Apples fairy tales stories for children. A touching tale about an apple tree

There lived a wild apple tree in the forest....

And the apple tree loved the little boy.

And every day the boy ran to the apple tree, collected the leaves that fell from it, wove a wreath from them, put it on like a crown and played king of the forest. He climbed up the trunk of the apple tree and swung on its branches, and gnawed at its apples. And then they played hide and seek, and when the boy got tired, he fell asleep in the shade of the apple tree. The boy loved his apple tree very much, he loved it very much! And the apple tree was happy... . But time passed and the boy grew up, and more and more often the apple tree whiled away its days alone. But one day a boy came to the apple tree. And the apple tree said:

Come here, baby, come quickly, swing on my branches, eat my apples, play with me, and we will have a good time!

“I’m too old to climb trees,” the boy answered. - I would like other entertainment. But this requires money, and can you give it to me?

“I would be glad,” the apple tree sighed, “but I have no money, only leaves and apples.” Take my apples, baby, sell them in the city, then you will have money. And all will be well!. .

And the boy climbed the apple tree and picked all the apples and took them with him. And the apple tree was happy. After that the boy did not come for a long time. And the apple tree became sad again. And when one day the boy came, the apple tree trembled with joy:

Come here, baby! - she exclaimed. - Go quickly! Swing on my branches, and we will be fine!

“I have too many worries to climb trees,” the boy answered, “I would like to get married and have children.” But for this you need a house, and I don’t have a house. Can you give it to me?

“I would be glad,” the apple tree sighed, “but I don’t have a home.” My forest is my home. But I have branches, you can cut them down and build yourself a house. And all will be well!

And the boy cut down its branches and took them with him, and built himself a house. And the apple tree was happy. After that the boy did not come for a long, long time. And when he appeared, the apple tree almost went numb with joy.

Come here, baby,” she whispered, “play with me!”

“I’m too old,” the boy answered, “and I’m too sad, there’s no time for games.” I would like to build a boat and sail on it far, far away. But can you give me a boat?

“Cut down my trunk and make yourself a boat,” said the apple tree, “and you can sail on it far, far away.” And all will be well!

And then the boy cut down the trunk, and made a boat out of it, and sailed far, far away. And the apple tree was happy. Although it is not easy to believe.

A lot of time has passed. And the boy came to the apple tree again.

Sorry, baby,” the apple tree sighed, “but I can’t give you anything else.” I don't have any apples...

What are apples for? - the boy answered. - I have almost no teeth left.

I have no branches, nothing to swing on...

I'm too old to swing from branches.

And my trunk floated away, there was nothing to climb...

I'm too weak to climb the trunks.

It’s a pity that I can’t do anything for you,” the apple tree sighed. - I'm just a clumsy stump. Sorry, baby! .

How much do I need now? - said the boy. - I'm so tired! Find a secluded corner, relax...

That’s good,” said the apple tree, “an old stump is just right for this.” Sit on me, baby, sit down and relax...

The boy did just that. And the apple tree was happy...

Dear Guys! Of course, you love to enjoy juicy, crisp apples. Let's try to remember together what they look like.

The apple is round: it can be yellow, light green, pinkish-red, sometimes with pink and red stripes on the peel. It is held on a branch by a small brown petiole. Inside a ripe apple there are small, oblong, dark brown seeds. Depending on the variety, its skin and pulp may be colored differently.

Ripe apples of the Antonovka variety are greenish-yellow, fragrant, their flesh is yellowish-white or light green.

Moscow pear variety apples are small, with greenish-yellow and bright red stripes. Their flesh is light yellow, sweet and sour in taste, and unusually aromatic.

On apple trees of the knysh variety, very large fruits ripen in the summer. The average weight of these apples is up to 300 g, and the largest fruits can weigh almost 1 kg. Their flesh is yellowish, juicy, crispy with barely noticeable sourness.

Some varieties of apples ripen in August, others in early autumn. People say: “The month of August smells like apples.” Early varieties are tender, sugary, soft. They are not stored for long.

Since ancient times, Russian villages have celebrated a bright holiday on August 19 - Apple Savior. They said: “The Savior has come—it’s only an hour.” From this day many fruits and vegetables begin to be collected. Ripe fruits were picked from apple trees, they were solemnly consecrated in churches, and then they treated each other to apples.

Before the Apple Savior, it was strictly forbidden to pick apples from trees.

Listen to the poem.

Basket of apples

Today is a bright day -

Sun and coolness.

We're a basket of apples

Brought it from the garden.

And pear and ranet -

There are no sweeter apples than these!

In the second half of September, apples of winter varieties Antonovka, Renet, Simirenko are removed from the branches. These varieties are hard, covered with a thick skin with a waxy coating that protects the fruit from rotting. They can be stored in a cool, dark place all winter by carefully placing them in boxes or baskets and wrapping each apple in paraffin-soaked paper. Antonovka is especially famous in our country for its benefits and aroma.

It is not for nothing that the Russian people created a fairy tale about rejuvenating apples. If you eat such an apple, you will become strong, healthy, young!

What does an apple tree look like?

It is not very tall, its uneven, rough branches are widely spread to the sides, the leaves of the apple tree are round and medium-sized.

In spring the apple tree blooms. Its large, pale pink flowers are collected in inflorescences and appear simultaneously with the leaves.

Listen to the poem.

Apple tree

Wet yellow grasses creep,

In autumn our apple tree is sad:

Its trunk is dark with rough bark

And unsightly and unattractive in appearance.

But don't be sad, my dear!

You will become beautiful again in the spring!

The fragrant wind will play again

And petals and fresh leaves.

Apples are very healthy! They contain a lot of vitamins, sugar, iron and magnesium salts.

What people don’t cook with apples! Jams, mousses, compotes, juices, jams, marmalade and marshmallows. Pickled apples with lingonberries are very tasty.

In summer, fresh apples are cut into slices, dried in the shade, and then compotes and jelly are cooked.

Healing teas and infusions are prepared from apple petals. Ruddy, delicious pies are baked with apple filling.

Listen to the poem.

Apple pie

The apples are rosy,

They have honey juice!

Mom will bake for us

Apple pie.

Delicious and fragrant

The pie will come out

With a golden crust -

Eat it, buddy!

The apple tree is unpretentious, grows on different soils, is not afraid of frost, but loves sunlight.

A gardener who wants to harvest a rich harvest from apple tree branches has a lot to worry about!

In the fall, after harvesting the fruits, gardeners cut off weak, diseased, withered branches, clean the trunk of the apple tree from dead bark, rake fallen leaves into piles and burn it all. In late autumn, the apple tree must be “dressed up” in a white “apron” - the trunk must be whitened.

Do you know why gardeners whiten the trunks of fruit trees?

Right! To protect against dangerous burns. The fact is that at the end of winter - beginning of spring, in February-March, the sun begins to strongly warm the dark bark of the apple tree. During the day it heats up, and at night, in the cold, it cools down. The tree may not withstand such sudden temperature changes: the bark bursts, the wood cracks. And if the bark is made light, whitened, the white surface will reflect the hot rays of the sun, and the bark will not heat up.

To prevent the bark of the apple tree from being damaged in winter by uninvited guests - hares and voles - the tree trunk is tied with prickly spruce branches or elderberry branches in late autumn. Rodents cannot stand its smell.

In winter, gardeners shovel snow up the trunks of apple trees. Snow “coats” warm the roots.

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the buds begin to swell on the apple trees, ubiquitous and voracious dangerous insects appear. The “Book of a Young Naturalist” says about them: “Crawling out from their wintering places, some insects begin to destroy fruit buds and blossoming leaves, others gnaw the bark, and still others damage the roots.”

Weevils eat apple blossoms. In early spring, they are shaken from the branches with a wooden mallet onto a laying cloth and destroyed.

The apple moth is a small butterfly with white and black dots on its wings. Its caterpillars eat the leaves of apple trees. Gardeners cut off the branches on which this butterfly weaves its web nests and burn them.

Another pest is the apple codling moth. It damages apples, which, when not ripe, fall to the ground and rot. To protect the fruits from it, gardeners collect carrion under the apple trees and clean the trunk of dead bark, where the codling moth larvae are hiding.

Many plants, such as tansy and wormwood, are also gardener’s assistants. They are planted in tree trunks under apple trees or the tree is sprayed with infusions of these plants.

What other crop protectors can you name?

Right! These are birds, frogs, toads that destroy harmful insects, earthworms and shrews that loosen the earth. Through the passages they dig, air and moisture enter the roots.

The “Book of a Young Naturalist” provides an interesting way to protect the soil under the crown of an apple tree: “Have you ever seen the soil covered with a baked crust under the crowns of apple trees in a hot summer? This crust is very harmful to fruit trees. It prevents their roots from breathing normally, as it does not allow air to pass through.

To prevent this, three pumpkin seeds can be planted under each tree, 2-3 meters from the trunk.

Long vines with wide leaves will completely cover the tree trunk and protect the soil from drying out.”

Answer the questions

What does an apple look like?

What does an apple tree look like?

What varieties of apples do you know? What do Antonovka, Grushovka, and Knish apples look like?

What is the difference between early and late varieties of apples?

What beneficial substances are contained in apples?

What dishes are prepared from apples?

How do gardeners care for apple trees?

Gardeners have long noticed that if the crown of an apple tree stretches strongly upward, such a tree blooms and bears fruit worse. Therefore, in early spring they form a crown, do pruning, bend the branches to the sides with twine, tying them to wooden pegs so that more sunlight falls on the branches.

Listen to the story about this.

Bastard apple tree

In one village there lived a man. His name was Emelei. Once he planted an apple tree in the garden and began to wait for ruddy, plump apples to grow on it.

And the apple tree stretches upward, and there are no flowers or apples on it.

One day Emelya went to the fair, and when he was returning back, his foot fell into a puddle and his bast shoes got wet.

The man came home, hung his bast shoes on an apple tree branch to dry, and forgot about them.

Autumn and winter passed, and in the spring, on that branch that bent down under the weight of the bast shoes, fragrant flowers opened. The worker bees circled above them.

In the fall, sweet, juicy apples ripened on that branch. But there were no fruits on the other branches.

The man realized that apples grow well on bent branches, collected the apples, and then wove several pairs of bast shoes and hung them on each apple tree branch.

The following spring the entire apple tree was in bloom, and in the fall the peasant reaped a rich harvest.

One day in late autumn, a gentleman was going hunting past that village and saw that one apple tree had neither leaves nor apples, only bast shoes were hanging on every branch. He ordered the servant to call the owner of that amazing apple tree.

Emelya came out to the master, who asked him: “Tell me, little man, why do you have bast shoes hanging on the apple tree?”

Emelya decided to make fun of the master and replies: “This, father master, is a special kind of apple tree - it’s called “bast tree”. Both apples and sandals grow on it. I make compote from apples for the children, and sell bast shoes at the market - that’s how I live - I don’t worry!”

The master was even more surprised. He arrived at his estate, called the gardener and told him about the “bast apple” apple tree.

And the gardener just chuckles.

- What's so funny? Tell me, what's the matter?

The gardener explained to the master that apples ripen better on bent branches because they get more sun.

What deep educational meaning do fairy tales have? Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev. Interesting, exciting, dynamic with a lot of illustrations, they captivate the child and take him into the world of fantasy. But the child not only fantasizes, he also learns through fairy tales and is educated.
The main characters of Suteev's fairy tale are animals. So it is in a fairy tale "Apple" The main characters appear before us - a hare, a crow, a hedgehog and a bear.

"Apple" Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev

WITH It was late autumn. The leaves had long fallen from the trees, and only a single apple still hung at the top of the wild apple tree.

During this autumn season, the Hare was running through the forest and saw an apple.

But how to get it? The apple hangs high - you won’t be able to jump!


The Hare looks and the Crow sits on the tree and laughs.

Hey Crow! - shouted the Hare. - Pick me an apple!

The crow flew from the tree to the apple tree and picked an apple. Only she couldn’t hold it in her beak - it fell down.

Thank you, Vorona! - said the Hare and was about to pick up the apple, but it, as if alive, suddenly hissed... and ran.

What's happened?

The Hare was frightened, then he realized: the apple fell right on the Hedgehog, who, curled up in a ball, was sleeping under the apple tree. The hedgehog woke up and started running, but the apple got caught on the thorns.

Stop, stop! - shouts the Hare. -Where did you take my apple?

Hedgehog stopped and said:

This is my apple. It fell and I caught it.

The hare jumped up to the hedgehog:

Now give me back my apple! I found it!

The Crow flew up to them.

There’s no point in arguing,” he says, “this is my apple, I picked it for myself.”

No one can agree with each other, everyone shouts:

My apple!

Scream, noise throughout the whole forest. And the fight begins: the Crow pecked the Hedgehog on the nose, the Hedgehog pricked the Hare with needles, and the Hare kicked the Crow...

This is where the Bear appeared. Yes, how he barks:

What's happened? What's that noise?

All to him:

- You, Mikhail Ivanovich, are the biggest, the smartest in the forest. Judge us fairly. Whoever you award this apple to, so be it.

And they told the Bear everything as it happened.

The bear thought and thought, scratched his ear and asked:

Who found the apple?

I! - said the Hare.

Who picked the apple?

Just like me! - Crow croaked.

Fine. Who caught him?

I caught! - Hedgehog squeaked.

That’s what,” the Bear reasoned, “you are all right, and therefore each of you should get an apple...

But there's only one apple! - said the Hedgehog, the Hare and the Crow.

Divide this apple into equal parts, and let everyone take a piece for themselves.

And everyone exclaimed in unison:

How come we didn’t think of it earlier!

The hedgehog took the apple and divided it into four parts.

He gave one piece to the Hare:

This is for you, Hare, you were the first to see the apple.

He gave the second piece to Vorona:

This is for you, Crow - you picked the apple.

The Hedgehog put the third piece in his mouth:

This is for me because I caught the apple.

The Hedgehog put the fourth piece in the Bear’s paw:

And this is for you, Mikhail Ivanovich...

Why should I? - the Bear was surprised.

And for the fact that you reconciled us all and taught us wisdom!

And everyone ate their piece of the apple, and everyone was happy, because the Bear judged fairly and did not offend anyone.

A brief retelling of the tale for the reader's diary:

A hare on a tree saw an apple and wanted to eat it. But he couldn’t get it, so he asked the crow, who was sitting on the same tree, to pick the apple. The crow picked the apple, but dropped it on the ground where the hedgehog was sleeping. The apple caught on the hedgehog's needles, and the hedgehog got scared and ran away. A hare and a crow chased him. Everyone wanted to take the apple for themselves, which led to a fight. A bear came to the noise and offered the animals to divide the apple equally. The hedgehog did just that and gave everyone, even the bear, a piece of the apple.

The fairy tale teaches children to share, be friendly and reasonable.

Evgeniy Permyak

Old, young and very young apple trees grew in the big, big garden. In the spring, the garden bloomed so luxuriantly that it even scared the bees.

Hasn't it already snowed? - they buzzed fearfully. And cheeky bumblebees boldly flew from flower to flower, from apple tree to apple tree, drunkenly reveling in the generous gifts of spring. These insatiable sweet-eaters also brought benefits to the garden, helping the bees and the wind to pollinate the flowers of the apple trees.

An ovary appeared in the flower, which became larger and larger day by day, and then turned into ruddy apples.

But there were also trees in the garden that only turned green, but did not bloom. They grew, gained strength, preparing themselves for the big life of the orchard.

Impatient apple trees also grew among the young growth. They wanted to dress up in a white dress as soon as possible. One was especially hasty, very young, looking more like a bush than a tree. She wanted to be ahead of her time and look grown up.

“I’m tired of my simple green dress,” she complained to the big Apple Tree. - I want to bloom.

The kind and sensible big Apple Tree instructively said:

Little one, look at yourself, at your thin branches. You still need to grow, grow, gain strength, strengthen your roots. They barely feed your foliage.

She gave many examples from the life of her garden and other gardens. She proved how early flowering has a detrimental effect on a tree. Others talked about the same thing in the garden. But the teachings of older apple trees are not always liked by young people, especially if they are overly self-confident.

Enough with instructions and edifications! - Little Apple Tree exclaimed capriciously. - They make my leaves wither. If you bloom, it means it brings you joy. Why do you want to deprive me of it?

“Everything has its time,” the big Apple Tree began to convince again. But in vain.

The young Apple tree decided to bloom. And it bloomed.

It bloomed with small, sparse flowers. This is understandable. Where could she get the juices for a large flowering, when her roots were just beginning to penetrate into the moisture-rich layers.

The gardener, seeing the early flowers, wanted to pick them off. But Yablonka begged:

Don't deprive me of my first white dress. I so want to be beautiful! I really want cheerful elegant moths to circle above me in the spring carnival and buzzing bees to congratulate me on my new thing!

She begged the gardener so fervently that he, contrary to the rules of gardening, did not pluck her flowers.

And there was a carnival. A cheerful carnival of bumblebees, moths, and bees. And she was happy. And then the days of spring ended. White flowers flew around. June passed... Then July...

Fruits appeared instead of flowers. There were not so many of them, and they were not so large, but heavy enough for its thin, fragile branches. The fruits grew larger day by day. The apple tree, barely holding them, bent under the unbearable burden.

The roots did not have time to feed the apples with life-giving juices. Therefore, some of them fell off before they were ripe. And the apple tree stopped growing, devoting all its strength to its fruits.

Time passed, the peers of Yablonka, who bloomed early, grew up to be slender, strong beauties. And when the time for flowering came, their branches had nothing to fear from the weight of the fruit. Their strengthened roots, without straining, could nourish both apples and apple trees.

And the early-blooming Apple Tree remained a short, ugly girl who had grown old in her youth, and everyone pitied her... She also pitied her wasted youth. But now - no regrets - you won’t start growing again. Now you can no longer correct with tears of repentance the hasty flowering that has distorted a life that began so well, life in a beautiful big, big garden where beautiful trees grow, bloom and bear ruddy fruits...

An apple is a fruit familiar from childhood, but what do our children really know about it? Let's tell them interesting facts, conduct experiments, read a couple of fairy tales and, of course, get creative. Drawings, crafts, poems and descriptions of experiments - you will find all this in this article.

Hello my dear readers, and here we are again together on the blog. Today I will tell you how many interesting things Alexander and I managed to do on the topic of just one fruit. Sit back, I’m sure each of you will find something useful for your children. Let's start with creativity.

Apple: drawing for children

We didn’t waste time on trifles and drew a whole basket of rosy apples. Now I’ll briefly tell you how my 7-year-old son makes drawings with his mother.

It still remains a mystery to me why such a smart boy cannot grasp the basic skills of art. At the same time, I consider him to be a creative person: he makes any crafts, plays the piano. Since early childhood we have been using pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens, but if earlier I referred to age and poor coordination of movements, now there is nothing to blame. If this is your case, then watch how I work with it.

Having chosen one of the familiar techniques, I began to learn the basics. There is a magnetic board hanging on the wall in the children's room. She helps with various projects, she does my school homework almost every day, and she has become my drawing assistant. On my Facebook page, I periodically share my discoveries of step-by-step lessons. Subscribe! Having started apple week, I downloaded Here A wonderful master class for children.

In our case, it was a lesson with my mother - I drew each step on the board, Alexander repeated it on paper. And although the use of a ruler was not planned, its use turned out to be useful for practice and the final form of creative work.

What you will need:

  • A sheet of thick paper;
  • pencil;
  • colored crayons;
  • black felt-tip pen.

Parent's Guide:

  1. Print out a step-by-step instructional copy.
  2. Draw center lines on paper.
  3. The child follows the teaching program using a pencil.
  4. Trace the outlines with a black marker.
  5. The student carefully colors the details with crayons.

We've changed the process a little. Since the last school year, acrylic paints have been used in art classes at the Lyceum. Tubes with leftovers were sent home by the teacher. Don't get lost! Therefore, first the child colored the picture with paints, then outlined the outlines in black.

What I notice is that my son gains confidence because the end result looks quite nice. And I, as always, put finished works in a specially created folder. The time will come, we will smile together over the difficulties in drawing.

For those who are more advanced and prefer realistic pencil drawings, I suggest this video:

Poem about an apple for children

Now let's learn a short poem.

Today is a bright day -
Sun and coolness.
We're a basket of apples
Brought it from the garden.

And pear and ranet -
There are no sweeter apples than these!

Ask your little students what time of year the poet describes? My son immediately answered - autumn. Which made it possible to explain when most varieties ripen. The words grushovka and ranet may be an empty sound to a child’s ear, if possible, show them.

Can you tell us about the Apple Spas, which has long been celebrated in Rus' on August 19th? Before this date, it was forbidden to pick apples from trees. On this day, the ripened fruits were taken from the apple trees, blessed in the temple and treated to each other.

Description of an apple for children: download test material

It's time to get to know the fruit better. Although I am sure that many, even small children, will be able to name all the parts of an apple without any problems. They saw it in cross-section. First, let's prepare:

  • Saucers or one form divided into sections;
  • apple divided into necessary parts (pulp, peel, seeds, “tail”, leaf, stalk);
  • magnifying glass

The latter will be needed, firstly, because with this magical device, an activity for children turns into a real study. Secondly, a situation like ours may arise - the seeds turned out to be underdeveloped, but we wanted to examine them. With a good quality magnifying glass, you can note the fact that the pulp is porous. It will come in handy later during the experiment. Reading the encyclopedia about the apple tree is great here; it is written about below.

It’s better to prepare several fruits with different tastes, then you can expand the lesson:

  1. LOOK at the color of: peel, pulp, seeds and stalk.
  2. HEAR: the crunch of a bite or the sound of a knife cutting a fruit.
  3. TRY: pulp of different varieties, their juice.
  4. SMELL: Sweet aroma.
  5. TOUCH different parts of the fruit: smooth, sticky, wet, hard.

Now let’s put the ingredients on the dish, name them, discuss the purpose of each. If you wish, you can complicate the task and name the definitions in your native language and the foreign language you are studying. We didn’t have a leaf, it’s worth adding that too.

Let's test your knowledge. I have prepared a couple of printable materials for blog subscribers. Please fill out the form below and a download link will be sent to your inbox. If you are not a subscriber, the system will add you to the list after your consent. If you wish, you can check it out.

Print the first page of the downloaded material. Ask the student to cut out the 6 words located at the bottom, glue them into the empty windows and color the picture of an apple. Below is Alexander's completed work.

Life cycle of an apple

Continuing the topic, we will use the second part of the downloaded material - we will discuss how an apple grows. Last year, my son came across a sprouted seed in the fruit he was eating and we decided to plant it. It soon became clear that a wild bird had emerged with thorns on a young trunk, and the gardener was pouring water on it. Therefore, things didn’t go further than a glass. But this experience also helped me find out what an apple tree grows from. We read a lot of information then, and Alexander was surprised how long it would take to wait for fruit from our sprout.

This time we repeated the life cycle. The child is asked to glue the “petals” to the hexagon in the correct order and color the picture. Here's what it looks like when finished.

Thermomosaic: volumetric craft

The creativity continued with a wonderful craft made from my favorite material. If you make several of these beauties, you can create a garland. We're already done with , so if you're reading this article in the fall, you're welcome to get some ideas.


  • Pusla;
  • base for assembly.

Following this pattern, the child lays out two halves of the fruit. Carefully calculate the number of beads, then the parts will fit together perfectly.

An adult irons the pieces through wax paper (provided with the kits) with a hot iron. My ironing machine has a temperature setting from 1 to 6, with pads I work on four. Using circular movements, without pressing, I count to 20. If I see beads that are not melted, it means they have not stuck to their neighbors, I iron them for another 5-6 seconds. When the halves have cooled, remove the paper and connect.

And for kids you can make crafts from real juicy fruits, as Diana and her mother do on the Dianka Film channel:

Articles about thermomosaics on the blog:

Labyrinth “Apple”

Let's move on, and to add some creativity, I suggest leading a caterpillar through the labyrinth. It is kindly provided mrprintables, I really love his blog and when my son was little, I used a lot of free materials from it. Before printing, determine by eye the difficulty of the passage and whether it is suitable for your child. My son loves this activity and without hesitation I will say that he finds a way out of any confusing options.

Fragrant pastries

Of course, everyone uses this wonderful fruit in the kitchen: jam, compotes, baked goods, salads. And since a book of recipes from Findus and Petson appeared in our home library, we decided to cook something delicious on the topic from it. Unfortunately, the apple pie recipe for which was published there was not worth our effort. We ate it without much pleasure.

I prepared a verse in advance that may be useful to you if you have a proven recipe:

The apples are rosy,
They have honey juice!
Mom will bake for us
Apple pie.

Delicious and fragrant
The pie will come out
With a golden crust -
Eat it, buddy!

Of course, I didn’t calm down on this, I really don’t like failures in the kitchen. And having found something that seemed interesting to me, I created something delicious. It is very easy to prepare, but children under 10 years old are unlikely to be able to help.

Well, isn't it beauty? There is a detailed video in English below, but for your convenience I will indicate the ingredients and preparation steps. So, for six apple roses you will need:

  • 2 sweet apples;
  • water;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 3 tbsp. apricot jam (jam);
  • a sheet of ready-made puff pastry (I have two in the package, we use one);
  • a little flour for dusting the table;
  • cinnamon;
  • powdered sugar for dusting.
  1. We cut the apples in half, cut out the core and finely chop them as shown in the video.
  2. Fill the bowl halfway with water, add the juice of half a lemon to the water and place the apple slices in the solution.
  3. Place in the microwave for 3 minutes. This is done so that the fruit becomes plastic. Drain the water and let cool.
  4. Dilute apricot jam with 2 tbsp. water and put in the microwave for 1 minute.
  5. Unfold the dough on a floured board, roll it out a little and cut into 6 strips.
  6. Apply a little apricot mass to the strip, lay out the apples with an overlap from the center upward (look at the video), sprinkle with cinnamon. Place the other half of the dough on top and roll it up.
  7. Place all the ingredients in a muffin tin. If yours is not silicone, you should lubricate it with coconut oil.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes.
  9. Cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Books about apples for children

Reading enriches the inner world of children, and allows parents to diversify their activities on any topic. Ask your children what works this wonderful fruit appears in? I'm sure everyone can name at least three. Below is our list of what we read and listened to.

Russian folk tales

  1. Swan geese- in various fairy tales, the apple tree asks the heroes to shake its branches. So here Masha picked up ripe fruits, and the tree helped her for this.
  2. “Magic apple” - the father planted an apple tree for each of his sons... but the princess was cured by the fruit only from a son with a pure soul. (A musical audio tale performed by Anofriev can be found for listening through a search engine).
  3. Silver saucer and pouring apple- a Russian folk tale about Maryushka and her favorite toy - an apple, which, rolling on a saucer, showed all the miracles happening in the world. But it was not the fruit that helped the girl become a queen, but her kindness.
  4. “Rejuvenation apples” - the old king decided to rejuvenate himself and he sent three sons far away to bring him rejuvenation fruits and living water. But even here only Ivan Tsarevich distinguished himself...

The last three works have a pronounced Russian-folk language. I think that not all modern children will understand it, so I do not recommend reading it until the age of 6-7, because you will have to stop often for explanations.

Author's works

Among the writers I would like to mention 2 books about apples for children:

  1. Fairy tales and pictures by V. Suteev– this wonderful collection contains works for the little ones: “Bag of Apples” and “Apple”.
  2. Golden tales of Pushkin- an amazing collection for children from 8-9 years old, we read “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” This story is familiar to everyone from the work “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” Alexander Sergeevich managed to revive it in the Russian way.


Did you think there wasn't room for our topic in this category? A very interesting book was created by biologist A. Smirnov:

  1. Who looks like an apple tree? A visual publication with large, bright pictures and easy-to-understand text, from which children will learn about plants of the Rosaceae family. Based on my son, I would recommend the book for ages 5+.
  2. No less amazing for children from 2 to 5, approximately, which needs to be read with a flashlight, was published by Phoenix-Premier Publishing House: What is the apple tree hiding?

Sailor dance “Apple”

It's time for physical education, as well as an introduction to Russian music: accordion, balalaika - everything is here! If the melody is familiar, then you can immediately start dancing or first watch the dance performed by professionals. I assure you, everyone’s mood will lift!

Let's get down to science and do some experiments. Look at the age of the children, some may need the help of an adult, others will cope with all the actions on their own.

Apple Volcano

This experience is the simplest and is suitable even for kids. Alexander and I started “exploding” volcanoes at the age of three, I. Remember that repeating experiments in different ways helps strengthen your understanding of the concepts being presented. Surprisingly, such simple ingredients cause a strong reaction in the child even now. So, we needed almost nothing:

  • 1 apple;
  • soda;
  • apple cider vinegar (at the same time we’ll explain what it’s made from), of course you can also take white.

Everything is extremely simple. Cut a “crater” into the fruit. Ask your child to pour in soda and then pour in the acid solution in a stream. Be prepared to fill the container with ingredients a dozen times!

Why do baking soda and vinegar form bubbles? It is enough for kids to understand that these two products, when combined, cause a reaction. Older children can already be taught the basics of chemistry:

Baking soda and vinegar react with each other due to an acid-base reaction. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, and vinegar is acetic acid. One of the products that this reaction creates is carbon dioxide. This time we became acquainted with this phenomenon.

Will he drown or not?

I asked my son such a tricky question, placing a container of water and several apples in front of him. Alexander took them in his hands, assessed the severity and confidently answered: “They will drown.” Let's check!

Don't drown! You know why? The apple has air inside, which prevents it from descending completely. These fruits are less dense than water. Well, since they float, it’s worth making boats and playing.

What will save you from darkening?

Many people have noticed that cut apples turn dark. Oxidation occurs when the pulp comes into contact with oxygen and begins to react, turning brown. By the way, did you know that through genetic changes, varieties have been developed that remain white when cut? I have a negative attitude towards such changes, which are unknown how they will affect the genetics of our children decades later. Unfortunately, the stores do not indicate what exactly we are buying...

The experiment we are talking about will show how the pulp reacts to different environments. This required:

  • Jars from Ikea (use any);
  • pieces of fruit;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • water.

I gave Alexander one option to choose from - he filled the jar with soda. Another container was left empty, without a lid - air.

Now let's wait, we did this for 2 days for a more obvious result. Then I took everything out, we looked at it carefully and touched it. The most surprising thing was the oil medium. In it, the slice remained quite light and absolutely hard, I would say crispy. I was also pleased with the salt - the color was preserved. It was she who amazed my little student. The lemon stopped the oxidation, but the flesh became very crumbly. Here I used apple cider vinegar, which I regretted; it colored the experimental piece.

Click on these two photos

What else can you do with children on the topic? Ours immediately came to mind in the form of an apple tree with fruits.

With this I say goodbye to you, my dear readers. I hope I was able to inspire you to do something similar. Use pictures, read books, conduct experiments - the main thing is that the learning process is interesting for children. Bye bye.