Chapaev and emptiness epub download full version. “Chapaev and Emptiness” Victor Pelevin

“Chapaev and Emptiness” is one of the most iconic and symbolic works of V. Pelevin. The authors of the application tried to follow the spirit and mythology of the famous novel, using all available interactive elements: from original design to psychedelic tracks. By coincidence, the book’s action covers 2 time periods, and part of the story is completely devoted to the civil strife of Japanese clans.

The main characters are: the fictional character Vasily Chapaev and the poet Pyotr Pustota, who is undergoing treatment in a psychiatric clinic. In dialogues with his interlocutor, Peter touches on the topic of reality. Chapaev is trying to prove that there is neither a hospital nor a revolutionary Russia. As the story progresses, we dive deeper into philosophical themes and thoughts, trying to determine what reality is and what emptiness is. The dialogues, to which the author attaches great importance, deserve special mention.

The app is truly impressive. The developers tried to convey the “sound of absolute emptiness” of the novel through the design style, old photographs and documents. The slightly nervous and depressing melody fully matches the atmosphere of the book. Plus, sound effects and animation inserts in some places add psychologism. It feels as if you are watching a real performance. If desired, the sound can be turned off completely.

The most significant disadvantage here is the lack of support for mobile phones. You can still run this book on some smartphones, but for comfortable reading it is better to use a tablet.

Victor Pelevin's book “Chapaev and Emptiness” is written in an unusual style. Critics consider the novel to be the first Zen Buddhist work in Russian literature. The writer says that the events of this novel take place in emptiness. But if this is so, then gradually, as you read, this emptiness is filled with awareness, understanding of something deep, hidden. On the other hand, this is a great play on words, because most of the events described take place in the mind of the hero with the last name Void.

The novel takes place either in 1918 or in the 90s of the 20th century. The poet Peter Pustota knows Chapaev, and he is a kind of mentor for Peter. At the same time, Peter sees dreams in which he lives in the 90s. And then we have Peter, who lives in the 90s, is in a psychiatric hospital and sees hallucinations about himself from 1918. It is impossible to understand where reality is and whether it exists at all.

In addition to the main narrative line, there are also lines of secondary characters, who are also patients in a psychiatric clinic. They all lie in the same room and share with each other their hallucinations, which are harmoniously intertwined with the visions of Peter the Void. This is a kind of treatment method. And again, it is not clear which of this is real.

The novel makes you think about a lot. For example, about love and hallucinations. How often our lovers become our fantasy, we attribute traits to people that are not there, and then we ourselves go crazy because the real person is not like that at all. The book makes you think about reality in general and about the reality of your personality. What is each of us really like if we discard all fears, prejudices and rules? Is the us that others see us as real, or is that also an illusion? And these are just some of the questions that arise when reading this book.

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Chapaev and Emptiness Victor Pelevin

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Title: Chapaev and Emptiness

About the book “Chapaev and Emptiness” Viktor Pelevin

The philosophical phantasmagoria “Chapaev and Emptiness,” authored by Victor Pelevin, introduces the reader to the decadent writer Peter Emptiness, who is in a medical institution for the mentally ill. In the inflamed brain of the protagonist, the events of the late 90s and the post-revolutionary 1919 are closely intertwined. Two parallels at the turn of the era, the transition from one political system to another leave deep marks in Peter’s consciousness. The main thread in the novel is the relationship between the decadent poet and Vasily Chapaev, who leads the Emptiness to enlightenment. The many diverse images involved in the rapid cycle of events make you smile and think about the frailty of life, as well as find answers to the eternal questions of existence.

From the first line, the reader is immersed in a world created by the mind of a mental hospital patient, traveling through strange establishments and meeting equally strange characters. Events that are happening in parallel with other patients of the hospital are masterfully woven into the coherent outline of the main plot. Victor Pelevin succinctly and easily integrated the images of the characters into the phantasmagoric component of the space surrounding them - the space of absolute emptiness, as the author himself says. But this emptiness will not seem like a lifeless vacuum to the reader, but with each line it will surprise and draw you into dialogue with the characters, starting a philosophical debate with them, allowing you to finally find that very truth.

Literary critics highly praised the brainchild of Victor Pelevin, calling the novel postmodern and classifying the philosophical component as Russian Zen Buddhism. The book became a contender for the Small Booker Prize in 1997, and a laureate of the Wanderer-97 Prize. Chapaev and the Void was translated into English and became a finalist for the Dublin Literary Prize. In 2015, the novel was adapted into the film “Buddha’s Little Finger.”

Most fans of Victor Pelevin are inclined to believe in the undeniable genius of the novel “Chapaev and Emptiness,” although they note that it is worth starting to read the book with a special mood. Many readers shared their impressions of the novel, recalling how, in a dream, the brain feverishly tried to continue the story that ended in the book they had read, completing images and generating new events. Others regretted that they had not read the novel “Chapaev and Emptiness” earlier, then many of the answers to eternal questions would have been known to them.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Chapaev and Emptiness” by Victor Pelevin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Chapaev and Emptiness” Viktor Pelevin

As I grew older, I realized that the words “come to your senses” actually mean “come to others,” because it is these others who explain to you from birth what efforts you must make on yourself in order to take on a form that pleases them.

Serdyuk thought that Kawabata was right, and he really wanted to say something to the Japanese so that he would feel to what extent his feelings were understood and shared.

Don’t bother yourself with things that have nothing to do with the present,” Chapaev said. – You still have to be able to get into the future you’re talking about. Perhaps you will find yourself in a future where there will be no Furmanov. Or maybe you will find yourself in a future where you will not exist.

Chapaev began to explain to Anna that a person’s personality is like a set of dresses that are taken in turn from a closet, and the less real a person really is, the more dresses there are in this closet.

The world we live in is simply a collective visualization that we are taught to do from birth. As a matter of fact, this is the only thing that one generation passes on to another. When enough people see this steppe, grass and summer evening, we have the opportunity to see it all with them. But no matter what forms were prescribed to us by the past, in fact, each of us still sees in life only a reflection of our own spirit. And if you find impenetrable darkness around you, then this only means that your own inner space is like night.

And when he woke up, he could not understand whether the butterfly dreamed that it was doing revolutionary work, or whether the underground worker had a dream in which he fluttered among the flowers. So, when this Jie Zhuang was arrested in Mongolia for sabotage, he said during interrogation that he was actually a butterfly who was dreaming about all this. Since Baron Jungern himself interrogated him, and he is a man with great understanding, the next question was why this butterfly is for the communists. And he said that she was not at all for the communists. Then he was asked why, in this case, the butterfly was engaged in subversive activities. And he replied that everything that people do is so ugly that it makes no difference whose side you are on.
- And what happened to him?
- Nothing. They put him against the wall and woke him up.

It must look wild to an outside observer: such a person lies on his back, lies there for an hour, two, three, and suddenly jumps up, puts his feet in slippers and departs in an unknown direction only because his thought for an unclear reason (or maybe , and for no reason at all) rushed along some arbitrary route. But such people are the majority, and it is these lunatics who determine the fate of our world.

Don’t bother yourself with things that have nothing to do with the present,” Chapaev said. – You still have to be able to get into the future you’re talking about.

If even a farcical ventriloquist has to resort to such tricks to maintain interest in himself, then what awaits poetry? There will be no place left for it at all in the new world - or, more precisely, there will be a place, but the poems will become interesting only if it is known and documented that their author has two p...s or that he, at worst, is able to read their ass. Why, I thought, why does any social cataclysm in this world lead to this dark redneck rising to the top and forcing everyone else to live according to their vile and conspiratorial laws?

“Golden luck,” I answered, “is when a special flight of free thought makes it possible to see the beauty of life.” Am I making myself clear?

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Victor Pelevin is one of those rare, modern writers whom you can endlessly admire. His books are winners of many literary awards; the publication of his works gives rise to heated debates and interesting discussions. Anyone who has read this author at least once will continue to buy all his books. The writer in his works masterfully weaves a fantastic plot, a historical adventure background and various concepts of philosophical thought, for example Zen Buddhism. The novel “Chapaev and Emptiness” is rightfully considered one of the author’s best creations. This book is close to genius, and you will by no means remain indifferent to it.

At the center of the narration of the phantasmagoric story of Victor Pelevin, we see the decadent Peter the Void, who is in a psychiatric hospital. His brain, inflamed by the disease, draws images from the distant past, transporting the main character to the revolutionary times of 1918-1919. and in the dashing 90s. However, as you dive into this story, you will understand that not everything is so simple... Are you sure that your world is real? What if our entire reality is just emptiness that adapts to our souls? The author of the book “Chapaev and Emptiness” leaves these questions open so that each reader can figure out this dilemma for himself.

The main storyline of the novel “Chapaev and Emptiness” is the relationship between the main characters against the backdrop of the civil war in Russia. The main characters, as you may have guessed, are Vasily Chapaev, Pyotr Pustota and Anna. There are also minor characters in this story: Serdyuk, drawn into the war between the Taira and Minamoto clans, as well as a man who considers himself simply Maria from the Mexican television series of the same name. Her (his) betrothed is Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was not without reason that Victor Pelevin wove such strange relationships into his narrative. In fact, the “alchemical marriage” between these characters is a veiled metaphor meaning Russia’s political choice, its possible alliance with one of the contenders. The reality of Maria in a symbolic sense means the union of Russia with the West, while Serdyuk means an orientation to the East.

All the main characters in the narrative of the book “Chapaev and Emptiness” are treated in a mental hospital. And everyone understands in their own way what is happening to them. Peter believes that the world of revolutionary Russia is just a figment of his sick imagination, but Chapaev assures that both worlds are unreal, and everything that surrounds us is just an emptiness filled with our own fantasies...

On our literary website you can download the book “Chapaev and Emptiness” by Victor Pelevin for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.