A black sheep spoils the meaning of the proverb. About the black sheep who spoils the whole flock

One black sheep spoils the whole flock
From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies Shit communiculat gregem (unius pecu-dis scabies totum communiculat gregem).
It is first found in literature in the writings of the medieval theologian Jerome.
An analogue of the expression “One fly in the ointment spoils the ointment.”

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “One black sheep spoils the whole flock” is in other dictionaries:

    One black sheep spoils the whole flock. One greasy horse will besiege everyone. Wed. When someone is looking after one rebel and conspirator among his servants, then he must be sent away soon, because one black sheep can cause the whole flock to suffer.... ...

    One zapata horse will afflict everyone. Wed. When someone has his eye on one rebel and conspirator among his servants, he must soon be sent away, because one bad sheep can cause the whole flock to suffer. Leskov. House servants. 1. Wed. You are stingy... ...

    A tub of honey, a fly in the ointment: it will ruin everything. Wed. There is nothing perfect on earth, and no matter how small a person’s demands, fate never satisfies him, even ruining things, if possible... A fly in the ointment will end up in the ointment! Turgenev... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Wed. There is nothing perfect on earth, and no matter how small a person’s demands, fate never satisfies him, even ruining things, if possible... A fly in the ointment will end up in the ointment! Turgenev. Petushkov. 4. Wed. Es giebt keinen Honig ohne Galle. Wed... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    See: One black sheep spoils the whole flock... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

One zapata horse will afflict everyone.

Wed. When someone has his eye on a rebel and conspirator among his servants, he must soon be sent away, for One bad sheep can cause the whole flock to suffer.

Leskov. House servants. 1.

Wed. You are disgracing us with your stinginess! Rotten apple injures its neighbors.

Ostrovsky. K.Z. Minin. 4, 5.

Wed.“An Honest Mirror of Youth” (title of the essay).

Wed. Ein räudiges Schaaf steckt die ganze Heerde an.

Wed. Ein faules Ei verdirbt deu ganzen Brei.

Wed. Une brebis galeuse gâte tout un troupeau.

Wed. Grex totus in agris Unius scabie cadit.

Juven. 2, 79-80.

Wed. Morbida facta pecus totum corrumpit ovile.


Cm. a tub of honey, a fly in the ointment: it will ruin everything.

  • - Outdated. Express Completely alone, completely alone. Don’t worry, the willy has returned: You’re the only one left. Your husband Terenty, Danilovich, In an open field under a willow tree... He lies with his head pierced...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies Shit communiculat gregem. It is first found in literature in the writings of the medieval theologian Jerome. An analogue of the expression “One fly in the ointment spoils the ointment”...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - Wed. Paupertas omnes artes perdocet, ubi quem attigit. Plaut. Stich, 1, 3, 24. Wed. Πενία αυτοδίδακτος. Trouble is self-taught. Diogeniana. See a person's troubles teach wisdom. See the need is galloping...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - b. One greasy horse will besiege everyone. Wed. When someone is looking after one rebel and conspirator among his servants, then such a person must be sent away soon, because one black sheep will cause the whole flock to suffer...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

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    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

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  • - see: Accounting is not a hindrance to friendship...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 exception...

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548 0

From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies Shit communiculat gregem (unius pecu-dis scabies totum communiculat gregem).
It is first found in literature in the writings of the medieval theologian Jerome.
An analogue of the expression “One fly in the ointment spoils the ointment.”

Meanings in other dictionaries

One black sheep spoils the whole flock

One zapata horse will afflict everyone. Wed. When someone has his eye on one rebel and conspirator among his servants, he must soon be sent away, because one bad sheep can cause the whole flock to suffer. Leskov. House servants. 1.Wed. You are disgracing us with your stinginess! A black sheep spoils the whole flock. Ostrovsky. K.Z. Minin. 4, 5.Avg. “An Honest Mirror of Youth” (title of the essay). Cf. Ein räudiges Schaaf s...


The name of the poem by the legendary poet of Ancient Greece Homer (IX century BC), which describes the wanderings and adventures that befell Odysseus, one of the participants in the Trojan War. Allegorically: ...

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Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

One black sheep spoils the whole flock

One black sheep spoils the whole flock

From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies totum communiculat gregem[unius pacudis scabies totum communicaculat graham].

First found in literature in the writings of a medieval theologian Jerome.

An analogue of the expression “One fly in the ointment spoils the ointment.”

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The Lost Sheep From the Bible. In the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 18, vv. 12-13) it is said: “What do you think? If someone had a hundred sheep, and one of them got lost, would he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains and go looking for the lost one? And if you happen to find her, then,

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From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

If parents immediately react to a baby's cry, does this spoil the child? (Asked by Lindy Williams, Croydon, New South Wales, Australia) Responding immediately to a baby's cries calms the baby. One study found that fast

From the book The Author's Encyclopedia of Films. Volume II by Lourcelle Jacques

From the book Woman. Guide for men author Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

Suru Herd 1978 - Türkiye (129 min) · Prod. G?ney Filmcilik · Dir. ZEKI OCTENE· Scene. Yilmaz Güney· Oper. Izzet Akay (color) · Music. Zultu Livaneli · Starring Milike Demirag, Tarik Acan, Tuncel Kurtiz. A nomad marries a girl from a hostile clan, which incurs the wrath of his father. When the wife

From the book Woman. A manual for men. author Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

From the book 500 objections with Evgeny Frantsev author Frantsev Evgeniy

6.1 Back to the Primitive Herd – I wonder what women used to find in men? - When before? - Well, when money had not yet been invented. Dialogue of modern women Balanced societies with a clear family, clan and class internal structure are characterized by

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51. I won’t get a cat because he spoils the wallpaper Intention: if you want the pet not to spoil anything, then we will teach him. Redefinition: yes, he brings a little trouble, and this will not force him to give up. Separation : let's read how he can be raised,

Rotten apple injures its neighbors.

A black sheep has at least a tuft of wool.

The black sheep is out of the herd.


“I’m a lousy jackal... I took money from the children.”

He robbed a kindergarten. - What a cultural one you found, huh?..

And when you have donkey gas at your pump

diluted with urine, wasn't it lousy? - Either gasoline, or children...

K-F "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Scabbyness as a personality quality is the tendency to infect other people with your worst qualities; to show oneself as an insignificant, nasty, disgusting, bad and trashy person.

Roadside cafe. A truck driver comes in and orders meat. Then three bikers burst into the cafe and take the trucker’s order. The trucker pays the waitress and leaves. The waitress approaches the bikers, and one of them says to her: - Goat! He doesn't even know how to stand up for himself! Waitress: - Yes, he also drives lousy! I just left the parking lot and crushed three motorcycles...

A lousy person is a lousy person. Like a misplaced Cossack, he can spoil and disintegrate the healthiest team in the shortest possible time. Hence the proverb about a black sheep that can spoil the entire flock. Scabby - literally, “scabby, mangy,” that is, covered with purulent scabs from which other sheep become infected. All you can take from a black sheep is a scrap. A clump is a piece, a bundle of something. Meaning: take at least what you can take, if you can’t get more. They speak with disrespect about someone from whom they do not expect to receive anything worthy. An example from the literature: “Two and a half months later, Vladimir Ilyich arrived at the place of exile, in the village of Shushenskoye, and received a notice from the Yenisei governor that he would be given eight rubles a month for maintenance, clothing and an apartment (“from a black sheep, even a tuft of wool” , - said Vladimir Ilyich), and sat down to work (N. Virta, “Evening Bells”).

Scab is scary because it is contagious, it is instantly transmitted, and the entire team becomes infected: from the cleaning lady to the boss. For example, a sycophant and a slanderer come to the team in one person. He instantly becomes a favorite with his boss, who, as practice has shown, likes it when people flatter him and fawn over him. And now in the team, whispering, whispering, baiting, persuading and slander are already in favor. It was as if people had been replaced. Nobody trusts anyone. The trust in the relationship disappeared, as if someone had suddenly thrown it into the trash. Everyone for themselves. Everyone is tense, angry and secretive. A few months, and the team is doomed if the black sheep is not removed from it.

A black sheep will appear in a decent class, and by the end of the seventh grade there is not a single virgin or virgin, everyone smokes and drinks, and some of the “advanced students” are already drug addicts.

A lousy person has a lousy character. No one can give you the exact composition of the negative traits of a lousy character. In each specific case this manifests itself individually. It happens that lousiness is based on deceit, slander, betrayal and perfidy. It happens - on deceit, meanness and insignificance. It happens through flattery, servility, vileness and groveling. In short, it’s different every time. One thing is important, to know the qualitative feature of lousiness: something terribly crappy and negative in a person is transmitted to others at the speed of an epidemic.

How should you live so that the scab does not become a member of your family? Philosopher Oleg Torsunov claims that out of stupidity we find not the best, but the lousiest, in our spouses. We think that we can find good things for ourselves. We don't find it. Then we don’t know how to get rid of it. How to determine whether a person has found a person for himself or whether fate has given him one? Fate always gives the best. And a person finds himself the most disgusting, the most lousy.

One ancient scripture says: “In the spring, restless jackals prowl in search of a male, ready to copulate with the most lousy and wounded, just as women, deprived of paternal or husband’s care, destroy themselves in casual relationships.”

When a woman finds a man, he is usually married, and he begins to torment her and does not let her go. Fate punishes: you don’t need to look for anyone, you need to become the kind of woman who is worthy of a man, and he will find himself. Because the Higher powers are watching our every step. They know what we need to give. And when it's time for us to give, they know. Something valuable in life is obtained through hard work. And if you want faster, please, no problem. Everything is cheap, it is correspondingly lousy. You can't buy good things cheap. It will be fake. Family life is the same. Therefore, by drawing the image of your future husband, his construction, you are building an illusion that will never come true because, truly, a person must build a construction within himself. And then everything outside will reflect your life. If you want to look at your destiny, look around you at those people who are very close to you, and you will see your destiny. If you are surrounded by people who deceive you, are angry with you, swear at you, then this is who you are.

If you have become a pure, elevated person, people change, their attitude towards you changes, everything around you becomes different. It means you have changed. It's very easy to understand who you are by who you surround yourself with. If you want something else to surround you, it is not created artificially. We can try to do this, but nothing works. We find a person, at first we go on a honeymoon with this person, everything is great, and then clouds gather, the situation becomes even worse than before. It's terrible to change someone in life, to try to change someone in order to become happier. Meeting a lousy person then leads to big problems in life, terrible unpredictable situations.

The lousy little bunny fell in love with all the animals in the forest. The animals decided to take revenge on him. They gathered and surrounded him... The hare had nowhere to go, and he crawled into a hole. The animals surrounded the hole. - Oblique, get out! - I won’t get out, you’ll beat me! - Of course we will! - And you’re not ashamed? You are all so big... And I am so small! And all for one? The animals looked at each other, and they really felt ashamed. There are a lot of them, and some lousy little hare is trembling in the hole... - Okay, hare, come out, we won’t touch you. - I won’t get out. There is a lion among you, he will eat me! - Don’t be afraid, he won’t eat you! - No, he will eat it! If you want me to get out, tie the lion tightly, and hide away... - Well, okay, hare, have it your way... The animals tied the lion tightly, and went home. As soon as the last animal disappeared in the distance, the hare crawled out of the hole and, trembling, approached the lion. Leo: - What, you bastard, are you trembling! Scary? Not really! For the first time in his life, the lousy bunny will fuck the king of beasts! I'm shaking with excitement!

Peter Kovalev