Essay "pedagogical activity of an English teacher." Essay by an English teacher "my pedagogical philosophy"

I'am a teacher

“The teacher comes into contact with eternity:

he never knows

where does his influence end?»

I am an English teacher at school No. 22 in the city of Tyumen, and this is not surprising.

Each of us, when choosing our future path, our profession, is guided by those people who were and are nearby, who influenced our perception of life, whose experience and skills aroused our admiration. There were no teachers in my family, but by the will of fate, instead of attending kindergarten, from an early age I plunged into the life of a Tyumen school, which I later graduated from. Since childhood, people in this profession have become an example for me. My love for my subject arose thanks to my English teacher at the linguistic center. It was she who instilled in me confidence in my abilities, it was she who saw in me the potential of a future teacher.

So, I graduated from Tyumen State University, Faculty of Romance

Germanic philology and began her career in a small linguistic center. After working there for two years, I realized that I was not fulfilling myself as well as I could. And only when I started working at school did I feel what it means to be a teacher.

What should a teacher be like? In my opinion, first of all, kind, because it is

Parents trust him with the most precious thing in life - their children. They must be confident that their child will learn from school not only important knowledge and skills, but also lessons of kindness, respect, hard work, and responsibility.

The teacher must be wise. Let us remember the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Child

must be convinced that he owes his success, first of all, to himself. The teacher's help, no matter how effective it is, must still be hidden. Once a child feels that the discovery was made at the suggestion of the teacher... the joy of success may fade.” The teacher simply immerses the child in a situation of success, guides him and carefully leads him towards the goal. And only those who have experienced the boundless joy of victory can lead to success.

The teacher should be friendly and responsive. A friendly word

a sincere smile and the atmosphere in the class became special. Working at school, in different classes, I realized that some need a good grade, others need varied, interesting, creative tasks, and others just need a kind word, a gentle look, recognition. It is important to convince the student that he is capable of much, to help him believe in himself.

The Russian proverb “It is impossible to be a teacher without ceasing to be a student” has a lot of meaning.

A teacher is a person who is in an eternal search for methods, means and approaches to involve children in the study of a subject, in life. The skill of a teacher is not an accidental luck, not a lucky find, but systematic work and search, which is filled with anxious thoughts, discoveries and failures. Self-education plays an important role. The teacher has a whole range of opportunities: courses, seminars, master classes, printed publications, conferences, Internet resources. It is important to be able to look at your activities “through the eyes of your students” in order to understand how directly the child perceives what you offer him in the role of a teacher and mentor.

The teacher must be modern. A teacher has no right to be limited,

detached from the trends of modern society, indifferent to the events of today. He must keep up with the times, mastering new pedagogical, innovative and information technologies, and be flexible and receptive to the requirements of modern education.

Teaching is a profession that does not like lazy people. There is a huge amount ahead

work on mastering new and interesting things, without which it is impossible to imagine modern education. And I am ready to walk this path only together with my students. After all, only in a team can you achieve high results.

It is often said that education is the foundation on which progress is built.

countries. And it is obvious that teachers are the most important part of education. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the role of the teacher in the lives of children.

The most important thing for me is not to lose the trust that my

students and their parents. I am sincere and honest with them, because falsehood and insincerity can destroy everything. A true teacher is one who loves children infinitely and shares with them not only their big victories, but also their small successes and even failures. The great power of a teacher is to control the hearts of his students. Therefore, a teacher is not just a profession, it is a way of life, it is life itself.

I would like to paraphrase the famous classic: “Look! Envy! I'am a teacher!"

Belik Daria Vadimovna, English teacher, MAOU Secondary School No. 22


If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher. (L. Tolstoy)

Indeed, the life of a true teacher begins with a great kind love for children, with cherished dreams in childhood about a miracle - to have a big cheerful family in which there will be many children (ten, twenty, thirty.) mischievous children interested in everything in the world and asking a million questions .

So in my childhood I dreamed of becoming a teacher and could not even imagine another profession in my life. Here, perhaps, my older sister Tatyana, who graduated from a pedagogical school and was already working as a teacher, made a special contribution. I always watched with great interest her warm relationship with children when she took me with her to her class events - hikes in the forest, excursions and fun holidays in the class. It was noticeable that this was not just a teacher and students, but a big friendly family, where there was a mother and children, all different and all relatives. The most interesting time was in the evenings, when my sister was preparing for lessons - she was constantly cutting out some toys, pictures, making visual aids - I did not leave her one step, imagining how interesting it would be during school lessons! This is how my cherished dream of becoming a teacher - the mother of a big, cheerful family - was born!

I carried my dream throughout my childhood and school life. At home in my bedroom, all the toys were always “sitting at their desks” in front of the “blackboard” (the entrance door to my room); it was very convenient to write on the wooden door with chalk (for which I always got it from my mother). All my “students” had their own diaries and notebooks (I myself am surprised at my enormous desire to endlessly fill them out).

At school, my most interesting and favorite subject was English. Our young but very talented teacher Antonina Ivanovna turned every lesson into travel, KVN, and competitions. It always seemed to us that for some reason her classes were much shorter in time than the others on the schedule, and every time the bell rang, we asked to work at least one more break. We spent all our free time and big breaks in her office. Without much effort, we easily memorized many English words in games, dialogues, group work and pairs. Arriving home after the school day, I began my favorite job - teaching my students (the unsuspecting parents were at work). My “class” always waited patiently for me in the same place. I simply copied my teacher’s English lessons, explained a new topic, scolded and praised the “students” in the same way, drew the same diagrams and tables that we used in class at school. I had a class journal, and I strictly kept it every day, giving grades and absences. All my “students” had the names of my classmates and friends.

After graduating from school, without hesitation, I entered a pedagogical college, and then a university. And when at the graduation party I was awarded a diploma and proclaimed that I was now a “TEACHER,” I realized that my cherished dream had come true - I have one of the most important and interesting professions in the world! After all, our entire future is in children! And teachers lay moral principles in them, give them deep knowledge, guide them on the right path in life, help develop talents, instill patriotism and respect! Being a teacher is truly a blessing!

Immediately after graduating from university, I got a job at our rural school, small but very cozy. I taught and studied, constantly learning new things and gaining experience.

After 3 years, I got married and moved to Krasnodar, where I got a job at MBOU Secondary School 20 as an English teacher. This short but unforgettable period of work at school No. 20 left an indelible impression on my life! I will never forget the first day at school - a huge school with a huge number of children, a huge school yard and a stadium. It seemed to me that I had never seen so many children, especially when the bell rang after the last lesson - I thought this cheerful endless stream of children running out of the school gates would never end. Despite such a large number of children and a large teaching staff, complete order always reigned in the school in all areas - in discipline, studies, organization of holidays, etc. I remember the time spent there with warmth and gratitude!

A year later, due to some changes in my husband’s work, we moved from Krasnodar to the capital of one of the Arab emirates - Dubai, where our daughter Daniella was born. In Dubai, I got a job in a Russian private school with an English bias as a high school English teacher, where I worked for 10 years. Dubai school is an invaluable, unforgettable experience in my life; friendly team, like one family; wonderful children who know English perfectly, but are constantly trying to improve it, learn something new and interesting! The most interesting thing was the repeated trips to England and Scotland, where, in addition to language practice, we learned a lot about the national traditions and characteristics of these countries. I remember my years of working in Dubai with great love and warmth!

A few years ago we returned back, and I again work where I began my professional life as a teacher - in my native MBOU Secondary School 30!

How glad I was to find myself again in our friendly, cheerful team, in which there are many honored teachers, excellent students of education, labor veterans, and, most importantly, our protection, support and simply “caring wing” - our director Galina Pavlovna, who keeps in her in mother's hands our big friendly family.

Upon returning to my homeland, I noticed that during the 15 years of absence, the school had changed beyond recognition! All classes are equipped with computers, interactive whiteboards, printers, and good audio equipment, which was impossible to even dream of before! Lessons have become much more interesting and fruitful. All teachers work according to the new Federal State Educational Standards education system. Children complete their homework with great interest in the form of presentations and electronic messages. Simply incredible progress in the education system!

What can I say? I AM SO HAPPY! I thank God for the honor given to me - to teach and educate our future generation! Invest in them knowledge, love, and most importantly HEART!

Isn’t it happiness to see my beloved 5-b every morning on the threshold of school, greeting me with wide smiles and glowing eyes?! How I miss them during the holidays. Yes, the class teacher is not just a teacher, he is a “mother” at school, and the children understand this very well!

For me, teaching is a very interesting profession also because we are always in the process of learning, learning something new, developing something interesting and exciting! After all, only an interesting lesson can be useful and productive!

I especially like educational online resources, where we can exchange experiences with colleagues, share our lesson developments, presentations, and tests.


When I see my students off the school threshold, I see what they have achieved during their studies, I learn about their professional and life successes, I feel great pride and satisfaction from my work!


"I'am a teacher"

FULL NAME.: Chaikina Nadezhda Vasilievna

Place of work : MBOUSOSH Zernograd

Job title: English teacher

Work experience : 9 years

2015 - 2016 academic year

“Remember to do the impossible to achieve the possible”

(Anton Rubinstein)

To be honest, I always knew that I would become a teacher. As a child, I dreamed of standing at the blackboard and opening up new horizons and new perspectives for children. I desperately wanted to become an adult as quickly as possible, get a specialty and return to my home school. To return as an English teacher, a teacher that I have dreamed of for many years... And now my dream has come true, all my childhood “lessons” have come true...

When I arrived at school, I realized that I did not receive the same satisfaction from life as I did at school. School is the most amazing country, where every day is different from the previous one, where every moment is a search for something new, interesting, where there is no time to be bored, quarrel and waste time, where every student is a builder of the future, and that means everything The people of this country are responsible for the future. Where you always have to hurry, hurry to catch up, where you always have to hurry, hurry to become interesting to the people around you, always remain interesting, give others your energy, knowledge, skills, hurry to learn new things, hurry, not to be late. Therefore, only the most persistent, the most patient, the most courageous, the most sincere, the most responsible, the kindest, the most interesting and the most amazing people live in this country. And they call them teachers.

Of course, the main inhabitants of this country are children. They are the ones who force us to be who we are. And I am grateful to them for this. After all, they “temper” me and teach me a lot. They teach you to accept them as they are, to be more tolerant of the mistakes of others, but more demanding of yourself. While raising them, I changed myself. I feel that everything I do is needed by people, be it students or their parents. This is also necessary for me, as a developing personality, because only those who are constantly learning themselves have the right to teach. I started teaching classes at school. It is known that teaching is not an easy job. How many “rose-colored glasses” have been shattered “to smithereens”?! The discovery for me was that this is not only checking notebooks, preparing and teaching lessons, but also constantly working on myself. Long, painstaking, difficult, but interesting and captivating. She never hid her partial ignorance from her students. The students helped me discover everything new and unknown with interest. Together with them, I learn again and again to love, to be tolerant and patient, to comprehend the simple truths of life. “Study, study and study again!” - how relevant these almost forgotten words sound today. I want to be interesting to my students, and to do this you need to be interesting to yourself.

The consequence of this was myprinciple: in order to teach others, you need to learn yourself, in order to educate others, you need to start with yourself, in order to develop others, you yourself need to constantly develop. Of course, not everything always works out, but for the sake of the children’s shining eyes, I want to learn all this. A teacher lives as long as he studies; as soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies. If it’s interesting to me, then I can make it interesting for the students. When preparing for the next lesson, I try to find some kind of zest, a surprise, to captivate the students and make them wonder. The main thing is not only what children see and hear, but also that they themselves seek the truth. Only what he has passed through himself and worked through will be his real asset. The most important things cannot be taught, but only learned.

I have been working at school with children for nine years now. These are years of searches, disappointments, hesitations, discoveries that turned my whole life upside down. Today I clearly and confidently realize that You have to be a teacher 24 hours a day, because... being a teacher is a way of life. A teacher’s personal and professional are inseparably linked. You cannot be a teacher for only 3 lessons a day, and then, outside of work, throw off the mask of a teacher and give yourself the right to relax. In my understanding, a teacher is a person who is constantly in search, identifying problems, setting goals, and achieving results.

I am a class teacher in the 8th grade. When we meet the guys during breaks, they rush to tell me everything that happened. They call me "second mother". At these moments I see how much they need me, and how much I need them. Both in class and in extracurricular activities we exchange positive energy. And now I understand that not only do I teach the guys, but they teach me a lot. Together we learn Rules of conduct on the road, on water, in case of fire and terrorist attacks, learn songs and modern dances. But most importantly, we learn to be friends and accept people for who they are.

Thus, a lot needs to be done, a lot needs to be learned, it is necessary to master new programs, study new technology, read encyclopedias, reference books that can influence the consciousness of students. And I'm learning. My motto is: “Education throughout life.” After all, “It takes more intelligence to teach another than to learn yourself” (M. Montaigne).

Days and years go by. They go very fast. And I want to do a lot. Times change, but the teacher's tasks do not change:

- give students a solid and in-depth knowledge of the subject;

- promote the creative development of each student, both in class and outside of class;

- arouse a child’s interest in knowledge, teach him to have his own opinion;

- to cultivate in children independence, curiosity, honesty, personal initiative, and self-confidence;

- become their friend, reveal the wealth of their souls.

I understand and accept this.

These are my pedagogical axioms. Maybe they are very simple? And this is not surprising, because my teaching experience is short. But what I have firmly learned over the years is that the skill of a teacher is not random luck, not a lucky find, but a systematic, painstaking search and work, often rough, everyday, filled with anxious thoughts, discoveries and failures.

And all the time I tell myself: “Don’t complain about fate, and if you have chosen this path, then accept and love children with all your heart, believe in them, dissolve in them, because my calling is to bring love and joy.”

“Well, teacher!” - I hear every time my brother’s foot crosses the threshold of my house. As a student at a pedagogical institute, I resisted such greetings for a long time. Now, having worked in the education system for about ten years, I happily and quite sincerely declare: “I am a teacher!” But first things first.

Choosing a professional path I fell for the teacher, I admit honestly, because of the great love of me, seventeen years old, for the subject. If you have ever studied foreign languages, you will agree that it is incredibly interesting to observe how differently a thought can be encoded in a foreign language than in its native language. In addition, each language has its own unique character: English is an analytical, syntactically rational and word-efficient language. Russian is a more synthetic language, giving more scope for rolling connotations through the semitones when, with the help of affixes, you weave an intricate tracery of a sentence.

An important role in choosing a profession was played by the high standard of teaching and the professionalism of our own teachers Baturina E.B., Barashko E.A., Volkhonskaya L.A., Frolova G.S., Semyonova L.N. and Saksina S.N., despite the fact that in the “raspberry-jacketed” nineties - the time I entered the university - the specialty of a teacher was not highly rated. I really wanted to see myself in the future as active, sparkling and cheerful around the clock as my teachers. At least that’s how they seemed to me, a girl.

Experience tends to accumulate, and questions tend to be asked. Being in another period of rethinking, I asked myself: “What motivates you in your work? What are the three pillars of your pedagogy? What goal are you pursuing? And the following gradually crystallized pedagogical principles and approaches .

First of all, in my work I rely on research approach .
In a sea of ​​information, sometimes redundant, it is easy to lose your way. It is paramount for a student to learn how to manipulate it: analyze incoming information, group it by status “priority” - “non-priority” and then explore priority information: identify the main characteristics, derive patterns and try to predict the further development of events. Thus, a competent researcher, possessing the skills of information analysis, will never reach a dead end in his work and will be ready to constantly search for solutions to the problem.

The second supporting pedagogical principle of my activity is education collectivity and individuality in tandem . In this regard, I propose to take the best of collectivism and the best of individualism and teach it to the young.
On the one hand, the student must learn to function successfully in a team, participating in and understanding the enormous resource of collective activity.
On the other hand, the student must understand his value as an individual, build an individual development trajectory, adhere to assertive behavior and be aware of individual responsibility. Such a balance will not allow one or another -ism to completely dominate behavior.

The third pillar of my teaching system is maximum student activity in the learning process. This principle is based on the well-known pedagogical axiom of the “activity approach”. I strive to involve schoolchildren in creative activities that offer unexpected learning situations that require active participation in each lesson, which, in addition to teaching the subject, will increase motivation, develop adaptability in children to a changing situation, and will contribute to the development of an active life position.

Unchangeable teacher's mission at all times there is the creation of a society of the future. What complicates the task is that we must first look into the future and determine how we want to see this society and the person of the future himself.

My futuristic expectations in this regard are as follows:
1. I believe that a person of the future is man searching or Homo Searchius. The teacher's mission is to instill in the student a love of eternal knowledge and research, a certain restlessness as opposed to consumerism, which devalues ​​life and personal achievements. Thus, the teacher provides the person of the future with a launching pad for searching for answers to existential questions in adulthood. And this is the key to the formation of a conscious, full-fledged and happy personality.

2. The second mission of the teacher is to educate creative person or Homo Creatus.

It is well known that life is based on creation, and the modern world, tormented by contradictions and conflicts, will be healed and preserved only by Homo Creatus.

3. Regardless of the personal qualities, abilities and orientations of the person of the future, the undoubted mission of the teacher is to instill in him a love for his land, to help him identify himself with the nation and its history. Developed feelings of loyalty and pride for one’s homeland will, in a certain sense, counter the trend of globalization and intellectual emigration. These are my ideas about the mission of a modern teacher.

But for the mission to be feasible, the teacher must meet the challenges of our time. What does this mean? This means that it comes to the fore continuing professional education . There is such a colorful comparison that several centuries ago, the knowledge accumulated over a decade could fit on a newspaper spread of The Times. Nowadays, the volume of new information obtained per year is measured in exabytes. We are inevitably exposed to information and knowledge. Hence it seems obligatory to have a high level teacher's general awareness . Communication with students will be effective if the teacher is in the same context with them.

As the British say, “It is a small world” - the world is small. And with the development of means of communication, you feel that it is becoming less and less. And this makes it possible to reach dialogue with the global teaching community . Exchange of methodological experience, groping for new trends in teaching, finding oneself on the coordinate plane of the world community is very significant for me as a modern teacher.

From here follows the third postulate of continuous professional education - taking advantage of the variety of educational resources offered on the Internet . I recognize that we are now raising the Internet generation, which leaves an imprint on their style of perceiving material. I suggest teachers use the Internet resource in the classroom, increasing the motivation and, consequently, the effectiveness of teaching their students.

In conclusion, I want to say that as teachers we must feel the beat of modern life, accept the characteristics of the new generation and use modern technical and information resources for the benefit of the child in order to raise a wonderful person with an equally wonderful and amazing future.

My educational philosophy... Do we often think about it? I think no. We are always in a hurry to get somewhere, we are in a hurry to do everything, but we have no time to sit down and think. As I thought about this question, I realized how difficult it is to talk about my teaching philosophy.

Having received a diploma of vocational education, we are often confident that we know everything: how to teach, how to find an approach to each student, and methods of teaching the subject. But when we come to school, it turns out that we don’t know and can’t do much. And then we think: how to become the best teacher, a master of our craft.

I believe that before you demand something from your students, you need to learn to demand from yourself. If a teacher approaches the lesson responsibly, prepares for classes, looks for interesting material and is not limited to textbooks, then it will be interesting to most students.

No matter how trivial it may sound, a teacher must always learn and improve. The teacher must keep up with the times, use various techniques and methods in the classroom.

But the most important thing is that the teacher must remainperson , we should not turn into robots who only know four marks and their subject. Remember the phrase from the movie “We'll Live Until Monday”: “Happiness is when you are understood.” Our students are also happy when they are understood; they expect support and help from us. Students have the right to make mistakes, they may have their own problems, which for some reason seem insignificant to us adults. And if we remember our childhood: when it seemed to us that no one could understand us, that the problem could not be worse, and the elders did not understand anything. And we really wanted to be understood and supported. I try to understand my students, I always ask why they didn’t learn the lesson, whether they understood everything, and if someone is in a bad mood, I try not to be indifferent. At the same time, it is important not to cross the “teacher-student” boundary, so that students do not manipulate me, you must always keep your distance.

As a teacher, I want to become a professional, be on top and teach so that students run to class. But how to achieve this? I believe that we should not stop there, we should always set ourselves a goal higher than we can achieve and strive for it. For me, every lesson is like the first time. I want students not to know what awaits them in class. Therefore, I strive to learn new and unusual things. Today, when our students take part in various Olympiads and competitions, teachers must also prove themselves. Participation in professional competitions is an invaluable experience, because seeing something new, looking at yourself from the outside is sometimes necessary. This is how we learn about our shortcomings and mistakes. But at the same time, we can show what we do best.

Thus, my teaching philosophy is to constantly improve and learn, not to rest on our laurels, there is always something more than we master. But it is important to remember that we should not turn into “crackers”, that children expect understanding and respect from us.