What is Prince Rurik famous for? Prince Rurik, biography, reign and politics

Rurik is the first Russian prince, his existence is confirmed by ancient chronicles. The biography of Rurik (862-879 years of life are described in various sources) is unknown for certain, and this gives rise to many versions about his origin and the events in which he participated.

Chronicle information

The branching of the Rurik family began after the death of Vladimir and intensified after Yaroslav the Wise. The princes allocated estates and allotments to their sons, and wars broke out between them for primacy and the right to the throne. In their wars and divisions, they almost lost all Russian lands during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and numerous raids by neighboring states. The Rurik family gave birth to numerous offspring, who later became the founders of high-profile noble families.

Versions of origin

There are many versions of where Prince Rurik came from. A brief biography and scant information enable historians and linguists to use their imagination, relying on fragments of phrases, lengthy or professional interpretations of ancient sources and their own knowledge. Origin options:

  • Scandinavian. In support of the version, there is a consonance with the name of the Scandinavian ruler Rurik of Jutland, several interpretations of inscriptions on stones from the Shui hill, dating back to the same years when Rurik ruled in Novgorod.
  • According to another version, the Varangian family from which Rurik came is of French origin, and, therefore, the full name of the Russian ruler is Rurik of Friesland.
  • Baltic origin. Some scientists claim that Rurik comes from the people who inhabited the island of Ruyan (now Rügen). The version is supported by the story that Rurik came to Rus' through Ladoga.
  • Slavic origin. When studying the "Tale of Bygone Years" it becomes clear that there are no linguistic differences between the Varangian princes and the ancient peoples of Rus', everyone understood each other without a translator, the names of ancient cities are still understandable today - Beloozero, Ladoga, Novgorod, etc. Gumilev argued, that the Varangians are not an ethnic group, but a profession. In the same chronicle there is a phrase: “And from those Varangians it was nicknamed the Russian Land, Novugorodians, they are the people of Novugorod from the Varangian family.” That is, it turns out that the Novgorodians are Slavs, which means the Varangians are also Slavs.

The given list of versions of the origin of the first Russian prince is far from complete. The right to be called the country from which the ruler came is claimed by the Swedes, Germans and other peoples of Europe. Historical science has not come to a consensus on the origin of Rus' and the emergence of princes; disputes are ongoing, and, probably, will not subside even after the birth of a new document. It is not possible to trace with precision what the biography of Rurik was over the course of many years; moreover, many historians raise the question: did Rurik exist?

Time has erased in history the names of many successful Varangians, all of whose thoughts were limited only to their own enrichment. And only a person with extraordinary abilities and statesmanship was able to leave his name on the dusty pages of history. Such a person turned out to be Rurik, the Varangian who laid the foundation of the Russian state.

Origin of Rurik still causes a lot of controversy. Some argue that Rurik himself and his squad were Scandinavians (Vikings), based on the etymology of the princely name, which means “king” from the Latin rex. It is a well-known fact that the name Rurik is widely used in the modern world in Finland, Sweden and other countries. In turn, supporters of the West Slavic version of the development of Rus' prefer to compare the biographical data of Rurik with the Slavic tribe of Obodrites, which were also called “falcons”.

The word “falcon” in the Old Church Slavonic language sounds exactly like, or almost like, the name of Prince Rurik. "Roruk" or "rurok" in Old Church Slavonic is "falcon". Doesn't this indicate the Slavic, and not the Scandinavian origin of Prince Rurik?

Norman theory

In ancient Russian sources, the word “Varangian” is used in the description of Rurik, which indicates his Scandinavian or Norman origin. In the 9th century the inhabitants of these regions excited all of Christian Europe with their merciless raids. Some of them seized lands on the continent and integrated into the general feudal system, simultaneously adopting Christianity. Many historians believe that Rurik is Rorik of Jutland. This was a famous Danish king. He fought with the Carolingians for Frisia. Perhaps he was also a vassal of the Frankish sovereign for some time, since coins with the image of Lothair were minted under him. At the end of the 50s, he tried to take over Jutland, but was unsuccessful. A little later he fought with the Western Vendian Slavs who lived on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Supporters of the idea that Rurik is Rorik, as an argument for their correctness, cite the fact that in Western chronicles, mentions of this king disappear approximately from the date when the Varangian began to rule in Novgorod. This hypothesis remains unproven and is often the subject of controversy.

Slavic and Baltic theories

There are theories that the Varangians, called to Rus', were called representatives of the West Slavic tribe of Vagr. If this is so, then Prince Rurik, whose biography does not refute or prove this version, may have been a distant fellow tribesman of the inhabitants of Novgorod. Another close assumption to this theory was made by the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. He considered Rurik to be a native of the Prussians - the Baltic people who lived in the territories of present-day Poland and Lithuania. In the legends of the Germanized Slavs from the same lands there are tales of three brothers called to distant Novgorod. These were the encouragers, whose representative could be Prince Rurik.

Life of Rurik

Rurik was born approximately in 806-807. in the city of Rerik, in the family of Godolub (Godolba), prince of the Slavic Rarogs (Reregs). The Rarogs were part of a large tribal union of the Obodrichs, who were engaged in arable farming, crafts and trade. Rurik's mother was Umilena, the middle daughter of the Novgorod prince Gostomysl. The first-born child born in such a family had a secure future practically in his pocket, but “His Majesty Chance” reshapes human destinies in his own way.

Ilya Glazunov. "Grandchildren of Gostomysl" (1986) - the right part of the triptych "Umila of Novgorod"

At the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century. In the north-west of our country, a strong union of several Slavic and Finnish peoples has formed: Slovenes, Krivichi, Chud, Vesi, Meryan. It was called the Russian Kaganate. In that era, such a name was prestigious - people remembered the power of the Turkic and Avar Khaganates, and the Khazar Khaganates existed. And the title of Kagan meant a ruler over several nations.

Russian ships plied the Baltic. Prince Gostomysl, who became Kagan, established connections with overseas countries. At this time, the Slavs also inhabited present-day East Germany - the Obodrits, the Lyutichs, the Ruyans, the Lusatians, etc. Gostomysl married his middle daughter Umila to Godolub, the prince of the Rarog tribe. It was part of the Obodrite tribal union, occupied the isthmus of the Jutland Peninsula and the lands near its base. Now this territory contains the cities of Schleswig, Lübeck, Kiel - and at the time described, the Rarogs belonged to Rerik, the largest port on the Baltic.

The Obodrites were allies of the Frankish emperor Charlemagne and took his side in all wars. But King Gottfried of Denmark was preparing a blow against Charles and entered into alliances with the enemies of the Franks - the Saxons, Lutichians, Glinyans, Smolnyans.

In 808Danish King Godfreycapturesthe city of Rerik and executes Godolub. Umilena flees the city with Rurik. Now, except for the noble origin and the family coat of arms of the saker falcon, the symbol of Fire God, Rurik had nothing (falconry is a popular royal pastime, the tradition stems from this symbol). Such a fact probably left a deep emotional trauma in the child’s psyche (perhaps epileptic seizures in the Rurik family had their beginning precisely in this event). One thing can be said affirmatively - the Danes became Rurik’s blood enemies, he always remembered this. Probably, the fugitives were hiding with their relatives from neighboring tribes; it is possible that Gostomysl was not indifferent to the fate of his daughter and grandson. In the end, Umilena found shelter somewhere in the territory of the Frankish kingdom. And the name of Rurik appears on the historical arena almost twenty years later. What he was doing all these years, perhaps he was preparing himself for a future career - he was learning the art of war and longing to avenge his father. Anything is possible.

In 826, two brothers arrived from somewhere in Ingelheim, the residence of the Frankish emperor Louis the Pious, Rurik and his stepbrotherHarald. There is no information regarding Harald. Their very appearance at the emperor’s court is understandable. After all, the princes of the Obodrites were considered vassals of Charlemagne, and Godolub died fighting on his side. When the children grew up, they came to Karl's son for protection. They grew up somewhere in Slavic countries, both were pagans. Louis baptized the young people and personally became their godfather. At the same time, Rurik received the name George. The emperor recognized the brothers' rights to their father's inheritance and accepted them as his vassals.

The king blesses the brothers to fight the Danes, thereby confirming their right to own their father's lands. Without much effort, they regain their father's inheritance. But they failed to become sovereign feudal lords. In 829, internecine wars and a new redistribution of land began in the Frankish state. The territory, which was owned by the sons of Godolub, passes to one of the contenders for the royal throne - Lothair.

This turn of events was the reason why Rurik and Harald joined the Varangians.

The bands of adventurers of the early Middle Ages were replenished with people from different social strata. The thirst for rapid enrichment gathered under its banner the sons of all religions and peoples. But the Varangian squad was not a gang of ordinary murderers and marauders. It was a military order with its own unwritten charter and iron discipline, otherwise they would not pose any danger to the states of Europe. Detachments of experienced and cruel Varangians, at that time, were the best army operating both on land and at sea.

In Byzantium they were called “varings” or “warings” - “who took the oath.” In Scandinavia, by the “Vikings” (vik - military settlement, base). In England, all Vikings, regardless of nationality, were designated “Danes” (this country was more often plundered by the Danes). In France - “Normans”, Norwegians (literally translated “people of the north”). The terms “Vikings” or “Varangians” defined not nationality, but occupation. These were free warriors.

Overseas guests (Varyags). Artist Nicholas Roerich, 1901

Varangian squadrons sometimes consisted of several hundred fast and light ships, each of which could accommodate up to 70 people. By today's standards, this was an entire division of marines, experienced and well-armed. The Varangians also transported horses with them, but as a branch of the army, the Varangian cavalry never developed and was only an auxiliary force. The main striking force was the infantry.

The year 843 can be considered the rise of Rurik’s military career. As part of the huge Slavic-Norman armada, Rurik and Harald led a large Varangian detachment. This international army took by storm: Nantes, Bordeaux, Seville, Lisbon, and many other cities and reached North Africa. Rurik's squad returned home with huge booty. On the island of Rügen he set up his well-fortified naval base, from where he planned further campaigns.

Agnus McBride. Viking attacks on the Irish coast in the 9th century

Over the next seven years, the name of Rurik became widely known. He takes part in the first assault on Paris; in one of the next raids, his half-brother Harald dies.

Rurik, despite his Christian baptism, worshiped his ancient gods, both Svetovit and Odin, making numerous sacrifices to them. And apparently, the gods were favorable to their lucky son.

In 850, a huge squadron of 20-22 thousand soldiers landed on the shores of England. The campaign was again marked by huge booty. Slava followed Rurik literally on his heels. In 854, Rurik thoroughly beats his blood enemies - the Danes, and conducts a raid on the Scandinavian cities subject to the Danish king. He seizes lands in the upper reaches of the Rhine and Friedland, thereby regaining his father's inheritance.

By 860, the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, being on the verge of death, was preoccupied with the search for a worthy successor (a very pressing problem at all times). The direct heirs in the male line were no longer alive, and Gostomysl was afraid that everything he had created could go to dust. His choice fell on Rurik, firstly: he was Gostomysl’s grandson from his middle daughter; secondly: a famous and experienced military commander. To the appeal of the Novgorod embassy to him: “...Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it - go reign and rule over us...” (here, the order is management, leadership), Rurik, after some deliberation, agreed, following the example of Western kings, dreamed of founding his own dynastic state.

Glazunov I. S. “Grandchildren of Gostomysl: Rurik, Truvor, Sineus.” The central part of the triptych. 1986

The calling of Prince Rurik to reign

In the 9th century, numerous tribal unions of Slavs and Finns were dependent on the Varangians - Germanic pagans who lived on the Scandinavian Peninsula. For a short period they managed to expel the invaders and stop paying tribute. However, local tribes immediately began to fight among themselves. Peace could only begin with the emergence of legitimate power. According to literary sources, namely the Tale of Bygone Years, Rurik's calling occurred in 862, resulting from a joint decision of the Slavic tribes (Krivichi, Ilmen Slovenes, Chud and Ves) during disputes about who would rule them without benefit for their own tribe . Rurik's biography suited everyone. This man was a compromise figure. The prince from across the sea was not a protege or supporter of any group. Some sources indicate that the Novgorodians and their neighbors considered a variety of candidates: from the Khazars to the Polans. Nevertheless, the choice fell on the Varangian (that is, the Viking).

The calling of the prince. Artist A.D. Kivshenko. 1880

Rurik entered Novgorod with his brothers. Interestingly, some sources contradict each other as to where Rurik actually ruled. For example, the Laurentian Chronicle says that his first residence was Staraya Ladoga, and Novgorod itself was built only two years later.

Staraya Ladoga Fortress

In addition, the lands of the Krivichi, whose main city was Polotsk, came under his rule. In the east of this state there were Finnish tribes. They lived in Rostov, Murom and neighboring lands.Archaeological finds (for example, Rurik's Settlement) fully confirm this theory.

Victor Vasnetsov. Varangians. 1913.

If you believe the chronicle version, then Rurik’s brothers also received Slavic lands for their reign. So brother Sineus got Beloozero, and Truvor got Izborsk, but they did not rule for long. Two years after their death, Rurik becomes the sole ruler. Many researchers of Rus' are inclined to believe that Rurik had no brothers, arguing that “truvor” is translated as “faithful squad”, and “sineus” is “one’s own kind”. That is, we are talking about two of his detachments. One consisted of fellow tribesmen who, after the defeat, remained loyal to him and went to a foreign land. The second is from the Viking mercenaries. The Varangians had a custom of twinning; it was considered no less strong than blood kinship.

The biography of Rurik before his appearance in Rus' is practically unknown and is mostly based on guesswork. Nevertheless, there is accurate information that he had his own squad. It was she who became the support of the new government and ensured order in the Novgorod land. In exchange for protecting the population, the prince received the right to collect taxes.

Having accepted the reign, Rurik immediately took care to more reliably cover his borders. One of the detachments was sent to the Krivichi in Izborsk. This outpost kept under surveillance the water roads through Lake Peipus and the Velikaya River, and protected the principality from raids by Estonians and Latvians. Another detachment was located in Beloozero. He controlled the route to the Volga and took the entire tribe under protection from the Khazar Kaganate. And after the new ruler looked around the new place, he behaved very actively. He correctly assessed who the main enemy of his power was and began a war against Khazaria.

His warriors from Beloozero moved to the Upper Volga and took Rostov. The large Merya tribe, which inhabited the area between the Volga and Oka rivers, threw off the yoke of the Khazars and came under the hand of Rurik. The prince did not stop there. His flotillas advanced further along the rivers and in 864 captured Murom. Another Finnish tribe, the Muroma, submitted to Rurik. The annexation of two important cities was noted not only by Russian chronicles; the war between Khazaria and Ladoga is mentioned by the “Cambridge Anonymous”.

The Khazars were very nervous. Well, their merchants traded all over the world, they knew what crushing blows the Varangian landings could deliver. But wars are not fought only with swords and spears. A pro-Khazar party already existed in Ladoga, through which Jewish merchants tried to influence the election of the prince. Now it was used again, fueling discontent with Rurik among the Slovenes. It wasn't that hard to find reasons. The Ladoga boyars expected that the invited prince would rule at their behest - where would he go in a foreign country? But Rurik did not become a puppet, he undertook to strengthen centralized power. Maintaining mercenaries required money, and subjects had to fork out money. And the prince’s immediate circle consisted of Obodrites and Norwegians. In a word, strangers came and sat on our necks...

The Khazar agitation achieved its goal. In 864, when Rurik’s army was on the Volga and Oka, an uprising broke out in his rear under the leadership of a certain Vadim the Brave. The chronicle reports: “That same summer, the people of Novgorod were offended, saying: so be our slave, and suffer a lot of evil in every possible way from Rurik and from his family.” Yes, even in those days, familiar schemes were developed: in the midst of war, to excite people to fight for “freedoms” and “human rights.” But it’s worth paying attention that the Krivichi and Finnish tribes did not support the Slovenians. And the prince acted quickly and harshly. He instantly rushed to the Ladoga region and suppressed the riot. “That same summer, Rurik killed Vadim the Brave and many other Novgorodians who were his svetniks” (svetniks - that is, accomplices). The surviving conspirators fled. The Krivichi in Smolensk refused to accept them, they moved on: “That same summer, many Novgorod men escaped from Rurik from Novgorod to Kyiv.” It was not the common people who were called men, but the nobility - the uprising was carried out by the rich elite.

It was not by chance that they fled to Kyiv. There arose the center of the confrontation with Rurik. Two leaders of the mercenary Varangian squads, Askold and Dir, separated from the prince and decided to look for other trades. They were heading to Greece, but on the way they saw Kyiv, controlled by the Khazars, and captured it in a sudden raid. They tried to use it as a base for pirate raids - this is what all the Vikings did. They made campaigns against the Polotsk tribe, Byzantium, and Bulgaria. But the Bulgarians beat them, the expedition to Constantinople was scattered by a storm, Polotsk, after the horrors it suffered, turned to Rurik for protection. And the Khazars were not inclined to forgive the loss of Kyiv. They unleashed their allies, the Pechenegs, on the aliens. Askold and Dir twitched and began to wriggle out. In 866 they agreed to recognize themselves as vassals of the Byzantine emperor, even to be baptized. Greek diplomats stood up for them before the Khazars, and they also agreed to make peace. But with a condition - to oppose Rurik.

The Varangians fulfilled the order. They attacked the prince’s subjects, the Krivichi, and captured Smolensk. True, they were unable to develop their success; they were stopped. But the goal of Byzantium and Khazaria was achieved; they pitted Ladoga and Kyiv against each other. Therefore, Rurik did not continue military operations against the Kaganate. If he had sent troops to the Volga, he would have been threatened with a blow to the rear, from the Dnieper. It was also not easy to defeat Askold and Dir; two great powers stood behind them.

“The reign of Askold and Dir in Kyiv” Radziwill Chronicle

And Vadim the Brave’s accomplices dug in in Kyiv, waiting for the right moment to sow chaos again. After reflection, Rurik agreed to make peace with his opponents.

He took up the internal structure of the state. He established management structures and appointed governors in Beloozero, Izborsk, Rostov, Polotsk, and Murom. He started placing “hailstones” everywhere. They served as strongholds for the administration and protected the subject tribes. The prince paid special attention to defense from the Baltic. In the second half of the 9th century. The Viking rampage reached its highest point. They terrorized England, and every now and then they burned German cities along the Elbe, Rhine, Moselle, and Weser. Even Denmark, itself a pirate nest, was completely devastated by the Varangians. And only in Rus' after the arrival of Rurik there was not a single invasion! It was the only European state that had access to the sea that found safety from Baltic predators. This was the undoubted merit of the prince.

True, the Varangians began to appear on the Volga, but they came to trade prisoners. So Khazaria did not lose out either. A stream of “living goods” poured from the Baltic, which the Khazars bought in bulk and resold to the markets of the East. But transit turned out to be profitable for Rus' too. The treasury was enriched by duties. The prince could build fortresses, maintain an army and protect his subjects without burdening them with high taxes. And the subjects themselves could sell bread, honey, beer, fish, meat, handicrafts to passing Varangians and merchants at a good price, and buy European and Oriental goods.

Novgorod trade. Painting by A. Vasnetsov, 1909

Rurik, like Gostomysl, took the title of kagan (literally translated “great” - later in Rus' the two titles merged, “grand prince”). He was married several times. His first wife's name was Rutsina, she was from the Baltic Rus. The second was a German or Scandinavian Hetta. No information was received about their fate and offspring. And in 873-874. The Ladoga sovereign visited abroad. He made a very large-scale diplomatic tour of Europe for that time. He met and negotiated with Emperor Louis the German, King of France Charles the Bald and King of Lorraine Charles the Bold. History is silent about what was discussed. But Louis the German was at enmity with Byzantium. And Rurik was gradually preparing to fight for Southern Rus'; he needed allies against the Greeks, who had entangled Kyiv in their networks.

Medal in memory of the marriage with Efanda, Princess of Urman. Late XVII - early XIX centuries.

On the way back, the prince visited Norway. Here he looked for a third wife, the Norwegian princess Efanda. Upon returning to Ladoga, they had a wedding. The young wife gave birth to Rurik's son Igor. And Efanda’s brother Odda became the prince’s right hand and adviser, Viking priest and diviner? known in Rus' as Prophetic Oleg. Although it may be that even earlier he was close to the sovereign and betrothed his sister.

In 879, Rurik's stormy life came to an end. He started it as an unfortunate orphan and outcast - he ended it as the ruler of many cities and lands from the Gulf of Finland to the Murom forests. He commanded a handful of fighters on board a pirate ship - and died in the palace, surrounded by his household, hundreds of courtiers and servants. The son Igor remained the heir, but he was still a child, and his uncle Oleg took the place of regent.

Subsequent events testify to Rurik's qualities as a ruler. After his death, the power did not collapse, as often happened with ancient kingdoms. The subjects did not rebel and did not disobey. Three years later, Oleg led not only his squad, but also a large militia of Slovenes, Krivichi, Chud, Vesi, and Meryans to Kyiv. This means that Rurik and his successor managed to earn popularity among the people, their power was recognized as legal and fair.

By the way, Moscow already existed at that time. It has not yet been mentioned in any chronicle, and we do not even know what it was called. But she was. It was revealed by excavations on the territory of the Kremlin. Under the layer that belonged to the buildings of Yuri Dolgoruky, scientists discovered the remains of an older city. It was quite developed and well-maintained, with fortress walls, wooden pavements, and one of the squares was paved in a completely unusual way, with bull skulls. On the street of “proto-Moscow” archaeologists found two coins: Khorezmian 862 and Armenian 866. This is the era of Rurik.

Rurik created an ancient Russian state, the borders of which stretched from the exit from the Baltic to Rostov. The agrarian system also developed under his rule. The peasants plowed the land, grew rye, barley, oats and cabbage. Peas and turnips grew in the gardens. Also under Rurik, they began to build ovens and bake bread. There is information that the prince also visited the West - he met with kings Louis the German and Charles the Bald. He wanted to enlist their support for a big campaign against Kyiv and Byzantium. Rurik's last wife, Efanda, came from a Norwegian royal family. She bore him an heir, Igor. Delighted by the birth of his son, Rurik decided to celebrate this with new victories. He went on a hike with his squad and caught a cold. The mighty prince struggled with the disease for several months, but died. Rurik bequeathed to his relative Oleg the care of the young Igor and the campaign against Kyiv. The prince died in 879. The prince was buried with great honor, because he left a big mark on the history of Rus', founded a great dynasty of wise and brave princes.

The biography of this man is full of secrets. Some historians even argue that Rurik did not exist at all.

For seven hundred years, Russia was ruled by the Rurik dynasty. Prince Rurik gave the dynasty a name; he was the first prince. Of course, before Rurik there were also princes in Rus', but it was Rurik who created a unified state.

One of the founders of the Russian state was Prince of Novgorod Rurik of Varangian. Approximate date of birth is 817, lived 62 years. He ruled the state from 862 to 879.

The origin of the name Rurik goes back to Hroerikr, which translated from the ancient Icelandic language means “glorious in power.” Other historians are of the opinion that Rurik is a derivative of the ancient Slavic rarog (falcon).

The prince's affiliation is also the subject of controversy among researchers, some of whom consider him the ancestor of the Western Slavs, others attribute kinship with the Normans.

The estimated year of birth is 817, but it could also be 806-807. The future ruler was born into the family of a Rarog Slav, who belonged to the Danish Skjoldung family, Halfdan, and the daughter of an elder from Novgorod, Gostomysl, Umila.

Rurik's father was in exile even before the birth of his son. Having fled from Jutland, the Slav found shelter with Charlemagne, the wise emperor. In 826, Rurik was baptized, and the imperial heir Louis I the Pious became his godfather. It was he who generously gave his godson land in the Netherlands (Friesland region).

Rurik, having matured, began to take revenge for his father, who had been expelled from Jutland. He managed to completely conquer this country and most of Denmark. However, with the death of his godfather, the brave warrior lost his rights to the lands of Friesland. This moment in time becomes the beginning of numerous raids as part of his squad, together with the tribes of Normandy, on the countries of Europe. Possessing unsurpassed talent as a commander, Rurik acquires the title of uncrowned king of all Normans.

During the period of formation of Russian statehood, two tribal unions managed to achieve special significance. One of them headed Novgorod and bore the name Severny. The other was located near Kiev and was called Yuzhny. Slavic life was communal in nature, and the laws of popular self-government were in effect. There was no single ruler, governance by elders was weak and military conflicts often broke out. There was constant confrontation between the two alliances based on trade interests. All of these factors seriously undermined the power of the Slavic tribes, which made them vulnerable to external aggression. The enemies knew the weak points of Rus' and constantly took advantage of it. So, from 859 the Slavs began to pay tribute to the conquerors who “came from the Baltic Sea.” Having expelled the Varangians a couple of years later, the Slavs did not unite among themselves and continued to live in quarrels. Wars regularly broke out due to discord. Long thoughts led the Slavs to the idea of ​​​​renouncing control of the people and elders. The initiator of the changes was Gostomysl, who proposed appointing a single prince. The role of this sole ruler was assigned a very important one - he had to unite the tribes to protect the territories, administer justice to those who disagreed and maintain order. In order to avoid another scandal, the search for the prince was carried out among foreign tribes. The trip overseas to the former conquerors - the Varangians - was intended to ask for a single and powerful ruler to come to them.

So, in 862 The first Rulers appeared on the territory of the Ancient Fatherland - Truvor, Rurik and Sineus, who were blood brothers. The area in which they settled was called Rus'. It is from this period of time that it is customary to begin the countdown of the era of Russian Statehood. The brothers divided the territory. Sineus and his squad chose the area between the whole of Beloozero and Chud. Truvor led the Krivichi tribes who lived in Izborsk. And Rurik got the Ilmen Slavs. Historians do not have the exact location of Rurik’s settlement. Some researchers call the region of his rule Ladoga, others - Novgorod.

The Slavs quickly regretted the rule of the Varangians. Vadim “The Brave” gathered troops of his fellow tribesmen to fight the alien rulers. According to the historical version, 2 brothers of Rurik died in this confrontation. The prince managed to suppress the riot and execute the troublemaker Vadim. Rurik annexed the lands of his brothers to his territory, establishing autocracy throughout the entire area. Some Finnish tribes voluntarily joined the Slavs and adopted religion, language and traditions.

Rurik’s entourage was not unanimous; there were those dissatisfied with the prince’s rule. For example, Dir and Askold went to Constantinople and founded a territory with autocracy. The result was a territorial division - Rurik ruled the north, and Dir and Askold ruled the south.

Askold and Dir managed to gather a large army of warriors to attack Byzantium. At this time, the Greek emperor was not in his homeland, so the very fact of the attack had the effect of surprise. The Byzantines experienced real horror; they had never seen anything like this before. The conquerors did not spare either the elderly or children. The critical situation of Constantinople was saved only by a miracle: Patriarch Photius lowered the robe of the Mother of God into the water, a storm arose and scattered the Russian boats. The princes with the remnants of the squad returned to their homeland. Heavenly wrath frightened the Russian pagans and they decided to accept holy baptism. History knew up to that point cases when the Slavs accepted the Christian faith.

According to pagan customs, men were allowed to maintain several concubines and wives. Rurik was no exception; one of several wives, Efanda, gave birth to Prince Igor. In addition to this heir, Rurik had more children - a stepson Askold and his own daughter.

The chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” says that Rurik’s reign continued for another 15 years after the death of the brothers. After the death of the prince in 879, all the reins of government and his son Igor went to Rurik’s relative Oleg.

Rurik’s life has not reached our contemporaries in detail and color, but one thing is known for certain - he was a great ruler, the founder of the world-famous Rurik dynasty. The ancestors increased the glory of the family and raised the authority of sovereign Rus'. The memory of these individuals is immortal and is passed on from generation to generation.

Prince Rurik, biography, reign and politics

In this article you will find out who he was Prince Rurik in our history, you will be presented in detail and in detail biography of Prince Rurik, because history should not be forgotten, and especially the Grand Dukes. This section will be entirely dedicated to all the rulers of Russia, from the Kyiv princes to the tandem of Putin and Medvedev.


The Tale of Bygone Years notes that Rurik came to Russian soil together with the Varangians Truvor and Sineus, called by the Slavic tribes to the princely throne. Information about the time and place of his birth has not been preserved to this day, but the fact of his arrival on the territory of the Slavic tribes in 862 is recorded in several chronicles. Also, most ancient sources state the fact that Rurik is the grandson of the legendary Varangian prince Gostomysl.

Initially Rurik occupied Novgorod, while pushing out a certain Vadim the Brave, who was subsequently executed. From this moment on, most of the cities of northern Rus' came under the control of the princes who came with Rurik. Throughout the reign of this prince, there was a continuous process of unification of the tribes of the Northern Slavs under the rule of a single center - Novgorod. At the same time, in the south, the South Slavs began to gather under the rule of Kyiv. Thus, Northern and Southern Rus' were formed. But Rurik’s policy was such that these two centers of the Russian land did not quarrel with each other, but maintained stable ties. Let us note that this period was marked by a serious economic recovery, strengthening of the country’s position in the world, as well as the absence of serious conflicts, primarily in the north.

Any authentic descriptions of how Rurik ruled have also not survived to this day, so most of the information about him is highly distorted or very far from reality, which later gave rise to a certain confusion in the works of chroniclers and historians. For example, there are many options for explaining its origin. It is also unknown how many wives the prince had, but it is precisely established that he had a son, Igor, whose mother was most likely the Norwegian princess Efanda.

Rurik died in 879 in Korel, transferring power during Igor’s childhood to his relative Oleg, who ruled until his death.

Rurik laid the foundation for the formation of a hereditary monarchy in Rus'; his family ruled the Russian state for 736 years. It is interesting to note that many historians see a connection between Rurik and the name “Rus”. The arrival of Rurik among the East Slavic tribes was the beginning of the process of forming a single state, which Rus' later became. With his arrival, a system of government began to take shape, institutions of statehood were laid, which were further developed in the activities of Rurik’s descendants.


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It was this man who was destined to begin the construction of a new state, which over more than a thousand years of history has grown into the largest state in the world. Let's briefly get acquainted with who the first prince of young Rus' was?

History of the Eastern Slavs before Rurik

The ancient Russian chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years,” answering the question: “Where did the Russian land come from,” says that before the coming of the first Varangian prince Rurik, many disparate tribes lived on the territory of future Rus' - Krivichi, Slovenes and others. All these tribal unions had a common culture, language and religion. Each of them tried to unite the remaining tribes under its leadership, but the balance of power and constant wars did not reveal a winner. It was then that the tribal leaders decided that none of them would get power and it was decided that an invited prince would rule all the tribes. At that time, the most formidable warriors who were respected among the Slavic tribes, with whom they had close trade and cultural ties, were the Varangians - residents of Scandinavia. They easily served both the Byzantine emperors and joined mercenary squads in the west, and could also freely accept local beliefs, which forced the Slavic leader Gostomysl and his companions to go to Scandinavia and invite the Rus tribe and their king, Rurik, to rule.

Rice. 1. Prince Rurik.

Biography of the first Russian prince

We know very little about Rurik’s biography. The date and place of his birth are unknown, and the years of his reign are considered to be 862-879.

Rurik did not come to Rus' alone. He was accompanied by two brothers - Sineus and Truvor. Their squads landed in northeastern Rus' and came by invitation to Novgorod. There are often disputes about which city Rurik ruled. There is an opinion that this is Ladoga - the ancient capital of the northeastern Slavs. However, it was in Novgorod, having taken the reins of government, that Rurik went down in history as the first Russian prince.

Rice. 2. Calling of the Varangians.

He sent his brothers to reign in other strategically important cities. Sienus took power in Beloozero, and Truvor began to reign in Izborsk.

The prince's internal policy was aimed at strengthening the external borders of the state, as well as their expansion. During the period of his reign, Smolensk, Murom and Rostov became part of Rus'. Rurik made attempts to move south, but things did not go further than the robberies of local peoples. Rurik's squad advanced to the Kyiv lands. Rurik signs a peace treaty with the famous rulers of Kyiv Askold and Dir. And although Askold still tried to plunder the lands of Rurik, his squad was defeated.

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Rurik began the subjugation of the Finno-Ugric tribes. He was responsible for the preservation and protection of the Baltic-Volga river route, paving the way “From the Varangians to the Khazars”, establishing trade relations between Scandinavia and the Arabs who passed through his lands.

He died in 879 in the city of Ladoga, leaving behind a small son, the future Prince Igor.

Rice. 3. Prince Igor.

Igor was still a child when Rurik died. Before he grew up, the country was ruled by one of Rurik’s associates, Oleg. He annexed Kyiv to the young country, moved the capital there and was known for his campaigns against Byzantium. Igor Rurikovich began his reign already in the role of the Prince of Kyiv.

Rurik laid the foundation for the Russian monarchy. We learn about his closest descendants from the pedigree chart.

Table “Rurik’s closest descendants”


Who is Rurik related to?

Years of reign

Igor Rurikovich


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