Assignment on the topic of space for the senior group. Fun game for preschoolers "space travel"

Today we invite you to conduct a thematic lesson dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. This will not be an ordinary activity, but a real journey into Space.

Space has always attracted people. In ancient times, people watched the stars. With the development of science, more and more opportunities to study space began to appear. But still a lot remains a mystery.

On April 12, our country celebrates a holiday - Cosmonautics Day. It was on this day in 1961 that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin set off on the Vostok 1 spacecraft. He flew around planet Earth, the planet on which we live. At the time this was a huge achievement. Since then, many spaceships have been in space. Every year people discover new opportunities to explore space.

Thematic lesson on Space

He is an example for all the guys. They call him a hero. An astronaut wears this title proudly. To become an astronaut - You have to work hard: Start the day with exercise, Study well!

Invite your child to look at the sky. Ask what he sees. Perhaps you will see a blue sky, or perhaps clouds or even stars. Ask if he knows what's behind those clouds? What will we see if we rise higher, higher than planes fly?

Tell your child: “In fact, behind the clouds there is a huge wonderful world called “space.” It's very interesting to explore. It's very beautiful there. Many boys and girls dream of flying there. Do you want to go on a space journey?

1. Physical education minute

Tell your child that in order to become a real astronaut, you need to be healthy and train a lot, because flying into space is not an easy job. You need to be strong and resilient. That's why all astronauts do exercises every day.

Let's stand straight, legs wider, arms up, stay straight. Now let's do the bends. Bend over, don't be shy. And now another jump, One, two, three, come on, my friend. We walk on our toes, We walk on our heels. Let's check your posture and bring your shoulder blades together. Let's stomp our feet, clap our hands. 2. Game “I want to become an astronaut”

We did exercises and prepared for space travel. But what else do we need to go into space? Of course we need a spacesuit!

I want to become an astronaut! (hands up)

I put on a spacesuit (touch my fingertips and rise up)

I'll fly on a rocket (stretch your arms and connect them above your head)

And I will open all the planets (make a big circle with your hands)

Try making a spacesuit from what you have at home. Imagine with your child.

Or use the master class from.

3. Game “Building a Rocket”

Now we are completely ready for our space journey. But what will we fly on?

From the Earth it flies up into the clouds like a silvery arrow. Flies to other planets Swiftly.... (rocket)

That's right, astronauts fly into space on a rocket. Where is this rocket located? Where does it take off from?

The launch of the rocket takes place at the cosmodrome - this is a special place from where rockets take off. Let's make our own cosmodrome and build a rocket.

Make a “rocket” out of chairs. You can include space music as musical accompaniment. Think about what an astronaut needs to take with him on a rocket.

Do you need, for example, pillows, blankets, spoons, forks? Invite your child to take what they might need. And in the following tasks we will analyze whether these items are really necessary for an astronaut.

Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets. Whichever one we want – We’ll fly to that one! 4. Riddles about Space So our rocket flew “UUUUU!”

Look at the people waving below. How quickly we fly up. Hold on tight! We have a long flight ahead of us. While we're flying, let's discuss what we'll see in space. I will ask riddles, and you guess.

At night, look out the window -

High in the sky We light up like the sun, Very far away. (Stars)

These stars are like sparks

They fall and go out quickly.

Light up in the middle of the night

There's a shower of stars in the sky,

Like these lights

Painted by an artist. (Meteorites)

I'm flying around the Earth

I reflect the signal down

So that the audience can

Receive TV channel. (Satellite)

There are no wings, but this bird

Will fly in and land on the moon (lunar rover)

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary... (rocket).

5. Game "Zero Gravity" Here we are in space. But look, what is this?

Get up from your chairs and move around freely throughout the space.

Explain to your child that this phenomenon is called “weightlessness.” In Space, a person ceases to be affected by the forces that act on planet Earth. On Earth we stand very firmly on our feet, because the Earth attracts us. But in space there is no force of gravity, so astronauts cannot stand on their feet, they seem to “float” in the air.

Now look at what items you took with you on your space journey. And tell your child that you can’t eat with a spoon and fork in space. You can’t put food on regular plates either, because it will scatter all over the ship. That's why astronauts take food in special tubes, similar to toothpaste.

You won’t be able to sleep on the pillows either, they will simply fly away from under your head. There are no ordinary beds in space either. Astronauts sleep in special sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of the ship.

6. Game “Exploring the Planets”

We will need a telescope - a spyglass, which can be made from paper towel base.

And pre-cut circles from colored paper (planets of the solar system).

- yellow circle - Sun, - small brown circle - Mercury, - larger pink circle - Venus, - blue circle (slightly larger than Venus) - Earth, - red circle (same size as Venus) - Mars , - gray circle (larger in size than the Earth) - Jupiter, - white circle with a ring (same in size as Jupiter) - Saturn, - blue circle (same in size as the Earth) - Uranus, - purple ( the same size as Uranus) - Neptune,

- a small white circle (the same size as Mercury) - Pluto (according to the latest data, Pluto is no longer considered a planet, so decide for yourself whether to make it or not).

Invite your child to look at space. While he is looking through the telescope, show him circles and tell him about the planets.

Say that all the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. And show the sun (yellow circle).

All planets are different colors and different sizes. Show the planets and read the poem: In order, all the planets can be named by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, Seven - Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto. 7. Making an application “Planets of the solar system”

We will need: black colored paper, white gouache, brush, pre-cut circles from colored paper.

Invite your child to now make his own applique, which will depict all the planets.

Glue the Sun first and then glue the planets in order. Tell us about each planet:


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun with one side. Therefore, on one side of Mercury it is very hot, and on the other it is very cold.

There is no air at all on Venus. It is very, very hot on its surface. There are no plants or animals on this planet.

This is the planet we live on. Animals, people, fish live here. There is a huge amount of oxygen here that we breathe.

Red little planet. There is very little oxygen and almost no water, although scientists suggest that Mars once had a lot of water. This is one of the mysteries of this planet.

The largest planet in the solar system. Storms and whirlwind winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, rotates very quickly around its axis.

A beautiful and unusual planet, sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is the ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, only in reality it is not a solid disk, but thousands, thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.

Uranus has an unusual blue color and looks like a round ball with a smooth surface.

The icy, very cold planet is located very far from the Sun, so the sun's rays almost do not reach the surface of this planet.

It is the farthest planet from the sun and the smallest in size.

Now take a brush and white paint and paint the stars.

8. Cartoon

At the end of the lesson, watch the cartoon about Space “Why: What kind of planets are there?”

We wish you a pleasant space journey!

If you liked the space trip, then we invite you to another one, together with the girl Dasha.

If your child is interested in the topic of space, then I suggest holding a themed week about space. TN "Cosmos" and others notes for thematic weeks.




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Leningrad region, pos. Vyritsa, st. Embankment 20

Game - entertainment

"Space trip"

for children of senior preschool age

Prepared by:

additional education teacher,

music director

Novoselova Natalya Alekseevna


Target: clarify and systematize children’s ideas about space.



Expand children's horizons;

To consolidate knowledge and understanding of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.


Develop children's cognitive interest;

Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary on the topic “Space”;

Develop creative imagination and fantasy;

Develop motor and play activity;

Encourage improvisation of play and dance movements.


Creating a situation of success;

Fostering a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance;

Create a joyful holiday atmosphere.

Vocabulary work:

Subjects: space, astronauts, weightlessness, planet, orbit, universe, airship, orbital station, gravity, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.




    ICT (information and communication technologies)

Preliminary work:

Visit to the planetarium. Reading books about space: N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon.” Amazing space (encyclopedia with windows). Space is about stars, planets, space travel. Space is my first encyclopedia. Selection of literature about space. Making a model of the solar system, making helmets. Design of an exhibition of children's works. Selection of slides, music.

Materials and equipment :

Demo: solar system, drawing of a rocket, a hot air balloon, slides with pictures about space, music.

Handouts: diagram of a rocket, stars, planets, helmets.

Leading: Guys, who knows what day and month it is today?
Children: 12th of April.

Leading : What holiday is our country celebrating today?

Children : Cosmonautics Day.

Presenter: Today is a difficult day,

Everyone in the world knows this.

Flew into space for the first time

A brave man from the earth.

Today they consider it their holiday

And physics and mathematics.

And also all the people are in a hurry to meet

Great day of cosmonautics.

The phonogram “Time Forward” plays. Composer G. Sviridov.

Presenter: Attention! Attention! Everyone, everyone, everyone! We hasten to inform children and adults and everyone who loves fantasy and adventure that mysterious and exciting events await us today. We are about to fly into space, where you will encounter wonders and unknown discoveries.

Presentation about space.

Presenter: Guys, guess the riddle.

Bottomless ocean

The endless ocean

Airless. Dark,

And extraordinary.

Universes live in it,


Children : This is space.

Presenter: That's right, it's space. To go on a space flight you need to know and be able to do a lot. We offer a test of intelligence. Are you guys ready? (Ready). You must answer the questions.

Competition No. 1 Blitz survey

    What shape is our planet? (The earth is round in the shape of a ball).

    Name the flying machines that people have invented. (Balloon, airship, airplane, helicopter, rocket, satellite, space station).

    What fairy-tale characters who can fly and their aircraft do you know? (Carpet - airplane, broom and stupa of Baba Yaga, Little Humpbacked Horse, old man Hottabych, walking boots, Serpent Gorynych).

    What are the names of the dogs that flew into space (Laika, Belka, Strelka).

    Name the first woman astronaut to fly into space. (V. Tereshkova).

Presenter: Guys, I’ll tell you some riddles now. If you guess them correctly. Then we will find out what else can be found in space.

This yellow star

Always warms us.

It illuminates all the planets.

Protects from other stars... (Sun)

Presenter: That's right, it's the Sun.

In the sky at night we shine

We sparkle like lights.

We surprise everyone with beauty

Although we are far from you... (Stars)

Presenter: Guys, what is the name of the profession of a person who studies the stars?

Children: Astronomer.

Presenter: Where does an astronomer work?

Children: At the observatory

Presenter: What is the name of the device that magnifies the image of stars?

Children: Telescope

Presenter: Well done. Next riddle.

Running around the light

Six sons and two daughters.

Years and days will flash by.

But they will not meet... (Planets)

Flashing a huge tail in the dark

Rushing among the clear stars in the void,

She is not a star, not a planet,

The mystery of the Universe... (Comet)

Almost at the speed of light

The fragment flies from the planet,

Heading towards the Earth, it flies and flies.

Heavenly, cosmic... (Meteorite)

Presenter: Guys, what can you use to fly into space?

Children: On a rocket.

Presenter: Guys, who built the first rocket?

Children: Designer Korolev.

Presenter: That's right, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Presenter: Guys, who was the first astronaut on the planet?

Children: Yuri Gagarin

Presenter: That's right, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, the first cosmonaut to orbit the Earth. Guys, do you think it’s easy to be an astronaut?

Children: No, it's not easy.

Presenter: Guys, do you like to play?

Children: Yes

Competition No. 2 “On the contrary”

Presenter: Let's play the game in reverse. Please tell me, astronaut:

Cowardly- brave

Weak -strong

Small -big

Thick -thin

Old -young

Wicked- Kind

Slow -fast

Sad -funny

Presenter: From the words we have listed, select those qualities that a real astronaut should have.

Children: He must be: kind, strong, fast, cheerful, young, brave.

Presenter: Well done. And now the guys will read poetry.

No time to go for a walk today

We're busy with other things

Paper rockets

We make things together.

We painted them brightly -

Let them fly now!

The brave astronauts

Our squad is playing.

We are brave pilots

We want to become faster:

In real rockets

We'll fly into space.

The stars are bright above us

Will light up in the heights.

Let's raise the Russian flag

On Mars and the Moon! (Ya. Serpin)

Presenter: To fly into space, you need to be very friendly guys. The guys will sing a song about friendship.

A song about friendship is sung.

Presenter: But to control the rocket,

You need to become brave and strong.

They don't take the weak into space

After all, flying is not easy work!

Don't yawn around

Today you are an astronaut!

Let's start training

To become strong and agile,

We get to our places,

Let's start the exercises!

Physical education minute

Fast rockets are waiting for us (step in place )

For a walk on the planets

Whichever one we want -

We'll fly to this one.

Right wing forward (right hand forward )

Left wing forward (left hand forward )

Hands to the side

The pilot sends us on a flight (swing our wings )

The wind blows - blows (shake our hands )

And our propeller rotates (rotate your hands )

Oh, what a beauty (turns from side to side and looks into the distance )

We are not afraid of heights! (hands up and jump up )

Competition No. 3. "Who can build a rocket faster."

Presenter: Guys, what can you use to fly into space? (On a rocket).

To arrange a flight for us

We all need to build rockets.

Children use hoops of different sizes to build rockets. They board the rockets.

Presenter: The rockets are built, all the guys get ready for flight. (Children squat down, arms above their heads.)

Presenter: When you're in space, my friend,

Miracles are happening all around.

You're soaring - that's news,

After all, this is weightlessness.

Competition No. 4. "Cosmic Figures"

Children move freely around the hall to the melody of “In the Light of Saturn” by the Zodiac ensemble.

Everything in space is weightless. And the next competition for all children is “Freeze Space Figure”. Guys, as soon as the music stops, you must freeze, depicting any figure.

Presenter: One, two, three, the figure freezes in weightlessness.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Presenter: Oh, guys, we have reached the orbital station. The teams lined up. Wear space helmets. We put on space gauntlets. We need to move the devices to the station.

Contest No. 5 “Move the devices to the station” is being held

A recording of the melody “Polo” by the Zodiac ensemble is playing.

Presenter: Attention attention! We were caught in a meteor shower. The collision with meteorites caused food to scatter in weightlessness. You need to collect them and eat them.

Competition No. 6 “Space Products”.

Food wrapped in foil is tied on two ropes at a distance. Children unwrap the foil and eat the candy. Well, guys, it's time for us to return to our blue planet Earth.

Presenter: Guys, did you like our space travel?

Children: Yes

Presenter: Let's remember where we were today, what we did, what we saw?

Children: Children's answers.

Presenter: Well done. This is where our journey ended.

Children are given gifts.

Verbal and didactic games on the lexical topic “Space” for kindergarten

Skryabina Elena Vyacheslavovna, teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 91, Arkhangelsk
I offer a selection of games on the lexical topic “Space”; this material will be useful to preschool teachers and parents.
Target: Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Space”.
Tasks: Exercise children in the use of simple common and complex sentences, coordinating words in gender, number and case. Learn to justify your answers. Expand and activate children's vocabulary on a lexical topic. Exercise in the formation of the plural form of nouns and adjectives.
Develop perception, memory, logical thinking.
Materials: 2 sets of cards with different images of rockets for the games: “Find a Pair” and “Describe the Rocket”, cards for the game “Odd Four”, cardboard stars covered with shiny paper.

Game "Find a Pair"

Children are given one set of rockets and asked to find the same one, then the teacher asks them to justify their choice. If necessary, the teacher takes his set of rockets and answers first, showing the children what the answer should be. (These missiles are the same because they have: triangular bodies, two round windows, a trapezoid at the base of the missiles...)

"Describe the rocket"

Children are given one set of rockets and asked to remember the details of the rocket; after a while, the teacher asks them to turn over the cards. The child must describe his rocket from memory.

"The fourth is odd!"

The teacher shows a set of cards and invites the children to make a reasonable conclusion: which card is extra and why. The main thing in this game is the ability to justify your answer.
I’ll tell you about the following games using the word “star” as an example; similarly, you can play them with other space-themed words.

"Most most…"

Children take one star at a time and take turns choosing epithets. (My star is the most... bright, shiny, small, light, distant, etc.)

"Many stars in the sky"

Children take one star at a time and make up a sentence based on the teacher’s model, spreading it with their own epithet. (I have one bright star, and there are many bright stars in the sky.)

"Pick up a word"

The children each have one star and the teacher asks them to choose a related word for the word “star”. If children find it difficult, guiding phrases are allowed:
a person who counts stars is an astrologer,
A spaceship flying to the stars - a starship,
A cluster of stars in the sky - a constellation,
The moment when the stars “fall” - starfall,
A sky with many stars? - starry,
a sky with no stars? - starless
There is a big star, and there is a small star.
The presented games can be used in class or in your free time to reinforce the material you have learned.

In April, the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day and teachers try to select various visual materials for children, presentations about space and much more. This time, for Cosmonautics Week, I prepared not only the presentations “What people fly into space on,” but also developed educational games on the topic “Space.”

Educational games on the theme “Space” for older preschoolers

Game "Rocket Scientists"

The educational game “Rocket Scientists,” aimed at developing analytical thinking, the ability to plan activities and foresee the results of one’s work, was useful to me in one of my classes, and later became a favorite among children.

In the introductory part of the lesson, the children were presented with a problem situation: how to get to the moon?
Of course, fly on a rocket. Where can I get a rocket? Build. Cards were placed face down on the table and the children were asked to choose any of them and divide into groups. Each group had to agree and lay out the sequence of the structure of their rocket from cards.

Game "Remember where the rocket is"

The children liked the previous game so much that they had to come up with something new. I began to think about what games on this topic would be interesting for children. And since modern upbringing and education is based on the development of a child’s cognitive abilities and psyche, I took as a basis the well-known educational game “Fly” and gave it a cosmic twist.

Now the child needs to look carefully at the picture (no more than 5-7 seconds) and remember in which square the rocket is located. I offer you cards of varying complexity, empty tables on which the child will lay out what he remembers, and a set of pictures that are necessary in order to create his own tasks.

Such a fun game promotes the development of short-term memory, improves the child’s perception and develops concentration. Give it a try. I'm sure this game will become one of your guys' favorites.

You will also be interested in watching the Space Theme Week in the senior group. Educational games on the theme “Space” will also be interesting for children in the preparatory group. They can be planned within

Homework for parents on the lexical topic Space

  1. Explain to your child why April 12 is celebrated around the world as Cosmonautics Day. Look at pictures and illustrations in books, newspapers, magazines depicting space, astronauts and space technology. Tell your child about the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin. Explain to your child what a rocket, a satellite, a cosmodrome, a spacesuit, and a telescope are.
  2. Check how your child remembers what you talked to him about. Ask him to answer the questions on his own, and if he is at a loss, help him with the answers.

What holiday is celebrated on April 12?April 12th is Cosmonautics Day.

What is space?Space is what surrounds the earth and other planets.

What do people launch into space?People launch satellites, rockets, spaceships and stations into space.

What do you call a person who flies into space on a rocket?A person who flies into space on a rocket is called an astronaut.

Who was the first astronaut?The first cosmonaut was Yuri Gagarin.

What is the name of the place from where spaceships are launched into space?This place is called the cosmodrome.

What does an astronaut wear to fly into space?An astronaut puts on a space suit.

What is the name of the planet we live on?Our planet is called Earth.

What instrument does a person need to view the moon, distant stars and planets?To view the moon, stars and planets, a person needs a telescope.

3. Word game “Give me a word.” The adult reads the lines of poetry, but before the last word he pauses, inviting the child to finish the poem himself. If your child finds it difficult to answer, tell him yourself. The game can be repeated several times.

On an airship,
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
Let's rush to...(rocket).

Planet blue,
Beloved, dear,
She's yours, she's mine,
And it's called...(Earth).

There is a special pipe
The Universe is visible in it,
See the stars in a kaleidoscope
Astronomers in...(telescope).

The very first in space
Flew at great speed
Brave Russian guy
Our astronaut...(Gagarin).