An essay based on Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago. Doctor Zhigo essay Doctor Zhigo essay

I chose the topic of the essay myself. The revolution opened up to me from a new, very important side, from the perspective of individual rights, the rights of every person. How does the depiction of the revolution and the Civil War in this book differ from what I have seen before? This is not a vision of the struggle from the Red camp, as in “Destruction”, “Chapaev”, “School” and dozens of other works. This is not a depiction of the white camp, as in “The Quiet Flow of the Flow”, “Walking Through Torment”, the film “Running” and others. No, this is a story from the perspective of a man who does not want to interfere in a fratricidal war, who is alien to cruelty, who wants to live
with family, to love and be loved, to heal people, to write poetry. Yuri Andreevich is the son of a bankrupt millionaire who committed suicide. Mother died early. He was brought up by his uncle, who was a “free man, devoid of prejudices against anything unusual... he had a noble sense of equality with everyone living.” Having graduated from the university with flying colors, Yuri married his beloved girl, Tonya, the daughter of a professor and the granddaughter of an active manufacturer. Then your favorite job. He becomes an excellent doctor. While still at university, his love for poetry and philosophy awoke. A son is born. Everything seems fine. But war inevitably breaks into this Life. Yuri goes to the front as a doctor. The First World War is the threshold and source of even bloodier, more terrible, turning-point events. The heroine of the novel, Lara, believes that the war “was the fault of everything, of all the subsequent misfortunes that have befallen our generation to this day.” The author confirms this idea with the fate of many heroes. Only a few years have lived since the Civil War, and Yuri Andreevich cannot adapt to the new conditions, which suited his former janitor perfectly, for example. He cannot serve because what is required of him is not fresh thoughts and initiative, but only “a verbal side dish to the glorification of the revolution and those in power.” But before the end of the war, many more hardships had to be endured.
Zhivago. B. Pasternak's novel is, I think, first of all a book about high love. The description of the love of Yuri and Lara is a hymn to the relationship between a woman and a man. This must be learned by heart, studied at school, read aloud at weddings. This is the ideal of respect between men and women for each other. Reflections and arguments in the novel about the revolution prove that this is not a “holiday of the oppressed,” but a difficult and bloody period in the history of our country. Today, many decades later, it is difficult to say what it gave, in the name of which blood was shed, the country was divided, and a huge Russian Abroad arose. It was probably inevitable; the country was given no other choice. Is this why, during the days of the October Revolution, many intellectuals perceived the revolution enthusiastically, as a way out of the world of lies and parasitism, depravity and hypocrisy. Zhivago’s father-in-law tells him: “Do you remember the night when you brought a piece of paper with the first decrees... it was unheard of unconditionally. This straightforwardness conquered, But such things live in their original purity only in the heads of the creators, and then only on the first day of proclamation. The jesuitism of politics turns them inside out the very next day. This philosophy is foreign to me. This government is against us. I was not asked for consent to this withdrawal.” The conclusion that I drew from the novel can be formulated as follows: any government should strive to ensure that people are happy. But happiness cannot be imposed by force. Each person seeks happiness on his own; there is no ready-made one. And for the sake of even the highest ideas, one cannot sacrifice human lives, joys, and the rights that a person is endowed with from birth. And I want our current revolution to bring as little trouble as possible. There is a very deep thought in the book. Talking about Strelnikov, the author writes: “... And in order to do good, his integrity lacked the unprincipled heart, which does not know general cases, but only specific ones, and which is great because it does little.” I understand this in such a way that one should think not only about the general, and therefore no one’s, good, but first of all do good to specific people, no matter how small it may be. And long live “unprincipled heart”!

Doctor Zhivago

In man, in his modest peculiarity, in his right to this peculiaritythe only and eternal meaning of the struggle for life.

V. Grossman

I've always despised people who care too much about being well-fed.

Great Gorky

There is something cruel and the only right thing in a person’s desire to fight. And happiness is when this struggle is not for a piece of bread, not for the right to live and survive, but for your soul, for your right to be human. This is the only thing worth living, fighting and dying for, remaining true to yourself, your principles and your human dignity until the last minute. And then a hundred great classics will say: Here he is, our hero! This is the uniqueness of the human soul! They will say and take up the pen, and another new hero will appear in literature, and after him another and another... Each will be a little new, a little traditional, for example, a hero of the early 20th century.

Beginning of the century... What is the beginning of the century? A time when need and inaction worsened, resulting in a sharp increase in the activity of the masses? No, this is not yet the main reason for the emergence of a new hero of the 20th century. Yes, a break occurred, a weak intellectual and a strong worker appeared. Yuri Zhivago and the shelter at the very bottom of his life. But didn’t people, separated by class barriers, try to find themselves in this chaotic time? We tried! The actor was looking for a hospital, Ashes were looking for happiness, Luke was looking for faith, Satin was looking for truth... Everyone set a goal for themselves.

One day, any person sets a goal for himself and it depends on him whether this goal will become the meaning of his life or whether it is just a momentary desire. The goal always exists, often it becomes the only and final one, without it there is no life, and the struggle for it is a struggle for life. There is something offensive and unfair about the revolution, probably because it forced people to fight with particular force and cruelty. She threw out a naive doctor named Zhivago from her fanatical ranks. As a little boy, he saw a time when the name he bore was used to call many self-differentiating things. There was Zhivago's manufactory, Zhivago's baths, Zhivago's houses, Zhivago's method of tying and burying a tie with a pin, even some kind of round-shaped sweet cake, like a baba, called Zhivago. Suddenly it all fell apart. They became poor. There is only one treasure left: Zhivago's priceless soul. For this, the revolution presented him with a choice: become cruel or die. But could the fragile, kind Zhivago become cruel? And suddenly, one day, to become completely, completely different, to forget about the ability to dream, write poetry... No, he made another final choice, which sounded like a sentence: he decided to stay in his time, while the new life carried everyone somewhere further, into new dimensions that defy the laws of space. He decided to die, but to preserve himself as an individual. This is the meaning of his struggle: the desire to preserve himself. Life through death. It is very difficult to know that you are going to die and to continue living. But Zhivago knew that he would die.

Chalk, chalk all over the earth

To all limits

The candle was burning on the table,

The candle was burning.

Like a swarm of midges in summer

Flies into the flames

Flakes were swept from the yard

To the window frame.

Those who still doubted the correctness of their choice flocked to Yuri Zhivago. They flocked for support, for a piece of the firmness that he possessed in his convictions. And they left him quiet and silent. Tonya, Lara, Gordon... Probably not convinced, but amazed by his arguments. They knew he would die. They already knew then.

But he made it simpler: he stopped thinking that he was different, that he was destined to fight, and then go somewhere, not paying attention to the shouts, break through the crowd, step from the steps of a standing tram onto the pavement, take a step, two, three , collapse on the rocks and never get up again.

He stopped thinking about the future and tried to live the time allotted to him the way he would always like to live. And the candle flame burned brighter, the soul became stronger in its faith, and a new star shone in the sky (it could not help but rise). She became a guide for souls wandering in the dark. People called it Christmas

because once upon a time,

unknown before

shyer than a bowl

At the gatehouse window

A star twinkled along the way

to Bethlehem.

Ova was burning like a haystack,


From heaven and God,

Like the glow of arson,

Like a farm on fire and a fire

on the threshing floor.

She rose like a burning stack

Straw and sowing

In the middle of the whole universe,

Alarmed by this new


She illuminated the birth of the baby Jesus. But that was before, and now it was shining on another person, Yuri Zhivago. She led him forward, confident and free, and then someone called the path traveled under this star a struggle for life.

Doctor Zhivago

Doctor Zhivago

In man, in his modest peculiarity, in his right to this peculiarity is the only and eternal meaning of the struggle for life.

V. Grossman

I've always despised people who care too much about being well-fed.

Great Gorky

There is something cruel and the only right thing in a person’s desire to fight. And happiness is when this struggle is not for a piece of bread, not for the right to live and survive, but for your soul, for your right to be human. This is the only thing worth living, fighting and dying for, remaining true to yourself, your principles and your human dignity until the last minute. And then a hundred great classics will say: “Here he is, our hero!” This is the uniqueness of the human soul!” They will say and take up the pen, and another new hero will appear in literature, and after him another and another... Each will be a little new, a little traditional, for example, a hero of the early 20th century.

Beginning of the century... What is the beginning of the century? The time when “need and inaction became more acute, as a result of which the activity of the masses sharply increased”? No, this is not yet the main reason for the emergence of a new hero of the 20th century. Yes, a break occurred, a weak intellectual and a strong worker appeared. Yuri Zhivago and the shelter at the very bottom of his life. But didn’t people, separated by class barriers, try to find themselves in this chaotic time? We tried! The actor was looking for a hospital, Ashes was looking for happiness, Luka was looking for faith, Satin was looking for truth... Everyone set a goal for themselves.

One day, any person sets a goal for himself and it depends on him whether this goal will become the meaning of his life or whether it is just a momentary desire. The goal always exists, often it becomes the only and final one, without it there is no life, and the struggle for it is a struggle for life. There is something offensive and unfair about the revolution, probably because it forced people to fight with particular force and cruelty. She threw out a naive doctor named Zhivago from her fanatical ranks. “As a little boy, he found a time when the name he bore was called for many self-differentiating things. There was Zhivago's manufactory, Zhivago's baths, Zhivago's houses, Zhivago's method of tying and burying a tie with a pin, even some kind of round-shaped sweet cake, like a baba, called Zhivago. Suddenly it all fell apart. They became poor." There is only one treasure left: Zhivago's priceless soul. For this, the revolution presented him with a choice: become cruel or die. But could the fragile, kind Zhivago become cruel? And suddenly, one day, to become completely, completely different, to forget about the ability to dream, write poetry... No, he made another final choice, which sounded like a sentence: he decided to stay in his time, while the new life carried everyone somewhere further, into new dimensions that defy the laws of space. He decided to die, but to preserve himself as an individual. This is the meaning of his struggle: the desire to preserve himself. Life through death. It is very difficult to know that you are going to die and to continue living. But Zhivago knew that he would die.

Chalk, chalk all over the earth

To all limits

The candle was burning on the table,

The candle was burning.

Like a swarm of midges in summer

Flies into the flames

Flakes were swept from the yard

To the window frame.

Those who still doubted the correctness of their choice flocked to Yuri Zhivago. They flocked for support, for a piece of the firmness that he possessed in his convictions. And they left him quiet and silent. Tonya, Lara, Gordon... Probably not convinced, but amazed by his arguments. They knew he would die. They already knew then.

But he made it simpler: he stopped thinking that he was different, that he was destined to fight, and then go somewhere, “not paying attention to the shouts,” break through the crowd, step from the steps of a standing tram onto the pavement, take a step, another , third, collapse on the stones and never get up again.”

He stopped thinking about the future and tried to live the time allotted to him the way he would always like to live. And the candle flame burned brighter, the soul became stronger in its faith, and a new star shone in the sky (it could not help but rise). She became a guide for souls wandering in the dark. People called it Christmas

because once upon a time,

unknown before

shyer than a bowl

At the gatehouse window

A star twinkled along the way

to Bethlehem.

Ova was burning like a haystack,


From heaven and God,

Like the glow of arson,

Like a farm on fire and a fire

on the threshing floor.

She rose like a burning stack

Straw and sowing

In the middle of the whole universe,

Alarmed by this new

She illuminated the birth of the baby Jesus. But that was before, and now it was shining on another person - Yuri Zhivago. She led him forward, confident and free, and then someone called the path traveled under this star a struggle for life.

Doctor Zhivago In man, in his modest peculiarity, in his right to this peculiarity is the only and eternal meaning of the struggle for life. V. Grossman I am all

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"Doctor Zhivago"

But we must live without impostor.

Live like this so that in the end

Attract the love of space.

Hear the call of the future.

B. Pasternak

These Pasternak lines look like an epigraph to the novel “Doctor Zhivago,” on which Boris Leonidovich worked for about a quarter of a century. The novel seemed to have absorbed his most intimate thoughts and feelings. And in his later years, the novel was completed, the final version was prepared for printing, but the novel was published only abroad. In 1958, Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize for it. Boris Leonidovich was not recognized in his homeland. The newspaper “Pravda” published Zaslavsky’s article “The Hype of Reactionary Propaganda Around a Literary Weed.” The author of the article argued that Pasternak allegedly never was a “truly Soviet writer” and even in his golden time “was not listed as a first-class master.” The poet was called a “traitor”, an “internal emigrant”. He was expelled from the Writers' Union. Pasternak announced that he was refusing the prize and would not leave the Soviet Union under any circumstances. He is having a hard time experiencing the sweeping accusations that have come down on him and the betrayal of some friends. These events hastened his death.

But many of the best representatives of the Soviet intelligentsia came to see the poet off on his final journey. Tvardovsky, at a meeting with Khrushchev, said: “So, compared to Pasternak, I am not too great a poet.”

Pasternak has always enjoyed worldwide fame. The novel, which had been circulating for thirty years in samizdat copies, was finally published.

In Pasternak's works, the main character is man, his soul, his fate, sympathy and understanding. Academician D.S. Likhachev believes that “Doctor Zhivago” is not even a novel, but a kind of autobiography, and convincingly argues that it is a biography of time. “In the novel, the main active force is the element of revolution.” Through the eyes of the hero we see the rampant murder and lawlessness, devastation and hunger, the inspiration of ordinary people, their hope for a better life and blood, blood, blood. The hero flees from this orgy of violence. He wants peace, an ordinary life with his family, the most primitive happiness. But he has no right to do this either. Only two colors of time dominate. There is no third. This path leads to a dead end. Why do you have to choose? Why can’t you just live, enjoy the sun and love, peace and endless happiness? There are always people who are given power, a certain right to interfere in someone else’s life and shape it according to certain standards, to please themselves, time, circumstances.

The heroine of the novel sums it all up philosophically. “Lara walked along the canvas along the path trodden by wanderers, and turned onto a meadow trail that led to the forest. For a moment, the meaning of existence was again revealed to Lara. “She is here,” she realized, “in order to understand the crazy beauty of the earth and call everything by name, and if this is beyond her, then, out of love for life, give birth to successors who will do it.”

The novel “Doctor Zhivago” was published in Russia in the nineties, and readers received it enthusiastically. Many found his style similar to Turgenev's or even Bunin's with detailed and verbose descriptions. Yes, of course, Pasternak is the heir to the traditions of Russian classics, and not only externally: in vocabulary, in the manner of expressing his thoughts. This connection is much more complex than it might seem at first glance. Pasternak is a humanist writer who continues the traditions of Russian literature in the main thing: to bring goodness, love, and justice to people. Being a brilliant poet, he has a great sense of words. Hence the refinement of his phrases, their laconicism and the inimitable beauty of the richest Russian language.

And it’s great that this work has returned to Russia; it helps to understand what is happening today, since it has not lost its relevance in the present day. Isn’t this what Pasternak dreamed of when working on the novel? He wanted to be useful to the Motherland, to be read and popular. All this came, unfortunately, late, but it came. And this is the main point!

Yuri Zhivago is the main character of Pasternak's well-known novel. He has a fairly successful career and a prosperous life. He works as a doctor and also has a wife, Antonina. Yuri is Efgraf's half-brother.

Yuri Zhivago has a rather difficult fate. The thing is that his mother died of a serious illness, and his father jumped out of the train while drunk. After all these events, Yuri was taken into the care of relatives. Afterwards he marries their daughter. He achieved very great heights in his profession; many of his colleagues admired his intuition.

The author drew the image of Yuri Zhivago from himself; his inner experiences and struggle are closely connected with the life of the author. Also, Mayakovsky and Blok have some similar traits with the hero. In the novel, many pages are devoted specifically to Yuri’s inner state of mind.

During the war, he ends up in the army and is hospitalized due to injury.

Zhivago was a rather versatile and developed personality. He was interested in books and literature. He himself was engaged in writing poetry.

Yuri Zhivago, despite his profession - he worked as a doctor, was an extremely gentle, sensitive person, in some situations, even weak-willed. He does not go against the grain, but agrees to the circumstances and benefits that are provided to him. He is cut off from the outside world and sometimes lives an internal life, completely ignoring his surroundings. His indecision is also evidenced by the situation with women - he was unable to build happiness with any of his women due to constant hesitation. Regarding the revolution, he speaks unequivocally, and believes that life is wiser than man. He understands perfectly well that interference in nature can have a very detrimental effect on humanity.

Yuri Zhivago had a special attitude towards Russia and its fate. He clearly understands that Russia and its fate are very contradictory, but he loves it very much.

Towards the end of his life, he begins to look ugly, stops taking care of himself, and begins to communicate with the janitor’s daughter. There is no flash in the life of Yuri Zhivago that would help him begin to live life to the fullest. He dies right on the street from a heart attack. In the last action described, Yuri Zhivago’s friends read lines from his poems. This is very symbolic - his death does not mean the end, his work will live forever.

Essay 2

Yuri Zhivago is the central character of this work with an unusual name: “Doctor Zhivago.” He received his doctorate and became a participant in the First World War. The character found himself in a painful and turning point time for all humanity: during the period of revolutionary actions. The fate of the people lay on the shoulders of the authorities, but all they did was make life worse for the citizens of the USSR. The country was in complete collapse. The pictures of what was happening shocked the imagination. After what you have seen with your own eyes, it is difficult to remain a Human...

Doctor Zhivago went through terrible trials: separation from loved ones during hostilities, losses in the war, mental wounds from being captured, hardships in love...

Initially, Yuri had a positive idea of ​​the surging disaster. The revolution was understood by Zhivago as the salvation of the people from the collapse of the country. However, throughout the novel we notice that the character’s opinion changes dramatically, because all the cruelty and harshness of the modern world opens up before him. A world that suddenly changed, that raised different priorities. Revolution, war. The terrible and bloody events hanging over innocent people - all this allowed all of humanity to change. Brother went against brother, values ​​ceased to be such, the thirst for victory, chaos became a priority... You don’t know which side to be on, you’re lost in the choice. It's hard to know who to help. Where is the enemy and where is the friend? The confrontation between the topla and the individual personality began.

Doctor Zhivago experienced everything himself. That is why he can be characterized as a wise, self-confident, calm person. He is absolutely kind and sympathetic. Working as a doctor during the war, Yuri slept a lot of the soldiers' lives.

It is worth mentioning that Zhivago is a poet! He loves to read a lot. Literature is his element. That is why the character is considered educated and erudite in many areas.

Boris Pasternak created the hero, wanting him to combine Mayakovsky, Blok, and Yesenin. All these young poets did not live long. That is why Zhivago left life at an early age. He "was short of air." In this terrible country, where chaos and complete lawlessness reign, there is no place for talented and kind-hearted people like Zhivago...

Thus, Pasternak was able to draw the image of Doctor Zhivago, which will remain in memory forever!

Yuri Zhivago in Pasternak's novel

The work of the Russian writer “Doctor Zhivago” conveys the point of view of its author on the events that occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century. And he did this through the prism of the creator of this era. Back in the second half of the fifties, in correspondence, he said: “I am now writing a novel in prose about a man who forms some resultant between Blok and me (and Mayakovsky and Yesenin, perhaps).” Boris Pasternak masterfully conveyed the contradictory attitude towards the revolution in his novel.

Yuri Zhivago, having survived the death of his parents, perceives life with mystical, religious power. Thinking about the immortality of his soul, Yuri seeks answers to the mysteries of life from others.

After the death of his father, ten-year-old Yuri lives with Uncle Nikolai, whose philosophy of progress and mysticism touches the boy's poetic feelings. Later, Yuri lives with the professor's family and this inspires him to become a doctor. According to the will of the professor's wife, he marries their daughter and they have a son.

When the war with Germany begins, Yuri goes to serve at the front as a surgeon. There he falls in love with Lara, a married nurse, but after his confession, she leaves. Returning to Moscow, Dr. Zhivago initially perceives the revolution as something favorable, but subsequently changes his point of view in the opposite direction. On the advice of Evgraf, Yuri takes his family to the Ural Mountains. There he meets Lara and becomes close to her.

The communists capture Yuri, forcing him into service until he escapes. When Tonya returns to Moscow, Yuri and Lara live together. When the townspeople call the lovers counter-revolutionaries, Yuri forces Lara to flee under the protection of a Soviet official, while he hides in Moscow. Life is idyllic: Yuri writes poems and books containing his philosophical views on life.

In Moscow, he begins his third romance with the janitor's daughter, Marina, and they have children. His wife and daughter went to Paris, but he maintains an excellent relationship with his half-brother, Evgraf. For several years he practiced medicine and wrote poems, the subject of which was the city. He dies the same day Lara arrives in the capital. Later, Evgraf publishes poems by his late brother...

Pasternak conveys to us that the events that occurred in those years in Russia were unnatural for the course of history. Detachment from the past is equated to rejection of cultural heritage and moral values. And our task is to not allow such historical arbitrariness to occur.

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