Mass effect 3 yellow ending. Best ending

Most ardent fans of the Mass Effect series of games are disappointed and dissatisfied with the final game scene. The players, who for five years had been expecting an exciting, spectacular and impressive ending, were “satisfied” with a set of incomprehensible, bright, but without semantic and logical load of episodes.

This situation provoked a number of events; fans of the series insisted on changing the plot of the finale (by collecting signatures). This was not ignored by the developers, who, in turn, solved the problem by creating an alternative ending called “DLC Extended Cut”. The theme of the galaxy and its further existence after the decisive conversation with the Catalyst and all the decisive moves is developed here. The basic ending becomes more meaningful and vivid by adding new colorful frames and plot points that reveal the essence of the game. With the extended version, the epilogue tells in detail about all the satellites, all the little things that influence the further development of events in the galaxy. Thus, it reveals the main goal of the “DLC Extended Cut”, to provide all the answers that excite the imagination and minds of fans of the series. This is not a completely new ending, but only a competent and logical addition.

In total, Mass Effect 3 has as many as 16 ending scenarios, however, since their differences are practically invisible (just a couple of nuances), they can easily be characterized as 8 full-fledged ones, that is, half as many as the official one. The choice of a certain path (red, blue, green) has a direct impact. Also important and, whatever one may say, will influence the choice of the final scene is the combat readiness of the troops and the so-called “galaxy readiness index.” We will tell you what endings there are in Mass Effect 3 below, including the green ending.

The main character and his reputation play absolutely no role here. The choice of ending scenes is designed in such a way that if the player does not complete any tasks during the game, then this failure will block a certain number of beams (depending on certain conditions), which leads to a noticeable reduction in choice and reduces the chance for curious fans to get answers to your questions.

The correct ending, as conceived by the developers, is the combination of organics and synthetics (reaching the top of the evolutionary chain, which is described during the game by the Catalyst). But the intrigue remains, such a solution does not bring a clear answer and the course of subsequent events remains unknown.

  • The final scene option in blue (path on the left) is control of the Reapers and Shepard's heroic demise.
  • A variant of the final scene in green (the path in the center) is the joining together (by crossing DNA) of organics and synthetics and the heroic death of Shepard.
  • A variant of the final scene under red (the path on the right side) is the complete and total extermination of all synthetics (including Geth, Reapers, EDI), with the possibility of survival of some organics (here it is possible that Shepard will remain alive).
  • The ability to refuse a choice or destroy the Catalyst prolongs the cyclical nature of the game. Available in the "Extended Cut" DLC.

Possible endings for Mass Effect 3:

  1. If the combat readiness of the troops is less than 1750, the Earth is destroyed a priori.
  2. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 1751 to 2050 - in the event of Shepard’s self-sacrifice and his killing of the Reapers. The earth is destroyed.
  3. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2051 to 2350 - provided that Shepard takes control of the actions of the Reapers. The Earth is saved.
  4. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2351 to 2650 - in the event of Shepard’s self-sacrifice and his killing of the reapers. The Earth will suffer total collapse and destruction, but will not be completely destroyed.
  5. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2651 to 2800 - in the event of Shepard’s self-sacrifice and his killing of the reapers. The earth is completely saved.
  6. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 2801 to 4000 - in the event of Shepard's self-sacrifice, it will be possible to combine synthetics with organics.
  7. If the combat readiness of the troops is from 4001 to 5000 - if Shepard destroys all the Reapers and saves Anderson from death, then he will live.
  8. The best and correct ending in which Shepard will be alive is if the combat readiness of the troops is over 5000 - Shepard only needs to destroy all the Reapers.

To see the scene in the ruins of London (with a sigh from Shepard), you should immediately after the events of “Normandy”, opt for the total extermination of synthetics - this is the right path from the main beam (red ending option). The combat readiness of the troops must be no less than 4000.

It’s worth after the final decisive conversation (conversation with the Catalyst), find and open the folder with the game files, there find a file called AutoSave.pcsav
and make a copy of it.

Then, after viewing a certain ending, the original file must be replaced with a copy and the game restarted from the required point. This way you can play through all the available options and not listen to long and repetitive speeches from the characters. The highlight and idea of ​​the developers is that when the game is completely completed, the actions return to the starting point (the Cerberus base and its assault).

The game resources have been completely changed and the ending plot is completely different :)
It's the ending with a happy ending. If you don't like happy endings, don't watch!
Everyone is alive and everything is fine, even better than you could imagine.
There is a whole story about the creation of this ending...

In general, see for yourself.

In short, after finishing Mass effect 3 I was so fed up with the endings that I decided to change it.

This is what happened.

Invented story and description of this video: the captain visited different planets and found an ancient artifact connected to some kind of transmitter. He called for help... Life itself came to the rescue... in general, this is life in the language of people, so that it would be clearer to them, but words cannot describe what it is...
Life told him that he could call her in the most difficult case, but only once at the moment, since he really worked hard to deserve such help...
The captain naturally doubted the strength of what had appeared, but still remembered what happened. the citadel...
Life is already there, she knows that the captain will need help. Even during a conversation with Admiral Anderson, when both the admiral and the captain close their eyes together, life heals them both, but so that they do not understand that life is already next to them, behind them:

But Anderson, feeling relieved, falls asleep :)
Here Admiral Hacket contacts the main character and says that something is wrong.
He crawls to the control panel, but the wounds are healed with life, only the internal ones are partially healed - everything happened quickly, and the captain rushed to the control panel and the external damage made itself felt. He would never have crawled, but life healed him again...
Crawling to the control panel, the captain realized that he had pressed all the necessary buttons and there was nothing more to press, and this thought overwhelmed him and he fell to the ground again...
The captain is lifted up by the catalyst, thinking that he can easily control the captain and direct him along only three paths, which are all beneficial to the catalyst, of course, they will simply help him use himself in different forms - in a different way. And the catalyst needs the captain only as a generator of random choice...
But the catalyst is deeply mistaken :)
... there is a long dialogue with the catalyst...
... remembering an unexpected ally, the captain called for help and...

In general, the catalyst beam immediately turned into shit :)

Then life explains to the captain what’s what, at this moment the citadel and the forge are simultaneously transformed, the restoration of everything begins... this is accompanied by various special effects.
The fact is that life simultaneously does everything at once and is at the same time almost everywhere where it needs to be... we can talk a lot more about life...
And then the time came for the story, the captain learned a lot and went through the portal to Normandy. Before that, they started an affair with Susie, and he told her to find out more about love, but he advised the Joker to be only her friend :)
And what - everyone chooses the one he likes :)
Further, when the Normandy takes off from Earth in the first video - the reaper is disintegrated into its components, then pay attention to the background music during the Joker's lines - where the reapers are sent :)
And the Joker is also very surprised that the captain wants to control the ship personally - he doesn’t know what life has told him, but he obeys anyway.
Then everything happens that the captain was told about.
Why the captain and not Shepard? Yes, because I want to have my own name, and not some upstart!!! A NAME I LIKE!
War on earth - yes, by the way, the shots are real, these are real weapons and not fictitious - sounds from video directly from the battlefield, real.
And the battle sometimes takes place at night and you have to see the battle through a night vision device, usually through it everything is in green - so this time - the picture is real:

Next, the jump boosters turn into teleportation gates. When the Earth is being restored - real video from satellite:

So, the captain parked the Normandy on the planet :) Yes, it didn’t work out very neatly - it scratched the skin, well, that’s a technical matter :)

There are different forms of life on the planet, including organo-synthetic ones and all PEACEFUL!!!
And here…
Life arrives and transforms the captain and Susie into normal people, albeit with expanded capabilities - now they have access to telekinesis, self-healing, healing others with the power of thought, and much more. :)
Background music - the girl immediately wants to become Mrs. President of her boyfriend - the captain - the president - hints at the wedding unobtrusively, then the music smoothly transitions to what is the need for power - and so everything is fine and they are all relaxing on this planet...

The adventure is just beginning!!!

And, the game developers are sick of it, why are they burying all the heroes?
Who even allowed them to do this?
The developers have obvious problems with psychology, or problems on the personal front or something else, so they still transfer this into games - idiots!
Heroes are always ALIVE!!! You can touch them, they are a treasure!

And also more screenshots with a description here:

On the top left is life, telling the captain what is happening, while on the right you can already see the beginning of the transformation of the citadel:

Effects of spatio-temporal transformation of the citadel and surrounding negative entities into another form:

Open portal to Normandy behind the captain:

The reaper's dispersion into atoms, note, simply disappears - disintegrates:

Subsequent transformation of the reapers and all those associated with them created by the catalyst:

Citadel Conversion:

Start of hyperjump booster conversion:

Direct changes to the structure of hyperjump boosters:

The result of converting hyperjump boosters and activating the created gates:

Earth's restoration begins:

Transformation of the galaxy, cleansing of all kinds of infection, reapers:

Well, the grandfather told his granddaughter very interesting news after the story, which not only surprised the granddaughter, but made her very happy:

Result of the captain's action:

The practical path you choose:

Pleasant moments after the battle:

And another landscape after the galactic showdown:

By the way, Susie in this ending at the very end looks like this:

The captain managed to change into pilot's clothes:

True, they will later change him into something more suitable...

And they are there with the captain and...

Honestly, it’s better to watch the video - it’s much more interesting than looking at pictures :)

You can also pay attention to the tempo and rhythm of the music

In Mass Effect, the situation in the plot is escalated to the limit - there is no safe place anywhere, the situation is escalated to the limit. This is greatly facilitated not only by the invasion of ancient machines - the Reapers, who destroy developed civilizations throughout the Universe every fifty thousand years, but also by Shepard's former employer, Cerberus from Mass Effect 2 - the Illusive Man.

Besotted by the reapers, he seriously thinks that he can take control of them and bring unprecedented power to humanity, although the reapers, on the contrary, completely control him, annoying Shepard and his team - Cerberus causes a lot of trouble.

Don’t forget about the geth-heretics, who are also controlled by the reapers - these machines are capable of bringing a lot of trouble to organic beings, and not only to the quarians who created them.

As a result, thanks to the joint efforts of the reapers, Cerberus and the geth, absolutely everyone can die in Mass Effect 3, including Shepard and his team. True, this is a very sad ending, for which the player still has to try.

Throughout the entire passage of Mass Effect 3, the player prepares for an unequal final battle between advanced civilizations and their catastrophically technologically superior reapers. If this very preparation is insufficient, then there is a huge risk that everyone, everyone, everyone you know in the ME trilogy will die.

If you act more competently, then this outcome can be avoided. By excluding the sad ending that was lost on all counts, we can make sure that not so many characters in the third part can die. By the way, a number of destinies will be greatly influenced by your decisions in the first and second parts.

So, let's start with Shepard's squad - it involves Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams (depending on who you decided to keep with you and who to send on a dangerous mission in the first Mass Effect), Tali, if she survived the Suicide Mission in the second part, Garrus Vakarian ( similar to Tali), James Vega, Liara T "Sony, Javik and EDI - the artificial intelligence of the Normandy that has received a physical shell.

Of the listed characters, there are some individuals at risk. First of all, this is Kaidan or Ashley - during the Cerberus attack on the Citadel, with an insufficiently developed Hero or Renegade level, you will not be able to convince your former colleague, no matter who he/she is, that it is not you who are to blame for what happened.

In this case, either Shepard himself or one of his partners (if the captain, under the strict guidance of the player, does not dare) will be forced to shoot at Ashley or Kaidan. This will lead to the death of one of the specified characters. To prevent this, upgrade your reputation as either a Hero or a Renegade, but not both at the same time. Otherwise, the level is simply not enough for sufficient charisma.

The next character who can die in Mass Effect 3 is the quarian Tali. She will throw herself off a cliff if in the mission "Priority: Rannoch" you choose the side of the geth at the end, which will inevitably lead to the death of the entire quarian fleet and the quarians themselves, respectively.

As for the rest of the comrades, they can only die in the last mission, “Priority: Earth,” if the level of combat readiness of the galaxy is low. Together with the entire organic developed civilization.

We follow further - there we no longer have members of Shepard’s squad, but important characters. So, Miranda Lawson. According to the plot, the likelihood of her death in Mass Effect 3 is very high. For example, if you had an affair with her in the second part, but in the third you broke it off, the girl will inevitably die. In addition, if there was no romance, then certain actions must be taken to save Miranda.

First, a message will come asking for a meeting at the Citadel at the Normandy dock - see her, talk. After a while, she will get in touch again - you will need to talk to her through the Specter terminal on the Citadel, Shepard will mention the name Kai Len, after which Lawson will say that she will now be more careful. Finally, we will receive an invitation to her room on the Citadel, where she will ask for access to the Alliance network - do not refuse, we will be able to save it.

Admiral Anderson - unfortunately, he is doomed, there is no way to save him - he will die one way or another at the end of the last mission at the hands of the Phantom.

Kelly Chambers, an old acquaintance from the second part, may also die in Mass Effect 3 if in the sequel you saved her from the tenacious clutches of the Collectors.

EDI may also die - at the beginning of the game she will receive a physical shell and become a full-fledged member of the squad. In normal battles she will not die, but in the end, if Shepard solves the problem with the Reapers by eliminating all synthetics, she will inevitably die.

Kasumi Goto may die while saving the Hanar planet on the Citadel in 2186, but if she can be saved, she will join the creators of the Forge and provide additional military resources.

Jack may die in 2186 at Kronos Station during the mission "Priority: Cerberus Headquarters."

Kirrahe, who received a promotion and the rank of major in the third part, may also die. This trouble can happen on the Citadel.

A Drell named Thane Krios is terminally ill, so he will inevitably die, but how and when depends on Shepard’s actions. If everything is done correctly, he will die during Cerberus’ attack on the Citadel - Kai Len wounds him, and if the doctors can “fix” the wound, then his illness will progress even after the mission to the Sanctuary.

Grunt - may die in the battle with the Rachni (mission - "Attic Traverse: Rachni") if his loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 was not completed. If loyalty is won, he will not only provide cover for the retreating Shepard and his squad, but also will survive. And he will demand food.

Legion - may die on the quarians’ home planet of Rannoch if they refuse their request for permission to seduce the geth. The situation there is generally difficult, you often have to choose between Tali and the Legion, between the quarians and the geth - in order to save both of them, you will have to try very hard, otherwise the whole race will inevitably die.

Ghost - dies one way or another at the very end of the game on the Citadel. Either at Shepard's hands or at his own hands. If Shepard manages to convince him that he is wrong, the Illusive Man will shoot himself.

Zaid Massani - may die in battle with mercenaries on the Citadel in the mission "Citadel: Volus Ambassador".

Samara may also die in Mass Effect 3 - if you don’t stop her from committing suicide in the mission “Mesana: Distress Signal” in the Ardat-Yakshi Monastery using a “heroic” act. We need to react quickly.

Mordin Solus - unfortunately, saving one of the most colorful characters in the game is not so easy. In the mission on Tuchanka, where Mordin tries to cure the Genophage, everything depends on Shepard's actions.

If the captain refuses to sabotage the genophage's cure and reveals that the veil's equipment is damaged, Mordin will rush to the top of the tower to eliminate malfunctions. There he will inevitably die from the explosion of the tower, sacrificing himself for the sake of the krogans.

If you decide to sabotage the healing of the Genophage, Mordin will not like it, but with a high level of Hero or Renegade, you can convince him to remain silent, if not, then there is only one way to stop Mordin - shoot him in the back.

You can save Mordin if you killed Rex in the first part, did not save Malon’s data, have a lot of Hero/Renegade points and accepted the dalatress’s offer to sabotage the Genophage. Then there is a chance to persuade Mordin not to cure the Genophage, then Mordin will only fake his death, and at the same time help with the construction of the Forge.

Donnel Udina inevitably dies on the Citadel during Cerberus' attack on the latter. It turns out that Udina is directly involved in this very attack, so all that remains is to shoot him, or let Ashley or Kayden do it.

Urdnot Rex may also die in Mass Effect 3 - if you sabotaged the healing of the Genophage, he will find out about it and, when meeting on the Citadel, will try to kill Shepard. True, either the captain himself or C-Sec Bailey will get ahead of him in this situation.

There are also a number of less significant characters who may die in the third part of Mass Effect, but we have listed all the main characters above.

Achtung! A lot of text and fan nonsense that have nothing to do with reality. But, since we have a space opera, I think it’s possible to make some assumptions for the sake of “narrowing”.

I replayed the entire trilogy again, and while playing through the second part, a couple of tasks gave me certain thoughts.
1) The last DLS in the second part. The moment the repeater explodes. I then had a question - where does the Repeater get its energy from? After all, he has been working since Leviathans. Whatever internal power source he had, it should have dried up by now. This means that to ensure longevity of use, an external source of energy is needed. Star energy is perfect for this.
2) Mission to recruit Tali. The star is unique in that it ages much faster than expected. And dark matter is to blame. Moreover, it is unclear how it can influence a star in such a way.

My humble IMHO is that the original goal of the reapers was not the conflict between synthetics and organics, but the preservation of the galaxy in its original state.

Let's assume that the first race were Leviathans. They were in the center of the galaxy, which at that time was not yet a lifeless place consisting of exploding suns and black holes. They were also the creators of relays that made it possible to travel to the very edge of the galaxy in a couple of days. It goes without saying that in the center repeaters were used many times more often. Being a rather proud people, the Lefs made an external source of power for the star, without thinking about the future consequences. After several hundred (and maybe millions) of thousands of years, the first repeater exploded. And behind him is the second, and the third, and the fourth. A chain reaction began in which the galactic core turned into what we have in the game. The Lefov civilization was almost completely destroyed. And most importantly, the same fate soon followed for other inhabitants of the galaxy. Then they created their own AI to find a solution to their own repeater problem.

It seems that the relays were hard-wired into the stars, and any attempts to disable, modify, or move them ended in the destruction of the relay along with the system. That is, the problem could only be solved in a single radical way - the destruction of organic and inorganic civilizations, allowing the relays to cool down. Then a cycle was created, designed in such a way as to calculate the point when, so to speak, the “internal” source of energy of the relays would be depleted, and begin use the energy of stars. And when this “point of no return” was reached, the reapers returned to destroy the entire galaxy

And until the next civilization entered the space age, the relays were restoring their “internal” resource, thus relieving the load from the stars. And when 50 thousand years passed, they returned again. Until the moment when Shepard appeared before the higher intelligence. The first race that was able to rise to such a height! And realizing that those living in this cycle are so strong that they could almost become equal to the reapers, they show Shepard the whole truth about the origin of the universe. And here the GG is faced with a choice - whether to allow the Reapers to carry out their harvest, sacrificing all civilizations to save the galaxy, or to destroy the Reapers and find another way out of the current situation. This is how I see the ending of the game. Well, depending on how many points you scored during the game, there are also pleasant/unpleasant bonuses if you scored too much/too little galaxy readiness.

I apologize if something like this was mentioned somewhere, I was just expressing my humble opinion.

For many fans of the Mass Effect game series game ending came as an unpleasant surprise. The five-year wait turned into severe disappointment in the form of an ambiguous final video, consisting of several dozen “multi-colored” frames. An unexpected turn of events launched a campaign to collect signatures in support of changing the ending. The developers were forced to make concessions and agreed to add an extended ending to Mass Effect 3. DLC Extended Cut", which tells in more detail about the fate of the galaxy, satellites and other details that clarify the events that occurred after the conversation with the Catalyst and the decision made. The standard ending is expanded to include new additional cinematics and epilogue scenes. The purpose of the DLC Extended Cut is not to create a new ending, but rather to offer additional context and answers about the end of Commander Shepard's story.

Total in Mass Effect 3 16 endings available(they differ from each other quite slightly, which allows you to reduce their number to 8 pieces). Each ending belongs to the blue, red or green path. The choice of ending in the game is greatly influenced by and, the reputation of the main character does not matter. If certain conditions are not met during the game, some beams may remain inactive and closed at the end, which will reduce the variety of choices. In theory, the best ending is considered to be the unification of organics with synthetics - the pinnacle of evolution, which the Catalyst spoke about in a conversation at the Forge. True, it is unknown how the decision made will turn out in the future and whether there is a hidden subtext.

  • Blue ending color(left path) - control of the Reapers and the death of Shepard.
  • Green ending color(central track) - the combination of DNA of organics with synthetics and the death of Shepard.
  • Red ending color(right path) - destruction of all synthetics, including Reapers, geth and EDI, with the possibility of survival of organics, including Shepard (where would we be without him).
  • Shooting the catalyst or refusing to choose- continuation of cycle changes. The ending was added to the Extended Cut DLC.

Possible endings for Mass Effect 3:

  1. Combat-ready troops - The Earth will be destroyed regardless of the choice made.
  2. Ready troops 1751-2050- If Shepard destroys the Reapers by sacrificing himself, the Earth will also be destroyed.
  3. Combat ready troops 2051-2350- if Shepard agrees to control the Reapers by sacrificing himself, the Earth will be saved.
  4. Combat ready troops 2351-2650- If Shepard destroys the Reapers by sacrificing himself, the Earth will only be devastated by the explosion and devastated, but not destroyed.
  5. Combat ready troops 2651-2800- If Shepard destroys the Reapers by sacrificing himself, the Earth will be saved.
  6. Combat ready troops 2801-4000- If Shepard sacrifices himself, he will be able to unite synthetics and organics.
  7. Combat ready troops 4001-5000- if Shepard destroys the Reapers and, he will survive.
  8. Combat-ready troops 5000+- if Shepard destroys the Reapers, even , he will survive.
For the video with Shepard's sigh to appear among the ruins of London - after the scene with the Normandy - you must choose the path to destroy the synthetics - the right path from the Bugle beam (red ending). In this case, the number of combat-ready troops must be at least 4000 points.

To save time on viewing all the endings, you need to immediately after completing the last conversation with the Catalyst, open the save folder (\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3\Save\Profile_folder), find the file AutoSave.pcsav, and make a backup by copying or zipping it. When you view the selected ending, replace the original file with the backup copy and load the game from the selected point. Repeat the process until you have seen all the endings. This method helps to avoid listening to long dialogues. After completing the game, the game returns to the point of the assault on the Cerberus base - this is not a mistake, this is how it should be.