What does strict mean? The meaning of the word "strict"




strict, strict; strict, strict, strictly.

1. Very demanding, exacting, demanding precision doing something. “These are our strict connoisseurs and judges.” Griboyedov . “The king was strict and did not want to indulge such temptations.” Krylov . Strict father. A strict teacher. Strict man.

|| Devoid of softness, serious to the point of severity. “The interrogation was extremely strict point by point.” Nekrasov . “You can’t! strictly(adv.) said my uncle." Maksim Gorky . “The open pupils were stern and calm.” A.Blok . Strict look. Strict tone. Strict treatment.

2. Not allowing any deviations or deviations from accepted standards, prescriptions, completely accurate. “The clerk was forced to tell the nuts a strict count.” Pushkin . “She hosted the whole city, observing strict etiquette.” Pushkin . “We are only capable of worrying, and not worrying, in the strict sense of the word, but only saying pitiful words.” Saltykov-Shchedrin . Strict order. Strict accounting. Strict diet. Strict supervision. Strict observation. Strict isolation.

3. Very stern, not allowing leniency or connivance. Strict law. Severe reprimand. Strict measures. Strict rule. Strict penalty.

|| One that forces one to obey (causing pain when disobedient; special). Strict collar. Strict spurs. Strict mouthpiece(for a horse).

4. Adhering to some. exact rules (in behavior, life); devoid of frivolity, licentiousness. Strict morals. Strict morality. Strict lifestyle. Strict behavior. A man of strict rules.

5. Correct, meeting the requirements of a certain style, norm. Severe facial features. Strict profile. Strict taste. Strict hairstyle.

Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.



See what “strict” is in other dictionaries:

    STRICT, exacting, demanding, vigilant, executive, precise, unwavering, ·opposite. lenient, compliant; faithful, reliable, accurate. | Severe, unmerciful, cruel, formidable, unforgiving of guilt. Strict father, boss, not... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Demanding, formidable, cruel, tough, unforgiving, picky, demanding, pretentious, harsh, draconian, Cato, fastidious, fastidious, picky. Draconian (draconian) laws. Iron hand. She got into some tough... Synonym dictionary

    Strogiy: "Strogiy" ("Swan") is a "Falcon" class destroyer. “Strict” destroyer of Project 7U ... Wikipedia

    STRICT, oh, oh; strict, strict, strictly, strict and strict; stricter; the strictest. 1. Very demanding, exacting. S. chief. S. examiner. 2. Severe, tough. Strict treatment. S. tone. Severe warning. C. reprimand. 3. Don’t… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    strict- strict, concise. f. strict, strict, strictly, strict and tolerably strict; compare Art. stricter, superior Art. the strictest... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Adj., used. often Morphology: strict, strict, strictly, strict and strict; stricter; adv. strictly 1. Strict is someone who does not allow deviations from any norm in communicating with anyone, in anyone’s behavior, and demands compliance with any... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    strict- 1 terribly strict incredibly strict unusually strict emphatically strict 2 strict prohibition strict neutrality strict accounting ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    strict- declare a severe reprimand action receive a severe reprimand action, recipient ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Strict, strict, strict, Ukrainian. strict, Bulgarian strict, Serbohorvian strict, slovenian. strȏg, Czech. strohy short, condensed; strict, dry, Polish. srogi is cruel. Russian the word is usually considered a loanword. from Polish, and this whole group of words is close to... ... Etymological dictionary Russian language by Max Vasmer

    strict- (very demanding, exacting) with whom and to whom. Strict with people (towards people). Her mother loved her madly, but was terribly strict with her (Dostoevsky). ...Then the village authorities, strict towards various wandering people, would have arrested us (Gorky) ... Control Dictionary


  • Strict style, L. Bussler. Strict style. A textbook of simple and complex counterpoint, imitation, fugue and canon in church modes. Essay by Ludwig Bussler. Translation from German by S. I. Taneyev. Reproduced in…


exacting, demanding, vigilant, executive, precise, unwavering, opposite sex. lenient, compliant; faithful, reliable, accurate.

Severe, unmerciful, cruel, formidable, unforgiving of guilt. A strict father, a boss who doesn’t give orders, indulges, doesn’t pamper, or is disproportionately punitive. Strict judge, truthful. Strict laws, formidable. -rebuke, highest degree disapproval. -supervision, -accounting, -take care, accurate, extreme. - truth, - conscience, - morality, pure, unyielding. Strict horse mouthpiece. - a dog collar, punitive, causing severe pain and forcing one to obey. - punishment, strong, cruel. - an order that requires precise execution.

Strict dog, sensitive, vigilant; - game, watchful, cautious, which is difficult to spoil. Keep your ear strictly, look strictly, don’t yawn, the combination of the words sharp and strict: This is a strict knife, just like cutting off your hand. The terrible giant steps on the strict peaks, Lomonosov. Strictly order, with a threat; strictly observe, without omissions, precisely; strictly exact, severely, mercilessly. At the beginning, every business is strict. The strict law of the guilty creates. A strict law creates great guilt. With the new head, we have become strict, we don’t give in to habits. This horse is strict, don't come from behind. They searched me strictly, rummaged through everything. He is strict, excessively. Guard the trap more strictly, sensitively, truly; words with a common root. Strictness property, quality, condition according to adj. Strictly over whom, over what, Vlad. strictly guard, hold in hands; guard sparingly;

To whom, strictly reprimand. To be strict, to take on a stern appearance, posture, to beware, to beware, to be shy. The bird is busy and wants to fly away. The horse is being trained. frightened, afraid, ears pricked, restless. The neighbor is swearing at you, sib. angry, sulking, mistrustful, or scheming. Severity of symb. the severity of the amulet, and

2) caution.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Aya, oh; strict, strict, strictly, strict and strict; stricter; the strictest.

    Very demanding, exacting. S. chief. S. examiner.

    Harsh, tough. Strict treatment. S. tone. Severe warning. C. reprimand.

    Not allowing any deviations from the norm, completely accurate. Strict diet. C. accounting,

    Not allowing deviations from the rules of behavior, from generally accepted moral standards. Strict morals. A man of strict rules. 3. Correct, not deviating from the best examples. WITH. artistic taste. Strict beauty. 6. About clothes, appearance, furnishings: simple, without decoration, but indicating good taste. C. suit. Strict hairstyle. * Strictly (colloquially) - very strictly. Strictly forbidden. Strictly speaking, enter, eat. - essentially.

    noun rigor, -i, g.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Very demanding, exacting.

      Full of exactingness and exactingness.

      Expressing exactingness, exactingness.

    1. Not allowing for leniency; harsh (about a person).

      Merciless, cruel (about punishment, influence).

    1. Strictly carried out, observed.

      Exactly adhering to something, following something.

    1. Not allowing deviations from accepted norms of behavior and morality.

      Strictly adheres to accepted standards of behavior and morality.

    1. Combining simplicity and nobility of lines, shapes, outlines.

      Compliant classic style.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

Strict (destroyer)

« Strict" - Russian destroyer of the "Falcon" type.

In the winter of 1902-1903 he moved from the Baltic to Sevastopol. He performed combat service in the Black Sea Fleet. On October 10, 1907, she was reclassified as a destroyer.

Examples of the use of the word strict in literature.

But we know one thing for sure: every adult citizen of both sexes in the 250 million Soviet people, covered the strictest passport system, is under the notice, if not registered, of the KGB and under constant surveillance of its secret service network.

And in the sphere of avant-garde improvisational jazz, punk-funk received, oddly enough, development in the person of the followers of one of the most consistent and strict avant-garde artists - Ornette Coleman.

Caravans of transports, surrounded by flocks of convoy frigates, antediluvian battleships, aircraft, fans of nuclear-powered submarines - this entire armada crawled along coordinate grids in strict in accordance with the plans of the Admiralty, which so far remained a secret even to squadron commanders, but not to earthlings.

For 24 years, the Farnborough Air Show remained strictly national.

During one of the relapses, Aurelius ran away, despite the strictest supervision.

For all this,” said the Traffic Inspector, “there are two fines: Strict and very Strict.

These are examples of self-oscillations of a vortex nature, but self-oscillations can also be a product of the influence of a constant disturbing factor strictly periodic in nature, single- or multi-tone.

We must recognize conditional rationality strict treatment of a child, if we hope to convince a teacher who is forced to use an authoritarian method of education that it is possible to do without such a method on the basis of the prevention of neurotic conditions.

They say in the Pizdville Valley that you are sailing on a leisurely ship to China. strictly because of a lot of money and nitrogenous film infantry.

The arrogant city, decorated, as befits a world capital, with magnificent buildings, displayed a row of sparkling spiers and architectural orders, sometimes strict and simple ones, such as those whose capitals were like baskets of acanthus leaves, or those where the recesses on the columns were borrowed from the supports on which the ancient Greeks leaned their spears - these forms are more graceful in their simplicity than anything that later managed to invent the art of man.

The houses were dressed up like women, buffoons and butterflies, letters peeked out from acanthus curls, forming moral teachings, and officials, in accordance with the requirements of the strict realism, were twice as tall as commoners.

Gumilev declared acmeism to be an organically worthy and legitimate heir of the best that symbolism gave, but having its own spiritual and aesthetic foundations - fidelity to the pictorially visible world, its plastic objectivity, increased attention to poetic technique, strict taste, the blooming conviviality of life.

There was no court etiquette strictly formalized, apparently, and one of the nobles stepped forward as Alak sat down on the high seat.

Saint Brigid, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Teresa, Saint Magdalene de Pazzi, Mary Alacoque and many other extravagant saints, whose piety and prophetic gift are praised in the church calendar, were, apparently, women whose imagination, overly inflamed strict way of life, often made them completely insane.

In the evening, a fire was built, scarecrows were solemnly placed on it, pictures smeared in mud were laid out around, where the Duke with seven hundred halberdiers stormed Belgrade, and everything was set on fire. strictly a seasoned buffoonish ceremony.

Ushakov's Dictionary


strict *****

softness, serious to severity. “The interrogation was extremely strict point by point.” Nekrasov. “You can’t! strictly ( adv.) said my uncle." M. Gorky. “The open pupils were stern and calm.” A.Blok. Strict look. Strict tone. Strict treatment.

2. Not allowing any deviations, deviations from accepted norms, regulations, completely accurate. “The clerk was forced to tell the nuts a strict count.” Pushkin. “She hosted the whole city, observing strict etiquette.” Pushkin. “We are only capable of worrying, and not worrying, in the strict sense of the word, but only saying pitiful words.” Saltykov-Shchedrin. Strict order. Strict accounting. Strict diet. Strict supervision. Strict observation. Strict isolation.

3. Very stern, not allowing leniency or connivance. Strict law. Severe reprimand. Strict measures. Strict rule. Strict punishment.

| The kind that makes you obey *****

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language



Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


1. Syn: precise, specific, pure

Ant: lax, imprecise, undefined

2. Syn: classic, correct

3. Syn: demanding, exacting (book, amp.), harsh

Ant: lax, undemanding, undemanding

Ozhegov's Dictionary

STR ABOUT GIY, oh, oh; strict, strict, strict, strict And strict; stricter; the strictest.

1. S. chief. S. examiner.

2. Harsh, tough. Strict treatment. S. tone. Severe warning. C. reprimand.

3. Not allowing any deviations from the norm, completely accurate. Strict diet. C. accounting.

4. Not allowing deviations from the rules of behavior, from generally accepted moral standards. Strict morals. A man of strict rules.

5. Correct, not deviating from the best examples. C. artistic taste. Strict beauty.

6. About clothes, appearance, furnishings: simple, without decoration, but indicating good taste. C. suit. Strict hairstyle.

Strictly(colloquial) very strictly. Strictly forbidden.

Strictly speaking,introductory sl. essentially.

| noun rigor, And, and.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. adj.
    1. :
      1. Very demanding, exacting.
      2. Full of exactingness and exactingness.
      3. Expressing exactingness, exactingness.
    2. :
      1. Not allowing for leniency; harsh (about a person).
      2. Merciless, cruel (about punishment, influence).
    3. :
      1. Strictly carried out, observed.
      2. Exactly adhering to something, following something.
    4. :
      1. Not allowing deviations from accepted norms of behavior and morality.
      2. Strictly adheres to accepted standards of behavior and morality.
    5. :
      1. Combining simplicity and nobility of lines, shapes, outlines.
      2. Meeting the requirements of a classic style.

Russian language dictionaries

word meaning strict in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language:

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary.


- correct, not deviating from the best examples
Example: C. artistic taste. Strict beauty.
2. - About clothes, appearance, furnishings: simple without decoration, but indicating good taste
Example: S. suit. Strict hairstyle.
3. - harsh, tough
Example: Strict treatment. S. tone. Severe warning. C. reprimand.
4. - not allowing any deviations from the norm, completely accurate
Example: Strict diet. C. accounting.
5. - very demanding, demanding
Example: S. boss. S. examiner.
6. - not allowing deviations from the rules of behavior, from generally accepted moral norms
Example: Strict morals. A man of strict rules.

Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


1) a) Very demanding, exacting.
b) Filled with exactingness, exactingness.
c) Expressing exactingness, exactingness.
2) a) Not allowing for leniency; harsh (about a person).
b) Merciless, cruel (about punishment, influence).
3) a) Strictly performed, observed.
b) Exactly adhering to something, following something.
4) a) Not allowing deviations from accepted norms of behavior and morality.
b) Strictly adheres to accepted standards of behavior and morality.
5) a) Combining simplicity and nobility of lines, shapes, outlines.
b) Meeting the requirements of the classical style.

S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


, -th, -oe; strict, strict, strictly, strict and strict; stricter;
the strictest.
1. Very demanding, exacting. S. chief. WITH.
2. Harsh, tough. Strict treatment. S. tone. Strict
warning. C. reprimand.
3. Not allowing any deviations from the norm,
completely accurate. Strict diet . C. accounting,
4. Not allowing deviations from
rules of behavior, from generally accepted moral norms. Strict morals. Human
strict rules.
3. Correct, not deviating from the best examples. WITH.
artistic taste. Strict beauty.
6. About clothes, appearance, furnishings:
simple, unadorned, but indicative of good taste. C. suit.
Strict hairstyle. * Strictly - strictly (colloquial) - very strictly. Strictly
prohibited. Strictly speaking, enter, eat. - essentially. II noun rigor, -i, g. 



adj., used often

Morphology: strict, strict, strictly, strict And strict; stricter; adv. strictly

1. Strict they call someone who does not allow deviations from any norm in communicating with someone, in someone’s behavior, and demands compliance with any rules.

Strict teacher, judge, critic, master. | Strict parents. | Strict reader. | Someone is strict in judgment and in dealing with subordinates. | She is strict with children.

2. Strict they call someone’s manner of behavior or communication if it feels demanding and exacting.

A stern look, a look. | Stern tone, voice. | Stern facial expression.

3. Strict it is called something that does not allow for leniency, exceptions to the rules.

Severe reprimand. | Strict law. | Severe punishment. | Take strict measures. | Impose a strict ban. | Give a strict order. | Selection for naval special forces groups was very strict.

4. Strict they call something that requires strict adherence to any instructions or guidelines.

Strict diet. | Strict economy. | Strict accounting, control, order, charter, schedule. | Strict rules.

5. Strict they call something that implies clarity of meaning, direct interpretation, etc.

Strict consistency. | Strict demarcation. | In strict accordance with something. | In the strict sense of the word.

6. Strict They call behavior, a way of life that presupposes adherence to strict moral standards of behavior and morality.

A man of strict rules. | Live a strict life. | Old Believers are strict in their behavior. | Strict morality. | Strict moral code creates a sense of duty in a person.

7. Strict facial features are named if they meet the requirements of the classical style.

Strict profile.

8. Strict they call lines, shapes, outlines in clothing, hairstyle, furnishings, etc., if they are distinguished by simplicity and grace, and do not have frills.

Strict design. | Strict cut of the dress. | Strict office. | The wife put on a formal English suit.

9. If anyone strictly prohibits someone from doing something, then this means that this person attaches great importance great importance this ban.

10. Expression strictly speaking you use at the beginning of your statement to speak more precisely about some phenomenon of reality.

severity noun, and.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “strict” is in other dictionaries:

    Strict, strict; strict, strict, strict. 1. Very demanding, exacting, demanding exact execution of something. “These are our strict connoisseurs and judges.” Griboyedov. “The king was strict and did not want to indulge such temptations.” Krylov. Strict father... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    STRICT, exacting, demanding, vigilant, executive, precise, unwavering, ·opposite. lenient, compliant; faithful, reliable, accurate. | Severe, unmerciful, cruel, formidable, unforgiving of guilt. Strict father, boss, not... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Demanding, formidable, cruel, tough, unforgiving, picky, demanding, pretentious, harsh, draconian, Cato, fastidious, fastidious, picky. Draconian (draconian) laws. Iron hand. She got into some tough... Synonym dictionary

    Strogiy: "Strogiy" ("Swan") is a "Falcon" class destroyer. “Strict” destroyer of Project 7U ... Wikipedia

    STRICT, oh, oh; strict, strict, strictly, strict and strict; stricter; the strictest. 1. Very demanding, exacting. S. chief. S. examiner. 2. Severe, tough. Strict treatment. S. tone. Severe warning. C. reprimand. 3. Don’t… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    strict- strict, concise. f. strict, strict, strictly, strict and tolerably strict; compare Art. stricter, superior Art. the strictest... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    strict- 1 terribly strict incredibly strict unusually strict emphatically strict 2 strict prohibition strict neutrality strict accounting ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    strict- declare a severe reprimand action receive a severe reprimand action, recipient ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Strict, strict, strict, Ukrainian. strict, Bulgarian strict, Serbohorvian strict, slovenian. strȏg, Czech. strohy short, condensed; strict, dry, Polish. srogi is cruel. Russian the word is usually considered a loanword. from Polish, and this whole group of words is close to... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    strict- (very demanding, exacting) with whom and to whom. Strict with people (towards people). Her mother loved her madly, but was terribly strict with her (Dostoevsky). ...Then the village authorities, strict towards various wandering people, would have arrested us (Gorky) ... Control Dictionary