Jumping rope - the benefits and harms of training. Jump rope - what is it useful for, is it good for weight loss?

For those who want to keep their body in good shape and don’t have time to go to the gym, jumping rope is an ideal way to lose weight. This type of activity is officially a professional sport and is called skipping.

Skipping (from the English word "Skip" - jump, bouncing) One of the types of sports loads. Exercises performed by jumping rope.


Jumping rope: contraindications

However, jumping rope is not for everyone. If you are vigorous and young, with the help of simple exercises you can create an excellent basis for healthy well-being for many years. But after reaching the age of 30, you should approach any type of sports exercise with caution and take into account the contraindications of jumping rope.

  • People who have impaired joint function or spinal problems
  • For cardiovascular diseases
  • If meningitis is diagnosed
  • For frequent migraines
  • If varicose veins are diagnosed
  • During pregnancy
  • For hypertension
  • People who are obese
  • During menstruation and the postpartum period

Also, jumping rope is contraindicated for those with large busts - they will have to give up such activities altogether or purchase special supportive underwear. Skipping immediately after eating is not recommended. In order for jumping rope to bring benefits and not harm, it is necessary not to eat heavy food for two to three hours before training.


The benefits of jumping rope

Active burning of excess fat deposits and good training of the heart muscles are the main benefits of jumping rope for humans. During simple motor manipulations with a skipping rope, the body develops the skills of attention, speed of movement and balance.

During training, the following muscle groups are worked out:




Abdominal Press

Muscles of both arms and shoulder girdle

With a 10.15-minute intense workout on a jump rope, the body loses the amount of calories equal to an hour-long walk or a 7-kilometer run (about 200 kcal).

The benefits of jumping rope are expressed in the following effects on the body:

  • The body intensively burns extra calories
  • There is a stable improvement in blood circulation
  • Metabolism improves
  • Breathing and lung function training is observed
  • Flabbiness of the leg muscles goes away, cellulite disappears
  • Beautiful posture appears
  • The body gains energy and excellent endurance

To keep your body in excellent shape, 15-minute workouts several times a week will be enough. The best option would be to jump rope every other day. In order to lose weight, you should devote more time to exercise - the duration of the workout should be within half an hour.

Training should begin with a short warm-up for the muscles, and the duration of the first exercises for beginning athletes should be minimal. You should start with 3.5 minutes of jumping and with each approach add 2.3 minutes of training time.

Types of jumping rope

According to the technique of performing, jumping rope is divided into the following categories:

  1. Simple (single)
  2. Express

Simple jumps differ from high-speed jumps in their slow pace of execution. The benefits of jumping rope are enhanced if you combine simple jumps into a whole program, combine them with complex speed exercises and increase their speed. When performing high-speed jumps, the pace is so fast that the rope is almost invisible in motion.

According to the type of execution, jumping ropes can be divided into the following types:

  1. Jumping on one leg
  2. Double Jumps
  3. Jumping rope with high knees
  4. Performing exercises with two legs crossed together

The most difficult is the double jump. When performing it, two jumping movements are performed in one rotation of the rope.


Jump rope exercises

Jumping rope exercises are not as simple as they seem. In order for the benefits of jumping rope to appear in the near future, and for the body to lose maximum calories, it is necessary to use as many combinations of jumps as possible during the training process. At the initial stage of training, it is necessary to perform exercises at a low speed, and then gradually accelerate.

High hip raise Jumps are performed alternately with the left and right legs. Legs should be raised to waist level. The workout is designed to tighten the buttocks, abdominal and back muscles.

“Alpine skier” Jumps are performed on two legs, keeping the body as straight as possible. During movements, the back does not bend, the body is moved to the side when jumping.

“Turns” The main motor load is performed on the knees. We try to keep the body straight. During the jump, the knees need to be directed in different directions alternately: “left - forward - right - forward.” The workout is aimed at eliminating fat deposits around the waist.

"Mohammed Ali Exercise" At the initial stage, we jump in the usual “feet together” mode. Then, during the jumping process, you need to throw the leg straightened at the knee forward one at a time. The exercise is actively used by boxers and athletes to lose excess weight.

"Mike Tyson Training" We warm up with regular jumps, which turn into a kind of “dance”: the heel of your left foot must touch the floor in front and behind. We repeat the exercise alternately for both legs. The workout should take place at high speed.

To lose weight, you can use a regular jump rope. We will tell you how to choose and use it correctly, and why it is so good for health.

Don't be upset if you don't have enough time and finances to buy a fitness membership or buy a machine. It is possible to solve this problem. All you need is to purchase a jump rope.

The results obtained from training on a skipping rope are not sacrificed in any way to expensive exercise equipment. Not only children, but also professional athletes jump on it. Jumping rope is a sport and annual competitions are held.

What is the use of a jump rope?

Jumping rope forces the back, gluteal, calf muscles to work, and also uses the arms and legs. Such exercises will help reduce excess weight and correct your body shape. At the same time, the legs are tightened, strengthened, and the buttocks and stomach become beautiful and “anti-cellulite”. This allows a person to be resilient, with good coordination and quick reaction, he is in constant tone, and the cardiac system is maintained.

The body feels physical stress at an intense pace. It is twice as much as when swimming or running. The speed and intensity of the exercise helps burn extra calories and train the body.

Jumping rope is very useful for training the heart and blood vessels; people of any age can do it. It improves the breathing process, for example, when a person suffers from frequent shortness of breath. The jump rope is in great demand among women. With its help you can get rid of unwanted cellulite. This exercise strengthens the hips and buttocks, and reduces the amount of fat in problem areas.

Even experts recommend jumping rope. It will protect your legs from varicose veins. In a short time of training you can achieve success in losing weight. It is best to jump for 15–20 minutes in the morning, as it warms up and stretches all the muscles.

Reasons why you should jump rope

  1. Affordable price and comfort. Compared to other exercise equipment, the jump rope is small, lightweight, and does not require much space.
  2. Low time investment. The workout takes about 25-30 minutes and can be done at home.
  3. Pleasure. Exercise with a jump rope helps relieve stress. Especially if you practice while listening to music, you will get a lot of energy and positivity for the whole working day.
  4. Strengthening muscles. With daily exercise, the body will acquire the desired shape and tone. In a short time you will get the expected result.
  5. Getting rid of calories. Jumping rope promotes weight loss, accelerates the process of fat breakdown and activates metabolism.

Contraindications for jumping rope

People who are overweight, have a weak heart, or have varicose veins are not recommended to start the exercise on their own. First of all, you need to visit a doctor and get the necessary advice.

You should not be indifferent to this, as you can harm your health. It is dangerous to jump for people who have osteochondrosis and joint disease. They warn you not to start jumping with a full stomach or when something is bothering you.

How to buy the right jump rope?

  1. The main criterion is length. It depends on the person's height. How to determine the required length? You need to stand with your feet in the middle of the rope, grab it by the handles and lift it to the top. They should be at armpit level. It is worth looking carefully at the length so that the rope is neither short nor long. There are jump ropes in which you can adjust the length yourself.
  2. Pay attention to the material from which the jump rope is made. It can be nylon, rope or rubber. It is better to take a rope or nylon jump rope. It is light, and during accidental impacts a person does not feel the blows so painfully. Over time, when you gain experience in jumping, you can try a rubber one. Its advantage is weight. Such jumps become even more effective.
  3. There is another type of jump rope - high-speed ones. You can adjust and select the speed on it. There is a counter that counts the number of jumps. But this is not the most important thing when choosing sports equipment. Also pay attention to the length, weight, and material of the rope.

What equipment should you wear when jumping rope?

Each person chooses for himself what will be convenient for him to do. First you can try barefoot, and then in sneakers, and compare which option is better. Feet without shoes are as relaxed and free as possible, but in moccasins they are a little tense. When you wear shoes, you avoid painful shocks to your feet from the rope and from contact with wooden or laminate floors.

You need to train in leggings and a T-shirt. Because they fit the body and the rope does not get tangled between clothes. It is advisable for women to wear a sports bra when training.

How to exercise with a skipping rope correctly?

  • First of all, adjust the jump rope to your height. So that the handles of the jump rope are at chest level. To lose excess weight, strengthen muscles, and maintain tone, you need to train every day.
  • Jump for about 10 minutes the first time, and then increase the training time. Train continuously, without stopping, if it is very difficult for you, then take a break for 3 minutes. In general, the exercise should take from 10 to 30 minutes. It is advisable not to take many pauses, but to complete the load with all your might within the allotted time.
  • During the class, women need to wear a special bust to protect their breasts and not harm their shape.
  • It is advisable to exercise in shoes.
  • It is not advisable to practice on a very hard surface. Place a flat rug under your feet.
  • Pause on the front part of your leg, and keep your heel above the floor.
  • Perform light and soft jumps.
  • Don't strain your legs. Build your workout tempo, endurance and speed.

How long should you jump rope?

To get a beautiful figure and lose weight, exercise for about 30 minutes. But you should practice without breaks, otherwise the result will not be very noticeable. To keep your cardiac system in good shape, do these exercises for 10 minutes. The main thing is that the training is constant and daily.

Take your heart rate, and if you feel short of breath, stop and take your heartbeat. If it is normal, then rest for a few minutes, and if it is above normal, wait and restore your breathing.

Jumping rope technique

Jumps must be performed on both legs, easily and naturally. Never land on your foot or heel. It is recommended to place your foot on the forefoot after completing the jump.

The jump should be easy, without rattling, soft. You need to do the load on half-bent legs, so as not to strain them too much and not cause pain. Jump quickly, with a certain height and non-stop. If you do the right jumps, light, fast, high, without pauses, then the result will not keep you waiting long.

At first you need to jump for a short time, a couple of minutes. If the load is light, try to increase the exercise time. Add 1-2 minutes every day and get the expected result.

On average, do 75 jumps per minute. Choose a jumping height that is high enough for you to feel comfortable. Most often, the height is 25–30 cm. The main thing for a beginner is to develop his own pace, so as not to get confused, not out of breath and jump without pauses.

How should you jump rope to lose weight?

  1. Exercise for about half an hour every day. Growth hormone is produced from physical activity. It helps burn fat, thereby losing extra pounds. The greater the load, the more actively this hormone is produced.
  2. Exercise intensively, watch your cardio load. To perform the exercise correctly and monitor the load, you can develop your own scheme.
  3. With all your might, perform jumps with speed and timing, giving 100%. Take a short break to allow your breathing and heart rate to equalize. Then we study again and relax. It is necessary to alternate periods of time between exercise and rest. If you do everything exactly, you will lose the maximum amount of fat.
In general, the method for losing weight includes the following scheme:
  • do jumping for 3 minutes;
  • break 30 seconds to restore breathing;
  • jump as quickly as possible for 1 minute;
  • rest for a few minutes;
  • again fast jumps for a minute;
  • rest 30 seconds;
  • repeat the load and break;
  • jump easily at an average pace;
  • stopping, stretching and relaxing your legs.
Such exercises will help you lose weight and keep your blood vessels and heart toned. It is enough to practice 10–20 minutes for a month. You can train in a comfortable, calm environment. The load when jumping is much greater than when running. This helps to correct the shape of beautiful legs. After regular exercise, your buttocks and thighs will become firmer. Do the exercise persistently, regularly, with joy and desire.

Make the activity more difficult by performing a double jump. Also jump in the opposite direction, this will improve the exercise. Raising your knees is good for your abdominals, and crossing your legs improves coordination. New elements will diversify and complicate the activity.
To achieve a beautiful physique, exercise regularly and intensively. You will have to put in a little effort, but the results will appear very soon. Within a month you will see a noticeable improvement in your appearance in the mirror.

Technique for performing exercises with a skipping rope in this video:

When talking about training with a skipping rope, some people completely in vain draw a mental image of a girl with a bow jumping over a rope. Jump rope is an indispensable attribute of intensive training for professional athletes and, being a full-fledged sport, requires the most serious treatment.

The benefits of jumping rope

The high effectiveness of training that involves jumping rope lies in the serious development of large muscle groups: calves, gluteals, back, abdominals, shoulder girdle and hands. In addition, jumping helps develop correct posture, trains agility, flexibility and balance.

A pleasant bonus, along with strengthening the muscle corset, is active fat burning: in just 10 minutes of training, the body spends about 116 kilocalories. For comparison, to burn the same amount of calories, you will need more than 1.5 hours of brisk walking or running over a distance of more than 7 km.

Also, an undeniable advantage of such exercises is good training of the heart muscle and lungs, stimulation of blood circulation, and neutralization of the manifestations of cellulite. Jumping rope can be included in circuit training, which allows you to harmoniously combine aerobic and strength exercises, which contribute to the acquisition of beautiful body contours.

Contraindications for jumping rope

It is important not to forget that exercises with a skipping rope are high-intensity types of training, so it is not recommended to exercise on a full stomach, during menstruation, or if you have a headache or other minor ailments.

Those with large breasts and older women are advised to pay special attention to sportswear, because... vigorous jumping can adversely affect the shape of the bust and the appearance of the skin, losing its natural elasticity.

People who are overweight, 15-20 kg more than normal, and who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system should absolutely not get carried away with exercises with a skipping rope. Training for diseases of the spine, joints, varicose veins, pregnancy, migraines, and hypertension is also unacceptable.

Precautionary measures

In order for jumping rope to benefit your health and beauty, you must follow simple recommendations:

  • don’t forget to warm up before training and choose a jump rope according to your height;
  • do not jump barefoot to avoid accidental injury to your feet;
  • It is important for women to choose the right equipment that will support their breasts well during jumping;
  • if classes are held at home, then you should not jump on the bare floor, choose a comfortable mat that softens the jumps;
  • when landing, lower yourself onto the front of your foot, do not land on your heels or your entire foot;
  • keep your legs slightly bent at the knees, practice fast and high jumps;
  • Do not exercise in clothes that are too loose, in the edges of which the jump rope may get tangled.

Sports at home. Everyone knows that sport is health and part of our life. Even those who do not engage in it for various reasons understand that sooner or later they will have to do it for their own good. But for a large percentage of people, the main problem is the lack of time and energy to go to the gym, especially if it is far from home. In this case, you have to select some classes at home, and since there is not much choice, and exercise equipment is expensive and not everyone has it, many people are stunned. Of course, there is a way out. All you need is a simple tool that you don’t need to spend a lot of time on in order to achieve maximum results. By working with him, you will feel relieved from many problems.

Choosing a jump rope.

The first problem that a person who decides to train with jumping may encounter is the wrong one. As it turns out, they all differ in length, just like people in height. Therefore, depending on your height, you also need a certain length of your working tool. Scientists have already eliminated this problem and calculated what height and length is needed. The height of people who are less than one and a half meters is required, the length is slightly more than two meters. Then for every twenty centimeters of height, we add from thirty to forty to the length. This is a very important aspect of preparation, which will allow you to avoid injury and discomfort during exercise. And since many people get used to just one type of jump rope, the issue takes on even more weight for your health.

The video explains in detail how to choose the right jump rope.


The benefits of jumping rope.

To say that the benefits of such activities for a person are great is simply to say nothing. Few people know that all professional athletes, from football players to boxers, are very close friends with the jump rope, and for good reason, because it is a truly universal and convenient tool that will take your health and fitness to a new level, but let's take things in order .

For quite some time now, scientists have proven that jumping replaces running and brings great benefits, while saving us a lot of time. First of all, they increase the physical performance of our body. This includes strength, which will increase during our training, because muscle growth will occur, which, like when running, is fully involved in the training process. on a jump rope. The shoulder girdle, lower back and abs work the most in this regard; they are the ones who will develop the fastest. But you don’t have to worry, the rest of the muscles will keep up with them. After some time, you will be able to evaluate the results by looking at your appearance. This also includes a noticeable increase in endurance, which is very important for a person. When exercising, you have to maintain a certain unique rhythm, which is not so easy; over time, you will be able to ride longer, which means your endurance will increase. This will allow you to keep yourself in good shape during working hours, forget about fatigue, and, as a result, about a bad mood. A jump rope will allow you to develop a certain rhythm, which will have a positive effect on your ability to maintain balance and breathe correctly. Speaking about the latter, it is worth noting that not a large number of people know how to do this, and proper breathing will allow you to spend less energy in order to make some effort, which is a very good plus for you. And since you learn to breathe correctly, the pain and burning sensation in your lungs after long jumps will leave you forever. Speaking of pain, many people immediately think of their back due to a sedentary lifestyle, but jumping rope helps with this too. Our working tool is a good exercise machine for the back and vertebra, which, as a result of exercise, will stretch and take scoliosis further and further away from us. Today this is very relevant, but, unfortunately, society does not realize this and underestimates jumping in this regard. For girls, there is another important, perhaps even the most compelling argument why you should choose a jump rope and that is weight loss. It has long been proven and tested more than once that jumping is simply a monster in terms of burning calories; in just ten minutes you can get rid of over nine hundred calories (), and this is a great result. You can gallop away and forget about cellulite on your body forever and admire your beautiful legs. Women after pregnancy should especially think about the benefits of the above and start exercising whenever possible.

Physical advantages and benefits in this regard are not all. Jumping has a positive effect on heart function. They make blood flow through the body faster, which has a very positive effect on blood pressure. Long-term studies will allow you to remove the word heart attack from your vocabulary for the rest of your life and not be afraid of it even in old age. Exercising will make your blood work more actively, which will allow you to be less afraid of the cold in winter and feel great in the hot summer. This is really important, because the largest number of people in the world die from heart disease and it is important to protect yourself from this in your youth. Also, this type of exercise is an excellent prevention of diseases of your skeleton. Over time, some people begin to suffer from diseases associated with violations of the microarchitecture and fragility of bones. A jump rope will allow you to never experience this yourself.

Even training has a positive effect on the human nervous system. Maintaining a certain rhythm for a certain time has a positive effect and calms your nerves; over the course of an hour, you will become more reasonable and perceive everything less ardently, which is very important in a fast paced life. It is because of this that many musicians practice jumping rope; it helps to relax, and the rhythm of jumping allows you to more sensitively perceive music by ear.

In the end, a jump rope is just convenient. Not to mention the low time investment, you can do this at home while listening to your favorite music or watching an interesting movie or TV series. Over time, you will not even pay attention to what you are jumping, but look at what interests you, while receiving great benefits. When going for a walk or to another place, you have the opportunity to take it with you, because it does not take up much space in your bag. This way, you can train at any time convenient for you.

Harm from exercising with a skipping rope.

Many, having read about the benefits of such activities, think that this is an incredible option for them, but, like in every barrel, there is a spoonful of you know what. Let's start with the fact that there is a risk of getting some kind of unpleasant injury, especially in the initial stages, when you are just getting used to the instrument and learning to do everything correctly, and this is simply necessary because too much effort or constant stops can harm the respiratory system, muscles and reduce all positives are zero. Therefore, it is important to control yourself very carefully in this regard. Unfortunately, in addition to this, there are a number of people who are highly discouraged from using a skipping rope. The first of these are people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as diseases of the spine or weak bones. Of course, such training is a prevention of these diseases, but they certainly do not cure them, but rather aggravate the situation. With varicose veins, a person who jumps can greatly harm himself and stimulate the development of this disease. It is also highly recommended not to train if you have headaches, because the rhythm of jumping will have a very negative effect and increase the pain. It is not recommended for women to practice jumping rope during pregnancy and the first time after childbirth, as well as during menstruation. It is during these periods that there is the greatest risk of harm to the female body from exercise. In addition, it is not recommended to use a jump rope for women with large breasts, and for older people it can give an unpleasant appearance of sagging skin, which affects their appearance. Of course, all this is unpleasant to read, but if you do not have such diseases and are careful at the start of training, then you will do great, and such training will become part of your life.

In terms of technique, the main thing is not to jump with your heels hitting the floor!

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite all the skeptical statements and speeches in the direction of jumping rope, no one can deny the benefits of it. In any case, you should try yourself at this, and look at the results, I’m sure you will be satisfied with yourself.

It's hard to find a person who didn't jump rope as a child. These activities were not only entertainment, but also a mandatory component of the school curriculum. Jumping rope has a huge positive effect on the human body. This exercise machine helps you lose weight, stay fit and relieve stress. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of jumping rope for weight loss and why it is worth resuming these activities as an adult.

Benefits for human health

You can keep your body in shape with simple sports equipment. What is the positive effect? Exercises on this simulator (skipping) are included in the training program of many professional athletes, since they have a beneficial effect on health, form a beautiful physique, train endurance, improve coordination of movements, and also allow you to exercise in different conditions. Let's take a closer look at why jumping rope is useful and its advantages.

Body shaping and weight loss

When fighting excess weight, most people prefer dieting, running, and working out in the gym, but few people choose jumping rope. But the benefit of this exercise machine is to burn a large number of calories.

The results from jumping rope are comparable to intense running.

Regular skipping helps you lose weight

Does jumping rope help you lose weight? This type of jumping has a positive effect on your figure. During physical activity, calories are burned, blood microcirculation improves, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, and the muscles of the body are strengthened. Of particular benefit for women is the prevention of cellulite and improvement of skin condition. For men, skipping is beneficial for its muscle-strengthening and fat-burning effects.

Jumping rope is an easy way to remove belly and sides

How many calories can you lose? In 15 minutes of intense training, a person loses 250 kcal, in an hour - 750-800 kcal, which is comparable to jogging at a speed of 9 km/h, or a two-hour aerobics class. The positive effect is visible a month after the start of classes.

Table of energy consumption of various fitness exercises

Does jumping rope help you lose weight? Skipping is more useful for losing excess weight than running, cycling, or swimming. Jogging begins at low speed, and exercises with a skipping rope involve a high degree of load from the first minute of class. During the first five minutes, the body's muscles work in anaerobic mode, feeling a lack of oxygen. Then the load is evenly distributed throughout the body, the heart rate is evened out, and a “second wind” opens.

If you decide to lose weight using jumping rope, the effect of exercise will only be if you exercise for at least half an hour every day. The effectiveness of long-term exercises is higher than short ones.

It is important to avoid tiring monotony; when performing jumps, you should diversify the exercises. It is recommended to first jump on both legs, then on each leg alternately, move forward/backward, change the trajectory of movement.

The benefits of skipping will increase if you pre-warm your muscles and joints before exercise, and complete the workout with slow, smooth jumps.

Sample training program

How is a jump rope useful?

During this type of jumping, many muscles develop. Which muscles get the load?

When skipping, the lower part of the body and legs are most involved, and the upper part of the body is minimally involved. Let's take a closer look:

  • calf muscle training. They are located in the back of the lower leg and are responsible for jumping. These muscle groups work more actively than others, taking 65-70% of the total load.
  • pumping up the muscles of the thighs and buttocks (quadriceps, biceps). They account for about 15% load. When jumping with a high hip lift, the iliacus muscles actively work. They are massive, so you should perform the exercises carefully so as not to damage them;
  • engaging the back muscles. During classes, they work harmoniously, stabilizing body movements and keeping the spine in the correct position. The latissimus and extensor muscles take 10% of the total load;
  • pumping up the abs, oblique abdominal muscles. During the process of jumping, they act as a body stabilizer, so they account for only 5% of the load;
  • arm muscle training. The biceps, triceps, forearm and deltoid muscles are slightly involved. This is not enough to increase their volume, only to maintain them in good shape.

The final degree of intensity of muscle work depends on the technology of jumping (frontal, on one leg, moving forward).

Distribution of load across muscles.

Benefits for the heart and lungs

Jump rope is an excellent pacemaker. It has been proven that this type of exercise activates the heart, strengthens blood vessels, and is beneficial for the respiratory system. During regular jumping, stimulation of blood circulation in the body improves.

After 2-3 weeks of regular training for 15 minutes/day, you will forget about shortness of breath.

The benefits of cardio training include easy climbing of stairs, covering long distances, as well as strength and endurance.

Effects on the nervous system and vestibular apparatus

What are the benefits of jumping rope for people prone to stress? Long jumps relieve tension after a hard day at work and calm the nerves. During exercise, the human body releases endorphin, a beneficial hormone that helps lift your mood.

If you exercise regularly, the benefits will be manifested in increased flexibility, improved coordination of movements, and the ability to maintain balance.

Jumping rope is not just for children

Benefit or harm?

Are the classes useful for everyone? This device is a high-efficiency simulator that is used taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. Contraindications to classes:

  • diseases of cartilage/intervertebral joints;
  • tendency to surges in blood pressure;
  • overweight (15-25 kg above normal);
  • heart disease (congenital, acquired).

You should not do jumping after a heavy meal or if you have headaches.

If there is at least one contraindication from the list, exercises with a skipping rope should be agreed upon with your doctor.


The benefits of jumping rope are undeniable. Skipping allows you to:

  • get rid of excess weight, tighten your body and strengthen your muscles;
  • develop endurance, agility, coordination of movements;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of the body;
  • relieve fatigue and lift your mood.

This sports equipment is compact, which allows you to perform exercises anywhere (outdoors, nature, on vacation). A small rope with handles, purchased at a low price, will replace a whole series of exercise equipment, and the benefits from the exercises will be similar.

All you need to keep fit is a jump rope, sneakers and free space for exercise.