All the most interesting things about the participants in the new season of the show “The Bachelor. Margarita Slutskaya Margarita Slutskaya fat

A shy girl who is camera-shy and doesn’t kiss on the first date, Margarita Slutskaya won the hearts of viewers in the reality show “The Bachelor” on the TNT channel.
The girl spoke about what remained behind the scenes of the project, about her rivals and complexes in an interview with “Life”.
- What emotions did you have when you got into the car and drove to the bachelor?
- I was very scared. All the way to the house where the acquaintance took place, we discussed who would be bachelor. Considering that he was already a football player, a businessman, a comedian, we thought - either an actor or a singer. I hoped that Danila Kozlovsky would be there.
- When you saw Alexei, were you disappointed?
- Taking into account previous releases, the main character should be an adult, wise man of about 30 years old with experience in relationships. When I saw Alexey... Firstly, he was 27 years old, and he gave me the impression of a man who was not in the mood for a serious relationship, to find his one and only. When we met, I thought that he was a narcissistic guy who, even in life, looks down on everyone, from the position of “you should fight for me, I’m so cool.” But I don't like such men.

- You had a rather awkward hug at the end of the date. Why were they like this?
- Alexey hugged everyone, but I don’t let people I don’t know well. And it was a little inappropriate - I didn’t understand what he wanted.
- That is, there were instructions that you would not allow yourself on the project?
- I knew for sure that I would not sleep with anyone on the project. This is humiliating, and I couldn’t get over myself. Although I was told that this is a show. “Rita, this is a show, this is how it should be done. If you don’t fight, show attention to him, then you will leave.” But I couldn't move over. I asked myself the question: do I need this 100% - step on my own throat, start active actions, swim in the pool without panties? I realized that probably not. This is not the person for whom I will tear my throat out.
- But your rival Alla allowed herself to cross certain boundaries during a date.
- Alla is one of the few who took this project very seriously. She saw herself in a relationship with Alexei and said that they had feelings. And as for what happened there in private, I already said - I have a negative attitude towards it. I don't think this is correct. Little girls watch the project and then write in the comments that Alla is great. I don’t think it’s good that the idol for little girls is a girl who poses naked and reveals all her cards on the first date.
- And yet, you also publish rather candid photos on the Internet...
- Yes, I have photos in a swimsuit, in shorts, in a bodysuit. But this is just the maximum that photographers can trick me into, saying: “Maybe, after all, in underwear?” I tell them that no, I don't do lingerie. I would be upset if my children found nude photos of me in the future.

Margarita Slutskaya is a Russian model, Internet blogger and VJ of her own video channel about cosmetology. She took part in the 4th season of the romantic television project “Bachelor on TNT”.

She was born and raised in St. Petersburg in a fairly wealthy family. In early childhood, the girl practiced figure skating for about six years, but after giving up this beautiful sport, she gained a little weight. Yes, now it sounds implausible, but the St. Petersburg beauty with the figure of a supermodel was really quite plump at 12-13 years old. And so her first childhood crush forced her to take care of herself and get her appearance in perfect order.

This episode from the life of Margarita, who calls herself Rita for short, turned out to be very significant. The girl not only began to monitor her diet, work out in the gym and use skin care products, but subsequently decided to share her experience on her own Internet blog. Initially, it was an ordinary page on the Internet, which Slutskaya ran under the name Rita Ross. But later, seeing the interest of many people, Margarita created a channel on Youtube, and then on Instagram, which has a multimillion-dollar audience.

In her videos, Rita explains to girls how to use cosmetics, which brand to choose, how to take care of themselves, and so on. Slutskaya also does not shy away from the issue of clothing: she teaches how to combine this or that item with another part of the wardrobe, how to choose an effective accessory, which brands to prefer, and similar things.

Margarita Slutskaya is a journalist by training. She graduated from the relevant department of St. Petersburg State University in 2015 and has already worked in the advertising department of the famous St. Petersburg restaurant chain Ginza Project. The girl was also the host of the International Fashion Week in St. Petersburg, and in addition, she starred in one of the rapper’s video clips.

TV show

It’s funny, but Margarita Slutskaya was not previously a fan of the TV project “The Bachelor” and did not watch the previous seasons. Moreover, less than a year ago, Rita wrote on one of her social networks that she considered participation in such reality shows to be completely immoral. But she still decided to go to the casting of the 4th season, in which the main character of the program was a famous actor, singer and musician, in order, firstly, to test her strength, and secondly, to see for herself: what is happening before cameras - truth or fiction of the scriptwriters?

In the first broadcast, Vorobyov chose the 16 girls he liked best from among 25 applicants. This happened at the ceremony of awarding the chosen ones with a rose. One of the scarlet flowers went to Margarita Slutskaya, who now, together with Alexey and 15 other charming competitors, is going to Thailand and will continue to understand herself and her attitude towards the enviable groom.

Personal life

Just a year ago, Margarita Slutskaya, judging by her pages on social networks, had a serious relationship with her boyfriend. But, apparently, the young people broke up, since the girl decided to come to a television project where she needs to win the heart of another man.

Rita is a very open, sociable and friendly person. She devotes a lot of time to communicating with visitors to her blog and answers even the most tricky questions, and always does it very correctly.

Slutskaya likes to spend her leisure time actively - she goes to the gym, goes shopping with her friends, and travels a lot around the world. She tries to travel abroad at least twice a year and has recently visited America, the Dominican Republic and several European countries.

The girl loves animals very much: a German shepherd lives in her house, and a small Jack Russell terrier dog named Nicole always travels with Margarita.

In St. Petersburg, she is known as a model whose social media accounts have thousands of subscribers. On the reality show “The Bachelor,” she was perceived as a shy person who was camera shy and didn’t kiss on the first date. St. Petersburg resident Margarita Slutskaya, a fashion blogger and now an ex-participant in the new season of the show “The Bachelor” with Alexei Vorobyov, became popular in the Northern capital thanks to photographs of the famous photographer Alexander Tikhomirov. It is the girl’s seductive pictures that haunt many representatives of the stronger half of her subscribers.

Slutskaya is in no hurry to respond with mutual likes to all her admirers. “Daddy’s girl” goes on dates extremely rarely, drives a white Mercedes, dresses in Zara and wears Montale Roses Musk perfume. The girl spoke about what was left behind the scenes of the show “The Bachelor,” about her rivals and complexes in an interview with Life78.

- Rita, why did you decide to go to the project?

For me it was a way to test myself. I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, worked in this whole kitchen as a journalist, then as a presenter. It was always interesting to see how reality shows work from the inside, this was the main reason why I agreed to participate.

- What emotions did you have when you got into the car and drove to the bachelor?

I was very scared. I myself am a quiet and calm person, so I took a closer look. All the way to the house where the acquaintance took place, we discussed who would be bachelor. Considering that he was already a football player, a businessman, a comedian, we thought - either an actor or a singer. I thought it would be Danila Kozlovsky.

- When you saw Alexei, were you disappointed or vice versa?

Taking into account previous releases, the main character should be an adult, wise man of about 30 years old with experience in relationships. When I saw Alexey... First of all, he was 27 years old, and he impressed me as a man who was determined to find his one and only.

- How was your one-on-one date? Have you strengthened your opinion, or has he opened up differently for you?

He behaved as if we had known each other for a long time: he began to ask how I felt about him, what I thought about him. But when I see a person for the second time, I cannot feel anything for him. I'm not 15 years old anymore, and I don't fall in love the first time. Therefore, I am not his person, and Alexey is not mine.

- Tell me in more detail, what gave you these thoughts?

We began to discuss how he sees an ideal relationship and that for him the standard is his parents. I told him that our parents used to have such a strong relationship because there were no civil marriages. And it seems to me that in order to build a strong, good family, we need to return to those foundations - so that the man has a goal, so that he understands that he will live with her only when he proposes to her. Alexey said that his longest relationship lasted about eight months - this, of course, made him think that Alexey does not know how to build a serious relationship. He is still young, fame goes to his head, and he has not had enough of his fame.

- You had a rather awkward hug at the end of the date. Why were they like this?

I don't let people in that I don't know well. And it was a little inappropriate - I didn’t understand what he wanted. I didn't expect it, which is probably why it looked so strange.

- That is, there were instructions that you would not allow yourself on the project?

I went there and knew for sure that my parents and friends would watch it, I still had to live with it. I understood that I would never swear or say unpleasant things about girls behind their backs. And I knew for sure that I would not sleep with anyone on the project. I wouldn't be able to get over myself. Although I was told that this is a show. “Rita, you need to show attention to the man.” But I couldn't move over. I asked myself the question: do I need this 100% - to step on my own throat, to take active action? I realized that probably not. This is not the person for whom I will tear my throat out.

- But your rival Alla allowed herself to cross certain boundaries during a date.

Alla is one of the few who took this project very seriously. She saw herself in a relationship with Alexei and said that they had feelings. And as for what happened there in private, I already said - I have a negative attitude towards it. I don't think this is correct. Little girls watch the project and then write in the comments that Alla is great. I don't think it's good that the idol for little girls is a girl who poses nude and reveals all the cards on the first date.

- How did your dad react to your participation in the show?

I have a very open, trusting relationship with my dad. Dad is the person who will give 100% correct advice. When I told him that I was going to the project, he reacted negatively, but then he accepted my decision and said: “Don’t forget that you will have to live with it later, you don’t have to step over yourself.” And when he looked at the project, he told me: “I had no doubt that you wouldn’t do anything like that. I probably raised you well.”

- Living under cameras for 24 hours - was that a challenge for you?

I realized that it’s not easy for me to open up at all, that I’m very constrained. And perhaps this was my main problem - I couldn’t completely let go of the situation and be who I am. They often told me: “Rit, you are very closed, you don’t talk much.” And I realized that I was starting to get even more nervous. In life, in unfamiliar company, I behave the same way. I have a very narrow circle of friends, I make new acquaintances with caution and it is very difficult for me to meet men. I involuntarily do not let him near me, even if a guy comes up to me on the street and I like him, in 99% of cases I will turn away, move away, and say that I can’t.

- How did you feel when you didn’t receive a rose?

I didn’t think that I would leave, because it seemed to me that the communication went well. I told him that I had deep thoughts in my head and thought he would like it. Looking at some of the girls who stayed there, it was strange to me to see that he chose her and not me. If I had any feelings for him, I would be worried. And so, I got into the car on a positive note and drove home.

- When you watched the broadcast yourself, how did you evaluate yourself from the outside?

When I watched the first episode, I was so hysterical. I sat with my dad, cried, and said: “Is it really that bad? I look at myself in the mirror - it’s one thing, but from the outside it’s another.” Of course, I was silenced on the Internet with my nose and voice. I didn’t think then that I shouldn’t read all this. We even sat and thought with the guys what should make a person, even if he doesn’t like something about you, find you, go to the page, write that you are so and so, go to the surgeon. It was certainly unpleasant. But I understand that you need to go to a surgeon when something objectively interferes with your life, and I have lived with my nose all my life and no one has ever told me that I have problems. Therefore, later I treated this with irony.

- You are quite popular on Instagram. And often you can see quite candid pictures there. Judging by the photographs, you cannot be called a modest one.

Yes, I have photos in a swimsuit, in shorts, in a bodysuit. But this is just the maximum that photographers can trick me into saying: “Maybe I’m still wearing underwear?” I tell them that no, I don't do lingerie. I would be upset if my children found nude photos of me in the future. This is probably why I don't do it. I think about my loved ones, it would be unpleasant for them to see this on the Internet, it’s not worth it.

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