet have not been canceled. You can’t take strange drugs for a week and hope for an impressive result. It is impossible to lose weight in a day. We'll have to be patient.

    But let's not talk about sad things, there is good news: to lose weight, you need to... eat! Yes, yes, don’t starve, but enjoy delicious healthy food recipes every day, for a week. Proper nutrition can be delicious!

    Why is it possible to lose weight with proper nutrition?

    A man is what he eats. Today we get food more easily compared to what humanity had thousands of years ago. But health depends on the correct approach to menu planning and adherence to the principles of a balanced diet. It is necessary to eat at the same time, then the body works like a clock, all calories are converted into the necessary energy for life, and unnecessary “reserves” are not stored. In addition, the blood is cleansed of toxins, and the result will be visible not only on your figure, but also on your overall well-being. Of course, you will have to limit yourself in some ways and be patient for a few weeks, but the result will be worth it.

    Not fasting or dieting on any one product, but healthy food in reasonable portions is the path to losing weight and being slim. Without receiving enough fuel, the body will tend to store energy reserves in the form of a fold on the abdomen after each meal. In addition, by strictly limiting yourself in provisions, you can lose substances important for teeth, heart, bones and other organs. The proper nutrition menu for weight loss will provide us with:

    • Complete proteins - building materials for cells, because they are constantly being updated. Amino acids, into which proteins entering the body break down, become, as it were, “building blocks” for this process. You can skip it for a few days, but not receiving the necessary components for weeks can provoke dangerous complications.
    • Healthy fats. They are very important for the brain and nerve fibers, and in general, all our cells have a fatty layer in their membrane, without which they die.
    • “Complex” carbohydrates are a source of energy at “short distances”. For example, eating oatmeal or a sandwich with whole grain bread for breakfast will give us a boost for the coming morning. Sometimes such recharging helps curb hunger throughout the day.
    • Fiber. Oh, what wonderful odes to fiber are sung from all TV programs about health! Paired with drinking two liters of water per day, it cleanses the intestines of toxins, which is also beneficial for those losing weight. It is important to endure the first 2-3 weeks, then a menu with fiber will set digestion in the right way.
    • Vitamins and microelements that ensure the correct and rapid occurrence of all reactions in the body at the cellular and molecular levels. This speeds up metabolism and has a positive effect on the weight loss process.

    The right foods in your diet for weight loss

    Choosing the right ingredients for the menu is the first step in preparing a healthy meal. It can be:

    It is important to combine them correctly, for example, prepare raw carrot salads with sour cream dressing, since vitamin A is fat-soluble and can only be absorbed in the presence of fats. These principles apply to any product.

    Having taken the true path in the hope of returning or gaining a toned figure, you need to give up factory-made sausages and frankfurters, store-bought sauces, mayonnaise, the ubiquitous fast food, sweet drinks and packaged juices, and, preferably, alcohol. But this does not mean at all that the daily menu becomes meager food for an ascetic. On the contrary, food should be varied in order to saturate us with all the substances listed above. Here are some tips for organizing healthy meals for weight loss in the first week:

    1) Eat at least five times a day: breakfast within an hour after getting up, second breakfast after 3.5 hours, lunch, afternoon snack, light dinner. No one requires you to put a lock on the refrigerator after 18.00 - the body will say “thank you” for a glass of kefir before bed. Proper nutrition rarely requires fasting.

    2) The principle of the palm. To avoid overeating, get nice small plates. The size of a piece of meat/fish/poultry (protein) eaten at a time should be approximately equal to the center of the palm. A serving of side dish - pasta made from durum wheat/cereals ("complex" carbohydrates) is equal to the area of ​​the striking side of the fist. The number of vegetables per serving - how many can fit in the entire hand, etc. This menu helps restore tone to the body.

    3) Drink water. As you know from a school biology course, a person consists of 80% water. She is our assistant in getting rid of excess and losing weight. The daily consumption rate of pure drinking non-carbonated water during normal physical activity in the cool season is 30 ml for each kg of weight. And then - a school mathematics course, calculate how much you need specifically. A glass of water after waking up and 15 minutes before each meal is mandatory. Proper nutrition is always based on water-salt balance.

    4) The tradition of having breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the whole family is also an important factor in achieving the goal. There is less chance of overeating when the table is set for exactly all family members, and everyone has one portion. And before you go for a supplement, it is better to wait 20 minutes until the signal of saturation reaches the brain. Well, if you decide to have lunch in splendid isolation, try placing a mirror in front of you. Looking at yourself, devouring food, you definitely won’t be able to overdo it in food. Primal nutrition is often based on aesthetic effect.

    5) Treat the meal as a special ritual. Do not eat in front of the TV, computer, book, or while running. Eating food on public transport or on the street is generally bad manners. Try to create an interesting, original menu for every day, week.

    Sample proper nutrition menu for every day for weight loss

    Not everyone’s work week starts on Monday, so here’s a list of 7 healthy options for weight loss for every meal, which you can then swap around. To save time and finances, it is better to purchase basic provisions immediately, and within a week purchase something that quickly spoils.

    We take into account that the main energy expenditure occurs in the first half of the day, so the main daily calorie intake comes from breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Breakfast 2nd breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
    • Buckwheat porridge with milk
    • c/w bread
    • coffee with cream
    • Natural yogurt
    • banana
    • handful of prunes
    • seaweed salad with onions
    • Mushroom soup
    • baked chicken breast with vegetables and cheese
    • Berry juice
    • Baked apple
    • Green tea
    • Boiled squid with egg and onion
    • Pearl barley porridge with butter
    • boiled chicken egg
    • black bread
    • black tea with lemon
    • Ryazhenka
    • peach
    • bread with cheese
    • The vinaigrette
    • bean soup
    • marinated fish stew
    • Brown rice
    • dried fruits compote
    • cottage cheese casserole
    • berry jelly
    • boiled turkey breast
    • zucchini baked with cheese
    • Millet porridge with pumpkin
    • 5 boiled quail eggs
    • c/w bread
    • chicory
    • Lazy cottage cheese dumplings
    • curdled milk
    • Beet and nut salad with vegetable oil
    • Lenten cabbage soup with prunes
    • Boiled beef with green beans
    • Tea with lemon
    • A glass of kefir
    • 2 loaves of bread
    • Cauliflower in egg
    • Oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts
    • Soft-boiled chicken egg
    • Green tea
    • Acidophilus
    • Pear
    • 2 rye bread with cheese
    • Carrot and celery salad with sour cream
    • Chicken bouillon
    • liver pancakes
    • buckwheat
    • Orange
    • Natural yogurt

    Cod with zucchini and carrots

    • Porridge "4 grains"
    • Omelette with greens
    • Cottage cheese with milk and banana
    • c/w bread
    • Black tea
    • Sauerkraut with cranberries
    • beetroot
    • Chopped chicken breast cutlet
    • Baked eggplants with cheese
    • Apple compote
    • 2 fresh apples
    • Ryazhenka
    • seafood stewed with vegetables
    • Corn porridge
    • cocoa
    • Varenets
    • buckwheat flour pancake with sour cream
    • radish and onion salad with vegetable oil
    • pilaf with chicken hearts
    • Tea with lemon
    • boiled chicken egg
    • natural yogurt
    • tomato salad with herbs and soft cheese with olive oil
    • Pancakes made from oat and buckwheat flour with sour cream 10-15%
    • chicory
    • kefir
    • 5-6 nuts
    • apple
    • Cabbage, carrot and beet salad with vegetable oil and lemon juice
    • Many people who want to lose excess weight try to do it in the shortest possible time. Of course, you want to get your body in order in a few days, but this approach to solving the problem often leads to the opposite results - the lost kilograms are returned with a reserve.