From whom is Volodya's son from Alla Dukhovoy? Guest editor Alla Dukhova about sons and family heritage

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova is a professional choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Todes ballet, she was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. The woman is one of the brightest personalities in choreography; she managed to captivate audiences in Latvia, Russia and around the world.

She was never afraid to take risks, to use elements of Western European and American dance schools, even though this was not approved by the government. The woman developed her own method of teaching children to dance, which is now used in different countries and cities.

Love for dancing

Although the girl was born in Kos, a year later she and her family moved to Riga. Besides her, Alla’s parents also had a second daughter, Dina. Mother and father instilled in their children a love of art; they sent their daughters to music school. On the way to classes, the future dancer constantly stopped near the choreography class. She carefully observed the teacher’s movements and then repeated them at home.

One day, Alla’s mother asked her what she wanted to do in the future. The daughter said that she dreams of devoting her life to dancing. She was no longer interested in anything. Mom reacted with understanding, and soon she sent the girl to the folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”. At that time, the baby was only 11 years old, but in many ways she was superior to her older colleagues. The teachers who opened the wonderful world of choreography to Dukhova were Laizane, Dubovitsky and Shurkin.

The young dancer dreamed of not only learning from teachers, but also inventing routines on her own. In the tenth grade, she managed to get behind the scenes of the circus thanks to her acquaintance with the trainer’s daughter. The artists were amazed by Alla's abilities, they invited her to perform with them. The girl spent several months on tour, but due to an ankle injury she had to forget about the circus forever.

Dukhova has always been independent. She was used to making money from performing, so she didn’t want to be left without money. The dancer started working as a janitor, and later she got a job as a freight forwarder at a moped manufacturing plant. At the age of 16, the girl went to a pioneer camp, where she taught choreography to children. After returning, she was invited to work at the House of Culture. Thanks to this, she was able to quit the factory.

When financial issues faded into the background, Alla decided to assemble her first group. The Experiment team consisted only of girls. Among them were relatives, friends of Dukhova and even her sister Dina. They enjoyed working with the purposeful schoolgirl, and the ensemble repeatedly won festivals.

The birth of ballet

At one of the festivals in Palanga, the participants of the “Experiment” crossed paths with the men’s group “Todos” from St. Petersburg. The guys performed risky stunts on stage, they were delighted with the sharp, sharp movements of the girls. Within a few months, the groups united, taking the name “Todes”. Together they performed at the Oktyabrsky concert hall at the break festival.

The debut took place on March 8, 1987, this is the date that is considered to be the date of birth of the ballet. In the same year, Dukhova was elected artistic director of the group. At that time, Dina Dukhova, Lena Shlyk, Marina Litsova, Vyacheslav Ignatiev, Andrey Gavrilenko and Gennady Ilyin danced in the group. For three years, Alla combined organizational responsibilities with performances, but then she stopped appearing on stage.

The first tour of “Todes” in the North Caucasus was sold out. Fans advised the dancers to go conquer Moscow, and they decided to listen. At first, the capital received the ballet participants coolly; they had to live in a hostel and organize concerts on their own. But soon Dukhova met Alexander Birman, who helped her negotiate performances in Chelyabinsk. The team accompanied famous stars - Sofia Rotaru, Bravo and Igor Talkov. The audience greeted them with applause.

A huge success

Sofia Rotaru was delighted with Todes' performance. She invited the dancers to accompany her at all concerts, their collaboration lasted about five years. After this, the team celebrated its first anniversary with a grand concert with the participation of Philip Kirkorov, Tatyana Bulanova and Alexander Buinov. The stars shared their impressions with each other, recommended ballet, and soon Alla had no end to those who wanted to collaborate.

The composition of the team has been expanded several times throughout its existence; in 1997, their number increased to 150 people. The dancers managed to perform on the same stage with Kristina Orbakaite, Valery Leontyev, Larisa Dolina and Valery Meladze. They were invited to events such as the New Wave competition in Jurmala, the Nika and Golden Gramophone award ceremonies. Later they gained fame outside of Russia.

Alla considers Todes’ biggest victory to be their joint performance with Ricky Martin and Mariah Carey at the Music Awards. In addition, the band members accompanied Michael Jackson at concerts in Munich and Seoul. Many dancers subsequently began to collaborate on an ongoing basis with Russian and foreign stars. Some of them started performing solo. For example, singer Angina and Vlad Sokolovsky began their careers in the Dukhova ballet.

Other achievements

Alla Vladimirovna always strived for something more. Her team has become incredibly popular; the dancers still continue to tour around the world. And then the woman decided to create a place for those who dream of learning choreography. In 1997, she rented a room in Lefortovo, and it was there that the first students of the Todes school came. Later, two more educational institutions were opened in Riga and St. Petersburg. In just ten years, the network of schools has expanded throughout the CIS countries and even in Malta.

Dukhova personally selects teachers for branches of the educational institution. Everyone is accepted into the dance school, regardless of age, body type and level of training. The youngest students are barely 3 years old, so teachers must have psychological knowledge. In 2011, the main building of Todes was moved from Lefortovo to Paveletskaya embankment.

In 2002, with the help of Alla, a two-hour performance about the ballet Todes was created. Later she staged several more dance plays - “Dancing Love”, “Only for You”, “I Love You” and “The Most Dangerous”. Some productions were timed to coincide with the anniversaries of the group.

Since 2007, Alla has been releasing her own clothing line, developed together with her Todes colleagues. She says all the dancers are a big family, their relationships based on trust and teamwork. Perhaps it was thanks to the help and support of her wards that the woman was able to achieve such heights in her career.

In 2014, Dukhova opened the Todes Dance Theater. In 2015, she joined the jury of the show “Dance!” on Channel One. Her colleagues were choreographers Radu Poklitaru and Vyacheslav Kulaev, as well as TV presenter Dmitry Khrustalev.

Family and personal life

Alla Vladimirovna was married only once. Her chosen one was the talented programmer Sergei, who was later invited to work in the USA. Because of his move, the relationship began to deteriorate, and the couple eventually separated. From this marriage, the dancer has a son, Vladimir.

Due to her workload, the woman could not pay proper attention to her son. He lived in Riga with her sister, who had five children of her own. Dina was very supportive of Alla at that time, the dancer is still grateful to her for this. Despite rare meetings, she managed to maintain contact with her son.

The woman gave birth to her second boy, Konstantin, from her common-law husband, Anton. He manages the lighting for Todes performances. The lovers have been living together for many years; they do not consider a stamp in their passport necessary for family happiness. Dukhova appears alone at all events, so journalists do not know whether she now has a man.

Alla Dukhova is the founder of the world-famous dance ensemble “Todes”, a famous dancer and an excellent fashion designer. The girl was able to realize her passions into a huge project in which more than several thousand people took part.

Today, many fans of the team are interested in how Alla Dukhova’s personal life is shaping up, whether she has a husband and children, and what plans she is making. Everything you need can be found on a woman’s social networks, as she very often shares interesting posts.

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova was born in the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. In November 1966, in the remote village of Kosa, a future dancer, choreographer and simply talented woman was born. In 1967, the entire Dukhov family went to Riga for permanent residence. Here the girl first became acquainted with choreography and art and began her journey to the heights of popularity.

From early childhood I was interested in music, so I attended relevant lessons. Music training took place in a creative school, where there was a choreography class next door. After lessons, Alla went to watch the rehearsals of the girls from the choreography club. I came home and repeated what I saw in front of the mirror. Mom noticed Alla’s passion and happily helped her realize her dream.

The girl’s first experience was the local dance ensemble “Ivushka”. Laizane and Dubovitsky became teachers of the future star, who helped her throughout her life.

It is also impossible not to note the influence of teacher Shurkin, who took part in her development as a star. Her first steps in her dance profile were very successful. She attended various festivals, but wanted something more.

Ballet "Todes"

Dukhova dreamed not only of becoming a professional dancer, but also of staging numbers. At that time, she already possessed some skills that would help her in the future. Already at the age of sixteen, together with her dancer friends, she formed her own group “Experiment”. The style of this group's productions was the use of choreographic trends from Western and American schools. At that time, such dances were banned in the USSR, as they were considered vulgar and obscene. But the girls understood this and carefully corrected every movement.

Ballet "Todes"

Alla Dukhova attended performances by professional dancers and bought cassettes with recordings of Western artists. All this accumulated irreplaceable experience, which subsequently helped to build performances. The personal life and biography of Alla Dukhova, her husband and children have never interfered with building a career. She knew how to combine all her tours and performances.

One of the fateful events for Alla Dukhova and all members of the dance group took place in Palanga. At that time, the city was hosting an international dance festival, where the Brass group “Experiment” and “Todes” performed. As for the second dance group, it was entirely male.

The guys came from Leningrad and brokedanced. Alla liked their style, as she loved various risky performances. As a result, both teams merged into one and continued to work together.

This was an incredibly good decision, as choreography and extreme stunts became the basis of their productions. They decided to keep the name of the ballet – “Todes”.

In 1987, a meeting was held at which it was unanimously decided that Alla Dukhova would lead the team. The presented ballet became popular, so it was necessary to do organizational work. There was an opportunity to conduct various tours. After a trip to the North Caucasus, where each performance attracted an incredibly large number of spectators, the guys decided to visit Moscow. At first it was very difficult to compete in any way with professional teams.

Todes tours and performances have always been popular. From the very beginning of education, the audience was interested in the dance style, since it was unusual for many groups working in the Soviet Union. It can be said that it was an innovative movement that had been popular for 30 years. Alla Dukhova herself understood that combining good choreography, extreme stunts and breakdancing would help her achieve success with the guys.

Alexander Birman became the “key” who helped Alla Dukhova promote her ensemble in the capital. The man had previously worked at the Riga Philharmonic and knew the girl. Subsequently, on his recommendations, the Todes ensemble went on tour to Chelyabinsk and other cities of the Southern Urals. At that time, many famous performers, such as Rotaru and Talkov, toured this region. Therefore, the Todes ballet was given the opportunity to perform in between the singers' performances.

Sofia Rotaru could not help but notice the talented guys and invited them to her team. Thus, for 5 years, “Todes” worked together with Rotaru and toured throughout the country.

After the five-year anniversary, a solo concert of the dance ensemble was organized, which attracted an incredibly large number of spectators. Alla Dukhova began to receive offers from Leontyev, Orbakaite, Kirkorov about cooperation in this direction.

The dance group performed at almost all domestic festivals and took part in concerts of stars. The most important achievement that Alla Dukhova very often recalls is her performance at the international music competition in Monte Carlo.

Here the guys were lucky enough to work with Ricky Martin and Mariah Kerry. Subsequently there was a collaboration with the famous ballet of Michael Jackson. Looking at the video of Alla Dukhova’s band performing, you don’t understand when she managed to have a husband and children. This is a very purposeful woman who has succeeded in everything.

Dancing school

Like any dance group, there always comes a time when you need to evolve. Since 1992, the ranks of dancers of the Todes ensemble have been constantly growing. In 1997, the second lineup included almost 150 dancers who performed excellently. It was this year that Alla Dukhova opened her own school. Subsequently, new branches were opened in Riga and St. Petersburg. A young and ambitious girl moved forward towards her dream and did not stop at anything. Today there is already a network of schools operating not only throughout the Russian Federation, but also in the countries of the post-Soviet space and even in Malta. Many school graduates work in famous world ensembles.

Alla Dukhova at the MUZ-TV music award ceremony

Wikipedia has a lot of information about Alla Dukhova, her personal life, her husband and children, but most of the information is presented specifically about the dance ballet “Todes”. We can say that this was the goal of her life, which she easily achieved. It is very difficult to organize a large-scale dance school with branches in almost every city. In addition to everything, you also need to properly manage the association. Alla easily copes with her tasks and has achieved incredible success.

Today the main school is located on Paveletskaya Embankment. Over the 30 years of its existence, the dance group has been able to train a huge number of professional dancers and achieve incredible success.

With Ivan Urgant on the set of the “Smak” program

Even today, the popularity of creativity does not decline. Alla Dukhova also produces her own fashionable clothes. The popularity of the brand is due not only to Alla’s fame, but also to the quality of the products.

Personal life

Currently, Alla is married to her third husband, whose name is Anton. They met together at work, as he was involved in staging lighting for various performances of the Todes ensemble. There are a lot of joint photos of Alla Dukhova on the Internet, where her husband and children are also present, since she does not hide her personal life.

Alla has two children, whose names are Vladimir and Konstantin. Dukhova's permanent residence is in Riga; she loves this city very much and has no plans to move anywhere. The age, personal life, husband and children of Alla Dukhova are of most interest to fans. In her interviews, the woman tries to devote most of her time to stories about her creative team, and not to relationships with loved ones. Her work has received worldwide recognition and every day delights many spectators and dance lovers.

The ballet "Todes" has long gained popularity among audiences for its stunning dynamics, unique musicality and coherence of movements. And all this is the merit of not only the talented dancers, but also their permanent leader Alla Dukhova. Once a sixteen-year-old girl who ran away from her parents' house with a troupe of circus performers... Who would have thought what would come of this self-taught dancer? And here you go: at the concerts of the ballet “Todes”, which will take place on the stage of the Academic Theater. M. Gorky on June 9 and 10, expected to be sold out.

The life of Alla Dukhova, director of the Todes ballet, is equally divided between Riga, where she is from, where her home and children are, and Moscow, where her work is. “These two cities are equivalent for me,” says Alla. “But in each of them I lead a completely different life.”

This year, Alla bought an apartment in Kuntsevo in the Russian capital, but never got around to improving it. Therefore, she still lives in a rented apartment in Moscow. Or rather, he spends the night: in the morning, without having time to have breakfast, he runs away and returns at two or three in the morning.

Dukhova admits that if it weren’t for Riga, her whole life would be continuous work. But the thought that children are waiting for her helps her break out of the series of endless tasks. And in Riga, Alla allows herself to take a break: “Here I gain strength and spend all my time with my children and loved ones.”

In her hometown, Dukhova has a large house in the most expensive, elite area - in Mezheparks. There are only private properties, pine trees and peaceful silence. But in the house of the head of “Todes” the noise is serious - after all, six children live in it! “We don’t have a house, but a whole kindergarten,” Alla notes cheerfully. The fact is that not only Dukhova lives in Mezheparks with her two children, 8-year-old Vladimir and 7-month-old Kostya, but also her sister Dina and her husband Arkady and their 6-year-old Polina, 3-year-old Innokenty and 2-year-old twins Rodion and Benjamin. (Dina danced in the first cast of Todes, but when she got married and the question arose: family or career, she chose family. Now she heads the Riga branch of Todes. Arkady is engaged in the construction business.)

The sisters did not always live together. But one day a story happened that united two families under one roof. When Alla gave birth to her first son, a mouse appeared in her apartment. “I’m terribly afraid of mice and called my sister in a panic,” recalls Dukhova. “And Dina offered to live with her until this unfortunate mouse was caught in my apartment. And I moved, at first without my things. But somehow it turned out that "I began to live with them. Dina and Arkady themselves insisted on this, because I was constantly touring and I had no one to leave Vovka with." So, because of an anecdotal story with a mouse, two families began to live together, and then decided to build one house for everyone.

“At first we wanted to build two houses,” says Alla, “but Arkady thought it was pointless. Then we would run to visit each other all day long, and for our son Volodya we would have to make a room for both me and Dina - after all , when I'm in Moscow, he lives with her. We didn't particularly consult with anyone about what our house would be like. We came up with everything ourselves: Dina on her half, I on mine. In fact, we wouldn't mind building the house is even larger, but in Riga the size of construction is strictly regulated, so I had to fit into my hundred square meters,” Alla complains. However, the house turned out to be rather large: 2 floors with an attic, 1000 square meters, 15 spacious rooms, among which, in addition to personal ones, there are also common ones (two guest rooms, a children’s room, a playroom). In addition, the house has a swimming pool, solarium, sauna, and garage.

All members of this large family have their own cozy room. The only member of the family who remains without his own room is little Kostya, who sleeps in his mother’s bedroom, and his crib is next to hers. “I spent more time with my eldest son than with my youngest,” recalls Alla, “because there was less work then. Eight years ago everything was different: we worked with Valera Leontyev, “Todes” had one program that was staged specifically on him. There were not 16 studios of our ballet, and the main cast employed only 16 people, while now there are 60! True, I gave birth to Kostya in the summer, when the studio does not work in Moscow. So I spent three months calmly next to him. And then everything started spinning again: now I spend one week in Moscow, the other with the children in Riga. Moreover, in the Russian capital I endlessly think about whether everything is all right at home, and in Riga - how is it at Todes. Of course , it would be more convenient for me to transport the children to Moscow, but I understand perfectly well that they are better off in Riga: the air is cleaner here, the school is two steps away, and tennis courts are nearby. Then there are six children here, they are friends, they feel good together, and tearing Vovka and Kostya away from them would probably be wrong.”

Alla cannot be called a strict mother. And the children give her almost no reason to be dissatisfied. Vova is growing up very calm and thoughtful, he has been studying at a music school for a year now, and his teachers praise him. He also studies English, karate, and tennis, so five days a week he appears at home only at eight in the evening. “It’s hard for him,” Dukhova admits. “But I think that children need to be disciplined from kindergarten, then it will be easier for them later.” Alla Dukhova does not meet Kostya's father, Anton, as often as they would like: either he is on tour, or she (they met two years ago in Bulgaria. Anton is a former DJ, but now works in Todes as a production artist light). So it turns out that they spend six months together, and half the year separately. “Of course, I miss him,” says Alla, “I’m looking forward to seeing him. But because we rarely see each other, everything feels like the first time.” Anton recently said: “Well, you and I still have an affair, but my son is already six months old!” By the way, Alla and Anton are not officially married. But for her this is not important: “What is the use of the fact that I had an official husband and there was a stamp in my passport? This did not keep us from getting a divorce..." (Alla was officially married once. But her husband Sergei, with whom she gave birth to Volodya, left for America. Dukhova did not follow him.)

The birth of children greatly changed not only the external life of Alla Dukhova, in many ways she became a different person: “Before their birth, I was much tougher. But now I began to look at people differently: after all, every person is someone’s son or someone’s daughter, someone's father or someone's mother. I've probably become kinder, more attentive to people. And my life goals have changed: if before I lived only by work, now I know that I live for the sake of my children, and therefore I treat myself more carefully, "I think about every step I take. I really want my sons to be proud of me and not be ashamed to say that their mother is Alla Dukhova."

Alla’s house is one of the most open in Riga; guests gather in it almost every day. And not only local residents. When going on tour to Latvia, Philip Kirkorov, Kristina Orbakaite and many other stars always visit Alla. A funny story happened to Philip here. Alla's house is guarded by the giant schnauzer Yarma, who greets each guest with a menacing bark, which, however, is only a formality. But she missed Philip's arrival. And late in the evening, when Kirkorov was leaving the living room, he unexpectedly came across the calmly sleeping Yarma. “Me too, guard dog!” - said the singer. She, having opened one eye slightly and without even moving, barked lazily for order. Even a dog understands perfectly well that bad people will not enter her owner’s house.

Irina Danilova, especially for "B"

Alla Dukhova is a choreographer and founder of the famous dance ballet “Todes”. Today she is 51 years old and married. Alla's zodiac sign is Sagittarius. She is energetic, positive and always fair. Her main achievement in life is her family.

Brief biography of Alla Dukhova

Our heroine was born in the fall of 1966 in a small village called Kosa (Russia, Komi-Permyatsky district). A few years after the birth of their daughter, the parents decide to move to Riga for permanent residence. It was in this city that the girl spent her childhood and youth, and it was there that the creative line in her biography began. Alla Dukhova was interested in dancing from an early age. Already in kindergarten, she often lined up children and showed them dance moves. The teachers especially liked such moments, because they understood that this girl had a talent from God. Before their eyes, the dance career of Alla Dukhova began, whose biography many fans would be interested in in the future.

The further fate of Alla

During school years, parents also noticed that their child was interested in dancing. After lessons, she often lingered at the entrance to the choreography class and watched the dancing girls for a long time. When she arrived home, she could repeat exactly what she saw. Having learned about this, the parents decide to enroll Alla in the Riga Music School in order to develop an ear for music.

Then the daughter said that she dreams of connecting her life with dancing. And then another column appeared in the biography of Alla Dukhova: a member of the folk dance group “Ivushka”. The girl was taken there by her mother, who wanted in every possible way to help her daughter make her dream come true. Our heroine studied dancing from such famous teachers as Laizane, Shurkin and Dubovitsky. These people became Alla’s first dance teachers, as well as close people who helped her in the future.

First dance group

The girl’s dreams included not just dancing, but also staging entire choreographic numbers, where she could act in the leading role, or simply lead. In her senior year at school, Alla, active and with excellent organizational skills, decided to create a team of people like her. It was difficult for her to find a common language with boys, so she was surrounded only by women. Thus, the first dance group was created under the leadership of Dukhova, which she called “Experiment”. At that time, Alla Dukhova, whose biography is presented in this article, put her personal life in last place. Because I dreamed of a successful career as a dancer.

She came up with this name for a reason. After all, Alla’s plans were to combine her choreographic numbers and dance performances of European and American schools. This style of dancing was secretly prohibited at that time, because it contained many explicit elements. The girl borrowed videocassettes of American films from friends, from where she took ideas, carefully looked at the street dancers, and remembered something for herself. This is how the first works of the future choreographer Alla Dukhova were created little by little.

Fateful meeting

One day, at a dance competition in Palanga, where our heroine’s team took part, an important meeting took place that changed the future fate of the girls. It was then that they crossed paths with a dance group of guys who performed cool breakdancing. The guys called themselves “Todes”. Alla immediately appreciated their abilities and zeal for victory. Then the thought of reuniting these two talented teams came to her. The guys also appreciated the girls’ work; they liked the idea of ​​​​creating a joint ballet. They took a boyish name - “Todes”.

From that moment on, Alla’s work became individual and different from many other ballets. It combined stylish breaking and feminine choreography. From that moment, serious changes began to occur in the life of Alla Vladimirovna Dukhovaya. In the choreographer’s biography, these events can be noted as the beginning of a new creative stage.

Beginning in 1987, our heroine was chosen as the official director of the newly created ballet. Every day it became more and more difficult to create performances; organizing productions was also not an easy task. The young guys and girls did not plan to stop surprising the viewer, so they gave it their all. We slept 5 hours a day and intensively rehearsed numbers before each performance.

First performances on the big stage

The debut performances, which took place in the North Caucasus, were a huge success, and for a long time they did not want to let the guys leave the stage. Then the ballet was advised to give concerts in Moscow, which they were initially skeptical about. However, after consulting, they decide to try to conquer the capital. Alla Dukhova, whose biography by that time had already begun to interest fans of the group, continued to relegate children and personal life to the background. She devoted herself entirely to work.

While in Moscow, the dancers lived in a cramped dormitory and looked for suitable places for performances and rehearsals. On their way, many difficulties arose, including organizational issues. But fate was favorable to these guys, and one day they met Alexander Birman, who at that time was an employee of the Philharmonic in Riga.

Thanks to Alexander, “Todes” went to Chelyabinsk, where at that time famous performers were touring: Igor Talkov, Sofia Rotaru and several musical groups. The ballet was staged to perform during breaks between celebrity performances. They received a sea of ​​applause and after that gained their first popularity among the audience.

The first serious proposals for cooperation

Immediately after the concert, “Todes” received a tempting offer from Sofia Rotaru to perform with her. The guys agreed, they accompanied the singer for five years at each of her concerts. Then the team decided to go free swimming. They had already gained sufficient popularity and were confident in their abilities. All members of the team considered that period to be a turning point in their lives. But work with Rotaru remained only one of the columns of their creative biography. From that moment on, photos of Alla Dukhova with ballet were often found on the covers of famous publications, which gave the participants strength and pushed them even more to work.

Anniversary concert of the group

“Todes” celebrated its fifth anniversary with its first solo concert. Igor Popov helped the young ballet with organization and financing. After that, the guys received a sea of ​​cooperation offers from such famous Russian stars as Kristina Orbakaite, Valery Leontyev and Leonid Agutin. “Todes” could already afford to choose, but being wise people, they understood that they needed to take on any job. So, they had performances with Kirkorov, Dolina, Meladze and Bulanova.

“Todes” also became the star of many music festivals, where he was received with thunderous applause and shouts of “Bravo.” They performed at “New Wave” and “Slavic Bazaar”.

The ballet considers the first and most memorable foreign concert in its career to be dance performances on the same stage with the legendary Michael Jackson in Munich and Seoul. They also performed with Ricky Martin and Mariah Carey in Monte Carlo.

Dance school

Since 1992, dance ballet has been noticeably gaining momentum in the development of its career and is appearing more and more often in people's sight and ears. 5 years later, the choreographic group has about 150 participants and is loudly celebrating its tenth anniversary.

Over the years, more than one generation of dance talents has been lucky to work at Todes. The history of the development of ballet is very closely connected with the biography of Alla Dukhova.

The girl’s photos and personal life have always interested her fans. However, she was only busy with work.

Also in 1997, Dukhova rented a huge hall in Lefortovo for the first time. It was there that Alla’s first dance school, “Todes,” was organized. Over time, the ballet director began to open choreography schools in other cities: St. Petersburg and Riga were the first of them. After 10 years, there were Todes schools in every major city and small town in Russia and many CIS countries. Alla wanted to give this opportunity to everyone who wants to dance professionally.

Today, people who studied at the Dukhovaya school perform with world stars and are extremely popular. Ballet “Todes” has passed through its “hands” for more than one generation and remains the best of the best. One thing has remained unchanged - they still fill huge halls today and delight their fans around the world.

Personal life and children in the biography of Alla Dukhova. Photo

Many interesting events took place in Alla’s personal life, which she talks about publicly with little willingness. Today she is married. This is her third marriage. The previous two, according to the dancer, did not stand the test of work and distance, since Alla was constantly on tour.

The current husband Anton is sympathetic to his wife’s profession. In addition, they are rarely separated. After all, my husband works in Alla’s team as a lighting director. Fans are always interested in the details of Alla Dukhova’s personal life and biography. Children and spouse treat this with understanding.

The eldest son (Vladimir) is married and lives in the USA. The youngest (Konstantin) enjoys dancing and performs in the Todes group.

Alla Dukhova today

The choreographer rarely becomes the heroine of gossip and rumors; she devotes a lot of time to work and has no time to weave intrigues. In addition to her main activity, she is trying herself in the fashion world - she launched a fashion line. She built a large house in her native Riga.

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova. Born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug (Perm Region). Soviet and Russian choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Todes ballet (TODES).

Alla Dukhova was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, Perm Region.

Father - Vladimir Dukhov, had two educations - a physical education teacher and a gas-electric welder, worked in the second specialty at a moped factory.

Mother - Galina Dukhova, an economist, worked as a mathematics teacher, then was a housewife.

Sister - Dina, head of the Riga department of the ballet "Todes".

A year after her birth, the family moved from the Komi-Permyak district, where her parents taught, to Riga. Alla spent her childhood and teenage years there.

From an early age, Alla studied music. And after lessons, she often loved to go to the neighboring choreography class and watch the movements of master of dance Alexei Kolychev. Then, when she came home, she repeated what she saw in front of the mirror. Alla was drawn to dancing, although she was considered phlegmatic. However, as she herself noted, from birth she was simply stress-resistant - which later helped her many times in life and in her profession.

Realizing that her daughter was obsessed with dancing, her mother, at the age of 11, took her to the folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”, in which she studied, learning the basics of choreography. Her teachers were Valentina Andrianovna Laizane, Yuri Vasilyevich Shurkin, who came to the team from the State Folk Dance Ensemble of Belarus, where he had previously worked as a choreographer, worked in the team, and at that time Eduard Dubovitsky from the Riga Choreographic School taught in the team.

After school I planned to become a circus performer. Once a circus came to Riga for a long tour, and Taya Kornilova, the daughter of hereditary trainers, began to study with her in her senior year. They became friends. Seeing Alla at the concert, she suggested: “Let’s go to our Elephants and Dancers attraction.” Dukhova came to the circus, they tested her and agreed to accept her.

Immediately after graduating from school, Dukhova went on tour with the circus to Chisinau, where for two months she was introduced to the program: she learned to easily climb on an elephant and perform tricks on its back. Then there was a tour in Minsk, where at one of the performances Alla broke her leg - at the ankle. The fracture was very difficult, it took her almost a year to recover.

Then I got a part-time job at a pioneer camp, teaching dance classes. There the director of the House of Culture in Jurmala drew attention to her and invited her to work. She quickly put together a group of girlfriends. Moreover, Alla Dukhova’s childhood dream was not only to dance on stage, but also to stage numbers and choreographic performances herself.

At the age of 16, she assembled her first team, “Experiment,” which consisted exclusively of girls. “The Experiment” quickly gained popularity due to the fact that the productions were based on modern choreography of the American and Western European schools, which at that time (early eighties) was under an unspoken ban.

Alla recalled: “When we started, our country had classical ballet and folk dance. We heard about modern choreography, but there was no opportunity to learn. When some Western tapes and literature came to us, we greedily grabbed all the information. We included clips their artists and learned to dance according to them. Now this may seem funny, but then breakdancing was considered propaganda. People were taken to the police for this. It never occurred to anyone that this was a sport, complex tricks, beauty, dexterity and fortitude. None There was no other reason."

As a united team of 14 people, they made a 40-minute solo program. They were taken with her to the North Ossetian Philharmonic. The team traveled all over the Caucasus, but then due to a conflict with the director they were fired. They went to Moscow. The first time was very difficult. We lived in two one-room apartments with 12 people in each. Dukhova recalled: “They slept on mattresses, and when they left, they rolled them up and put them in a pile. They maintained perfect cleanliness, assigned duties: who was responsible for the toilet, who was responsible for the stove, who was responsible for the dust. In the evenings, they cooked something simple and everyone sat down to eat together.”

But gradually her creative life began to improve - her friend’s father, Alexander Aronovich Berman (administrator of the Riga Philharmonic), sent them on a big tour. The team came to the attention of Sofia Rotaru, who invited her to work with her.

At one of the festivals in Palanga, fate brought the girls from “Experiment” together with St. Petersburg dancers, who gave their group the sonorous name “Todes”. Then they decided to unite into one team, and thus the ballet was born "TODES".

Alla Dukhova and the ballet "Todes"

Graduated from the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

In 2001, she took part in the game “One Hundred to One”, was in the “Dancing” team (Sergey Voronkov, Denis Bugakov, Yulia Filippova (Malaya) and Anna Syadristaya).

The Todes team began with 14 people, and now the troupe has 150 professional dancers who are in demand not only in Russia, but abroad. Todes has the largest network of dance schools in the world - in 111 branches in different countries there are 20 thousand students of all ages.

“Discipline and a responsible attitude towards one’s work are important. Our team is a large and friendly family. The most loving and devoted ones who fanatically love their work remain for a long time,” said Dukhova.

Alla Dukhova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Alla Dukhova:

She was married three times.

From his first marriages he has a son, Vladimir Dukhov.

The third husband, Anton, works at Todes as a technical director. In 2002, their son Konstantin Dukhov was born.

Vladimir Dukhov graduated from the Faculty of Directing in the USA, at the New York Film Academy, received a bachelor's degree, studied for a master's degree in his homeland, theater director, writes music. He gave Alla a granddaughter, Sofia (born 2014).

Konstantin Dukhov dances at Todes and plays sports.

As Alla Dukhova noted, her personal life did not work out because of her work: “I didn’t have enough strength for my husband, although I honestly tried. Family life involves, first of all, attention, it’s not without reason that they say that family is hard work. In this regard, family - a victim, although I don’t think so. I’m for a complete family, you can’t accuse me of feminism.”

Alla Dukhova lives with her family in Latvia. She built a large house in her native Riga.