What is included in the maintenance of housing according to the law. What is included in home maintenance: a list of all services and the procedure for their provision

Any building becomes unusable over time. Communications fail, wall decoration deteriorates, and the roof begins to leak moisture. To ensure that the house does not lose its original characteristics, it must be regularly maintained and repaired.

Home maintenance and repairs: what is it and when is it carried out?

Therefore, current home repairs can be generally described as carrying out work to restore the original characteristics of building elements, prevent malfunctions, and restore the original resource of the entire structure and its individual parts.

To find out in detail what is included in the maintenance of a residential premises, you should familiarize yourself with Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006. The document sets out the basic rules for determining property that belongs to the common property of the residents of the house and the requirements for its maintenance.

In accordance with this act, maintenance and current repairs include:

  • cleaning stairs, vestibules, attics and basements, garbage chutes, garbage chambers and other auxiliary rooms;
  • maintenance of the central heating system - flushing, preservation for the summer;
  • removal of solid waste, disposal of liquid waste;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • maintaining the functionality of the power supply system;
  • maintenance of landscaping and landscaping elements;
  • measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency at home;
  • maintenance of sewerage and water supply systems;
  • inspection and repair of the roof of the building;
  • other operations.

As you can see, state control is exercised over the condition of apartment buildings.

Owners cannot voluntarily exclude any services from the established list. Such actions may result in the building not meeting normal safety requirements.

Paragraph 18 of Resolution No. 491 indicates that repairs to common property in an apartment building are carried out by decision of the owners. However, it is not always possible to hold general meetings in order to approve the implementation of certain works.

Therefore, all operations are divided into several categories:

  1. Planned. Conducted according to a predetermined schedule. For example, preparing communications for the heating season.
  2. Unscheduled. For example, during a regular inspection, cracks were identified on the facade of a house. To eliminate them, it is necessary to develop an action plan and approve a budget.
  3. Emergency. The implementation of which cannot wait until the convening of the general meeting. The category of urgent repairs usually includes the elimination of the consequences of a broken water supply pipe.

All issues related to ongoing repairs are resolved by the HOA, a general meeting, or upon concluding an agreement with the management company.

What relates to the current repair of an apartment building, what is included in the list of works

  1. Foundation maintenance:
  • examination of reinforcement for corrosion;
  • search for uneven settlement of the structure;
  • checking for cracks, swelling and other damage to the concrete structure;
  • checking the condition of waterproofing materials;
  • elimination of identified faults.
  1. Maintenance of basements of apartment buildings:
  • checking compliance with the proper levels of temperature and humidity;
  • preventing basement flooding;
  • monitoring the condition of the premises and its entrances to avoid clutter and pollution;
  1. Maintaining the walls of the house in proper condition: identifying cracks and damage and eliminating them in a timely manner.
  2. Maintenance of water supply, sewerage, central heating. This includes:
  • pipe cleaning;
  • replacement of individual parts;
  • installation of new communications.
  1. Replacement and repair of door frames, window frames, partitions located in common areas.
  2. Replacement and restoration of the roof, strengthening of floors.
  3. Troubleshooting furnace equipment.
  4. Restoring draft in ventilation.
  5. Replacement or restoration of individual sections of flooring.
  6. External landscaping:
  • repair of sidewalks and pedestrian paths;
  • landscaping;
  • restoration of flower beds;
  • renovation of sports and children's playgrounds.

The specific list is established by the contractors. It depends on the age and equipment of the house, as well as on the desire of apartment owners to incur additional costs.

Differences from major repairs

Current and major repairs of apartment buildings are similar in essence. This is a specific list of measures aimed at maintaining the building in the form in which it was intended during design.

These works differ according to several criteria:

  1. By frequency. Major repairs are carried out once every few decades, in accordance with operating standards. Some maintenance operations are carried out every year.
  2. Tasks. Major repairs are aimed at restoring the integrity of load-bearing structures and replacing obsolete communications. The purpose of routine repairs is to eliminate minor faults and prevent excessive wear.
  3. Budget. Residents of the house constantly deduct a certain amount for major repairs. And after accumulating the required amount, the work can be carried out.
  4. Reasons for carrying out. Major repairs are carried out in accordance with established standards for each model of apartment building. Current repairs are carried out based on the results of current observations of specialists. Major repairs are more aimed at the planned replacement of elements. So, as part of this event, water supply pipes will be replaced, since their service life has expired. Even if they are in satisfactory condition.

List of works that can be included additionally

Owners of common property, that is, apartment owners, at a general meeting can agree on any additional repairs. The management company will cope with any work if the budget is approved. So, if residents want to update the facade or restore sidewalks, then finding a contractor will not be difficult.

The list of works is updated by signing an additional agreement with the service company. In such a situation, the cost of ongoing repairs will increase accordingly.

Types of work that are never carried out as part of routine repairs

Direct repairs to the residential premises are carried out by its owner.

The list of routine repairs does not include:

  1. Repair of windows, balconies, entrance doors, insulation of these elements, if they are part of apartments.
  2. Repair and replacement of meters, electrical control panels.
  3. Installation and retrofitting of fire panels, installation of smoke detectors and fire detectors.
  4. Redecoration of common areas: painting walls and whitewashing ceilings
  5. Replacement or modernization of elevators.
  6. Insulation of external walls, cosmetic repairs of facades.
  7. Replacement of parts of the building: floors, stairs, etc.

An expanded list of works can be established at a general meeting of apartment owners.

Who carries out current repairs

  1. The developer until the transfer of property to apartment owners. After the construction of a building, it can remain on the balance sheet of the construction organization for a long time.
  2. Homeowners' association, housing cooperative or other cooperative that was created to manage common property. In this case, repairs can be carried out either by specially hired workers or by a contractor.
  3. Management Company. Maintenance of an apartment building is most often carried out by a special organization, which has the necessary experience and staff with appropriate qualifications.

The developer or HOA can carry out the work on their own. But usually current repairs are entrusted to a specific service organization, for example, a management company.

In some cases, the management company engages third parties. For example, if there are no employees with the required qualifications. A contract for work is concluded, and the contractor performs maintenance or routine repairs on a reimbursable basis.

Payment for current repairs of an apartment building

Any work aimed at the current maintenance of housing is carried out at the expense of its owners.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation in Article 154 contains a list of expenses that are covered by monthly payments of apartment owners and tenants. Among other things, expenses for maintenance of common property and routine repairs are indicated there.

If apartment owners have formed an HOA, then the fee for the work may be part of the regular membership fees.

Current repairs are not performed or performed poorly, where to contact

The main problem with the ongoing maintenance and repair of apartment buildings remains the lack of proper control over the actions of contractors.

All results of operations carried out as part of maintenance and routine repairs are subject to delivery to the owners of the common property. Owners must evaluate the quality of the work performed.

If the management company violates the established procedure for carrying out routine repairs, or performs work of poor quality, then you should contact it with a written complaint. The homeowners' representative should indicate their comments in the work acceptance certificate. And demand free elimination of deficiencies.

If the negotiation method does not help, then you should contact the municipal housing inspectorate with a complaint. If violations are discovered, state representatives will hold the management company accountable and issue an order to eliminate repair deficiencies.

To get a good result from the maintenance and ongoing repairs of your home, you should familiarize yourself with the documentation prepared by the management company. For example, a work plan and an estimate. It is best to create an HOA and select a person whose job will be to monitor the ongoing repairs.

Every month, all residents of apartment buildings receive payment receipts for the utilities they use. Among other services there is a line “maintenance and current repairs”, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone. This is what we need to figure out.

The Housing Code (in Article 154) explains what this expense item includes in receipts. It lists the entire list of seasonal and other work that must be carried out in an apartment building. This is necessary to maintain its standard condition, both as planned and in an emergency, so that residents feel comfortable living in their apartments. In addition to the fact that when operating an apartment building, the management company must control and maintain common property, in accordance with the requirements of the law, it is obliged to prevent possible damage to this property.

What is included in the maintenance and repair of housing in the receipt in 2018

All work on the maintenance and repair of housing must be carried out by the management organization during the entire period of operation of the house constantly and regularly. At the same time, any of the residents has the right to apply and receive information on how the funds that were presented to him in the receipt and paid were spent.

This type of expenses for residents can be divided into several groups of work, and we will examine each of them in more detail.

1. Technical supervision of the current condition of the property of an apartment building

Common property will fall into disrepair if a set of measures aimed at preventing and preventing various situations, which ultimately can lead to disastrous consequences, is not regularly carried out. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out work on:

  • inspection of common property, which is carried out by an initiative group of residents and identifies various shortcomings and non-compliance with the standard state,
  • regular cleaning and treatment of premises shared by residents of the house,
  • fire safety,
  • preparation and maintenance of common electrical networks and equipment for the home,
  • compliance with certain humidity and temperature established by regulations,
  • preparation for the heating season, as well as carrying out current and major repairs,
  • improvement of the local area,
  • taking measures to save energy,
  • collection and disposal of mercury-containing lamps that have failed.

2. Preparing devices and equipment for seasonal operation

Such work includes measures to prevent problems with the start of the heating season, as well as its end, to create a comfortable microclimate in any season, these are:

  • regulation of heating systems and their timely repair,
  • checking and cleaning of ventilation ducts, insulation of windows and doors in common areas, pressure testing of pipes,
  • inspecting the integrity of windows and replacing glass or frames as necessary,
  • repair of entrance doors with installation of closers, as well as insulation of entrance areas.

3. Repair of common property of an apartment building

All objects of an apartment building require constant attention and ongoing repairs. These include:

  • work to prevent problems with the foundation that may be associated with its damage includes strengthening and restoration of damaged areas,
  • roofing work to eliminate leaks, organize water drainage, as well as ventilation and insulation,
  • facade works,
  • inspection and strengthening of ceilings, as well as balcony ledges and canopies,
  • internal work to replace and repair the finishing of common areas: walls, ceilings, floors,
  • maintaining in working order and timely repair of heating systems, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, as well as power supply systems, elevators, pumping units, general resource consumption meters,
  • cleaning and disinfection of garbage chutes,
  • landscaping of the local area with replacement and repair of roads, pedestrian zones, roadways, and blind areas of the house.

All these types of work must be performed constantly and on time. Every resident of the house has the right to report any defect to the management company, and it will respond and resolve the issue of elimination. If this does not happen, residents can file a complaint with.

4. Organization of cleaning and waste removal works

This includes all work related to maintaining cleanliness and order. This creates comfortable conditions; garbage and seasonal precipitation do not become a problem for residents of an apartment building. This includes not only cleaning the area from household waste but also its removal, as well as:

  • snow removal,
  • eliminating icy areas by sprinkling with anti-slip agents,
  • collecting leaves,
  • watering and mowing lawns.

5. Elimination of emergency situations

All systems in the house must function within normal limits. In order to avoid serious problems and accidents, the management company must pay special attention to their prevention. All minor and insignificant problems in any of the home systems must be corrected in a timely manner, before they can lead to catastrophic consequences. This expense item makes it possible to replace taps, clear blockages in sewer systems, carry out plumbing work, troubleshoot problems in heating and ventilation systems, etc.

6. General house needs - a new line in the receipt

Please note that since the beginning of 2017, expenses for general house needs have been added to the line for maintenance and current repairs of housing. ODN includes all costs associated with the total consumption of resources (water, water), as well as wastewater disposal. The volume of such utilities, for which payment is calculated for each resident, is limited by the standards established by law.

The list of services for which residents of the house are required to pay for the corresponding line in the receipt must be agreed upon and recorded. This also applies to the tariffs established to pay for the listed services.

Tariffs for maintenance and repair of residential premises

The fee for current repairs and maintenance is determined by the management company for each specific house based on the cost of the work according to the estimate and is agreed upon with its residents.

The amount of the fee must be approved no more than once a year.

All these points, as well as the composition of the common property, frequency of services, cost, as well as the procedure for its formation, must be specified in the management agreement, which is drawn up for each apartment building.

Calculation formula

Calculation of fees for maintenance and repairs since 2017 consists of the following indicators:

S&R = (T*Sq.m.) + ODN, Where

  • T - tariff approved by the territorial administration for the maintenance and repair of residential premises
  • Sq.m. - area of ​​a specific apartment,

Formula for calculating ODN:

ODN = (N*Plat.MOP*Plat.sq./Plat.total), Where

  • N – resource consumption standard established by the territorial administration,
  • Pl.MOP – area of ​​common areas,
  • Total area – the area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in the house.

For clarity, let's look at the calculation using an example.

The apartment is located in a comfortable modern house in the Moscow region. The high-rise building has a garbage chute and an elevator. The area of ​​the apartment is 60 sq.m., the area of ​​the MOP is 6500 sq.m. and the total area of ​​the house is 17800 sq.m.

The administration has approved a tariff for maintenance and repair, which amounts to 23.6 rubles, as well as standards for ODN in the following sizes: electricity - 1.54 kW/h, cold water - 0.0220 cubic meters. and hot water - 0.0124 cubic meters.

Let's apply the formula mentioned above and calculate what amount should be seen in the receipt for maintenance and repairs:

C&R =(23.6*60)+((1.54+0.0220+0.0124)*6500*60/17800) = 1450.5 rub.

All work specified in the contract must be carried out continuously. And residents are required to regularly pay fees for services shown in receipts.

Attention! If the residential building is municipal property, then a payment for renting the premises will be added to the fee.

Please note that there should not be separate lines in the receipt for payment, for example, garbage removal or major repairs. All these services are included in the one we are talking about - maintenance and repair. If you find extra lines on the receipt, you should talk about a violation on the part of the management organization. In this case, residents have the right to contact their management company with a request to remove them from the receipt.

Please note that a number of services can be refused by agreement with representatives of the management company and securing this. For example, from cleaning the entrance, if residents decided to do it on their own.

Once every thirty days, residents of apartment buildings (MKD) receive a receipt with the column “current maintenance of housing” and make payments for these services, but few of us think about what this column means.

This important issue should be examined in detail.

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The legislative framework

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491, which dates back to August 13, 2006, regulates relations regarding the maintenance of property in common use by the owners of an apartment building.

This ensures:

  1. Maintaining a high level of safety and reliability of an apartment building;
  2. Readiness of technical equipment to serve residents through utilities;
  3. Compliance with legislative requirements in the field of energy efficiency;
  4. Respect for the rights of owners living in apartment buildings;
  5. Availability of use of common residential and non-residential premises, as well as the local area (land);
  6. Safety of individuals, protection from damage to property used by individuals and legal entities and also that which belongs to the state and municipality.

Operating standards for utility companies, as well as the establishment of internal tariffs and the procedure by which payment for services should be carried out for residents of a multi-storey building, are enshrined in Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

These rules were created by the legislator in order to regulate those that are in shared ownership.

Under common property in Art. 154 of the RF Housing Code refers to the following objects:

  • Places of common use and use, such as the elevator, landing, attic and technical floor;
  • Roof;
  • Fences that support the overall structure of the house: doors, curbs, load-bearing walls;
  • Equipment located in and outside the home: technical, electrical or mechanical;
  • Local area determined on the basis of the cadastral passport of housing;
  • Other objects that are also related to an apartment building: parking lots, transformer-type substations and playgrounds for children.

What types of work are included in the concept of “quality housing maintenance”?

It is important to maintain the normal condition of the house from an aesthetic point of view, as well as pay attention to its functionality, eliminating emerging defects and problems in a short time.

Each of the residents understands that the management company must take a number of measures to ensure repairs and high-quality maintenance of housing, but not everyone knows what measures should be taken for this, and what is included in the list of responsibilities assigned by the state.

Services included in repair and management:

  1. Cleaning of common areas, carried out in accordance with all sanitary standards.
  2. Work aimed at lighting property related to common house use.
  3. Carrying out landscaping work in the area adjacent to the residential building.
  4. Carrying out waste removal, both in-house and with the help of third-party organizations.
  5. Ensuring fire safety.
  6. Creating a comfortable temperature and optimal humidity level in the premises.
  7. Regular inspections of premises for possible defects, including compliance with standards and the prevention of physical injuries and accidents.
  8. Preparation for installation and operation of property intended for the common use of residents.
  9. Preparation and implementation of repair work.

These are just the basic functions that the HOA and the management company should not neglect.

Sometimes residents have a desire to carry out additional work, which they express in the form of a request sent to the local Management Company or HOA.

Requests for additional painting of the entrance in a brighter shade or weekly watering of flowers on the landing cannot be satisfied if the company considers it inappropriate to carry out such work.

Residents have the right to hold a meeting with representatives of the HOA present, where it is possible to agree on the performance of auxiliary work for an additional fee.

List of services in the housing and communal services receipt

When receiving the next payment receipt, few people living in apartment buildings study their contents in detail.

Work carried out in houses is divided into:

  • Planned;
  • Seasonal;
  • Required.

Planned work includes pre-agreed actions for which there was a long preparation process.

The minimum number of works per one apartment building is set out in the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003, No. 170.

A smaller amount of work is prohibited, but a larger amount is agreed upon individually at a general meeting of residents and the Management Company.

The necessary measures are caused by a sudden breakdown or circumstance that affects the operation of equipment or the appearance of the building and requires immediate intervention.

Seasonal work includes work carried out once a year in preparation of a high-rise building for the heating season or its termination.

In addition to the services provided, for which residents pay monthly using their receipts, there is also an additional expanded list of services.

The management company may include seasonal work in its monthly expenses.

Such work should include:

  1. Cleaning attic spaces and replacing drainpipes;
  2. Plaster renovation works;
  3. Work on replacing doors and windows in the house;
  4. Monitoring and replacing, if necessary, railings and other fencing elements;
  5. Replacement of roofs and hatches when they are worn out;
  6. Monitoring and replacing signs on a residential building;
  7. Carrying out activities to improve the local area with shrubs and flower beds;
  8. In winter: removing snow and removing ice, as well as treating sidewalks with special products against slippery surfaces;
  9. Maintenance of public appliances in the entrance: elevators and garbage disposal mechanism;
  10. Preventing the operation of plumbing equipment in the house;
  11. Cleaning and wet cleaning performed in stairwells;
  12. Checking the work related to the functioning of the heating system;
  13. Improving the condition of areas intended for sports activities.

Formation of tariffs

When setting tariffs for services, many management companies bypass prior agreement with residents and set their own amounts.

If a case with an overestimated amount has been recorded, a general meeting must be held immediately, where the employees of the Management Company must explain the increased amounts.

Tariffs must be agreed upon by two parties: on the one hand, the owners who have the rights to residential premises, and on the other hand, the Management Company.

The management company is prohibited from issuing amounts for tariffs unilaterally.

Funds collected through monthly payments are used to carry out repairs, maintain the general housing stock and maintain the operation of all appliances and elements of common use.

For citizens renting housing in such houses, there should be no additional fees for major repairs, because the responsibility for paying for this column rests entirely with the owner of the apartment.

It is important to note that the presence in the receipt of additional items indicating fees for waste removal and maintenance of elevators is a violation. These two columns must be included in “housing maintenance”.

The cost of maintenance established for the maintenance of housing is determined by the owner of the housing stock.

In cases where the house is owned by the municipality or the state, rent is also charged.

If such items occur, it is necessary to immediately recalculate at the established tariff.

What can be done with the money raised for maintenance and repairs in an apartment building? The residents have established a dialogue with the management company and are working together to plan the maintenance of the apartment building. We invite you to watch the video.

The decision to carry out current renovation of an apartment building is also competent to accept the advice of a given house if he is vested with the appropriate powers. At the same time, apartment owners must determine the list of works included in the current renovation of the house, as well as the amount of their financing and the conditions for implementation. The above issues are resolved by the owners at a general meeting. The final decision is made by a majority vote. Only after this the current repairs of the house are carried out.

Definition of current repair - what is it?

What applies to current repairs? From the provisions of paragraph 12 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), it follows that the owners of apartments in the building have the right to independently repair the common property or attract other persons for this. Current repairs of common property in an apartment building are carried out taking into account the selected management option for this building.

According to paragraphs 11 and 16 of the Rules, housing maintenance and current repairs can be ensured by:

Owners of premises
  • by concluding an agreement with the management organization on the management of an apartment building;
  • by concluding agreements involving ongoing repairs of the house, as well as the maintenance of common property, with persons who perform the necessary work and provide services (with direct management of the house).
Homeowners' associations and specialized consumer cooperatives
  • through membership of premises owners;
  • by concluding appropriate agreements with these organizations by owners of premises who are not their members.

Current repairs in accordance with Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation Homeowners' associations and specialized consumer cooperatives are authorized to carry out routine repairs of an apartment building on their own or to attract other persons to perform the relevant work.

In addition, according to Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the agreement with the management organization includes a list of works (services) that include current repairs of the house, as well as the procedure for changing it, the amount of the fee, and the rules for making it.

It is worth noting that, in accordance with Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, organizations involved in the maintenance (service) of houses are obliged to comply with the established rules and requirements for the relevant activities.

List of works on maintenance and current repairs of housing:

  • Work on lighting of common property.
  • Cleaning common areas in accordance with sanitary standards.
  • Land works in areas near an apartment building (landscaping).
  • Collection of household waste, as well as its removal independently or with the help of appropriate companies.
  • Compliance with fire safety measures.
  • Ensuring that the premises maintain the legal temperature and humidity levels.
  • Inspection of common premises in order to identify non-compliance with standards, as well as those that threaten the life, health and convenience of residents.
  • Timely implementation of routine and planned repairs. Preparation for use of common property.

According to Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the composition of the payment for the maintenance of living space includes a contribution for the current repairs of an apartment building. At the same time, in accordance with Article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, owners pay for the maintenance of their common property in proportion to their personal shares in the structure of common property. In this regard, they contribute:

  • payment for repairs (maintenance) of living space in an apartment building (if the building is managed by a management organization or directly by the owners of the premises);
  • contributions and mandatory payments to the account of the HOA or specialized consumer cooperative. If apartment owners are not members of these organizations, then they pay a fee for the repair (maintenance) of the living space (including for the current repair of an apartment building) in accordance with the terms of agreements concluded with these organizations. This procedure is established by Article 155 of the RF Housing Code.

Is roof repair and door replacement a major or routine repair?

Is there a difference by type of work, i.e. Do the types of work differ between current repairs and major repairs?

Maintenance– periodically carried out work on the complete restoration or replacement of components and devices, or work on the partial restoration of basic structures and mechanisms. Major renovation– this is a complete replacement of utility networks or building structures of a building or part of a structure. In this case, the reason for routine repairs is to eliminate external defects and prevent the situation from worsening. In the case of a major renovation, it is done when the building has become old, worn out and no longer performs its functions. Major repairs, for example, include replacing a leaking roof, and current repairs can include replacing decorative tiles in the bathroom.