Okladnikova Elena Alekseevna electronic books, biography. Okladnikova Elena Alekseevna e-books, biography of a participant in the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Specialist in the field of sociology of culture, sociology of spiritual life, rock art, social technologies, social anthropology, ethnosociology.

Doctor of Historical Sciences (1995), senior researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1996), professor (2005).

Graduated from the Faculty of Theory and History of Art of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin in 1969 (Leningrad), postgraduate study at the Leningrad branch of the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (LOIA AS USSR) in 1977. She defended her Ph.D. thesis in 1974 at the Leningrad Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and her doctoral thesis in 1995 at the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay RAS (Moscow).

From 1977 to 2008 worked at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS. In 1996 E.A. Okladnikova was awarded the title of senior researcher. In 2000 was transferred to the position of chief researcher. In 1992 she was appointed to the position of Scientific Secretary of the MAE RAS, in 1993-1997. - deputy position director for scientific work, in 2001 appointed to the position of deputy MAE Director for Development.

Since 1999 works as a professor at St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen.

Research work: Since 1970, she took part in and led archaeological expeditions in Siberia and Altai to study rock art monuments. In 2005 took part in scientific research in Venezuela (Grand Sabana state). In 2008 participated in an expedition to Altai, Transbaikalia, Western Siberia to study the cultural heritage of the peoples of Siberia and A.P.’s contribution to its study. Okladnikova.

From 2004 to the present, E.A. Okladnikova has been working at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Humanities of the St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics (St. Petersburg) as a professor, where she is actively involved in teaching activities. She teaches courses in “Sociology of Communication,” “Sociology of Public Opinion,” “Sociology of Culture,” “Ethnosociology,” “Sociology of Spiritual Life,” and “Demography.”

Under the leadership of E.A. Okladnikova from 2008-2010. the annual international scientific conference “Homo Eurasicus” is held in the depths and spaces of history.”

Work on projects under grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences and self-supporting research: 1) “Systematic research on the relationship between the ancient cultures of Siberia and America”, supported by the Russian Humanitarian Fund. As a result of work on the project, four volumes of “Systematic studies of the relationship between the ancient cultures of America and Siberia” were published (St. Petersburg, 1994-1997); 2) “Kunstkamera: yesterday, today, tomorrow” is supported by the Russian Humanitarian Fund. As a result, two volumes of a collective monograph were published: “Kunstkamera: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” (St. Petersburg, 1997); 3). “Cadastre of ethnographic collections of the MAE Department of America”, supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (St. Petersburg 1998-1999); 4) E.A. Okladnikova carried out work on the project “Traditional Culture of the North Pacific Ocean”, supported by the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, 2001; 5) Since 2003, he has been working on the topic “Models of culture of the Indians of North America” under the RFBR project. (project No. Project 03-06-8045); 6) in 2005-2008, she took part in research work commissioned by the Vologda Scientific Coordination Center of the Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic “Monitoring the economic situation and social well-being of the population of the Leningrad region”; 7) participation in self-supporting research work on the topic “Social technologies in the management system of corporate investment projects.” Customer – Technopark in Dubna.

Works by E.A. Okladnikova’s works were tested during foreign and Russian symposiums and conferences on the problems of ethnology, history, and cultural studies in Russia and North America.

Scientific and organizational activities: From 1993-1995. worked as a deputy MAE director for scientific work; from 1996 to 1998 - Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the St. Petersburg Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts. Since 1999 and about. Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Art of the Academy of Culture of St. Petersburg. In 2001, she was appointed to the position of deputy. MAE Director for Development. From 2002 to 2009 she worked as a chief researcher in the Americas Department of the MAE RAS.

Teaching activity: Since 1986, he has been teaching (24 years of teaching experience), giving lecture courses on Siberian-American topics, the course “Ethnography of the Native Population of America” at St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State University for Advanced Pedagogical Excellence of St. Petersburg, Polyarnaya Academy of St. Petersburg, the Academy of Culture of St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts, St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen., St. Petersburg BMIT, St. Petersburg GISSE and St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics.

In 2001-2004. work with graduate students of the Department of History and Theory of Culture of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen on the issues of “Gender Studies of Costume”, “Historiography of the Scythian Epic”, with an applicant from the Department of Artistic Culture on the topic “The Phenomenon of Aggression in the Artistic Culture of the Indigenous Population of Mesoamerica”. Under the guidance of Professor E.A. Okladnikova on the basis of the Department of Theory and History of Culture of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, three graduate students completed dissertation research for the academic degree of candidate of cultural studies: Goncharova N.A. - 24.00.01 - theory and history of culture; The defense took place at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen in 2004; Mamonova V.A. - 24.00.01 - theory and history of culture; The defense took place at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen in 2006; Shchebrova S.Ya. -24.00.01- theory and history of culture; The defense took place at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen in 2010; on the basis of the Department of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics: Karatkevich V.G. – 22.00.08 - sociology of management; defense took place at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics in 2008; Antonov E.N. -22.00.08- sociology of management; The defense took place at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics in 2009.

Scientific publications:


1. Okladnikova E.A. Mysterious faces of Asia and America. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1977.165 P.

2. Okladnikova E.A. Petroglyphs of the middle Katun. Novosibirsk, 1984.110 S.

3. Okladnikova E.A. Along the Koguldei path. L., 1990. 190 C.

4. Okladnikova E.A. Model of the Universe in the system of images of rock art of the Pacific coast of North America (The problem of ethnocultural contacts between the indigenous population of North America and the aborigines of Siberia). St. Petersburg, 1995. 333 S.

5. Okladnikova E.A. Drug addiction as a social phenomenon: myth or reality. //Call monograph. Cherepovets: INZHEKON-Cherepovets, 2010. 240 p. (co-authored with K.M. Oganyan, Yu.V. Verminenko and others).

6. Okladnikova E.A. Management of the development of the social sphere of the region: sociological analysis // Coll. monograph. St. Petersburg: Publishing house KOPI-PRINT, Ryazan, 2009, 540 p. (co-authored with K.M. Oganyan, S.V. Boyko and others).


1. Okladnikova E.A. America, Australia, Oceania, Asia, Africa. Educational manual. SPb., 2003.- 413С.

2. Okladnikova E.A. Ethnosociology (theory of ethnic values)//Uch. Benefit. St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2006. - 170 p.

3. Okladnikova E.A. Sociology of culture. St. Petersburg: Business press, 2008. 310С.

Okladnikova Elena Alekseevna has awards:


Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Leading Researcher

WITH list of works
1. Okladnikova E.A. Mysterious faces of Asia and America. Novosibirsk, 1977. 165 p.
2. Okladnikova E.A. Petroglyphs of the middle Katun. Novosibirsk, 1984. 110 p.
3. Okladnikova E.A. Along the Koguldei path. L., 1990. 190 p.
4. Okladnikova E.A. Model of the Universe in the system of images of rock art of the Pacific coast of North America (The problem of ethnocultural contacts between the indigenous population of North America and the aborigines of Siberia). St. Petersburg, 1995. 333 p.
5. Okladnikova E.A. Kunstkamera. St. Petersburg 1997. 120 p.
6. Okladnikova E.A., Okladnikov A.P. and others. Ancient drawings of Kyzyl-Kel. Novosibirsk, 1983. 147 p.
7. Okladnikova E.A., Okladnikov A.P. and others. Petroglyphs of the river. Elangasha. Novosibirsk. 1979. 137 p.
8. Okladnikova E.A., Okladnikova A.P. and others. Petroglyphs of the Altai Mountains, Novosibirsk, 1980. 140 p.
9. Okladnikova E.A., Okladnikov A.P. and others. Petroglyphs of Chankyr-Kel. Novosibirsk, 1981. 146 p.
10. Okladnikova E.A., Okladnikov A.P. and others. Rock paintings of the Sary-Satak tract. Novosibirsk, 1982. 149 p.
11. Okladnikova E.A., Okladnikova A.P. Human settlement of the earth. M. 1984. 110 s.

10. Okladnikova E.A. Petroglyphs of Kuyus (Katun River valley, Altai) // Archeology of Northern and Central Asia. Novosibirsk, 1975. P.122-129.

11. Okladnikova E.A. New discoveries of rock art in the Altai Mountains. // Archaeological discoveries of 1975. M., 1976. P. 268-269.
12. Okladnikova E.A. Petroglyphs of Kalbak-Tash // News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser. social sciences. 1981. No. II, Issue. 3. P.61-64.
13. Okladnikova E.A. Stones of Elangash. // For science in Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1981.
14. Okladnikova E.A. Writings of the Pacific coast of North America and Siberia // Traditional cultures of Siberia and North America. M., 1981. P.32-97.
15. Okladnikova E.A. Collection of I. G. Voznesensky and the problem of cultural relations between Asia and America // SMAE. 1981, No. 37., pp.54-66.
16. Okladnikova E.A. Petroglyphs of Zhalgys-Tepe. // Field research of the Institute of Ethnography. M., 1982. P.183-190.
17. Okladnikova E.A. New discoveries of petroglyphs on the river. Karban // Research on the Neolithic and Mesolithic of the USSR. 1983. pp. 160-175.
18. Okladnikova E.A. Ritual sculptures of animals from Altai-Kizhi cheese // Primitive art. Plastic arts and drawings of ancient cultures. Novosibirsk, 1983. P.160-175.
20. Okladnikova E.A. Cult of birds of prey // Late Pleistocene and early Holocene cultural connections of Asia and America. Novosibirsk, 1983. P.82-83.
21. Okladnikova E.A. A quarter of a century of studying the rock art of Siberia and Central Asia at the Institute of the History of Philosophy and Philology of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. // Humanitarian research in Siberia: Results and prospects. Novosibirsk 1984. pp. 139-146.
22. Okladnikova E.A. Rock paintings of the river valley Elangash // Archaeological discoveries 1983. M., 1985. P.234-236.
23. Okladnikova E.A. Petroglyphs of Kara-Oyuk // Ural (Altaistics. Novosibirsk, 1985. P.85-86.
24. Okladnikova E.A. Ritual fences of the Altai Mountains (Chuya steppe) and petroglyphs of Elangash. // Ethnography of the peoples of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1985. P.260-300.
25. Okladnikova E.A. Rock paintings in the river valley Elangash. // Archaeological discoveries. 1983. M., 1985. S. 234-235.
26. Okladnikova E.A. California collection I.G. Voznesensky // SMAE. 1985 T.50. P.111-166.
27. Okladnikova E.A. Ethnogenesis of California Indians // Historical destinies of American Indians // Problems of Indian studies. M. 1985.P.31-42.
28. Okladnikova E.A. On the issue of ancient excavations in the river valley. Elangash // Traditional cultures of the peoples of Central Asia. Novosibirsk, 1986. P.74-97.

29. Okladnikova E.A. The image of man in the rock art of Central Altai // Plastics in stone. Anthropomorphic images. Novosibirsk, 1987. pp. 170-180.
30. Okladnikova E.A. Chariots of the Altai Mountains and Kazakhstan (based on petroglyphs) // Summary of reports of the Central Asian (Caucasian Readings. MAE. April. L., 1987. pp. 44-48.
31. Okladnikova E.A. Chronology of rock art of Mount Kalbak (Tash (Altai Mountains) // New monuments of the Metal Age on the Middle Amur. Novosibirsk, 1987. pp. 98-110.

32. Okladnikova E.A. Graffiti of Kara-Oyuk // SMAE. L. 1988., T. XIII., pp. 140-158.
33. Okladnikova E.A. The relationship between the feminine and masculine in the mythology of the Indians of California // Stereotypes of the feminine and masculine. L.1988. P.164-182.
34. Okladnikova E.A. Dragging of the Plains Indians in the ethnogenetic and ethnoecological aspects // Ecology of American Indians and Eskimos. Problems of Indian Studies. M. 1988. S. 101 -111.

34. Okladnikova E.A. The road of life and death of the Zuni Indians // Man and Elements. 1990, no. 1. P.232-235.

35. Okladnikova E.A. Symbols of masculine and feminine principles in the cosmogonic ideas of the Indians of Northern and Central California // Ethnic stereotypes of male and female behavior. St. Petersburg 1991. pp. 170-183.

36. Okladnikova E.A. Collection of V.M. Golovnin in the collection of the MAE // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks. St. Petersburg, 1992. No. 1.
37. Okladnikova E.A. Travel to Anchorage: In the footsteps of forgotten traditions // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks. St. Petersburg, 1992. No. 1.

38. Okladnikova E.A. Semantics of mother-of-pearl pendants and California Indian jewelry // The discovery of America continues. St. Petersburg, 1993, issue 1. P.54-74.
39. Okladnikova E.A. The main directions of the traditional humanitarian culture of the peoples of Siberia and North America // Ethnic history of the peoples of Russia (X-XX centuries). St. Petersburg, 1993.
40. Okladnikova E.A. Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the fate of the American ethnographic collection of Captain V.M. Golovnin in the Kunstkamera // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks. St. Petersburg, 1993, issue. 2-3.
41. Okladnikova E.A. Ritual and mythological characteristics of the “boas” of their feathers among the Indians of California // Ethnosemiotics of ritual objects. St. Petersburg, 1993. pp. 161-175.

42. Okladnikova E.A. Ethnographic observations of Russian sailors, travelers, diplomats and scientists in California in the early and middle of the 19th century: Review of sources // Russian America according to personal impressions of missionaries, explorers, sailors, explorers and other eyewitnesses. M., 1994. S. 225(345.
43. Okladnikova E.A. North American collection of Captain Yu.F. Lisyansky at the MAE // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera, St. Petersburg, 1994, issue 1.
44. Okladnikova E.A. Models of the Universe among the Indians of California // The discovery of America continues. issue 2. St. Petersburg, 1994 P.3-65.
45. Okladnikova E.A., Polevoy B.P. Peculiarities of relations between Russians and aborigines in Russian America: From the discovery of America from Asia to the sale of Alaska // The discovery of America continues. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 1994.S. 65-88.
46. ​​Okladnikova E.A. Shamanic costume of the peoples of Southern Siberia and North American Indians: the purpose of fringe and pendants // Discovery of America continues., St. Petersburg, 1994. pp. 115-143.
47. Okladnikova E.A., Lyapunova R.G. Letters from E. Veniaminov to K.T. Khlebnikov // Russian America according to personal impressions of missionaries, explorers, sailors, explorers and other eyewitnesses. M. 1994. p. 151-191.

48. Okladnikova E.A. The image of a coyote in the art of California Indians // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks. St. Petersburg, 1995, issue 5-6.
45. Okladnikova E.A. The Kunstkamera and its early North American collections. // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera 1995 N 1. P. 29-61.
49. Okladnikova E.A. A new approach to the interpretation of ethnography as a science about man: About temporary exhibitions of the MAE // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera 1995 N 1. P. 92-99.
47. Okladnikova E.A. Results and prospects of the museum work of the MAE (1993-1994) // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera 1995 N 2. P. 26-37.
50. Okladnikova E.A. “Vanuatu in the mirror of art” and the problem of ethnocultural contacts in the Pacific Ocean // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera 1995. No. 2. P. 124-164.
51. Okladnikova E.A., Reshetov A.M. To the 75th anniversary of K.V. Chistova // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera 1995 No. 2. P.368-374.
52. Okladnikova E.A. Systematic studies of the relationship between ancient cultures of Siberia and North America. Introduction // Systematic studies of the relationship between ancient cultures of Siberia and North America. St. Petersburg 1995, pp. 6-50.
53. Okladnikova E.A. Reflection of ideas about the universe in the rock art of the aborigines of Siberia and the indigenous population of North America // Systematic studies of the relationship of ancient cultures of Siberia and North America. St. Petersburg 1995. P.66-159.
54. Okladnikova E.A. Headdress of the aborigines of Siberia (Siberian-American parallels) // “My chosen one is science, science without which I cannot live...” Barnaul., 1995. pp. 171-179.
55. Okladnikova E.A. L.P. Potapov. // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks, 1995. issue 8-9. pp. 406-411.

56. Okladnikova E.A. Museum marketing: Some problems of the development of museum life of the MAE in the light of the main results // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera. St. Petersburg 1996. pp. 3-24.
57. Okladnikova E.A. “Shaman and the Universe” - the origins of shamanistic ideas (based on materials from the art of Siberia) // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera. St. Petersburg 1996. pp. 90-115.
58. Okladnikova E.A. Popov V.A. Viktor Vladimirovich Matveev // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera. St. Petersburg 1996. pp.280-285.
59. Okladnikova E.A., Lopatina T.F. Experience in combating biological damage in the MAE // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera. St. Petersburg 1996. pp. 162-165.
60. Okladnikova E.A. Curvilinear ornamentation in the decorative art of the peoples of the Pacific Ocean based on materials from the collection of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay // Outstanding traveler and humanist (materials for the international conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay). St. Petersburg, 1996 P.29-30.
61. Okladnikova E.A. Preface // Methodological manual for guides. St. Petersburg, 1996 P.3-7.
62. Okladnikova E.A. Reflection of the genesis of the mythological image of a bull in rock art monuments of the south of Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia // Animals and plants in mythological and ritual systems.. Materials of a scientific conference. October 1996. St. Petersburg. 1996.. P. 89-90.
63. Okladnikova E.A. Myth as a symbol of power (based on the Indians of North America) // Symbols and attributes of power. St. Petersburg, 1996. pp. 46-63.
64. Okladnikova E.A. Symbols of power in the traditional culture of the Indians of the Pacific coast of North America. St. Petersburg 1996. pp. 250-285.
65. Okladnikova E.A. Rock art of the Siberian aborigines and the problem of the origin of the idea of ​​the connection between the shaman and the universe // Systematic studies of the relationship of ancient cultures of Siberia and North America. issue 3. St. Petersburg, 1996. P.91-110.
66. Okladnikova E.A. Ideas about the universe in the rock art of the indigenous population of the Subarctic // Systematic studies of the relationship of ancient cultures of Siberia and North America. Issue 4. St. Petersburg, 1996. P.3-38.
67. Okladnikova E.A. Tlingit art and the problem of Siberian-American cultural contacts in antiquity // Systematic studies of the relationship between ancient cultures of Siberia and North America. Issue 4. St. Petersburg, 1996. P.39-47
68. History of the Tlingit collections of the MAE // Materials of the scientific-practical conference "Problems of studying and population of traditional culture of indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East". Khabarovsk, 1966. pp. 74-79.

69. Okladnikova E.A. J. Cook, I.G. Voznesensky and the feather blankets of the Konkow Indians // Kunstkamera yesterday, today, tomorrow. Volume. 1.SPb. 1997.S. 151-166.
70. Okladnikova E.A. On the issue of ethnic identification of ear jewelry of California Indians // Kunstkamera: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Volume 1. St. Petersburg. 1997. pp. 185-202.
71. Okladnikova E.A. Public relations service in the museum // Kunstkamera yesterday, today, tomorrow.. Vol.2. St. Petersburg 1997. pp. 139-166.
72. Okladnikova E.A. Kunstkamera. St. Petersburg 1997. P. 120.
73. Okladnikova E.A. Kunstkamera: ethnopedagogy, first experiments // Russian culture and education (materials and developments on the philosophy and pedagogy of culture) Issue 7, St. Petersburg, 1997. pp. 120-124..
74. Okladnikova E.A. Burykin. Crime, punishment and some cultural universals // Philosophy of crime. Conference materials: Crime: socio-philosophical and philosophical-anthropological problems. St. Petersburg State University, December 1996. St. Petersburg. 1997. pp.86-89.
75. Okladnikova E.A. Burykin A.A. Model of the universe and life path (based on materials from the spiritual culture of the peoples of the Arctic).// Human life: experience of interdisciplinary research. Conference materials. February 1997. St. Petersburg, 1997. pp. 49-52.

73. Okladnikova E. Science and education in Russian America // Russians American colony. Ed. by F. Starr. Durham, 1987. P.218-291.
74. Okladnikova E. Archaeological collections from North America in the museums of the Soviet Union // Pre-Colombian collections in European museums. Hocquenghem, 1987.P.203-298.
75. Okladnikova E. Caflifornia collections by I.G.Vosnesenski and a problem of American-Asian relations//Journal of Great Baisin and California anthropology and archaeology. 1983. N.1. P.229-239.
76. Okladnikova E. The shamanistic aspects of the crystal magic // Shamanism: past and present.Pt. 2. Budapest, 1989. P.343-349.
77. Okladnikova E. Feather mantlets from I.Vosnesenski collection // Fort Ross interpretive assosiation news letters. Fort Ross, 1992.
77. Okladnikova E. Russians collections of California ethnography // Fort Ross intrepid association news letters.Fort Ross, 1992.P.346-348.
78. Okladnikova E. Les collections ethnographique russe en Amerique du Nord // Destins croises. Paris, 1992.P.459-473.

Alexey Pavlovich Okladnikov(September 20 (October 3) 1908, village of Konstantinovka, Irkutsk province - November 18, 1981, Novosibirsk) - Soviet archaeologist, historian, ethnographer.

Full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1968 in the Department of History (corresponding member since 1964), Honored Scientist of the Yakut ASSR (1956), RSFSR (1957), Buryat ASSR (1968) and Tajik SSR (1978), corresponding member of the British Academy (1973) and the University of Poznan (PPR), foreign member of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (1974), honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1976), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1950) and the USSR State Prize (1973). Hero of Socialist Labor (1978).

After graduating from school in 1925, A.P. Okladnikov entered the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute and studied in the circle of Professor B.E. Petri together with the future famous scientists G.F. Debets and M.M. Gerasimov. Already in 1926, his first scientific work, “Neolithic sites on the Upper Lena,” was published. In 1929, he rediscovered the Shishkinsky writings. Okladnikov, who showed promise in science, was invited to graduate school in 1934 at the State Academy of Material Culture in Leningrad. His PhD thesis “Neolithic burial grounds in the valley of the river. Angara" (1938) summed up the archaeological excavations on the Angara.

Since 1961 - head of the Department of Humanitarian Research at the Institute of Economics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1962 - professor and head of the department of general history at Novosibirsk State University.

Since 1966 - Director of the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk). In 1979-1981, he headed the editorial board of the book series “Literary Monuments of Siberia” of the East Siberian Book Publishing House (Irkutsk).

Elena Alekseevna Okladnikova(October 13, 1951, Leningrad) - researcher of rock paintings (petroglyphs) of the Altai Mountains, senior researcher. RAS (1996), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.

In 1969, having received a diploma from the Faculty of Theory and History of Art of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, he decided to enter graduate school at the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he graduated from in 1974.

In 1977, as an archaeologist, he defended his Ph.D. thesis. From 1977 to 2008 works at the Kunstkamera MAE (Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography). In 1995, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.

Since 1996 E.A. Okladnikova works as a senior researcher, and since 2000 - chief researcher. From 1996 to 1998 he worked as dean of the faculty at the Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts. In 2001, he was appointed deputy director of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography for development.

From 2002 to 2009 he worked as a chief researcher in the Americas Department of the MAE RAS. In 2005, he participated in scientific expeditions in Venezuela. In 2008 he worked on an expedition in Altai, Transbaikalia, and Western Siberia.

Since 2008-2010, annual international scientific conferences have been held under her leadership.

E.A. Okladnikova owns 12 monographs and more than 400 different works. Of these, five are collective monographs, 10 are scientific editions of scientific and theoretical collections, six are textbooks.

ALEXEY PAVLOVICH OKLADNIKOV was born in 1907 in the village of Konstantinovshchina (Upper Lena), studied at the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute and the Leningrad Academy of Material Culture. In 1960, he headed the Institute of History of Philosophy and Philology in the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. For more than half a century, he annually went on expeditions to Northern, Central and Eastern Asia, and carried out archaeological excavations in Mongolia, Cuba and the Aleutian Islands. Author of hundreds of publications of books: “History of Yakutia”, “Neolithic and Bronze Age of the Baikal region”, “Morning of Art”, etc. Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician A.P. Okladnikov created a young school of Siberian archaeologists.

ELENA ALEKSEEVNA OKLADNIKOVA was born in 1951 in Leningrad. Graduated from the State Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin, and then graduate school at the Institute of Archeology in Leningrad. Candidate of Historical Sciences E. A. Okladnikova studies issues of the ancient culture of the peoples of North America at the Institute of Ethnography. N. M. Miklouho-Maclay of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Leningrad Branch). Continuing the work of her father, academician A.P. Okladnikov, every year she takes part in archaeological expeditions to the Altai Mountains to study rock art. Author of a number of articles and books: “Mysterious faces of Asia and America”, “Petroglyphs of Middle Katun”, etc.


Archeology is a branch of history about the ancient past of mankind. This is not only a serious area of ​​​​humanitarian research with its own laws, clear chronology and specific methods, but also fascinating discoveries, mysteries, and hypotheses. Here, as in any other science, scientific disputes are in full swing and the most important issues are being resolved. One of the most pressing is the problem of the origin and spread of Homo sapiens on our planet.

Our work devoted to the search for the oldest traces of man on Earth, the work of progressive-minded scientists abroad, have convincingly shown the inconsistency of racist theories based on ignorance and outright falsification of historical facts. Decades of hard work and constant expeditionary searches in the vast expanses of Siberia, Central Asia, Mongolia, and the Aleutian Islands formed the basis for the study of traces of the Proto-Siberians, the first Americans and the ancient man of Central Asia. The fires of our expedition camps burned next to the old fireplaces of people of the Ice Age, tents stood on the sites of old settlements.

The authors of this book studied the experience of scientists who worked in related fields of knowledge: geology, anthropology, ethnography, linguistics. The ideas presented here were born in an atmosphere of friendly discussions and debates with like-minded people and opponents in science.

The question of determining the centers of origin of humanity, regardless of what point of view the researcher adheres to: a monocentric plan (i.e., the opinion that once upon a time there was a single center on Earth, from where people spread throughout the world) or polycentric ( that there were several such centers) is difficult. It is not easy to tip the scales one way or the other. But it is clear that the Siberian finds once again remind us of the complexity of the problem, of the validity of the fundamental position of F. Engels, who wrote that the emergence of man is the result of thousands of years and repeated attempts, and not a simple line of evolution. Not from the original simple unity to plurality, but from the primitive plurality of initial positions and possibilities to unity - Homo sapiens, homo sapiens...

We have divided the story about the history of human settlement of the Earth into two parts. One is devoted to a description of the first stages of anthropogenesis - how man emerged from the animal world. The history of these events leads into the vast distance of the Earth's past. Another part tells about the activities of the first man, the transformer, the pioneer who mastered the vast spaces of the Old and New Worlds. Each chapter is a generalization of a large sum of facts (historical, anthropological, archaeological), which lead to the main conclusion: all the wealth of culture, all creative achievements, all the positive experience of generations is the achievement of all humanity, all people of the planet.

From the animal world to the human world

“The legends of deep antiquity...”

The question of the origin of man has concerned the minds of mankind since ancient times. Some 600 thousand years after man emerged from the animal world, he probably could have already asked himself: who is he and where is he from? In any case, archaeological facts - excavations of sites of people of the Mousterian era give reason to believe that the intentional burials of fellow tribesmen could not have arisen by chance, out of nowhere. They were prepared, in all likelihood, by a certain amount of ideas about man as such, about the mystery of birth and death. Subsequently, this became the solid basis of ideas and worldview systems on which ancient legends about the origin of people later arose.

In myth-making, despite all the fantastic nature of the plots, people proceeded from the real facts that life could provide them with. A sense of reality and common sense prompted them to now seem fantastic explanations of the origin of the Earth and people. Observing life, the ancients noticed what a big role the transformative, creative power of man plays. Therefore, in many legends, the organizer of the world, the creator of the Earth and people, is a person, and, moreover, of course, not a mere mortal, but a great celestial being. This is a demigod, a creator, often having a zoomorphic (animal) or ornithomorphic (bird-like) form.

Many legends are distinguished by their poetry and captivating plots, and delight with fairy-tale characters. Already 2.5 thousand years ago, people began to pay attention to the huge bones that were often discovered in the ground. Such findings required explanation. Myths came to the rescue again. So, in Ancient Greece it was believed that these huge bones belonged to giants - the first people whom the gods created and settled on Earth. According to legend, however, the giants rebelled against their creators and they incinerated them with lightning. As the legends say, the gods created a new generation of people, whose descendants were the ancient Greeks, who found bones on the slopes of ravines washed away by rain.

The Roman Emperor Hadrian, in the vicinity of Troy, on the site where the bones were found, ordered the construction of the mausoleum of Ajax, the hero of the Trojan War, and Emperor Tiberius, when a huge tooth of a fossil animal was brought to him, ordered the court geometer to restore the appearance of its owner.

For a long time, the legend of the creation of the world and man was the only source of ideas about anthropogenesis as a process. Facts were needed, as well as a method for researching and systematizing them. The process of preparing scientific generalizations, despite the apparent imperceptibility, occurred, albeit slowly, but inexorably. The first facts were the bones of fossil creatures that were extracted from the ground. Already in the time of Emperor Augustus in Rome it was assumed that they belonged not to people, but to animals. The historian Suetonius wrote that Augustus created the world’s first “paleontological museum” at his luxurious palace on Capri, in which the bones of extraordinary animals of enormous size were collected for viewing.

But let's go back a few centuries. Greek scientists solved the question of the past of the Earth and people in different ways. Even Anaximander in the 6th century. BC e. believed that man appeared on Earth under the influence of the sun's rays: in ancient times, in shallow water on the shore of a warm sea, the first fish-like creatures were born in sand and silt. Over time, they mastered the land, learned to live in the air and gradually, having acquired limbs, turned into people.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.